Gay Erotic Stories

Night Trip

by JB

It had been a glorious day and the night was warm and sultry and, to be honest, I could not sleep. At 1AM I climbed into the car and headed out into the Irish countryside and headed for a nice cove I knew just a short drive from home. As the lights of the city disappeared behind me I reached over and turned on the radio and searching the channels found some soft music to drive by. I had been out of the city now for about 10 minutes when my headlights picked up a guy walking along the road his thumb out in the time-honored fashion looking for a ride. Now at 1:30 in the morning walking dark country roads is not something I would like to be doing. Well not on my own anyway. So I slowed down and had a quick look at him. He was young. He looked okay so I stopped a little in front of him and watched as my rear lights picked out his form as he hurried towards the car. NICE, I thought to my self. I hit the button for the window. “Need a lift?” I asked him. “That would be great, man,” he said. “Where are you headed?” I asked. He told me and I said I was going that way anyway. “Hop in then,” I told him, and with that he opened the door and did just that. “Where you headed?” he asked. “Oh, just heading for the beach. I couldn’t sleep so I decided to head down there” I explained. “Sounds like fun,” he said. When he had settled I took stock of him. He was young! Younger than I had first thought, he was about 18, slim, dark hair cut short and looked about 5’10 or 11.He told me he was Michael and I told him I was John. “So what has you out at this time of night?” I inquired. Turned out he had been to a party which turned out to be a bit of a damp squib so he left not realizing the time and had missed his last bus. “Have you been walking long?” I asked. “About 5 miles and I'm shattered,” he said. “Do you mind if I slip my trainers off?” he asked. “Feel free to take off anything you like,” I answered with a chuckle. He slipped his jacked off and tossed it in the back seat, followed by his trainers. “Why don’t you put the seat back and relax a bit? I’ll waken you if you happen to fall asleep.” He looked at me and grinned saying, “Thanks, John, I could do with a stretch out.” With that he proceeded to wind the seat down. “Do you mind if I undo my belt and top button of my jeans? Bloody things are cutting into me.” “I told you to relax and make yourself comfortable and if that's what makes you comfortable then go for it,” I answered. He undid the belt and top button and slid the zipper down about half way. “Hope you don't mind, John.” I could swear I detected a chuckle in his voice as he said it. “Don't mind at all, Michael. I'm sure you haven't got anything I haven't seen before anyway.” He laughed at that then fell silent. I looked over and he had started to fall asleep. He looked so cute in the warm glow of the dashboard lights and I started to have a more intimate look at him as he slept. He wore a crisp white t-shirt that looked too small for him but showed off his upper body to perfection. As my eyes traveled down his body I could see the jeans had come open more than he had possibly intended them to. I could not see any briefs; just a trail of dark hair disappearing into his jeans. But I could see the outline of his cock in the tight material and he sure had a lot to offer any guy, or girl for that matter. My heart started to pound; I wanted to reach over and touch that cock. “You asleep?” I asked. No reply “Michael! You asleep?” I asked again; still no reply. Should I take the chance? Should I touch that bulge he had in his jeans? I decided to take the chance. I reached over and gently stroked that bulge and to my surprise got an immediate reaction. His cock started to get hard. I did it again and he let out a slight moan and as I kept glancing over at him he just got harder and harder. God how I wanted to free that cock from the confines off his jeans. Then as if by telepathy he started to rub himself and try and get his cock into a more comfortable position. He managed to maneuver it into an upright position but just managed to keep it inside his jeans, but I could see the bulbous head and part of his shaft. God my cock was raging hard; all I wanted to do was take that dick in my mouth. I reached over again and slowly pulled the top of his jeans to one side, exposing most of his cock to my gaze. He again gave a little moan and reached down and gave his now exposed cock a rub and as he did so his zipper moved further down. Was he asleep or just pretending, I wondered? I could see now that he wore no underwear, his black pubic hair clearly visible. All too soon we reached the outskirts of his town and I started to waken him. I shook him by the shoulder and said his name gently: “Michael! Michael! Time to get sorted,” I said. He awoke with a start and, looking down at his crotch, he seemed to blush. “Gees, John, I'm sorry,” he said. “For what?” I asked. “Well, I'm not exactly dressed am I?” he asked. “Oh don't worry about it. You haven't got anything I haven't seen before, perhaps a little more but nothing I ain’t seen before.” He smiled and started to fix himself. I wished he did not have to put that cock away, but there was nothing I could do about that. “Now tell me where you want dropped,” I asked. He looked at me and said, ”Fancy some company at the beach? It’s a bit early for me to be heading home just yet.” Did I want company? My heart jumped, as did my cock, at the thought of him coming with me. “I would love you to,” I said almost too quickly. I turned the car around and once again headed out into the dark roads towards the beach. As we chatted I learned he was in fact 18 and was at university. The party he had gone to hosted by friends at the university turned into more of a drug orgy than anything else and he did not use nor like to be around drugs, so that was why he had left. “Didn’t you have a girlfriend with you?” I asked “No; I'm young free and single. I don't have any interest in girls, they are too much trouble,” was his reply. I told him I was not so young at 48, but single as well and that I shared his view on women. I was not about to tell this young man whom I