Gay Erotic Stories

Suck Slave Superman, Part 8

by Hector Oppenheimer

The following story is the eighth chapter of a fantasy story involving the Man of Steel. It involves oral sex performed by the Superhero upon males on Earth. The acts of fellatio by Superman are not voluntary. If this subject matter offends, then stop reading this post now. Superman and some characters are trademarks of and copyright DC Comics. Superman Suck Slave (Ch.8) (MMMMM/M, Oral, NC, Celeb) The semen depleted Superhero remained unconscious and motionless on the examining table in Luthor's clinic for hours while the four doctors and Luthor's other henchmen ate and drank in celebration of their latest triumph over the Man of Steel. It wasn't until nearly 10:00 PM that the naked Superhunk began to awaken from his cock milking induced state of senselessness. "Ungh," Superman groaned as he came to inside of the darkened clinic. The only sources of illumination were from the soft glow of the green, blue, and red lights on some of the equipment inside of the room. Except for the low hum of several of those same instruments, the room was virtually silent. As Superman sat up in the center of the table, the abused and manipulated Kryptonian male struggled to deal with the feelings of shame, disgust, anguish, confusion, isolation and vulnerability which assailed him. Ever since that horrible night when Lois betrayed him in the subbasement of that NY City skyscraper and delivered him into the hands of Lex Luthor and the members of his gang, the formidable Superhero had watched helplessly as his independence and masculinity were systematically and ruthlessly stripped away. The extraordinarily mighty Supermale knew that he was being methodically transformed from a man into combination whore and lab rat by Luthor and his associates. Yet it seemed that there was nothing he could do to stop it. The very fact that his archnemsis no longer dealt with him directly but instead had placed the Man of Steel in the hands of underlings was an indisputable sign that Superman was no longer viewed as a serious threat or even a worthy adversary by Luthor. The powerful Kryptonian male had been been betrayed, raped and blackmailed. He had been turned from Luthor's most dangerous enemy into a cum-addicted, cock sucking slave -- an exploitable commodity. In the past Superman had been a serious threat and a source of endless grief and heavy financial lose for Luthor's criminal empire. The Man of Steel was now a mere sexual plaything who provided amusement for Luthor's men, and submissively performed degrading sex acts on Luthor's associates in crime. It seemed that every sector of Superman's life was being invaded and controlled by his enemies. His apartment had been transformed from a private sanctuary where he could get away from the everyday annoyances of life into a prison where he was the only inmate and Luthor's henchmen his cruel, sexually abusive guards. Superman's adversaries had coerced the Man of Steel into fellating them in his own bed and in his own bathroom. Even his indestructible, world famous outfit had been taken away from him by one of Luthor's thugs. It was as if whatever traces remained of Superman's independence, dignity and self-respect were being mercilessly obliterated by the determined foes of the Man of Steel. As the sullen Kryptonian hunk thought about what the future had in store for him, his supersensitive hearing detected the insertion of a key into the outer door of Luthor's medical facility. An involuntary shudder went through the naked body of the Superstud as a deep feeling of dread came over him. "What now?" he thought as he listened to the door open and footsteps begin moving towards him. Moments later the footsteps stopped at the entrance to the examing room where the naked Kryptonian hunk waited apprehensively. A switch was flipped and the room was suddenly bathed in light. At first the Man of Steel did not recognize the man who was now slowly advancing towards him. His face was covered with beads of sweat and he was wearing Superman's outfit! "What's the matter, maricon?" boomed the voice of Superman's most persistent tormentor, the swaggering 22 year old Hispanic named Tony whose rigid organ had stolen Superman's innocence. "Don't you like my new outfit?" asked the strutting stud as he turned and flexed before the flustered Man of Steel. "I think it looks better on me than it does on you. Don't you think? Look how nicely it shows off my muscles," laughed the hardened street thug as he lewdly grabbed his crotch "Now that you've had your physical, it's time for you to get back to work. Lex has a job for you, and you'll be needing your outfit," Tony continued as he began to remove the famous red and blue uniform. "I've been wearing this instead of underwear. It is really comfortable, but it's still too faggotty for me. I just got back from a hour work out at the company gym," said the 22 year old as he finally freed his arms and pulled the suit downwards over his wet chest. "You can really work up a sweat in this thing. I was gonna wash it for you, but then realized you'd like