Gay Erotic Stories

Private Showdown

by Ruff-N-Tumbler

The two young stallions stood facing one another across the dimly lighted high school wrestling room. Chad and Jeremy were both calling up their best macho, bad ass demeanor. Which, of course, concealed some serious misgivings each was feeling about how they'd come to be here late on a Friday night. Not that either of these studs was missing a hot date with some local chick for, truth to tell, neither had shown much enthusiasm at chasing snatch. And that fact was a key to their present situation. It began a couple of hours before when Jeremy had been playing touch football with a group of friends in the park. Or rather, what had been brewing for nearly a week finally erupted into a no-backing-down confrontation that night. Chad had moved into town the month before, an eighteen-year old with a chip on his shoulder. His father had had an opportunity at a career advancement and, without asking wife or son, simply announced one evening that they were moving 3000 miles across the country. Chad was ready to enter his senior year with the circle of friends he'd known all his life. Now he was informed that his Dad had done some investigating and the new community had fine schools, that he'd make new friends easily, and that all their belongings needed to be packed and ready for the move one week hence. Chad raged with anger, said he wouldn't go, and stormed out of the house. But seven days later, after several ugly scenes of rancor and near blows, Chad was leaving behind everything, everyone he'd ever cared about. He'd had but a week to say goodbye to the guys he'd played ice hockey with in winter, played sandlot ball with spring and summer, gotten drunk with as many weekends as they could find an older brother to buy 'em a case of beer, and rassled with in drunken, late night partying. He was sure he could never again forge the kind of bonds that come from a lifetime of familiarity. Upon arrival in the far northern corner of Oregon, Chad became withdrawn and consciously willed himself a miserable senior year. Jeremy had grown up his whole life in Astoria, a sleepy fishing town at the mouth of the Columbia River. His dad owned a local marine supply store and had grown to rely upon his son for the hard physical work involved in moving heavy equipment and supplies around the store. So for the past three years of high school, when Jeremy's closest friends were lettering in football and wrestling, every afternoon after class he was at work, not minding the strenuous chores as much as missing out on the camaraderie of team sports, the feel of pitting your strength against a rival, of physically prevailing in rugged competition. His chores had made his wiry frame strong and by his senior year he'd filled his 6-foot frame to a supple 175 pounds. But rarely did he have a chance to test his body's stamina, measure his strength against an opponent. Just the occasional horseplay of fellows without dates on a Saturday night, hanging out on the docks, getting rowdy and rassling furiously with each other to relieve their sexual horniness. Jeremy's physique and handsome features might have led him to sexual conquests any night of the week, but Jeremy had always been shy, socially awkward, and actually had felt little attraction to the opposite sex. He also didn't imagine himself to be queer. He had never had any jacking-off sessions as a kid with his buddies. He did sometimes wonder why he always got a hard-on when he'd tackle a guy in touch football and land on top of his opponent's ass. Or throw a rod when he'd gotten locked-up tight in a rasslin' hold in his dockside brawls. Recently, in fact, he seemed to actually look forward to Saturday nights and the predictable roughhouse bouts. Nowhere else did he feel more alive, more connected than in a sweaty struggle for supremacy. But he dismissed any thought of sexual attraction. Shit, it was just plain old body friction, he concluded. Chad had been at Astoria High School three weeks before he crossed paths with Jeremy. Both had been running to beat the bell and had literally collided into each other in the hallway. Their books and bodies were strewn on the floor. "Sorry," Jeremy allowed as he picked himself and his books off the floor. Chad just got himself and his books up and walked away. What a shit-head, thought Jeremy. But by the most unlikely coincidence the following day as both were leaving the campus, not looking where he was walking as he headed for his car, Chad again collided with Jeremy, this time in the parking lot. In a repetition of the day before, Chad said nothing and proceeded in the same direction he'd been headed. "You're excused, asshole!" Jeremy called out. Chad stopped in his tracks, spun around to face the source of this taunt, and said, "Did you call me an asshole, you cock-sucker?" "Well, which ever hole of yours you want my prick shoved in, it's your choice." As Chad now began moving toward Jeremy, several of Jeremy's buddies hearing the commotion approached the scene of escalating confrontation. Chad was ready for a fight, but thought better than to take on half a dozen there and then. Saying nothing more, he turned and kept going in his original direction. "What was that all about, Jer?" his buddies asked? "Some punk from school I'd never met until yesterday has the annoying habit of crashing into me and has no manners whatsoever. I thought maybe it was time he was taught some." "Want to follow him and give him his