Gay Erotic Stories

Rest Area Adventure

by Gearcat

Just south of the metro area there is a rest area on the interstate, which has become somewhat of a playground for me. At any given time of day you will find myriad truckers, travelers, and locals who are out to cruise for some action. Included are those who are completely blatant about their intent, displaying a big boner hanging down their pant leg in hopes that someone will see the wares they have to offer and take them up on some fun. You will also find those who only want to watch, or window shop, as it were. They will simply sit in their car and hope for a big cock to wag on by. Thus, giving them fodder for a nice session of masturbation, whether while sitting right there in broad daylight in their vehicle, or as a memory emblazoned into their brain to take home and put to use while cranking off a load. There is sex play to be found all over this place, a real gold mine for cruising. The requisite location being in a trucker's sleeper cab, back in the bushes and shrubs, or with bit of discretion in a car or pickup. Of course there is always those who let their cocks do the thinking and there is no modesty in their actions … just hot monkey sex without regard to what or who is around them. I tend to find some time during each of my days off to head down there and see who is doing what and perhaps get lucky. Today was a great day, well, a lucky day. My first stop was the restroom. Your typical rest area finishing consisting of your gratuitous white tile and stainless steel fixtures, very cold and uninviting. Makes you want to get in, get your business done, and get out. No camping in there! The room has the arrangement of fixtures you would typically expect. A waste can accompanied closely by a couple of automatic hand dryers and as you follow the wall around, two stainless steel hand sinks with mirrors above. On to the left are three bucket type urinals all conveniently without dividers to accommodate the occasional peak at your neighbor's pecker as he takes a leak. I have always found it rather interesting, that as boys and now men, society has always put us in a position, or given us the opportunity to see each other's genitals. Whether it is in the public restroom, a locker room shower, or many other places where we expose ourselves to other men. Yet, so many have a problem with those men who actually do admire what the other men have to show. It seems we are put in many a situation where it is just natural to look at, or even covet another man's cock. This restroom affords the perfect opportunity to check out what the next guy has hanging. Continue to look around the room and there are two stalls with toilets. The first thing that caught my eye on my first visit to this restroom was a little peek hole drilled into the stall wall nearest the third urinal. One can take a seat on the first toilet and get a free show of an unlimited variety of straight guy's cocks -- while they take a piss, even. Just imagine, a show of men handling their cocks in a non-sexual setting. You watch them unbutton or unzip their fly and anticipate what it is they are going to whip out as they dig deep for their pecker. When they finally give "big Ed" some air, there are many different things that can happen at this point. Some guys barely have their cock clear of their fly and are pissing up a storm and there are those who stand there and wrangle and massage their penis, trying to solicit a stream of piss. Some guys just let it fly wherever it may land, sometimes on their own shoes or even on the wall! Then there are others who aim with precision directly to the center of the urinal, never having a stray drop. A guy can pull up and take a leak for seven seconds, leaving you to wonder why they bother and then there are the ones who stand there for two, even three minutes with a steady stream of piss making you wonder where all that piss is coming from. If I ever had to take a piss that lasted three minutes, I tell you, I would be in AGONY! I don't know how they do it. I guess as a trucker, you learn how to pinch it and save up a good piss till you have the opportunity to actually piss. On a rare occasion, there is the guy who walks in and likes to give a show. He is proud of his large cock and having it be noticed while he is pissing is just fine with him. Then there are the guys who step in solely to show off their cock and want someone to notice, whether he is there to just yank on it or actually take a piss. With all of this in mind as I exited the interstate, I pulled into a parking spot, secured my car, and followed a handsome trucker in a snug pair of Wranglers to the men's restroom. He was roughly six foot four with what I would guess was a thirty-eight to forty inch waist. It looked like cowboy cut Wranglers were made for his body. I swear you could have sat a beer on his ass. It was a grand sight, watching this guy mosey