Gay Erotic Stories


by Unanimous

Brian felt the adrenaline rushing through his body as he thought of the upcoming confrontation. Tonight was going to be the crowning glory of his short career, for tonight he was going to take his former mentor down several notches. These thoughts ran through the 19-year-old’s head as he drove toward the wrestling facilities set up on Dave's farm. Brian had been discovered by Dave and brought into the underground wrestling circuit by him. However, Brian was a cocky young man and felt that he was ready to be on his own while Dave felt he needed more time and training and so he had signed with George and began a very promising career. In order to demonstrate to Dave and other that he was good and ready to go all the way, his triumphs were always decisive and without room for doubt—no matter what it took to obtain them. One of his early matches had been against Chuck, a new protégé to Dave, and Brian had used all tactics at his disposal to not only defeat but to humiliate and injure Chuck to show Dave that he meant business. While Chuck was out of action for several months, the verbal war between Dave and Brian had heated up until Brian, without George's knowledge, had issued the challenge for tonight's match; Brian vs. Dave in a no holds barred match to submission, with the loser agreeing to become the winner’s slave for one year. The excitement of the humiliation and activities that Brian had planned for Dave during that year had spurred him on to strenuous preparation for tonight's fight. As Brian pulls into the yard next to the barn where the wrestling will occur, the adrenaline begins pumping even more wildly through his body. He removes his gym bag from the trunk and walks into the dressing room noticing the absence of Dave. "Must be cowering to himself somewhere thinking about what he's in for" Brian mumbled to himself. Brian walks into the dressing room and begins to change. After stripping his street clothes off he admires himself in the mirror, and the sight he sees is impressive. Brian stands 6'1", weighs 190 lbs and his long workouts show in his well-proportioned body; massive pecs, broad shoulders, pumped biceps and muscled legs. His chest is covered with a dark mat of hair tapering down to a single line leading into his crotch where his large cock and balls hang. After flexing for a while, he slips into his yellow trunks which show his dark tan nicely, laces up his wrestling boots and goes out to the ring. As he exits into the barn, he sees his opponent standing in the ring waiting. Dave is about 35, stands 5'11", and weighs 210 lbs of perfectly proportioned muscularity. Many times he has received the compliment that he was built like a brick shit house. "So punk, you ready to meet your match and learn about pain, humiliation and abuse", Brian shouts to Dave. "Look kid, I ain't here to talk but to wrestle—you wanted this so lets go. But a quick review of the rules.." "Easy Old man, there ain't none. I'm going beat your ass and then have a year to do anything to you I want" As soon as Brian appeared between the ropes, Dave rushes him and swings his hard forearm in an upward arc pump-handling Brian between the legs. Brian lets out a loud gasp of pain and folds to his knees, somewhat stunned by the attack. However as he sinks to the mat he rams his head into Dave's lower abdomen, hitting his cock in the process. Dave lets out a gasp, not only of pain but of surprise, and also drops to his knees facing Brian who launches himself from his knees bringing his left forearm across the throat of his opponent. Dave falls onto his back as his hands go his throat. Seizing the advantage, Brian rolls him over onto his stomach and places a reverse leg lock on him forcing his legs up to his muscular buns. Dave, still surprised by the quick turn of events, rolls from side to side in pain, but manages to deliver a pointy elbow into Brian's exposed ribs, causing him to loosen the hold somewhat. Dave repeats the maneuver and crawls away from Brian when the hold is released. He rises to his knees behind Brian and delivers a roundhouse punch deep into his gut forcing all the air from his lungs. As Brian falls to the mat, Dave crawls between his legs, and jabs his hand into Brian’s crotch until he grabs Brian's basket. "Now let's talk about humiliation, punk" "Fuck you!" Brian gasps out as he drops his hands to Dave's and tries to pry them apart. Using both hands, he manages to pry the fingers apart and rolls away. He gets to the ropes in a neutral corner and pulls himself to his feet. He notices Dave is slowly approaching him and surprises him with a reverse kick to the upper torso. The blow lands with an incredible amount of power and Dave is taken off his feet and lands on his back. Brian follows up with a knee drop into the exposed basket, bringing a loud cry of pain from Dave as the knee connects with his purple Speedo clad nuts. "Now we’ll show you how to wrestle like a real man,” Brian taunts as he pulls him up and sends him into the far ropes. Dave bounces off the ropes and back into the ring to be met by a vicious fist to his basket from Brian who has placed himself on his knee and swung a straight fist as hard as he Could. Dave does a somersault onto the mat screaming as he does. He lands and grabs his nuts. Brian calmly gets to his feet and moves toward the fallen man, thinking he must be totally incapacitated. However, as he approaches Dave kicks his right leg up into his exposed and unprotected nuts. Brian's hands fly to grasp his crotch as he lets out an impossibly loud scream and stumbles back a step or too. Seizing the advantage, Dave rises, ignoring the pain in his nuts, and circles behind Brian and bolos his fist around into Brian’s gut. He repeats