Gay Erotic Stories

Naked Adventure

by Wildman

Naked Adventure! By Wildman I just love to enjoy a nude hike in the wilderness believing all my life, Why wear clothes if you don't have to? I mean, if indeed they serve no real purpose (for any given moment in time) then why wear them? Likewise, few things are more refreshing than being one with nature, naturally. Otherwise, even when I'm hiking along designated hiking trails, I prefer to travel light, wearing at the most, good shoes, a cap perhaps and then little more than some very light shorts and a tee-shirt. I really prefer trails that are less frequented by lots of hikers, so that if indeed traffic is low - I can doff the shirt and shorts into my very light day pack and hike along naked for a while. Naked hiking is just so much more comfortable, as your perspiration can evaporate off of you naturally instead of your clothes becoming wet and sticky. Otherwise, I'm careful not to offend others I might encounter who have not discovered the naked in nature comforts of nude hiking! Usually, if I hear someone up ahead or coming from behind - I'll just step off the trail for a few moments, let them pass and resume my comfortable pace. Other times, when traffic is a bit more frequent, I'll strip and just wear my tee-shirt tied around my waist with open front and if I hear someone - I'll just swivel the shirt around to serve as a loin cloth briefly as we pass - and unless they look back and see my bare butt - they might otherwise not even notice my nakedness. On more rare occasions when someone might notice my nakedness - little more than a passing smile - which I'm also wearing might be the only indication that my nakedness has even been noticed. People who enjoy nature are usually pretty forgiving of someone who might also be enjoying nature naturally! Beyond that I've had few problems except for this one little incident. I was way up in one of our local national forest, having chosen one of the most infrequently used trails, so of course, I had doffed the shorts and shirt within a few feet of the trail entrance. There was only one other car in the parking lot, so I knew that while an encounter was possible, it was probably remote since this trail was also a loop back to the parking area. So remote was the encounter possibility - I almost decided to strip right there at the car and be nude from the very get-go except that someone else might pull in before I got over to the trail entrance well across the parking lot. I'm really not out to offend people with my nakedness - but to simply enjoy the simple pleasures of a little naked in nature when ever possible! An hour later, I was well into the wilderness totally enjoying my naked in nature adventure and had even forgotten about my own nakedness - except that it all did just feel so very good! Amazing how normalizing personal nudity can be such that naked becomes normal and clothed might then be an abnormal state of being! I enjoy total nudity at home - so really naked is pretty much my normal state of being anyway. I had stopped to get a drink from my water bottle and just resumed my trek - very nearly oblivious to anything beyond my one-ness with nature. I had stopped to re-tie my shoe when just around the trail, two guys appeared suddenly almost without sound. Odd that I could be caught off guard like this, but startled - I stood up! Opps - had I stayed crouched close to the ground like I was tying my shoe - they might not have even noticed my nakedness. Too late to grab anything from my pack - I'm just standing there naked before them on the trail. Not like they were over dressed either - both shirtless - and wearing only shorts and shoes - they looked like nice young fellas - perhaps only a bit younger than I and pretty athletic - as most hikers are. I'm no slob either and have been into fitness all along though certainly not one of the body-building types. While I would have just assumed that they walk on by with little more than a smile - both fella's stopped dead in their tracks taking very apparent note of my obvious nakedness! Wearing only a light pack, cap and shoes - I guess I was a little noteworthy. Both guys, standing side by side definitely were taking in the sight of my nakedness - looking at me almost greedily! Before I even had a chance to speak - they moved much closer and even began to circle me, looking me up and down like they have never seen another naked male before! This suddenly felt very odd and as part of the circling - within a moment both guys were on opposite sides of me then front and rear while I stood motionless on the trail like a deer suddenly caught in the headlights of a car. The trail was fairly narrow - so it wasn't like I could even step away from them. As one of them spoke: "Well, Well, Well, what have we here?" The other one now to my rear reached out and grabbed my butt-cheeks with one hand and I felt a finger slip into my butt crack - touching the entrance to my hole! And of course, as I tucked my butt and half turned around to face the predator of my ass, it virtually put my man parts right into his open hand to which he gave both my dick and balls a very firm grip, and as if he was shaking my hand he said "Hey There!" My mouth suddenly went quite dry and I could only stare down at my man-meat