Gay Erotic Stories

Greeks Bearing Gifts

by Todd Clarke

My Father is the King of Athens and he and our small country had been at war with Sparta for as long as anyone can remember. I am the youngest of four brothers, the others have all fought in the army under the command of my Father and I thank the Gods that all have returned safe from battle. The truth is that I, like the rest of the people had grown sick of war and would do anything in my power to end it. One day I was presented with my chance to prove my words. I had just ended my usual day of training with the Junior Militia and was headed for the bath house to wash away the sweat and grime from my aching body. As was the custom, we trained naked except for bronze armlets to protect us from the blows of the practice swords. I was one of twenty such naked young men and as all were streaked with dust we all looked pretty much identical. At the entry to the bathhouse, a tall burly soldier of the King's Guard was standing waiting. He looked me over and a flicker of recognition passed over his face. "Excuse me Your Highness, but after you have bathed, your Father needs to see you urgently. I am to accompany you to him and he asks that you make haste." This annoyed me somewhat, as I had been looking forward to my bath and to the fun that we young and lusty men had with each other. As was the way, we were forbidden female company whilst in training and took more than a little comfort in each other's strong arms. Each session was usually followed by us drawing lots. Those that drew the shortest straws would be designated the slave of those drawing longer ones. Those playing the Master could elect how they wished to be pleasured. I had, on all the previous four evenings, drawn a long straw and had twice chosen to have my cock sucked by two of the most muscular of our company, and twice had taken pleasure in fucking the tight young arses of two of our youngest - and therefore freshest recruits. That night I had been looking forward to drawing a short straw and to have been put at the mercy of one of the senior men. All this now had to be forgotten, as I hurried to prepare myself for a visit to my Father's chamber. He greeted me with a warm embrace and asked after my health. After an exchange of the usual pleasantries, he offered me wine and we walked outside to sit in the cool of the evening. "I have something I wish you to do for me and for your country. It will not be pleasant; it could be dangerous." "Yes Father" I shouted, "I will do anything for you, you must know that. Tell me what you want me to do." "As you know" my Father replied " We have been unsuccessful in finding a way to end the war with Sparta. Our spies at the court of King Menelaus have told us that the King is running two courts in Sparta. The first is as you would expect. He rules with his Queen at his side, the other is a court with no women. The King is taking the Hellenic tradition to an extreme and is searching for a young man that can sit at his side as his Queen does in his official court. If I had a daughter I would have arranged that she be offered to him as a bride years ago, in the hope of mending the rift between our two countries. As I have sons, the same opportunity arises. As the youngest, you will never be King as long as the Gods spare your brothers, and, as everyone recognises, you are the most beautiful young man in Athens. I cannot bear to look into your face as you digest this information but on my bended knee, I ask you to sacrifice yourself for the sake of us all." I gently raised my Father up and took him in my arms. "Father, I will do it, and I will go with pride to meet my fate whatever it might be as long as I do your will." The next day an emissary was sent to Sparta with the secret offer of my becoming the bondsman of the King. One of the court priests was detailed to write a description of me to include a resume of my talents and of my physical attributes. Two weeks later the emissary returned with a reply. The King would receive us on neutral ground and on the sight of me, would either accept my Father's offer or continue to wage war. The meeting was arranged for the following Spring, when I would have reached my eighteenth year. In the six months until our departure, I was given to the charge of Alexander - a Macedonian like his famous namesake. Alexander was thirty years old and schooled in the arts of pleasing men. He, himself was tall, muscular and had the golden smooth skin of his northern forebears. He also, as I was to discover, was possessed of a large thick cock that matched the size of my own. I had been instructed by my Father to trust him and to do whatever he asked of me. What my Father may not have anticipated was that on seeing him naked for the first time, I had absolutely no problem about doing just that. On our first day together, he took me into the bath house, stood in front of me and without his eyes leaving mine, undid the clasp on my left shoulder that held my short tunic in place. In a shimmer the tunic slid down my body leaving me naked. Alexander joined me in my nakedness and very gently began to caress my body. His breath touched my skin leaving goose bumps, the tip of his tongue darted out and licked my already hardening nipples. He knelt in front of me and ran his hands over the globes of my arse down my legs to my feet and then up my thighs, to gently brush against my rock hard cock. I shuddered with anticipation and longed for him to take my cock into his mouth. Instead he took me by the hand