Gay Erotic Stories

My First Guy Fuck TS

by Matthew

This story is about male to male sex that is consensual. If this topic is something that you find offensive then do not read any further. Author holds no responsibility for offense that this may cause to those that choose to read further. After reading other viewer's stories about their first sexual experience I thought that I would tell you about mine. Unlike others, my first sexual experience was not with a sibling, the coach of the team, or with the teacher from class. My first time was during a court enforced placement in one of the few one on one boot camp programs in the district that I lived in. When I say my first sexual experience, I am referring to fucking, I had beaten the meat often but there had never been any one else in the picture at the same time. I was some what of a conduct disorder kid when I was young. I was at that age when school sucked, so I would hardly go. Most of the time that I was there I spent in the gym working out with some of the older guys. I never bulked up like some of the others, but I did firm up and looked hard. I was a small kid in height, but had gone through the change early. I had a nice patch of hair around my uncut donger, a really hairy arsehole and a well firmed body. The one thing that I liked about myself was that I had balls that hung very low. My parents had been concerned about this when I was growing up, they even took me to a doctor as they feared that something was wrong with me. I can remember the doctor's response to their concerns. He just examined me, and started to laugh. When my parents asked what was so funny, he said that he wouldn't know a man alive that wouldn't give their right arm to be endowed like this. I can remember Dad being some what proud of this, but I was not of the age where I knew what all the fuss was about. My balls hung low, very low, but my cock was only mildly above average in length. When I got hard, I was close to 81/2 inches, which was a bit better than average when compared to the guys in my class. Tommy, a second year, by far had the biggest dong in class, I bet a dollar that he was over ten flaccid. I love jacking off lying on my back as my balls would rub up and down my arsehole which always gave me added sensation. Along with big balls, I had an attitude the size of mountain. I had my own way of doing things. A lifestyle that saw me get into considerable trouble with the authorities on numerous occasions. When I did get arrested for stealing a car, and assaulting a middle aged man for the contents of his wallet, I had hit the wall pretty hard. Stealing, drinking, fighting, truancy just to name a few. When they finally got me, it was for theft of a car and a man's wallet. This was what they got me on, if they had only know about the extent of the shit that I got into before they caught up with me, I would surely have gone somewhere else rather than a small boot camp. Before they caught up with me, I had been out of home for about 2 weeks. I was sleeping in a commonly used wreck of a house with some other homeless people. It was one of these nights that some drunk tried to force me to suck his dick. I was scared shitless and overreacted a bit. After all he was drunk. I grabbed a bottle and cracked it over the top of his head. There was a lot of blood, so I just panicked and ran. No one gave chase, so I was assured that I was somewhat in the clear for the time being. I had no where to live, but at this point I couldn't have cared less. It was when I was walking the streets early in the morning that the police caught up with me. I now realize that all they wanted to know was if I was okay. They did not know who I was, to them I was some dumb kid on the streets in the early morning. It was only after I took off that they gave chase. I gave them a good run for their money, but the young officer that caught me was one of the fastest fuckers I have ever seen. He ran me down in to an ally that dead ended with a high fence at the very end. My arse was hauled in to the station and it was there that they realized that I had been on the run for some time. Everything that I had done came crashing down on me all at once. Major bummer. Social services got involved as well as the family court advocate. I was sure that I would receive some time in a boys setting or some periodic detention type situation. Nothing that I hadn't experienced before. At seventeen, I thought that I was above the law, but I soon came back to reality when I got hauled up to the courts and had this sentence with a one man boot camp given to me. I had been to some rehab places earlier for a variety of behavior problems and had always had my way with those that took me. Often I had been sent back with a large "F" which stood for "fail". When I was introduced to the man that was supposed to "rehabilitate" me I thought that this would just be another repeat, I would wear this person down and I would go back home for a while