the maneuver twice more, but each time the blows land lower with the last one connecting with Brian's balls. In a move of desperation, Brian swings his arm backward and his elbow connects with Dave's chin, followed by another, less powerful blow to the chest. Dave falls to the mat and Brian instep kicks toward the balls, but misses and connects with the crotch instead. He moves away from Dave and tries to buy some time to recover his strength. Dave recovers more quickly, having been involved in these types of fights for many more years than Brian, and charges towards him. Brian manages to side step Dave and trips him as he goes buy. As Dave hits the mat Brian drops between his legs and reaches between them to grab onto his massive bulge. He finds a small hole in the trunks and begins to enlarge it, all the time retaining his grip on Dave's balls. After shredding the trunks from his body, Brian releases the hold, pulls him from the mat with hair and trunks and slings him into the ropes. As he comes off the ropes, Brian repeats his earlier move and lands a fist squarely into Dave's exposed nuts. The air is driven from Dave's body as the pain takes hold and he falls to the mat. Dave is pulled to his feet, backed into the ropes and his arms trapped by the first and second rope. With a big smirk on his face, Brian goes to the middle of the ring, assumes a football stance and screams. "Hike" and charges shoulder first into Dave's exposed crotch, making sure his bicep lands on the exposed balls. Dave screams in utter agony and slumps slightly into the ropes. "Wanna give big, or should I say old, man?" Dave looked at Brian and spit in his face. "Okay you got it, no retreat, no surrender, no mercy." With that Brian charges across the ring bounces off the ropes and heads toward Dave's exposed body. As he reaches it, Dave raises both feet up, catching Brian squarely in the face, breaking the nose. Brian's hands fly to his battered nose as a scream of utterly abject pain escapes from his lips and he falls to the mat. Dave, by bouncing, manages to free himself from the ropes and approaches a still flailing Brian. "Okay, little man, or boy actually, time to wrap this little lesson up". With that he spreads Brian's legs, places his hands on the upper thighs with the thumbs placed well into the crotch, does a handstand and brings his knee directly into Brian's Speedo clad basket scoring a direct hit on the balls. Brian screams in utter agony and brings his hands down to his crotch to protect himself. Dave repeats the maneuver and Brian's hands offer no help as they are forced into his own balls. Dave removes his hands and Brian rolls into the fetal position with his hands wrapped around his balls. Dave rips Brian's trunks from his body and tosses them aside. As the support offered by the Speedos is removed, the pain intensifies in Brian's balls and he screams again. Dave pulls Brian to his feet and backs him into the ropes binding his hands as he had been previously. "Now for a little wrestling lesson, boy. You need to incapacitate your opponent completely before you do your little number." With that, Dave drops to his knees and grabs Brian's left leg, forcing the foot behind the bottom rope and spreading it wide. He then unlaces the top couple of holes and uses the loose ends to bind the foot to the bottom rope. The maneuver is repeated with the right foot and Brian is helplessly bound in the ropes. Dave charges across the ring, rebounds off the ropes and into Brian's body with his upper biceps landing in the split crotch. The balls are already swelling from the vicious knee drops and this causes the pain to increase. "Ahhhhh God, Dave please don't". "Is that a submission asshole? "No, but please wrestle fair" "You started this and hey with no rules, anything IS fair". Brian is in no condition to notice that several people had entered the barn and taken seats near the action. Three of the guys were around his age and obviously into wrestling by their condition and singlets they were wearing. The fourth is near Dave's age and carried a large toolbox like case with him. All were intensely following the action in the ring. Dave drops to his knees and seizes each of Brian's balls in one of his strong hands and is caressing one while squeezing the other and alternating back and forth. At the same time he is pulling the entire sack down as far as possible. The pleasure of the caresses only made the pain of the squeezing more painful and Brian finally screams "All right, you win, I submit, just please stop." Easing up on the pressure slightly Dave smiles and says "And just what do I win?" "Anything you want from me for a year, just stop please." Dave releases the hold and a sigh of relief comes from Brian as the pressure is released although he is still in agony. Suddenly he screams as loud as he can as Dave crashes into his crotch from across the ring. When he recovers somewhat, he cries "No!! I've given you won, stop!" "I know I won asshole, and I won the right to do as I please. And that pleases me, and if I so desire I'll do it again, but that is really for Chuck. In case you haven't noticed he and some of his friends are out there in the audience as well" Dave turns to the older man and says, "Were you able to bring the tattooing equipment, Jeff," to which Jeff replies "Sure did and this should be a real pleasure--for us at least but probably not for Brian." With that Jeff hands Dave a sheet of paper upon which the drawing to be placed on Brian's massive chest is displayed. "Nice, Jeff, real nice. Now Brian won't have any trouble remembering his place after all." With that he turns and shows the drawing to Brian. "Oh, god man, please, please don't. I won't ever be able to wrestle or be seen in public