Gay Erotic Stories

Paul Kariya Shoots and Scores....With Me

by UCLA Marc

Note: The following is a work of fiction, pure fantasy. It does not in any way suggest, reveal or define the celebrity’s sexual orientation or preference. Just read and enjoy this fantasy: The alarm buzzed at 9:00. It was time for me to go to class for what seemed like the millionth day in a row. I lay there staring at the ceiling for another fifteen minutes before I finally hauled my ass out of bed and into the bathroom of my apartment to take a shower. As I brushed my teeth, I looked into the mirror, looking over myself very carefully. "I'm a good looking guy-nice hair, teeth, eyes. Why has it been so long since I've been with anybody?" I thought to myself as I undressed and entered the shower. I really was a good-looking guy-6'2", 180 pounds, nice abs, and a ripped chest. In fact, I was some of the freshest male meat that the entire UCLA campus had to offer. The only problem was that I wanted some of that male meat myself, and it was hard for me to find anyone compatible. I lathered my body up with the bar of soap and rubbed my hands all over my body. Oh, how I wished I could have a hot dude rubbing his hands all over me instead, or better yet rubbing his naked body against mine. My 7-inch cock started to come to life as I finished washing myself off. I dried myself and got myself ready for class, spraying some Acqua di Gio on myself. "Maybe this'll help me get lucky today," I joked to myself and left the room with my backpack. Upon entering my car, I thought about what I really wanted to do that day. Class did not seem to be part of my thoughts; instead, I just wanted to explore the City of Angels that I was still quite unfamiliar with. And with that, I was on my way, away from cam-pus. I got on one of the many freeways in the LA freeway system, just driving straight until I found something interesting. After an hour later, I wound up in random Costa Mesa, where I noticed a big mall on my left. I decided to just get off there and see what it had to offer. I parked in front of a Borders bookstore and went in to go check out some magazines. I grabbed a copy of US Weekly and took it to a less crowded part of the store. As I was reading, I noticed that someone else was at the far end of the aisle from me. At that moment, my head popped up once again, for that person looked incredibly familiar. Then it hit me. It was Paul Kariya!!! No. 9 himself, in the flesh, standing across the aisle from me. The hottest player in the entire National Hockey League was standing right there! He was wearing some cords and a wool jacket, looking ever so hot as he always did on a TV screen or on an ice rink. Sure, I wasn't a Ducks fan, having grown up in San Jose. But this man not only stood out as a prominent player in the NHL, but one look at that cute face of his would make the most sex-less person on earth melt. I panicked. I was so absolutely shocked to see this sexy, sexy man in front of me. I stood there gawking for at least a couple of minutes, and in the meantime he noticed my overt fascination with him. I needed to get a closer look, so I ever so coyly made my way to his section (a bit of sarcasm there; I must have glanced up from my book once every two seconds). Once I was a bit closer, I just stood there, thinking whether I should approach him. The next thing I knew I took a step back and walked right into a crate of pocket maps, all of which came tumbling to the ground. "Oh shit," I thought; I probably looked like the biggest loser on earth at that moment as I started to pick up everything on the ground. But to my surprise, a hand suddenly appeared and assisted me with lifting the pocket maps back onto its shelf. It was Paul!!! "There ya go buddy, be careful with those boxes. They just stick them anywhere in the store." "…thank you," I stuttered as I tried to regain some composure. He just stood there and gave me the sexiest smile I had ever seen. I thought I should initiate some more conversation. "Wow, I must look really stupid right now." "It's okay. I try to keep a low profile when I'm out, but it never works. Trust me, you look completely normal compared to some people who have tried to approach me before." He said laughingly. "Oh, what makes you think I was approaching you?" I tried to play off my little scene in the bookstore. "Weren't you? Oh I'm sorry, I'll leave you alone," as he started to walk away. I grabbed his shoulder before he could get anywhere. "I'm just kidding. Of course I was approaching you. Who wouldn't; you're just the most awesome hockey player on earth." I flashed him a smile, and he returned one right back to me. My eyes were glued to his eyes; I wouldn't have been surprised if he could tell how hot I was for him. "So, what are you doing in a bookstore this morning?" "Oh, just trying to catch up on some reading. I haven't had much time lately, so I figured I'd use my day off to get some books." "Oh I see, that's cool. I really enjoy you on the ice. You're an amazing player." "Thanks..I didn't catch your name." He grinned again as if "It's Marc." I didn't want to be a bugaboo, so I thought I'd leave him alone, even though I wanted to be there next to him the whole day long. "Okay, I'll leave you alone now. Thanks for helping me out there. It was a total pleasure meeting you." "Oh, no problem. But you don't have to leave. You're probably one of the first normal fans I've met in a while." He just looked so hot; I just wanted to jump his bones in the middle of Borders. "Then that must mean that you've come