Gay Erotic Stories

Long Hair Dreams

by Lex Ron

Long Hair Dreams by Mr. Topp Yea so I was hot myself. Why be humble. At 6'3" 195 dark curly hair not too long not too short, green eyes. Although my profession was architect, I had modeled some. I was 20 something and cute. That's what everyone told me. I had a swimmers build and kept a tan-no lines. I knew where to go and hide in the dunes at a beach near where I lived. If someone stumbled my way there was no charge. They could look or get lost. I saw him once before at the beach. He had long blonde hair and brilliant blue eyes. He was in his early 20's and had a great shape. This was before the Leonardo or Brad Pitt look of shaved headed pretty boys. Hair was long or shoulder length. His was down to the small of his back and was almost perfectly straight. It had just enough body but not frizzed out like those phony rock stars. His chest was well defined with two small brown nipples that begged for attention. Abdomen rippled with muscles when he turned and smiled at me. He wore trunks-no thongs in those days and he was tan. Even under those baggy surfer panks I knew he had a neat package and tight ass. I knew he was checking me out as he stood at the top of the dune. He pulled his shades out of his hair and covered his eyes. I could feel his eyes on my meat. Then he smiled and turned and disappeared into the sandy hills. He was in my mind when I sucked the hot military stud's meat that had cruised me in the bookstore later that day. I saw nothing but that long blonde hair on the buff brunette airman's back as I pounded his ass while the two studs on the screen in the small booth fucked. One of them also had long blonde hair. I wanted to feel his firm tight ass on my cock and loose my load in his soft long hair. I thought nothing but of this guy every time I was with anyone and I returned to the secluded beach every day for the rest of my vacation. He never returned. He became such an obsession that I drew pictures of him on my desk pad. Every time I saw long blonde hair I maneuvered around to the persons face to see if it were possibly him. I stopped seeing anyone for about a month. I came to the images of him in my imagination. I wanted to look into his eyes as I kissed his thin lips. I wanted to touch his nipples with my wet tongue. I needed to taste his cock, stroke his ass, and feel his body next to mine. Then it came to me. I had lost it. If I ever saw this gay anywhere again I wouldn't recognize him because I had turned him into such a god. With that I put the fantasy behind. It was around midnight when I finished the before cruse ritual. I had cum once with my fantasy now I wanted some reality. I had showered shaved all the necessary places, and put on a good pair of 501's. I was honry and need to feel a real cock and ass. It was late and I knew all the real hot guys would be taken, but I drove to the park anyway. I parked my car in line with all the other late night losers where I could look at the arch monument across the street and check out who was out in the park light as well as see who was cursing the street. I counted four Granddads, one frog, and two hustlers in the first five minutes. Then a car parked across the street. I had to be imagining the long blonde hair. The guy sat there for a few minutes. I couldn't be sure because his windows were tinted. He got out of his car and walked over to the monument. The Granddads, frog, and hustlers checked him out as he strolled elegantly past. He had the hair and the build, but I couldn't see his face. He wore a perfectly starched white button down shirt with some blue designs splattered across it. It ballooned out over his torso and gathered neatly at his waist where it plunged into a pair of perfectly fitted jeans. His ass was hot. It was perfectly shaped and even in the dim light I knew I could see the muscles flex as he walked. From the side his basket was perfectly proportioned. I liked men with real meat not too big not too small. I couldn't be sure if it were the same guy. I had really made the guy into such a God I knew I would be disappointed even if it were he. I hoped for it to be true. It was when the Granddads, frog and hustlers started moving in on him that I got out of the car. I had never been a park walker for fear of being mugged or arrested but I had to do something. I ran across to him and called out, "Hey man, you're parked in a no parking zone." My tone was personal, and I put my hand on his shoulder as I walked up behind him as to indicate to the others that I knew him. When he turned I knew it was he. "Man," he smiled. "I didn't know." I felt as if I had scared him. "Thanks" he winked and turned to go back to his car. As he passed me he grabbed my ass. When we got to his car he said. "Man I am glad you got out of your car when you did. I never cruse the park