again. God Dav--please ummmmm", the last words are extinguished as Dave picks up Brian's discarded trunks and shoves them into his mouth." "Oh, don't worry, not only will you been seen in public, but you will also wrestle again--because I want you too and I get what I want for the next year. Of course, once your opponents get a look at this, they will do everything they can to destroy you, but we have other things to do now." Turning to the few guys in the audience he barked out some additional orders, "Andy get up here. I want to demonstrate another hold here and since we have our own live ‘wrestling’ dummy for the year, we might as well get started." With that Andy, 6' of cut up musculature enters the ring and approaches Dave and the helpless Brian. Dave takes Andy and places him in front of Brian who pleads with his eyes for Dave to let him go. "Now Andy, I want to demonstrate the pectoral claw for you" As he explains the hold, he places Andy's hands in the appropriate place on the 'wrestling dummy'. "Place the fingers in the edge of the armpit and try to get up under the edges of the pectoral muscle while your thumb is placed near the nipple and then squeeze tightly." As Andy squeezes, Brian's face becomes a mask of pain as he shakes his head back and forth. "Now if you are in a tight situation when you have applied this hold, and the referee isn't looking, snap your knee up into the balls to further subdue your opponent." At these instructions, Andy snaps his knee hard into Brian's exposed crotch. Brian's face became a mask of pain as the pain shot throughout his body. "Notice the expression of pain on your opponent. Not only that but you have further incapacitated his ability to respond. Now, repeat the move." Andy again snaps his knee into the exposed crotch and the intense pain finally pushes Brian over the edge and he slumps into unconsciousness. "Damned pussy, can't take a little pain. Oh, well looks like that's all we can do for today, but we'll make up for it tomorrow. Jeff, do you want him tied for you." "Yes, Dave in case he comes to we wouldn't want him to ruin the lines." With that Dave and Andy release Brian and placed him in the center of the ring. Wide leather cuffs are applied to his hands and feet and straps from each of the ring posts attached to the cuffs rendering Brian helpless in a tight spread eagle position. "Hey, Chuck do you want to do the honors and shave the chest before I begin?" "Hell, yes." With that Chuck enters the ring and shaves the massive chest, the pits and just for the hell of it the crotch. Afterwards he turns Brian over to Jeff. As Jeff starts the tattooing, Dave and the rest of his trainees leave the barn for some exercises. "Don't worry guys, by the time this year is over with you will be some of the best wrestlers around-- proficient in a lot of styles and activities and with some real hands on experience. And of course Brian will not be a threat to any of you by then, that is if the league lets him continue wrestling. If not we can always use a personal towel boy! Now lets get some jogging in to improve your cardiovascular system." As his trainees move out, Dave looks back at Jeff busily working in the ring. "Thanks Brian. Now not only will my boys have someone to work on that they don't have to worry about, I'm sure they wouldn't think of signing with anyone else and the championship will eventually be mine," he says to himself and smiles lecherously as he goes to join his "boys". As the sun peeks over the hills, its beams enter through the barn's slats and strikes the sleeping figure in the face. As he has every morning for the last six months, the man opens his eyes and rises from his "bed" to begin the day. The bed is actually little more than an old army cot set up in the corner of the room. He tosses the single cover, used more for security than warmth, and slowly stands while mentally feeling each part of his body to determine if there had been any real damage from yesterday's workout. Finding only a few minor aches and pains, a far improvement from when he first got here, he wanders out to the outhouse to take care of his bodily functions. While there is a real bathroom in the house, he has not been inside any structure other than the barn for the past six months. He returns to the barn and enters the dressing area to get it ready for the day. Before starting he stops and looks into the mirror. The sight that greets him no longer causes feelings of shame or anger but is accepted with resignation. Staring back at him is a good looking 19 year old, with a perfect tan, since he has not worn clothes in six months, either. He stands 6'1", weighs 210 lbs (he has put on twenty pounds from all the forced workouts) and his muscularity is well defined. His crotch is covered with a thick mat of dark hair that ascends via a single strand to his chest where it had once spread out to cover the massive pecs. Now it spreads out to form a frame around the center of his chest. All the hair within the center has been permanently removed so that the remaining hair forms a frame around the large tattoo that had been placed on his chest. On the right pec is a drawing of two people, one with his back to the viewer wearing a wrestling singlet, while the other figure is on his stomach with his face visible. The standing figure has a Boston crab on the naked figure below him with his hands disappearing into the crotch area. The victim’s face shows immense pain, but is still recognizable as the man upon whose chest the tattoo lay. A cartoon balloon used for conversation, rises from the lips of the downed man and covers the left pec with the words, "I submit, SIR, you are the superior wrestler." For nearly a month after the tattoo was placed he had cried every morning to realize that this would always greet anyone he ever wrestled again--and David had assured him he would wrestle again.