Gay Erotic Stories

I'll Never Forget My Buddy's Dad


My best friend's mom died when he was fairly young, leaving his dad a widower. Larry's father never remarried. His sons were his life and he was determined to make up for the loss of their mother. My parents respected him for his obvious devotion to his boys. They admired the way he sacrificed his own happiness to be there for them. The boys loved him passionately in return. John Davis was a man's man. Ruggedly handsome, he could have had his pick of any woman in town. It was funny to watch the women at church, married and single, as they fawned all over him, all but begging to be noticed. They did their best to wheedle their way into his life, but he always kept them at arm's length. Well, most of the time. It was rumored that he had engaged in an occasional affair with this one or that. But, as soon as the "m" word was brought up, the relationship came to an abrupt end. He had vowed that he would never marry again. It seemed such a waste, according to my mother's female friends. Naturally, my other friends and I loved our own fathers, but, John Davis was known to all to be the "coolest dad" of all and I secretly envied Larry and Lonnie. Since Larry and I were so close, I was often invited to come along on his family's frequent fishing, hiking and camping trips all through my high school years. When I think of Mr. Davis, I can still feel the warmth of his smile and hearty laugh. At night, when I'm alone, I can recall the strange heat that radiated from his body…and the sweet, sensual odor from that full-grown man. Like all gods of mortal flesh, our hero had one major flaw: Every once in a while, he would get rip-roaring drunk. On an occasional Friday night, safe in his home, he would occasionally pass out on the couch. And that's how it began. Larry, my friend and the youngest son, had invited me to spend the night during the summer after we graduated from high school. We had stayed over at each other's houses all through our school years, so it was nothing unusual. But, this night would be different. Right on cue, "Dad" passed out about 11:45 p.m. Larry got up from the floor, where we were playing cards, and went to pull an afghan over his sleeping father. "Holy shit, here we go again," exclaimed Larry. "What's wrong?" I asked. He didn't move or speak and just stood quietly smirking. I got up to see what was going on and right there, protruding from the flap on his boxer shorts, stood the biggest, meanest, most impressive pole of manhood that I had ever seen. Uttering what must have been one of the more articulate expressions in my life I said, "Wow." We stood and stared, barely able to breathe. As we watched, the penis twitched and stiffened several times. A low moan came from Mr. Davis as he turned his head slightly toward the back of the couch and he fell deeper asleep. His cock stayed rock hard and upright. Its size and erotic beauty hypnotized me. But, before I could finish the thought, Larry reached over and wrapped his hand around it just under the head. "What are you doing?" I hissed. "Watch this," Larry said with another smirk. With that, he began stroking his own father. Another low moan escaped from Mr. Davis’s mouth and his cock stiffened once again. Larry looked at me grinning. "Wanna have some fun? Go ahead, you do it. We'll play 'Russian roulette.' It's all right. Lonnie and I do it to him all the time when he's drunk. We've been doing it for years! He has no idea. We make a contest out of it. We take turns jacking him for thirty seconds and then switch. The guy who gets blasted is the loser. Makes Dad real mellow the next day! Really, it's cool! Come on…don't be afraid. Unless, of course, you're chicken!" I cannot describe the magnetic pull I felt from that organ in Larry's hand. Without thinking about what I was doing, my hand was drawn forward and, as Larry moved away, my fingers replaced his. It was firm, yet incredibly smooth and soft and hot to the touch. I moved my hand. The cock stiffened and swelled and fluid seeped from the slit on the head. "That's it…now you got it. Just keep doing it. Why don't you get real close so you can see it better?" said Larry. In my fascination, I forgot about thirty-second time limits and failed to note the smirk in Larry's voice. Without thinking, I moved closer. The feel, the heat, the sweet yet slightly sweaty smell that radiated from this handsome man was intoxicating. More fluid flowed and my hand was soon slippery and sliding more easily. Closer still I moved. I was fascinated watching the way the lips on the head would open and more fluid would leak out. I had moved so close that I could have stuck out my tongue and tasted it for myself. I was lost in reverie when the first blast hit me square in my open mouth and up my nose. The next blast hit me on the cheek. The third went into my eye and burned like fire. That's when I let go. Larry fell to the floor in hysterics. I grabbed my handkerchief and wiped at my blinded eye while watching that huge, pulsating organ continue to blast long, thick strings of fluid with the other. It was like watching a