hardly knew that I was gay. About 20 minutes later we arrived at the beach and I drove down the small lane to where I usually parked. We were now on a small cliff overlooking the small cove. The moon danced on the almost glasslike water, its long, white finger stopping at the water’s edge and the beach below. I hit the window buttons and the sound of the gently crashing waves wafted into the car. We sat in silence for a few minutes taking in the ambiance when Michael suddenly broke the silence. “Know what I would love to do John? Go for a swim. You game?” he asked. “I would love that Michael but it’s something I had not planned on so I don't have a swimming costume with me,” I answered. “So what? You’ve already seen most of me anyway, so why not the rest of me? Let’s skinny dip; that way I get to see what you’re made of as well.” My heart jumped. “You sure?” I asked. He did not answer; he just started to undress and I followed. As he ran down to the small cove the moon bathed his body in a warm silver glow, highlighting the contours of his firm youthful body. I could not wait to join him. As I headed down the short slope I could see and hear him running in and out of the water shouting, “It’s bloody freezing in here!” I laughed at him and called him a baby for not being able to stand the coldness of the water. “Ok Mr. Smart-Ass, you try it!” he laughed. With that he grabbed hold of me and tossed me into the water. I landed on my back and the shock as the water came over me was exhilarating. The water was ice cold but I didn't want to let myself down after laughing at him so I just gritted my teeth and bared it. I jumped up and pulled him in after me, both of us falling into the water together. As we rolled around in the water playing like two schoolboys I could feel myself getting aroused by the feel of his body so close to mine. The heat from him was electric. Soon we decided enough was enough and came out of the water. I looked over at him and laughed. “What are you laughing at?” he asked. “I thought it was only us old guys who had that problem,” I said. “What problem?” he asked inquisitively. “Where's your cock?” I asked. The cold had shrunk it just as it had mine. He looked down at his cock and laughed. “Just you wait till I get warmed up! Then you’ll see where my cock is and where it will go.” “Hey, I just thought of something: I don’t have any towels with me.” “That's ok,” he said, “we can run around until we dry off a bit then you can put the heater on in the car.” “Sounds good to me,” I answered. I went up to the car and turned the engine on and turned the heater up full blast. I turned and started down the hill again but could not see any sign of Michael. I called to him but he did not answer. As I reached the sand he ran out from behind some rocks and gave me a smack on the ass. I chased after his as he ran up the small beach. He turned and started to run backwards taunting me to catch him. Then he tripped and fell. I reached him and stood over him laughing. “That's what you get for being a smart-ass,” I told him. “Oh really?” he said. “Well, I'll have you know that my ass has not smarted in ages now.” He smirked. “I’m sure I could fix that,” I told him. “We shall just have to see about that then, won’t we?” was his reply. “Listen, Michael, I'm not as young as I used to be and I'm starting to feel the cold. Let’s go back to the car.” “Can you head on up, John? I have to go back into the water to wash this sand off my back.” I told him I could wait, and with that he headed back to the water’s edge. I suggested I should wash his back for him and he agreed, as it would stop him from getting completely wet. The feel of his smooth skin as I washed his back was electric so I really took my time with it. But there is only so much time you can take over things so we headed towards the car again. By the time we reached the car I was really cold. Now I know it was a nice night but at 3 AM it can get quite chilly in Ireland. “You look really cold, John. Let’s get into the back, that way we can cuddle up and I can warm you up,” he suggested. Was I dreaming I wondered? Here I was just about to climb into the back seat of my car with a naked young hunk that was offering to keep me warm. I could feel the stirrings in my cock so I wanted to get into the car before things got out of hand (or was that in hand?) We climbed into the back seat of the by now warm car. But for some reason I shivered. “Come over here,” Michael said. I slid across the seat and he wrapped his arms around me. The warmth from his young body caressed me. Then without any warning he placed his hand on my cheek, turned my face towards his and kissed me gently. I responded, kissing him deeply, our tongues delving deep into each other’s mouth. His hand started to caress my chest, finding my erect nipple and teasing it gently with his fingers. Then he placed his mouth over it and sucked and nibbled at it. He then started down my body kissing it gently as he moved lower and lower towards my now erect cock. As he reached my cock he looked up at me and said, “Not bad for an old guy” and with that his mouth enveloped my seven and a half inches. I let out a long deep moan as he took it to the back of his throat, then out again. His mouth continued to work up and down my shaft. For one so young he sure as hell knew how to suck dick. I placed my hands on his head and brought him up to my mouth and kissed him deeply again. Then it was my turn to taste him. I started as he had done on his nipples but his chest was so firm and smooth it was like a young boy. I licked him as I transversed his body, but the real shock was still awaiting me. When I reached his cock it was an enormous 10 inches at least. I had not realized just how big it was while I had been looking at it as he had slept. This piece of meat was just too good to waste. I enveloped it with my mouth but I knew I could not take it all in but I was sure as hell going to try. As I started to slide my mouth down that shaft he grabbed my head and started to fuck my face but it was just too big to get to the back of my throat and I started to gag so he stopped. When I came back up for air we continued kissing