--not that he hadn't wrestled in the last six months. Much to the contrary--every day for nearly eight hours a day he had "wrestled" but as the "dummy" the other wrestlers used for practicing holds and maneuvers. Many of his days were of constant pain, although his threshold had slowly increased. Tonight that is to change. He had been informed that he would wrestle in the ring in public tonight against Mike, his old manager’s newest find, who had ruthlessly defeated all his previous opponents. He is very apprehensive but has no choice in the matter. After looking at the figure in the mirror for a few minutes he turns and begins his day and he always did, by checking each of the 5 lockers making sure each is in order and ready for the arrival of the trainer, Dave and his trainees. This task always fills him with a little sadness as he remembers the camaraderie that he had shared with others at one time. However, for the last six months, and for the next six, he is simply another tool to be used in the training of others. While the 5 trainees share the camaraderie of working out together, he is deliberately excluded from the group. "Morning, boy. You ready for the day and tonight," asks Dave as he enters the locker room. "I guess so, Sir. I'm not really too sure about this Mike, but I'll give it my best shot." "Damned right you will boy, or the next six months are going to make the first six look like kindergarten. I want to prove once and for all to George that he ain't shit and that I am THE manager around here. Oh yeah, I have some good news for you. Tonight's match is going to be 2 out of 3 falls." As these words were spoken, Brian felt the pit of his stomach tighten. Mike is known as a ruthless wrestler who delights in punishing his opponents. With two out of three falls he would have extra time to do so, and probably extra motivation. He saves his most ruthless tactics for those who put up resistance to him and delights in knocking them down several pegs as well as humiliating them. It had been rumored that he had taken advantage of several of his victims in the locker room as well with some pretty nefarious tactics. "Two out of three falls, Sir?" "Yep, boy. You're going to really have to fight for your life tonight. Once the fans, as well as Mike, see that little display there, they’re going to be rooting for him to take you apart. It should be quite a night. Seeing as how you are going to be so busy, you're excused from your "wrestling dummy" role today, but I expect you to do the general exercises. Now get busy and we'll see you tonight." With that he left the somewhat stunned kid alone. Mike stands in the middle of the ring talking with the referee while waiting for Brian to make his entrance. When Mike had entered the ring there was a mixture of boos and cheers indicating the ambivalence with which most crowds held him. Even his critics had to admit that he was damned good looking. He stood 6'2" tall, weight 220 lbs, had blond hair, dark blue eyes and was perfectly proportioned. At one time he seemed to be on the path of becoming a pretty good wrestler until he had met up with George. Now he would do whatever it took to win a match and sometimes much more. He had won his last thirty matches in a row and was on his way towards the championship. Mike and the ref's conversation is interrupted by gasps as a door opens and Brian enters the arena. The crowd nearest the door began shouting obscenities at Brian as he makes his way to the ring. As he enters, everyone in the crowd can see the tattoo on his chest and as Dave had predicted everyone was now rooting for Mike to cream "the pretty little pussy". The ref calls both men to the center of the ring for the pre-fight instructions. "Okay men, well at least one man and whatever the hell you are, as you know the rules are quite simple. Two out of three falls to submission, which has to be a spoken, 'I submit'. Other than that any thing goes. I'm going outside to watch and listen. Otherwise you are own your own. Now, return to your corners until the bell rings." As both wrestlers retreat to their corners, the ref follows Mike out of the ring and says as he departs "Make it painful--after all we wouldn't people like that giving our league a bad name." "Oh don't worry", Mike replies "After tonight we won’t have to worry about him or the others." Mike and Brian each came from their corners and met in the center of the ring. They lock up in a test of strength and Mike pushes Brian into the ropes. Surprisingly enough, and to the fans dislike, he breaks cleanly and moves back to the center of the ring. Twice more the strength tests end this way. On the fourth try, Brian backs Mike into the ropes and following the earlier lead breaks cleanly. As he steps back, Mike lashes out with a right jab striking him squarely on the jaw, quickly follows up by two quick left right combinations, which puts Brian on the mat. He is pulled up by the hair and slung into the far ropes. As he flies off the ropes and into the center of the ring he is met by Mike's massive fist in his washboard gut. The move is repeated again. After the second fist, Brian sinks slowly to his knees. Mike grabs the back of Brian's trunks and lifts him to his feet, follows with a quick punch, low to the stomach, which causes him to double over. Mike reaches between his spread legs and places his hand on the crotch. His other hand goes over the shoulder and Brian is lifted off the mat and dropped stomach first onto Mike's knee. The air comes whooshing out of Brian's lungs and he is left gasping on the mat. Mike turns him over, gives him three quick elbow