Gay Erotic Stories

Hot and at Work

by Gordon Maxe

I’m an English South African who used to work at busy hospital in New Zealand, as a Medical Health and Safety Officer. One of my regular jobs was to go around the multi-departmental laboratory, and inspect the workings and query the staff, (or is that the other way around). It was one of my favorite regular tasks, as I got to meet and know a substantial number of people. I like to be in situations where there are a lot of people, that way the odds of finding stunning guys are higher. One thing I had definitely noticed about the laboratories, was that the only good looking people were females. They didn’t interest me much. There were absolutely no eligible guys, straight or gay. That was until January the fourteenth... January fourteenth was a Thursday, and a fairly busy time of year. I was keen to get my laboratory dealings done with, because I knew I had plenty of other work. I turned up in one of the departments for a scheduled meeting as usual, expecting just an uptight, pot-bellied Englishman, a Samoan of the same stature, and a few females. As I walked in, I had a feeling that today was different. I looked around and decided it was just a mental glitch. Then he appeared, powerfully he entered the open plan laboratory from his workplace. He was a young guy, probably about 19-20, apparently he had just started a couple of weeks ago. He was a stunning. His hair was so dark brown, that it was almost black. His skin was pale, with enough natural pigment that gave him a healthy glow. He was wearing linen shorts, a fraction above the knee line. I could see that he had well toned calves. His shirt was a blue V-neck, which was tight, but not too tight, just enough to accentuate his thin frame? No, that wasn’t quite right, he was skinny, but his shoulders were broad, making his waist look very compact, in line with his slender hips. He turned back for a second to look back at something and as he twisted, I could see what the shirt emphasized He had a good chest on him! As he continued walking toward me, he seemed to be in slow motion, giving me time to visually absorb every part of his flawless body. His proportions were perfect, better than a Ken doll. As he walked toward me, a song clip ran through my head. I can’t remember it now, but it complimented him completely. He looked up at me. Oh god, he looked straight at me, trying to ascertain whether he recognized me. I was rendered powerless at that moment. His eyes were definitely his best asset. They were deep and a tad darker than the water you see around a tropical island. I don’t know if I whimpered or if I bit my quivering lip, but I’m pretty sure I let out a weak “Oh my!”. The “Oh My” response is a rare occurrence for me. Last time it happened, I had been tramping uphill for four hours through New Zealand forest. On reaching the summit, I saw a tremendous waterfall in an expansive glacial valley, breathtaking. And that was what this guy was, a 100% breathtaking!. I stood there, just waiting for him to get to a distance so we could talk. I didn’t want to seem to eager, shouting at him across the lab. As he approached, I could see that he had very slight freckling. Very cute, I thought. I decided I had better say something, so I calmly blurted out, “Hi, is the boss around? I have a meeting with him.” The guy smiled with perfect teeth, and said, “Yeah, he’s in his office on the phone at the moment. I’ll let him know you’re here”. I thanked him, and with another flash of his smile, (no, more of a grin this time), he brushed past me towards his boss’s office. He returned a short while later saying that my meeting was to be delayed about 10 minutes. He then offered me a seat, and gently pulled over another chair. He positioned himself at a computer. It seemed he was flirting with me with his eyes? The fluency and agility of his movements impressed me. I decided to make small talk. I think he was hoping I to him. “By the way, my name’s Andrew, I’m the Health and Safety Officer. You’re new here aren’t you?” He responded nonchalantly, that he was, and that his name was River. I must have flinched or something at the sound of his name, as he replied with a jovial, “Yeah, I know, my parents were hippies or something.” I liked the name, it suited him, and I let him know it. He turned back to the computer, sorted some patient forms, and started to type. I asked him how he got the job. He answered, then inquired eagerly about my accent. He listened intently while I told him of my life in South Africa. I savored every moment that he would look at me. Occasionally he would chase over my body with his eyes. River was special and it was rare that I got on so well with someone so quickly.. I decided to lay off a bit before thinking about making any sort of moves. During the next three weeks, we had two brief chats, a chance sighting, and lunch in the cafeteria. It was over this lunch that I realized that we got on well enough to be friends, which made me have doubts about his sexual preference. He always seemed to keep any conversation at a certain distance, a professional distance. Was he just being polite in chatting and laughing with me? I definitely couldn’t be sure. If he was gay, I figured that I was good-looking enough for a chance with him. He was an interesting and bright person. I enjoyed his company. He made a day more bearable. These days were good, and I decided to try to find out more about him. One evening, around 9 p.m., when everyone in his department had gone home, I decided to sneak into the lab. It