Gay Erotic Stories

Nick's Big Pecs, Part 3

by Acepecs

I first posted "Nick" (Part 1) to the Nifty Archive almost twelve months ago and had such an encouraging response to the story, I have written a couple of new adventures - Part 2 & 3. Please let me know what you think of them. I am also interested in sharing fantasies, stories or real life experiences with guys who are turned on by big muscular pecs or possess a big set themselves. Write me (Dave) at NICK'S BIG PECS (Part 3) For his eighteenth birthday Nick got a one-way ticket home to Greece courtesy of the Greek government and the national service laws. At first Nick was despondent having to leave his family and friends but he also looked forward to the new adventures he would have in what was essentially a new country for him, having spent most of his growing up years in Australia. As he boarded the bus which would take him and his fellow national servicemen the short distance from the airport to the army base he wondered whether he had the balls to last the two full years required of him by law. He chose a seat by a window half way down the bus and surveyed the other young guys as they too boarded the bus and found seats. All, in Nick's opinion, were handsome well-built young studs in their prime. All without exception carried the unmistakable traits of the Greek race - dark, if not black hair, deep olive complexion, with heavy black eyebrows. In addition, they all seemed to have well developed, chunky physiques, but as Nick observed, none of the boys came anywhere close to matching his extraordinary upper body development, and in particular his superbly muscled pecs. Over the past two years Nick had continued to pack muscle onto his already well built body as well as a couple of stone in weight. The previous summer he had entered and won the teenage Mr. Victoria bodybuilding championships which was an excellent result given it was his first ever bodybuilding event. Unfortunately, shortly after winning the title he had strained a ligament in his knee which had curtailed his training somewhat but not his eating, the result being his superbly conditioned physique now had the addition of a thin layer of lush fat over his beefy torso, giving his big muscles a more round, well fed appearance. He definitely presented a very sexy picture dressed as he was in a tight fitting white T-shirt stretched impossibly over his big bulging v-shaped torso. A number of the guys who passed him took a second look and gasped in awe at his sheer size, all of them envious of his development. One guy, bolder than the others decided to squeeze into the seat beside the hulking Nick, and extended his hand. "Hi, I'm Jimmy, what's your name?" "Pleased to meet you Jimmy, I'm Nick". Nick grasped the hand proffered to him and gave it a friendly squeeze. "Wow, that's some grip you got there fella," Jimmy said, rescuing his hand from Nick's vice-like grip. "That's sure some build you've got there Nick." Jimmy ran his appreciative eyes from the 22 inch biceps over to the heavy rounded pectorals on Nick's 54 inch chest. In response to the compliment, Nick bunched and relaxed his huge pecs each in turn sending shockwaves across the huge expanse of his chest, and watched Jimmy's eyes closely for a reaction. He wasn't disappointed. Jimmy's eyes grew wide with amazement and undisguised lust, and he licked his lips that had suddenly become dry. Nick chuckled, almost to himself and reaching for his wallet in his hip pocket, said to Jimmy, "Yeah mate, I've been into bodybuilding for a couple of years now. Even won my first contest a few months back. Like to see a picture of me?" He opened his wallet and drew out a shirtless picture of himself and passed it to Jimmy. Jimmy's hands were trembling as they accepted the photo, his eyes glued to the prize-winning pecs casting a shadow over Nick's taut stomach and the plump dark brown silver dollar sized nipples almost pointing to the ground. "Sure wish I had a pair of pecs that big, I'd have to fight the girls off of them that's for sure." "And the guys, Jimmy. You'd be surprised the number of guys who want to cop a feel of these big mothers." Nick placed his right hand under the sagging bulge of his heavy right pec and plumped it up into a sexy breast-like hillock. "They can be soft or hard," he said. "Put your hand here and feel the weight." He pulled Jimmy's hand over and replaced his own with it. He also bent over slightly so the full volume of pec meat filled Jimmy's hand, even through the T-shirt. Jimmy began to knead the muscle marveling at the fullness and density. "You might like to watch me work out some time, Jimmy. This place we're going to must have some kind of gym where guys can build their muscles." Nick reached his hand over to Jimmy's arm and gave his bicep a friendly squeeze. "Hey, that's a pretty good set of muscles you're packing there yourself, buddy. Come on, really make it bulge for me. Make it rock hard." Nick didn't have to ask twice. Jimmy really pumped his promising arm muscle hoping to impress his new found, very well built friend. Nick oooohed and aarhed as he felt up Jimmy's arm, squeezing the rock hard muscles, but of course he didn't stop there. Nick moved his massaging hand up over the bulging deltoids of Jimmy's shoulder, and slipped his hand inside the collar of Jimmy's shirt and continued to squeeze and rub the well-developed flesh. "You're really getting warm buddy and I can see you're enjoying what my hand is doing." Nothing could disguise the prominent bulge tenting the front of Jimmy's jeans. With his other hand Nick grasped Jimmy's erection which had now snaked down the inside of his trouser leg, searching for an escape route. He alternately grasped and stroked the length of fattening tube steak. Jimmy lay his head against the back of his seat and closed his eyes. With no resistance Nick's other hand deftly undid the top three buttons of Jimmy's shirt and he slowly slid his hand over the promising bulge of Jimmy's left pec. The skin and flesh was so warm and smooth to the touch, and he could see especially around the cleavage between Jimmy's pecs, a veritable forest of silky black hair was sprouting and fanning out to cover most of the expanse of tit flesh. Nick slowly moved his hand all over the right pec and finally cupped it in his hand, the plump erect nipple wedged neatly between his second and third finger knuckles. Although not nearly as developed as his own humongous pecs, Nick was appreciative of the effort Jimmy had obviously put into building himself up. "I love this fur you're growing here buddy," Nick said, "Sure wish I could grow some." "Check out how smooth and bald my skin is in comparison." With that Nick pulled the bottom of his extremely tight T-shirt from out of his trousers and started to uncover the brown lush flesh of his stomach. Jimmy watched as Nick's hands had to pull the material out and over the enormous bulges that were Nick's man-tits. Here Nick stopped, the tight stretched material resting on the shelf created by overdeveloped pecs and showcasing them perfectly for Jimmy's perusal. "Wowee," was all Jimmy could say as he ogled the big smooth spheres. "Yep, not a hair on 'em, and smooth as a baby's butt." Nick grabbed Jimmy's left hand and placed it on his right breast. "Bit more than a handful ain't it?" Jimmy was fascinated with the hot, smooth skin, and the stretched sexy brown nipple. He licked two of his fingers and ran them over nipple and its nubbin, which quickly evaporated and caused the nipple to become hard and pointy. It