drops to the abdomen and then clamps a claw hold onto the abdomen, the right hand on the upper abdomen, the left low into the plumbing tools. Brian's gut is in unbelievable pain, which radiates in all directions from the claw hold. In an attempt to break the hold, he tries to smash Mike's balls only to find that Mike has worn a plastic cup molded into his wrestling jock as protection against such maneuvers. "Nice try you little punk, but I have brains and take measures to protect myself, not like idiots like you". With those words he releases his lower hand and pounds a fist into Brian's exposed bulging basket A cry of agony escapes Brian's lips as the crowd cheers the foul. "Oh, what's the matter, can't take a little pain like a real man. Well then, let's do it again to help toughen you up." With that he punches the bulge repeatedly, followed by the reapplication of the claw but on his balls. For the next several minutes the claw is alternated with punches to the balls, abdomen and pecs. "Now all you have to do to stop the pain is say that words you have written all over you. I submit Sir," Mike sneers. Finally releasing the ball claw, Mike pulls Brian to his feet and lifts him over his shoulder and drops him over his knee back first. This is followed by a slingshot into the far turnbuckle. As Brian bounces out into the ring, he is met with a sharp knee to the lower abdomen somersaulting him onto his back. Now not only are his balls in pain but so is his abdomen. Mike grabs his feet, turns him onto his back and knee drops Brian in the crotch, catching him squarely in the left nut.. Brian screams loudly and sits up his hands going to clutch his crotch. Now Mike tries his newest hold--a vicious leg split. He sits facing Brian and places his feet on Brian's thighs near the knees. He reaches out and grabs Brian's arms near the elbows and pulls his upper torso towards him while locking his knees down. Brian screams loudly in pain. His crotch is in pain from the unbelievable pressure being applied by Mike's legs, his back and abdomen from the stretching outward. "Come on Man, or should it be boy. You can handle a little pain without screaming like some damned pussy can't you?" These words are punctuated by jerks of the torso forward and outward pressure of Brian's legs. The crowd is yelling obscenities at Brian and encouragement to Mike. Brian is helpless to release himself and yet knows if he gives now he would be in deep trouble with David. He looks over at David who shakes his head in a negative direction. Mike leans into Brian's face and gets next to his ear. As he does he increases the pressure on the torso somewhat. "Don't bother asking that has been of a manager what you should do, boy. George and I intend to finish you, him and his boys off tonight and there ain't nothing any of you can do about it. The little surprise we have in store for them back at the home front is going make this look like kindergarten." With that Mike releases the left arm and shoots a quick and powerful right jab directly into Brian's exposed crotch hitting the cock dead center. The cry of pain brought cheers from the audience, so Mike repeats the move but this time his fist lands directly in the balls. Brian's scream is quickly silenced, as the pain is so great as to paralyze the vocal cords. Mike releases the hold and watches Brian curl up into the fetal position. Mike rises to his feet, kicks directly into the balls and then scoops Brian up into a back breaker. His right hand quickly goes to the battered balls, grabs hold and begins squeezing and mangling them. Meanwhile his left hand goes over Brian’s mouth to prevent any submission from being heard. The crowd roars its approval. Mike continues this for several more minutes, then releases the balls, places his hands a little higher up on the crotch for stability and then drops quickly to his knees. The sudden stop as he lands on his knees translates into unbelievable pain for Brian as his back feels as though a freight train has run into it. Tears of pain come to his eyes, but Mike refuses to remove his hand until the pain has lessened somewhat and then dumps Brian to the mat. Mike knew that Brian would never submit without being in a hold (his pride is too great for that). He struts around the ring laughing and making lewd comments. He then proceeds to rip Brian's trunks off, throw them at David and grab Brian by the legs. He then turns him so that he is on his stomach with Mike facing George and Brian facing David. He quickly cinches Brian into a Boston Crab, hooks the ankles under his pits and uses his free hands to grab Brian's balls, one per hand. When the crowd realizes that this matches the tattoo on Brian's chest they go crazy with cheers of approval. As Mike begins increasing the pressure on his balls and back, the look of pain of Brian's face slowly turns into a grimace. Finally unable to take it anymore he yells "I give, no more". Mike laughs and says, "That isn't quite right. Since this is your hold, you know what to say now let's hear it." Brian held out for a little longer and then with shame and humiliation cries out, "I submit! Sir, you are the superior wrestler." With a final squeeze to the balls, Mike releases the hold, stomps into the back once and sneers, "Ten minutes you pussy and then it's gonna be all over for you." Brian lays there in tremendous pain as Mike sneers and returns to his corner to talk with George and the crowd. David enters the ring and helps Brian to the corner for the 10-minute break. Second Fall As the bell rings for the second fall, Brian is still a little out of it and in pain. Approaching the center of the ring, he is totally unprepared for Mike's quick left punch to his jaw. This is followed by a couple of quick