wasn’t hard because of my job, and I headed to the boss’s office to look up his file. I was determined to find out about this guy. I walked into the lab, using my access card, then made my way down to his department. Once there, I entered the boss’s office and turned on his computer. I felt a little like a spy in the secret service. I rummaged around the personnel files, but could find nothing that particularly interested me. I decided I had better leave, when I remembered that there was a paper filing system in the next room. I shut down the computer and went into the dark to the file room. I switched on a light, and started checking through the filing cabinet drawers. I found what I was looking for, a backup copy of River’s curriculum vitae. It was full of certificates and documentation, especially for someone so young. The file showed me that first and foremost he was perfectly disciplined, as a sportsman, and academically. The information made me smile from a medical point of view, such precision and perfection in one organism. I then heard someone coming. I stuffed the file back into the cabinet, and made out I was looking for some protocol sheets. When I heard the door to the department open, I pretended to stop what I was doing and check out who had arrived. To my surprise, it was River, who looked equally surprised. He was standing there with a gym bag, in a cream wool jumper and skimpy black rugby shorts. I knew from his file that he didn’t play rugby, he was a gymnast. He said with a mixture of relief and laughter, “Oh, it’s.... you. The shower is broken at my apartment, so I thought I’d come and use the work one after....” He trailed off, looking directly at me. He flashed that smile and those dark topaz eyes at me. He easily swung his bag over his shoulder, “I’ll just be downstairs.” With that he smoothly departed. I gathered the papers I had pretended to be looking at, thinking what I should do. This would be a perfect time to approach him, maybe ask him out for a coffee or something simple like that?... On the other hand, what would he think if I approached him in the shower room? I grabbed my briefcase and headed downstairs to the showers anyway. I took a deep breath as I pushed open the door to the men’s changing rooms. I looked around, but couldn’t see.anything. The light was off and I assumed he wasn’t there. Who would shower in the dark? I fumbled around on the wall, and eventually found the switch. The light flickered on, and I saw him sitting on one of the benches. He stood up as the lights flickered. He was right in front of me, just a few meters away. He was wearing just a short towel around his slender hips. His body looked even more impressive without clothes. He had the cute, stomach hair thing going on, not too much though, and a dusting on his relatively broad chest. The lights were giving his skin perfect orange glow. He then said, “Hi” in a bright, calm tone. I could feel, a stiffening in my seemingly too tight trousers. I was sure he could tell and shifted my stance to try and hide it. He gathered his composure and promptly dropped the towel to the floor. I looked at him and responded to his greeting, “Hi”. He stood there with a thoughtful look on his face. He must have been warm, because his balls were hanging pleasingly behind his really well sized cock. It was half hard, but still hanging down. I smiled at him, and started taking off my tie. I unbuttoned my shirt slowly. He began walking toward me. He reached for the last few buttons, and undid them briskly. I then mentally stepped back from the situation to evaluate what was happening. One, here was this veritable, young gymnast. Two, he was naked. Three, he was in front of me. And four, he was undressing me. His gaze brought me back to the situation at hand. He reached up and scratched my stubble the wrong way, I tilted my head slightly and shut my eyes. He slid his hands up my stomach and chest, and slid my shirt off by carrying his hands over my shoulders. I lightly grabbed his sides, just below his ribs. I pulled him closer, tilted his head up and kissed his burning lips, lightly at first then more as he joined me. He gently pulled away, and looked down at my belt buckle. He handled its undoing flawlessly, as I presumed he would. I unbuttoned and unclasped my pants. I unzipped the fly, exposing my well-formed package. He slipped the waist of my pants over my hips and they slid almost silently to the floor. River grabbed my rod, and kissed me on he collarbone. We held each other and started kissing, feeling both of our meats harden while they were wedged between us. I could feel his balls pressing on the inside of my thigh. River then proceeded to kiss my chest moving lower and lower. Down over my ribs, over my stomach, where he stopped for a couple of seconds. He moved to the side to go past my navel. His chin, and five o’ clock shadow, grazed my foreskin, just below my head. He carried on to my groin, then looked up at me with a pseudo-questioning expression, a mental nod passed between us. He took my scrotum into his mouth and rolled my balls around in his warm mouth. He chose to suck my right testicle for a minute or so. Then he stopped, stood up and smiled at my puzzled look. He pushed me back to the bench-seats and sat me down. He kneeled in front of me, and gently opened my legs a little. Before I knew it, he had taken my head into his mouth, and was sucking on it, slowly and carefully. Then I could feel his mouth sliding down, closing around the more proximal part of my shaft, with an increased pressure. River