Gay Erotic Stories

Party Boy

by Vry Knky

PARTY BOY I had met Tom at a party with friends. I had noticed him real quickly, because I knew most of the other hunks, but I had never before seen this handsome guy. It was a gorgeous sight, how he stood there; his musculared body glistening with sweat, wearing only his thorn jeans which gave us a great look at his firm butt, so that everyone could see he wasn’t wearing anything under those pants. I made sure I was introduced to him and soon we were having ........ a great conversation. It apeared, he came with a friend of the host of tonight’s party, but that he had no boyfriend for the moment and that this was just fine by him. This beside, he left no doubt that he was interested in me and we agreed to see one another at a later date. Telephone numbers were exchanged and then we each joined our mutual partners. To find out more about Tom, I made sure to bump into his date for tonight, a guy I luckily knew. He told me that Tom was actually fantastic, but not easy to date, and that he enjoyed it to be here together with him tonight and to get everyone else real jealous. He told me he had met him one evening when he was looking for a brief contact in one of the known urinals in town, when they bumped into each other while entering and leaving the premises. They had looked at each other and both liking what they saw, they left to spend the evening at his place. Later that evening he was told that Tom came there to be pisssed at, winch he said was "his thing". But as you know this isn’t mine. Despite this, they saw each other on different occasions, and so he was able to take Tom with him to this party. I said good-bye, swearing to myself it wouldn’t take long before I would contact Tom. And so the next evening I rang him. I asked if he still remembered me and if he had a good time last night, that I heard that he liked to be pissed at and that this was my thing to. So could we meet? He was really into it, and asked me if I had plans for this week-end. I told him I hadn’t any and that I was free for the whole extra-long week-end. "Great", he said, "So come over to my place for a piss-week-end." We discussed the details trough the phone and gave each other rendezvous thus day evening to make the last arrangements. The next three days felt like forever, so I was glad when Thursday evening ever came. I had given him a rendezvous at the exit of the local video-shop, where we would pick some gay movies for the weekend, because this week-end we were planning on staying home and be pissed at. I saw him standing right away when I arrived, as handsome as I remembered him. "Hoi!", he said. "Great to see ya." And then he kissed me on the mouth. I felt his warm lips against mine, his tongue probing between them and I imediately reciprocated. Then we did our little shopping: ten videos with lots of horny guys in them. Then we drove to his apartment. "Make yourself at home.", he started "For the next three days this is your home to and you may do everything you like." " Even peeing in the house.", he grinned. I took off my coat, shoes and socks, so that I was only wearing old jeans, a white T-shirt and white cotton brief. Tom was dressed likewise, only was he wearing a pink T-shirt and as I was to see later on a not too clean brief. Tom had made sure there was enough food for the weekend, and of course plenty of booze. We embraced each other and kissed, our tongues thrusting deep into one another. Then Tom suggested we’d make some progress and started wetting his pants. I saw a wet spot appearing on his jeans which became bigger and bigger and saw the piss run down his legs. Of course I followed his example and also pissed in my pants. I felt the warm stream wetting my brief and when the cotton couldn’t take any more, felt the piss stream down the inside of my legs. We laughed at each other and then Tom fell on his knees and pressed his face against my wet crotch. I felt his pressure on my wet pants and stiff, piss-soaked dick. The he stood up and kissed me again on the mouth, so that I could taste my own salty piss on his lips. Then I also embraced his wet pissed pants and I almost came when I smelled the strong odor of his piss. I pressed my lips against the wet jeans and doing so, the piss came running over my face in little streams. "That feels great.", I said when I was on my feet again. "Sure does.", Tom replied. "Let’s watch our first video.,” he suggested. "Ok!” I said and put in a video that promised the same stuff. We sat down close to each other in his leather sofa; our drinks close by to be able to piss some more later. We lay down in each other’s arms, very close, so that our body heat made the piss smell even more intense. Our hands kept exploring while we got horny from the videotape. Of course we concentrated on