before taking off again. Andrew was a middle aged man with dark hair, about 5.11 with a slim build and looked rather fit. He had a ruff look about him, a thick crop of hair and protruding chest hair from the top of his checkered shirt. He was very confident of himself and shook my hand as if he had no concerns about dealing with some one that had a track record of slipping through the gaps like me. I asked him how long he expected me to stay here in this dump of a place. His reply was "not long mate". The dump that I was referring to was a large office building that looked as though it also doubled as a small flat for him. It had two beds in one of the corners that I assumed would be one of the places that I would have to sleep in. I thought that this would be more or less like another institutional setting. I was never so far from the truth. After the officer that delivered me left, he told me to empty the contents of my bag on to the floor. When I refused and just stood there, he shrugged his shoulders and said "suit yourself" and proceeded to rip open the top of the backpack and dumped the contents on to the floor and start to sift through it. My valuables included a few changes of clothes, a stolen wallet, cigarettes, lighter and a play boy magazine. As he searched through the contents, I tried to prevent him from doing this, but he warned me against even thinking about it. I suddenly had doubts about my ability to beat this guy in to submission. He threw some stuff out and placed the rest of the contents back into the pack. He picked up the magazine and looked through some of the pages before rudely stating that I wouldn't need this wank material. Andrew weighed carefully the number of shirts, trousers, socks and under wear that I had and chucked what he thought was enough back into the bag. He zipped up the pack, grab his own, and hauled me by the scruff of the neck out of the door and out to a waiting car. I didn't go quietly I would like to say. No one had man handled me like this for a long time and I was not going to let this fucker get away with it. Despite my efforts to get loose, I couldn't; he was a lot stronger than I thought, and was soon hauled into a car out in the alley behind the office. As I went to move out of the car, he reached over and grabbed the front of my shirt and stared in to my face. "Look you little fucker, sit there and behave or by god I will fuck you up so bad that you wish you were in hell". This was enough to get me to sit still for the time being. I needed to re-evaluate the strategy that I was going to use, and couldn't come up with anything at this stage. It was about a four hour drive into the middle of nowhere. I was fucked off, tired, hungry and in desperate need of a slash. All that surrounded us was bush. I had not seen another car since the last turn some miles back. Andrew for most of the trip said nothing, but I did catch him studying me at different times. After what seemed like hours, he pulled into a clearing and parked the car. All he said was.." follow or stay there and starve arsehole!" At first I did not understand, but after he disappeared into the Bush, I panicked and ran after him. I had to run to keep up with him as he strode through the bush in some obscured direction. It was not long before I was completely lost. I had no choice but to follow him. The back of my shirt stuck to me with the sweat that was coming of me as a result of my running. When we finally stopped for a breather he just laughed at me, I must have looked a state. He was perspiring slightly, his hair matted to the front of his face, and some dark patches under his arms. "Tired yet sonny? "Fuck you" was all that I said back. He just laughed at me and reached down to the leg opening of his shorts and fumbled with the material. I wondered what the hell he was doing at first, until a steady stream of urine flowed into the dirt, inches away from his leg. I could not believe that he was pissing in front of me like this. All I could see was the very end of his penis and a steady stream of relatively clear water. "If you want to piss, hurry up, we wont stop for a while" He shook the end of his penis and tucked it back into the folds of his shorts. From what I could see it did not appear to look that big. But I knew that my own cock was small when it was soft, but increased significantly when I got a boner. I got up and walked back into the bush a little way before I pulled my own dick out, drawing back my foreskin and took a well needed slash. I could here his laughter from where I was. "Scared that someone might see your small cock aye, I thought a tough lad like you would have big balls and a donger to match! I thought a cocky shit like you wouldn't be scared of someone seeing your lead." I did not reply but just followed on as he led the way. He was really pissing me off by now, as he had been able to get me to follow his every demand so far. I decided that it was time that I asserted myself and let him