it better if it still had the smell of a real man in it," continued Superman's smug adversary. As the Man of Steel watched the Latino hunk remove his world famous uniform, he couldn't help but notice the superior expression on Tony's face as he stripped. "Whatcha lookin' at faggot?" asked Luthor's henchman as he watched the naked Kyptonian stud stare at him. "Getting hungry for cock again?" he demanded as he finished removing the uniform and began to advance towards the Man of Steel. "Is this what you want, pussyboy?" sneered Tony as he grabbed Superman's hair and pulled the Man of Steel's face into his sweaty groin. "Is this what you're after, faggot? Hungry for dick again? The whole fucking Nigerian Army wasn't enough for ya? You want this, bitch?" Tony continued as he roughly dragged Superman's face back and forth across his hot sweat soaked cock, balls and pubes. As Tony felt the Man of Steel begin to open his mouth, he yanked Superman's head upwards, stared him in the face and said, "no fucking way, cunt. I'm getting laid tonight by Louisa. She's getting my load, not you. Here, lick the crotch of these and think about what you're gonna miss, faggot," continued the haughty Latino stud as he picked up Superman's sweat filled outfit and buried Superman's head inside it, making sure that the inner crotch material was pulled tautly over the Man of Steel's nose and mouth. Imprisoned within the perspiration saturated inside of his outfit the Superhuman hunk was assaulted with the strong stench of a hot human male as his supersensitive nostrils went into overdrive. His near delirium intensified when his tormentor used his fingers to stuff the sweat coated material inside of the mouth of the Man of Steel. "Just a reminder of what you can't have, cocksucker," snapped the scornful 22 year old as he felt his fabric covered fingers breach Superman's lips, force themselves into his mouth, and rub against his tongue. "Not tonight, pussyboy" barked Tony as he wrapped the rest of the Man of Steel's sweaty outfit around Superman's head, knotted the legs of the outfit, and then shoved the flustered Superhero off the examining table and onto the floor. As the muscular body of the naked Man of Steel hit the floor of the examining room he was engulfed by the aroma and taste of the hot Latino stud. With his head imprisoned within the airtight confines of his own suit, the Man of Steel could not escape from Tony's scents and essence. They were everywhere. Superman's handsome face was slick with the perspiration that only moments earlier had oozed out of the swaggering Hispanic's balls and crotch. The taste of Tony's sweat still lingered on his tongue. While Luthor's agent stared down contemptuously at his disgraced adversary he couldn't help but notice that the debased Superhero's penis was beginning to lengthen. "Damn, you are a shameless slut," Tony exclaimed as he watched the impressive Kryptonian rod swell to its full length. "Have you no self-respect at all? I've never seen a more pathetic male in my life," continued Tony as he turned and headed towards the door. "Don't stay up all night playing with yourself, faggot. Lex has a very busy day planned for his prize whore tomorrow. You and that fairy outfit of yours had better be washed and ready for action at 7:00 AM tomorrow. If you do a good job I just might let you suck on my dick. Good night, faggot!" laughed Tony as he left the room and shut off the light. Lying on the floor naked in the dark with a raging Kryptonian boner, it took an act of superhuman will for the humiliated, but sexually stimulated, Man of Steel to remove the male musk scented outfit from his head and then resist the intense urge to stroke his once again fully turgid organ. "I've got to get some control over myself," thought the disgraced Man of Steel as he struggled to his feet and dashed towards the shower in the other room, the very shower in which he had shamefully been forced to defecate by Luthor's physicians. Moments later the examining room was filled with the sounds of splashing water as Superman washed all traces of Tony's body from his face and his outfit. The handsome Kryptonian male remained in the shower for nearly an hour before his raging hard on finally subsided. After stepping out of the shower and carefully drying himself, Superman once again dressed himself in his form fitting outfit with the letter "S" so proudly displayed in the middle of his chest, before returning to the examining table to resume his sleep. "At least I've got my outfit back," he thought as he saw lay down on the very table where he had been milked into unconsciousness. "Maybe I can get my dignity back next," he wished as he drifted off to sleep. "There has to be a way to make this nightmare end." Several hours later the booming voice of Collin Umberto, the 34 year old, black haired, Italo-Irish, ex-US Navy SEAL who had led Luthor's raiding party the night that Superman had been secretly addicted to human semen, shattered the morning quiet of the lab. "Wake up, sweet lips! It's time to get to work! Give daddy a kiss," chuckled the hairy chested stud as he