was Nick's turn to become highly aroused with such attention. Suddenly the guys were shaken out of their reverie by the bus abruptly pulling to a stop at two high wire gates, signalling they had arrived at their destination, "Camp Zeus". Nick quickly lowered his raised T-shirt and tucked it back into his pants, while Jimmy did up the buttons on his open shirt. "We'll catch up later and finish this buddy," Nick said to his adoring friend. The bus screeched to a halt in front of what looked to be an induction centre for new recruits. A steady stream of young guys were coming through the front doors carrying what appeared to be neatly folded pairs of trousers, shirts, jackets, socks and boots all in khaki, and heading for a series of huts lined up side by side, and making a border round what looked to be a parade ground. To the right side of the induction centre stood a flagpole with the Greek flag waving lightly in the breeze of this early summer morning. Nick looked in amazement at the large number of guys occupied and undertaking a variety of different activities. Several platoons of men were marching evenly in time to the strains of military music blasting from loud speakers on poles strategically placed round the perimeter of the parade ground. Every time one of the soldiers lost the timing and put a foot out of place, a sergeant with what looked to be a cane in their hand would bellow at the unfortunate soldier and swat his arse. This tactic seemed to have the required effect as for the most part the marching was perfect. Further on to the parade ground other groups of men were engaged in unarmed combat training, while others were attacking dummies with bayonets fixed to the end of rifles. Nick's eyes were brought back to the inside of the bus, as the front doors of the bus opened and a guy about thirty years old wearing a sergeant's uniform came up the steps and glared menacingly at the sea of attentive apprehensive faces. Nick couldn't help giving the sergeant's body the once over with his appraising eyes and was impressed with what he saw. The sergeant's short sleeved shirt seemed to be hugging his torso like a second skin, showing off his thick muscled v-shaped upper body to perfection. This connected and tapered to an impossibly slim waist and trousers, which flared over thick thighs. "What a hunk," thought Nick, his eyes glued to the promising bulge pushed forward by the extent of muscle on his muscle-stacked thighs. "Right, scumbags," he bellowed. "My name is Sergeant Crackass. You will address me as Sergeant. You are now in the army and you will follow all orders to the letter, given you by your superiors or you will answer to me. Is that understood?' Everyone shouted back in unison, "Yes sergeant." After about ten minutes of instruction giving the platoon was led off the bus and divided into three groups of four and informed they would rotate through three activities which would take up till lunchtime - physical exam, haircut, and receiving kit. Nick and three of his comrades were instructed to proceed to physical exam and were led to the hospital by a young male nurse. Once in the hospital they were led to an examination room. The nurse told them the doctor would be with them shortly, and left the room. The guys didn't have long to wait. A young guy not much older than the four soldiers and dressed in a white coat with a stethoscope round his neck entered the room. "Strip to your shorts, and line up on this line," he ordered. The guys didn't hesitate and swiftly stripped off all clothing, including socks and moved to the line indicated. The doc loved this part of the job. It gave him the chance to legitimately feel up the bodies of every recruit that went through Camp Zeus. The doc was especially attracted to young guys into bodybuilding - those with big muscles and bodies like the camp's namesake Zeus. As he watched the guys strip off their clothes, he immediately took notice of a stunningly handsome young man's body as more and more of it came into view. The doc couldn't recall ever seeing a body quite this attractive. His dick began to stir and end with what he knew would be a full erection in a matter of seconds. The doc watched Nick's big shoulder and arm muscles bunching and quivering as he bent over to untie his shoe laces and gasped audibly as he caught a glimpse of Nick's huge pectorals hanging and swaying from his ribcage as Nick loosened his shoes and began to remove is socks. Once removed Nick stood upright to remove his trousers that hugged his thick upper thighs and beefy bubble butt. The doc was mesmerized by the awesome play of muscles doing such a simple and basic task. Nick proceeded to undo the top button and pull down the zipper, his huge man tits bunching together and accentuating the already deep cleavage between them. The top of his red jockey shorts came into view hanging low on his slim hips as he attempted to peel down the material, which was clinging to his heavily muscled thighs. Again Nick bent over, this time to lift each leg in turn and pull the trousers off. Again his heavy hanging pecs started a sexy swaying motion that had the doc's mouth watering. Finally all clothes were removed and the young men stood to attention on the white line as instructed. The doc perused each body from head to toe in turn starting with Nick. His keen eyes judged the well-built youth to be about 220lbs, most of it weight trained muscle. "What an extraordinary physique," he mused to himself, "with such an abundance of bulging pectoral flesh." His eyes moved to the next guy inline and glanced at his clipboard to read the recruit's name - Harry Kiridou. Harry's muscles in contrast to Nick's were long and lean, such as those possessed by a swimmer. Although a couple of inches taller than Nick, the doc guessed Harry to be a couple of stone lighter. Harry's body again in contrast to Nick's had a light covering of silky black hairs over his torso, arms and legs. The third guy in line according to the doc's notes was Yanni Spero. He looked to be a cross between Nick and Harry, a wrestler's body with nicely muscled arms and legs particularly. The doc was impressed. He lay down his clipboard and moved back in front of Nick. He would start his examination by gently moving his hands over the glands in the key areas of Nick's body, searching for any abnormal lumps. This he explained to Nick and began his massage. The doc started just under the jaw and felt his way down Nick's thick neck and onto the trapezius muscles on Nick's broad shoulders. Never had his hands felt such beautifully developed muscles. He gripped them momentarily and moved his hands to Nick's armpits, and motioned Nick to raise his arms slightly so as to examine his armpits. Thick silky black hair grew in a tuft under each deep armpit, and he inhaled the manly aroma which escaped the open prison - such a rich and heady smell, not rank and unwashed, but clean and fresh. Again he massaged the pits, and feeling no lumps moved his hands around the curve of Nick's out thrust pectoral ridge. Nick lowered his arms, which accentuated the bulk and depth of his huge pecs. The doc stopped moving his fingers when they encountered Nick's super stretched large dark brown nipples. He began slowly running his fingers slowly in circles around the nipples. Feeling nothing out off the ordinary, the doc couldn't resist any longer and cupped as much of the pecs as possible in his hands and started to knead the huge mounds of breast flesh. "You have a beautifully developed chest," the Doc said, finally releasing