first lesson now?" "Can't now. Have to be at my dad's store, you know. But I'm sure we'll cross paths again." The rest of the week passed uneventfully, neither Chad nor Jeremy seeing one another. But Friday night Chad had gotten into another argument with his dad, with the same theme as always these past weeks: the town sucked, the school sucked. He wished he was back in Massachusetts and wished his father hadn't gotten the "fucking promotion." Chad's language led his dad to ground him, whereupon Chad turned away, walked out the door, got in his car, and sped off. Though Chad's father understood his son's frustration, he was equally sure something needed to happen, and soon, to turn his sullen attitude around. Friday night and Chad was aimlessly driving in the city he'd hated from the first day of his arrival. Unfamiliar with the streets, he drove nowhere in particular, just drove as an alternative to being alone again in his room. In his meandering he came upon a park and saw a football game in progress. He stopped to watch, for it caused a flood of memories into his lonely heart. Were it not for his dad's ambition and self-centeredness, he thought, he'd be playing tonight back home with his buddies. Just like the guys he was now watching from a distance, they would be stripped to the waist, tackling each other in their "touch football" game, jumping on the guy with the ball, squeezing other balls in the pile-up, and generally getting rowdy. Thinking back to those good times, an erotic euphoria swept over Chad and he started to play with himself until he had a raging hard-on. And for the first time in his life, 3000 miles away from his friends, he admitted to himself he'd always enjoyed the erotic nature of body contact with hunky guys like himself. Countless times the past couple of summers, when he'd be rassling with Jeff or Mark in the woods just outside their town, he'd get an erection when his cock met theirs in a scissors or leg lock. Neither Mark nor Jeff ever said anything, for often as not they'd gotten a boner as well. It had never gone any further that stiff dicks in denim, though a couple of times he awoke in the morning dreaming of rassling naked and had found he'd cum in his sleep. But here he was, beating his meat alone, recalling good times he knew would never come again. And unaware that Jeremy had spotted him from the field and was at that very moment circling behind his car. Jeremy approached the right rear side of Chad's car very quietly. He peered in and saw Chad with his pants pulled down, his cock in his hand. With lightning speed, he jerked open the passenger door, leapt into the car, slammed the door shut, and half whispered to Chad, "So I was right. A fuckin' little faggot. Playing with himself as he watches real men compete in real sports, gettin' his jollies alone in his car." Chad was in a panic and became so flustered he caught his prick in the zipper when he was shoving it back inside his pants. The momentary pain in his cock was nothing, however, compared to the fear he now felt by Jeremy catching him beating off and the anger he felt about his life in general. Before he could collect his thoughts to offer a reply, Jeremy whispered again, "How about I drag your sorry ass out and over to the grass where my buddies and I can give you what you really want." Terror showed in Chad's face, a vulnerability that momentarily touched Jeremy. And it was Chad who spoke next. "Please don't! Please! Look, I'm sorry about earlier this week. I know I behaved like the asshole you called me. I've been pissed off at everything and everyone since my dad moved us out here last month. I didn't use to be like this, it's just that I miss all my friends. Please don't drag me out there to be raped. I'm not the queer you take me for. I can't explain what you just saw, but I'm not some pansy looking to be gang-banged! I can hold my own in a one-on-one fight like any guy, but I'd be no match against you and all your buddies at once." Jeremy could see the sudden change of attitude envelope Chad. And he was also aware that Chad was shaking in genuine fear of being gang-raped. A basic sense of fair play returned to Jeremy, but he still wasn't sure if Chad's apology was from regret at his behavior or from Jeremy's threat. He pondered his next move in thoughtful silence. Chad needed to be taught a lesson, and the answer came to him from one thing Chad had just said. "Okay. I won't drag you out to my buddies. But you're going to have to prove to me you're the man you say you are. You say you can hold your own in a one-on-one fight. We'll see if that's true. A friend of mine is on the wrestling team and he has keys to the mat room. It's just north of the school gym. I'm going to get his keys and meet you there in one hour. No one will be with me. It's going to be just you and me. A one-on-one fight. If you fail to show up, I'd advise you to pack your bags. Agreed?" "That's fair," Chad replied. "Agreed. One hour from now at the wrestling room. I won't chicken out, either. And we'll fight by whatever rules you want. Or with no rules at all, if that's what you want. By the way, since we never formally met, I'm Chad." "And I'm Jeremy. And we'll determine the rules in the wrestling room. Be there. And don't be late." Part 2 For the better part of the hour Chad had returned to driving aimlessly along the streets of Astoria, only now his thoughts were not the pleasant nostalgia of times past in Massachusetts with his buddies but a growing