Gay Erotic Stories

Moonlight and the Lady

by Charlie

Moonlight and The Lady There's only one good thing about growing up in a high desert town. That's the moonlight on a warm summer night. When I was still just a kid, Dad told me about a night many years ago when he and his cousins and half the guys in their little farming community engaged in what he called a frolic. What's a frolic? A frolic is just like a gang streak except it happened a long time ago. I could just imagine him and all those young guys running up and down country roads, cock and balls waving in the warm summer air. Now that I'm older and wiser I wonder how far the horseplay went. If guys of his generation were as horney as they are in mine, I bet somebody got fucked. Any way, when I was just starting my Sophomore year in high school Dad moved our family out of the LA suburbs and into the fucking high desert. We moved into a half finished house. For the first time in a long time Dad managed to keep a job the whole summer. That of course meant that Mom and I had to do all the work getting that barn livable. The only thing I liked about that hell hole was the brightly lit summer nights. Often, it was too hot to sleep and I would lie there in my bed, whacking my meat. Not even a sheet over me. I would open the curtains and let the moonlight stream over my body. I think I must have looked really hot. I was 16, 6'2" inches tall and weighed 165 pounds. My dick, you ask. Circumcised, 7.75 inches. Not too bad for a kid. Finally, our second summer there, I got old enough to have some freedom. I guess my parents realized that you can't drag a teenager everywhere you want to go and they started leaving me at home alone on some weekends. Fortunately for me they seemed to always pick the weekend of the full moon. I would fix my dinner and maybe watch some TV. Really what I was doing was waiting for the rising of the moon. Soon, not soon enough, I would see moonlight bathing the desert through the open front door. Then I was naked and out for a frolic. The minute that moonlight hit my dick, it worked its magic. I would stride into the front yard with my dick standing at full erection. Our closest neighbor was a quarter mile to the east, so I went west. Running, jumping, jacking. What was really fun was when I would dare myself to go all the way to the county road a half mile away. There was always the chance a car would come along and freeze me in its headlights. God, that would be hot. I stroked harder just thinking about it. I would be out there for hours and never let myself come until I was exhausted. After I'd came, I'd get scared and race for the house, swearing I'd never do anything so dumb again. There were snakes out there and God knows what else. Next full moon, there I was again. Finally Dad let me get my driver's license. Now I was free, really free. No, Dad used the car keys to torture me. Only once in a while could I get to go out alone. Back in those days I really liked girls and I dated when I could. I was a good church boy and so I didn't even think about trying to fuck them, but a hot date would leave me with a load that had to get out. Moon lit night and a full load. You can guess what would happen. A frolic! I would pull off the main road and find a quiet stretch and in a flash I would be naked. I know that felt better than pussy ever could. I was more than just a bit of wimp in high school. No good at sports and a real nerd. Back in the late fifties somebody came up with this President's Physical Fitness program. Depending on how you did on this bunch of tests you got to wear blue or red gym shorts or if you were a real wimp you got to wear tacky gray. The studs who won red or blue would wear them outside their sweat pants and strut their manhood. Every year the other guys giggled while I failed over and over again. All but one. Each group of ten guys had a blue trunks winner assigned as squad leader. Hank was my leader. When we started the practice for the fitness test, the other guys got ready to have a good laugh at my expense. Hank shut them up and I mean now. Hank was impressive. Towering 3 inches over me and every inch an athlete. Hank wasn't a jock, but just liked being active. He helped with each event, demonstrating technique and encouraging me to let myself go all out and be a winner. Long story short I won red trunks that year. I think Hank was prouder than I was. That year the school had built us a new gym. At last we could play basketball on a real court. I loved basketball. One day the coach had us all assembled in a circle around him. Some of the guys were sitting on top of the collapsed bleachers. One of them was Hank. He said something to me and I turned to look at him. The leg of his shorts was standing open and somehow his balls had gotten free. Goddamn they were big and hairy. I didn't want to stare, but I just had to. After a few minutes, Hank smiled and reached up the leg of his shorts and put everything back where it belonged. My heart was pounding and I didn't know why. I hadn't ever looked at the other guys in the showers. I was afraid of being called "Queer." Whatever that meant. That day I looked. Cocks of all shapes and sizes. Hairy balls and balls as smooth as silk. Some sets manly and others boyish. Hank's? The biggest and manliest of the lot and he was my buddy. It was Thursday and Hank caught up with me after gym class. "Hey, Doug, want to double date to the drive-in tomorrow night. I've got the car and maybe we can get lucky." "Sure." Well, we made our plans and got our dates lined up. Suzy, a girl I dated from time to time was free and Melissa just died at the chance to go out with Hank. I don't think that many lines have been pitched at so few girls in one car in one night anytime in history. Sad to say, neither of us got to first base. We dropped the girls off and Hank headed toward my place. Guess what? Full Moon. "Uh, Hank have you ever froliced?" "What's that?" "It's where you get naked in this crazy moonlight and run and run until you can't run anymore." "What good's that?" "Well, I get really horney and jack myself while I run. When I've shown the Lady in the Moon how worthy I am and how hard I've danced around trying to please her, I blow my load straight up into the sky. I think it's a sacrifice she wants from me. It feels so great." "Sounds like fun. Let's do it. I'm so horney after all that trying with Melissa, I just got to break a nut." "Turn down this next road. O.K. this looks good. Park." Silently we got out of the car and began to strip. We didn't look at each other for a while, but after