know that I was not a push over. We stopped at a cliff edge that went straight down to the bottom of a river. The river pooled into a large hole off to the left where there was an old camping site. There did not seem to be an obvious way down until Andrew withdrew some rope and harness from one of the packs that he carried. He tied the rope to a near by tree and put one of the harnesses on. The straps went between his legs and around the waist. I looked at the bulge that the harness was causing between his legs. The straps were obviously causing his penis to be pushed out, exaggerating what he had there. I couldn't help but stare at this site before me. My concentration was broken when he looked over at me told me to come over and to put the other harness on. It was here that I wrongly decided to say " get fucked arsehole". In a flash he closed the distance between and dropped me on my arse. He wasted no time and in seconds had sat on my chest facing my feet. He roughly grabbed my feet and forced the harness over my boots and up towards my waist. I tried to push him off, but he was just too heavy, and had all the advantage of pushing down. He told me to hold still while he grabbed my crotch and roughly pulled it to the side when he adjusted the straps. I started to yell, fearing that he was trying to get into my pants. He just laughed and said "What the fuck's that for, little man?" Once the harness was secure, he got off me and pushed me towards the edge of the cliff. Once again he was in control, control that he abused when he let me fall the last few meters into the river below. I went under, backpack and all. The water was freezing. I managed to get to the shore and out of the water just as he reached the bottom. I was so angry that I went for him, disregarding the fact that he was standing in a few feet of water and somewhat larger than me. All that happened was that he got out of my way and tripped me up, causing me to go face down once again. I just about drowned as the added weight of the pack held me down. A ruff jerk lifted me out of the icy water and back on to dry land. "That was a clever thing to do, are you always this clever?" God I hated him--already--for being so fucken cocky. My anger was replaced by the intense cold that I was starting to experience. I followed him over to the camp site, where he made a fire and put up a two man tent. I was sure that if I had rubbed my throat, my balls would have been there. The cold was so intense that I couldn't help but shiver and turn blue. I just sat there shivering and watching him do all of the work. It was late in the evening by the time that the tent was up and the fire was just putting out some real heat. "You had better get out of those clothes or you will catch a fever sonny." All I could think to say was "Up yours1", between teeth chatters. "Well we can do it now or later, but if we do it later it won't be nice." I was not sure what he meant, but I thought that if I could refuse for a while, then at least I felt that I had some control of the situation that was occurring. Andrew crouched down at the side of the fire and prepared a meal that didn't smell that nice, but after the day that I'd had, was very appealing. I sat down on a log beside the fire opposite from Andrew. It was then that I saw the end of his cock hanging out of his shorts. At the end of his cock was a large flap of foreskin which covered the end of a reasonably size knob. I stared at it for a few minutes, before realizing that he was watching me. I broke off the stare and looked at the ground in the hope that he was not aware that I had been fixated on his shorts and their contents. He did nothing to indicate that he had seen me, and wordlessly handed me a plate of warm soup and some bread that he tore off a loaf. The meal was consumed without conversation until he stood up and began to kick some dirt on the fire. He once again fumbled with the material of his shorts until a steady stream of piss let loose from his cock. The fire hissed and smoked when his piss hit it. As he pissed he let out a loud sigh and scratched his nuts. I turned away at this point, too embarrassed to watch this display. I hoped that this was not some sort of show for me, hoping more that this was just his display of animal behavior on his part. All that I could think about was the fact that I was cold and had nothing dry to wear, let alone sleep in. He poured the remaining water from a canteen over the fire and cleared up the dishes. It was getting quite cold and the light was going out when he said that I had to get out of the wet clothes that I was in. I replied hastily that I had no other clothes to get into as they all had gotten wet when I fell in the river. All he said was " I don't give a shit, out of them clothes sonny now, or I will do it for you!" I decided at that point to test his patience by telling him once again to go fuck himself, adding that I thought that he was a fucking sick sheep worrier. Under