sense of uncertainty of what lay in his immediate future. Jeremy said he'd come alone, but would he? Was Chad walking into a trap, a vicious beating and rape by Jeremy's biggest, meanest buddies? And if Jeremy did come alone, was this to be a fight to the finish, and if Jeremy won, what price might he call? And what were his own chances against Jeremy. And just when he needed it, his ego kicked in. Shit, one on one, I can take him! And Chad started to let his hand roam over his 5' 10", 160-pound, well-defined body. He began to pump up his arms so he could feel the reassurance of his 15" arms, rock hard biceps. He flexed and unflexed his legs, watching the muscles of his thighs harden into steel girders. The girding of his loins produced a renewed stimulation in his crotch. The more he thought about the impending fight, the more aroused he got. Fuck, he'd teach this local yokel how tough they make him in the East. But just as he was close to cuming in his pants, he glanced at his watch. "Fuck me!" he yelled. It was five minutes before their time to meet and Chad's meandering left him utterly lost in a town he barely knew. Fairly certain he'd been heading away from the school, he hung a U-turn and began racing downhill to where he hoped he'd find a familiar intersection. Half a mile. A full mile. The minutes were ticking off and Chad was in a near panic. If he couldn't find the school soon, he'd be late, and Jeremy, thinking he had chickened-out, might go round up his buddies and come hunting for him! About a half-mile more and he finally came to familiar corner. He hung a right, sped down the boulevard another half-mile, hung a left and raced to the school parking lot. He bounded out of his car and ran toward the gym. By the time he neared the wrestling room his chest was heaving, sweat was soaking his shirt, his normal running stride had become erratic, and no more than ten feet from the entrance, he tripped and fell. Picking himself up off the grass, the only injury was his pride, for there stood Jeremy awaiting Chad's arrival. Jeremy had observed the last minute of Chad's awkward sprint and the tumble Chad took right in front of him. A shit-eating grin formed on his face, and he was more certain than ever how much he was looking forward to their fight. He looked down at his watch, looked back up at the humiliated opponent facing him, and announced, "Two minutes late! That's going to cost you." "Fuck you!" was Chad's terse reply. Jeremy unlocked the door to the wrestling room. As they entered, he flicked on a single switch, turning on only the night lights, just enough illumination to see the room's dimensions, but not enough to give any appearance from outside that anyone was there. He then threw the deadbolt shut and dropped the bag he was carrying down beside the mat. Chad had never been in the wrestling room before and now wondered about Jeremy's choice of location for their fight. As if reading Chad's thought, Jeremy said, "I thought the wrestling room would be best for me to teach you some manners. No one's gonna interrupt us late on a Friday night and no one has to see the humiliation I'm going to inflict on you." Chad's first impulse was another four-letter word reply. But he was also painfully aware that Jeremy had just watched him running to their rendezvous, seen him make an ass of himself by falling down, and also knew that his rude behavior earlier that week is what had led to this moment. So in carefully chosen words, spoken deliberately and with as much self-assurance as he could muster, Chad replied, "Look, one last time, I'm sorry I was rude to you this week. For that I apologize. But I'm no coward and no pansy. And if you feel we need to fight, I'm ready right now. What's it to be? What are your rules? I'll fight you on any terms you set." Jeremy was at once impressed by the poise Chad had just shown and pleased to hear the apology for the second time that night. He also began to take a more careful look at his opponent. About two inches shorter, maybe ten plus pounds lighter. And good-looking and well built. He noticed that too and began to detect a subtle stirring in his crotch, his body if not his mind now recalling his dockside rough-n-tumbles. As an image of rolling about on the mat, locked up in some tight hold began to take shape, the growing firmness of his cock began to push out the material of his sweatpants. Chad was sizing up Jeremy at the same time, conscious that Jeremy had a height and weight advantage, aware as well that Jeremy was incredibly handsome. And Chad's cock was getting erect and pushing hard against the denim pants he was wearing, anticipating the close body contact that was moments away. His mind had wandered to the last time he and Jeff had rassled back home, and how good it had felt when their bodies were crushed together. And he glanced at Jeremy's crotch, and then up to meet Jeremy's eyes. Both instantly knew that both were erotically turned on to the other. And it was Jeremy who spoke the fateful words. "I challenge you to a wrestling match. No-holds-barred. Anything goes. One fall to submission. The loser belongs to the winner for the rest of the night." "YES!" was Chad's immediate reply. Instantly followed by "Naked." "YES!" was Jeremy's equally enthusiastic response. Nothing more was said. And both gladiators quite quickly stripped off shoes, socks, shirts, and pants. And then just a bit more slowly pulled down their jockey shorts to reveal what both hoped to see. Each