Gay Erotic Stories

Hot History Class

by Ruff-N-Tumbler

Tom and Erich began as strangers, two college studs falling asleep in a boring lecture room. The course in Ancient History had been dull for weeks until one afternoon the professor began to relate a particular contest in the Greek Olympic Games: the Pancration. He said the athletes competed naked and in this contest no-holds-barred wrestling was combined with boxing and kicking. Tom began to get a hard-on as the professor described the length and punishment that characterized these ancient bouts. It reminded him of the erotic wrestling matches he and one of his fraternity brothers enjoyed late at night in their house. They fought naked, anything goes bouts to submission. Shit, what horny Greeks, Tom thought! Tom's raging sexual arousal was making him squirm in his seat, and he glanced around to see if anybody was detecting his agitated state. It was then his eyes met Erich's. And it seemed to Tom that Erich appeared as excited as he was! Their gazes locked, and each knew that another person in the room had been made horny as hell by ancient history. The ring of the bell startled them both! The hall emptied and as students were heading out Tom and Erich bumped into one another, not quite by accident. As their bodies touched, both froze, speechless. They stepped apart, but before any apologies were spoken they each looked up and down the other. Tom stood 5' 10", about l65lbs of well-defined muscle, displayed nicely in the tight T-shirt he was wearing. His thick dark hair complemented his beautiful, unblemished olive complexion. And his 7" cock was noticeable beneath his trousers due to its still aroused condition! Erich carried about 175lbs on his 5' 11" frame, muscular from eight years of water polo he'd played throughout high school and college. His curly, blond hair set off a deep tan, acquired from the daily hours spent in the pool. And his quite adequate 6" showed proudly erect in the cut-offs he was wearing. "History class sure took a turn for the better today!" ventured Erich. "You got that right, buddy! My name's Tom, and it seems like you found that pancration contest about as HOT as I did, or am I wrong? "I'm Erich and you're NOT wrong! All I could think of was how much I wanted to be back in Greece right now. I saw myself standing naked in the palaestra, facing my naked adversary, waiting for the bout to begin. When the bell rang just now, it thrust me back to the reality of this dull college town and the straight-laced world we currently live in." "Well, I'm lacking a time machine, but I do have wheels, and if you think you and I would make a good match, I know a nice, secluded place in the mountains where we could engage in a little historical reenactment." After only a few seconds of mutual, visual reexamination, Erich blurted out "LET'S DO IT!!" Minutes later they were headed up a winding road in Tom's vintage '65 Mustang. He liked its power climbing mountains, the kind of power he regularly felt when he and his frat brother were rasslin'. They'd always liked their matches rough and drawn-out. Tom hoped that today's match with Erich would equal or surpass previous combats. Throughout the the drive Tom also kept glancing at Erich's incredible physique, since Erich had stripped off his shirt the moment their drive had begun. Tom could only just barely contain the sexual arousal thinking of their two rock-hard torsos, firmly-erect cocks about to clash. Erich remained pensive during the thirty minute journey. He was lost in a reverie of what he imagined lay just ahead. Prior wrestling experience was limited to a few high school buddies, and those matches were both too brief and too tame. He'd seen the Pros on television, liked their skimpy outfits, but the punishment had always seemed fake. Hell, he and his water polo buddies really knocked each other about in the pool, and he'd always enjoyed the "grab ass" that went on under water. The description of the pancration had turned him on because it seemed nearly identical to his own secret fantasy match. "We're here!" Tom announced as he pulled the Mustang off the road and parked beside a trail that led deep through a thickly wooded area. "Already? Sorry, Tom, for not being very good company on the ride. I guess I've been lost in thought." "Hell, that's okay, Erich. It gave me time to plan out how I'm going to whip your ass!" "Whip my ass!? I've got ten pounds on you and I've been dreaming about destroying my opponent in a pancration-type match all my life." Tom then told Erich about the frequent "balls out" matches he'd had the last two years with his frat brother. The more Tom described the dirty techniques they used, the more visibly aroused Erich became. Instead of intimidating Erich, Tom had inadvertently unleashed powerful primordial (and erotic) emotions in Erich. Nothing more was said as they hiked about ten minutes along the trail, coming finally to an opening in the forest. It was Spring, and the grass was tall and green, dotted with newly emergent wildflowers. They'd neither seen nor heard another soul since leaving the car. Tom was right, thought Erich; this is a perfect location for the match that lay ahead. They sat down on the ground, each pulling off shoes and socks, then stood to strip off the rest of their garments. As they now stood naked facing one another, words were not needed to express their mutual, lustful admiration of each opponent's physique. For both Tom and Erich sported fully-erect cocks that stood out parallel to the earth. Before combat began, Tom and Erich embraced, let their hands wander up and down each other's torso, gently squeezed each other's firm butt, tenderly gripped the cock of the other to express gratitude they'd met today. And then each stood back. Tom made the first move and swiftly clamped a bear hug on Erich's chest. As his muscles flexed and his grip tightened, Erich felt light-headed as the air was being driven from his lungs. He countered by crushing Tom's head between his powerful upper arms, jerking his arms together repeatedly until Tom released the bearhug. Seizing the moment, Erich forced Tom off balance, came around to his back, and secured a full-nelson. As Tom felt the agony of his chin being forced down to his chest, he knew he'd found a powerful opponent in Erich. Maybe TOO powerful. For struggle as hard as he could, Tom could not pull his arms down to break the nelson. Erich continued the pain on Tom's shoulders and neck and, to add insult to injury, kicked Tom's legs apart, sending them both to the ground, Tom still in the nelson and Erich lying atop Tom's prone body, his cock throbbing on Tom's ass! Erich tightened his legs around Tom's and began to thrust his groin more passionately in the erotic hold he'd secured. The more Tom squirmed to escape, the more sexual the combat became for them both! The supple muscles of their legs rubbing fiercely against each other while Erich's cock furiously rode back and forth against Tom's ass finally sent a shudder through Erich's body. ERICH WAS SHOOTING CUM ALL OVER TOM'S BACK!!! As Erich's strength waned, Tom quickly broke the nelson and rolled Erich off him. With lightning speed, Tom grapevined Erich's legs, wrapped his left arm around Erich's neck in a ferocious headlock, grabbed Erich's hair with his right hand and began to yank on it with all his strength. With what little energy was still in him, Erich fought back. He grabbed Tom's hair in one hand and began to pound Tom's side with the other. As their mutual punishment intensified, Tom's pelvic movement increased to fever pitch! Applying as much pain to Erich as he could, and enduring as much torture as Erich could inflict, Tom's moment arrived in a sudden burst! TOM BEGAN SHOOTING CUM ALL OVER ERICH'S COCK AND BALLS!!! Tom voluntarily rolled off Erich, but lay beside him for several minutes as he recuperated from the strenuous combat they'd just shared. Their silence betokened the mutual respect each felt for the other in that place and time. "I'd say Round One was a draw!" Erich ventured. "Looks like it's going to be a long afternoon before we find out who the champion is." Long and grueling and wonderful thought Tom. For the next two hours these two competitive college studs had at each other. The ferocity of the punishment each exerted on his adversary was matched by the erotic joy each felt in the combat. Tom had applied a head scissors on Erich at one point, his thighs alternately tightening and loosening the pressure across Erich's throat. As Tom looked into Erich's face he saw an expression that made sense to them both: Erich's face exhibited the simultaneous agony and ecstasy of what was happening to him. Late in the combat both had found enjoyment in being tied up together in a mutually painful hold, one hand being used to administer the punishment of choice to his opponent while the other stroked the firm cock of his adversary. This newly discovered technique didn't seem to be determining who the champion would be, but it sure as hell felt great!! Both Tom and Erich had cum three times in over two hours of their struggle. Both were bone weary in every sense of the expression. But finally it was Tom who had managed one last time to double grapevine Erich's legs while each had a grinding headlock on the other. Tom had the advantage riding atop Erich, and though both had raging hard-ons, it was obvious neither would weaken by cuming. Tom had held Erich in this state going on ten minutes. And finally, it was Erich who cried out, "ALRIGHT. I CONCEDE!! YOU'RE THE CHAMPION, TOM!! Tom and Erich untied their legs, released their headlocks, and slowly brought their faces apart. Each looked deeply into the other's eyes. What they both saw was love and respect they felt for each other. And then, finally, they kissed! Tenderly at first, then with mounting passion. They kissed lying side by side in a lovers embrace. And they stayed wrapped in each other's arms til the night enveloped them