we had put our shoes back on he looked me over as closely as I did him. "Nice." Slowly my cock began to rise. "The moonlight always does that to me." "Hey, its working on me, too. Let's frolic!" and frolic we did. God did he have a monster dick. "Uh, Doug, I know that you were looking up my shorts yesterday. "Did you like what you saw. I mean I'm not queer or nothing, but I did notice. It wasn't intentional." "Hank, honestly, I don't even really know what queer is." "Well, I've heard there are some guys that like to have sex with other guys." "What in the hell could they do together." "It seems to me if girls can suck on a cock, that a guy could do it too. I've even heard they stick it in each other's asses." "Damn, I bet that would hurt. Come on, let's frolic some more." "Um, Doug, can I touch your dick? Just to see what another guy's stuff feels like." That set me back. I didn't want to think I might be queer but Hank had done so much for me, how could I say, "No." Then I thought what if only he does it. He'd probably hate me later. "O.K., but only if I can touch yours too." "Let's go." I don't know what over came me, but as we stood there touching and jacking each other, I just slipped to my knees. Soon I had him buried in my throat. It felt right. It felt good. I started sliding it in and out of my mouth. I remembered those heavy balls. I held his dick in one hand and began giving them a bath. Boy were they heavy. He moaned and ground his dick into my hand. I started sucking again. "Nope, if we're gonna do this, we're gonna do it right. My turn." Hank gave me the same treatment I gave him, but I couldn't last and I tried to pull his mouth away as I shot, but he pulled me close. I pumped and pumped and then felt his adam's apple bounce as he swallowed everything. Here my buddy had already given me so much and now this. What could I do to show him how much I admired him. "You want to try and fuck me?" "You sure?" I squirmed inside. Could I do this. What if it hurt me. What if he hated me later. To hell with it. "Yeah, I think I'll die if I don't try it. It just feels like what we ought to do. Maybe its what the Lady wants." "O.K." Hank walked around to the truck of the car and got a blanket out and stretched it on the ground. "Come here, buddy." We laid down and played with each others dicks again. He put his lips on mine and started tonguing inside my mouth. I had never done that before, but it felt so good. I twisted around to take his dick in my mouth again. Harder that a rock and bouncing with every tongue tickle. "Hold it. I wanna fuck." I rolled over on my stomach and he fumbled with his dick trying to get it in my hole. God it hurt. "Whoa. Stop. I don't think this can be done. It's just too dry." Then it hit me. With my new DA I had a tube of grease in my pants pocket. "Just a minute." I got that tube and greased my hole. The whole time I was rubbing in that grease and trying to pack my butt hole with it, Hank just laid there watching and grinning. Then I reached over and greased his dick. He tried again and it slipped right in. Hank shuddered above me. I was so tense. "Relax, buddy and I think it will be better for you." I look a deep breath and wiggled around to loosen my muscles and then he began to move. It felt great. Every now and then he would hit something inside me and waves of pleasure would engulf me just like the moonlight. Hank pumped and pumped. "Hell, here it comes. Are your ready." "Let it fly!" I could feel his dick pumping long streams of cum into me. It was hot. How could it be so hot? Finally he shuddered again and collapsed on top of me. "Are you O.K.", I asked. "Sure, how about you?" "I think I'll live, but your heavy. Get off me." He started to raise up and with him went his cock. I hadn't thought about that. "Wait, I don't want you out of my ass. Roll over on your side. He did taking me with him. He started to stroke my dick and it started to swell. Just as it did, so did his and he began to move again. It felt so good. Laying there in the moonlight, we were two young gods making sacrifice to the Lady in the moon and I know she accepted what we were offering because the light became brighter. Hank thrust and plunged and jacked my dick at the same time. After a while, I could feel my load building. "I'm gonna come." "Me, too." And he pounded into me with all his strength. Wham, wham, wham. Then I felt him start to squirt and I joined him. Hank dropped me off at home and we never talked about what we had done. I hoped he wouldn't hate me, but everything seemed just the same. About a month later, Hank came up to me and announced it was time for another double date. "And what about the Lady?" Hank smiled. "Never a double date without a sacrifice for the Lady!" It wasn't long before they girls were getting to go out every weekend. Hank suggested to me that we had been leaving the coming of the Moon Lady to chance and that we ought to make sure she would come back by offering sacrifices every week. Hell, who was I to argue. After all this guy was my buddy, who had always taken care of me. Even after the chicks started giving us head on a regular basis, we decided that was probably just the way the Lady worked on girls and that we should show her our appreciation by continuing the guy only frolics in her honor. Hank got real good at fucking me and could make me feel so great. I even got up his ass from time to time, but we both like it best with me on my tummy getting rammed and filled. Eventually we both got married and started our families. We've always made sure that we live close to each other. We've never told Suzy and Melissa why we have to go out together late at night on the full moon and I don't think we ever will.


2 Gay Erotic Stories from Charlie

Moonlight and the Lady

Moonlight and The Lady There's only one good thing about growing up in a high desert town. That's the moonlight on a warm summer night. When I was still just a kid, Dad told me about a night many years ago when he and his cousins and half the guys in their little farming community engaged in what he called a frolic. What's a frolic? A frolic is just like a gang

The "Big" Party

Jenny Craft was on cloud number nine! She couldn’t believe her good luck! Having met Charlie only a month ago, and now he was taking her to a party that would include his best and closest friends. They were having what once was described as a whirl wind romance. Introduced by a friend of a friend, they had become almost inseparatable. From the very first night together the sex and


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