across some nutcases if I'm the first normal one." We both laughed as I just stood there staring. "I hope I'm not being too forward here, but would you like to grab some food later on and hang out." I sure had an answer for that. "YES. I would love to. What did you have in mind?" I couldn't help but sound incredibly eager. "Oh, maybe we can just grab some food from somewhere nearby and just hang out afterwards somewhere." "Sounds good. I'm gonna have to go back to campus for a little bit, but I can meet you later here at around 8 if you'd like." "Okay, here's my cell number." He pulled out a pen from his pocket and proceeded to take my hand and write his number on it. I thought I would die right there. "There ya go. Call me if you can't make it tonight, or just call me even if you can make it," he said with a big grin on his face. Could it be possible that this hottie in front of me was hot for ME??? The thought seemed too preposterous. As he departed, he pulled out his hand for a handshake, gripping tightly to mine as if he didn't want me to go. "See ya tonight!" And with that, he was gone. I stood there frozen for a few minutes, trying to figure out what had just happened. I finally regained my composure and decided to go back to campus. My mind was completely elsewhere on the drive back, for I didn't even seem to be bothered by the endless traffic on the 405. I finally reached my apartment and just plopped onto my bed, staring at the ceiling. "If what I'm hoping is really true, that Paul Kariya wants to get with me, I am going to take full advantage of it," I thought as I then entered the shower once again that day. The thought of Paul standing there in front of me kept entering my mind, and my cock couldn't help but get excited. It was so hard for me to control my need to get off at that moment, but I managed to restrain myself. By the time I got ready, it was already time for me to head back down to Costa Mesa. I grabbed my keys and hit the road. This time, the endless 405 traffic bugged the hell out of me; If bad luck wasn't going to prevent me from getting with a hot guy, LA traffic would. I knew I would be late, so I thought I would give Paul a ring on his cell to let him know." I dialed the numbers, hoping he wouldn't be mad. "Hello?" "Hey Paul, it's me, Marc. I'm sorry, I think I'm gonna be a little late, seeing as how it's 7:15 and I'm just passing by LAX now." "Hehe it's okay dude, I know what a bitch the freeway can be. I'll be there just in case you do make it on time though." "Thanks, see you in a little bit. Bye." I felt better now that he knew and wasn't upset. I just kept driving and thinking of possible things that could go on that night. I finally made it there at around 8:15, much sooner than I thought I would be. I walked to Borders, my heart pounding out of sheer excitement. I finally saw him sitting there on a bench, wearing a leather jacket and looking ever so hot. "Hey, sorry bout the delay there." "No problem, I was willing to wait here until midnight if necessary." I couldn't help but blush by that statement. "So, what are you in the mood for?" "Anything's cool with me, I eat any kind of food." "Oh okay, do you mind if we get something to go? I'd rather not have people notice me tonight." I nodded my approval and we were off to get some fast food. "I didn't mean to sound arrogant there, it's just that I don't want to have any interruptions tonight." I just smiled as we walked to get some food. Once we decided on Del Taco, we proceeded to his car to go somewhere less crowded. "How's about we eat here and then go somewhere else afterwards." "Sounds good to me," I said. I was willing to do whatever he wanted, as long as I could be with him. We sat there and ate. I asked him about life as a celebrity and various other hockey related things, and in turn he asked me about going to UCLA. At this point, he hadn't directly mentioned his sexual preference, but his next question basically gave it away. "So, I hear there are some pretty hot looking people there, especially the jocks." My heart was racing at that point. I wanted to know what he was leading up to. "Yeah, the people there are pretty hot." I didn't know how to expand the conversation. "Well, you fit in perfectly with all those hot people." He proceeded to place his hand over the gearshift, moving it closer to my leg. I was so hot for him at that moment. I didn't know what was restraining me from jumping on top of him right then and there. But what he said next just blew my mind. "Do you wanna go back to my place and watch some movies that I have?" "Yea, definitely. Sounds good." It was clear. Paul Kariya was hot for me, and I intended on following him everywhere he went that night. "Lemme follow you in my car back to your place. Where do you live?" "Tustin Ranch, about 10-15 minutes away." He then drove me to my car, where I then got in and proceeded to drive behind him and follow him back to his place. While driving, I got a call on my cell. I didn't want to answer it, but it could have been a friend of mine who was supposed to call me. I picked it up, and to my surprise it was Paul again. "Hi, yea, your number is on my phone from when you called me earlier. Yea, I'm calling you just so that I haven't weirded you out yet. I don't know if I've been incredibly obvious already, but I'm really attracted to you and, yea, I like men if you couldn't already tell." I tried to playfully act oblivious to his come-ons. "Oh my, I had no idea. I figured we were going back to your place to watch some manly action movies and talk