being firmly held in his hand! Likewise, he made no effort to turn me loose - even after I mustered out a weak little "Hey there yourself!" almost mumbling it to myself. In almost that same moment - the other guy now to my rear also now had a grip on my butt-cheeks and just like his pal now had a finger at the entrance of my hole! (And was fingering it!) Ohhhhhh this was just almost too weird. I'm not sure I've ever felt more naked in my life or suddenly been aware of my nakedness in a more negative context! I definitely felt a warmth move from my captive dick and balls all the way up to my face and then back down again. I tried to squirm from their grasp - but that only made the guy holding my manliness increase the pressure of his grip so that there was little question in my mind who might be in control here! Geeeze - I was suddenly aware of the concept of "he who controls a mans balls has total control of the man!" which before - I had never even thought about that - but it did flash through my mind now!!! As a matter of fact that grip on my man-meats was getting down right uncomfortable and I was even feeling a profound discomfort in my belly! While moments before I had felt quite secure on this trail - believing indeed, that I would be following who ever might also be on the trail (that owned that other car in the parking lot) I realized now - that they no doubt had entered the trail from the exit and were making the loop back to the parking lot in reverse of the usual direction. No matter now - it appears, I'm their victim for what ever intentions they might have. My mind raced! Did I mention that I've never felt quite so naked in my life? Geeeeze this guy really did have quite a grip on my man meat and that rear end fingering was becoming even more intense! My hole was being explored a little more deeply now - and certainly past the entrance! I squirmed a bit more but both just moved in a little more closely and I really felt like a semi-erotic sandwich! Let's see, my hole is being fingered and now the guy in control of my balls is also now manipulating things a bit while maintaining an incredible grip! Likewise, I noted the guy in control of my balls (and therefore my whole life for the moment) motion to the other with his head and now we are no doubt going to move off the trail for a little trip into the woods! I'm now being led by my dick and balls and while I really don't want to go into the woods (not with these guys anyway) - I think I should probably follow where ever my dick and balls are going! Geeeeze it is really hard to walk with somebody's finger up your ass! Crap - it feels like two fingers now - and I have this sudden urge to shit those fingers out of me! Boy! do I feel naked! I lost track of just how far off the trail we really are - as it is a bit distracting when you are being led by your manhood and particularly since this is a totally new experience for me! But I think we have arrived and while those fingers are now out of my ass hole (gratefully) I don't even want to know what these two might have in mind otherwise. But I think I'm going to find out! The guy that was fingering my hole - slipped my pack from my back and dropped it aside. The guy controlling my balls steered me back up against a small but substantial tree and from somewhere they have produced a small strap. The man in control of my man parts suggested I might wish to place my hands behind me - while the other fixed the strap around my wrists, and the tree! Only then did I get some relief on my man meats! Whew what a relief to be flopping in the breeze so to speak. That grip on my balls and dick was getting kinda sweaty and definitely hurting quite a bit! Conference time apparently and while these two guys are checking out the contents of my pack, - just a water bottle, a snack, and my clothes, no doubt they are also talking softly about what else they might do with their naked victim. At least with my ass backed up against this tree - hopefully a little less attention might be paid to my butt! (particularly the hole!) I hope! Together, both my captors stood and came back over my way. While one checked to make sure my hands were still well secured and removed my hat tossing it over with my pack, the other began removing my shoes and then my socks. What? Not naked enough? Well, I'm totally naked now - not a thread beyond the ties that bind! Ohhhhhh and interesting, apparently, we can do with a little more than my nudity as these two guys proceeded to take off their own clothes! Ahhhh, my kind of group really except that I am the one tied to a tree! I couldn't resist - mostly because of my own tension I was feeling what with being tied naked to a tree and also, this silence we had all seemingly shared with almost no one really having much to say beyond our initial encounter. "You guys gonna get naked and tie yourselves to a tree too?" I asked? They both chuckled and one said, well yeah to the naked and no to the tree! Beyond that - they didn't seem much for conversation. Within moments they too were completely naked and sporting fine looking bodies. One could probably be a swimmer and the other had definitely spent a little time in the weight room. Likewise, both were adequately equipped in the manhood department, and both seemed relieved to