toward the can, ass cheeks churning and down as he strode. For as snug as that denim was, I could only imagine the bulge he was packing. I was hoping that maybe this guy would be interested in being admired. No such luck. As I walked in, I noticed a set of beefy calves topping a large pair of well-worn work boots under the wall of the first stall. His Wranglers and red, plaid boxer shorts were shoved down around his ankles. My eyes immediately went to the peek hole. Yes, a shadow; a good indicator that this guy has his forehead plastered to the wall and is watching the men take their piss. Dammit! I wanted that spot! At least there was the possibility that this guy would be entertaining. His legs sure looked good and from the position of his feet ... basically his two boots touching soul to soul, you could tell that his knees were spread wide and he was going at himself. The trucker headed back for the stall in the rear of the room. I had to wait for a moment or two while he took a leak. He left the door open and I could see the top of his head over the wall. There was nobody pissing at the urinals so my guess is modesty or being pee shy led him to some semi-privacy. There was no hiding the sound of his piss rushing to the water. A healthy trucker piss ... sitting in the truck for hours, drinking coffee had finally called for its right of way. The guy stood there for what seemed like forever ... pissing his brains out, I thought. Must have been a big thermos of coffee he had downed, because that was one helluva long piss he took. The toilet flushed and finally, he made his way out. My chance to check out this trucker dude's crotch. He didn't disappoint me, either. It was even more that I expected. It appeared that he had just stuffed his long, fat cock just to the side of his zipper and zipped up, because it was all there for the viewing. There is something special about a guy in tight Wranglers who likes to wear his cock up, and even more so when it is not directly behind the zipper so you are able to see better, what the guy is packing. I am guessing he wasn't wearing any underwear. I don't recall any underwear lines on his ass heading into the restroom. My guess is that in no time, that fat cock of his will have taken a new position, having slid down near his thigh, were it just couldn't be missed by anyone passing by. I imagined this all in the time it took the guy to take a couple of steps approaching me and allow me to take a glance at his cock. At this point, I didn't care if he noticed I was looking. Anybody who wears cowboy cut Wranglers that form fitted has to want to be noticed. Maybe he is only doing for the chicks, but I sure was thankful! As I passed the door of the first stall, I naturally had to check through the gap around the door to see if I could see the guy who was seated there. Lucky for me, I could. He was definitely big, but was he fat or fit? I would have to find out. From what I could see with my brief glance, he had his hands in the vicinity of his crotch and yes, he had his head planted on the wall where he could enjoy a prospective view of the steady stream of patrons to the urinals. There was nobody there at the time I passed by, but yet he was plastered there in anticipation of the next pisser. He was so into his adventure that he did not even notice that I was standing near the door to his stall. Since he wasn't paying any attention to me, I decided to take advantage of the opportunity to check him out a little better. I moved farther into the second stall and pulled the door to a point where it was slightly ajar, but I was still able to see through the gap in the door. He was FINE! It was going to be a good day, I could already tell. Seeing that he didn't seem to care if anybody noticed his trousers on the floor and his legs spread wide, I was sure there would be some fun to be had with this guy. He didn't seem to be the type to practice modesty. Checking him out, I decided he was most definitely fit. Those hefty calves were only a precursor to what the guy had in store for me. Very thick solid thighs, leading to narrow hips flanking an astounding package of meat. I couldn't quite tell if he was fully erect as I was ready to duck at any moment should he notice me watching him. He was sure to look up at any moment. The tables were turned for the time being. Here he was thinking he was secure in that nobody had noticed what he was up to and I am standing there witnessing the guy staring through the hole at men taking a piss while he masturbated. It took no time before my own cock was pressing against my jeans. Being that I have a big dick, getting a hard on in a pair of jeans calls for a release. Once that puppy gets to a certain size, I gotta break it out and give it a work out or suffer. I decided to take my seat. Once there, I bent down and took a look under the stall wall. Sure enough, he was still hiked up on one butt