about chicks." He laughed on the phone. "Of course I knew, and I feel the same way. Hence why I'm following you back to your place at this very moment." "Okay cool, just making sure I don't look like a freak." Just as he said that, we had entered an exclusive area. Paul's house was just around the corner from there. We got out of our cars and I walked to the door with him, just anticipating what could happen once the door was closed. He threw his coat off onto a chair, and he told me to give him mine. He told me to settle down in his living room while he got us some beers. He brought them back and sat next to me. He didn't have to say a word, for the next thing I knew, his lips were on mine and we were kissing. He slipped his tongue into my mouth, and I received it with mine, as we started sucking each other's tongues and lips. He tasted so good; I wanted more of him. My hands ran all over his body, and I untucked his shirt and slipped my hand up it. I felt his smooth skin that I had been aching for. He licked my neck all over, returning once in a while for a little more wrestling with my tongue. He started unbuttoning my shirt, and I lifted my arms and let him toss it to the ground. I sat there shirtless with his hands running all over my chest and abs. He started licking my chest, going for the nipples. I couldn't help but moan at the feeling of his wet tongue sucking on my sensitive nipples. He licked and sucked on them some more, making them as hard as ever. He then brought his face back to level with mine and started sucking on my earlobes. He whispered in my ear "I wanna tongue your whole body tonight. Anything you want, I'll do." I let out a moan to show my approval and he proceeded to go back to licking my chest all over. He loved to talk to me at the same time, saying things that made me hot. I unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it over his head, exposing his rock hard abs and sexy chest. I changed places with him, as it was my turn. I licked his nipples as he let out moans that drove me crazy. I licked his abs and his navel. I placed my hand over his crotch, gently feeling the rock hard cock that was inside those pants. I undid his belt buckle and unzipped his pants, pulling them off completely. He sat there now in his boxers, smiling at me. I used my teeth to slide his boxers down to his knees, letting free his beautiful cut cock. It must have been around 7 inches long, and it was perfectly shaped and it angled down. He was now naked, and I had plans for that cock of his. I used my tongue to tease him by licking around his crock and his legs under his cock. He moaned in pleasure, but he showed what he wanted me to do by slowly moving my head towards the head of his cock. I licked the shaft up and down, before I licked the head. I then took the whole cock in my mouth and started blowing him quickly. "Uhhhhh, blow me babe, suck that cock." His words made me even hornier, for I turned into a vacuum, sucking his cock as fast as I could. I licked his balls and took them into my mouth, sucking on each one. At this point he was moaning like crazy. "Uhhhh, ohhh fuck babe, that feels sooo good. My cock is horny for your mouth." He then lifted my head a bit and started fucking my face, gyrating his hips as my mouth worked up and down his cock. I think he knew he would cum soon if I didn't stop, so he moved my head off his cock and stood us both up. He then took off the rest of my clothes, not wasting anytime to get me naked. "Do you wanna move to a bedroom Paul?" I was perfectly content on doing him anywhere, but I wanted to make sure he was totally comfortable. "Sure, let's go to my room. It'll be much more comfy." We proceeded towards the stairs naked, but I couldn't keep my hands off his cock and ass. "I don't think we're gonna make it to my room," he laughed as we started kissing again. Once we got to the stairs, he fell on top of me, his naked body rubbing against mine as we tongued each other. I was in heaven at that moment, but then he moved his tongue along my entire body until it reached my hard-as-ever cock. He didn't waste any time once again, as he began sucking on the head and stuffing as much of it down his throat as possible. "UHHHHHH Paul, that feels so good. Oh fuck yea, suck that cock of mine. Your mouth was made for my dick." His hot breath felt so good on my dick at that moment. If just looking at him made me wanna blow my load, this would make me blow ten loads. He kept riding my cock with his mouth, sucking and blowing away. He licked my balls and licked up and down the shaft many times, making me shiver in pleasure. He then took his hand and started stroking my shaft while he tongued the head of my cock. I knew I wanted his cock in me. He got off my cock and kissed me some more. We then got back up and I followed him to his room, with my hands gripped to his ass. We plopped onto his bed, and he once again got on top of me as we tongued for what seemed an hour. "Marc, I'm so fucking horny; I need to have you right now. Lemme see that ass of yours." I turned over and bent my knees to give him a better view of my bubble butt. He kissed my ass and licked in between my ass cheeks. He then spread open my ass, exposing my hole. He started teasing my hole with the tip of his tongue, while slowly sticking more of his tongue onto it. He then stuck his whole mouth up my ass, eating me out like no other. "OHHhhHHH Paul, eat me. Ooh fuck that is soooooooo hot. Oh make my hole wet." If there was one thing that made me hot, it was somebody eating my ass. He continued