Gay Erotic Stories

Nick's Big Pecs, Part 2

by Acepecs

I first posted "Nick" (Part 1) to the Nifty Archive almost twelve months ago and had such an encouraging response to the story, I have written a couple of new adventures - Part 2 & 3. Please let me know what you think of them. I am also interested in sharing fantasies, stories or real life experiences with guys who are turned on by big muscular pecs or possess a big set themselves. Write me (Dave) at NICK'S BIG PECS (Part 2) As Nick finished pumping out his second hundredth pushup, the phone rang. "Is this Nick Koutsoulis." The voice on the other end was that of an older man, heavily accented. Nick was puzzled. "Nick Koutsoulis, yeah." "Nick I'm your neighbour, Mr Werner from the next street over, Corio Street, No. 31. The mailman left a package here that should have gone to you. It looks like something important." Nick had met Mr. Werner one day a month or so back while mowing his backyard lawn. He agreed to come right over and pick up the package. He wiped off the beads of sweat with a towel, which had formed on his big sculpted chest and arms from his exertion. He looked in the bathroom mirror to admire and appraise the results of his effort. His sixteen-year-old body was definitely responding well to his father's exercise regime. He was confronted by a very hunky image indeed - a seemingly overdeveloped set of pectorals capped by nipples stretched to the size of silver dollars sitting heavily atop a well muscled frame. His big muscles were covered by the smoothest olive skin and a thin layer of lush puppy fat, which extended over his hunky upper torso, completing the picture of a handsome well-fed young animal in his prime. Definitely good enough to eat, he thought to himself. He quickly changed into a loose fitting cotton shirt and pair of drill cotton trousers and left the house. He strode up to the front door at number 31 and knocked on it. No answer. He knocked again, louder. "Mr. Werner, this is..." The door opened a crack, then wider. Nick peered in but could see nothing in the darkness. "Is anyone home?" He stepped into the room and immediately felt a sharp needle pain in his right calf. He'd been jabbed with a tranquilizer dart. There was no time to react or defend himself. Nick crumpled to the floor and the door closed behind him. The bolt was shoved into place. When he finally began to emerge from his grogginess he was looking straight at a gentleman who seemed to be in his early sixties, dressed in a tweed suit with a tie, sitting in an easy chair about six feet in front of him, sipping from a brandy snifter. A lighted cigar rested in an ashtray at his side. The man smiled at Nick. There was a twinkle in his eyes behind gold spectacles "Good evening, my young friend. This is an occasion I have long waited for." "What the..." Nick suddenly realised that he could not move. His arms were stretched straight out to his sides, his wrists held in fur-lined cuffs. From each cuff ran a length of cable attached to rings in the walls to his right and left. He could not budge. Nick's shoes and socks had been removed and his ankles were circled in leather straps. These were attached to rings screwed into the floor. His ankles and legs were forced wide apart. Looking around the room, Nick noticed a lot of artwork: sculpture, drawings, paintings - all of handsome muscular young studs. There were several table lamps around the room providing subdued light. "Nick, I am so happy you have stopped by for a visit. I have been admiring you all summer. When I watch you exercise in the backyard it is so exciting, I sometimes lose control of myself." Nick was beginning to feel very uncomfortable but at the same time very excited. "Look here, old man, let me go right now and I won't mention this little incident to anyone. Like the police. You've got my word." The old gentleman set his brandy glass down on the coffee table, slowly stood up, and walked over to Nick. He placed one hand on Nick's cheek, caressed it, ran it down around his chin, then with the back of his hand caressed the other cheek. "So smooth your skin is, Nick. So often I have admired the development of your upper torso always from a distance. It is clear to me that you work hard every day to make yourself a perfect body, a body like a Greek god's." Mr. Werner ran his hand gently down the front of Nick's shirt, slowly enough to feel the musculature underneath the shirt. He smiled. "Do all the young ladies swoon for you, Nick? Yes, I am sure they must. I know they must." Nick began to break out into a sweat. The room was warm to start with, and all this strange talk was making him more and more apprehensive. The old gentleman's hand came to rest on the top button of Nick's sport shirt and with amazing deftness undid it. Then it dropped to the second, the third, the fourth, and they too popped open, then the fifth and sixth. Mr. Werner sighed deeply as Nick's broad bare chest was exposed to his view. The beautiful slabs of pectoral muscle seemed to radiate an aura of virile youth. The old man repeated the motion of running his hand down the front of Nick's chest but this