fountain as it sprayed his tee shirt and chest over and over again. I thought it would never stop. Worse, I was afraid that Mr. Davis would wake up from Larry's hysterical giggling and discover what we had done to him. Larry continued his hysterics and pointed at my painted face. "Oh, man," he laughed, "even with his eyes closed he's got great aim! Right in the face! I don't believe it!" I became frightened and embarrassed. I wiped my mouth and it was then that I realized I tasted his fluids on my tongue. For a second, I was afraid I would throw up, but I didn't. That taste, the smell, the heat and the whole experience overwhelmed me and I thought I was going to faint. My heart was pounding and my cock was straining in my pants. "Well, well, well…" laughed Larry. He proceeded to point his finger at my pants while he sang over and over, "Ronnie's got a hard-on…Ronnie's got a hard-on…" Embarrassed, I said angrily yet eloquently, "Shut up!" I got up and stormed into the bathroom between the boys’ bedrooms to clean myself up. Larry followed, teasing me all the way. "Shit! It hurts!" I whined as I swabbed my irritated eye with the warm, wet rag. "The old man's got a big dick, don't he?" said Larry. "I never saw one that big before," I said. "Shit, you haven't seen Lonnie, then. He's almost as big as Dad, and I'm almost as big as him," boasted Larry. "You liar," I said. "I've seen you in the showers before and you're not that big." Larry's voice thickened as he said, "Want me to prove it? I'll show you mine if you show me yours." We stared at each other for several seconds before he spoke again, "Well, do you want me to prove it or not? If you do, pull yours out. I'm not going to whip out my dick by myself. In fact, I'm not going to do it at all unless we both take all of our clothes off…stark naked! I dare you!" Larry added in a taunting voice, "Unless, of course, you're not man enough!" Larry knew how to push my buttons. I never backed down from a dare. Angrily, I said, "OK, we'll see who's chicken-shit. Strip!" With that, we turned away from each other and pulled our clothes off. We turned around and faced each other. My cock had already gone down by the time I had reached the bathroom and he was soft, too. "Let's go into the bedroom," Larry said as he walked ahead of me and locked the bedroom door to the hall. Larry walked over to where I was standing and stood in front of me very close and said in a husky voice, "OK, here's the deal: If we're going to do anything at all, we have to promise each other that no one will ever know. And the only way we can be sure that the other one won't blab is if we both do something to each other that we'd be ashamed of anybody knowing." I looked at him and said, "Like what?" Larry replied, "To make sure we never tell anybody what we did to my Dad tonight, we will have to suck on each other's dicks. It's the only way we can be sure the other won't tell. Deal?" This was moving very fast and I was shaken and fascinated at the same time. I just stood there. Larry took hold of my right hand with his left and brought it to his cock. He took hold of my cock with his right hand. Without a word, we began to stroke each other. My cock sprang up instantly and so did his. Damn! He was twice as big as I'd ever seen him and he was already impressive when soft. "Shit!" was all I could mutter. It felt good. Both of us stiffened in the other’s hand. “Fuck…that feels good," he said. Suddenly he dropped my cock and pulled away from me, "No. We have to suck each other's cocks. Get on the bed!" I climbed up and lay back. Larry climbed up and lay in the opposite direction. "We have to do it to each other at the same time," he said. His cock was right at my face. There was a wetness oozing from the tip. I looked down and saw him looking at my wet cock, close to his lips. He spoke again, "OK, on three. One…two…three!" I moved forward and felt the thick head of his cock press its wetness against my lips. At the same time, I felt the most incredible warmth slide down over my cock. Then I felt his tongue. He moved his head; I thought I would faint. Suddenly, the feelings stopped. "Do it to me, dammit!" he hissed, breaking my reverie. I opened my mouth and the head of his cock slid inside. I started imitating his movements with my head and tongue. I heard him moan and heard his breathing speed up. Within seconds, I had lost my second game of "Russian Roulette" that evening! I was unprepared for the sudden rush of the hot fluid that spurted into my mouth. I paid him back instantly and was seized with the most incredible, overwhelming feelings I had ever known. I drank him down. I wanted his cock. I wanted his fluid to drown me. I wanted to drown him. And I did. That was the beginning of weekly suck sessions for Larry and me. And, yes, we jacked his dad off several more times when he was drunk. But, the story doesn't end there. On previous overnight trips, I had noticed a reluctance on the part of Lonnie and Larry to sleep with their Father. I thought that odd. As I learned, it seems that dear old dad could get "affectionate" with anyone who shared his bed and