was sucking my dick between his cheek and teeth. I could see my manhood bulging out the side of his mouth, which made me even hotter. He pulled his head back a bit and sucked my head, then slowly plunged down my cock, to the base. Back up to my head, then down to the base again. My cock must have been down his throat, but it didn’t seem to phase him. I couldn’t hear him breathing and remembered that I thought he must have gills, and jokingly checked his neck. The pleasure started getting more intense in my cock, I knew I was close. I think River knew too, because he stopped, and stood up. I shifted my weight to the edge of the seat and caressed his scrotum. I could feel his testicles, it was almost like they were throbbing. I was holding his balls like you would and apple or pear, reaching between his legs and holding them from the back. I stroked them gently. I kissed his stomach, then looked down at his meat. I also had a quick look at my own, which was rock hard, and I was holding it gently. I plunged his cock into my mouth all the way down. Slowly, I slid my lips back up his cock, even more slowly when I was almost had his head. River exhaled sharply in pleasure. I looked up at him, and our glances met. River then shut his eyes and tilted his head back. His head was by then sliding nicely against my teeth and tongue, frequently I would slide his shaft to the back of my throat. After a few minutes, River started carefully guiding his dick in and out of my mouth. He was still standing astride my legs, so as he gradually got faster, his balls started swinging slightly, sometimes brushing against my stubble covered chin. I decided to see how he would react to my next maneuver. I grabbed his shaft, like I was going to jerk him off. As I sucked on his dick, I got my fingers wet, too. I slid them down his hot penis, and held my own cock. I got all the precum I could on my fingers, and then gently reached between his legs and found his hole. I played with him like that for a little while then started to push my middle finger up carefully but firmly. He was a little tense so I stopped sucking him and looked up at him He gave me a look that said “everything’s cool”, and I gave him one of my reassuring but delighted looks. I proceeded to push my finger up, while I smoothly stroked his shaft. He started to relax, so I put my finger in all the way, pulling toward the male G spot. He gasped, half from the feeling and half from having forgotten to breathe. I started to suck his meat again. While my finger was up his ass, my other hand was giving my own cock a rigorous work out. River was giving my mouth an apt workout, which let me know that he was really enjoying himself. He then stopped, and looked down at me. I stopped and looked at him, “How about that shower”, he asked. We gathered up our belongings, and headed to the shower. The lab shower was quite odd for a shower. For one, it was in its own room, like a walk in wardrobe. It was quite a large space, with seats and things around the outside. Kind of what you’d expect in a sauna room. We walked in and placed our things on the benches. I grabbed River from behind and kissed his shoulder. He turned around, and we kissed again. We had both gone soft, about half-hung, because of our move, so there was just a soft warm feeling between us both. We sat down, and I held River in my arms for a while. We just talked about what we had thought about each other when we first met. Turned out that he had thought pretty much the same way about me as I did him. We sat in silence for a while, in the warm humid atmosphere of the shower room with the door locked, feeling safe, warm, and comfortable. Then River turned over and straddled me, looking at me playfully. His position and his look made me horny and I started to get hard again I could see that he was also. We kissed a meaningful kiss, then he said in an excited voice, “If its OK with you”. He looked down, like he was a tad embarrassed, River was faulting for the first time since I had known him. I knew what he wanted, and I found his reservation endearing. I stood up and flicked the shower on, and walked back to River. We sensually explored each other’s bodies, while we watched the water begin to steam. I stepped backward into the flowing warmth, River’s hand trailing my own. I gently pulled him to me. He came willingly. We drenched our bodies, kissing and caressing each other’s bodies. More and more our meats became the object of the proceedings. I went to my briefcase, and fished around in for “supplies”. I knew I had stored some in there previously. He was watching me, stroking carefully. I found a condom and lube. I walked back with our supplies, kissed him intently, and turned him round. River lifted one of his legs up and placed his foot on the low bench, like he was tying up his shoelace. He continued to fondle his penis. I placed the condom on and I got some lube from the small squeeze bottle and squirted it on to my fingers. I used my middle finger first to administer the lubricant, then added a second finger. I slowly pulled them out. River let out an almost silent grunt. He turned around and started to lube up my now, rock hard manhood. He slid his hands smoothly up and down my shaft and even my balls. I must say even this simple act felt great. He stopped and I turned him round once more. He assumed the position he had before. I halted briefly before placing the head of my cock on his hole. I told him to relax, and he did so. I pushed my dick slowly up his ass. Naturally it slid without friction as far as