cheek, leaning over soaking up the view of men taking their piss. And what a view I had. His nuts were practically right in my face. How often is it that you have a hot stud with his hard cock and huge nuts only 8-9 inches from your face and he doesn't even know it? I basked in the warm rush from the sight of his heavy hanging nuts. My guess is that they were roughly the size of a couple of walnuts. Large enough that one hand would not fully contain them. Finding a guy with enough in his scrote to fill BOTH hands is such a turn on. I noticed too, that he was clean-shaven, with a light ring of fuzz circling his nuts and cock, but not encroaching on that territory. I wanted to reach up and stroke and grope his package so bad. My heart was pounding in anticipation of what that flesh would feel like in my hands; the veiny surface of his hardened cock and the wrinkles of his surely-to-be-sensitive nut sack. From the position he was in, the creases of where his ass met his thighs were rather prominent. Made me want to reach up and run my fingers the full length of that line from beside his nuts around past his asshole and onto the backside of his thick thighs all covered in a light dusting of soft, dark brown hair. He had the type of coat that looks so soft to the touch. When his body is sweat soaked from a session of some hot sex, it still remained aloft and provided a sensation of millions of little threads of satin. I envisioned burying my face in that crotch. There was definitely a hot time to be had with this Adonis. But would I have the chance to oblige that wonting body? A man accustomed to being able to have the best of the crop to choose from to give him pleasure. I sat back up since there was now a steady flow of men coming into the restroom. I could hear more than one piss stream against the stainless steel basins of the urinals. A real treat for this guy beside me. There must have been something rather spectacular to view ... he began feverishly stoking his cock with one hand and massaging is nuts with the other. He was being pretty damned noisy about it too. I sat there wondering what the guys taking a piss were thinking. You learn what that slapping sound is when a guy is jacking off. It made me just want to bust his door down and take him right then and there. He was bold and evidently didn't care what anyone else thought of his actions. I was almost shaking and definitely having a hard time breathing steady. Had it been any quieter in that room, I swear you could have heard my heart pounding. I sure could hear the blood rushing through my ears, making them feel real feverish, just like my cock … HOT. Once guy after guy was done relieving himself, the crowd finally had thinned out. I leaned back over to get another eyeful of my studly neighbor once again. He had slowed down his activity and was just savoring the memories of what he just saw, working his cock slowly and rhythmically while I watched. What I wouldn't have given to wrap my tongue around the shaft of that thick cock. Sucking a shaven cock and balls is something that can really be enjoyed to its fullest extent. Your lips and tongue just glide across the hot skin like you had injected the best lube into your cheeks. With overactive salivary glands, sucking a smooth cock is something that is so enjoyable. Where the body coat gives way to a texture that enhances the touch of another, the lack of any hair on the cock and nuts does just the opposite, it amplifies the sensation of whatever surface meets the skin of your sex organ. My hot tongue running past the head of your cock, on down over the glans, and finally diving onto the shaft and into your nuts. The feeling of every little taste bud like a million little pleasure probes providing a feeling like no other. Wet lips gripping your meat as I squeeze down and bury my chin against your asshole. The tickle of my mustache as I work my way slowly back to the head and bring your cock completely out of my mouth, gently brushing my teeth on your corona and then swiftly planting my face in your pubic hair once again. What takes only a couple seconds to execute, can take your mind out on a long journey across a great universe of pleasure and then back again. As I was bent over with my now rock hard cock in my hand, daydreaming about what I would like to do to this stud, he noticed I was looking. He welcomed the advance and moved his ass just off the seat enough to allow me to reach under the wall and touch him. Getting to actually touch his cock and stroke his balls made my own cock jump with excitement. I got that tingly feeling in my feet and a bit lightheaded. I love that feeling … like a natural high. His cock was not completely hard, but I could feel the blood pulsing through his shaft as he crunched his butt together in an attempt to harden up a bit. I just noticed that he was uncut. That extra skin which can be slid up and over the head of his cock and