the lush tit flesh and playfully slapping Nick's right pec with his open hand and watching with enjoyment the flesh ripple it caused. He couldn't wait to do the heart test on this recruit and watch the big stud's body in jogging motion. "I bet the girls go crazy over your body." The doc now moved his hands over Nick's trim tummy and to his sides where he grabbed and massaged Nick's blossoming love handles. "Getting a bit plump here though," he observed. "Haven't been able to work out as much as I'd like," Nick replied, enjoying the Doc's hands on his flesh. The Doc's hands moved to the top of Nick's big smooth thighs. "You must have trouble walking with muscles so thick here," the Doc commented grabbing a large handful of silky smooth inner thigh flesh. "Do you have chaffing problems." Nick didn't get a chance to answer as the Doc's hands suddenly grasped the pouch of his red jockey shorts and started to manipulate his balls. Nick's huge thighs thrust his package forward and the Doc had no trouble in getting a good feel. "I'm sure the girls have no complaints with you in this department either," the Doc said, continuing to fondle Nick's balls through the material, and happy that the weight of the package was increasing with the blood flowing into Nick's slowly engorging cock. The Doc halted his manipulation of Nick's equipment and retrieved his clipboard and wrote a couple of notes and then brought from his coat pocket a plastic glove which he proceeded to put on his right hand. "You can remove your shorts now, I will need to carry out a rectal examination to see that your plumbing is working correctly." Nick was now conscious of his thickening dick and what the other recruits, let alone the Doc might think if he sprang a boner. He slowly began the task of removing his jockeys but was having great problems moving the material over his huge muscled thighs and hunky bubble butt, the material almost had to be peeled like a banana over the flesh, his thickening cock also not assisting. The Doc could see the difficulty Nick was having and knelt before him and helped peel the material down, brushing his hands all over the perfect thigh flesh as he did. This only made Nick hotter than he already was. As the Doc peeled, Nick's beer can cock suddenly sprang from its enclosure and pointed directly at the Doc's face. The Doc's mouth was watering at the sight of Nick's big red knob and his piss slit already beginning to leak precum. Any fun would have to wait till later, he reminded himself as Nick's shorts finally dropped to the floor. He moved to Nick's behind and crouched down on his haunches and balanced himself by gripping Nick's huge upper thigh with one hand while he began to insert the gloved hand into Nick's tight bunghole. The Doc loved this part of the medical check and moved three of his fingers through the sphincter and into the rectum. He enjoyed the warmth and the obvious discomfort it caused the recruits. But Nick was different in the Doc's reckoning, this kid was actually enjoying the sensations his gloved fingers were making. Nick couldn't help hunching his hips forward in response to the Doc's prodding, which had the effect of jerking his cock around in the front and banging from time to time against the hand resting on his bulging thighs. The doc had to stop his examination to see what was hitting his hand. He grinned as he removed his gloved fingers and again moved to Nick's front. "You can replace your shorts now soldier. I have finished that part of the examination." Nick struggled manfully to drag the red jockeys again over his massive thighs. The Doc watched with obvious enjoyment at the sight of Nick's cock bouncing in front of him as the material had to be stretched over the muscles. Finally Nick was able to stretch the material over his bulging cock, the Doc and the other recruits in awe of the episode, and if the truth were known just a little bit excited. "Just one more test to go," the Doc pointed to Nick to move to the treadmill which was standing close by. The male nurse returned and began to hook some wires up to strategic points on Nick's huge chest. The Doc explained the test would involve Nick maintaining a running rate for the required time so that the fitness of his heart could be tested. Nick moved into position and the treadmill began to move. The treadmill began to move slowly at first, Nick easily managing to keep up. The Doc and the other recruits watched fascinatedly at Nick's unusual walking style, which had to compensate for his huge bulging thighs which, pushed his legs out in a wide movement. Even at walking pace Nick's big overdeveloped pecs had started a sexy swaying motion, the flesh rising and falling with each step. Hercules could not have looked any better in the Doc's eyes as he watched the muscles bunching and relaxing. Gradually the belt on the machine moved to a higher gear, and Nick had to jog to keep up with the increasing speed. He started to suck in great lungfulls of air in an effort to keep up, his huge pectorals ballooning with the blood pumping through his body. Instead of swaying his breasts were now bouncing up, down and sideways as his arms were pumping up and down at his sides and his leg muscles were shaking also. A sheen of sweat was now visible over his big body as the exertion was becoming evident. The machine now moved to full speed and Nick's big muscles responded with increased pumping. The Doc now moved closer to Nick and the machine as he thought he saw some of the wires might be coming loose. Actually none of the wires were loose, this was the Doc's excuse to touch some of this heaving muscle in motion, especially those prodigious, oversized pecs. From the side of the machine the Doc reached his right hand out and cupped Nick's huge bouncing pec in his hand. The weight of bouncing tit flesh was awesome, as the Doc's hand took the full weight of muscle on its downward motion. The Doc was in heaven, but not for long as the machine began to slow to rest indicating the test period was over. Nick was panting with the exertion, his huge tits rising and falling with the great lungfulls of air he was taking in. The Doc helped support Nick by putting an arm around his waist and led him off the machine. Nick was exhausted. The Doc seated Nick down on a chair and watched his huge chest rising and falling for a few seconds licking his lips with his tongue at the prospect of giving those heaving sweaty pecs a tongue bath. Alas he had further work to do, but before moving to the next recruit he moved to his desk and made a phone call to his best buddy the camp's commanding officer, Colonel Arias. The Doc and the Colonel had two interests in common - the first being the appreciation of stud physiques especially those belonging to superbly muscled teenage recruits with over-developed chests, and the second being hot body to body wrestling matches between recruits and officers. Over the years the Doc and the Colonel had organised monthly wrestling tournaments for the benefit of themselves and a select number of fellow officers with a similar interest. Indeed the Doc and the Colonel were skilled wrestlers in there own right and had cupboards of trophies won from their teenage years some twenty years ago. The main reason for the conduct of monthly tournaments from the Doc and Colonel's points of view was to test the strength and feel the flesh of the hunkiest young recruits in their charge. The Doc of course was in the best position to check out the most likely of the new recruits, and pass on their details to the