each of us wanted. After a couple of minutes of “acclimatizing” to it, we wanted it all the way. My cock was now so hard that the blood vessels were more prominent than ever. I pushed it right up River’s hole, and realized that I loved full penetration with River. By the gentle but strong sounds he was making, he loved it with me too. I slid my spike in, right to its base. I left my cock there for a while and reached around to his rod, which was by the feel of it, was made of titanium. I gently slid my fingers up his meat, then gripped more firmly. My hands still had a fair amount of lubricant on them, so I was able to slide-stroke him quite rapidly, but not overly so, I didn’t want him to come too soon. If he did come, I wanted it in my mouth. I decided to take my hand away, and placed my hands on his hips to pull him closer to me. I carefully pulled my dick out to the head, and slowly pushed it back half way. Then all the way in again almost as far as it would go. I started pushing in more rapidly, pulling his hips to mine. This moment was pleasure, lust and love, all in one moment in time. I could hear that River’s breaths were becoming more rapid, his muscle contractions more regular, I knew he was close to ejaculation point. I pulled out completely, and ran my fingers down his right side. I brushed my lips on his cheek. He reciprocated, and I pulled him around to face me. River grasped at my chest as I singled us to the floor, amidst the falling water. I dragged myself away from his face, across his torso, and reached for his cock, which was still hard. I eagerly gripped my fingers around his meat, and guided it into my mouth. It felt good to suck on his cock again, real good. I thrust his dick right down my throat, not wanting to keep him waiting any longer. Plus, I couldn’t wait any longer to taste his semen. I consistently pulled his hard penis in and out of my mouth, stopping occasionally to feel the form of his head on my lips and cheeks. I felt his balls become tighter, he was getting real close. I guess you could say I was excited or expectant too. I concentrated on the task at hand, I sucked harder on his dick and fondled it with my tongue. River started moving his hips to push further down my throat. I moved with him, now voraciously pushing my lips down to the base of his cock. Sucking harder and harder, listening to his gradually increasing grunts and sighs. God it was good to know that I was doing that to him. I started to taste more copious amounts of pre cum, which made me more eager. I sucked as hard and fast as I could, his moist shaft sliding in and out from between my teeth and lips. At last, what we both had been waiting for, his toned muscular thighs, tightened and he thrust into the back of my throat. He exploded with a raspy grunt. I felt his warm cum hit the walls of my mouth and I could taste the sweet saltiness of his well-guarded manness. I swallowed it willingly, and kept swallowing until he truly finished. I kissed his stomach, then looked at him. He was smiling, his hair slicked down by the continuous rain of warm water. He sat up, bent forward and kissed me, the taste of his come still in my mouth. River pulled back and looked me in the eye, running his hand down my chest, “You want to finish what you were doing before?” he asked rhetorically. I just grinned. I propelled my self over his body, and he automatically flattened himself onto his back. He reached up and stroked my meat for a while, as I had gone a bit soft. Soon enough I was ready to go, and I reached for another condom and more lubricant. I let River fit and administer them respectively, while I lubed up his now loose and ready anus. The act of him greasing up my dick made me so hard. I knew it wouldn’t take me long to shoot my load inside him. I told River this, and he just told me to go as hard as I liked. “Go hard”, he said once again. I lifted his seemingly heavy legs on to my shoulders, his ample calves rested against my own muscular back. I inserted my cock and began pulling in and out steadily. I felt that welling up of sexual excitement again. I began pushing harder and harder, deeper into him. I noticed that he was still almost as hard as I was! Looking over his body again, witnessing the perfection made me so horny. I started going faster and faster, feeling every single stroke, as my shaft pumped in and out of his rectum. I was almost at orgasm. I kept pumping, in and out. Pumping him full of my hard dick. I took longer to reach my climax than I thought, and after about five minutes of fucking him hard in the ass, I let out a great release. I felt my penis and balls intensely tingling as my load shot deep into his ass. I pushed further up as I ejaculated inside him. He had his head tilted back, enjoying the pleasure of my dick inside him. We spent the night there in that shower, resting in each other’s physical and mental presence, in the warmth, in each other’s arms, in the steam... MAIL ME, LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK .......


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1 Gay Erotic Stories from Gordon Maxe

Hot and at Work

I’m an English South African who used to work at busy hospital in New Zealand, as a Medical Health and Safety Officer. One of my regular jobs was to go around the multi-departmental laboratory, and inspect the workings and query the staff, (or is that the other way around). It was one of my favorite regular tasks, as I got to meet and know a substantial number of people. I like to


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