Gay Erotic Stories

New Masseur

by R. Cunning

My weekly massage appointment was a part of my life I looked forward to with great anticipation. It had been recommended to me by a therapist I had seen for a short period of time, as a way to help me in equalizing the tensions that build up in my life. I had been referred to a small studio and had begun to regularly visit George, my regular masseur, for my weekly relaxation. George was great with deep tissue and penetrating strokes which occasionally bordered on the painful. He is at least fifty but is as muscular and strong as a man in his thirties and his six-foot frame gave him a lot of leverage. He could intuitively feel areas of my body where the week's stresses had knotted and bunched up nerves and connecting tissue. George was nothing, however, to swoon over in the looks department and had told me of his devotion to his wife of thirty years. His touch on my body, therefore, never caused me any erotic sensations. I had been ushered into the small, functional room, had shed my clothing and was stretched out, face down on the massage table with my head in the supportive cradle. As was customary with George, I had placed a small towel across my butt, draped down over my hips on either side. I began, as usual, to contemplate the geometric pattern in the sculptured Berber carpeting on the floor and tried to slow and regulate my breathing so that I wouldn't have to be reminded to do so by George when he came in. "So, how was your week, Dave?" he asked as he came into the room, closing the door behind him and ceremonially washing his hands at the sink in the corner. "About the same as always," I replied. That accounted for most of our introductory conversation. George was a man of few words and I was more than happy to concentrate by attention on the soothing therapy for which I had come. After warming the oil between his hands, George began working my shoulders, neck and, eventually, the area of my back around my shoulder blades. I was already beginning to be lulled into a sense of well-being and relaxation. About ten minutes into the massage, there was a knock at the door and it opened slightly. "George, your neighbor just called. He said that your wife has fallen and appears to have broken her hip. She's been taken to St. John's and they need you to get there right away so that you can sign some papers for surgery." My heart sank, as I imagined this relaxing session to have come to an abrupt end. My spirits were revived, however, as the unseen stranger continued, "I'm completely free and will be glad to take the rest of your appointments this evening, George, so don't worry about anything here." George began apologizing for rushing off and quickly introduced his replacement. "Dave, this is Derek and he'll take very good care of you." I raised myself up on one elbow and turned slightly to shake Derek's extended hand. My composure dissolved instantly. Derek stood a few inches taller than George and a good twenty-five years younger. His blond hair had been cut short all over and his skin was a deep bronze. His blue eyes seemed to bore right through me and melted my core. He was dressed in a white athletic shirt and short white shorts. His "uniform" was in marked contrast to George's utilitarian sweat shirt and duck trousers. I managed to say good-bye to George and to wish his wife well and then collapsed back down only to the table. "I'll be back in just a sec," Derek said and left the room for a short time, returning with a backpack which he tossed in the corner of the room. After scrubbing his hands and warming them with some oil, he asked what areas George had already work on. I told him that George had already started on my neck and upper back. "George is a great guy. I'll do my best to live up to the 'George' legend," he said as he began applying oil to my back. I felt the towel being lifted off my butt. When I raised my head slightly, Derek explained, "I like to get the entire back of your body oiled before I get started so that I can flow from one area to another without having to stop and oil sections. I prefer not to isolate areas from one another. It's all one body, after all!" He chuckled and began spreading oil over my lower back, smoothing it evenly down over my buttocks and onto my upper legs. Derek's fingers seemed charged with electricity and sent charges through my skin. I felt a quick stirring in my groin when he began oiling my thighs, his hands gliding sleekly down over both the inside and outside of my legs, exerting just enough pressure as he did so to spread my legs slightly wider. He continued down each leg, oiling the calves, ankles and, eventually, the soles of my feet before returning to my upper torso and accomplishing the same with my arms. My right arm was brought straight out and braced between Derek's waist and his elbow while he massaged the muscles of my upper arm with his other hand. It was then that I realized that Derek had removed his shirt because I could feel the naked skin above his waist on his torso. The same treatment was repeated on my other arm and then Derek began long stretching strokes from my shoulder blades down and across each buttock. A few minutes later, Derek moved to my butt and began kneading each cheek, moving his fingers deeper into my crack with each stroke. George had always shifted the towel and tended to only a small part of my ass as he worked onto my legs. As Derek moved lower, his fingers curled about my inner thighs and grazed my balls several times. I was grateful that my cock was off to one side as it was clearly stiffening and threatened to bore through the table. Long strokes with both his hands on one leg began at the back of my knees and ended where my thighs transitioned into my butt and, again, Derek's fingers brushed my ball sack. On one pass, one of his fingers slipped and poked directly into my scrotum. Derek apologized profusely and said that he hoped he hadn't hurt me. "You have enormous balls," he said as if he were talking about my rose bushes. I wasn't sure that I was meant to respond