Gay Erotic Stories

Military Man, Part 1

by Robert T

After graduating from High School, I worked around home for awhile as my parents had five boys and I could not afford to attend college. Most of my school-mates either left for college or joined the military and soon I grew bored with my life and decided to enlist in the US Army. My mother and father were not too happy but I went to a large city near my home and joined up. I spent the last week before shipping out visiting what few friends that remained at home. The very last thing I did was screw hell out of a little girl I had been dating as I knew it would be awhile before I had a chance at a woman again. She blew me once and I screwed her twice while we were parked behind her father's barn and then we tearfully said goodbye. I said goodbye to my family and boarded the bus for Dallas where we were to be processed. Soon I was on a flight to basic training facilities at Fort Ord, California and it was my first flight in a large plane. As I stared out the window in fascination one of the men in charge sat down beside me and started a conversation. "This your first time away from home?” he asked, and I nodded. I noticed that he wore sergeant’s stripes and several campaign ribbons including the purple heart, the only one that I recognized because my uncle had received one too. He wore slashes on his sleeve that indicated 12 years service. He asked me many questions about myself and I found out he was heading for the same place I was as a cadre to train new recruits such as myself. He had been on leave and reassigned to my training outfit. There were twenty recruits on the plane and he had been put in charge of us to make certain we got to our destination as we were flying commercial airlines. By the time we arrived late that evening in Monterey, California he knew my life history. I was very talkative as I was a little hyper because of the excitement of it all. We all lined up outside the plane after landing and he called roll once more just to check. We then boarded an Army bus to take us on the short trip to Fort Ord. We all were very weary and apprehensive and we didn't get to bed until nearly midnight after drawing bedding and being assigned to barracks. I seemed I had just dozed off when he came through our platoon room and said "Hit the floor, guys"! I looked at my watch and it was 5:00 AM I reluctantly wiped the sleep from my eyes and drug my body out of bed. "We have a lot to do today so after we get chow I want everyone back here on the double" When we marched toward the mess hall the rest of the company was standing revile in front of the barracks and joined behind us. They let us go first because we had missed chow the night before after getting in so late. In the next few days our heads were shaved and we drew all our new clothes and boots and we were given a few shots against certain diseases. About a week later we began the eight-week training period in earnest. I did very well on all the tests and physical things that they made us do. I had been on the track and swimming team at school and was still slim and trim. Being very small in statue had prevented me from playing the contact sports. I was five foot 7 and I weighed 138 pounds. I just breezed through the PT test and soon was put in charge of some guys who had fallen behind. I spent extra time working them out after regular duty hours. I got a few special privileges because of this. One was driving the sergeant around at times in his jeep to pick up supplies. He took me to get a military license and I enjoyed breezing around the base with him. He and I became good friends when we were alone and he cold let his hair down. I was a good soldier and did as told and he liked that. Rifle practice was done on the beach and one day I drove him out there to check the facilities. We would be firing there the next day and he wanted them to be ready. It was very deserted out there and even a little chilly from the wind coming off the ocean. We had finished inspecting the buildings and were eating some sandwiches the cooks had fixed us at the mess hall. As we sat in the jeep and enjoyed our food he started to ask me questions about my private life. We had pulled behind a dune to ward off the chilly wind. He asked about my girlfriend and I showed him a picture. After looking at the photo he handed it back to me and said, "I had a wife once but the bitch ran off with another soldier while I was overseas." "Too bad," I said and he replied, "I am probably better off without her as there are other ways to get satisfaction, and he firmly put his hand on my arm. The feeling of his strong fingers gripping my arm sent a little chill flowing through me and I then realized how fond I had become of this guy. He was everything my father wasn't and I just loved being around him. The eight weeks of basic training were soon over and guys were getting their orders to ship out to the second eight weeks of specialized training in there newly assigned jobs. I waited but no orders came for me and one day the Commanding Officer called me into his office. The sergeant was sitting by the Captain's desk smiling. The CO looked at me and said, "I guess your wondering why your orders haven't been issued'. I replied with a "Yes Sir" and he then told me the scoop. It seems the sergeant liked the way I had performed my duties and had requested that I be assigned back to the unit to help train new men. I would spend 3 weeks at school learning to lead and instruct men and then return to the unit as acting corporal. If I did okay I would be given the rank for real a year later. I was thrilled and thanked them both before leaving. That night the sergeant took me to town to celebrate. First, we reserved a room at a motel, stowed our change of clothes, and left for town. To be continued


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Robert T

Military Man, Part 1

After graduating from High School, I worked around home for awhile as my parents had five boys and I could not afford to attend college. Most of my school-mates either left for college or joined the military and soon I grew bored with my life and decided to enlist in the US Army. My mother and father were not too happy but I went to a large city near my home and joined up. I spent

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