would occasionally attempt to mount them. Nothing else ever happened, of course, but the boys were always grossed out each time. Of course, the "sneaky shits" didn't admit that to me until much later. On this particular camping trip, we had thrown the dice to see who would sleep with whom. Lonnie and Larry were paired, as were "Dad" and me. I had noticed the smirk on their faces as they exchanged looks, but I didn't challenge it. After an exhausting day, we piled into our respective tents. Mr. Davis stripped down to his boxers. In the dim light, I couldn't help but notice his beautiful body. The man was drop-dead handsome and a really sweet person. He innocently reached inside to scratch himself and I sprang a boner. I had to turn away from him so that he wouldn't see it. "I hope you don't mind, but I sleep nude at night. I just don't like to sleep with clothing on. Even though the air is cool, we'll be plenty warm in the bag," he said and stripped off his shorts. Seeing my hesitation, he said, "Don't worry…we won't be touching each other. I'll sleep on my side and you'll sleep on yours, right?" He climbed into the double sleeping bag and turned his back to me. I turned off the light, stripped to my shorts and then thought, "Hell, why not? I'll sleep that way too." I climbed in next to him, but made sure we were not touching. The big bag was roomy, but my heart started pounding and I could feel his body heat. Fortunately, we both fell asleep right away. Sometime in the night, the feel of a heavy weight awakened me. I realized that "Dad" had put his leg over my hip and his huge, hard cock was brushing my backside. The end of it was wet. He was snoring loudly in my ear. I froze. What should I do? His right arm snaked over my chest and he pulled me to him. He began nuzzling my ear. "Oh, Julie…honey," he said in a half-whisper. I felt instantly sorry for him because I knew he was dreaming of his late wife. My sympathy came to an abrupt halt when I felt his cock start to press into me. He started kissing my neck and ear and moaned over and over as he fucked at my ass. I was completely turned on and wide-awake. But, I knew I had to move. I took his arm off of me and he suddenly disconnected and rolled over, snoring away. Suddenly, I felt very alone. I was miserable. My cock was harder than it had ever been. I was filled with lust, but I was afraid to jack off because he might wake up and catch me. So, I just lay there for a half-hour before I could finally wind down and go back to sleep. Just as I dozed off, he turned back toward me and lay snoring on his side. I was wide-awake again and actually shook with desire. Ever so slowly, I snaked my hand between us and bumped his leaking cock. My hand traced the contours of the familiar head and it stiffened in my fingers. I slid my hand down the shaft and it stiffened again. That was all it took. Something seized control of my body. I slid slowly under the covers, terrified that he would wake up and catch me. This time, I would go further. I knew what I intended to do, but I had to be careful. The heat from our bodies, trapped inside the sleeping bag, made me lightheaded. I smelled my way to the end of his leaking cock. I stuck my tongue out and touched the tip. He whimpered. I ran my tongue, very slowly, around the head and settled in the groove on the bottom. I moved forward and sucked the thick head of that magnificent organ into my mouth. He moaned. I gently slid further until the head was pressing against the back of my throat. There was no way to deep throat this man, and I wouldn't have known how, anyway. I began gentle motions with my tongue and slowly moved my head back and forth. His cock grew thicker and harder. Suddenly, his legs straightened out, his body went rigid and he flooded my mouth. At the same instant, I heard him gasp, "What are you doing?" Strong hands suddenly grabbed the sides of my head and seemed to be in conflict over whether to pull my head away or pull me all the way down. I was trapped. I couldn't move at all. From outside the sleeping bag, I heard the strangled whispering sounds of a man trying hard not to cry out, "Ohhhh God!" The strong hands held me firmly in place as his body convulsed. Several strong spurts gushed into my mouth. It was too much to swallow but I tried. Each blast was accompanied by stifled guttural, animalistic sounds of pain; or was it pleasure? The strong hands that had locked my head in place held me tight even after the spasms had subsided. The grip on my head finally softened and released me. I stayed hidden under the covers too ashamed to move. "Come up here," he ordered. I slowly moved up. There were tears in his eyes. "Why did you do that to me? Do you know what you've done? Ronnie, that was wrong!" he said in a voice barely above a whisper. Shaking, I said, "I'm sorry. I couldn't help it. I know I shouldn't have done it but I thought you needed it. And I just wanted to do it for you." He stared at me for the longest time, as if trying to comprehend what had just happened. Finally, he spoke. "So what's it to you if I needed it? You had no right to do that to me. I've