be pretty much flopping free! One fella did seem to be experiencing a little firmness of his man member (penis) not really a full blown hard on, but definitely not totally floppy either as compared to his companion. Again, this lack of communication (or what we might be up to) was killing me with suspense, so I said: "Nice day for a little naked in nature huh?" I was answered by one of them, with a simple "yeah!" What are these guys - non-verbal morons? (I had to think!) With that, they finished pulling off their boots, and came back over to me and the tree. As they stood more closely now, the guy that had before been my butt hole specialist, reached out and began to fondle my dick and balls. Had this not been under such weird circumstances and was I not actually afraid of these two, this fondling might have felt pretty good! The other guy was admiring my chest hair with his hand. I do have some nice chest hair that leads down a definitive trail down my belly to my pubic patch. Still quite nervous, I inquired: "you guys got names?" Uuuuhuh was the only answer I got back! Damn! - these guys are morons!!! Worse, these naked morons are getting me both hot and bothered! (Besides worrying me to death!) Speaking of death - there have been people killed on wilderness trails before - which adds nothing to my comfort level with these two! Also I'm feeling more and more naked by the minute! Perhaps, vulnerable instead of just naked - since normally, I like being naked, but I definitely don't like feeling all this vulnerable. So, without much in the communications department and no names, we have naked moron #1 and naked moron #2 and of course, naked tied to a tree me! I definitely could have picked a more comfortable tree! Something with a little smoother bark on it anyway! I'm actually having to pull away occasionally to give my ass and back a rest from the rough bark. Otherwise, moron #1 is still working on my dick and balls and only the roughness of the bark on my back might keep me from really getting into this stimulating action. Now - moron #2 has admired and toyed with my chest and belly hair, tweaked my normally uninterested nipples a bit and dear God he's opening his mouth like he is going to take a bite out of me! Nope! He's going to lick me! Ohhh goodie! My what a nice tongue you have! (I thought - since we are not communicating very well!) This moron is licking my chest and apparently, I must taste pretty good, cause I'm very nearly getting a tongue bath. Ohhhh shit! - Don't lick my neck! Ohhhhhh while I've often dreamed of a woman doing this - it just seems kinda gross with a guy doing it to me! I would think my salty-ness might dry up his tongue any moment, but this boy is definitely a slobbery one! Ohhhh yeah - we might as well suck on a nipple for a while - but I hope he doesn't expect me to serve milk! God Damn has this boy never been weaned? While still fondling my dick and balls, moron #1 decides to taste me too and apparently I must taste like an ice cream cone the way these boys are enjoying themselves. Working all over my chest and considerable nipple sucking - yep - the dairy bar is dry (geeeeze neither one of these boys have been weaned!) they are now working their way down across my belly and sharing my ball action between them now! I'm not sure how much of this I can stand or what their purpose might be besides just driving me totally freeking nuts! You would think they would be much happier doing this to each other instead of me! Damn, if I was into this shit - what would I have to pay for this much attention!! I'm not sure I'll ever understand "gay guys" or other flavors of "perverts" or even what flavor these two might really be? I mean, if queer - would they not be making me do this to them? (Yeah - I'd rather cut my tongue off first!!) Yeah Right - I better hold my tongue cause - no doubt we ain't through here yet. No telling what these guys might come up with next. But damn straight! The moment they free my hands - I'm outta here! Even if I have to run all the way back to civilization naked! What next I might wonder? Well moron #1 has indeed decided to see what my dick and balls might taste like (slobbering me up real good!) and crime in Israel - moron #2 has picked up my foot and is sucking on my toes! NO milk in there either bucko! Gosh, this is just so queer and more queer for me to be expected to put up with all this tongue action all over my body while standing on only one foot! Moron #2 is working his way back up my leg while moron #1 is moving down towards a foot no doubt hungry for a little toe jam too! Yep - both of them like feet! Thankfully not both at the same time - since from this position, I'm sure I couldn't have both feet off the ground without landing on my ass! Ohhhhhhh gracious, where do these boys get all this spit! Did they take some special drugs to make their mouths water so? No doubt, little distance between a non-verbal moron and a slobbering idiot! I guess if they did try to talk, they might choke to death on their own spit or drool all over themselves! OK, they are both focusing on a little dick and ball action with both of their tongues! And no shortage of spit yet it would seem. While one is totally enjoying my balls sack, and apparently trying to swallow my nuts, one by one, the other