Gay Erotic Stories


by Michael Moran

The usual disclaimers apply. If you are under age or live somewhere with laws that prohibit you from reading material of an explicit sexual nature do not continue. The same goes for anyone who might be offended by descriptions of sex between two men. Please go. This piece is copyrighted and may not be reproduced anywhere else without my consent. This is a Revised Version of a story you may have read before. Although it was written several years ago, I've wanted to go back and correct some (to me) glaring errors. After re-doing Stakeout in the Cops section, I decided to go ahead with the renovation on John. As are most of my stories "John" is based, very loosely, on an actual event. It is for the most part, a work of fiction and should be considered as entertainment. Constructive comments may be directed to Flames will be worked, unflatteringly, into the plot line of a story involving sheep, eunuchs, white slave traders and a sleazy little dive in a small town in the Midwest. Most will be ignored. JOHN By Michael Moran There's a sentence that used to make me crazy. Along with "The check is in the mail", "I won't cum in your mouth" and "Of course I'll respect you in the morning" it was one of the great lies. It's of fairly simple construction, and sounds innocent enough, but when someone goes out of his way to say it, he has a certain shift to the eye that, in 99% of the time, screams I AM LYING. With this in mind, imagine my dismay when I heard myself actually uttering the dread words. "I've… Never… Done… This… Before." The problem was that in my case it was true. It all started, innocently enough on one of my many trips to the Central Library. Traffic was unusually light that day and I arrived earlier than expected. To kill some time, I did a quick walking tour of the old Broadway Theatre District and discovered that I still had a half an hour until opening time. Faced with an unscheduled void in my heavily scheduled day, I sought out an isolated spot to review my notes. It was then, as I sat on the edge of the planter, trying to decipher pages of random scribbling, that I saw him for the first time. What first caught my eye was his striking resemblance to the kid I'd used as a character in my first book. He had the same sensuous mouth, flawless olive skin and thick black hair buzz cut short at the sides. For a fraction of a second, I wondered if Sam hadn't done the unthinkable and flunked out of Columbia University. I smiled inwardly at the impossibility of THAT ever happening and returned to my notes. He was in the same spot, staring directly at me, when I looked up again. Even the eyes, brown, impossibly large and bottomless, even at a distance, were like Sam’s. Thinking that he’d seen me looking and had misread my intentions, I got up, stretched and moved to the far end of the plaza. A giant industrial helicopter served as a temporary, albeit irritating, distraction as it hovered low enough to rattle the windows of the Arco Towers. All activity around the library came to a halt. People stood around watching with bated breath as it deposited an air conditioning unit on the roof of a nearby office building. I feigned interest until it had performed its duties and darted behind the Plaza Tower before daring to sneak a surreptitious glance out of the corner of my eye. He was still there and, for all I knew, hadn't taken his eyes off of me since he first sat down. I glanced at my watch and, to my relief, saw that I'd just wasted a half an hour watching an oversized UPS delivery. Hoping to dissuade the boy from what it seemed that he had in mind, I took the long way around to the entrance only to find him on the other side of the stairs. A crowd of people had gathered around me, most chattering excitedly about what they'd just seen. As I stood there trying to will the doors to open, I took the opportunity to at least see what I was ignoring. He was about Sam's height: 5'7", with a tight, wiry body that was evident in spite of the loose fitting clothes. An elderly man jostled against him and immediately pulled away as if afraid of some kind of violent retaliation. The boy flashed an easy smile full of brilliant white teeth that put the man at ease. The crowd edged forward and I made a big show out of becoming absorbed in my notes. The truth was that I wanted to see what he looked like climbing the stairs. If that made me a closet chicken hawk, at least I wasn't disappointed. While his butt wasn't as heartrendingly beautiful as Sam's, it was good enough to cause a few skipped beats. Ah the beauty of youth. The problem was that I figured HIS youth to be in the 15 to 16 year old range and vowed to forget what had just crossed my mind. Once inside, I breathed a sigh of relief. He was nowhere to be seen. I glanced down the hall leading toward the children's wing and continued toward the atrium and the sight of him stepping off the escalator at the English and Humanities level. I didn't have to turn around to know he was standing at the railing watching as I made my descent to the bottom level. My visit to the photo collection proved to be less helpful than I had hoped it would be. My mood had deteriorated badly by the time I put aside the last stack of interesting but mostly useless photos. I rubbed my eyes and had just settled back to wait for the attendant to bring back an order form when something caught my attention. He was sitting two tables away. This was getting stranger by the minute. Right about now you're probably wondering why I didn't just go up and talk to the kid, right? Believe me, that thought crossed my mind several times in the minutes that followed. What’s important to understand is that the last thing a man in my position needs is to have some kid seduce him and then run to his parents with a concocted tale of rape. Even as I glanced across the room, and our eyes briefly met, three words kept me from going over to him: Ten… To… Twenty. I gathered up my notebook, paid for the order at the front desk and left without so much as a glance back. To tell the truth, even as I was pulling out of the lot, I started to feel guilty about blowing him off the way I did. With the exception of a close friend who had heard stories about police brutality against "molesters" of children and agreed wholeheartedly with my decision, my friends thought I was crazy. One of them, a graphic artist, even went so far as to put together a videotape of young looking porno actors, designed a box entitled "McMartin Pre-School Audition Tape" and presented it to me, with great fanfare, for my 42nd birthday. If a lesson was learned that day, it was to never tell a friend anything you wouldn't tell Jerry Springer on afternoon television. It took awhile, but the incident was eventually forgotten: or so I thought. Several months passed before I returned to the Library again. I was sitting at the same spot, when someone tapped me on the shoulder. There he was: the boy with the dazzling smile. This time he was dressed less like a kid who had just ditched Study Hall, but not so much that I let my guard down. "Hey, I thought I'd scared you off forever." I moved over a few inches and hesitated before responding. "I don't scare easily," I grumbled in a tone of voice that I hoped would convey disinterest. "Is that why you almost ran out of here the last time? I'm legal: really. I just don't look like it." "You had me fooled. So what is it you want?" "Nothing. I