Gay Erotic Stories

My Young Cousin

by Mattiaz

This is an absolutely true story! It happened about a year ago when my cousin came to visit. We were alone and we started to play poker! After a while we decided that the on that won the game should decided a thing that the other one should do(sort of a punishment!) First I lost and my cousin decided that I would strip for him, and I did I noticed that he looked very much on my cock! The i got dressed again and we started to play again This time I one and I decided that he had to jump up and down 10 times naked. He did!! His dick was little and had no hair because he was just 18 years old but I wanted to suck on it! Then we started to play again and this time he won and he decided that I was going to stand up with a erect cock for 30 seconds. So I stripped and I started to pull my dick up and down. I could see that my cousin wanted my cock in his mouth! But I got my cock erect very fast and I just stood there! Then we started to play again and he won again, and he said that I should suck his cock. I couldn´t believe it!!! He stripped and I took his cock in my mouth and sucked it!! He let out a moan!! Then he asked if he could masturbate me and I said: of course!! He took my cock and pulled it for just 10 sec the I shot my load right in his face!! He said he had to go but we promised each other that we would do this again soon!! Send comments to:


2 Gay Erotic Stories from Mattiaz

My New Boss

I'd recently started to work in an office! It was my first job and I was only 18. This day I went to work as usual and when I came there the boss secretary says to me that the boss wanted to see me! "Oh Shit" I thought "What have I done"?! I didn´t wanted to loose my job but I´ve heard that there was a lot of the people that worked on the office that was going to be

My Young Cousin

This is an absolutely true story! It happened about a year ago when my cousin came to visit. We were alone and we started to play poker! After a while we decided that the on that won the game should decided a thing that the other one should do(sort of a punishment!) First I lost and my cousin decided that I would strip for him, and I did I noticed that he looked very much


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