left right combinations to the gut and a final vicious uppercut into Brian's balls. Although he had put his trunks back on during the break, the thin material offered no protection from the blow. Expelling the air from his lungs, Brian drops to his knees with both hands clutching his crotch. Mike strikes a quick pose for the fans that scream their approval, before lifting Brian from the mat and slinging him across the ring and into the far turnbuckle. The middle turnbuckle catches Brian squarely in the kidneys, causing a great deal of additional pain and damage to his back. Mike follows up with a knee to the stomach and the catapults Brian across the ring into the other turnbuckle. Brian is in a great deal of pain as he slumps to the mat, trying to clear his head. However, Mike quickly lifts him for back breaker across his knee followed by two quick elbow drops into the lower back, his obvious target for this fall. Brian screams repeatedly as the blows strike his lower back. He is in big trouble and he knows it. Mike reaches down, pulls the trunks off of his helpless opponent, but this time throws them to the appreciative crowd. He pulls Brian up by the hair and places him in a back breaker across his shoulders, with his left hand firmly placed over Brian mouth and his right clutching his cock and balls and pulling downward. After a couple of minutes, during which time Brian would have submitted if he had been able, Mike repeats his earlier maneuver and drops to his knees sending waves of pain through Brian's damaged back. He is then dropped to the mat nearly out of it while Mike parades around the ring striking poses for the crowd, and screaming, “Who is going to make a real pussy out of this asshole before the night is over." Brian manages to get to his knees while Mike is showing off. As Mike approaches he is strutting about and not paying much attention. When he gets within range, Brian launches himself from his knees driving his head into the lower abdomen of Mike. Mike feels the breath being driven from his lungs and falls to his knees, totally confused about what just happened. Seizing the pportunity, Brian manages to secure a combination full nelson-body scissors on his stunned opponent. While he is not able to get the full advantage on the full nelson because of his own pain, Brian is able to exert considerable force on the body scissors. Still trying to recover from the head butt, Mike is unable to fully get air into his lungs and thus cannot muster his full strength. The crowd is totally silent about this new development as Brian continues a long ride on both the full nelson and the body scissors. Finally, regaining some of his wits, Brian rolls onto his back bringing Mike into the air and slamming him down to the mat. Unfortunately, since his is wearing no protection, Brian also slams his balls into the mat sending waves of pain upward from his crotch, forcing him to loosen his hold. Mike is able to quickly escape from the hold and rolls, turning into Brian and drives a hard right fist into the crotch striking the balls dead center. Brian lets out a loud scream that sounds more like an animal in pain than it does a human. Mike manages to recover first and pulls Brian to his feet. "You lousy son of a bitch. That little episode is going to cause you a hell of a lot of misery." With those words Brian is lifted by the throat and the balls and dropped stomach first into Mike’s knee. He is quickly pulled from the mat and then clamped into a bear hug with Mike's fist placed low in the back. As the pain nears the unbearable point, he is dropped onto Mike's knee in a reverse atomic drop, with his balls catching the brunt of the force. He goes totally limp as he all but passes out. He is unable to muster the words, "I submit", so he is picked up and marched back into the ropes, where his arms are bound between the first and second rope. In a instant of "deja vu", Mike charges from the center of the ring butting his head deep into the gut of the helpless man. As Mike charges across the ring for the second tackle, this one aimed a little lower, he is totally surprised when he sees Brian drop under him to the mat. The first tackle, along with the sweat of Brian arms, had jarred the ropes enough so that he was able to fall free. Unable to stop his momentum, Mike is headed through the ropes. However, immediately as he passes over Brian, Brian raises up catching Mike in the lower limbs and flipping him over. The total result is that Mike's neck is now trapped between the ropes much as Brian's arms had been earlier. The force of Mike's thighs hitting the ring sent waves of pain up his body and his totally bewildered and helpless for the moment. Sensing the possibilities, George charges around the ring to help his wrestler. Fortunately, the referee realizes what is going on and grabs him before he can interfere. The crowd boos the ref as they realize that their man is now in big trouble. Mike's hands have pulled the ropes apart just enough so that he can breath, but not enough that he can release himself. He tries to bring his feet back up to the apron to get a purchase, but cannot. Brian, although still in great pain realizes that this may be his only chance, and rolls out of the ring and grabs both of Mike's legs and pulls down increasing the pressure. After a couple of minutes, he reaches up, grabs the top of Mike's trunks and in one swift move, and removes both the trunks and the jock strap. He places the strap around his hand and with the protective cup Mike has there, he jabs a vicious uppercut into Mike's exposed balls. The crowd begins screaming "foul" and "no fair," but they realize that in reality, it is fair. After several such jabs, Brian jumps up on the ring apron, faces outward