Gay Erotic Stories

Rough Gay Sex!

by Delightful male

After having a warm meal, Jason decides to take a stroll around the residential area. As he approaches some bushes he saw a cop car parking just next to it. His heart began to pound harder as his mind imagine a studly cop in the car. His wishes came through as he saw a studly cop in the car having a cup of coffee. He then ran home and cried MAMA!


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Delightful male

Rough Gay Sex!

After having a warm meal, Jason decides to take a stroll around the residential area. As he approaches some bushes he saw a cop car parking just next to it. His heart began to pound harder as his mind imagine a studly cop in the car. His wishes came through as he saw a studly cop in the car having a cup of coffee. He then ran home and cried


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