then slid back along his shaft again. I could tell from the way that his cock swelled a bit each time I did this, that it must have felt very good. Being cut, myself, it is a sensation that I can only imagine. I began to work the end of his cock in a masturbatory fashion in an attempt to get him hot and ready to shoot his load. Thankfully, he did not. He backed up on the seat he was perched on and reached under the wall, wanting to grope my cock. I obliged. I took his cue and slid over to the side of the can and placed myself where he could easily get a grip on my cock. He reciprocated the hand job and then someone came in to the restroom. His hand quickly retreated to his side of the wall and I sat back on the seat as I was before. The person who had stepped in seemed to be taking an awful long time to do nothing, so I bent down to check out what was going on. I saw that is was a kid. Come on kid, stop wasting time, I want to get back to some action as soon as you are out of here! Of course, he had to heed his parents training and washed his hands, playing with the soap dispenser to the point that he must have had a quart of hand soap to rinse off. Then it was off to the automatic hand dryers. What the attraction is, I do not know, but kids seem to be totally enthralled with this noisy apparatuss, which expels hot air. And naturally, one cycle was not enough. As soon as the dryer shut off and the thought, "good, he is going to scram!" he hit the button again for one more round. The thought of yelling GET OUT OF HERE, KID crossed my mind, but I reconsidered when I realized I was the one being a bad boy! Finally the little guy trucked out the door. I wasted no time in pulling my shorts and jeans up around my hips and walked to the door of my stall and opened it a crack … just enough to see into the stall beside me. This guy was really worth the risk of being caught! He leaned forward and unlatched his door and swung it open. He leaned back and spread his legs even farther and began stroking his cock slowly. Just then, someone else walked in. He and I closed our doors and assumed our normal seating positions until the guy was gone. Of course, the stud next to me got to watch the guy take a leak. Since this stud knew that he had an audience, he was a bit noisier at his business of handling his cock. He was bouncing it off of his open palm, making a dull slapping sound that anyone would know comes from that particular action. This stud was really brave. Once again, it was one of those sounds that anyone with the slightest imagination, can figure out the source of that noise. It was getting me even more excited that he was so brazen. As soon as the guy taking a piss left the restroom, I hopped back up and hiked my jeans and headed for the stall door. This time the guy next door opened his door and stood up to take a hold of my cock so he could also look at what he was holding on to. I did the same, grabbing his cock like a sight-impaired person grabs their cane, firmly. He really liked the tight grip because I could feel his cock swell just a bit more. I let go of my stall door with my other hand and began to roll his nuts around as I stroked his cock. I'll be damned if another guy didn't walk in just as I was getting into the feel of his fat cock and hefty nuts in my hands. I was almost near shooting my load. Another fifteen seconds and I would have let go with a spray of cum on the inside of the door, a monument for those who followed me into that place, of my encounter with this stud. But, it was better to step back and wait this guy out. The stud took his seat and began to watch the guy take a piss. I could see from over the door that this new guy was at the farthest urinal from the stalls. I never realized till then that you could step up on your toes and peer over the top of the door and see what anyone at the far pisser had to show. I was pretty sure I saw a long dick with a Prince Albert. Hmmm, that is not something that your typical straight guy does, as far as body piercing goes. My curiosity was peaked again. I decided to take my seat and thankful for my flexibility, I leaned down and was able to see this other guy's cock from my somewhat uncomfortable position. He was pissing, but doing an awful lot of handwork in the meantime. Not your usual pissing in circles or what have you, but some serious stoking while he was pissing. It then hit me that he must know that the stud was watching him. I was compelled to stand up and walk over to the door to see what was really going on out there. It was still just the three of us and as I looked over the top of the door, the guy looked directly at me and locked on my eyes. He was a very nice looking older man. I would guess in his early fifties, but someone who has spent a lifetime taking very good care of himself. His skin looked supple and his body appeared toned. Obviously someone who didn't spend too much time in