and caressing each other’s body. I managed to get him on his back on the seat and somehow we managed to get into a 69. Once again started down his body towards that wonderful manhood of his. I could suck on it all night. I then headed for his balls and started to suck on them one by one. He let out a deep moan as I took the first one in my mouth. Then I lifted his legs and my tongue found his pink rose bud of an ass. Slowly I poked my tongue into his ass and I though he was going to cum right there and then as I probed deeper and deeper. Then I felt him do the same to me. This was the first time anyone had rimmed me and I was in heaven. Now there was only one thing I had to do. I wanted that cock up my ass but could I manage to take it? It looked so big and it had been a while since I let anyone fuck me, but this was different: I wanted to have it and I was determined to give it a go. I turned around and positioned myself above him. Kissing him again I told him I wanted his cock up my ass but asked him if he would be disappointed if I did not manage to get it all in. “No,” he said, “just as long as long as you promise to fuck me afterwards.” “Ok, but let me do the driving please,” I said as I nestled his cock against the entrance to my hole. As I started to feel the tip of his cock invade me I wondered why I never carried lube in the car but then I never had an experience like this before. Slowly I inched his cock into me, I thought he was going to rip me apart but to my surprise I felt my ass reach the base of his cock. I just sat there relishing the feel of that enormous cock in me. It had been a long time since I felt something as good as this. Then as my body got used to the invasion I started to move slowly up and down on that rod. As my body relaxed I started to move faster and faster. I could see Michael’s face bathed in the moonlight, his eyes were closed and he was moaning gently. I bent over and started to kiss him deeply. He started to move with me and I could feel his body start to stiffen and I knew he was not far from filling my ass with his hot cum. Just as this thought came into my head, he came in my ass. The feel of his cum filling the walls of my ass was wonderful. I collapsed on top of him completely spent, our mouths and tongues still firmly attached. He broke the kiss and looked at me. “Ok, old man, now it’s my turn. Let’s see what you’re made of: let’s go outside,” he suggested. As I got out of the car I could see him looking for something in the car but said nothing. He then came out with both our belts. “Now what do you want those for?” I asked. “Wait and see,” he said, and with that put a belt on each wrist. Then laying face down on the bonnet, he wrapped one belt round one of the wing mirrors and looked at me saying, “Get the picture now?” I took the other one and did the same on the other mirror. The sight of his body glowing in the moonlight and spread-eagled on my bonnet with his ass exposed was a sight to behold. Once again I decided his ass needed a little lubrication so I let my tongue find the spot and firmly pushed it deep into his ass. “Fuck me,” he said, “now.” I took my cock and placed it against his pink bud. I wanted to take him gently but he shouted, “Ram it home! Hard!” I pushed right on in with one almighty shove, my foreskin almost being ripped off my cock he was so tight. With that he started to buck like a young stallion and I could feel the sperm rising in me so fast I cold not control myself and I shot into his warm ass with such ferocity I thought I was never going to stop. Once again I collapsed on him totally exhausted, the sweat running down our bodies. I removed myself with reluctance from him and undid his wrists. Once again we found each other’s mouths and kissed deeply. Eventually both of us came up for air again. He looked at me and smiled. “God but you were tight,” I said to him. “I should be, that was my first time getting fucked,” he answered. My mouth fell open in surprise. “Don't worry I wanted it and it was nice to have someone like you to break me in,” he said as he kissed me once more. “Think it is time we got dressed,” he suggested and I agreed. When we did eventually manage to get all our clothes back on we got back into the car. I could still smell the raw sex in the car mixed with our sweat. “I think we could both do with a shower young man,” I said to him. “Guess you’re right, John. Want to take me home and wash my back again?” “Ok,” I said, “but where's home?” “Wherever you live,“ he answered. “That's if you want to.” Did I want to? “Do hens lay eggs?” I asked with a grin. “Only after a cock has serviced them!” he replied as quick as a flash. We drove home with his head buried in my lap along the dark roads, but once we hit the city lights he reluctantly had to let go of my cock. We got into the house and fell into each other’s arms again and what happened next will just have to wait until next time.


3 Gay Erotic Stories from JB

JTT Sexual Adventure: Part 2

The next morning Jonathan woke up and saw that Zack was still asleep. So Jon decided to get up and find something to drink. He slipped out of bed and headed into the kitchen. To his surprise he found Rider Strong standing naked in the kitchen. "Nice bod." stated Rider. "I can say the same about you," came back Jon. Jon took a look at Rider's cock and it looked great. Jon

Night Trip

It had been a glorious day and the night was warm and sultry and, to be honest, I could not sleep. At 1AM I climbed into the car and headed out into the Irish countryside and headed for a nice cove I knew just a short drive from home. As the lights of the city disappeared behind me I reached over and turned on the radio and searching the channels found some soft music to drive by.

Oh Gino!

Gino Gino was squatting down in his blue jeans with a screwdriver right in front of the electrical socket. The wiring was off, and he’d been fiddling with it for hours. As he twisted the Phillip’s head screw into place, a drop of sweat fell from his forehead onto a hair on his thumb knuckle, and another from the middle of his neck down the top of his back. He


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