Colonel whose job was to sign them up for the tournaments. The Doc dialed his buddy's number and waited for an answer. After a few moments the phone was picked up, and after the usual greetings, the Doc said, "I've just tested the most beautiful hunk of Grade A teenage beef, with the biggest set of tits that I've ever laid eyes on. His name's Nick Koutsoulis. You'll really enjoy getting the claw hold on this one for sure." "Send him over right away buddy, and I'll have my usual little talk. We'll fit him in to the tournament this Saturday," replied the Colonel. Nick was a little surprised to find out from the Doc that he would be required for an interview immediately with the Colonel. After all he'd only been in the camp a couple of hours, and he'd hardly had any time to do anything wrong. He hadn't even had a chance to get his kit or find out the rooming arrangements. He quickly put his civilian clothes back on and followed the instructions given to him by the male nurse to find the Colonel's office. You can imagine Nick made quite a sight as he left the medical centre to stride across the parade ground to the Colonel's office. He had on a very tight white T-shirt which hugged his huge v shaped torso and disappeared into an equally tight pair of 501's which adhered to his thick thighs and round bubble butt. As he walked his big muscular arms, which were bare to the shoulder hung out from his body, forced out by the huge v-shaped lats. His stupendous man tits hung heavily in their cotton covering leaving little to anyone's imagination as to their size and their power packed potential. He received many admiring and appreciative glances as he strode out, his big muscles bunching and relaxing with every movement. He eventually came to the building housing the command post and was greeted by a young and handsome corporal who led him to the Colonel's office. Nick couldn't help noticing how well built the young guy was, even if his body was covered up with drab khaki fatigues. "You must be Nick, I was told to expect you. The Colonel's waiting to see you. Come this way." The corporal gave two sharp raps to the office door, opened it wide, and stood with his back to it as Nick marched in and stood to attention in front of the Colonel's desk. The corporal retreated through the open door pulling it closed behind him. Nick was left alone in the room bar for the Colonel who was diligently writing a paper, his eyes not having risen from the words he was writing. It seemed like ages before the Colonel finally set the pen down and raised his eyes to take in the view before him. And what a view it was. The Colonel's eyes slowly moved over the body of the young man before him - from head to toe, returning always to the stretched fabric covering Nick's overdeveloped pecs. Nick started to feel uncomfortable because as yet not a word had been said, and was getting the feeling his body was being appraised, not unlike a customer at a butcher's shop buying a choice piece of meat. "Stand at ease," the Colonel said in a friendly voice. "The Doc was right to give me a call and suggest I see you immediately. You certainly seem to have the physical attributes which are required for the job I have in mind for you," the Colonel remarked pushing his chair back from the desk and standing up to his full height of 6 ft 3 in. He had a certain physical presence about him, which excited Nick, but he didn't quite know why at the moment. The Colonel moved from behind his desk and moved gracefully until he was standing beside Nick and studying the beefy young guy's profile. He then walked slowly round behind Nick and admired the flawless v shaped back and jutting bubble butt. "Have you ever wrestled, son?" the Colonel asked, standing again to Nick's side. "Ah, no sir, Colonel. I mean maybe a couple of times but only fooling about nothing serious," Nick replied awkwardly, wondering where this conversation might be leading. "You may be able to help me out of a spot of bother. We're short of a man for our monthly tournament on Saturday night, and there's no one else available with the physical attributes to with stand a long hard fought bout. I hope you don't mind filling in at such short notice." The Colonel paused for a moment. Nick was unsure how to reply and waited for the Colonel to continue. "You have only been in the Camp for a couple of hours, have you not? You will quickly realise I reward generously those who assist me willingly. Those who find excuses or resist me find their yearlong stay here can be so unpleasant. I hope you understand what I am saying to you Nick." "Ah, yes sir, Colonel. I'd be glad to fill in at the wrestling tournament, whenever you require Colonel," Nick replied, realising that to argue or make an excuse would not be appreciated. And the Colonel was right, to get off on the wrong foot could mean some very unpleasant experiences were in store. And what could possibly be wrong with participating in a wrestling bout? It may even be fun, even if it wasn't a sport he was strong in. "That is an excellent decision my boy. You don't know how happy that makes me," the Colonel said, clapping a large hand on Nick's shoulder, his fingers lingering, testing and feeling the bulk of Nick's bulging trapezius muscle. "How much do you weigh Nick?" the Colonel asked, continuing to appraise the young stud's physical attributes. "I'm normally around 220lb sir, but since my last bodybuilding contest I've put on a few pounds," Nick replied, getting more comfortable about where the conversation seemed to be heading. "Bodybuilding, eh, well you should be strong enough to wrestle," the Colonel said, now moving both hands to Nick's bulging and massive right arm biceps and gripping the muscle. "Tense it for me Nick, let me see how strong you are." Nick curled his forearm and started to pump the bulging muscles with blood, the Colonel's fingers opening their grip as the muscles expanded. "What amazing strength you have", said the Colonel, in awe of the beautifully built young man in front of him. "Take you shirt off son, and pose for me. Show me the muscles which win you contests," the Colonel said, leaning back against his desk and watching Nick closely as he slowly pulled his tight white T-shirt from his trousers. He then crossed his arms in front of him and gripping the fabric at the bottom seam, slowly raised the fabric in a slow and sensuous motion over his belly and lower back, exposing inch after inch of lush brown flesh to the Colonel's gaze. And what a mouth-watering sight it was to the excited Colonel, his cock straining to escape down the leg of his army issue boxer shorts. As the T-shirt was pulled past over his chest, the neck of the shirt caught momentarily round Nick's chin and ears, and the Colonel felt the urge to somehow use the T-shirt to bind the arms and hands of the beautifully muscled young man before him and grasp and hold as much of the flesh deliciously displayed before his eyes as possible. He refrained from this lustful urge and watched in awe as Nick's arms came to rest by his sides, the flimsy thin T-shirt grasped in his hand. "Give me that." the Colonel said pointing to the T-shirt. "Now show me what you're made of. I need to know you're big and strong enough to withstand the punishment that could be handed out to you in the wrestling match on Saturday night." With that invitation Nick raised his massive arms into the classic double biceps pose and spread his lat muscles into the perfect v-shape similar to the head of a cobra. The Colonel was salivating at the thought of