time it passed along bare skin. "Oh Nick, you are so warm, and I begin to smell your excitement, the sweat that is running down your sides." Nick strained to break free his bonds. He made a mighty effort to tear his wrists out of the furred cuffs. Mr. Werner watched his mighty chest muscles heave and flex as the young man twisted and tensed and strained his body. In the lowest voice, almost a whisper, the old gentleman said, "Nick, this is a beautiful show you are putting on for me! I could never dream to see you perform in this manner just inches from my eyes! You are making me very happy, my young friend, and even a little excited." Nick noticed with horror that the man's tweed trousers were protruding slightly just below the alligator belt. Now both of Mr. Werner's hands were placed on Nick's big bulging breasts, right over the nipples. "My boy, you are becoming so warm. Maybe I can cool you off. My hands are cool." He began to circle the silver dollar sized brown nipples with his thin, cool hands, and the circular stimulating motion soon had the nipples pointing out from their areolas. The man used his manicured fingers to brush lightly against the pert nubs. Nick felt short of breath. His balls twitched in their sac. "And now my friend, I have to release you from the protection of this shirt. I hope you will excuse my liberties." The gentleman tugged the husky sixteen year old's shirt out from his pants, then took a pair of silver-handled scissors and started slicing the back of the shirt from the bottom. With the greatest care he cut a straight line right up along Nick's backbone till he reached the collar, then snipped through that as well. Finally he cut along the shoulder seams of the shirt and the two pieces of cloth dropped silently to the floor. Once again Nick strained to release himself and this time the old gentleman had a full view of his back muscles shifting and bulging under his tanned olive skin. "My dear boy, you make me as happy as I can ever be by the magnificent posing of your body for my pleasure." He placed his hands on the backs of Nick's powerful shoulders and felt the pumping of the shoulder muscles as the young athlete continued to struggle for freedom, uselessly. The hands dipped down under the hairy armpits and lingered there as Nick thrashed around to the extent he could. When Nick had calmed down a bit, the gentleman used his now warmed-up hands to explore and massage the massive sweaty back. At last Mr. Werner went back to his chair, six feet in front of the half nude teenager, straightened his tie, relit his cigar and sipped his brandy. His eyes roamed the beautiful body of his captive, to Nick's acute embarrassment. "Is there anything I can get you, my young Adonis? A glass of water, perhaps? A beer? Coke?" The question was so bizarre Nick couldn't think of anything to say. He saw the man leave the room, then return with a wet face washer. Mr. Werner wiped the young guy's hot and sweaty face with the cloth, then his neck, and then the huge slabs of Nick's bulging boy breasts. "What incredible development you have here my young friend, so thick and meaty but with such soft skin." The face washer moved in circles over both over Nick's powerful pecs as if polishing a car, the flesh however mounding ahead of the moving wash cloth. Finally he left. Moments later Mr. Werner was back, this time with a single-edged razor blade in his hand. "Do not be concerned, my friend, this will never touch your skin. You see, it will help me reveal more of your magnificence without permanently damaging those cotton trousers. I will open them along the seams. Tomorrow you may take them to a good tailor and have them sewn back together." Mr. Werner was incredibly quick and skillful with the razor blade. Within two minutes he had sliced open all the trouser seams, and the pants fell in a heap at Nick's feet. Mr. Werner tossed them aside and returned to his chair. At this point only one thing protected Nick's private parts, a bright red pair of nylon briefs. Mr. Werner feasted his eyes on this very spot. Nick wanted to disappear. "Nick, you need not be modest with me. You see, I have seen you doing pushups in a state of complete naturalness. Believe me, it has brought me endless delight to watch you. Your brother, too, is a gift to my eyes, but he lacks your bulk and muscularity. I love the way you move, the way these huge man breasts ride on your chest and bounce and quiver with your every movement. Like no other boy I have seen in years. But I yearn to have a closeup look at your most precious possession. You will let me see it, won't you?" Mr. Werner drew his chair up closer to the spread-legged youth, and sat in front of him. Nick looked down his excitement mounting realising the guy was just inches from the target, practically breathing on it. He shrank back as far as he could, but given his tight bonds that was only about an inch or two. Mr Werner hooked his thumbs into the waistband of Nick's crimson briefs. He tugged the briefs down an inch. Nick flinched. Another inch. Nick writhed in embarrassment. Another inch, revealing Nick's pubic bush of curly black