our wet piss-spots and Tom even slid his hand in my piss-soaked brief to take care of my stiff, wet dick, so that I came a first time in his hand. He smeared the sperm round my pissed-at dick and let me lick the rest off his hand. Some time later I sat up in the sofa, my legs opened above his body so that his head once again was in front of my dirty, smelly piss-jeans. He dived right in the wet spot and just bit in the rough strong smelling fabric. I pulled him away and opened my jeans, so that he could see my yellow brief. I shifted a little so that my crotch opposed his chest and then pulled him back. Again he bit me, this time in my stomach as I let flow my piss for the second time this day. The piss quickly leaked through my already wet brief and ran down from his hairy chest until it reached his already pissed at crotch. I felt the hot piss soak up his T-shirt and when I was finished pissing at Tom, I lowered myself until my head reached the most piss-soaked spot of his T-shirt, where I eagerly lowered my head. With my lips, I searched one of his nipples and sucked on it through the pissed fabric, while he pressed my head firmly against his piss-covered chest. Then we decided to suck each others wet dicks and put us in a 69-position. We opened our really stinking jeans and brief and sucked our strong smelling, piss-soaked dicks. This was the way we were going to spend most of our weekend. : He put his dick in the back of my pants and let his piss cover my buttocks. Next time it was Tom again who pissed on me. He ordered me down on my knees and pissed on my head, making sure his piss was covering both my front and back. At the end of day one, we were both soaking wet and all our clothes were covered with piss. We went to bed that way, without washing of course, and fucked hard, rubbing our wet bodies against one another. Then we put our piss-clothes back on and lay down in each others arms, still licking our partner’s piss covered face and spent a great night together. The next morning, I woke up first. At first I didn’t remember where I was, but the strong smell of piss reminded me of our fabulous day yesterday, which made me of course very horny indeed. I stood up very carefully and looked at my handsome, sleeping and stinking partner. Of course I had to piss after drinking heavily last night. I stood on the bed; my legs spread over Tom and opened my sticky, stinking jeans. I took my pulsating dick out of my yellow brief and woke up my handsome boyfriend by pissing on his head. The beam hit him full in his face and he woke immediately. I stopped until he was well awake and realized what was happening. I saw a glimpse of his grin, before wiping it away with my following load of warm piss. Then he opened his mouth and drank my piss. Then I changed the direction of the stream and started pissing on his body. First I aimed at his chest and belly, than at his already swelling crotch. When I was done, I didn’t hesitate a moment. I didn’t button-up, but dropped down on him, as to also enjoy my own stinking warm morning piss, together with him. I licked his lips and face, while he played with my own dirty crotch. Then suddenly he turned me over and sat down on my chest, so that the intense piss-smell from his incredible dirty crotch almost knocked me down. Then he opened his jeans and took out his dripping wet dick. He aimed it at my face and started pissing. The warm piss ran across my face and I tasted with my lips his warm, dirty piss. I got the taste for it and longed for his dick. At first I couldn’t quite catch it and got a large stream of piss in my face. But I tried again and the second time I could catch his piss-tool with my mouth. I let my mouth fill with piss and spoiled my tongue with the wonderful taste of his salt piss, before swallowing it. I really sucked the piss out of his dick. When he had filled my mouth for the second time, I closed my mouth and sat up in the pig stile that was our bed. I kissed him on the mouth and let his wonderful piss run in his mouth and over our chin until it dropped on our bellies. We kissed each other deep in our stinking mouths, while we pressed our piss-covered bodies close. "Good morning handsome.", I called "Slept well ?" "Just fine.", he replied. "And thanks for pissing me awake." We grinned at each other. Today we pulled off our jeans and T-shirt, so as to have a better view at our yellow briefs with our smelling dicks in them. But first we ate breakfast, while we watched one of our videos and as a result couldn’t keep our hand off each other. At one time, Tom took my cup of coffee and poured it out before I could do anything. Then he lowered his brief and started to piss in my cup. When it was full with his wonderful piss, yet took his cup and filled it to. "This is better for breakfast than coffee.", he