no terms was I going to go buck naked in front of him now, I had never been naked in front of a guy his age before and I had no immediate interest in doing it either. All he said was, "Suit yourself" and then grabbed me by the arm and waist and hauled my arse head first in to the tent. I crashed into the packs that he had in there and got tangled up in some of the equipment. He followed instantly after me yelling loudly that he would not ask me again. He seemed to be extremely fucked off, but at this stage I couldn't give a flyer about him. The zipper to the tent was shut and our packs placed at the entry to the tent. He then turned his attention on me. With enough force to overcome me, he pinned me down and unzipped my jeans and slowly worked them down over my wet gruts. I fought, but he had a firm grip on my arms and legs. I thought once he had my pants off, that he would at least let me keep my undies on, but no, these came off too. There I was, completely naked, my penis exposed before this complete stranger. The cold had indeed made me much smaller than I normally was, but he still stared at my scrotum and whistled in appreciation. The smile on his face said it all. He had enjoyed ripping my clothes off, as he once again reaffirmed to the both of us that he had control of the situation and that there was no way that I was going to get one over him. He climbed off me and started to get undressed himself. I bought my legs up to my chest and tried to hide as much of my nakedness as possible. I felt so pissed and scared at the same time that I did nothing. As he removed his shirt, I got my first glimpse of the hairy body that he had. His chest was well covered in hair, and his muscled chest rose steadily as he caught his breath. I could smell his sweat coming from his armpits and crotch sweat. Both smelt rather sweet I remember. He stared at me while he changed, I could feel my dick begin to stiffen as I watched him strip. His trousers followed suit leaving him in his gruts. These he kept on to my relief. His cock bulged through revealing two large balls and a semi hard apparatus. With one hand, he almost absently rubbed himself before moving to one of the packs and unrolling a large sleeping bag. By now I was shivering in the cold with my cock standing to attention. I felt so embarrassed and tried to hide the fact that I was experiencing a fat in front of him. He glanced over at me for a moment before reaching over and grabbing my legs. In a quick motion, he held my legs out straight exposing my boner and balls. He just stared at my cock and smiled. Some what less threatening, he told me to not to worry about getting a stiff, stating that every man gets one every day and that it was natural. He seemed to stare for some time at my meat before organizing the sleeping gear. I did not respond, but felt so humiliated. I had now cracked a hardon in front of this guy who I hated. He lay in his sleeping bag and told me to hurry up and get in or we will both freeze. He grabbed me by the hand and pulled me into the sleeping bag. I struggled at first, then gave in, as I thought that this was the only place that I was likely to be warm. I was forced up against his body, the hair on his chest scratching my back. I tried to get out, but he intertwined his legs with mine and held tight until I stopped fighting. I could feel his cock against my back, causing me to tremble a little. My own cock was throbbing by now and I could feel some pre cum leaking out. He lay an arm over my shoulders and held on tight and then began to rub his ruff hands up and down by body in an attempt to warm me up. I was bloody cold. I let him know that I did not want him to get so close to me, and to keep his fucking hands to himself. I said that I was no queer. He ignored everything that I said and continued on with his rubbing. After I relaxed a bit, I decided that it wasn't that bad to be this close to Andrew. His man smell was strong and somewhat arousing. He mentioned that I stunk of sweat and lifted up my arm and seemed to smell me. He said that if I got out I would freeze to death, and that I would have to lump it. In response to my shivering he moved until he was laying almost completely on top of me. As I started to object, he said that he was trying to keep me warm with his own body. He said that the best way to keep warm was body temperature and that I should fuck up with all the complaining. I did feel warmer but the weight of him pushed down on my cock and I could feel his shaft in my thigh. I felt extremely vulnerable, extremely nervous and shit scared all at the same time. I also had a fat which I knew he could feel. Andrew smelt strong, a smell of sweat and crotch sweat. For some reason this made me feel even hornier. I had once cracked a hardon when I smelt my friend's jock strap at school. The thought of my friend's penis sweating in this made me harder than I can ever been and resulted in the best climax that I had experienced for ages. I had