has a hold on my man meat and is just going to town like the whole thing is the most delicious Polish sausage! Christ - I hope he don't bite! I can no longer remember which is moron #1 and moron #2 now - for a while it was moron to the left and moron to the right, but they been moving around a bit and with all this tongue action on my manhood, I'm totally confused. Geeeeeze - guys - focus somewhere else for a while or I'm going to lose control here. Incredibly, I've remained pretty floppy here with only a little firmness, but if somebody don't soon develop another taste for toes or some other part, I don't know how much longer I can hold out. If these guys were gals here - I'm sure I would have been finished off long before now! Ohhhhhhhhhh - give me a break here! Doesn't somebody need a drink of water by now? Apparently NOT! And what is it - moron #1 (it really feels like about 4 or 5 of them working on my dick alone right now!) is moving deeper and deeper on my ball sack like he has found something really interesting under there, forcing my legs to bow quite a bit. Any more and I might not be able to stand up here! Something interesting indeed, and what a long tongue this boy has - as he is almost flicking my ass hole again! Only now, with his tongue! Why not just turn me around alright already! Oppps - hope I didn't say that out loud! I can barely tell if I'm just thinking thoughts or actually saying them occasionally, since I really have only myself to talk to around here! But maybe moron #1 is a mind reader, cause he now has a full blown taste for some ass. Mine! He's got one of my legs jacked up (so I'm on one foot again!) And is totally licking my butt hole inside and out. Ohhhhhhh - now between the ass hole action and that dick action I'm getting - I ain't going to last much longer. Moron #2 is fully deep throating me now and I've got a fully blown bone for him to work with. I've never had dick and ass action under any circumstances before - ass action, never actually, so this is a totally new sensory experience. I hope moron #2 likes the taste of cum - cause with or without my cooperation he's getting his face fucked big time! Ahhhhhhhhhhh, Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, Ahhhhhhhhhhhh Ohhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhhhh! If ya can't beat them - drown the suckers!!! Except that moron #2 is still breathing and licking his lips! No doubt wishing for more while he tries to wring the last drop from my now exhausted dick. That's all there is buddy! (Oh shit - I did say that out loud!) Meanwhile moron #1 still has his face buried in my ass and has what feels like a four foot tongue fully up my butt hole! Damn where do ya get a tongue like that! And why would anyone want to stick their tongue up there? No doubt this boy has a taste for turds or something! I'm certainly feeling refreshed!!! And I've never even dreamed of what having your ass hole sucked on might be like. Unfortunately, I think I like it! (Yeah that's really too weird!) Remind me to get this guys phone number!!! Cause, seriously, where am I ever going to meet anyone else who might want to eat and suck my ass! Ohhhhhh, this boy is good! And hungry too! He ought to be totally full of my shit by now!!! Ohhhh barf! What an awful thought - except that it really does feel really, really good! Ok, the shit buffet is all out of food now! And indeed, maybe he has his fill. He's cleaning up after himself now with a few final slurps, apparently some good juice ran back down under my ball sack, so yes we should tidy up there too! Whew! While the thought nearly gags me - on the other hand (or tongue) overall, I kinda enjoyed getting off on these boys! Now if they just don't decide to kill me - it might not be such an awful day! But what a way to go. While I've had some pretty good sex before and even gotten myself off quite adequately before when the ladies were not cooperative - THIS WAS TOTALLY FANTASTIC and never have I had this much uuummm - what? Satisfaction before! Actually, I feel about as sucked dry as dry might ever get! Thanks Guys! (yeah - I only thought that too!) Man the boy on my dick sucked so hard and long - I really thought he was going to suck my balls right out of their sack and right through my dick! Wait - am I missing one? Ohhhh if only my hands were free - I really would like to check and see. Plus, after sex, I really like to scratch myself as different parts of my body seem to tingle. Actually a warm shower is particularly nice. Well, without a word between them - are these guys really deaf mutes? They pick up and put on their clothes with little more than smiles of satisfaction towards each other and occasionally smiling back at me (almost like they know something I don't) and looks like they are ready to leave. Oh thank you God - maybe they are not going to kill me! But WAIT! They are picking up my pack (that has my clothes) and even my boots - and they are leaving! Out loud - I'm yelling - HEY WAIT, wait - Guys! How about leaving me my clothes? Oh SHIT - actually, how about untying me from this Fuckin Tree? (Damn - I can't believe I almost forgot about that!) I can't believe they are going to steal my clothes and just leave me here! GUYS! (Well I'm about to call them Moron #1 and #2!) But hey - they are