Gay Erotic Stories

Greg's Defeat

by Punisher

Greg’s Defeat Ben and Greg were best friends and roommates through college. They had not seen each other since graduation the previous summer. Ben had called and invited Greg to visit for a long weekend at his family’s summer home. Ben explained he had the house all to himself and they could catch up on each other’s lives and party like old times. Greg turned his car into the dirt driveway and began the half-mile drive up to the house. He felt a twinge of jealousy that Ben’s family was wealthy and could afford such a secluded hideaway. He and Ben had competed at everything in college. Although Ben usually bested Greg in most sports, Greg had his share of victories. Except in wrestling. Ben’s superior strength and weight were just too much for Greg to overcome. Like many young college guys Verbal sparring usually ended up as a physical matchup with two testosterone filled guys grappling until one succumbed or they became too tired to go on. Ben and Greg discovered they both liked wrestling and they went at it more seriously than others. They would battle with no rules, other than no ball grabbing or biting, until one gave up. With the dorm room locked sometimes matches would last for an hour or more but Ben always ended up the victor. Ben always said he liked wrestling Greg because he would take more punishment than most before giving up. During some of these matches Greg noticed a bulge growing in Ben’s pants. Fully clothed, both pretended never to be aware of this. Although he had never considered himself gay, Greg did not mind Ben’s excitement in fact he found it strangely intriguing. Near the end of senior year while both were in their dorm room changing clothes for basketball, Ben grabbed Greg from behind while both were wearing only their briefs. Greg felt Ben’s dick grow hard against his ass almost immediately. Ben quickly released Greg and turned away. He tried to hide his embarrassment by saying Greg was lucky they did not have time for him to whip Greg right then. Ben quickly got dressed and left the room. During the remaining week of school Ben was uncomfortable in Greg’s company and they parted that way with the tension unresolved. As he pulled up to the house Ben came out the door. “About time you got here. I always did have to wait on your ass.” he yelled jokingly. Greg smiled. He was glad Ben had called and that the way school had ended had been forgotten. Ben looked great as always. 6’1” 190 pounds of blond haired blue eyed muscle. Greg was no slouch himself, at 5’11” 170 with close-cropped light brown hair. He felt especially good about himself since he had been working out over the last few months and had put on about ten pounds of muscle. He hoped to have an opportunity to use them on Ben. Ben opened a couple of beers and showed Greg around the secluded house. Then they went out back to the deck that overlooked the swimming pool. They sat on the deck having several beers and talking about life since college. Both wore blue jeans and T-shirt that were a little tight to better show off their physiques. Greg was wearing a pair of tennis shoes and Ben barefoot. After about an hour they walked out to the grassy area surrounding the pool. Greg noticed four stakes in the ground with a couple of feet of rope tied to each of them. Ben explained he was doing some measuring and marking for some landscape work. As they finished there fourth beers Ben took the empty bottles and threw them away. He brought out a cooler full of cold ones and put it down by the pool. Walking up to Greg Ben said “You know what I miss most about school?” “What” Greg answered? “WHIPPING YOUR ASS” Ben yelled and immediately tackled Greg. Caught by surprise Greg found himself in the same position as in college, trying to get Ben off and get the upper hand. Greg’s increased strength surprised Ben and he was able to roll Ben off and get quickly back to his feet before Ben could react. “Hey Hey” said Ben, “looks like I’ve got a little more competition than usual”. “You better believe it said Greg, and this time I’m gonna whip your ass”. Ben stepped up close to Greg the better to intimidate him with his greater size. They butted chests as Ben said “Sorry old buddy but those new muscles of yours are not enough to beat me. Looks like I’m really gonna have to put a whipping on you and put you back in your place.” “Let’s do it” replied Greg and immediately lunged at Ben wrapping his arm around Ben’s waist. Greg tried to throw Ben off his feet but Ben was braced for the attack