10 Gay Erotic Stories from Ruff-N-Tumbler

AMG Studio Match

AMG of Los Angeles pioneered erotic wrestling videos decades ago, though they were then 8mm films. Bob Mizer was the owner and founder of AMG in Los Angeles, and my first visit to his studio was memorable insofar as he often had models hanging around there. Bob and I hit it off immediately, and he said if I wanted to get it on with any of the models I could use one of his filming

First Time With Steve

When I was about 18 years old, my best buddy was Steve. Steve stood about 5' 8" and weighed about l45 lbs. He had an attractive build, but especially muscular thighs. I stood about 5' 7" and weighed in around l55lbs. Though shorter than Steve, my build was stockier, but not soft. I had great arms and was very proud of how they looked in a short-sleeved shirt. Steve and I

Frat House Match

It was my Junior year in college and I'd enjoyed the wonders of living in my fraternity these past two years: about 50 guys, l8 to 23 years of age, at the prime of their sexual allure, most horny as hell all their waking hours (and in their cum-soaked dreams as well). As most young men were wont to do, they routinely dressed in minimal clothing, the better to admire their

High Atop A Hill

Gary had been my student the previous year, and one day he invited me to his family's ranch east of the university. We headed out in his jeep and quickly climbed to about 2000 ft, stopped at a scenic spot, and just kicked back enjoying the view. Our conversation meandered to many topics, eventually to sports. Gary said he'd never played on any team, but he and a buddy used to

Hot History Class

Tom and Erich began as strangers, two college studs falling asleep in a boring lecture room. The course in Ancient History had been dull for weeks until one afternoon the professor began to relate a particular contest in the Greek Olympic Games: the Pancration. He said the athletes competed naked and in this contest no-holds-barred wrestling was combined with boxing and kicking.

If You Dare!

Tom was beginning to shake all over as he stood in darkness on the deserted street corner. He knew it was due partly to not dressing more warmly on a cold, December night in Silicon Valley. Vanity rather than common sense had dictated his apparel: tight T-shirt and trousers with only a light-weight wind-breaker. He always chose clothes to reveal his well-chiseled physique. He

Private Showdown

The two young stallions stood facing one another across the dimly lighted high school wrestling room. Chad and Jeremy were both calling up their best macho, bad ass demeanor. Which, of course, concealed some serious misgivings each was feeling about how they'd come to be here late on a Friday night. Not that either of these studs was missing a hot date with some local chick for,

Rasslin' For The Last Butt

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Two Hustlers Meet Their Match

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Two Teens Tangle In The Woods

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