just wanted to talk to you. Haven't you ever seen someone you wanted to talk to?" "Yeah, but I've never followed them around the library." He looked a little embarrassed and tried to cover it by tossing a small twig into the reflecting pool. "I guess I do sort of get carried away sometimes. My Dad says it's going to get me into trouble if I don't stop it." "You do that a lot?" "I've never actually picked someone up if that's what you mean. I usually just watch people either until the library opens or they uh..." "Run away in a panic? Your father's right." "Yeah… I guess." "They're about to open" I said with a pointed glance at my watch. Seeing that his eyes were level with my crotch as I got up to leave, I tried to cover the awkward moment with an innocent question. "Are you going inside or just… kicking? "I do have to look something up for a paper I'm researching. How about you?" "I have an appointment at the archives, but it shouldn't be long." The words were no sooner out than I regretted them. I had just given tacit approval and I still didn't feel comfortable with what this was starting to look like. He flashed an ear to ear grin and jumped to his feet. We were almost to the open door when he pulled out his wallet and held it up. I glanced at his driver's license and felt a little guilty. "It's okay. I believe you… John." "Hey, how'd you know my name was John?" "It's on the license." "Yeah, but I didn't think you'd even notice the name… Michael." "How'd you know MY name?" I asked suspiciously. "They left the form you filled out last time on the counter. I got a look at it after you left. You look like a Michael." "That was creative of you. I'm impressed." "Don't be," he said, lightly touching my arm. "I wasn’t the only one to look at it. I hope you’re in the habit of locking your doors." Okay, so his license said he was nineteen. Assuming it was real, it still didn't explain why I was so uncomfortable. He talked briefly about his plans for the future and although none of them appeared to involve anything sinister, I couldn’t bring myself to let down my guard. As we got to close to the information desk, he pulled me aside. "Listen, I think you're a cool guy," he said, capturing my eyes with his steady gaze. "If I make you that nervous I'll just say goodbye here. I REALLY don't want anything, and I don't think I'd be much of a threat to you in a dark alley, but it's obvious you..." I stopped him with a conciliatory hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry, John. I'm acting like an ass hole and I don't mean to. I'll be in the History section when you're finished." "Cool," he said as he started down the hall. "I'll see you down there." Fortunately for me, the woman in charge of the photo collection was running a little behind that morning and my late arrival went unmentioned. Before I could think too much about John's pretty little ass, I became absorbed in the stack of files waiting on the table. An hour sped by before I felt a presence at my back. John was frowning as he looked at the old photographs spread out before me. "Is THAT what you do here? You just look at old pictures?" "They're not just old pictures," I said defensively. "They're history, John. I'm a stickler for detail." Carolyn walked by as John pulled out a chair. Knowing I wouldn't let him get in the way, she let the infraction pass. Before long he was eagerly asking questions as I showed him pictures of what was lost while telling him what replaced it. When the time was up, and I had ordered my copies, he was still going on about all of the cool things he'd seen. It was only as we started up the escalator that he grew serious. "So, are you going to disappear too?" "Actually, I thought maybe you'd like to see some of these places." "Sure! I mean if it's no trouble." Trouble hadn't been ruled out, but by this time I was more open to it. We started off toward Broadway. OUR education had begun. We’d gone not more than a couple of blocks when he started telling me some of his background. He was of Mayan descent and was born in a tiny village in Central America. Somehow, he'd ended up in an orphanage just outside Mexico City. He was adopted and brought to this country at the age of ten. His adoptive parents were anthropologists, wealthy and, for some reason or another, pushing him to enter the world of finance or something business related. "So what do YOU want to do?" I asked. "I'd like to become a teacher so I can go back and help my people to get ahead. I see no reason why they can't be educated and still keep their identity." The next few hours were spent impressing each other. That's an odd thing to say, but it's true. He was impressed by the fact that I had even heard of his people, one of the tribes that was formed when the big cities were abandoned. I was impressed by his insight into why HIS goals were important. The conversation became less personal as we came across points of interest. More significant was how easily we related to each other. It was only when it got around to sex that I began to get nervous again. He was the one who brought up the subject as we were walking across Pershing Square. The long hours on our feet began to take their toll. John slipped off his shoes and plunged his feet in the fountain. "God," he sighed. "The only thing I can think of that would feel better than this is taking off all my clothes and crawling into bed with you." "That's direct," I said with a nervous laugh. "You wouldn't want it any other way would you?" I tried to think of something clever to say, but I was speechless: as if the blood had all drained from my brain and had settled in my cock. The kid had a point, and I'd be lying if I said that the thought hadn't crossed my mind. At the same time there's a world of difference between thinking about it in passing and having a beautiful kid like John walk up and put his dick in your hand. "So," he said half whispering. "Are you going to take me up on the offer or would you rather sit here for the rest of the afternoon and stare at your boner?" "I guess when you put it like that..." "Tell ya what," he said jumping to his feet and standing with his crotch not more than twelve inches away from my face. "You provide the wheels and I'll provide the bed. That way you won't have to worry about not being able to get me out of the house." What had been an ordinary day suddenly turned magical. I caught myself staring at him more than once as we walked silently across the square. The afternoon sun imparted a glow to his skin and hair that spoke of Kings and pyramids: of golden masks and brightly colored feathers that swirled in the wind as he danced for the gods. We came upon an old man sitting on a bench near the corner of the park. He was crying softly as he stared at the spilled and crushed remains of a coke and a hot dog. John touched my hand and shook his head as I reached for my wallet. He turned and ran over to one of the many vendors selling food around the perimeter of the busy square. When he returned carrying a box of chicken and a coke, he dropped to one knee and handed them to the old man. Words were exchanged softly in a language that I couldn't place. After a couple of minutes of animated conversation, the old man broke out in a broad toothless smile as he patted John's shoulder. More words were exchanged until the old man nodded and got to his feet, the pain registering on his worn face. The sight of the two men communicating