Gay Erotic Stories

My Broken Heart

by Jake

This is a true story. I have submitted 3 others and I hope that you all enjoy this one as much as the previous 3. Thanks and any comments are welcome to Jake and Craig happened to be online in the same chatroom and not a lot was going on so Craig im'd Jake to get to know him better. It was amazing but Jake fell in love with that first im and had thought that Craig's feelings were the same. They talked for all of four (4) hours or so and both agreed to chat again. Well that happened. Jake and Craig had chatted for hours on end almost daily. Jake was in one state and Craig in another. This was a problem or so Jake thought. But Craig just kept on reassuring him that their love could make it work and that Craig had given notice to his job that he was leaving the following June. I wont say what he did for a living but he is in the public eye and his current contract ran out in June of 2001. Craig promised Jake that he would move to his state and they would live their life together. It all seemed to be so true and positive and there was no hints or little ideas on Jakes part that Craig was not being honest with him. Then one day Craig calls Jake and says that an old buddy from school was in town and had no where to go and he was gonna stay with him for a while. Jake told himself that it was just an innocent thing and that if the same thing happened to him that he would put his old lifelong school friend up as well. It had to just be a harmless thing and Jake felt that he would not even let his friend know that he was gay just to not make him feel awkward. He really felt that Craig was all that he had mad himself out to be, an honest and caring and loving guy that really loved Jake for who he was and that they would be together in June the following year. Well to begin with all was normal and Craig kept calling Jake all the time and they would talk for hours just as before. Nothing had changed. Then Craig said that he had taken his friend out to a gay bar and his friend got drunk and attacked him in the parking lot. He said that his friend had overpowered him and actually raped him before they made it to the car. Apparently, the friend is gay too. Well then Craig stops calling and there are not any emails or im's and just no conversation whatsoever. Jake is hospitalized for falling and breaking both of his ankles and he can't be online for a while or answer his phone for a while but he does have a message on his answer machine telling what has happened and that if a message is left as soon as possible he would be getting back to the callers. To his dismay, there are not any messages from Craig when he gets home. Jake then figures that Craig is just not interested anymore. Of course he wants to here it for himself. Well months have gone by and Craig is finally online. Jake sends an im and there is no response. Jake just blows it off, knowing that the inevitable was in sight. Then he signs on again and Craig is on. Jake sends an im again and this time Craig responds saying that he has been busy, blah blah blah, and that he is very busy know putting together a party for him and his boyfriend. Well there is Jake's answer he was waiting for. It could have come a bit more tactfully but at least he got it. Well Jake ends the im immediately and calls on his friend Jeff. Jeff is one person that no matter what Jake knows that he can rely on to be there for him. They have been friends for just a short time about a year or so but they always know how the other is feeling and they both know that they can count on the other to bring them up if they are feeling down. Jeff is a great guy and Jake is really lucky to have a friend like him. If Jeff ever gets hooked up with anyone then Jake sure hopes that the person understands their friendship. Jake don't know what he would do if he didn't have Jeff to lean on, in times of need and he hopes that Jeff knows that Jake will always be there for him when he needs him. So far it has worked out that way anyway.


6 Gay Erotic Stories from Jake

Brother, Dear

Hey. My name is Jake McKenly. I'm 19 years old, 6'2, with blond hair and really dark blue eyes. I have two brothers, one 18 the other 20. The younger one is a senior in high school and has black hair with blue eyes. His name is Luke. Out of the three of us, he's the smallest weighing in at 205lbs with 2% body fat. His chest is 54" and 17" arms. He's got a really defined

Fun in the City Park

I had gotten called in to work at 3:00 a.m. to do the opening of the plant as the manager was out with the flu. I am a 32-year-old handsome man, blue eyes, brown hair and a very dedicated to my company person. I have worked for this company for 12 years and never missed a single day outside of scheduled holidays and vacations. So like a jerk, here I am driving into the plant at

Muscle Fuck, Part 1

Muscle Fuck, Part I I had never noticed this guy before, which wasn't that strange, I went to the gym to get huge, not to check out the guys. Anyway, it was usually to crowded in there to get a good look at anyone anyway. This night was different. It was Friday and the place was deserted. I was about 1/2 way through my lift when the most amazing stud came

My Broken Heart

This is a true story. I have submitted 3 others and I hope that you all enjoy this one as much as the previous 3. Thanks and any comments are welcome to Jake and Craig happened to be online in the same chatroom and not a lot was going on so Craig im'd Jake to get to know him better. It was amazing but Jake fell in love with that first im and had thought that

Tha Cat in the Hat has Nothing on this Jaguar

I was injured a few years ago and I have lost alot of memories. One of which was with my lover on line. We will call him Cougar. Lets just say that even thou I didn't remember him he remembered me. I was online and just answering some email and doing some stuff when I got an IM. It was Cougar. Let me tell ya a little about me. I am 34, 6'0" and brown hair and hazel eyes. I am

The Plumber

Jake was just about finished installing the new hot water heater for Mrs. Drake, as the old one had been leaking like a sieve and must have cost a fortune to run. Jake lit the pilot light and waited for the familiar whoosh that came when the burner fired up. Mrs. Drake leaned around the corner and asked if everything was O.K. “No problem Ma’am, all finished,” Jake said, as he wiped

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