licking such a mass of smooth silky flesh, and moved from the desk and slowly walked to the back of Nick and studied the mass of curves bumps and striations the flexing motion was producing in Nick's body. Nick held the pose and waited for a signal from the Colonel that he should relax this pose and strike another, but no signal came. The Colonel was fascinated with the shape and thickness of Nick's muscles and moved is hands to Nick's biceps and ran them lightly over the softball sized bulges and then traced the curve to the bulging deltoid muscles capping the top of Nick's broad shoulders. Such shape and definition the Colonel could not recall seeing on another man. He kept his fingers lightly moving over the young man's flesh as if memorising every hill and valley. He then moved the palms of his hands slowly down the broad shoulder blades to the edge of the lats and moved them up to Nick's warm and hairy armpits, which were slightly damp with perspiration. The Colonel edged in closer to see if he could smell any musky odour emanating from this source and was heartened when a whiff of clean sweat rose to his nostrils as his head came close to the back of Nick's neck. He moved his hands down the broad lats finally coming to rest on Nick's love handles which bulged ever so slightly over the belt around Nick's jeans. The flesh here was slightly soft to the touch and provided evidence to the Colonel that the lad had been grazing well on the fat of the land in recent times. Still the Colonel appreciated a bit of meat on his wrestlers and besides it provided good holding points during contests. The Colonel had still not reached the prize, which intrigued and excited him most - it would come in good time, no need to rush things. He slowly moved his hands to Nick's stomach and caressed the skin covering Nick's trim abdominals and counted the individual knots forming the six pack. This was good he thought to himself, he would need to be able to take repeated punching to this area without fainting from pain too early. Now for the part the Colonel had been looking forward to since this interview had started. "You can lower your arms now and relax your muscles for a minute my boy. You have shown me I hope some of the potential you have of withstanding prolonged punishment." As Nick lowered his arms to a resting position by his sides, and relaxed his muscles, he expected the Colonel to remove his hands from his tummy. After all hadn't his tensed muscles passed the scrutiny of the Colonel's touch? Instead the Colonel's hands continued to rest on his tummy. At that moment he sensed the Colonel move in even closer to him and felt the Colonel's breath on his neck and shoulder. Moments later he felt the palms of the Colonel's hands slide upward from his tummy and for a split second he felt no contact, and then suddenly.... "Arrrgh," Nick cried out, surprised at the force and strength as the Colonel's fingers slapped into and grasped hold of his overdeveloped pecs and squeezed the abundance of relaxed muscular flesh. After the surprise of the attack, Nick put all his effort into tensing the enormous belts and slabs of muscle making up his chest, forcing the clenching fingers of the Colonel's hands apart. The Colonel's fingers released their hold momentarily and then Nick felt each hand in turn slap his hard tensed pec slabs. "That's wonderful my boy, you are showing me you have a real man's chest. I wondered about it when I first saw you, such a thickness of flesh with almost a feminine curve around your erect nipples. You can relax your breasts now. I want to feel their weight in my hands and know what it must be like for you to carry such appendages on your body." "Walk with me over to the full length mirror on the back of the door so I can see for myself what it must be like to carry such heavy muscles when you walk around." The Colonel's hands continued to cup the enormous slabs of relaxed pec flesh as Nick made his way to the mirror, feeling the muscles bounce in his hands. When Nick stopped at the mirror the Colonel released his hands from the oversized boy breasts and moved them down over Nick's tummy. "I've often dreamed about possessing pecs this size," the Colonel said, slowly and sensuously stroking Nick's tummy flesh, "And wondering what they would look like on my body. They are a very erotic sight. I wonder if you would indulge me further, my boy, by trying on your wrestling costume you will wear on Saturday night. And so you won't feel awkward, I will put on mine." Nick was extremely excited by this suggestion and was keen to see the body, which he had felt, pressed against his so firmly over the last few minutes. The Colonel returned to his desk and opening the bottom drawer withdrew what looked to be two shiny latex leotard suits. The Colonel returned to where Nick was still standing shirtless, and handed him one of the suits. Nick took a couple of seconds to work out the front of the costume from the back, but in any event it seemed very small. "The suit fits all sizes." the Colonel said, reading the look of disbelief written on Nick's face. The Colonel handed Nick the light blue suit and kept the red one for himself. Nick wasted no time in removing his Nike runners and his jeans and placed them over the back of one of the office chairs. He then proceeded to pick up the suit and step into it. The Colonel was watching every move that the hunky young bodybuilder was making while also hurriedly removing his own uniform. "There's no need for you to keep your jockey shorts on Private. You'll find the suit provides you with all the protection you require. Nick glanced over at the Colonel who had now removed all his uniform and stood completely naked. In Nick's estimation the Colonel looked to be about 6 ft 3in tall, in his early forties with just a few wisps of distinguished grey hair coloring his temples. His dark hair was cut short in typical military fashion, his facial features handsome with a strong jaw line. Nick's eyes moved down and took in the Colonel's strong thick neck which was connected to a set of broad shoulders capped with impressive deltoids, and then further down to the impressive barrel chest displaying square cut pectorals and prominent nipples covered in swirls of dark hair. The hair continued down and concentrating in a line running down the middle of his taut looking stomach, a six pack of muscles clearly visible. At this moment the Colonel removed his regulation army boxer shorts releasing a perfectly sculpted thick cut cock and two low hanging balls. Nick could feel his face flush with excitement and his own cock become heated as his eyes were glued to the sexy sight of the Colonel's thickening manly equipment. Nick forced himself to avert his eyes and take in the rest of the Colonel's impressive physique. The Colonel's legs were long and well defined with muscle, again as with his chest, covered in rich dark swirling hair. "What a handsome bear of a man," Nick thought to himself. "I wouldn't mind letting my hands brush through that fleece!" Nick snapped out of his reverie as the Colonel spoke, and then self consciously began to peel his red jockey briefs over his bulging baby-smooth thighs and arse. "Pheeeeeew", the Colonel whistled as Nick's thick cock and plump balls sprang into view and slapped heavily against his hard thighs. "You must have some racehorse in your breeding Private." Nick turned around in embarrassment and reached for his suit presenting the Colonel with a view of his heavily muscled rump and curvy arse cheeks. The Colonel's mouth