leaving! GUYS - UNTIE ME!!! GUYS - God Damnit - this ain't funny! Get your asses back here and untie me! NOW! Seems they are going to leave me out here - buck naked, tied to this fucking tree! So . . . that's the price of pleasure huh? Well God, I don't really want to be out here in the wilderness all night or forever! HOLY Shit! What am I going to do! Well first thing, I'm going to get off my feet. Real easy, I let my knees bend and eased down the tree trying not to scrape my backside on that rough bark. At least I know I'm sitting on a really clean butt - shouldn't be any ants attracted by my shit hole not being tidy! Whew -I bet it (my hole) plumb sparkles if that were possible! Damn - it is getting late in the afternoon - at least the light levels are falling. Thankfully, it is pretty near the middle of summer and I might not freeze to death if I have to stay out here all night - or horrors - several nights???? Surely somebody might come along - but would they ever find me - this far - and how far really - off the trail. Will I even hear someone hiking by? God, this is really worrysome. I wish I had my snack! I wish I had my water! I wish I had my freedom from this fucking tree! Damn! What am I going to do? Damn, now that I think about it - I can't even feel my hands. While I tried and tried, I could not wrestle my hands free. I was worried about what kind of damage I might be doing to them even trying since I really couldn't feel them, not even pain! Ohh Crap! This just sucks! Ahhhhh - the memory! My first really, really suck off and I'm stuck out here in the middle of nowhere, buck naked with no one to even tell. I'm not sure - any of my friends could even handle hearing it. Ohhhhh that WAS something else! Maybe, I'll just wake up in a few minutes and all this might have been just some wild, wild dream! Nope! I'm still awake!! Damn! While I didn't think it would do any good, I thought well, I'll try yelling help! Every few minutes anyway - I'll yell help! Just in case someone is passing by. It really is getting late! Probably no one would be wandering any trails this late. Oh well, H E L P! H E L P! every few minutes HELP! Nothing! H E L P! I kept this up for what seem like hours! HELP! HELP! Hey - it is getting really late now! Damn - I really ain't looking forward to sitting out here on a really clean ass all night long! Course, it would be worse. I could have a dirty ass and no way to scratch it if it were itching! Ants could be crawling all over me and up my hole with no way to brush them away - Man, that would be awful. H E L P! H E L P! Of course they could be those biting or stinging ants! HELP, HELP, HELP!!! Wait, I swear - YES - I think I hear someone walking through the woods! H E L P!! H E L P! And then I heard someone return my yell. H E L P! H E L P! Then the voice said Keep Yelling So I can follow your voice! Ohhhhh HELP, HELP, HELP, HELP, HELP!!! Thank God! Someone was going to find me! (Even if here I sit buck naked!) H E L P! Within a few more minutes, I could hear footsteps in the leaves very clearly and then I saw a beautiful sight! A Forest Ranger! YES - I'm over here! He too could see me now and was making his way through the trees - perhaps the same way we had come off the trail. Thank God, I'm found and before dark too! Never have I been so glad to see someone or have them see me (even if I was naked!) Not much chance of covering up or hiding my nakedness - so here I am! Man that Ranger looked so good! Actually he was quite tall and probably what one might call quite handsome! (In a very guy sorta way!) My mind was racing! I was really feeling a little desperate at being found in the wood, tied to a tree, buck naked! My self consciousness might have been minimized had this ranger at least been ugly or just an average sort - but he looked like a god! Chiseled features, Arrrrrrrgh! What do I care really!! He's here to protect, serve, and SAVE ME! Ohhh if I just wasn't quite so fucking naked! Of course, the explanation was going to be simple enough! I was met on the trail, stripped, tied to this tree and sexually molested! Sounds simple enough! By now my rescuer is standing over me - towering over me in fact. And certainly, he had to notice my nakedness! Matter of fact, he was giving a real good look over! "Man I'm so glad to see you - I could kiss you!" (Holy Shit - did I say that out loud?) Apparently, I did! Damn, not exactly how one guy might greet another!!! (Yeah - I'm feeling just a little hysterical here!) Even more to my surprise - this studly ranger bent down and maybe an inch from my face said: "So KISS me God Damit and I'll untie you! I know I must have gasped so hard I totally lost my breath or ability to speak. With that - He planted a totally wet kiss right on my lips! While I'm sure my teeth were clenched tight - there was also some tongue! H O L Y SHIT! Not Exactly My Day! My rescuer is a Fuckin Gay Forest Ranger!!! Or some kinda God Damn Pervert! Ohhhh please God - this ain't funny! Worse, my fuckin ass-hole is already twitchin in anxious anticipation of just how interesting my evening is going to be!!! So help me God, if this man helps me up by my dick meat - I'll beat my own brains out on a fuckin tree! I'd tell ya how my evening went - but I suspect that might be a whole nother story!!!