tried to give up women and go without because of the boys. You really shouldn't have done that to me. Now you've fucked up my head!" Instantly remorseful, I begged, "Please don't be mad at me. I couldn't help it. I just wanted to try it with someone older than me and you are the only one I wanted to be with. Please don't tell anybody. I'm sorry." Once again, he looked deeply into my eyes, "Hmmmm, that's a strange thing to say, "do it to someone older"…so, I guess that means you've been sucking off someone younger. Larry, maybe?" Now I was really trapped. I froze. "Tell me!" he ordered. I looked away and said, "Yes, sir." He continued, "What about Lonnie? Do you suck him off, too?" I quickly replied, "No…No! Never! I've never touched Lonnie. And Larry and I have only done it a couple of times! Really! We were just playing around." Mr. Davis was very quiet for a long time and just continued staring into my eyes. Finally, he spoke. "I have never done anything like this in my life. I've never even had a blowjob before." Mr. Davis sighed heavily. "Now, I've got another problem," he said, gently. His face and his voice softened as he said, "Give me your hand." Before I could move, he reached out and grabbed my hand and pulled it onto his cock. It was rock hard again. I caught my breath. "That little trick you pulled on me, under the covers, has made me realize how much I have missed. You're just a kid. Where in the hell did you learn to suck that way? Fuck, man, do you know what you've done? If you weren't already 18, I could go to jail for this and they'd throw away the key." I started to cry and said, "But it wasn't your fault. I did it to you. You didn't do anything. So, how could you be at fault?" Mr. Davis looked defeated and tired as he said, "Because when I realized what you were doing, I didn't stop you. I held on to you and made you take it. I could have stopped, but I didn't want to. I wanted to cum in your mouth. I want to cum in your mouth right now. That's what you've done! I should slap the shit out of you but all I can think of is that my dick is hard and I want you to suck me off again and again and I want to fuck your ass. Can you understand what you've done? You sucked me off without my permission. You've sucked off my son. I should beat your ass and tell your parents." With that, he reached up and stroked the hair out of my eyes, pulled my face close to his and kissed me lightly on the forehead. I thought I would faint. He continued, softly, "But I won't do any of it. Because, little Buddy, there's no turning back now." He pulled me into his arms and pressed his body tightly against mine. I was lost in the most intense reverie. He held me close that way for a very long time. I could feel his long cock twitching against my body. He pulled me closer and rubbed his cock, back and forth over mine, and then he pulled away a bit. We locked eyes for several seconds. Nothing more needed to be said. Without speaking, I crawled down in front of him and sucked him into my mouth again; he made no attempt to stop me. I heard him whimper in surrender. His hands went to the back of my head and he guided my back and forth movements. Then he stopped moving and pulled my head off his cock. "Lay on your back," he said, "if we're going to do this, we might as well make it good." He placed a pillow under my head and straddled my chest. His balls were resting on my mouth. "Lick my balls and suck on them," he commanded. I was immediately enveloped in the heat and powerful aroma of his masculinity and once again I felt faint. "Yeah…that's it. Eat my balls…ohhhh, yess…baby…I love it…no, I fucking love it!" he said dreamily. After a few minutes, he repositioned his body and I felt the wet end of his cock pressing between my lips. He whispered to me, sounding as if he were intoxicated, "Suck it, buddy…suck it like you want it...suck it like the good little cocksucker you're going to be…my little're gonna suck me every day from now on…do you like that idea? Sucking me…every… fucking day… sucking…all my juice…and…Ohhhhh… swallowing me… every…fucking…DAY!!" He punctuated the last word with a thrust of his hips that nearly choked me. He swelled up so much that I thought I wouldn't be able to keep him in my mouth. Once again, I was filled to capacity and I eagerly drank him down as he shuddered over and over again. His cocksucker! I nearly fainted from the joy of it all. He finally fell off me onto his side. He reached over and pulled me spoon style to his chest. He gently nuzzled and kissed the back of my neck…his softening cock pressed against my butt and we fell into a deep sleep for the rest of the night. The next morning John was bubbly and full of energy. Larry looked at me suspiciously and asked me, "What did you do, beat him off again? He seems so cheerful this morning!" "Yeah, sure. He wasn't drunk, remember?" was all I said, sarcastically. He looked at me strangely as he said, "Oh, yeah. I forgot." The next day started off normally. We fished, ate, and sat around the campfire shooting the shit. But, the glorious mood didn't last. As the day continued, Mr. Davis became