from opposite ends of life brought a tear to my eye. He glanced at me as he began his short journey, then back at the young man who'd been kneeling at his feet and nodded. John returned to my side and we waited until the man had reached one of the shelters before continuing on our way. As if sensing the questions, John turned to me and shrugged. "I recognized him as one of my people. I told him where he could go for help." Nothing was offered as to why he'd stopped me but I was pretty sure that I already knew. Pride is everything when you have nothing. With the exception of directions, not much was said from that time until we reached our destination: Hancock Park. For those not familiar with Los Angeles, Hancock Park is an enclave of old money located at the southern end of Hollywood. "Over behind that wall," John said pointing to an acre of neatly groomed lawn just off Sixth Street. "Just turn in the first driveway." I followed his instructions, stopping as an imposing metal gate slid to one side. While waiting for the drawbridge to lower, I noticed two expensive hoods poking out from the shade of a four-car garage. "I see we’re not alone." "Huh? Oh… you mean the Chariots Of Ire? They belong to my parents. Mine’s parked in the other garage around back." "The other garage? Let me guess; the oil well stopped pumping and you couldn’t get gas." "I prefer to walk when I go down to the library. Believe me, I drive like everyone else during the week. My parents think I’m crazy." "Speaking of which…" "They're in Peru on a dig and won't be back until the end of the year. We can stay up late and make popcorn." We left my truck sitting under an old sycamore and began the trek toward the house. John grabbed my hand and squeezed as we crossed the vast motor court. When I didn't return the show of affection he frowned but said nothing. John left me standing in the hallway while he went around turning on the lights until the entire ground floor was glowing. He explained his peculiar behavior as he led me into the living room. "I don't like being alone in this house unless it's lit up like a Christmas tree. Sorta childish, huh?" "That depends," I said thinking of the electric bills he must run up. "Do you also sleep with a night light and a teddy bear?" "If there’s nothing else available." We sat on opposite couches: he saying nothing and I gawking at the quirky opulence. The room was done tastefully in what might be called Anthropological Antique. Mixed in with some very expensive pieces was an eclectic hodgepodge of masks and fetishes. It had a lived in, rather than visited, look. My eyes drifted from one piece to the next, but John's attention remained on me. "It's the age thing, isn't it?" he said quietly as he gave me that look. "Not all, but part of it," I replied, shifting in my seat. "What's the rest?" "It's just that I've never..." Oh God. I was going to make the dreaded statement; utter the words that I detested. I wanted to stop and think of some other way of saying it but it was too late. "You've never what?" he persisted. "I've-never-done-this-before." There. I had said it. John sat back laughed. "You expect me to believe that you've never gone home with someone who found you attractive? Give me a fucking break." "No. I mean I've never done it under these circumstances, and never with someone in… uh, your age range." "That's funny. I imagined you as being much more sure of yourself." "That's the strange part: normally I AM. I guess I'm just used to being more in control. I still don't know exactly what happened." "Let me see if I can jar your memory." John sprang to his feet and was undressing before my mind could fully grasp the idea that he was doing it for my benefit. Once he'd kicked off his shoes, he pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it over the arm of the sofa. Then he loosened his belt, letting his pants fall around his ankles. His hand caressed the healthy bulge in his jockeys before sliding them down over his legs. His erection was miraculous, standing tall, proud and uncut from a bush of thick black hair. I slid a sweaty palm along his smooth thigh, wracking my brain for something appropriately profound or wildly seductive to say. "God you're beautiful, John." I wished it could have been something more memorable. It should have been something he'd think about when he got to be an old man: something to make him smile whenever he thought about it. Whatever their shortcomings as words to remember, they seemed to have worked for John. He dropped on to the sofa, wrapped his arms around my neck and drew me into a kiss that I was powerless to resist. When we came up for air, he slipped his tongue in my ear. "Me estas volviendo loco. Make love to me, Michael. Please," he whispered urgently. I couldn't believe my ears; I was driving him wild. He was begging. I kept thinking that I had to be out of my fucking head. There I was: a man more than twice his age, allowing myself to be seduced by this... this what? This boy? Nevertheless, he wasn't a boy. He was a man with needs and desires: a man who could manipulate the buttons on my Levis as well as any 30-year-old. Why was I fighting it right up to the point where the last button popped open and his strong hand reached inside? "I think someone's got a woody," he teasingly whispered as he grasped my impossibly hard dick. He carefully pulled it out, examining it from all angles before flicking his tongue delicately over the head. "Looks like I was right." John turned on to his back and rested his head on my lap. With my dick pressed against his cheek, he closed his eyes and sighed. My eyes traveled the length of the body stretched across my lap, watching the naturally chiseled planes of his chest rise and fall. I marveled at how good nature had been to him. His skin was silky and warm to the touch as I traced my fingers between his smooth pectorals to where his abdomen divided into hard ridges of muscle. The clothes he'd worn that first day covered more than I could ever have imagined. He trembled as I placed the palm of my hand gently on his thigh and bent forward to kiss his upturned face. For awhile, none of my ideas of what physically defines a man meant shit. We were equal. He groaned a little in protest as I slipped out from under his head while stuffing my propriety back into my pants. "Listen, John, I think maybe we should…" He shook his head. "Your problem… Miguel… is that you think too damned much." "My problem… Juan… is someone who won't let me finish a sentence. I was going to say that maybe we should go upstairs." John grinned as he jumped to his feet and, pointedly, turned out the light. I followed him out into the reception hall firm in my resolve to leave at the first mention of video games. I knew people who had apartments that were smaller than John's bedroom. It was upstairs at the back and appeared to extend at least half the width of the house. Seeing my surprised expression, he explained that it was constructed to accommodate a billiard room that the original owner had purchased out of one of the old Vanderbilt mansions. "I didn't know there was so much money to be made in Anthropology," I said checking out the superb craftsmanship of the teak wall paneling. "Neither did I," he replied as he walked to a set of French doors and threw them open to the late afternoon air. "For awhile I almost had myself convinced that they were smuggling drugs on the side to pay for