emulated his tactics of that fateful night and thrust his tongue deep inside of the mouth of the startled Man of Steel. Before the now wide awake Superhero could fully comprehend what was happening to him, Superman felt his mouth begin to open in order to admit the probing, insistent tongue of the male who had so totally dominated him in his own apartment. The Man of Steel also felt his left hand rise, insert itself under Collin's shirt and begin to massage the hairy, muscular chest of Luthor's henchman. "Whoa, you really did miss me," exclaimed the beaming ex-sailor as he broke oral contact with the Man of Steel. "I'll tell you what, sweatheart," said Collins as he stared directly into Superman's eyes, who had not removed his hand from Collin's firm pecs. "You do a good job today, and you can bunk with me for the whole night. You'd like that wouldn't you?" laughed the 34 year old male as he removed Superman's hand from his chest and slid it down inside the waistband of his shorts. As the unresisting Superhero's hand came into contact with Collin's semi-erect penis, the words "imagine a whole night with that, Superman" invaded Superman's ears. "Well, you do a good job for us today and you can spend eight hours under my blanket with it," whispered the gleeful male as he felt Superman's powerful hand begin to grasp the shaft of his hardening organ. "Don't worry, it will be there waiting for you," the grinning agent of Superman's hated foe said assuringly as he removed the Man of Steel's hand from his genitals. "But first you gotta get to work." "Listen to me, Superman," barked the hirsute male as he grabbed the handsome Kryptonian stud's chin and forced the Man of Steel to look directly into his eyes. "We know that your favorite job as a member of Lex Luthor's organization is to suck off your colleagues and Lex's customers. While Lex appreciates your unsurpassed skills as the world's most powerful cocksucker, there are other tasks that he needs to have done before you can wrap those pretty little lips around more cocks." "I believe that your friend Gunnar spelled them out for you while you were going down on him," continued Collin. "You're whole image revolves around being the world's greatest crime fighter. You're also the world's greatest cocksucker, but as long as you do the right thing, that will be our dirty little secret. Right now we gotta keep you in the public's eye. I know that you'd rather spend the rest of your life nursing on a hard dick, but that ain't gonna happen." "Here's a detailed list of the crime fighting exploits that you are going to perform over the next 24 hours. This is going to be the most successful event in the history of crime fighting. And you're gonna get all the credit. Over the next 24 hours you are going to bust a counterfeiting ring, expose corruption in financial institutions, destroy acres of cocaine and poppy plants, uncover fraud, smash several criminal syndicates, and even strike a blow against air pollution," announced Collin as he handed several sheets of paper to the Man of Steel. "These documents contain the names, addresses, details, and locations of criminal enterprises all over the world. You're assignment is to apprehend the criminals on this list, turn them over to law enforcement agencies, destroy key aspects of their operations, and bask in the admiration of millions of grateful citizens across the world," said the ex-military hunk as he studied the face of the Kryptonian hunk. "Some of these scum are rivals of Lex; others are assholes who have double-crossed him; and the rest are future clients of yours who will be very anxious to pay Lex wads of money in order to face fuck you after you've disrupted their operations." "Nobody loses with this one, Superman. We take out a big chunk of our competition, and you get a guarrantee of a nice supply of fresh cock to suck," continued the confident male as he groped his crotch. "Any questions? The documents are self-explanatory." After several moments a soft "none" escaped from the submissive superhero, his head turned downwards in shame. "Good," boomed the grinning Irish-Italian hunk as he clasped Superman's shoulders and shoved him to the floor. "Here's a big reminder of what you'll get if you do a good job," he said sarcastically as Collin unzipped his fly, fished out his thick penis, stuffed it into the mouth of the unresisting superstud, held it there for several seconds, ground his groin against Superman's face and then abruptly withdrew his dick. A deep groan escaped from the kneeling Superhero as the thick cock was suddenly removed from his mouth. It was a groan of intense anguish as he contemplated the depths of perversion to which he had sunk. It was also a groan of frustration at the sudden withdrawal of the phallus he both hated and needed to suck. "Don't cry, Tinkerbelle," said Luthor's smirking henchman as he heard the groan come from the mouth of the superhero who knelt before him. "You can suck on daddy's dick later. Now fly your little pansy ass outta here, and make me proud!" At precisely 7:30 the discouraged Man of Steel was airborne on his first anti-crime