more sullen, quiet and withdrawn. He averted his eyes each time I looked at him. He seemed troubled. I began to feel uncomfortable. Something was wrong. He wouldn't look at me when he spoke. Late that afternoon he announced that he wasn't feeling well and that we were going home early. I was crushed. Larry and Lonnie were disappointed. So, we broke camp, packed up and headed for home. I was dropped off and that was that. The next week came and went, and Larry stayed over at my house the following weekend. Larry had been unusually quiet and subdued all week. When we were finally alone, I asked him what was going on. "I don't know how to tell you this, but…" His voice trailed off and he stared off into space. My heart stopped. Had his father confessed what had happened between us? Had he given Larry hell for playing around with me? I felt panic and dread as I asked, "Tell me what?" Larry turned to look at me. "Lonnie knows about what we did," he said. My mind whirled in confusion. "What? Lonnie!? What are you talking about?" I asked. "Lonnie saw us that day when we sucked each other’s dick. He watched us through the bathroom from his bedroom. He said he had a perfect view of the whole thing," Larry said quietly. I blurted out, "You said he wasn't home!" Larry replied, "I didn't think he was, but he must have come in after we got started." My jaw nearly hit the floor and I felt like someone had kicked me in the stomach. I couldn't speak because my heart was pounding in fear and shame. "That's not the worst part of it," Larry continued, "he made me suck his cock every day last week or he said he'd tell Dad on us." I shook my head in disbelief and said, "No!" Larry continued, "He told me to tell you that you have to suck his cock too, or he'll tell your folks on both of us." I was stunned. I couldn't speak. "Tonight. You have to suck his cock tonight or it's all over," Larry said. "What? Tonight? How? My folks are home! I can't go over to your house tonight," I said in a panic. Larry continued, "He said we had to meet him out in back of your garage at 10:30. He said you could do it to him back there. He said if we didn't meet him on time, he'd come inside and tell your parents." The whole thing pissed me off. The truth be told, I had been attracted to Lonnie for over two years, but couldn't have put it into words. Once, when I was 11, he had taken me down and pressed his body against mine and I felt him get hard. He held me down and ground his groin against me for several minutes, grunted and rubbed real hard against me, then suddenly got up and took off. The front of his jeans was wet. Nothing else happened between us after that. Now he was blackmailing me into sucking his cock! With what I knew about life today, all he had to do was ask. It was almost 10:30 and Larry and I went out the back door. When we rounded the corner of the garage, we ran right into Lonnie and another guy named Joel. "Right on time, Ronnie. Guess you wanted some of this dick, huh? Well, you're going to suck it just like you sucked on my brother. Then Joel, here, wants some too," said Lonnie in a sneering tone. Two zippers were pulled down as Lonnie pushed me against the back of my garage. "Get down and do it," he commanded. Lonnie's cock was almost as big as his father’s. There was no gentleness, however, as he shoved it into my mouth and gagged me. I coughed and nearly threw up. In seconds, Lonnie flooded my mouth and pulled away. It was over almost before it began. "Your turn, Joel," he said to his friend. Joel took his place and pressed forward. I opened my mouth and a very hard 6" cut cock slipped into my mouth. Joel, too, pushed too deep and the head of his dick went down my throat. I gagged again and this time I threw up. Joel stepped back quickly enough to escape the contents of my stomach. "OK, Larry, you suck Joel," said Lonnie. "Yeah, on your knees and suck my dick," growled Joel to Larry. As I fought for control, I saw Joel grab Larry's head and force it over his cock. Seconds later, Joel gasped and shot off into Larry's mouth. In less than a minute, both boys had zipped up and took off, leaving Larry and me to sort things out. There were no more camping trips for the four of us for the rest of that summer. Over time, I grew to like having sex with Lonnie and Joel. They eventually admitted that they had acted like jerks, and changed their behavior towards us after that night. Our foursomes continued fairly regularly after that, and I had individual sessions with Lonnie and Joel after work. They became so enjoyable that I looked forward to getting together. Joel was the first of the two to fuck me and I discovered that I liked it. It hurt at first, but changed to a wonderful pleasure that I could have only imagined. He made me shoot all over his stomach the first time we tried it; it caught us both by surprise. We started doing it regularly after that. I would suck him off first, and then he would fuck me two or three more times before going home. Later, when Lonnie learned that Joel had been there first, he wanted to try. Joel had loosened me sufficiently that I could take Lonnie's