said. "This will make you a real man." I laughed and took his loving gift and together we emptied our cups of piss. When they were empty, I refilled them with my own warm piss. "This one if from a better vintage", I joked. After this we kissed passionately, while exploring our wet butt’s. We rode each other and watched some more videos, making sure to drink a lot, as to be able to piss a lot. And pissing on one another, we loved to. He sat down in my neck and while I pressed my head into his crotch, he pissed in his briefs. The piss ran down my back, but also down his thighs over my chest. I replied by letting him wash his hair with my piss. We enjoyed a lot, and I remember seeing a lot of the yellow fabric of his brief that day. Always picking and sucking on his piss-covered dick trough the wet fabric of his smelly brief. Our lips tasted nothing else than piss. Even his sofa looked more like an aquarium. At night we did some more piss games in bed until we were tired but fulfilled and above all soaked with piss and crept in each others arms to fall asleep. The next day Tom was the first to awake, and the first thing I can remember is the wonderful smell of his piss covered brief in my nostrils, which woke me up. When I opened my eyes and wanted to say good morning, he suddenly put his soaked piss-brief in my mouth and taped it, so that I was forced to keep his wonderfully pissed brief in my mouth and fully savour the taste of our two days of piss. He stood there above me, and I could admire his fully erect dick while he took a pair of handcuffs and cuffed me on the upper side of the bed. Then he pulled off my brief and cuffed my ankles to the lower side of the bed. Then he made me piss in an ancient po which I hadn’t noticed before. When I was ready he sucked the last drops out of my dick. Then he started pissing in the po and mixed our piss with his hand. He licked his hand clean while I could do nothing else than watch. Then he put my brief in the po and soaked it with piss. Then he used this dirty, wet rag to smear my body with piss. The piss dripped over my body. He began at my feet and smeared our piss all over the lower part of my body. Then he used it on my arms, chest and belly. I moaned with pleasure. Then he started working on my dick and balls, rubbing them with piss, and when he did so, I couldn’t retain myself any longer, I had to come. He smeared the sperm with his piss-rag in my face and then again soaked my brief with piss, before pressing it hard onto my face. The piss ran all over my face, and I couldn’t even taste it. Then he untied my legs and turned me over so that he could also cover my back with piss, ending with my butt. Then he pulled my brief over my head, so that I almost choked in my dirty smelling, yellow brief. Then I felt his dick entering my hole real slowly. And then he rode me : a tied-up, piss-covered guy with a dirty brief over his head. After some time he came deep inside me. But before he pulled back, another surprise awaited me: He covered my insides with his piss. He literally filled me up with it, and on pulling back put in a butt plug as to make sure his piss stayed in. Only then he pulled me over again, took off my brief and the tape and pulled his dirty brief out my mouth. "How did you like this?", he asked. "Gorgeous!", was all I could say. Then he lay down besides me and we kissed. Suddenly remembering something, he said : " I presume you are thirsty after our little games now?" When I complied, he put the po on my lips and I drank with great pleasure. The piss ran over my chin in doing so. Then he untied me and we ate. After the first video, we 69-ed, making sure to piss of course. Later in the day he undid the butt-plug and I pied on him woman style. A second game that day was to wet each others butt’s and then licking them dry, something in which I was the champion. The evening came too soon and after a last piss-party, we took a long shower to make us ready for society again. This last game consisted in keeping the other’s dick wet with piss from a bowl and at the same time licking it dry. The first one who emptied his bowl had lost. The sad thing is that I never saw him again after this lovely evening. Like said, he was hard to catch and not interested in long-time affairs; but this weekend I will always carry with me.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Vry Knky

Party Boy

PARTY BOY I had met Tom at a party with friends. I had noticed him real quickly, because I knew most of the other hunks, but I had never before seen this handsome guy. It was a gorgeous sight, how he stood there; his musculared body glistening with sweat, wearing only his thorn jeans which gave us a great look at his firm butt, so that everyone could see he wasn’t wearing


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