mission since Luthor and his thugs had forced him into submission. Although he knew that the criminal world would suffer enormous losses as a result of his deeds over the next 24 hours, Superman also knew that each victory he achieved would only enhance the power of his criminal and sexual master. At 7:32 that morning the Man of Steel, following the explicit directions contained in the papers given to him by Luthor's henchman, crashed through the roof of a hanger at Metropolis' airport surprising a gang of thieves who were removing cargo from the belly of a jumbo jet. As the Man of Steel began to round up the startled gang members, a high speed camera recorded each second of the spectacular bust by the crime fighting Superhero. "These are phenomenal shots," thought the smiling 19 year old Daily Planet intern as he continued to photograph each detail of Superman's capture of the cargo thieves. "Hmmmm, action photos by Gunnar Adolphson' will be a nice credit in tomorrow's paper, and a boost to my career," mused the cynical 19 year old who had so heartlessly engineered the final capitulation of the Man of Steel. "Aunt Lois will really be proud of me. Job security and an endless supply of head from her ex-boyfriend. Maybe they'll give me my own office. Better still, maybe they'll make Clark Kent share his with me. Now that would be fun," thought the smirking 19 year old as he felt his groin begin to stiffen. "That faggot can really suck cock," he thought as his camera's lens zoomed in on the superhuman lips which had so firmly wrapped themselves around his turgid cock. "You're mine, faggot. You're mine," said the blond Swedish male as he watched Superman tie up the last gang member and fly out of the hanger. Even though the blow against crime that he had just struck would strengthen his hated enemy, Lex, the Man of Steel felt strangely exhilarated as he soared above Metropolis. It was the first good deed that he had been able to accomplish since that fateful night when he had fallen into Luthor's clutches. He felt good about himself. It reminded him of what he had been raised to do -- to fight crime and evil in all of their manfestations. His parents hadn't taught him to suck cock. They had taught him to fight for truth, justice and the American way! As the newly invigorated Man of Steel began to alter course for Miami to carry out Luthor's next directive -- smashing a South American based cocaine operation -- his supersensitve ears picked up the sound of a bank alarm ringing in a suburb of Metropolis. Altering course without even hesitating the seemingly liberated Superhero flew into the doorway of the First National Bank of Metropolis and apprehended three startled men as they attempted to haul bags of cash into a waiting car. Moments later the three felons and their driver were securely locked in the trunk of the get away car while the Man of Steel flew off to the cheers of passersby. And so it went along the route to Miami as an exhultant Superman repeatedly diverted from his course in order to stop muggings, extinguish a gas station fire, bust up several convenience store holdups, interrupt a rape, and apprehend an escaped convict. As reports of Superman's success in hitting his enemies poured in from media sources across the country and then overseas, Luthor's joy could not be contained. "This is fantastic," he shouted as wire service stories reported on Superman's storming of the headquarters of the Miami cocaine operation followed by accounts of the Man of Steel's successful raid on a yen counterfeiting ring in Seattle. "That flying cocksucker is right on schedule! Those bastards on the west coast will think twice before trying to cut me outta their operations," shouted Luthor as he slammed his fist triumphantly onto his desk. "That cum swigging pig is going to make us very rich," he announced to Collin, Wu and Tony. "Can you imagine how much those bastards in Miami will be willing to pay in order to stuffed their cocks into our flying whore's mouth? They lost at least $15 million today. I can think of some very angry men in Bolivia who would pay a fortune to have that faggot on his knees!" "Ah, Lex," Wu interrupted. "I don't want to spoil the moment, but it looks like the fruitcake has been doing some freelancing today. Yeah, our flying sperm bank has been stopping robberies, rescuing kittens, and generally playing the hero along the route in between each target. He's made it to each of the targetted areas on time, but he has definitely been making a lot of stops along the way. Looks like there's still a little spark of independence in our whore," Wu noted as he continued to read the media reports on Superman's achievements. "That fucking bastard!" snarled Luthor as he strode over to Wu and began to examine the media accounts of Superman's unauthorized triumphants. "We'll have to teach that cocksucker a lesson. It's a good sign that he is hitting all of our targets precisely according to schedule. But this streak of independence simply won't do. Collin, we have to talk about an appropriate punishment for our flying faggot later. But in the