combatant was staring at a beautifully shaped, fully erect, 6-inch throbbing cock! And they both stood and stared at the masculine splendor of the other, a smile forming which acknowledged how much both wanted what was about to occur. And then Jeremy lunged at Chad, grabbing him in a bear hug. His muscular arms tightened against Chad's torso and Chad winced in the pain being inflicted. For Jeremy was even stronger that his appearance revealed, and the tighter the bear hug was applied the more Chad knew he'd better find a way out and soon. For not only was the air being squeezed from his lungs, but his cock was beginning to release precum from the sexual excitement of their position. Chad slammed both his upper arms against Jeremy's ears. And repeated the blow. And again to no apparent effect. He then locked his fingers and began to push hard against Jeremy's chin, forcing his head back. And still the bear hug was constricting him ever tighter. Finally in a desperate move, he grasped his finders around Jeremy's throat and began choking with all the strength his arms could muster. He could see Jeremy's face begin to flush and so he squeezed his choke with increased ferocity. It was Jeremy's turn to experience the pain Chad was capable of inflicting. And suddenly the bear hug was released as Jeremy grasped for Chad's fingers to pull them off his throat. Chad seized the moment and pounded Jeremy in the gut for all he was worth. Jeremy doubled over. Chad grabbed a side headlock and pulled Jeremy to the mat in one continuous motion. Jeremy now lay on his back, trapped in Chad's headlock. Chad lay flat on his stomach beside him, tightening their heads together more firmly. He reached the fingers of his right hand between their bodies to apply pressure to Jeremy's windpipe. Deeper into Jeremy's Adam's apple Chad's fingers went. Willing himself not to pass out, Jeremy pounded his fist into Chad's exposed kidney. The pain was momentarily sharp and caused Chad to flinch. Jeremy followed with repeated blows to Chad's kidney and caused Chad to release his headlock and roll quickly to his right. Jeremy caught his breath and made a lunge for Chad's prone body. He landed on top of him and quickly grapevined his legs around Chad's. The front of both men's bodies now met in forced proximity. Chest to chest, nipple to nipple, hard cock to hard cock! This brutal bout was exciting both men in equal proportion, but there'd be time enough later for the victor to enjoy the spoils of war. If Chad liked choking so much, thought Jeremy, let's see how he'll like this. He leaned up just enough to drive his left elbow into Chad's throat and at the same time belted Chad's exposed left side. And again. And again. And again. Chad was near to passing out from the combination of Jeremy's elbow cutting off his air and the pain of the body blows to his abdomen. With just enough distance separating their bodies, Chad thrust his left hand down and grabbed Jeremy's balls and gave a mighty squeeze. The pain was so great and unexpected that Jeremy immediately took his left elbow off Chad's neck and began to use his left hand to grasp at Chad's hold on his nuts. To no avail, however, and Chad squeezed them all the harder. The only alternative seemed to be fighting fire with fire. Jeremy thrust his right hand into Chad's groin, found what he frantically searched for, began to squeeze Chad's nuts with as much force as was being inflicted on his own. And so began a ball-squeezing contest. No-holds-barred, anything goes rassling at its best! An observer would have wondered at the pain threshold of these two animals. And the pain each applied to the other was enormous. But neither stopped and neither would concede and so the traded torture went on. One minute became two, two became three. The pain was almost beyond endurance. Almost, but not quite. Until they each realized that in ball-crushing they'd each met their equal. So closely attuned had their bodies become that without words, both ceased this brutal maneuver at the same time. Chad remained on his back, Jeremy atop him, though he now showed the sportsman he was and brought his knees close enough together to take most, though not all his weight off of Chad. Gasping for air gradually diminished and soon they were breathing normally, but the contact of their pricks kept the hard-ons as firm as ever. As they now looked into each others eyes both knew two things: they both liked the brutality of their contest more than they'd have ever imagined before; and each had met his equal. It might turn out to be a very long contest. As the most recent pain finally was past, Jeremy regained his tight double leg grapevine on Chad. And so the fight resumed. A new tactic, thought Chad, and he grabbed a fist full of Jeremy's hair with such sudden fervor that it caught Jeremy off guard. In one monumental exertion, Chad pulled sideways on Jeremy's hair and arched his back, enough to reverse their positions. Jeremy responded in kind, yanked Chad's hair in the same direction while arching his back, and their positions returned to their starting point. Lacking the strength for another arch, Chad simply grabbed a second handful of hair. Jeremy followed suit. They began to pull and twist the hair of the opponent with a wild abandon. Each man's scalp was tingling with the pain it felt, so each knew that however much he was hurting, so also was the other. Some hair began to be removed from the scalp of the opponent. It was a second contest in "anything