Gay Erotic Stories

Maori STUDies 101, Part 1

by Neil Gosford

Going to university was my big break from my cozy, white middle-class, homophobic, small-town upbringing. I knew damned well that I was gay – hell! every kid in high school kept reminding me of it – but I’d never figured out how to actually do anything about it. Anyway, I applied to a big-city (big by New Zealand standards, that is!) university and was accepted on the basis of my academic prowess. I was also enrolled for my first year into a student hostel accommodation. The hostel itself wasn’t exactly a palace; more like a confusion of buildings that had grown up around a single large old house. This house had the large communal dining room and kitchen and its ground floor and boasted 9 study/bedrooms upstairs. These were all either double or single rooms for males only. When I arrived with my parents and my boxes of books, clothes and other personal items, I noticed a game of volleyball being played on the lawn outside this central house. This was the height of the New Zealand summer and the guys who were playing set my pulses throbbing. Most of them were shirtless and were displaying their well-muscled sweat-drenched bodies for all and sundry. As I got out of the car and started to unload my possessions, one of these demi-gods approached me. He was a stunning Maori guy; just over six foot tall with a body that just wouldn’t stop. Broad, muscular shoulders, pecs that could be used in a tutorial on tectonic plates, abs that appeared to be made of pressed metal and legs that must have run thousands of miles. He wore nothing but very tight red shorts that left very little to the imagination. He was dripping with sweat and approached me with a smile that would out-dazzle the crown jewels in London. “G’day,” he said, extending one of his huge paws for me to shake. “I’m Scotty. Y’wanna hand? Which room have they stuffed you in?” I grinned back at him. “Name’s Neil. I’m in room nine evidently.” “Ooh – the party room!” he replied laughingly. “Right next door to mine! I’ve gotta room all to myself – you have to share.” We lugged all my gear upstairs and Scotty showed me my room. It was at the end of the C-shaped corridor that hugged the stairwell – and it was huge! There were actually four beds and four study desks but the powers-that-be had decided that four guys together in one room was just too much bad news – so they only ever had two guys sharing it. My roommate hadn’t arrived so Scotty hefted the suitcase onto one of the made-up beds and said, “You take this bed. You’ve got a closet right next to you, it’s handy to the window – and I’m just through the wall behind the closet. . .” He winked at me, slapped me on the shoulder and went downstairs to get more gear. Within an hour my gear was all upstairs, my parents had left and I was left alone in my room to set everything up. I opened my suitcase first to get all my clothes sorted out and then opened my closet to start hanging things. An empty closet is not usually the most interesting of things. But this closet had certain features that could not be overlooked. Like sawdust on the floor. And a plywood disk. And a four inch diameter hole in the back wall - about three feet up from the floor . . . What the fuck . . .? I took a quick peep through the hole . . . There was Scotty, sitting at his desk, idly tapping away at his computer. He’d discarded the shorts I’d seen him in earlier and was now sitting naked in a director’s chair with one chocolate-brown leg thrown casually over the arm. While his right hand tapped away at the keyboard, his left idly groped his crotch – and what a crotch! His balls appeared to be the size of hen’s eggs and he was slowly juggling them between his fingers. His slightly bloated dick – a fat hooded beauty at half-mast – lay across the top of his fingers and just seemed to be enjoying the ride. He was focused intently on the screen but was grinning – almost leering; he was just kicking back and having himself a good time! I leapt away from that hole in a panic. Fuck! Every fantasy I’d ever wanked myself silly over was there on the other side of my closet! Nervously, I knelt down in my closet and peered through the hole again . . . Scotty must’ve heard me because now, instead of staring at the computer screen, he was staring, grinning, directly at me. Instead of idly jiggling his balls, he was stroking his dick – and that dick was growing! I’d thought it was fat when I first saw it – but now it was pulsating its way to an enormity that I hadn’t thought possible . . . “Hi!” barked a voice behind me. I leapt out of the closet, slammed the door and whipped ‘round to discover a tall, lanky, bespectacled guy with a huge backpack and – what I came to realize was – a cornet case. He leaned forward and grinned at me. “I’m Greg. I guess we’re roomies!” To be continued . . .


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Neil Gosford

Maori STUDies 101, Part 1

Going to university was my big break from my cozy, white middle-class, homophobic, small-town upbringing. I knew damned well that I was gay – hell! every kid in high school kept reminding me of it – but I’d never figured out how to actually do anything about it. Anyway, I applied to a big-city (big by New Zealand standards, that is!) university and was accepted on the basis of my


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