watered at the sight of so much butter smooth flesh and licked his lips at the thought of rubbing his cock and balls along the full length of Nick's thigh from his knee to the top of his arse cheeks. The Colonel quickly pulled his suit over his legs and hoisted the shoulder straps into position and smoothed the rubber wrinkles from around his crotch area. This done he moved over to where Nick was still struggling to haul the latex material over his thick thighs. "Let me give you a hand with that Private, there's knack to getting into a suit the first time," the Colonel said moving up behind the struggling and vulnerable Private whose arse cheeks quivered deliciously with the movement of his legs. The Colonel couldn't resist pressing his now bulging crotch against Nick's luscious arse flesh and moved his hands to Nick's hips drawing Nick back against his crotch for a moment, letting his bulge press against the soft flesh. He let out a lustful sigh as his cock continued to thicken inside his suit. "If you pull on the front side I'll pull on the backside and we'll have more of a chance to squeeze your body into the suit." With this the Colonel used his left hand to hold the material which had become stuck just below Nick's jutting arse cheeks, while he placed his right hand on Nick's plump ass cheek, caressed the heavy jiggling flesh and then proceeded to push the creamy smooth flesh into the rubber suit. Nick now had his left cheek encased in the rubber while the right cheek was still quivering madly with his efforts to pull the rubber at his front. The Colonel at this point could not resist the temptation of slapping the still exposed arse flesh hard with his right hand before grabbing the plump jock flesh and stuffing it into the tight suit. "We'll get the fat off you in no time Private," said the Colonel, now hoisting the leotard straps over Nick's bulky shoulders and smoothing the wrinkles from around Nick's hips. "Now turn around so I can see how the suit looks on you." Nick turned to face the Colonel, his eyes downcast and face red, acutely aware of the massive bulge his genitals were making against the stretched material at his groin. The Colonel could barely stifle a gasp at the sight before him. Never in his life had he been so turned on by another soldier before, his own prodigious tool threatening to burst through the rubbery material. Nick's suit left nothing to the imagination as his fantastic young body was sensuously displayed in the skimpy suit. The Colonel's eyes were drawn to the Private's pectoral pillows, which bulged thickly, the suckable silver dollar sized dark nipples completely in view to the right and left of the thin straps respectively. The Colonel moved his hands to the straps, hooking his fingers behind them at the top of Nick's bulging traps, adjusting them and slowly moving the back of his fingers down the mighty muscle slabs of Nick's chest. At the lowest point of Nick's full chest the straps left his pecs to join the main suit covering Nick's abs. At this point the Colonel's fingers lingered and teasingly rubbed Nick's lush brown nipples into hard points before tracing his fingers further under the thick pectoral curves to where they joined his ribcage. At this point his fingers stopped their downward path and pressed up against the relaxed pec flesh, attempting to test the weight of each, the muscle easily plumping into a sexy breast-like hillock. The ease at which he was able to heft Nick's chest boded well for the likely ease of application of his famous pec claw hold, the Colonel thought. After pushing Nick's heavy chest muscles as high as the Colonel could, he let them drop satisfied of their potential. The Colonel's hands now moved to Nick's softball sized biceps and triceps and gripped them firmly, his eyes now locked on the huge mound of Nick's erection. "I see the suit has the same effect on you as it does on me." Nick's eyes moved down to the Colonel's groin and saw a similar huge bulge straining the latex material to the maximum. His eyes moved up and locked with the Colonel's, each seeing each other's barely disguised lust for each other's body. The Colonel made the first move and drew Nick into his strong sinewy arms, their lips and tongues finding each other and locking, their bodies now grinding together, muscle to muscle. After a minute or so the Colonel stopped their feverish embrace and drew the hunky bodybuilder into the bedroom adjoining his office. "I think we can be more comfortable in here," the Colonel remarked breathlessly, drawing Nick over to the queen-sized bed. Each began to remove their suits in record time, each unable to take their eyes off the other. The suits now removed, the Colonel once again drew the excited and breathless Nick into his arms, his hands feverishly massaging and gripping as much of the buttery smooth flesh as he could. The Colonel collapsed with Nick locked to him onto the bed and immediately assumed the dominant role. This excited Nick all the more as the Colonel reminded him more and more of his father. Reaching over to the nightstand next to the head of the bed, the Colonel opened the top drawer and retrieved a pair of leather handcuffs with Velcro fasteners which were open and ready for use. Wasting no time the Colonel grabbed Nick's left wrist and began to twist it slowly, while at the same time raising Nick's shoulder and turning him over onto his front. This done, the Colonel fastened the cuff round Nick's left wrist and drew it next to Nick's right wrist and proceeded to fasten it in the same way. Nick could tell that this was not the first time the Colonel had carried out this maneuver. The Colonel then assumed a kneeling position over Nick's beautifully prone body, Nick's hands securely fastened and resting in the small of his back. What a sight to behold. The Colonel swept his eyes up and down the length of Nick's superbly muscled body, his cock throbbing and eager for action. Nick had his head to one side of the pillow and could see out of the corner of his eye the Colonel kneeling over the back of his legs. He could feel the weight of the Colonel's ass cheeks as they came to rest. The Colonel gripped his rock hard 7 inch cock in his hand and began to beat it rhythmically like a drumstick on Nick's right and left volleyball sized ass cheeks. Little flesh tremours rippled as the Colonel's cock made contact time after time, some precum stringing from the slit and sticking to the muscled ass flesh. Nick could feel the Colonel's heavy balls nestling in the v of his touching thighs. The Colonel ceased the slapping and slid his body down so his face was level with Nick's big butt cheeks and proceeded to lick, suck and bite the heavy muscles, occasionally dipping his tongue between Nick's pliable butt cheeks to tease his asshole. The Colonel was in heaven, as was the bound Nick whose rock hard cock was grinding against the sheet. The Colonel once again moved his body alongside Nick's and in a push-up position, his hands outside Nick's shoulders, proceeded to rub his cock up the length of Nick's huge smooth thighs and pushing into the softer bottom flesh. After about twelve long strokes of his cock on thigh and bottom flesh the Colonel collapsed his full weight on the length of Nick's muscled body, his cock resting in the deep crevice of Nick's ass cheeks. Nick could feel the Colonel's hard furry pecs pressing down between his shoulder blades. "You are one beautiful bunch of muscles, soldier," the Colonel whispered into Nick's ear as his hands began massaging Nick's thick shoulders