and instead responded to Greg’s assault with a forearm blow hard to Greg’s back that sent him to his knees. Ben pulled Greg up, put him in a headlock and began to squeeze. Greg gasped as he realized that Ben must have been working out too. This was a much more powerful headlock than Greg remembered and he knew that his plan to finally defeat his old foe was in trouble. “This sure is fun isn’t it said Ben” Greg just grunted and then lifted Ben in the air and threw him to the ground. Ben held on to the headlock however and Greg was pulled over with him. Ben’s biceps continued to squeeze and Greg began to feel like he might pass out. He struggled under the weight of the larger man but couldn’t gain an advantage. After a few minutes of crushing Greg’s head, Ben let go and jumped to his feet. Greg got up groggily and looked at Ben. “Looks like you need to head back to the gym before you try to take me on, Its gonna be fun pounding those new muscles to a pulp.” With that Ben came forward and put Greg in a bear hug, lifting his feet up off the ground so that only his toes touched. Greg could hardly breath as Ben’s strong arms squeezed his ribcage tighter and tighter. Ben then lifted Greg completely off the ground and drove Greg’s back into the grass with his shoulder, completely knocking the wind out of him. Ben picked Greg up and put him in a backbreaker hold over his knee. “Remember this move, I’ve won many a match with this move.” Greg moaned as his back and abs were stretched over his old roommates knee. “Do you give up?” “Yeah, I give” whispered Greg. “I give” Ben drove his forearm into Greg’s exposed abs and pushed Greg off his knee onto the ground. “I figured you’d last longer than that. I think you’ve gotten soft since school.” “Fuck you” answered Greg. Even though it was rough they both really enjoyed this manly battle. “Oh the language exclaimed Ben, you must be ready for round two.” With that he grabbed Greg’s arm and put one foot under the armpit and the other against Greg’s head and began to pull. Greg yelled in pain. Although he used to lose to Ben in college, this battle was much rougher than Greg remembered and Ben was just too powerful for him to beat. Ben stood up and dragged Greg to his feet. In desperation Greg threw a punch with his free right arm into Ben’s stomach. Ben was unfazed as his washboard abs absorbed the blow. “Well at least there’s some fight in you.” Ben pulled Greg into a full nelson pushing Greg’s chin down to his chest. Their T-shirts were now soaked in sweat from the exertion. “Looks like you could use a little dip in the pool old buddy.” With those words Ben lifted Greg off the ground in the full nelson and carried him toward the diving board. His weight hanging from his neck once again pushed Greg toward the edge of passing out. Ben carried him out to the edge of the diving board and dropped him into the deep end of the pool. The cool water helped to bring Greg to his senses and he swam to the surface despite the weight of his clothes. Ben pulled off his shirt stood on the diving board flexing his biceps in a show of dominance. Ben’s sweat soaked chest glistened in the afternoon sun and his nipples stood out excitedly. As Greg slowly swam toward the shallow end he realized that a large bulge was trying to push through Ben’s jeans. Hoping the event was over Greg said “I give up, Let’s have a beer”. “Oh not just yet answered Ben laughing I’ve been waiting for a year for this. I am going to punish you until you are totally defeated and humiliated, so you better get ready.” Ben dove in and swam quickly toward Greg. As Ben surfaced, Greg tried for a headlock but Ben easily threw him off and spun him around. Ben pulled Greg’s shirt up over his head blinding him. Pushing Greg back against the side Ben began to pummel Greg’s stomach with a series of blows. Despite the thousands of sit-ups, the muscles slowly began to succumb to the attack. Ben pulled Greg’s shirt the rest of the way off and wrapping it around Greg’s neck. Leaned him back over the poolside stretching his abs and making them as vulnerable as possible as he methodically resumed his assault. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, Ben counted out loud as each blow struck home against the weakening stomach muscles. Ben released the shirt as he struck the 10th and final blow, this time to the groin. Greg sank down into the water. Ben grabbed him by the waistband of his jeans and dragged him over to the steps. Placing Greg on the top step, Ben pulled off Greg’s shoes and jeans leaving him wearing only his Calvin Klein briefs. The water made the white cotton briefs practically transparent revealing the outline of Greg’s penis and testicles. “Nice package buddy, said Ben but we’ll worry about that later. Greg began to realize that he and Ben were the only people within miles and he was in a lot of trouble. “You’ve really done a lot of work on that chest of yours. You’ve created some good handholds for me.” With that Ben dug his fingers deep into Greg’s pectoral muscles and began to squeeze with all his strength. AAAIEEE! Screamed Greg as he writhed under the assault. The earlier body blows he had received had sapped most of his strength the steel fingers of his attacker were causing such pain that his arms were practically useless. Ben mercifully let go and picked Greg up over his shoulder, carrying him out of the pool. He carried Greg over to the grassy area and threw him down in between the four stakes. Ben grabbed Greg’s left arm and pulled it toward the rope. Greg began to fight with what little strength he had left as he realized what was about to happen. Ben dropped the rope, held Greg’s arm to the ground and delivered three quick knee drops directly into the bicep. AAAARGHH! Yelled Greg as the paid shot up and down his arm. Ben then moved to the other side and did the same to the right arm. “Please stop” yelled Greg. His arms laying useless now as Ben tied them securely to the stake. Ben then reached for Greg’s feet. Greg feebly tried to kick Ben away. Ben lifted both legs straight up in the air spread eagle stating “all rules are off now old roomy.” Ben placed his foot on Greg’s crotch and began to slowly increase pressure on his balls. “OOOOHHH NOOOOO! screamed Greg. After 10 seconds Ben pulled his foot off and began to tie the feet of his no longer struggling victim. Greg moaned as the pain of getting his balls crushed worked its way through his body. Once Greg was secured spread eagle Ben stood between Greg’s legs and knee-dropped his opened thighs. Greg yelled in pain as Ben’s knees worked their way deeper and deeper into the thigh muscles. “lets see how much those tits can handle.” Said Ben and began to throw punches to Greg’s pecs. Greg tried to flex his chest to absorb the blows but as his skin began to turn red with the assault the muscles began to soften. Greg gasped as each blow found its mark on his sore chest. “Stop, Stop please” Greg begged. “How you feeling roommate?” Ben asked as he leaned forward and began to deeply massage Greg’s throbbing chest. Ben’s groin began to rub against Greg’s and to his surprise, even with the humiliation and pain Greg’s penis began to harden and strain against the cotton fabric of his briefs. Ben went to the cooler and opened a beer. The hot summer sun began to dry the water off the young men. “ Wha, What now?” Whimpered Greg, as Ben stood over him swigging his beer. “First admit whose the master said Ben” “Fuck you” responded Greg feebly. “ I would have thought you’d have learned by now.” said Ben. He kneeled down beside his helpless toy and squeezed his balls through the Calvin Kleins with his right hand while twisting Greg’s right nipple with his left. Greg twisted and bucked his body but the ropes held firm. Ben let go then slammed his fist into Greg’s stomach. “Who is the master?” asked Ben again. “You are, You are.” said Greg. The sweat pouring off his him as he lay baking in the hot sun. “I’ll do anything, please stop” he begged. ”First, said Ben we need to make sure you don’t get sunburned.” He got a bottle of sunscreen off the poolside table and brought it over to Greg. Ben pulled his jeans off revealing only a jock. The jock outlined the firm butt and barely contained the engorged penis straining to be released. Greg couldn’t help but stare at his beautifully muscular conqueror and his stunning manhood. Ben squirted the sun-warmed liquid over Greg’s chest and began to slowly massage it in. Greg started to resist but Ben delivered two quick punches to his left pec. Greg moaned and lay there whimpering. As Ben rubbed the lotion into Greg’s body paying particular attention to nipples and armpits Greg’s penis continued to grow. “No, I’m not gay” Greg protested even though he could feel his excitement continue to build. “But I am” answered Ben and today I’m going to get rid of years of frustration I felt at school. All those times I wanted to grab you so badly but there were always people right next door. Today there is no one around so its time for Ben to play and you’re my toy.” “please no, begged Greg I’ll do anything” “Yes, by