Gay Erotic Stories

Nextdoor Surprise, Part 1

by Forgotten and Blue

Nextdoor Surprise "You'll have to keep the noise down," the landlord told me when I moved into my apartment. He told me that a number of times. He should have worried about the couple next door, because every evening for almost a month they got into a fight. Doors were slamming, dishes were breaking, and their 18 year old son went looking for a place to hide. I felt sorry for him enough to open my door for him, but wasn't ready to hear his life story. That was usually what I got until I asked about girlfriends, then he abruptly changed the subject. I wondered if we shared the same secret. He had given me no reason to think he might be gay, but that didn't mean much. I thought throwing some hints that I was gay might open him up, but it didn't. He remained pretty closed mouth. Then the strangest thing happened; : I looked out my open door the following day and saw him at his door bare-assed naked. He wasn't good at pretending he didn't notice me, not with his left hand around his dick, he wasn't. When he decided he couldn't pretend anymore, he faced me, said "hi" and then said something about not having any air conditioning. "You think you could take a look at the air conditioner and maybe fix it?" "Sure," I said, and stepped out my front door. He unlocked his screen door, stepped back, and then just stood there trembling. "I-It's in the bedroom," he said. It wasn't in the bedroom, it was in the living room window the same as my air conditioner was in my living room window. He led me to his bed, then turned and faced me trembling again. A boy bigger than I was. I couldn't believe it. He reached out, drew me into his arms, and began nuzzling my neck. "Make love to me?" he breathed in my ear. "Please? You know you want to." I wanted to, but not there. In my apartment. I stepped back, took him by the hand, and led the way. In bed, he wasn't the shy young man I knew, but a wildly insane and out of control hunk ramming his dick into me, squealing with delight over the noise my bed made. He came gaping at me like he hadn't expected his orgasm to be so powerful. I giggled and wrapped myself tighter around him. The doorbell rang before we finished. "Let her in," he whispered, grinning. The thought of his mom discovering him there was exhilerating. "What about me?" I asked. I asked that question when I caught him in the carport in the arms of another young man. The two of them went to his parents' apartment leaving the door ajar. When this new young man came to the door to close it, he was naked. I could swear he smiled and winked at me.


4 Gay Erotic Stories from Forgotten and Blue

Nextdoor Surprise, Part 1

Nextdoor Surprise "You'll have to keep the noise down," the landlord told me when I moved into my apartment. He told me that a number of times. He should have worried about the couple next door, because every evening for almost a month they got into a fight. Doors were slamming, dishes were breaking, and their 18 year old son went looking for a place to hide. I felt

Nextdoor Surprise, Part 2

Nextdoor Surprise, Part II When his new friend dumped him, the boy nextdoor came crying to me. I didn't know whether I should cry. He was back with me, but only to tell me his feelings for that other boy. He went on and on about that other boy. "What about the feelings I have for you?" I wanted to ask him, but couldn't get a word in. He stayed long enough to

Nextdoor Surprise, Part 3

Nextdoor Surprise, Part III Naked, this young man was a sight any lonely guy would well remember: Arms brown and firm with muscles; strong legs; powerful chest; flat muscled stomach; and a firm tight ass almost white. It was his ass I held onto when we did it face to face and it was his ass I thought about when I was alone and missing him. Loneliness wasn't an

Nextdoor Surprise, Part 4

When I went to bed early, I woke up early. I couldn't sleep more than seven hours if my life depended on it. One morning, I woke up around four to hear my neighbor's screen oor open and shut, then a cat meowing. "Kitty? A voice called softly. It was my young stud outside his door. "Kitty, kitty?" I opened my door and there he stood in a pair of white boxer shorts. He was


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