it." "That seems like a reasonable conclusion." "Yeah. I was almost disappointed when I found out that the real money was in book sales and lecture tours." He stepped out on to the wide balcony and leaned over the concrete balustrade, spreading his legs wide as he looked over the edge. "Come over here and look at the garden. It looks pretty cool from up here." The sight of his naked body gleaming in the near twilight looked pretty damned cool from where I was standing, and I was reluctant to move. He looked back over his shoulder and frowned. "I know you're not afraid of heights. It's okay to be a big butch top and still appreciate beauty when you see it." "That's exactly what I was doing," I replied as I crossed the room, reluctantly, to stand directly behind him. He gazed down on the lush garden and a fountain that bubbled noisily in the center of a broad swath of green. "Not bad, huh? I helped build that when they first brought me here." I glanced over the edge and grunted my approval. I like fountains just as much as the next guy, but it paled in comparison to the work of art that was standing not more than seven inches from my crotch. "Fucking amazing," I mumbled as I slipped my arms around his chest. John sighed deeply and, placing his hands on mine guided them downward. I buried my face in his hair as my hand closed around his dick and stroked it gently. "Damn that feels great, Michael. If I'd known that a little water was all it took, I'd have pushed you in the reflection pool the first time I saw you: by accident, of course." We backed away from the garden view until we came to an enormous mahogany sleigh bed. John shrugged from my embrace and slowly began removing my clothes. As each article of clothing came off, he carefully folded it and placed it on the chair. While the pile grew, everything else was reduced to a lot of sensory fragments, of assorted sizes and intensities, scattered across my brain. The rasp of his tongue tracing a path down my inner thigh not eclipse the cold sting of polished wood against my naked butt as I leaned against the footboard. If the sight of my cock sliding into his mouth loomed large so did the silken texture of his hair as I pushed the thick mane of glossy black hair away from his forehead. From the very beginning John was a symphony of sensations without so much as a single discordant note. He stopped to take a breath, coughed and in one swift movement took it all the way to the base. I found myself spinning out of control, grabbing the back of his head and forcing myself in and out of his willing mouth in quick, jerky strokes as thoughts of shooting my load in his mouth clouded my brain. It embarrasses me to admit that if John hadn't the presence of mind to periodically twist my nuts until the threat had passed it would have been over in minutes. John had begun to show signs of fatigue by the time I came to my senses. He disengaged from my cock and massaged his aching jaw. "Damn! Slow down, Mike. It's taken you months to get THIS far. You don't want it all over in a few minutes do you?" I looked into his eyes and smiled as I rested my prick, still glistening with his saliva, on his cheek. "Poor John," I replied softly. "Of course I don't." That seemed to be all that he needed to hear. He jumped to his feet and pressed his head tightly to my chest. "I can hear your heart pounding," he said quietly. "That's your doing." "You're a very sexy man, Michael. I don't want this to EVER end. I want to please you for as long as you can take it." It wasn't a boy's arms that snaked around my waist and pulled me close in the last light of day. By way of comparison, his kiss was surprisingly timid and submissive: as if afraid of taking too much control. I slid my hands under his arms, pulling him tighter: pressing my rigid cock against his taut belly. "I'm not going anywhere John." Sometimes words just aren't adequate. If you're one of the lucky ones, there'll be an experience in your life that by virtue of its magnitude defies any attempt to record it for posterity by mere words. From the moment that he stretched out and pulled me down on top of him, I knew that I was about to have one of those experiences. He whispered my name, softly, as I kissed his ear… his neck and finally his throat. It seemed odd that such an articulate young man would have so much trouble making complete sentences until I realized that every other word was punctuated with a gasp or a moan of pleasure. My tongue inched downward, leaving a moist trail on his golden brown skin, until I reached his chest. When presented with so many desirable choices, it was hard to decide. John decided for me. "Lameme los sobacos," he whispered, running his long fingers through my hair. I looked up questioningly. His eyes were closed and his face glistened in the dim light. "My pits," he repeated in English. "Lick my pits." Pinning his arms above his head, I buried my face under the right one. His dick jumped and quivered against mine as I nibbled at the splash of curly black hair. He squirmed with delight as I sucked and licked my way down the underside of one arm, across his chest and back up the other one. "Suck on it! Suck my tit!" The urgency in his voice was an unexpected turn on for me. Even as my mouth locked on to an erect brown nipple, going from gentle nips to hard sucking and back again, I was planning what I was going to do with the other one. John released his grip on my head and grabbed the headboard. I thought, briefly, of the cuffs I had in the left pocket of my leather jacket but the thought faded without further consideration. This wasn't about power or control. It was about trust. As it was, he seemed to be doing a good job of keeping himself in bondage. He moaned and called out my name repeatedly but he never begged me to stop. It was like he'd gotten high from the pleasure and, like an addict, craved more. I traced a finger across the peaks and valleys of his chest, barely grazing his hard nipples as I continued my journey south to his mid section. The way his six-pack abs contracted each time my tongue came in contact with his navel was nothing less than a marvel. Separately and in pairs, they'd jump each time I swirled it around the edges of his outie belly button. "Me haces cosquillas!" he laughed. I knew the term. It meant I was tickling him. I stopped while he caught his breath and composed himself. While I loved the sound of his laughter, I sensed that anything I did to him would be returned in kind and I hated to be tickled. "Do you always slip into your native tongue when you're excited?" "Not always. Why? Does it bother you?" "No, but I want to be ready when you call me el viejo verde." "How could I call you that if you already know what it means? Hey, just how much Spanish do you understand?" "Enough to know when you're calling me a cabron asqueroso." "Why would I call you a disgusting asshole?" he asked solemnly as he sat up and wrapped his hand around my ramrod straight cock. He jacked it a couple of times, then fell back on the pillow and stared at the ceiling. "The sun's down." A light had come on in the garden and the shadow of a palm tree fell across his face. He looked so serene that I felt a momentarily pang of guilt when I took his cock in my mouth. I cupped his nuts in my hand, tugging gently as I peeled back the foreskin and applied suction to the wide head. "Chu'pame la polla," he rasped, spreading his legs wider to accommodate the