the time I’m through you will.” said Ben. Greg began to buck and twist again in a panic but to no avail. Ben reached down and grabbed Greg’s briefs by the fly and ripped them off of him. He squirted the warm liquid onto Greg’s dick and balls and began to massage the now fully hardened penis. “No, No murmured Greg but he began to rock in rhythm to the handjob he was suddenly enjoying at the hands of another man. Ben moved to straddle Greg’s head in a 69 position and began to rub his sweat and chlorine soaked jock over Greg’s face. “Are you enjoying this Greg?” Mmmmmm Greg moaned in humiliated pleasure. Ben reached down and slapped Greg’s balls sending a lightning bolt of pain through his body. “You receive pleasure or pain at my bidding. Do you understand? Yes answered Greg. “Yes what” said Ben. Yes Sir Greg answered. Ben began to jack off Greg. Greg had never felt such ecstasy, being totally dominated by another man. Ben would masterfully bring Greg to the point of climax and then stop, leaving him in the throes of sexual frustration. For an hour Ben would bring Greg just to the point of no return then stop. Greg would thrust his pelvis into the air searching desperately for release. “Please Please let me cum begged Greg, his 8” dick throbbing with excitement. “First Me.” said Ben who ripped his jock off and thrust his dick into Greg’s mouth. Greg gagged but all resistance had been eliminated and he relaxed his throat and accepted Ben’s 9” cock. Ben face fucked Greg until he dumped his load into his victim. Greg swallowed obediently. “Please now me, Let me cum.” begged Greg. Ben began to once again jack Greg off. As Greg closed his eyes and moaned Ben reached for a 10” dildo lubed it with the suntan lotion and began to push it up Greg’s virgin asshole. OHHHHHH! STOP! Yelled Greg “Its too big!” he screamed. Ben pushed the entire dildo into Greg’s ass and left it there. The pressure of the dildo stimulating different areas of Greg’s anus with each gyration. Ben began to jack Greg faster and faster until Greg came. His dick pumping out load after load of cum in the most intense orgasm he had ever experienced. Thank you, thank you mumbled Greg, delirious with the relief of his sexual tension, his body tired but completely relaxed. But Ben did not stop. He started rubbing the head of Greg’s now sensitive dick causing Greg to begin bucking and yelling, “No, No, I can’t stand it, let me rest.” “You will rest when I say,” said Ben as he jacked Greg slowly to climax again and again. After each orgasm Greg’s dick became more and more sensitive. He was writhing and screaming in painful pleasure as Ben manipulated his now purple manhood. After Greg came for the fourth time in an hour Ben slowly pulled out the dildo. Greg trembled as each inch was slowly removed. Ben then forced Greg to once again suck his dick. When he had cum and as his jism dripped out the sides of Greg’s mouth, Ben mercifully untied his hands and feet. Greg lay there totally spent, his body a useless shell of what it was just a few short hours ago. Ben picked Greg off the ground and carried him over to the pool holding him up in the shallow end while he rinsed the cum off his body. Ben then sat Greg on the pool steps and whispered to him. “Pain is pleasure, pleasure is pain” and kissed Greg, driving his tongue deep into Greg’s mouth. Despite his exhaustion and soreness Greg felt his dick start to stir again. “It’s gonna be a great weekend.” Said Ben and floated off toward the deep end of the pool. “It sure will” thought Greg He lay in the soothing water his bruised and abused body slowly beginning to recover and began to plan his revenge. The end By: Punisher


2 Gay Erotic Stories from Punisher

Greg's Defeat

Greg’s Defeat Ben and Greg were best friends and roommates through college. They had not seen each other since graduation the previous summer. Ben had called and invited Greg to visit for a long weekend at his family’s summer home. Ben explained he had the house all to himself and they could catch up on each other’s lives and party like old times. Greg turned his car into the dirt

Greg's Revenge

“Wake up old Buddy” Ben yelled. Greg opened his eyes and looked up to see Ben standing above him naked. “It’s a new day lets have some more fun.” Greg sat up. Every muscle ached from the beating they had taken the day before. Greg had never felt so fully dominated and humiliated. After regaining his senses yesterday and being assured by Ben that there would be no more wrestling


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