to the compliment so I kept silent but my cock was as hard as steel. Fortunately, Derek moved down and spent a good five minutes on each foot allowing my cock to return to a softer state before the request came. "OK, how about flipping over for me now?" George always took hold of the towel and positioned it so that it could be draped over me as I turned. Of course, the towel had long since disappeared and I wasn't at all sure that it would be back again. I was right in that assumption and so just lay back with my hands at my sides as Derek took care of removing and storing the face cradle. His hands re-oiled, Derek began rubbing my chest and working his way down in the direction of my belly. He oiled my stomach stopping as his fingertips began to touch my pubic hair. My cock had already begun to thicken but when Derek's fingers made their way down the fronts of my legs and began curling into my inner thighs where they made inevitable contact with my balls again, it began to rapidly swell, lengthen and then to rise on its own. As Derek's hand moved back up my right leg, my cock rose up and smacked into the back of his hand. My eyes were squeezed shut and so I couldn't see any reaction. "Dude! Your prick is awesome," he said softly, his face only inches from mine. "You've got to let me play with this, man," he said as the fingers of his right hand curled firmly around my cock. His left hand came up to my right nipple and he began to palm it as he took my left nipple between his teeth. I moaned in agreement. Derek's mouth and his left hand alternated between my two nipples while his right hand coaxed my cock into a hardness I seldom experience. After several minutes, he slipped further down my torso taking my cock into the warm wetness of his mouth, using his hands to squeeze and caress my balls. Derek was an expert, using his suctioning mouth to bring me close to the brink and then backing off enough to allow me to relax a bit and then repeating the entire process again. "Enough of that for a while," Derek said as he moved down and worked on my legs for a while. "You'll enjoy it more if you relax a bit in between the peaks." And so he set about relaxing the muscles which just moments before had been tensed for climax. "Breathe deeply," he reminded me. As he moved from my legs back up to my shoulders and neck, he paused to such my cock for a minute or two to remind it of his intentions. I had never felt so filled with erotic energy. I could hear Derek finding something in his backpack with one hand as he rhythmically stroked my neck with the other. He began again on my pecs and stroked down in long stretching motions, going a bit lower on my torso with each stroke. It also became obvious that Derek had shed his shorts in the interim as his pubic hair had begun to tickle my forehead and his hard cock began to poke into the top of my head. Derek moved down the table again until he wound up at my feet and his hands began long strokes up my legs, ending with my cock. He eased himself up onto the end of the table between my legs and again engulfed my cock in his mouth. He suck and twisted, bringing me once more to the brink. As he rose up off my cock, he produced a dampened towel which he began to apply to my hard cock. "About time we get this cleaned up and the oil off," he said. My anticipation crashed as I imagined that this was as far as he was prepared to go. My face must have betrayed this fear. "Not to worry, bud," he said as he wiped. "Just have to get the oil off. Oil and latex don't mix!" With that he began rolling a lubricated condom down onto my cock, positioning himself as quickly over my midsection and lining up his hole with my tube. With excruciating slowness, Derek lowered himself onto my cock until his balls were nestled in my public hair and his throbbing prick was pointed straight at my navel. Derek pistoned himself up and down, rotating his hips ever so slightly to give a corkscrew effect. My hands flew forward to grab at his hard-on. "Let me do all the work, Dave. You're the client, remember?" He stroked and squeezed his prick, pulling it as it to stretch it in the direction of my chest. It wasn't a long or particularly thick cock but it was beautifully formed. As he pumped his cock and lifted and lowered himself on mine, his face contorted in pleasure and, with a deep groan, he spewed his seed onto my belly and chest. As soon as his orgasm had finished, he leaned forward and began to massage his cream into my skin. "Nothing's as good for the skin as warm cum," he whispered to me as he rubbed it in. I could feel his championship ass begin to squeeze and knead my cock as he continued to pump up and down and, as he squeezed with his ass ring, he reached behind himself and cupped my balls, milking them as I went over the edge in the most intense orgasm I can remember. Derek allowed me to soften inside him before rising up off me. He removed my condom and then lovingly cleaned my cock with his mouth. "Delicious!" he mouthed as he slipped off the table and started toweling off my body. Derek ran warm water in the basin and placed a dampened towel over my eyes. I could hear him sliding his shorts back up his legs and stretching his shirt over his head and down his torso. "Take your time getting up," he said, giving my cock a parting kiss. I heard the door open and close. George's wife recovered well and he was back to work the following week. George asked if I would mind becoming one of Derek's regular clients. George, it seems, thought that Derek was a deserving young man and wanted to give him a head start. I didn't mind at all!


1 Gay Erotic Stories from R. Cunning

New Masseur

My weekly massage appointment was a part of my life I looked forward to with great anticipation. It had been recommended to me by a therapist I had seen for a short period of time, as a way to help me in equalizing the tensions that build up in my life. I had been referred to a small studio and had begun to regularly visit George, my regular masseur, for my weekly relaxation.


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