hair. Mr. Werner sighed and continued. The next inch revealed the root of Nick's tool. Another, deeper sigh from the now heavy breathing older man. "This I have dreamed to do. For months I have longed to take all the clothes from your body, the body of a young god, a stud. And now I will see the very centre of your masculine being, it is ... here!" With a swift yank he drew the briefs down a foot, and Nick's thick beer can cock bounced into full view. Quickly Mr. Werner snipped the briefs with his silver scissors and threw them aside, then sat back entranced. "It is too wonderful! It is big and thick. It belongs on a bull or a horse, yes? You must be so very proud of your manly equipage. Your skin is smooth as a baby but your penis proves to everyone that you are not a baby but a man." Nick stared up at the ceiling as he felt the warm mouth closing around his organ. Mr. Werner's fingers played with Nick's big balls as he licked the cock. Just when Nick had reached the point when he wanted to start pumping in and out of the man's mouth, Mr. Werner's mouth released him. But the first pump of his pelvis was not lost on the older man. "Aha, you want to fuck, do you, Nick? That is good. You young fellows are made for fucking. You want to do it all the time, yes? You want to go right now to your girlfriend and plunge your stud cock into her, yes? That would be a beautiful sight, I am certain." Calmly the older man walked to the teenager's rear. In a second Nick heard the rustling tweed, of shoes being removed and set on the floor, of clothing being shed and put aside. "I did not think it would come to this, Nick. I was not sure you would excite me as much as you have. Now I think I have the answer." The chunky melon halves of Nick's butt were parted by the older man's hands. Nick lurched forward as far as his bonds would permit when contact was made. He gulped down sharp breaths through his mouth. The touch and the beginning pressure of cock on his anus. "Ahhhhhh!" For once words failed the talkative old gentleman, as he lodged the head of his now sheathed cock inside the young man's asshole. From there he pushed in very slowly and very steadily, keeping Nick in position for fucking by locking his hands together just below the youth's navel. As he plowed deeper into the rectal canal his strength increased in a way that amazed the younger guy on the receiving end of the fuck. Nick was now impaled. His hunky young body strained and sweated, his buns alternately tensed and relaxed, and his butt hole widened submissively to receive the fucking intruder. His own cock had reached a bone hard condition with his mounting excitement. As soon as the older guy had inserted himself all the way up Nick's rectum, his hands began to roam all over the front of the young guy's torso, up along his trim silky smooth stomach with just a hint of puppy fat, up over his beautifully over developed chest, across his large super sensitive nipples, and back down, down to his muscular thighs. A low moan escaped the young man as the hungry hands neared, and then bypassed, the centre of sex, came back around it, under it, teasing it but never touching it. "Please," whispered Nick. As the gentleman began gently to pull himself back, then rock forward, back, and forward, he spoke right into Nick's ear. "Please what, my young jock? What can I do for you that I am not already doing? Tell me exactly what you want." Nick was humiliated to be asking, but he could not hold it inside himself. "Please put your hands on me." "On what part of you, Nick. Say it. Say what you want." "I want your hand on my ... COCK!... Please!" His chest was now pressed against the warm muscular back of the young man. His arms encircling the heavy lower chest of the captive, his hands grasping the fleshy tits and nipples, he drank in the sweet smell of a young male, drawing into his being the essence of that youth, that power, that maleness. For now the power was his, and he was savouring every moment of it. "Please take my cock, and hold it, touch it," Nick begged. Mr. Werner nibbled the ear of his captive and then his hands swooped around Nick's thick cock and formed into a tunnel for it to penetrate. The touch was light, sensuous, and steady. Now each time Mr Werner thrust from the rear, Nick's own pelvis thrust is cock right into the tunnel of flesh. When Mr. Werner pulled back, so did Nick's cock, rubbing once more against the tunnel walls. Nick was on his way to paradise. Each man was fast approaching the point of no return. Mr. Werner was the first to cross the line. With a final deep plunging thrust he felt the dam burst and torrents of cum go pumping into the young butt, deep, deep into the male ass. He had passed into a sexual ecstasy, all his fantasies fulfilled, all his youth recovered. His hands tightened over the young cock in their possession. As Nick felt the hands close firmly over his fevered cock, he too exploded. "Oh my sweet Jesus, I'm cummmmmmiiinnnnggg." His teenage cum spewed in long strings across the room, pumping and spewing all the hot man juice in his hunky young body, draining his adolescent balls of every drop.