huge cock without much trouble. It was so hot. Lonnie also made me shoot without touching myself. It seemed to make him proud. Larry and I continued to spend time with each other and our weekend sleepovers continued sporadically over the next two years, but Larry's dad stayed away from us when I was there. He rarely fell asleep or passed out on the sofa during that time. Naturally, I was obsessed with seeing and tasting that cock again. Mr. Davis had told me that night that he wanted me to suck him "every day," to "be his own cocksucker," but he made sure he was never around me alone. He avoided me at all costs and, frankly, it hurt my feelings. But there was nothing to be done about it. Clearly, Mr. Davis had felt guilty about what had happened between us and remained out of reach. And then, the world changed. I had asked to borrow some of Larry's CD's and he told me to just go into the house and get what I wanted. The house was always unlocked and I just walked in as usual…and right into his very naked, dripping wet father. "Shit! Where'd you come from?" he asked while trying to cover himself. "Sorry,” I said. “Larry asked me to pick up his book…." My voice trailed off as I saw the towel "tenting" in front of his crotch. I stared, transfixed. "Stop looking at me like that," he said petulantly. My heart leaped into my throat, and my cock strained against my own pants so hard that it hurt. Brazenly, I grabbed the towel, ripped it from his hands and instantly went down on him. The quick intake of his breath registered his shock, but he just stood there, helplessly, and his words betrayed him, "Ohhhh don't…please…Noooooo…please. This is wrong. Doooon't…Oh, God! I can't take this. Please…Oh, fuck…I love it…" He made no move to stop me and I intended to see it through. Suddenly, he pulled away and pulled me to my feet. He trembled as he stared deeply into my eyes and said in a choked-up voice, "Take your clothes off." I stripped on the spot. He scooped me up in his arms and carried me off to his bedroom, dropping me on the bed. "Spread 'em," he said. He grabbed a bottle of lubricant and slicked up his cock. He rubbed lubricant over my asshole and it didn't take a brain surgeon to know what was going to happen. It hurt when one lubricated finger gently opened my hole. It hurt more when two fingers pressed inside. It hurt proportionately more when three fingers went in, but the discomfort began to change, subtly. He climbed up beside me on the bed and told me to sit on his cock. "How?" I asked. "Get over me and slide down onto it. Do it slow and it won't hurt as bad. Just expect it to hurt at first, no matter how slow we go, but you'll soon love it!" I did as instructed and was shocked to feel the blunt, thick head open my asshole. Man, did that hurt! I was so grateful to Lonnie and Joel for having stretched my body, but "Dad" was simply bigger. Tears sprang to my eyes and I had to stop to adjust to him. It took me five more minutes to get his cock into my ass. Thirty seconds later, when he began to move, I could tell that the pain was going to be worth it. In fact, the pain rapidly disappeared as he moved that mountainous pole in and out of my body. Pain? What pain? All I could feel was a rapturous build-up of pleasure. John rolled me over and I was on my back with him still impaled inside. He pulled my ass to the end of the bed and placed my legs over his shoulders. Then he fucked me. Or, should I say he locked his soul to mine and connected our bodies to a central source of mutual pleasure that only increased with each thrust. Just when I thought I could not stand it any more, I felt the floodgates open inside me. I felt hot, thick pressure of his viscous fluids being forced into the very center of my being. At that instant, I painted his chest hairs and face with fluid of my own and nearly fainted from the ecstatic pleasure. I never made it back to school that afternoon and had to pretend to be sick so that no one would suspect. John fucked me two more times that afternoon before I had to go home. For the next two years, I sucked or made love to that man nearly every day until I had to go away to finish my college education. Larry and I had spent the first two years at our local junior college and had planned to transfer to the state college for the final two years. Larry pledged a fraternity and I didn't. When John would come to campus to visit Larry, it was natural for him to stay over at my apartment. And, regular as clockwork, Larry would smirk…"Every time he stays with you, he's so cheerful the next morning…" I would simply smile in return.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from

I'll Never Forget My Buddy's Dad

My best friend's mom died when he was fairly young, leaving his dad a widower. Larry's father never remarried. His sons were his life and he was determined to make up for the loss of their mother. My parents respected him for his obvious devotion to his boys. They admired the way he sacrificed his own happiness to be there for them. The boys loved him passionately in return. John


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