Gay Erotic Stories

Pit Stop

by Candy Ass

I had just gotten out of high school, and my friends and I decided that we wanted to take a road trip across America. So we all loaded up in my Grand Am, and we headed out all over the country. It wasn’t too long after we got out of Texas, that I needed to take a pit stop at the next gas station to go to the bathroom. Driving all that way can really take it outta ya. So I pulled us over to the next Exxon station, and asked if anybody else needed to go. Nobody did, so I headed towards the bathroom. I walked into the bathroom, and headed for the stall. Like I always do when I go to the bathroom, I took off all of my clothes. When I was done taking a shit, I started to get dressed again. But I stopped when I noticed that there was graffiti on the bathroom door. And not any graffiti, sexy graffiti. Sexy, gay graffiti! I began to read it all. There was a picture of a dick that said “pet me,” various phrases like “I love man sex” and “fuck me up the ass,” and even a sexy story. I was so excited! This kind of stuff really turns me on! I began to search my pant pockets for a pen. When I did, I began writing a poem. “There’s nothing like a big fat cock, it keeps you warm and puts your ass in a lock. I’d like to play with yours one day, and cum all over you all day!” I wasn’t sure about rhyming “day” with “day.” Not exactly the best sexy poem in the world, but I always enjoyed reading those things anyway. Nice to get someone else horny. I was sure my friends were wondering what was taking so long, so I began to put my clothes back on. I put on my pants and underwear around my ankles, then my socks and shoes, then my shirt. I was pulling my pants back up, and pulled my body right up to a message written on the stall door. Hmmmm, I thought, I must have missed one. I began to read the message, with my prick hanging out from my pants and underwear. The message said, “For a good time, be here in this stall at 5:00 May 31, 1997. I’m a white, sexy and horny man from Arkansas. 6’2”, 9 inch cock, blonde hair, blue eyes, beautiful tan, 36 years old.” I couldn’t believe it! It was May 31! It was 5:00! And the man of my dreams was about to walk right in this stall and suck my cock! I must have been the luckiest guy on earth! When I heard the door open, I fell backward onto the toilet seat. I saw a pair of cowboy boots stop in their tracks, and they began walking towards me! I pulled off my shoes and socks, and was beginning to take off my pants and underwear, when the man opened the stall door. That beautiful, beautiful man, with that sexy stare that could make you cum, strong arms, a great tan, and all decked out with cowboy attire. Along with the boots, a cowboy hat, a cowboy belt, and hopefully a cowboy dick! He finally spoke. “Well. I wasn’t expecting one so young!” We both smiled at each other, and he lowered himself down to my prick and began to give me a good sucking. His tongue tickling the head, his teeth nibbling gently at the side of my penis. I shivered. “Oh yes!” I whispered. He looked up at me. “How old are you?” he asked. “18. My name’s Robby. What’s yours cowboy?” He took off his hat, and pulled off his shirt to reveal his beautiful tanned chest, that I longed to touch, and he whispered into my ear, “I’m yours!” And he began to lick my ear! He caressed my neck, as I sighed in pleasure, closing my eyes. I felt his huge stiff prick inside his blue jeans press up against my naked 7 incher. “Fuck me, cowboy!” I moaned. He stood up, still smiling, and ripped off his belt. He kicked his boots off toward me, and I caught one. I looked inside, and found a little gay porno magazine. “Look at that while I take off my pants. I want my penis to be a surprise!” He turned around, his beautiful ass tight in his jeans, and he pulled down his pants. I didn’t even look at the porn mag, as he slid down his briefs to reveal that beautiful ass that didn’t even have a tan line. As he turned around, I caught my breath. I couldn’t speak. It was 9 inches long, and three inches wide! “Speechless huh?” he asked. “Maybe you’ve got something stuck in your throat. I’ll check!” I just stared at it! I wanted nothing but to swallow it! He put his manhood in my mouth and I began to suck right away, my eyes closed. I inhaled the beautiful smell of cum permanently left in his pubic hair, which tickled my nose. I grabbed his nuts, fondling him, and put my other hand on his right ass cheek. He had his hands in my hair. “There ya go! Take it all in!” he said. “You’re such a horny little bitch!” I sucked harder and harder until finally he came in my mouth. I barely even tasted it, before it began to spill out of my mouth! I was in love! I sighed as I let my load go as well. He quickly put his hand under my dick, and collected it all. He spread it all over my chest. “Lick it off.” he said. “Yes sir!” I said. He tasted like a man that had been out buckin broncos all day. Well this I was one bronco that wanted to be bucked. “I want you to fuck we like a cowboy straddles his horse!” He turned me around and said, “Get down on all fours, you naughty little pony, you!” He began to push his massive cock up my asshole. At first, it hurt like hell, but then it began to feel really, really nice! “Yeee-ha!” He screamed. I moaned like a wounded horse. I couldn’t believe this stud was fucking me! Every moment was pure pleasure, and he began to cum up my ass and all over the floor. Whoever cleaned up that place had a big surprise! I collapsed onto the floor, and he fell on top of me. We both grabbed our dicks, and began to tickle the other one’s dick with our own. We both smiled at each other, laughing, and we began to kiss passionately. His tongue exploring every bit of my mouth. I didn’t want this moment to end. “Same time next week?” he asked. I looked at him with sad eyes. “Actually, I just happened to be here at the right time. I’m on a road trip with some friends. I’m sorry. I had a great time with you.” I said. “I guess its just one of those crazy little flings, huh? Oh well. We’ll always have bathroom stalls, huh?” I laughed, and tickled his penis and he pinned me down, laughing, and gave we a great big kiss. When I got back in the car, my friends all asked me what took so long. “Too many beans.” I said. One of my friends said, “Maybe you should take some Pepto Bismol, Y’know, the ‘pink stuff.’” “Oh,” I said, “Don’t worry. I had some of the pink stuff.” And I laughed at my own little private joke, looking down at the picture sticking out of shoe. A Polaroid we took before leaving the bathroom. I had taken the picture of him, as he had sucked away at my cock, bringing me to one last earth shattering orgasm If you would like to write to me e-mail me at


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Candy Ass

Pit Stop

I had just gotten out of high school, and my friends and I decided that we wanted to take a road trip across America. So we all loaded up in my Grand Am, and we headed out all over the country. It wasn’t too long after we got out of Texas, that I needed to take a pit stop at the next gas station to go to the bathroom. Driving all that way can really take it outta


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