7 Gay Erotic Stories from Acepecs

Nick Big Pecs, Part 1

Note préliminaire : J'espère que vous avez compris que la traduction de ce texte n'avait pas comme but de plagier l'auteur. Si j'ai traduit cette histoire, c'est parce que je l'ai adorée, tout d'abord, que j'ai ensuite voulu faire partager cette histoire à des francophones et enfin parce que j'adore traduire. Bien sûr, le français ne rend pas exactement les nuances de l'anglais, et je

Nick Big Pecs, Part 2

Note préliminaire : J'espère que vous avez compris que la traduction de ce texte n'avait pas comme but de plagier l'auteur. Si j'ai traduit cette histoire, c'est parce que je l'ai adorée, tout d'abord, que j'ai ensuite voulu faire partager cette histoire à des francophones et enfin parce que j'adore traduire. Bien sûr, le français ne rend pas exactement les nuances de l'anglais, et je

Nick's Big Pecs, Part 2

I first posted "Nick" (Part 1) to the Nifty Archive almost twelve months ago and had such an encouraging response to the story, I have written a couple of new adventures - Part 2 & 3. Please let me know what you think of them. I am also interested in sharing fantasies, stories or real life experiences with guys who are turned on by big muscular pecs or possess a big set themselves.

Nick's Big Pecs, Part 3

I first posted "Nick" (Part 1) to the Nifty Archive almost twelve months ago and had such an encouraging response to the story, I have written a couple of new adventures - Part 2 & 3. Please let me know what you think of them. I am also interested in sharing fantasies, stories or real life experiences with guys who are turned on by big muscular pecs or possess a big set themselves.

Nick's Big Pecs, Part 4

This story is part of the "Nick's Big Pecs" series and was written in response to Part One by a buddy of mine, John from Chicago. Let me know what you think of the story and I will pass the comments on to John. Also I'm interested in sharing fantasies, stories or real life experiences with guys who are turned on by guys with big muscular pecs or possess a big set themselves. Write

Nick's Big Pecs, Part 5

This story is part of the "Nick's Big Pecs" series and was written in response to Part One by a buddy of mine, John from Chicago. Let me know what you think of the story and I will pass the comments on to John. Also I'm interested in sharing fantasies, stories or real life experiences with guys who are turned on by guys with big muscular pecs or possess a big set themselves. Write

Nick's Big Pecs, Part 1

Nick's Big Pecs (Part 1) I first posted "Nick" (Part 1) to the Nifty Archive almost twelve months ago and had such an encouraging response to the story, I have written a couple of new adventures - Part 2 & 3. Please let me know what you think of them. I am also interested in sharing fantasies, stories or real life experiences with guys who are turned on by big


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