and laid me on the cool slab of the massage platform and began to run his hands over my trembling body. He pulled my arms back over my head and bent over to trace his tongue down the inside of my arm to my arm pit. From there he went to my stomach and gently kissed the length of my quivering cock. He spread my legs and knelt between them before catching me up in his strong arms and kissing me with a passion I had never experienced before. This was not like the boisterous fun I had known with the members of my training group, this was sensual and caring lovemaking. Over the months, he taught me all he knew. My body became stronger and my muscles bigger under his training schedule; my sexual skills were such that I could perform for hours without coming, but could raise my teacher to a fever pitch of excitement. I was ready. On the day we were to meet, I was bathed and dressed only in the thinnest tunic. My muscular brown thighs contrasted with the filmy material. I was lead in procession by my Father, with by brothers standing guard. We approached the King's tent and were ushered inside. The King stood on a raised dais. My heart stopped when I saw him. His arms were folded across a deep naked chest, a gold collar and armlets his only other covering above his waist where a leather belt held up a short purple kilt trimmed with gold. The material draped across his loins exposed the commanding bulge of his cock and balls hiding behind the rich fabric. His legs were placed apart the better to display his impressive physique. At his feet two naked young men were chained by the neck and a company of twenty other men standing at guard around the tent looked at us with ill disguised hatred. "Where is your son ?" asked the King of my Father. "Bring him forward " ordered my Father. My brothers took me gently by the arm and escorted me to face the King. "Let me see the goods" he barked. My brothers turned to me and undid the clasps on my tunic. It fell to the floor leaving me as naked as the men at the King's feet. I could hear comments about my body being muttered by the audience, as I was taken towards the King. I threw myself at his feet and kissed them. The King reached down and pulled me up. I stood to attention as he ran his hands over me, stopping to cup my balls in his hand. He squeezed them tightly, but my training had been effective and I did not flinch. My cock jumped to attention as he tweaked my nipples. "Well, well, well" he said "What a beauty you have for a son!" He took hold of my cock and looked me in the eye. "You have a big cock my boy, but as a final test, you must be able to take my own. Bend him over the couch." I was stretched over the couch to the sounds of my tearful Father's protests. "I will have him" said the King " And if he can take my cock - and all of it mind- then he shall be mine and you will have peace. My Father and brothers looked on in shock, and then gasped, as they caught sight of the King's monstrous cock, as a servant oiled it, readying for it's journey into my arse. I tried to relax and too, remember how Alexander had trained me to take enormous phallus' with some ease. I pushed against the head so that my sphincter would open as much as possible. I cried out with pain, as he pushed into me, tears running down my face, as I tried to remember that I was doing this for my country. He pushed more and more of it's length into me and I thought I would die. My Father cried out that he should stop, but I shouted that he must continue, "Fuck me, Fuck me, Fuck me ," I pleaded " Please Father I can take it. Remember we need peace." I felt the hot jism burst inside of me, and then the enormous cock pull out. "The King smiled at my Father." You have a deal. Peace in exchange for your son." He turned to me. "Come boy - you and I have much to discover about each other." He tied a strip of leather around my cock and balls, and pulled me by it out into the open. There he heaved me, still naked, onto the back of his horse and pulled himself up behind me. We rode off, leaving my Father and brothers standing watching as we galloped away. I could feel his cock stiffen against my back and with one hand holding the reins, he reached around and grabbed my hard, erect cock. I suppose, in essence, I was a peace offering.


3 Gay Erotic Stories from Todd Clarke

Greeks Bearing Gifts

My Father is the King of Athens and he and our small country had been at war with Sparta for as long as anyone can remember. I am the youngest of four brothers, the others have all fought in the army under the command of my Father and I thank the Gods that all have returned safe from battle. The truth is that I, like the rest of the people had grown sick of war and would do

New Model

The news came as we were all standing around the pool waiting for the star of our photo shoot. There had been a crash on the winding road up to the house and Mike, the handsome model who was to appear in our ad campaign had been injured and taken to hospital. I was the Ad Agency Art Director, who had been flown to L. A. to supervise the shoot for one of our major Clients -

Tight Ass Virgin

I was eighteen, and I thought I knew it all. I had rowed with my folks over nothing and decided to leave home. I packed a bag, looked in the mirror and decided to use what God had given me. I was handsome and I was built. I was dressed in short Levis cut-offs which showed off as much muscled tanned thigh as I thought vaguely decent, and a tight white tank top which


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