and arms, and his hips began thrusting along the crevice between Nick's ample bottom. "Time to feel those big pecs of yours, Private. My hands want to feel their bulk and power, and my fingers want to squeeze your plump stretched nipples," the Colonel gasped into Nick's ear as he raised Nick's right shoulder off the mattress and slipped his hand onto Nick's heaving chest. The Colonel wasn't disappointed as his hand was immediately filled to overflowing with heavy pec flesh. In this position Nick's chest hung heavily allowing the Colonel to appraise the weight of Nick's right pec which he did by mashing the flesh against his flattened hand. "Big fat tits and nipples on you muscle boy," the Colonel gasped excitedly in Nick's ear as his hand repeatedly slapped the heavy muscle and his thumb and index finger twisted the oversized nipple. All the time the Colonel's cock was thrusting against Nick's bubble butt and he could feel he was getting close to climax. He pushed Nick's body again flat to the mattress and this time reached both his hands under Nick's big chest while continuing to maintain his steady cock thrusting. As his hands took hold of the bulging man tits the Colonel's thrusts took on more of an urgency. "Getting close now muscle boy, gonna squeeze some milk outa those full tits if I can." The Colonel's hands were squeezing Nick's sweaty pecs so hard the flesh threatened to ooze between the Colonel's grasping fingers. "I'm cuuummming stud, I'm cuuummming," grunted the Colonel as he pumped a stream of creamy cum between Nick's ass cheeks and over his bound hands. The Colonel remained motionless for about five seconds after his orgasm and then slowly turned the sweaty bound Nick over on his back and in one movement went down on Nick's dripping beer can cock deep throating as much of the monster as he could without gagging. Nick thrust his pelvis up to meet the Colonel's bobbing mouth. A further five seconds was all that it took for Nick to blast his load down the Colonel's throat. The Colonel to his credit not missing a drop. If Nick had thought the meeting with the Colonel had come to an end he was wrong. With cum still dripping from his 7 incher the Colonel reached across to the phone and picked up the receiver. It was immediately answered by his hunky blond haired Corporal. "Come through to my bedroom immediately Corporal Greco, I have need of your services." "Yes sir, immediately sir," the Corporal replied with a huge grin. Greco couldn't believe his luck. For the past twelve months he had been the Colonel's personal assistant, his duties largely consisted of satisfying the Colonel's sexual needs, participating in wrestling matches as required, and breaking in new recruits that had the particular physical characteristics the Colonel craved for. The moment Greco saw the new Private come into the office he new he would fit the requirements perfectly. Never had he seen such a stupendous set of muscular pecs on a recruit in his life. Even through a T-shirt the depth and weight were unmistakable. Of course twelve months previously he had been in the same position as Nick. Greco stood at 6 ft even and weighed in at an even 200lb. Years of high school wrestling had given him the physique and power to make a name for himself in the sport, hopefully at the forthcoming Olympics. His attributes were quickly brought to the Colonel's attention soon after his arrival. Whereas Nick's physique was thick and chunky and totally devoid of hair, Greco on the other hand was a little more lithe of frame with a thin coating of blond hair all over his body. The hair did little to disguise the power of his body. Like Nick, Greco had been blessed with a naturally well developed upper body. His mother had been a nightclub stripper for years in the Algiers and possessed a huge 46 inch bust. His well built father who served in the Greek navy had met her while on leave, and one thing had led to another. His wrestling ability became apparent in his mid to late teens. Like most athletes, Greco steered clear of alcohol to keep his body in tip top shape, but regularly enjoyed some A-Grade hashish easily obtainable in neighbouring Morocco. With the need to overcome injuries quickly and keep up with his team mates, during his sixteenth year he had been encouraged to take a course of anabolic steroids. The results had been awesome with muscle added thickly to an already well developed torso. Alas, the course of steroids and the hash parties began to have a side effect not altogether welcome. His average looking quarter sized nipples became very sensitive and began to thrust forward out from his chest by the development of a small amount of breast tissue. The affect was disturbing at first for the macho young Greco who began to be taunted by his team mates and opponents. His average quarter sized nipples had swollen to be the size of silver dollars with very thick pointed nubs. It was also at this time he became aware of his gayness, and had his first sexual experience with his coach, who made it clear he was very taken with the hunky wrestler's sexy bitch tits. In the years till now, the 24 year old had continued to build his body up. His shirtless appearance quite breathtaking, with two very well developed pecs with two very lush looking nipples giving his chest what could be termed an "overripe" appearance. With characteristics like this it was certain the Colonel would have been interested in him. "Come in Greco I want you to meet your wrestling partner for this Saturday night, Private Koutsoulis. While you're at it, why don't you make yourself more comfortable. Strip down and join us on the bed. I believe in team-mates getting to know each other well before a contest." Greco's eyes were glued to the new recruit whose awesome body was propped against the bed head. "His pecs are even bigger than mine," was the first thought that went through Greco's mind. The sight of Nick instantly had Greco's cock rock hard and as he stripped his army issue boxers off, it snapped to attention against his rock hard abs. The Colonel took the bottom position for the next round of sexual activity and instructed Nick, without cuffs, to position his ample ass, taking a crouched position, over his sheathed cock head. Nick had been lubed up and the Colonel's cock was almost sucked up Nick's chute. Nick began to ride slowly up and down on the thrusting Colonel's cock. Greco took a kneeling position behind Nick and circled his arms around the front of Nick's body, drawing himself as close as he could to Nick's back. Nick could feel Greco's big nipples and hard pecs pressing into his back as Greco slowly brought his hands up to stroke and caress Nick's big muscle tits. Greco nuzzled his chin over Nick's right shoulder so he could see what his hands were doing as he progressed to hefting, bunching, squeezing and juggling the huge fleshy pillows. It did not take long at all for the sexy sight of Nick's chest being manhandled by Greco for the Colonel to shoot his wad. Greco moved Nick on his back and knelt one leg on each side of Nick's heaving chest. Greco then positioned his aching cock in the cleavage between Nick's big pecs and began to rub his cock back and forth in long strokes, his hands pressing the sides of Nick's pecs to make an even deeper fuck chute valley. In no time Greco was shooting his load onto Nick's chin while grasping Nick's huge man tits. The Colonel had positioned himself behind Greco and for the second time took Nick's beer can cock down his throat and swallowed another thick creamy load.