never again felt like that but now this feeling was resurfacing. God I was so scared and embarrassed that Andrew could feel me underneath him with the boner that I was experiencing. He didn't seem to be taking much notice of it, which made me feel some what better about it. Until he turned and faced me and whispered in my ear "You aren't going to try and use that thing are you?" I wished that I was dead right then and there. Not only had I got excited in the presence of another male, but I was swinging a boner while he lay on top of me. I couldn't make eye contact with and kept my eyes as far away from his face as I could. I was more tired than I realized and it was not long before I fell asleep. It must have been late in the morning when I woke to the feeling of my cock exploding a wad of cum and my heart pounding. Andrew woke to the feeling of my body tensing and shaking and my cock throbbing. He started to laugh, his hands grasping each side of my head and forcing me to look at him. He brushed my hair off my face and continued to laugh. I felt so stupid, I had just cum in my sleep while Andrew was on top off me. He looked straight at me and slowly slid himself off me. As he did, the sleeping bag followed him, leaving me once again exposed to the world. A large wad of cum was on my stomach and some still hung to the end of my cock. My heart was still pounding at this stage and I didn't make any substantial attempt to hide my cock. I reached down with my hands in a feeble attempt, but this was a bit too late to make any difference at all. Andrew reached down to his own cock, which was covered in the majority of my cum. His own cock I saw was rock hard underneath his undies and showed a little pit of darkness at the very tip. He reached down to his cock and wiped the cum of his gruts, and then reached over and removed the wad of cum from the end of my cock and rubbed it through his fingers before he smelt it. "Not bad for a little guy" was his response. Right now I could have cried. I was embarrassed, scared and still horny--all at the same time. I was unsure of what to do next. Here was Andrew, smelling my cum and sporting his own erection, while I lay exposed and within reach if he so wished. He slowly got up and went to the end of the tent and fished around for some clothes. Finding what he wanted, he turned and told me to get up and come out for a shit in the bush. He removed his gruts, letting his cock spring out of its confines and stood there in the middle of the tent. He smelt his gruts and chucked them towards the back of the tent. This was the first time in my life that I had ever see another man's erected penis. The skin that I had seen earlier on was still covering the majority of his knob . His hairy balls hung low between his legs, his stomach had a small line of hair which grew up from his cock to his chest before spreading out into a thick mat. I couldn't take my eyes of him. Andrew then told me to get up and to follow him out into the trees for a dump. I didn't argue and just followed him out side. He didn't seem to care about the fact that anyone could come by the camp and see the both of us naked. He said that no one came here as the cliff made the place all but inaccessible, except to a few people that he knew. We walked some way in to the bush before he stopped and motioned for me to go ahead and do my business. He crouched down and began taking a dump while I walked off into the bush further to relieve myself. I met up with him back at the river where he was using the water to wipe his arse. I followed his lead and it was not long before we were back at the camp eating a cold breakfast. Both of us were naked still, as he had made not attempt to put any clothing on, and I had not had a chance to dry any of mine out yet. During breakfast, I stared at his cock, which was soft by now. Mine on the other hand was still as hard as it had been earlier on in the morning. He watched me watching him and seemed to find this amusing. I could see that his cock would inflate and go soft again often during the morning, especially when he knew that I was watching him. After breakfast he broke camp and packed everything away. He handed me some of his shorts, and put some on himself, then we struck off at a brisk walk further into the bush. After a walk that seemed to take forever, he pulled up for a rest. I was absolutely stuffed. Sweating like a pig, I could even smell myself. Andrew pulled out a water canteen and took a long drink before coming over and handing it to me. I took the water and drank some, giving it back after I had finished. I was still unable to make eye contact with him, as I was embarrassed about what had happened that morning, the fact that he had seen me nude, laughed at my cum, cock, and made fun of my erection before going to bed. He had been understanding earlier; what was his fucking game now? We continued walking for the rest of the day and stopped a few hours before sunset, making camp near