Gay Erotic Stories

High Atop A Hill

by Ruff-N-Tumbler

Gary had been my student the previous year, and one day he invited me to his family's ranch east of the university. We headed out in his jeep and quickly climbed to about 2000 ft, stopped at a scenic spot, and just kicked back enjoying the view. Our conversation meandered to many topics, eventually to sports. Gary said he'd never played on any team, but he and a buddy used to "horse around" in their room at Catholic boarding school. My curiosity aroused, I asked what he meant by "horsing around". "Oh, you know, just rasslin'. Nothing formal, no particular rules. Just getting holds on each other until one of us said 'Uncle'." "Was it just wrestling holds, or did you and your buddy ever resort to 'dirty tactics'?" "Oh hell yes! In fact, over time our matches would get more intense. Since we weren't great at wrestling techniques, but both wanted to get the other 'to give', and since neither of us considered the match over by just pinning, it took more and more to try to win by submission. Early-on we both started to 'cheat'." "Cheat, how? "Well, it began with tickling the other guy, but eventually the tickling would get harder 'til we we're really applying pressure points. And eventually we began to try to weaken the opponent with punching each other in the midst of our holds." "So you and your buddy were wrestling and boxing at the same time?" "Not boxing, really. We'd only hit each other while we were locked up in rasslin' holds. And then we began to go further. If he dug his knuckles into my neck, I'd get him back. Sometimes we'd tie up quickly in a mutual headlock, then just start finding new tortures to do to each other with our free hand." "Like?" "Well, he really liked to pull hair, so I'd yank back on his. I liked getting my arm across his Adam's apple and choking him. Then he'd do the same." "How long would these matches go on?" "Sometimes for half-an-hour or more. We got so that we could both dish out and take a lot of punishment, so it took more to win the submission. You seem particularly interested in all this. Does what I'm describing turn you off?" "Hardly! I've enjoyed the same kind of matches you're describing on many occasions!" "But you're a professor!" "So, you think my whole world is books?" "Well, I just can't picture you getting sweaty 'n' rasslin' like I did." "How about I convince you right now? I challenge you to a no-holds-barred, anything goes, submission match here and now! Are you game?" "Since you're no longer my teacher, okay. But are you sure you want a match as rough and punishing as I described?" "Tell you what, we'll strip down to our trousers, face-off here high above the valley, and I'll beat you with as many dirty moves as you can imagine. Deal?" Nothing more was said. Quickly Gary pulled off his boots, socks, jacket and shirt while I yanked off shoes, socks and shirt. Half-naked we faced each other in foot-high grass. Gary looked uneasy at the prospects of a fight with his former teacher, so to allay his concerns, I made the first move. I quickly got him in a side headlock and began to tighten the hold ferociously. That seemed to free all of Gary's restraints, and he reached between my legs, hoisted me off the ground, and we went down together. I did not release my headlock; however, but now on the ground got oone le between his two and grapevined his left leg and intensified the pressure on both his leg and head. As he looked up at me, I asked if he knew what he'd have to do to break the hold? Without words, he reached up, grabbed a fistful of my hair and yanked me over, so that now he was atop me, though I kept my holds. While pulling on my hair with one hand, he brought his arm across my throat with the other. As I began to grasp for air, I changed my leg position and secured a double grapevine around both his legs though I still lay on my back. Releasing my headlock on Gary, I brought my forearm up against his throat and it soon became a contest to see who'd run out of air first. One minute became five! By unspoken but understood consent, we both let go of the choking and hair pulling. We stared into each other's eyes with a mischievous grin which said we were both having a grand time and that this was going to be a long match. We also both realized that in our leg grapevines, our crotches were pressed into one another and that each of us had sprouted a full-on hard-on. Our grins widened, for neither of us now had to ask any question of the other. For the next twenty minutes we furiously lay into each other with every dirty trick we knew. But finally it was when we both resorted to ball grabbing, which brought our wrists firmly against the other's cock, that the punishment and eroticism built to an uncontainable crescendo. In a fevered moment of "agony and ecstasy" we both exploded our cum, and our labored breathing slowly began to subside. Gary and I rolled apart. As our breathing returned to normal, we turned to face one another in the tall grass. "Having a good time?" I asked. "Can we do this again real soon?" he replied. "How about a few minutes breather, then a second fall in the buff?" "You read my mind!" (End)


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