probing finger working its way into his butt hole. "That's it. Eat my fat cock." My throat opened to accept his cock head. John uttered a cry of surprise that turned to a lustful growl as he dug his fingers into my shoulders and began fucking my face. The tangy aroma and vaguely rubbery taste of John's cock sweat made my own dick twitch and swell in anticipation of what was to come, but there was something else that I had to do first. I flipped him on to his stomach and plunged my tongue deep into his puckered pink hole. "Oh daddy!" he wailed, pulling his ass cheeks apart. "Eat it, man. Tongue fuck my hole!" I burrowed deeper, savoring all of the emotions and sensations that came with the knowledge that he'd given himself over to me completely and without reservation. With the barriers gone, I was free to vigorously attack his butt until he was begging me to stop. I released my grip on his firm young butt and he turned, laughing and breathless, on to his back. "I thought that I'm the one who's supposed to wear you out." "You inspire me," I replied, stroking the smooth perfection of his chest. "Just wait till you see what else I can do." He rolled off the side of the bed and started toward the bathroom where a night-light burned to ward of the darkness. I looked around and smiled at the wealth of contradictory information hanging on the walls. He obviously liked sex with men, yet the poster for Brittany Spears' first appearance at The Cow Palace filled a prominent spot above his dresser. How could he know the entire repertory of N-Sync and Doctor Dre and still have a lithograph of a "Gershwin In The Park" concert on display next to the self-professed virgin? How could he defend some, but not all, graffiti while a limited edition poster for an exhibit of pre-Colombian art hung next to the door? While waiting for his return, I walked out on to the balcony to get some air but mostly to think things over. I could no longer dismiss John as being just a cute, sexy kid in baggy clothes: even if I'd been inclined to do so. The young man who moved as purposefully as a cat stalking its prey was to be taken seriously. The question that was uppermost in my mind was of just how seriously I would take him if and when the time came to exchange phone numbers. Rain was eminent, and the garden seemed to be bracing for its arrival. A pair of birds circled the tiny basin at the far end of the yard, ignoring the grottos and overhangs of the much larger fountain in the center of the lawn as they searched for shelter. An avalanche of mottled gray clouds tumbled in from the north, filling the air with a subtle whiff of moisture. The first drop landed on my upturned palm and I turned to go inside. John was sitting on the edge of the bed, languidly stroking his erection, watching me. Inspired by his inexhaustible exuberance and energy, I made a dive for the bed. He laughed as we rolled over the tangle of sheets and blankets. "Mom says I'm not allowed to jump on the bed." "You've probably done a lot of things on this bed that she wouldn't approve of." "Uh-uh," he replied after a moment's thought. "My parents are very liberal, as long as I wash the sheets afterwards." If he'd said the same thing a couple of hours earlier, the deflating effects would have been swift, possibly permanent and definitely disastrous. How quickly John had put me at ease, turning what started out as an awkward, uncomfortable situation and making it feel right and proper: as it should be. I'd been freed to revel in the indescribable pleasures that were mine for the taking. At nineteen, John knew more about many things than a lot of men twice his age. It started to rain, and when John got up to close the doors I swung my legs over the edge of the bed. I watched in amazement as he moved from one to the next: amazed at the fact that not an ounce of fat seems to have taken hold on him. Supine, he was a wonder of nature. Standing, he was a miracle as the lines of his body stretched and changed with each movement. I suppose I could have watched him close doors all night, but there were things I'd rather see him doing, like walking toward me with an insatiable erection leading the way. He stood before me, firmly pushing me back as he dropped to his knees. I could see the rain falling, the drops lit from below by the garden lights. It was a perfect backdrop for the beautiful head that was working its magic between my legs: a blowjob in a shower of diamonds. He ran his hands along my thighs, stopping occasionally to grip my hands. He turned his attention to my balls, thoroughly washing them with long sensuous tongue strokes that extended from side to side and from the base of my cock to the back. Nothing escaped his attention. A rush of power coursed through my body as the sensations he so expertly brought to the surface placed me on a roller coaster without a seat belt and no brakes. The only sound in the room was that of our heavy breathing, the pounding of the rain on the canvas awning and a few urgent sighs of contentment. There were no words. My desire to suck his cock while he sucked mine was conveyed by a gentle tap on his upper arm. His beautiful uncut dick grazed against my beard as he positioned himself. As it passed under my nose, the odor of sweat was stronger than ever. I wrapped my hand around the base, squeezing gently as I drew his balls into my mouth. His dick quivered in response. My rod slipped deep into his throat until I could feel the muscles relaxing and contracting around the glans. My testicles began to contract in preparation for what promised to be an explosion of epic proportions. Once again John seemed to read my thoughts and pulled back. He turned around and pressed himself against my side with one arm across my chest and the other under my head. We remained locked in a lovers embrace while, outside, the rain pounded relentlessly against the windows. "Follame," he whispered. "Te follo primero, y tu a mi despues," I replied. He wanted me to fuck him but it was my response, in poorly pronounced Spanish, which surprised me. The number of times ANYONE had fucked me could be counted on one hand. That was about to change. John produced a rubber from the side table and slowly rolled it on to my dick. Once it was in place, he produced a bottle of lubricant and rolled on to his back to offer his hole to use as I saw fit. I went slowly, inserting my fingers one at a time until he was properly lubed and ready. With his legs draped over my shoulder, he looked up at me with huge trusting eyes. "Estoy listo" he whispered as my cock head touched his hole. "Se' suave." "Don't worry, John. I'll be gentle," I replied calmly as my cock was swallowed up by his rectum. People sometimes forget how significant the moment after penetration can be. Not only can it make or break the whole experience, but also the relationship. It's where limits are set and trust is established. With this in mind, I allowed him to call the shots. I've got a big dick and was prepared to call the whole thing off at the slightest sign of discomfort. He grunted, but his face remained calm as I pushed the walls of his hole aside. "I'm fine," he whispered. "Keep going." I began with a few short, slow thrusts and withdrawals. He nodded and I pulled out a little more: thrusting a little deeper, working up gradually until I'd pulled all but the head out. I paused to look in his eyes and was taken aback at the unbridled lust that I saw in them. "Ve