Gay Erotic Stories

Mission: Betrayal, Part 1

by Rance Charles

Part One: "So you see gentlemen, yours is a very risky mission." The admiral sat down and looked at the three Seals who had been chosen for the mission. Sean McGinnis, the oldest of the group at 29. Dark Irish good looks, and a massive muscled body. Broad shoulders straining at his Navy whites, tapered waist, bubble butt and long, muscular legs. Tony Giordano, 25, olive skinned Italian with a killer smile and a quick, agile body, made powerful by his three years in the Seals. The youngest, Bill Lewis, just twenty. Blonde farmboy from Lincoln, Nebraska. A choirboy face and the cut, muscular body of the gymnast that he was in high school. The Admiral sighed. "Could these men do it? Could they rescue Major Carter from the Middle Eastern terrorists that had captured him? "Well," he thought, "if anyone can do it, they can." He looked at them again. "Are there any questions?" Bill Lewis raised his hand. "Sir?" The Admiral nodded. "So let me get this straight. McGinnis will be airlifted in, Tony in by boat and me posing as a college kid on a school tour. Is that it? I don't want to seem slow or anything; I just want to get it straight." He smiled and the Admiral, an old married man, was taken by his clean-cut good looks. The admiral nodded. "And you will all meet on the night of the 10th to break the Major out. Clear men?" The three nodded. As they left the room they were unaware of the listening device planted in a light fixture that had been bringing their voices to Barak, the world's foremost terrorist and sadist. Barak smiled and slapped his riding crop against his leg. "And we will be waiting for you with open arms, my stupid American friends," he thought. He pressed a buzzer on his desk and his second in command, the expatriate German, Dieter Krauss came in. "My dear Krauss," he said, "they are on their way." Krauss' smile chilled even Barak. "And we will be waiting for them. They wanted to surprise us? Well, we will have some surprises waiting for them." He snickered and ran his hand over his elongating cock. "Many surprises indeed." His laugh echoed down the halls of the military compound, while back in the US the three men, unaware of the danger that awaited them prepared for their mission. (To be continued)


5 Gay Erotic Stories from Rance Charles

Mission: Betrayal, Part 1

Part One: "So you see gentlemen, yours is a very risky mission." The admiral sat down and looked at the three Seals who had been chosen for the mission. Sean McGinnis, the oldest of the group at 29. Dark Irish good looks, and a massive muscled body. Broad shoulders straining at his Navy whites, tapered waist, bubble butt and long, muscular legs. Tony Giordano, 25, olive skinned

Mission: Betrayal, Part 2

Sean McGinnis nodded at the young man next to him and jumped out of the plane into total darkness. There was very little wind, and after his chute opened successfully, he drifted down silently, hitting the ground at almost the exact spot that had been designated. So far so good. But time was of the essence and Sean hurriedly pulled off the harness and quickly buried the dark chute

Mission: Betrayal, Part 3

Tony Giordano paced the small cell punching his fist into the palm of his hand. "How the fuck did they know I was coming?," he thought. "This mission was top secret." But whatever had happened security had been breached and he had been picked up as soon as he had dragged his small raft onto the shore. He had been forced into a car, blindfolded,and after a ride over bumpy roads, had

Mission: Betrayal, Part 4

"I'll just be a minute more. Be patient. It' be worth it." Bill Lewis smiled and stretched his lanky frame across the single bed. "Okay," he called to the girl in the bathroom. "I've waited this long, I guess I can wait a while longer." The bus ride had been a long one and when they finally reached their destination Bill had been more than ready to check into the luxurious hotel

Mission: Betrayal, Part 5

MISSION BETRAYAL: CONCLUSION Every light in the castle was on. In the main hall, braziers were hung from every wall, their flames adding to the intense heat. The room was filled with talking, smoking, laughing men, all anticipating the night’s event. Many of the men were old and out of shape with handsome muscular escorts at their sides. Everyone wore nothing more than jock straps,


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