Gay Erotic Stories

Something Wonderful, Part 2

by Elliot

Mike and I weren't very smart about swimming back across the lake together. We were seen by one of the older boys. He came out of some bushes while we were dressing. Embarrassed, Mike took off in a hurry leaving me to deal with the boy. I got angry over being caught and marched off ahead of the boy. He followed me back to my office and asked to speak with me about "something important". I got it in my head that he was going to confront me now with his suspicions. I didn't want to listen, and yelled at him to go to bed. "Sorry," he said meekly and backed out, closing the door behind him. I put the boy off the next day as well. He didn't speak to me the day after that and then . . . well, I forgot about him. He was waiting on the other side of the lake for me the next time Mike and I swam across. He walked out of the trees as naked as we were. Mike turned red again and took off, leaving me to deal with the boy who was very close to crying. I had to know now what was wrong. He told me straight up and straight out that he thought I might be able to help him with some advice because he was sure I was gay. "Which means, I guess, that you're gay?" I asked. He nodded. He was having trouble dealing with it because of his parents' expectations. They had his whole future planned right down to the year he would marry some girl and how many grandchildren he would give them. "My parents are wealthy and used to having their own way," he said. The boy and I walked through some trees and brush and discovered a small rock pond. He followed me into the water and swam across with me to a large boulder. A gorgeous boy of sixteen trying to face the fact that he was going to break his parents' hearts sooner or later. I didn't know what to tell him. I had moved out on my own before I had to face them with the truth. "The sun feels good, doesn't it?" he asked, lifting his face up. "Do you think it's possible to hang onto all that good feeling?" I asked. "It would be a shame to leave it all behind when you head for home. That's why we come out here to the wilderness every year---for the sunshine and the peace and quiet we can take back home. I wouldn't come here if I couldn't take some of it back with me." "Whatever you take back doesn't last very long." "Oh, but you make it last. In your heart. So you can call upon it when you feel stressed. You call upon it to renew you. It can be a powerful renewal if you're in tune with all this peace that you feel around you here. Enjoy this time so you'll remember it." He smiled. "Wow. That's heavy. I was sure you were going to tell me to leave home, move away from my parents." "It didn't help me. It just put off telling them the truth. But by then, they were so worried after not hearing from me, it didn't really bother them. They were just glad that I was back home for a while and safe. It'll be the same thing with your parents. Just be cool." Mike was waiting for us. He studied the both of us walking naked toward him and asked where we had been. "Well, that's for us to know and you to worry about, isn't it?" the boy answered. "You two didn't . . ! You wouldn't!! Would you?"


4 Gay Erotic Stories from Elliot

Sex på Köksbordet

Du står i köket och lagar mat när jag kommer hem till dig. Jag är vrål kåt. Har tänkt på dig hela vägen dit. Du hinner knappt uppfatta att jag kommit när jag överraskar dig bakifrån och börjar kyssa dig i nacken. Vi säger inget. Båda vet. Du vänder dig om och vi börjar kyssas. Riktigt sköna djupa passionerade kyssar med tungarna djup nere i halsen på varandra. De börjar övergå till

Something Wonderful, Part 1

Something Wonderful Summer camp was a big mistake. I knew that before I even got off the bus. Guys were telling "horror stories" about the lack of privacy, living in a dorm under the watchful eye of a "sadistic" older guy named Rick. "You know what he makes us do?" whispered a boy on my left to the boy on my right. "He makes us swim naked in the lake!"

Something Wonderful, Part 2

Mike and I weren't very smart about swimming back across the lake together. We were seen by one of the older boys. He came out of some bushes while we were dressing. Embarrassed, Mike took off in a hurry leaving me to deal with the boy. I got angry over being caught and marched off ahead of the boy. He followed me back to my office and asked to speak with me about

Sperma på Köksbordet..

Du står i köket och lagar mat när jag kommer hem till dig. Jag är vrål kåt. Har tänkt på dig hela vägen dit. Du hinner knappt uppfatta att jag kommit när jag överaskar dig bakifrån och börjar kyssa dig i nacken. Vi säger inget. Båda vet. Du vänder dig om och vi börjar kyssas. Riktigt sköna djupa passionerade kyssar med tungarna djup nere i halsen på varandra. De börjar övergå till


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