hasta el fondo" he said in a harsh whisper. He wanted me to go in deep. I hesitated but for only a second as I pulled my knees up closer to readjust my aim. His eyes closed and he groaned loudly as I pushed the rest of the way in and began my assault in earnest. The rain was coming down hard and rain makes me an animal: a horny beast with nothing on its mind except a hard cock and a hot ass. Anything else is forgotten. John lapsed into a string of obscenities that were beyond my meager understanding of the language. Now and then, a word would race by that indicated he was having a pretty good time. It was a good thing he was because it was doubtful that I would have heard him if he'd asked me to stop. Eventually his legs began to tire and we changed positions: first on his side, then doggie-style, then on his stomach and finally with him on top riding it like a cowboy on an eight plus inch horse. His black hair was wet and plastered to his head as he bounced up and down, taking it as far as human limitations would allow. I didn't dare close my eyes because I didn't want to miss a single expression. His head lolled back as I pressed my palms to his sweaty chest, his nipples hardening as I gently pinched them. He was making strange noises at the back of his throat: noises that came from a place much deeper inside. "Harder, Miguel. Pinch my nipples harder," he commanded. I complied, but the sight of his dripping cock bobbing over my stomach was making it difficult to follow orders as I was repeatedly nudged toward the edge. Each time he would sense what was happening. He'd slow down but refused to let me pull out. "God, John. I feel like I'm going to cum." He brushed a lock of hair from his eyes and shook his head. "Uh-uh. Not until I say so." He bent at the waist and kissed me passionately. Sweat poured from every part of his body, falling on my face in a steady rain like the one outside, blending with mine until he licked it clean. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and sat up with John still impaled on my dick. His legs tightened around my waist as I buried my face in the crook of his neck and resumed my upward thrusts. I realized, as he tightened his sphincter around my cock, how wrong I'd been in my first assessment of his butt. At that moment it was, like the rest of him, absolutely perfect. My thrusts grew stronger. "Que' bien encajamos" he sighed in response. I'm wasn't sure what it meant, but whatever I was doing met with his approval. Reaching between our bellies, I grasped the major meat that would soon be invading me. I stroked it in time to my upward thrusts and felt it twitch and jump as my cock head hammered relentlessly against his prostate. A clap of thunder rolled over the city. A bolt of lightening blew out a transformer and the room was plunged into total darkness. John's arms tightened around my neck. I remembered how much he disliked the dark and pulled him closer; still rocking on the edge of the bed like a father comforting his son. Fortunately, he was not my son, nor was he old enough to be comforted like a child. What I was doing to him was anything but paternal. I wondered, as I moved in and out of his tight hole, what could possibly have happened in his childhood that would make him so terrified of the dark. I promised myself that some day I would ask and hope it wasn't anything terrible. I couldn't imagine anyone doing something horrible to John. "That was quite a suction we worked up," he said once he'd relaxed enough to disengage with a soft, wet pop. "You still want me to fuck you? I mean, we don't have to if you don't think..." "Shut up and grab the lube," I said, gently cuffing him on the side of his head. "We're going down stairs." I grabbed the flashlight from his dresser and, while John groped around for supplies, shined it on his backside. John glanced over his shoulder with a quizzical expression that turned to a lewd grin once he realized what I was doing. He bent over and spread his cheeks as he rummaged through the side stand. His butt hole, slick with Elbow Grease Gel, glittered in the darkness. We started down the thickly carpeted hallway with me in the lead. John, now a little unsure of what I could possibly be up to, hung back a few paces as I raced down the gently curving staircase. "Uh, where are we going?" "Outside to the garden," I replied. "The gar… But… but it's raining!" "Yeah I know. It's great isn't it?" "Yeah I guess so," he responded unenthusiastically. We came to the breakfast room and I threw open the double French doors leading out on the covered patio. Beyond the columns stretched the garden. It didn't take John long to catch on to what I had in mind once I inserted a generous glob of lube up my butt hole. He stopped my hand and moved up behind me. "Let me do it." I nodded and spread my legs. It'd been a long time since I'd been fucked, and never with a man so much younger. I winced as he inserted his finger but the pain passed quickly. Fortunately, he was too caught up in the moment to notice. Soon he was up to two, but it was going to take more than two slender fingers to match that whopper pressed against the back of my thigh. When, at last, I was fully lubed up, I eased into the warm rain and walked to the fountain that he'd helped to build. I spread my legs, planting my feet in the thick grass as I bent over and stared into the dark water. My grip on the moss covered concrete tightened as he guided the monster between his legs home. He was very calm which, considering he was trembling with barely contained excitement not more than fifteen minutes earlier, was quite an accomplishment. Even more of one was the fact that I didn't seem to have any trouble taking it. There were a couple of rough spots but I trusted John: just as he'd trusted me. The discomfort passed quickly and in less time than I would ever have thought possible, he was all the way in with his crotch grinding into my almost virgin ass. "God, your ass is so tight. You should have told me you were a virgin." "I'm not. It's just been a long time… and, damn, you're so big." "Just say the word and I'll pull out." "Ram it home, baby. Fuck my ass." "No problem. Just tell me when you've had enough." His concern in his voice was so earnest and reassuring that it didn't matter that our position wasn't appropriate for long term fucking. I didn't want it to end, and would have gladly kept his cock inside of me until the sun came up. Unfortunately, reality took precedence over human frailties and my legs began to tire. "Stay in there… don't pull out," I whispered as I tightened my grip. John gamely held on while I guided us to the ground and, in a slow, careful and awkward process, turned over on my back. The grass was cold against my skin but John's body heat warmed me. I threw my legs over his shoulders in anticipation of the next assault. He looked deeply into my eyes, dazzling me with his rain-drenched smile and for a precious few minutes, we were just two buddies fucking in the rain. The garden was alive with the sound of rain drops falling on exotic foliage, of wet skin slapping against wet skin and urgently whispered words of encouragement. We'd settled back into a mutually satisfying rhythm when John abruptly withdrew from my no longer virginal hole and got to his feet. He dashed across the broad expanse of lawn to the patio and was back on top of me before I could sit up. "This is so fucking cool," he said, rolling a condom