towards the crowd and swings his elbow into the exposed balls. After the third shot, Mike screams his submission and Brian adds a fourth just for the hell of it. Brian then retrieves Mike's jock and trunks and walks back to his corner, where he dons the garments minus the jock cup, which he throws into the crowd. George and one of his other wrestlers rush over to the ropes and release Mike and take him back to his corner. George then demands that the referee make Brian return the trunks, but the ref simply says, "Sorry, no holds barred, no rules, he took them they’re his." George then ordered his other wrestler to give Mike his trunks, but the ref stopped that attempt as well, "No outside interference or help and you know the consequences if you do." Realizing defeat, George went to the corner to help Mike. Third Fall With only a couple of minutes to go until the third fall, Dave looks at Brian and says "Well, boy, you may have some talent in you after all. But this third fall could get really rough." "You're damned right it will be rough. I'm going to teach that little cunt a lesson that he will never forget," replied Brian. "Easy boy, over confidence is what did Mike in during that fall—remember?" "Oh, I remember all right. That and a hell of a lot more." Meanwhile George was giving Mike his pep talk or more actually his orders. "You listen good you little idiot. If you let that son of a bitch beat you I'll make damned sure you remember and regret if for the rest of your fucking worthless life. I'm not going to be humiliated by that cunt of a manager of his--especially not with what else if planned for later tonight. So you better not screw it up." Mike shakily got to his feet still in pain. He had not had such a brutal attack on him in a long time and was very slow to recover. As the bell rang, Brian charged into the opposing corner catching Mike’s full body and forcing him back into the turnbuckle. Before, he could fathom what was happening, Brian stepped back and planted an uppercut squarely into Mike's balls, wrenching a scream from his lips and totally stunning and disorientating him. Demonstrating his ability to learn quickly from his opponents, Brian began lifting Mike into a shoulder breaker, grabbing his balls for leverage and covering his mouth to stop a submission. "Now, you little asshole--I'm going to give you a beating that you will remember for a lifetime--for more reasons than one!" With that he ran across the ring and dropped Mike across his knees. Mike felt as though his back had been broken and screamed loudly into Brian's hand before slumping almost into unconsciousness. Brian dumped the body to the mat, stood up and dropped two quick knee drops into the lower back. The pain of the knee drops forced Mike back to consciousness where he soon realized that he had to act quickly or else. As Brian approached again, Mike was able to kick his foot up into Brian's crotch. However, the blow did not have much behind it and only managed to further infuriate Brian. Realizing that simply defeating Mike was no longer enough, and also to get back at George who he felt was ultimately responsible for everything that was happening to him, Brian decided that mercy had no place here and that he was going to destroy Mike. Brian removed the trunks and jock he was wearing, knotted the crotch of the jock into a ball and proceeded to force the gag into Mike's mouth, tying it in place with the straps. Mike tried to stop the act but was simply in too much pain to be very effective. George and his wrestler, seeing what was happening, started to enter the ring but were prevented by the referee and a couple of the fans on that side of the ring. Suddenly, the fans were no longer all rooting for Mike and many were now openly curious to see what Brian had in store for his opponent! Brian pulled Mike's legs into the air and stomped the ball of his foot into Mike's exposed balls. Mike's hands, which had been trying to untie the jock, were involuntarily placed over his exposed and severely aching balls in an useless attempt to protect them. Brian released the legs dropped to the mat and placed Mike in a leg split that Mike had used on Brian in the first round. Brian's feet were placed high on Mike's thigh where they could get the most leverage, and his knees where locked placing intense pressure on Mike's groin. He felt as though he were the wishbone from a turkey. To help increase the pressure, Brian had grabbed Mike's arms and was pulling them towards him, thus placing more pressure on Mike's crotch, as well as his damaged back. Every few seconds Brian would drop Mike's left arm and pound his free fist into Mike's left testicle with as much force as he could. After a couple of such shots, the testicle begin to swell and tears came to Mike's eyes. Brian leaned close and whispered in a voice that only Mike could hear. "That’s the ball that I’m going to destroy before I'm finished. You will not be a whole man after tonight and a damned poor wrestler, because all anybody has to do is go after the other ball and you'll fold like a house of cards!" As these words were spoken, Brian could see the cold fear and realization come into Mike's eyes. Mike found a new source of strength, fear for his manhood and managed to free one of his hands and sink his fist into Brian's exposed balls. The surprise of the move caused Brian to temporarily loosen his hold. Unfortunately for Mike, he was in no condition to take advantage of his freedom. Brian was more pissed than hurt by the move. "Damn you, you lousy son of a bitch! That’s going to cost you a little more hurt!" Brian quickly rose, and went across the ring to where he had left Mike's trunks, picked them up ripped them in half, and returning to his prostate