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7 Gay Erotic Stories from Acepecs

Nick Big Pecs, Part 1

Note préliminaire : J'espère que vous avez compris que la traduction de ce texte n'avait pas comme but de plagier l'auteur. Si j'ai traduit cette histoire, c'est parce que je l'ai adorée, tout d'abord, que j'ai ensuite voulu faire partager cette histoire à des francophones et enfin parce que j'adore traduire. Bien sûr, le français ne rend pas exactement les nuances de l'anglais, et je

Nick Big Pecs, Part 2

Note préliminaire : J'espère que vous avez compris que la traduction de ce texte n'avait pas comme but de plagier l'auteur. Si j'ai traduit cette histoire, c'est parce que je l'ai adorée, tout d'abord, que j'ai ensuite voulu faire partager cette histoire à des francophones et enfin parce que j'adore traduire. Bien sûr, le français ne rend pas exactement les nuances de l'anglais, et je

Nick's Big Pecs, Part 2

I first posted "Nick" (Part 1) to the Nifty Archive almost twelve months ago and had such an encouraging response to the story, I have written a couple of new adventures - Part 2 & 3. Please let me know what you think of them. I am also interested in sharing fantasies, stories or real life experiences with guys who are turned on by big muscular pecs or possess a big set themselves.

Nick's Big Pecs, Part 3

I first posted "Nick" (Part 1) to the Nifty Archive almost twelve months ago and had such an encouraging response to the story, I have written a couple of new adventures - Part 2 & 3. Please let me know what you think of them. I am also interested in sharing fantasies, stories or real life experiences with guys who are turned on by big muscular pecs or possess a big set themselves.

Nick's Big Pecs, Part 4

This story is part of the "Nick's Big Pecs" series and was written in response to Part One by a buddy of mine, John from Chicago. Let me know what you think of the story and I will pass the comments on to John. Also I'm interested in sharing fantasies, stories or real life experiences with guys who are turned on by guys with big muscular pecs or possess a big set themselves. Write

Nick's Big Pecs, Part 5

This story is part of the "Nick's Big Pecs" series and was written in response to Part One by a buddy of mine, John from Chicago. Let me know what you think of the story and I will pass the comments on to John. Also I'm interested in sharing fantasies, stories or real life experiences with guys who are turned on by guys with big muscular pecs or possess a big set themselves. Write

Nick's Big Pecs, Part 1

Nick's Big Pecs (Part 1) I first posted "Nick" (Part 1) to the Nifty Archive almost twelve months ago and had such an encouraging response to the story, I have written a couple of new adventures - Part 2 & 3. Please let me know what you think of them. I am also interested in sharing fantasies, stories or real life experiences with guys who are turned on by big

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