a small river with a clear pool off to one of the sides. I could see some steam coming off the pool, Andrew offered that it was heated my a underground thermal stream and made for the best bathing. He quickly set up camp and laid our meal on the fire to cook. While I was taking off my shoes, he came up behind me, knelt down and grabbed both my arms. I jumped about a mile high as I had not heard him coming up behind me. I asked him what he thought he was doing and at the same time tried to move away from him. He hauled me over his shoulder and carried me down to the water despite my attempts to get him to let go. He was only up to his knees when he threw me down into the water, laughing as he did so. He quickly stripped off his shorts revealing his penis and submerged himself completely. I got slowly to my feet and was about to try and punch the fuck out of him, but decided not to, as I knew that the chances of getting him were slim. He moved closer, grabbing the waist band of my shorts, telling me to take them off. I said nicely that I would prefer to keep them on while I was wet. His reply was that they were his shorts and he wanted them back now. He had me again. I turned my back and took them off, fearing that I was once again naked in front of this guy, not to mention the fact that I could crack a fat with out being able to control my self. I didn't turn around, but reached back and gave him the shorts. He took them and dumped then on the bank before swimming out to the middle of the pool. I must admit here, that the water was great, probably the nicest out door bath that I had ever had. Andrew washed himself and swum around both on his front and back. I couldn't help but watch him as he back stroked across the pool. His cock looked like some form of rudder. It was quite funny now that I think about it. We must have stayed in the pool for some time, as I was all wrinkly when I got out. The only thing that I was proud of at that moment was that I was hanging like a mule, hot water always did that to me. I think that it was then that I decided that if I was going to go naked in front of Andrew that I might as well do it with some pride. I did not make any attempt to hide my member, and walked over to the fire without a word. I must admit also, that Andrew cooked a fast dinner and insisted that we go to bed. I had been dreading this, but at the same time sexually nervous. I was half hard as I followed him into the tent, sweating slightly despite the coolness of the air. He fumbled with the sleeping bag, jumped in and held it open for me. I got in quickly, turning my back to him and stared at the side of the tent. He once again got in close enough for me to feel his whole body up against me. He had on some underwear when he had got into bed, but by the feel of his cock, I knew that he had removed them while I was not looking. His mouth was only inches away from my ear and I could feel his warm breath. I was surprised by the reaction that this had on me. I sprung to attention and it was not long before I could feel cum leaking out the end slit. I also began sweating and breathing a little harder as my mind raced around the possibilities that could come of this situation. I feared for my virginity, but also my body was reacting and I had no way of stopping it. He began whispering in my ear that he could tell that I was sweating, and that he could smell my sex leaking. He asked if I was going to wake up with another wad spunking out the end of my cock. Instead of making me feel stink, this talk was driving parts of me to exploding point. He reached over and lifted my arm pit and began to smell my sweat. His moans became muffled as he lowered his mouth to lick the sweat that was forming with my underarm hair. Sensations shot straight through me, sensations that are to hard to describe as his tongue slowly licked the entire patch of my arm pits. He slowly moved further down my chest until he found a nipple which he also licked and sucked. At this point I lost all concern for anything apart from getting off. I reached down and began pulling myself as fast as I could. Andrew's head popped up and he told me to leave it alone, that he would get to it in time. "Hang on a minute, just enjoy, lay back." His hand slid down from my chest, tracing a line from my tummy button to my pubic hair surrounding my cock. I couldn't remember being this turned on before, and knew that if he touched me that I would cum then and there. But he didn't, he traced the outline of my pubes, down between my legs. I tried to push my cock against his hand but he always pulled away, making me wait. He was leaning over my chest now, going from one nipple to the other and back to my under arms. He then licked me from my stomach all the way to my chin before slipping one, then two fingers into my mouth and telling me to suck them. I did exactly as I was told, there was not fight in me now. I wanted it so bad.


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