16 Gay Erotic Stories from Wildman

Blind Date

Blind Date: By Wildman I first met Bob (a blind guy) a number of years ago at a computer trades meeting. Bob specialized in adaptive technology for visually impaired people and he did a little workshop as part of that meeting. I attended his workshop because I have an interest in serving people with all kinds of limitations including visually impaired - though it has never been a

Doctor Doctor !

Hi! I'm Matt and while I'm not a doctor, I get to play one in real life! Actually by credentials, I'm a registered nurse and I contract out to insurance companies to do "health checks" for pre-insurance applications and applicants. My typical duties only include asking 20 or 30 health questions, vital signs and a urine and blood sample, typically by appointment at the applicants work

Doctor, Doctor 2

(You might want to read Doctor, Doctor if you haven't already for a little background on this series!) Otherwise, Enjoy! I received a notice from one of my insurance companies to schedule a pre-applicant "health check" and after several calls to the company he worked for finally got a call back and set up an evening appointment at his home. George it seems is a construction foreman

Getting Naked in the Wilderness

Getting Naked in the Wilderness By: Wildman 1999 I had been particularly stressed putting in long hours and decided that I needed a vacation, so I packed some primitive camping gear and an inflatable kayak and headed for the Florida Everglades, hoping to just lose myself for a while in the wilderness. I put in at Ochopee and paddled in a ways following any water trail that