the sun, actually exercised, and probably never smoked once in his life. My only indicator of his age was his beautiful silver hair and luxuriant mustache. He turned to his left a little to offer me a better view of what he had in his hand. Yep, I was right, his cock was really large and didn't even appear to be hard at this point. He also had his nuts hanging out over the waistband of his briefs. His rack was nothing to scoff at either. Big nuts do it to me every time! I swung my door open enough to give this guy at the urinal a view of my hard as steel cock. He didn't pause for a moment. He just stuffed his cock and balls in his trousers and without zipping up, made a beeline straight for me and was on me like you wouldn't believe! He walked over to me and pulled the door farther open and started to walk into my stall. I protested, yeah, I actually wanted to say no. Well, I wasn't very convincing, I guess. He just continued into the stall and pulled the door closed and latched it shut. He yarded his cock back out of his pants and began to stroke himself with one hand as he bared his nuts with the other. I was right, he had a rather large ring in his cock. This would be my first live encounter with a Prince Albert. I was more intrigued than I ever imagined I would be. That ring going into his piss hole and passing out the bottom of his cock, just beneath the head with two little bullet at each end of the incomplete ring to prevent it from being pulled through. I just stood there for a moment and stared not really knowing what to do with this guy's cock and that piercing. Finally, I came to my senses and wrapped my hand around his root and gave a little tug and he reiterated with a blissful moan. This guy was VERY horny! I didn't get five seconds to play with this guy before he buried my cock in his mouth. I could feel the head of my cock entering his throat. His warm, moist mouth felt sublime! He eased up and down the shaft of my dick while I checked out this guy's face a from a closer point of view. He was very handsome with frosty blue eyes to compliment his silvery gray hair and a well-manicured mustache. It was even more obviously at close range that he took care of himself very well, having almost no wrinkles to show his true age. And let me tell you, he definitely used a lot of those years to practice his blow jobs! In all the excitement of this gent hopping into my stall and taking on my cock in his mouth, I lost track of the stud next door. I was surprised but definitely pleased when he busted into my stall with the silver fox and me. He backed up against the far wall and just gazed at us for a moment while he pulled his still hard cock back out of his jeans. I could not get enough of this guy. That dark fur covering well defined, but not overdone musculature. He was certainly in very fine shape. He appeared to be one of the lucky ones, born with that body. I bet he never had to lift a weight in his life. I am sure that his hot physique was due to his hard work on the job. Lifting heavy boxes and stuff on a daily basis was his workout. As I was admiring the stud, the silver fox was still chawing on my cock. A combination of this guy's steamy mouth on my rock hard cock and the site of the stud standing a couple feet away where I was able to take in the full site of him was enough to get my balls to tighten up in anticipation of blasting their load. There was going to be no work on my part here, to get my rocks off. Just as I was concentrating on NOT coming to make the moment last longer, I had this vision of walking into the restroom and seeing six big feet under the door. I wonder what any regular Joe would think of that. The thought was just enough to distract me for a brief second and my balls settled a bit. Like acting on a cue, the stud lunged at me as the silver fox came up for some air. He buried his face on my cock. Seizing the opportunity to get a taste of my burning cock. At this point, he couldn't have bit it if he tried. I was as hard as a jawbreaker and having the stud's face on my meat snapped my nuts to attention once again. Having the stud squatting in front of me, and the silver fox kneading his huge nuts with one hand and stroking his cock with the other beside me, I could barely control myself. Thoughts of getting busted swept through my mind. It was exactly what I needed, a rush of adrenaline to heighten the senses for this experience. My head was reeling and my legs were getting weak. Just then, the stud pulled off and started to pump his cock like his life depended on shooting his load. He had had enough and just couldn't take any more of this. The time had come to slam his cum all over the place. With a low growl, he arched his back a bit and tensed his thighs and let it fly. He shot stream after stream of watery cum all over the back of the door. It was quite a site, better than any cumshot I had ever seen in a porno. If I had been