on to my cock and easing himself down on it. "You are a very strange man, Miguel," he added after bouncing on it a couple of times. It seemed like such a natural thing to be doing: fucking in the rain. What could be more natural and pure? I grasped his narrow hips and forced him down hard, pushing upward into the warm confines of his anus. His hand flew to his engorged cock, wrapping his fingers around it tightly as he jerked himself off. "That's it, John. Cum for me." It took all of the will power I could muster to keep from shooting my load deep into his bowels. In the old days, back before things got weird, I might have done it anyway but John deserved better. He wanted so much to come while my dick was still inside of him that I held back and waited. His sphincter tightened as he pushed down, grinding his ass into my crotch. I knew from the way that his head rolled from side to side that it was time and on an upward thrust, the first load of his jizz erupted from his piss hole. It was followed by what seemed to be an endless supply of the creamy white liquid that washed down my sides and on to the wet grass as he milked it dry. "I want to do it," he said as I removed the rubber. He scooped up some of what remained of his cum and rubbed it on my ready to blow cock. Slowly, with attention paid particularly to the head, he masturbated me with long even strokes that built in intensity as I got closer. "Give me your load, Miguel," he crooned as I thrashed and bucked beneath him. "Cum for your Juanito." That did it. The moment I'd been putting off had arrived and there wasn't a damned thing that I could do to stop it. A soulful kiss that was nearly as draining as the ministrations of his hand stifled my cries as I shot into his hand. I wanted it to go on forever. Oddly enough, we were still hard when he helped me to my feet and we started back toward the house, covered with grass, mud and cum. It wasn't over, not by a long shot. I was led to the downstairs bathroom and left standing at the door while he turned on the shower. Switching off his flashlight, John's hand found my erection and I was pulled into the enclosure. The room may have been utterly dark, but I didn't need to see what I felt so acutely. I didn't need my eyes to know that his thick black hair was plastered to his angelic face. I didn't need to see in order to know that there were tiny drops of water falling from thick lashes on to smooth, unlined cheeks when he blinked his eyes. Standing the warm spray, I knew they were closed, just as they were a few minutes earlier while he was in the middle of his orgasm. Strong hands, slick with soap, caressed my arms, gradually working up to my chest and shoulders. His erection pressed against my butt as he turned me around to wash my back. Hands made strong with work slid to my waist, around to my stomach and downward to crotch. My hard-on wanted more of what John could do, and reacted accordingly at the pleasure at his touch. "I could come right now," my whispered words echoing across the tile walls. John sank to his knees and took me in his mouth again. My cock, still sensitive from the workout it just received, teetered on the edge as it bumped against the back of his throat. Gently, albeit reluctantly, I pushed him away before there was no turning back. God, but I hated safe sex. His strong young body slid along mine as I pulled him to his feet. I could feel every inch of his cock as it traveled up my leg and over my thigh to where it flattened against my stomach. I held him tightly as I committed the moment to memory, just as I would the sensation of guiding my own hands over his willing body. We kissed under the shower spray and our tongues did battle. Once again, it wasn't for control or dominance but for equality. "Let's dry off and go upstairs," he breathed in my ear. "I want to get fucked… feel this monster up my ass again." The mantle clock struck ten and we were walking toward the stairs when John came to a sudden stop, turned and darted into a nearby room. For a few tense moments, I was left alone to wonder what I'd say if his parents had chosen that particular time to open the front. What would be the proper thing to say to the parents of a guy whose brains you've just fucked out? How does one address the owner of the house while standing naked in the foyer? The prospect of having to do either one made me queasy. "Hey John?" I called out. "You need some help in there, buddy?" He reappeared with a circle of light leading the way. "Nope. I was just making sure that the power to Dad's computer was off." There is no other explanation offered as we bounded up the stairs to the relative safety of John's room. Once inside, I stretched out brought myself back to hardness while watching John open the doors to the stormy night. "Sit on my chest," I commanded as he climbed back into bed. "Cool," he responded, barely containing the excitement in his voice. He was anything but cool. He was hot. His crotch was still warm from the shower and smelled of Ivory soap when I buried my nose in his balls. It gave me pleasure to see him squirm when I flicked at them with the tip of my tongue. Then I got to work, starting just behind his nuts and sliding my tongue along the underside of his cock to his foreskin. "Lameme el prepucio, Miguel. Comeme la polla," he groaned as I shoved my tongue inside. His hands were everywhere but never in one place for very long as his long, slender fingers slid through my hair. They traced the lines of my face, rubbed my shoulders and even found a way to jerk me off, all without his ever once uttering a single word. John was patient and, God knows, attentive but what he really wanted was my cock up his ass and I was more than happy to oblige. He wanted it on his knees, and was offering me his tight hole before I have a chance to raise an objection: as if… This time my finger slid in easily; he was still relaxed and lubed from the last assault. I grabbed his hips, guiding my rod in as he pushed back. He wanted it bad. "Ram it in me, Miguel. Ram it deep and hard. Push it all the way in. God, I love the feel of your big fucking cock in me… way up there… sliding in and out of my hot hole. Yeah, fuck me like that. Pull it all the way out and then ram it in… Yeah… like that. Oh Papi! Ohfuckohfuckohfuck that feels so good." His stream of consciousness narrative inspires me to new heights of creativity. I stirred my cock around and it lunged forward with a mind of its own. I couldn't remember ever having fucked a hole that was as tight as John's was that night. Nor do I remember my cock staying that hard for that long. It seemed as if John brought out the things I never knew existed. "Don't stop," he gasped. "Keep plowing my ass. God, I love how that feels… your big fat dick fucking my butt hole… my big, hot man fucking his Johnny's tight little hole." Having established both a rhythm and position that were comfortable for both of us, I began tweaking and teasing his hard brown nipples while caressing his nuts and dripping cock. A shudder raced through his lithe body as the walls of his anus clamped tightly around my furiously pumping shaft. "How many words are there for the penis?" I wondered in passing as I groaned and tightened my grip on his cock. "You like it when I do that, huh Papi?" he panted. "I like to make you feel good. You're such a hot fucking man… your cock is just too fucking wonderful." Unfortunately, even the best of intentions