Naked Adventure

Naked Adventure! By Wildman I just love to enjoy a nude hike in the wilderness believing all my life, Why wear clothes if you don't have to? I mean, if indeed they serve no real purpose (for any given moment in time) then why wear them? Likewise, few things are more refreshing than being one with nature, naturally. Otherwise, even when I'm hiking along designated hiking

Naked Adventure 2

Naked Adventure 2 by Wildman If you recall, I found myself in the most incredible predicament i.e. while enjoying a little naked in nature hike in a National Forest, I was ummmmmm - how can I put it, "pleasure molested" by a couple of other male hikers, who led me off the trail by my own manliness (male parts - dick and balls), tied me to a tree, and damn near licked and

Naked Adventure, Part 1

Naked Adventure! By Wildman I just love to enjoy a nude hike in the wilderness believing all my life, Why wear clothes if you don't have to? I mean, if indeed they serve no real purpose (for any given moment in time) then why wear them? Likewise, few things are more refreshing than being one with nature, naturally. Otherwise, even when I'm hiking along designated hiking trails, I

Naked Adventure, Part 2

Naked Adventure 2 by Wildman If you recall, I found myself in the most incredible predicament i.e. while enjoying a little naked in nature hike in a National Forest, I was ummmmmm - how can I put it, "pleasure molested" by a couple of other male hikers, who led me off the trail by my own manliness (male parts - dick and balls), tied me to a tree, and damn near licked and

Nude Kayaking Adventure

I had been particularly stressed putting in long hours and decided that I needed a vacation, so I packed some primitive camping gear and an inflatable kayak and headed for the Florida Everglades, hoping to just lose myself for a while in the wilderness. I put in at Ochopee and paddled in a ways following any water trail that looked interesting. As soon as I was out of sight of the

Search Me?

I often enjoy hiking and exploring wilderness areas (sometimes naturally in the buff) and while I encounter few problems - I occasionally encounter others who also enjoy nature. Often I will hike into the wilderness and camp then explore the area out and around my camp in more detail. When I'm in a new area or area that's new to me, I usually either wear a little something or keep

Stripped for Adventure, Part 1

I met Roy one day at a nearby boat landing up on the river. He was there with a friend launching a small fishing boat, and while they had some engine difficulty and his friend was working on that, Roy and I got to meet and talk a little. Roy was curious about the inflatable kayak I was launching, particularly since it didn't have an engine to break down and we exchanged phone

Stripped for Adventure, Part 2

(While skinny dipping in the wilderness, we were just getting out of the water when:) Two men stepped from the woods onto the beach to face us. Both were dressed in light summer camouflage outfits and from their side arms, - I didn't have to wonder about who was responsible for that small arms fire we had heard earlier in the distance. While I only momentarily felt awkward about my

Stripped for Adventure. Part 1

I met Roy one day at a nearby boat landing up on the river. He was there with a friend launching a small fishing boat, and while they had some engine difficulty and his friend was working on that, Roy and I got to meet and talk a little. Roy was curious about the inflatable kayak I was launching, particularly since it didn't have an engine to break down and we exchanged phone

Stripped for Gym

STRIPPED for Gym: By Wildman Actually this should be titled stripped for or by Jim! I was hitchhiking across state heading to the coast staying pretty much with the back roads since rides are easier to come by than on the interstate. I was taking some time off from school and the summer was well on to hot and dry - so I had dressed lightly - just a pair of cut off's and a t-shirt

Strong Arm of the Law

I was heading up in the mountains to my sisters summer place where we would have a weekend family reunion and it seemed five o'clock would never come so I could hit the road. I was really looking forward to a change of pace since I had little time off from work here lately. At the last minute the boss's secretary showed up in the door of my office with another pile of reports that

Wrestling With Roger

Wrestling with Roger: By Wildman A new sporting goods store had opened in our area. Being an outdoors kinda guy - I decided to check them out one Friday afternoon. I've been into outdoor recreation all my life and if I'm not out exploring the wilderness - I'm almost as happy shopping for outdoors equipment. Within moments of walking in the door of the new shop - I had to think


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