especially this late. I thought those pervs were going to rape me." He kissed my cheek. "We can finish this at your place." He was so confident. "How do you know I'm going to ask you back there." I said. "Because you're the dude I saw at the beach last week. I've seen you around too man. I've wanted to run into you again. I want you bad man." I blushed, smiled, felt my knees go out and my cock twitch all at the same time. I kept a straight appearance in my building so when we walked past the security officer at the desk we played it like two guys who had been out clubbing. When the elevator doors closed he wrapped his body around mine. His kiss was long, wet and determined. I ran my hands through his hair and down his back. His hands stroked my chest ran down my torso and over my cock before the elevator stopped. When the doors opened on my floor we walked calmly to my apartment. I barley had the door closed when we locked our bodies together again. We were kissing deep sharing our tongues and stripping as I lead him awkwardly to my bedroom. When we reached the bed he told me to stand back. He wanted to take in my body before he let me enter him. He said he loved that I had no tan lines. He also told me that he had seen be at the beach a lot and never had the nerve before that day to approach me. He liked that my chest was big, my stomach flat, and that my cock was larger than his was. Then I told him to lie on the bed so that I could look at him. He arched his back and posed like a fashion model. His hair hung half down his back and half over one shoulder flowing over his peck covering one nipple that peaked through the golden threads. His abdomen was like a tight and muscled and where the tan ended his skin was milky white. There was a small golden bush of hair above his pink cock and balls. He was cut and even soft was perfect. Then I took a breath and lay down beside him. We kissed and stroked for a while. I took his meat into my mouth slowly. He smelled clean and his skin was so tender. I stoked him with my tongue and lips and I felt him pulling my cock into his mouth. His mouth was warm and his technique made me pull away from his cock as I almost lost my load. "Not yet" he said taking my balls in his hand squeezing them tightly. He pulled my face to his and we began kissing and he raised his legs up over my shoulders. I could feel his cock on my abdomen and my throbbing member was right at his ass. "I want you deep inside me man" His eyes sparkled as he spoke. I began to work my cock into him slowly, but he grabbed my ass and pulled me fast and deep into him. "Fuck me man! Fuck me hard!" he demanded. He arched his back and let his head roll back when he came back up to meet my lips his hair smacked my face. It was soft and smelled clean. I pounded his ass from quick deep hard strokes, to long slow easy strokes during which he smiles and moaned. I put him on his knees and entered him so I could realize my fantasy of fucking that hard body with long blonde hair on it and cuming all over his hair. I came near to doing just that, when I saw us in the mirror across from the bed. We had been at it for almost an hour. We took long slow strokes and he worked his ass up to meet my every move. Then I pounded him heard and he arched his back moaned and yelled for me to go deeper. When he felt me tense up thinking I was near he said. "Man when you cum in me I want to see your eyes." He pulled away and flips over on his back under me. We kissed passionately as I entered him and then I had to pound his ass hard. I thought it would be easy to fill his ass but we had been doing it for so long that I had to make myself cum. I grabbed his hair and pulled his head to my chest then I hammered him fast and deep. As I lost my load deep inside of him he arched his back and began pulling at my cock with his ass muscles. I felt it as he lost his load under me. I don't know if it were my skin stroking his cock or his own ability to control his muscles that caused his release. I must have spilled gallons in him. Then we collapsed in each other's arms kissing and stroked. Later that night I realized the fantasy of cumming in his hair as well as letting him be the first to have my ass. I continue to live out my fantasy every chance I get. Chad moved in the next day and we have been together for twelve years. He still has long hair.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Lex Ron

Long Hair Dreams

Long Hair Dreams by Mr. Topp Yea so I was hot myself. Why be humble. At 6'3" 195 dark curly hair not too long not too short, green eyes. Although my profession was architect, I had modeled some. I was 20 something and cute. That's what everyone told me. I had a swimmers build and kept a tan-no lines. I knew where to go and hide in the dunes at a beach near where


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