goes" punishment. Each would release the hair of the other just long enough to grab a fresh clump and reapply the ripping torture with greater force than the time before. Only now the hair pulling was accompanied by groin-grinding as well. The erotic quality of yanking on the hair of the adversary was so mutually exciting that their cocks demanded a piece of the action as well. Though lubricated with sweat, the cock of each was becoming raw from the fierce rubbing against its counterpart. Neither Jeremy nor Chad was now certain whether their labored breathing was due to the pain of the hair pulling or the erotic stimulation of their fighting cocks. And neither cared which it was. Both were enjoying their shared agony so much, neither was willing to stop. Until it became apparent that if this went on for even one more minute, one or the other was going to shoot his wad, and which ever lost it first would become so weakened as to surely lose the match to the other. And so by common, unspoken agreement, both suddenly stopped the action. But this time Jeremy rolled off Chad, and they lay gasping for air side by side. A couple of minutes passed this time. There minds had grown so well attuned, at the same moment Chad leaned up on his left elbow, Jeremy did on his right. And now they looked lustfully at each other, hungry for victory and possession of the loser. Both came up to their knees and momentarily stared once more at their opponent's sweat-dripping, glistening body. And once more the battle resumed. Each grabbed for a headlock, both secured one, and began a determined effort to pull the other over backwards. Their arms tightened their headlocks so that the cheekbones of each ground into the other. Jeremy's slight height advantage seemed it might shape the outcome of this current struggle. But Chad acted quickly and his right fist found Jeremy's left kidney with a sudden, brutal blow. Down went Jeremy with Chad finally on top of him. And it was Chad's turn to secure the leg grapevine. With only slightly shorter legs than Jeremy's, Chad's thighs possessed a strength sufficient to keep Jeremy from freeing his legs from entrapment. As their cocks were once again forced into tight combat, Chad sensed he needed to go for broke now, pull out all the stops to achieve victory, or face defeat by losing his loads and with it all the strength he had. And so as held his left arm behind Jeremy's head, his left hand began to yank on Jeremy's hair once more while his right fist was thrust into Jeremy's windpipe. From his position underneath Chad, Jeremy's left hand's fingers came up to dig into Chad's windpipe while his right fist delivered blow after blow into Chad's exposed left side. It was now unrelenting punishment. Neither was saving himself for a next round. It was victory or defeat. The pulling and digging and hitting was non-stop, furious, brutal. They began to mix-n-match their tactics. Chad stopped choking Jeremy and began to use his free fist to pummel Jeremy's side. Jeremy let lose of the headlock and simply yanked down on Chad's hair. And soon the holds and tortures were being swapped every few seconds. It was a more frenzied mutual beating than each could have believed he was capable of taking, or giving! But tonight's victory went to the man who could keep from cuming first. Chad's arousal became so great after nearly ten minutes of furious, non-stop fighting that in one enormous release his cock began to shoot, his cum bursting forth like water under pressure suddenly released from its nozzle. His strength suddenly, predictably flowed from his body. And as Jeremy had outlasted Chad and continued battering him, he asked only once, "Do you give?" "YES!" cried out Chad. And all of Jeremy's fury ceased. He gently rolled Chad over on his back, delivered no more blows to his defeated opponent, but continued to thrust his throbbing cock against Chad's now placid one until he brought himself the sweet pleasure of a cum-shooting orgasm. A minute of silence followed, Jeremy now resting on top of Chad. They arms wrapped about one another, not with force but a sure grip of respect and affection. But Chad's mind now came to face the reality of their agreement, and so he looked at Jeremy and asked simply, "What price must I pay for my defeat? Your victory proves you the better man. What must I do for you?" Jeremy quickly answered, "My victory proves that I could just barely keep from cuming a bit longer than you, Chad. You are every inch the man I am. Our difficulties before tonight are now cancelled. I set out to teach you a lesson, but it seems I learned something rather remarkable about myself. Our fight was a love-match. Man to man, a sexual combat. And I have never shared a moment more fulfilling than the last hour with you. What's my price? Chad, I want to make love with you, here, now. I want to be inside you and you inside me. I want to know your cock as well as I know my own. I do not make this a price for my victory. I'm asking you if you want the same thing." Chad could not find the words he wanted to respond to Jeremy, so he simply pulled Jeremy down to him and kissed him. And as their lips met, Jeremy had the only answer he needed. And through the hours that followed their love was shared. And as the dawn broke, Chad posed the not-at-all-innocent question to Jeremy, "Tonight, same time, same place, for a rematch?" And both men began to howl, their laughter hurting almost, but quite as much as their wrestling holds. [End