must be confronted in the cold light of reality. Too soon, he was showing signs of fatigue, as was I. John, sensing it too, got himself into a squatting position as I plowed his ass hard: my cock going in and out like an out of control piston engine. I pulled him down hard one last time as I beat him off. As I forcibly shoved my cock into his hypersensitive prostate, he uttered a single cry of unbridled joy and released his load into my hand, on to my shoulder and even on my forehead. The rest, I assumed, ended up in all sorts of interesting places. His body continued to tremble long after his grip on the sheets had loosened. Although I'd hoped to wait until he'd stopped shaking before pulling out, holding back was fast becoming a near impossibility. I'd already pulled out, perhaps too abruptly, and was struggling with the condom when John flipped over on his back and took matters in hand. Grasping my dick firmly around the base, he finished removing the rubber and dropped it over the side of the bed. "I want to do it," he whispered as he inserted his finger up my anus. "Shoot it all over my chest." Normally, when going a second round within such a short span of time, I preferred doing the honors myself. The orgasm was more satisfying when I was in control. For some unexplainable reason, I was incapable of raising an objection. All I could do was to sit and watch with breathless anticipation as his hand worked its magic and I spewed my load across his chest. It would be a long time until I could think of that strand of my semen clinging to his nipple before falling to the sheet and not get hard. We were laying, covered in cum and sweat, intertwined among the sheets. John sighed with contentment. "How big are you?" he asked softly. "You're the last guy who should be asking a question like that. Weren't you paying attention?" "No," he laughed. "I mean I was. How tall are you? You're really big." "You're just now noticing that? I top out at six feet, four inches. Why?" "There's no reason except they'd really get off on a guy like you where I come from. They love big blonde men with blue eyes." I laughed and pulled him closer. The aroma of sex and the rain made my head swim. "If the men all look like you, I'm on the first plane out. You got anyone you want me to call while I'm down there?" "I suppose you're going to just take off now, right?" I kissed his forehead. A strand of half-dried cum clung to his hair. I didn't know whose it was but it didn't matter. I licked it off anyway. "I hadn't planned to," I whispered. "Good." "John?" I asked after a few seconds. "Why'd you choose me?" He was quite, and for a second I thought he'd dozed off and hadn't heard the question. "You know, I was asking myself the same thing that first day." "You mean when you followed me around the library?" "Uh-huh." "What was your conclusion?" "That I didn't choose you. We chose each other." "Clarify, please." "I think some people are just meant to find each other." "Like preordination?" "Uh-huh. I got to thinking about it after you took off. It was, like, I had your address and I could have shown up at your front door but that would have just freaked you out. So I waited." "What if I never went back?" "It wouldn't have changed anything. Just because two people are meant to touch each other's lives doesn't mean that they'll end up in bed. Maybe they're meant to exchange a glance that will put them on the path they're meant to follow. Maybe it's bullshit, but I remember seeing you and knowing that you were special. Then I thought…" "Thought what?" "You're going to get pissed." "It's probably nothing I didn't think of at some point," "Yeah, like all day. I remember thinking that you were probably old enough to be my father. It didn't matter, though. I couldn't stop thinking about you." "But I am old enough to be your father." "I still don't care. When I saw you today, I was so happy that I could hardly stand it. I almost did something that would have for sure… uh… I'm glad I waited." "So am I, John." "Good," he replied softly as he turned on his side. The touch of his smooth butt as it pressed against my cock made it stir. It was unlikely that he'd make it through the night un-fucked. That was five years ago and things are still going along great. Sure, there have been a few disagreements but they've always been over dumb things, and our rule about never sleeping with unresolved conflicts has, I'm sure, helped. That, by the way, was John's idea. He's as devoted to me today as ever, and there's no sign of that changing. The part I had dreaded the most, meeting his parents, turned out not to be the ordeal that I'd expected. Not only were they thrilled that John had found himself a nice guy, but also that he'd picked up the fact that chronological age doesn't mean shit. I should also mention that his adoptive mother is my age: twenty years older than his adoptive father. Once we got past the good-natured shit from our friends, our age difference became a total non-issue. As a matter of fact, I can name three inter-generation couples who have us to thank for introducing them. I continue to write. John is going for his teaching credential. There's a large number of Mayans in Los Angeles and John's been active in setting up a special school to get them up to speed before they enter the public school system. I think it's a pretty good idea. Since that first night in the rain, he's NEVER-EVER referred to me as "Daddy" and I've never referred to him as my "boy: or my "cub" or any of that roll playing shit. He's a man, and that's fine with me. Best of all, I'll never have to worry about saying, "I've never done this before." After five years with a hot, sexy little fucker like John, there's not much we haven't done at one time or another


4 Gay Erotic Stories from Michael Moran


The usual disclaimers apply. If you are under age or live somewhere with laws that prohibit you from reading material of an explicit sexual nature do not continue. The same goes for anyone who might be offended by descriptions of sex between two men. Please go. This piece is copyrighted and may not be reproduced anywhere else without my consent. This is a Revised Version of a story

Jury Duty

JURY DUTY By MICHAEL MORAN It came lurking among bills, pre-approved credit card applications with a ‘low, low’ interest rate that would quadruple after six months and mountains of junk mail asking for contributions to help save the forests. It was that most dreaded demon of democracy: the summons to jury duty. For the benefit of those who qualify but have never gotten one, be

Saturday Night Stakeout

The usual disclaimers apply: if you are under age or live somewhere with laws that prohibit you from reading material of an explicit sexual nature do not continue. The same goes for anyone who is offended by descriptions of sex between two men. Please go. This piece is copyrighted and may not be reproduced anywhere else without my consent. This is a revised version of a story you

The Armored Car Guard

The usual disclaimers apply. If you are under age or live somewhere with laws that prohibit you from reading material of an explicit sexual nature do not continue. The same goes for anyone who might be offended by descriptions of sex between two men. Please go. This piece is copyrighted and may not be reproduced anywhere else without my consent. This is a Revised Version of a story


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