keeping count, he probable squirted twelve or thirteen times. With each shot, he aimed his rifle in a different spot to spread that load out as much as possible on the back of the door. The first shot was already dripping on the floor when he was finally finishing himself off. He gave one final tug and a squeeze to get the last bit of cum out of his cock and flung his hand toward the floor, sending the final wad of cum to the floor with a loud splash. I never got a chance to suck his cock before he stuffed it back in his pants and stepped out. The stud blasting his load was such a site that I actually forgot about the silver fox. He was now banging away at himself, but had moved one hand to my cock and was stroking me hard. His Prince Albert was reflecting light like a strobe he was pounding so fast. He was getting set to blow. I wasn't going to be far behind, I could hardly stand, I was so excited. Right now, there was no world beyond the walls of this stall. Just my stiff cock and tightened nuts, the silver fox and the stud's seed running down the back of the door, dripping slowly onto the floor. Fox started breathing heavier, nearly panting when he bent his head back and let it go. I sure hope there was nobody else in there, because he wasn't quiet about it. I thought we would be arrested any minute! Another rush of adrenaline to fuel the moment. He was a thick shooter. Loads of heavy cream pouring off that cock piercing and back down his fist across hit big nuts. He was going to have one hell of a mess to clean up on himself. Meanwhile, I was so close, I was nearly holding my breath. It was going to happen any second. The silver fox continued to massage his fat cock as it began to soften up a bit. It was still pretty well engorged because it wasn't getting any smaller. Watching him rub his cream into his cock and nut sack was enough to tip me off. All of the excitement of the last thirty minutes or so culminated in a rush of energy that seemed to start with a little electrical storm in the bottom of my feet and rise through my flexed legs. I had them spread wider than a cowboy on a bronco. With a thrust to my hips and deep breath, I sent my seed flying! It was pure pleasure at its best, that feeling that makes a person addicted to orgasm. My whole body was quaking as the silver fox got his eyeful. He had to paste himself against the wall to keep from being hit with my load. I haven't shot like that in a very long time. All of the excitement of two hot men at once in a risky public setting was just the ticket to send me spraying cum all over the place. I kept pulsing even after there was no more cum to lose. I felt so good. I didn't want it to end. I could have kept stroking myself with aftershocks and quakes but I thought better of it. I had had enough fun for the day. I let out my breath that I had subconsciously held in the last seconds of my orgasm and let my entire body relax. I felt like a million dollars and looked the silver fox in the eye with a shit eating grin. That was hot and he enjoyed the hell out of himself too. He was grinning ear to ear. He reached over and gave me one last squeeze with a firm grip, snapped his sloppy cock and nuts back into his shorts without bothering to clean up a bit and zipped up. Evidently, he wanted something to remember the event by. When he was jacking off again later that day, he could rub is hands around his meat and get a whiff of his own manly smell It would give him a fond remembrance to the what he did this afternoon. With a thanks and a pat on the shoulder, he was gone. I reached over and latched the door. I couldn't handle another "visitor" if I tried. I sat back on the can and just tried to regain my composure for a moment then set to cleaning myself off. I stood up, turned around and took a leak to make sure that I didn't have any remnants of cum oozing out of my cock as I softened up. I had to go over to a buddy's house and didn't want to have a quarter size wet spot on the front of my jeans. But then again, maybe he would have liked that. I was so tense I could barely walk. It was like I just hopped down off a horse after a long days ride. Interestingly enough, I was so at ease at the same time. Ahhh, the big "R". Relaxed. I would not soon forget this afternoon. It would be something to flow through my mind for a long time to come. My first public three way. I wonder when the next time will be.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Gearcat

Rest Area Adventure

Just south of the metro area there is a rest area on the interstate, which has become somewhat of a playground for me. At any given time of day you will find myriad truckers, travelers, and locals who are out to cruise for some action. Included are those who are completely blatant about their intent, displaying a big boner hanging down their pant leg in hopes that someone will see


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