opponent, and used them to bind Mike's hands behind his back. This sent George into a further fit of rage and shouts, but he was helpless to do anything and the referee (having found new respect for Brian’s talents as well) refused to interfere simply saying, "No holds barred, anything goes. Those are the rules you wanted and those are the rules you got." The crowd was now about evenly divided with half cheering Brian on and the other half screaming for the ref to stop it and give Mike a chance. Dave sat in his chair totally stunned. He wasn't sure where Brian got the intestinal fortitude for what he had taken and for what he was now dishing out, and he wasn't sure he liked it. Mike was pulled to this feet, backed into the ropes, his bound armed quickly caught up in the ropes, his boots unlaced and tied to the bottom rope (he had learned his lesson from Dave--very well). Brian then began using Mike as a punching bag with at least a fourth of the blows landing on Mike's swollen left ball sac. Mike was desperately trying to submit and tears were flowing from his eyes. Brian repaid Mike's earlier football tackle with one of his own, but with most of the force of the blow being directed at Mike's crotch. Standing up he leaned into Mike's face where he could see fear and pleading and said, "After all the shit you've pulled on other wrestlers, both here in the ring legally and alone in the locker room—not so legally, I'm going to make you pay so you can forget about any mercy." He then stepped backed and planted an instep kick into Mike's balls. Even through the gag, the scream of pain could be clearly heard. Brian released Mike's arms and pushed him forward. Since his feet were still bound and he had no use of his hands, Mike fell face first onto the mat breaking his nose in the process. Brian knelt between the “V” formed by Mike's legs and said, "Say bye-bye to half your manhood, asshole!" He then placed his right hand over Mike's right ball and his left hand over the left sac and proceeded into a handstand. However, he had cupped his hands so that was very little pressure on the balls. Then slowly he increased the pressure on the left ball sac. As he did so, Mike's cries of pain became more urgent and louder. "Now don't pass out on me boy or I may not get the signal I want to stop and you may end up totally manless!" With those words, Brian placed all his weight on the swollen left ball. For a brief moment it held and then yielding to the inevitable it collapsed. Mike's scream of utter pain drowned out Brian's "Bye Bye". Most of the crowd cheered loudly at the new development, having forgotten their earlier "loyalty" to Mike. Brian then began to increase the pressure on the right ball as the crowd, for the most part, cheered him on. "Okay, Mikey, are you ready to humbly submit to me, the superior wrestler?". Mike, in total fear of his manhood, had managed to stay conscious and nodded his head “yes”. Brian dropped out of the handstand, to the boos of many in the crowd, untied Mike's feet, and hands, drug him to the center of the ring and placed him on his knees, and said as he was untying the conquered jock, "You'd better make this good or I'll destroy what's left before anybody can get in her!" As the jock was removed, Mike reached forward, kissed the head of Brian's cock, both his balls and said, "You are obviously the superior wrestler and I am willingly submitting to you!" The crowd went crazy as they witnessed the humiliation. Mike was submitting himself to Brian without force. Brian simply walked away, left the ring and followed Dave back to the dressing room. As they entered, Dave turned at looked at Brian saying, "You realize that tonight doesn't change a damned thing where you are concerned. I still own you for six more months and I intend to get my money's worth, although I must admit that you did pretty good out there and have earned some respect in my eyes, which may make life a little easier for you." "Thank you, Sir, and yes, I realize nothing has changed." "Good, go get a shower and let's see what damage there is and how much time you'll be out of commission". Meanwhile, George and his other wrestler rushed into the ring and helped Mike back to their dressing room. As the door closed, George sank a fist deep into Mike's lower abdomen, forcing the hurting wrestler to the floor. "You fucking worthless, no good, bastard! Do you realize how you made me look out there? Damn you! You'll pay for that dearly!" Turning to his other wrestler he said, "Robert, finish off what that asshole started, make him into a total cunt!" Robert quickly approached the helpless Mike, grabbed his remaining ball sac in his hand and began squeezing. Mike had no strength left to fight or even scream with. Suddenly George shouted, "No Robert, don't. I just thought of another idea." Walking over to Mike he grabbed him by the hair and forced him to look up. "You’re going to help us finish the rest of our plan tonight. If all goes well and you do as you should, I'll let you keep your worthless testicle, but you'll be through in my stable. You fucked up tonight and I'll let one of my new rookies feel what it's like to crush a ball." With that they set about preparing the surprise for Dave and the gang later that night.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Unanimous


Brian felt the adrenaline rushing through his body as he thought of the upcoming confrontation. Tonight was going to be the crowning glory of his short career, for tonight he was going to take his former mentor down several notches. These thoughts ran through the 19-year-old’s head as he drove toward the wrestling facilities set up on Dave's farm. Brian had been discovered by Dave


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