10 Gay Erotic Stories from Ruff-N-Tumbler

AMG Studio Match

AMG of Los Angeles pioneered erotic wrestling videos decades ago, though they were then 8mm films. Bob Mizer was the owner and founder of AMG in Los Angeles, and my first visit to his studio was memorable insofar as he often had models hanging around there. Bob and I hit it off immediately, and he said if I wanted to get it on with any of the models I could use one of his filming

First Time With Steve

When I was about 18 years old, my best buddy was Steve. Steve stood about 5' 8" and weighed about l45 lbs. He had an attractive build, but especially muscular thighs. I stood about 5' 7" and weighed in around l55lbs. Though shorter than Steve, my build was stockier, but not soft. I had great arms and was very proud of how they looked in a short-sleeved shirt. Steve and I

Frat House Match

It was my Junior year in college and I'd enjoyed the wonders of living in my fraternity these past two years: about 50 guys, l8 to 23 years of age, at the prime of their sexual allure, most horny as hell all their waking hours (and in their cum-soaked dreams as well). As most young men were wont to do, they routinely dressed in minimal clothing, the better to admire their

High Atop A Hill

Gary had been my student the previous year, and one day he invited me to his family's ranch east of the university. We headed out in his jeep and quickly climbed to about 2000 ft, stopped at a scenic spot, and just kicked back enjoying the view. Our conversation meandered to many topics, eventually to sports. Gary said he'd never played on any team, but he and a buddy used to

Hot History Class

Tom and Erich began as strangers, two college studs falling asleep in a boring lecture room. The course in Ancient History had been dull for weeks until one afternoon the professor began to relate a particular contest in the Greek Olympic Games: the Pancration. He said the athletes competed naked and in this contest no-holds-barred wrestling was combined with boxing and kicking.

If You Dare!

Tom was beginning to shake all over as he stood in darkness on the deserted street corner. He knew it was due partly to not dressing more warmly on a cold, December night in Silicon Valley. Vanity rather than common sense had dictated his apparel: tight T-shirt and trousers with only a light-weight wind-breaker. He always chose clothes to reveal his well-chiseled physique. He

Private Showdown

The two young stallions stood facing one another across the dimly lighted high school wrestling room. Chad and Jeremy were both calling up their best macho, bad ass demeanor. Which, of course, concealed some serious misgivings each was feeling about how they'd come to be here late on a Friday night. Not that either of these studs was missing a hot date with some local chick for,

Rasslin' For The Last Butt

Tom had been driving since daybreak, and the sun was now beating down on his bronzed torso. There was nothing in life he loved more than headin' out on the open road in his '66 Mustang convertible, tunes in his cassette player, sunshine and smokes. He'd been a Marlboro Red man since he'd started smokin' his senior year in high school four years ago. Of course, these trips out in

Two Hustlers Meet Their Match

It had been raining off and on all afternoon in the city and the hustlers had retreated from the sidewalks of Polk Street into various coffeehouses to get dry. So it was that Jason was sitting near the window of Mrs. Brown's when he saw a compatriot make a dash for the entrance, fleeing a momentary cloudburst. Junior's clothes were soaked and dripping as he scanned the place for a

Two Teens Tangle In The Woods

How many hours ago had it been, Dan asked himself. Six? Seven? Christ, had it really been just that morning the blond Adonis had been introduced as a new kid in his P.E. class? Most of the guys that day in gym had just nodded or offered a casual "Hi" to him, but Dan had found himself particularly aroused and couldn't force a word from his lips. Usually never. at a loss


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