to just lick out my hole and give me the best ass rimming I've ever had. His breath on my hole made me ache for his cock. He licked around the hole with the tip of his tongue, and then just stuck his entire tongue as far as it would go. "OHHHh Paul, fuck my ass now!" I was eager to be pounded by his dick. He then let go of my ass as he opened up a drawer and pulled out a condom and some lube. He gave me the condom, and I took it out of the wrapper. I sucked on his dick some more before putting the condom on it. He then positioned me so that I was on my back, spreading my legs out. He pushed his cock up to my hole, and I could feel it aching to break in and fuck me. "FUCK ME Paul, I want you so badly right now." He then stuck the head of his cock up my waiting hole, just staring me straight in the face. I positioned my legs on his ass and just nudged him into me even more. He pushed the shaft of his cock deeper into my ass now, giving me a look of such pleasure as he got ready to pound me. He started building a rhythm, and eventually it turned into a steady fuck. Oh did it feel good. "OH fuck Paul this is soooo good." I just moaned in constant pleasure, and so did he. "UHHhhhhh, oh fuck Marc. You're so hot. I wanna fuck you all night long. Uhh you have such a hot ass. Uhhhhhh." Oh this fuck was so grand. It lasted quite a while as he just pounded my hole with every ounce of energy he had. His cock thrust deeper and deeper inside of me with every movement. I could feel myself get ready to explode soon. Just as I could say anything, he screamed "I'm gonna cum up your ass!! Uhhhhhhhh," and he just exploded inside of the condom. His facial expressions made me so hot, I exploded right then over my chest and face. He just looked so hot with those looks of pleasure on his face. He then cleaned up the cum on my face and chest with his tongue, licking it all off. He disposed of his condom and came back next to me. We kissed for what seemed quite a while, when then we both laid on top of each other, naked. After taking a short nap, we both seemed to wake up at the same time. It was clear that the night was not done yet. I had never topped before, and was dying to know what it felt like. "Hey Paul, would you mind if I fucked you?" "No, go for it. I've done it before; it's great. My ass is all yours." Those words were all I needed to ever hear, for I then positioned him on his back, with his legs spread out and sticking up. I opened up his ass cheeks and started fiercely eating out his hole. He couldn't help but moan in pleasure. "Uhhhh, oh fuck eat my hole. Tongue fuck me till I cum again. Uhhhhhhh, oh hell yea that feels good." I spit on his ass and spread it around with my tongue, making sure it was nice and lubricated. His ass tasted so good; I didn't want to stop rimming his hole. But my dick needed to penetrate it. I grabbed another condom and slid it over my cock. I stood up and immediately stuck my dick against his hole. My cock rubbed up against his crack, slowly going in. I stuck it halfway in and noticed that Paul's eyes were closed and he was moaning in pleasure. I stuck my whole cock up his ass and established my fucking rhythm. I then decided to surprise him by getting on top of him and kissing and tonguing his lips, while at the same time continuously fucking. It felt so good. I pulled my cock out of him and asked him to get on his knees. He turned around and stuck that ass back in my face. I spread his cheeks open again and stuck my tongue up it, licking around his hole to lubricate it some more. I stuck my dick back into him, fucking him doggy style now. He started moaning again as I fucked him. "Oh fuck my ass, stick that big cock up there as far as it goes." It was so awesome to be fucking Paul Kariya without abandon. "Uhhhh, HARDER, fuck my ass!!!" I just kept pounding away, letting him have my cock. I pulled out once again and got on my back. I told him to sit on top of it and ride it. He got on top of me and slid my cock up his slippery and loose hole. He started riding me and moaning in pleasure. I stroked his cock as he rode on top of me, wanting him to shoot his load all over my chest. It was about time for me to cum again, but once again he beat me to it. "OHHH babe I'm cummming, uhhhhhhhhhhhh." He shot his load all over my chest and face. He got off of my cock and I pulled the condom off of my dick. I started jacking my dick as he begged for me to cum. He started sucking on my dick again, moving his mouth up and down my shaft. That did it, as I blew my load up his mouth and on his body. "Oh you are one great fuckbuddy Paul." "Thanks babe. Not so bad yourself." He patted my cock as if to show appreciation for it. I just gave him a big hug and curled up with him in his bed, as we fell asleep in each other’s arms. Many other meetings with Paul came in the future…and he even invited some of his friends over for some fun action as well. =) e-mail me with suggestions and comments (or even your own paul kariya stories) at


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1 Gay Erotic Stories from UCLA Marc

Paul Kariya Shoots and Scores....With Me

Note: The following is a work of fiction, pure fantasy. It does not in any way suggest, reveal or define the celebrity’s sexual orientation or preference. Just read and enjoy this fantasy: The alarm buzzed at 9:00. It was time for me to go to class for what seemed like the millionth day in a row. I lay there staring at the ceiling for another fifteen minutes before I finally hauled


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