meanwhile, let's keep focused on how well that asshole meets our goals and objectives." After his stunningly swift disruption of the yen counterfeiting operation, the beaming Man of Steel set course for his next objective -- intercepting a large freighter loaded with contraband one hundred and thirty three miles north of Hawaii. The Star of Nyasa carried a cargo of pirated CD's, unapproved pharmaceutical products, undocumented aliens with forged papers, and tons of electronic equipment that were not in compliance with US electrical safety standards. Superman's assignment was to board the Star of Nyasa, incapacitate and imprison her crew, knock off her props, and then push her aground on the island of Oahu. Alone on the ocean, and bathed in sunlight, the lumbering giant was an easy find for the increasingly confident Man of Steel. Plunging downwards at incredible speed Superman plunged into the Pacific three miles astern of the Star of Nyasa, came up just below her stern, and easily sliced off her propellers with a few precise blasts of his heat vision. Moments later chaos gripped the huge ship as the mighty engines, freed of the burden of turning the enormous props, spun out of control. In less than ten minutes members of the crew and their human cargo were securely locked in a cargo hold below. Two minutes later Superman used the ship's radio to alert the coastguard of the Star of Nyasa's capture. All that remained was for the Man of Steel to fly to the stern of the vessel and push her one hundred thirty three miles to the beach at Oahu. As the confident Superhero left the Star of Nyasa's radio room and strode towards her stern, his ears picked up the unmistakeable sounds of water spraying against metal. One of the crew members must have been taking a shower and had missed all the action. "Oh, well." thought Superman to himself. "I'll just drag the guy out and stick him in the cargo hold with his fellow partners in crime. No big deal." Two decks below the Man of Steel, 30 year old machinist Jerzy Pilsudski, a brawny, blond haired seaman who had signed onto the Star of Nyasa for a three year tour of duty, was busily rinsing the last suds off of himself after taking a much needed shower. The wavy hair Pole had barely noticed the loss of momentum when the Star of Nyasa lost her props. He had been too busy concentrating on stroking his cock and fondling his balls as he thought about getting laid when they docked in Vancouver. The grey eyed son of Polish immigrants to Canada, who hadn't gotten his rocks off in over a week, was still absent mindedly massaging his dick when the door to the showerroom was torn off its hinges by the Kryptonian superhero. "What the fuck!" yelled the startled, naturalized Canadian male as he looked up and saw the red-caped Man of Steel standing before him. "Superman? What the hell are you doing here?" Jerzy asked after recognizing the intruder. "You almost gave me a heart attack! Are we in some kind of danger?" he asked innocently. He had signed onto the Star of Nyasa ignorant of any knowledge of the disreputable background of her owners The up to now confident Man of Steel was dumbstruck by the sight that filled his eyes. Before him stood a soaking wet, well-developed adult male, whose semi-erect penis was pointing in Superman's direction. The male obviously had spent some time in the sun, probably on deck, for he was well tanned. The downy layer of blond hair that covered his chest and stomach had been almost bleached white by the sun. "Is the ship ok?" asked the increasingly alarmed machinist as he stepped out of the still running shower and advanced towards the motionless superhero. No answer came from the Kryptonian crime fighter as he watched the glistening, naked blond seaman move even closer to him. While the Man of Steel took in the erotic sight before him, the Superhero's own body began to betray him. For once the initial images of the nude Polish stud and his semi-turgid sex organ registered in his brain, Superman's chemically altered pleasure centers flashed the alert "semen is near! You must have it." As Superman's eyes transmitted an endless stream of erotic images of the handsome Polish stud to his cum starved brain, the Man of Steel found himself moving to intercept the nude male who was still advancing towards him while repeating his question "Is the ship ok?" It was as if Superman had suddenly gone on autopilot. Jerzy's first clue that something was terribly wrong with the Man of Steel occurred when the 30 year old machinist stopped directly in front of the Superhero. As the handsome Pole was repeating his question "what's wrong" he felt Superman's hand clasp his still wet penis. "Whoa! What the fuck's going on? Stop that! Leave my dick alone! What's the matter with you? Cut that out!" demanded the strapping homophobic blond the instant that Superman began to grope his shaft. "Superman! Stop! Have you lost your fucking mind? I'm straight! Leave me alone!" yelled the panic stricken male as he attempted to back away from the Man of Steel and free his cock from Superman's grip. "This is disgusting! Get away from me! I ain't no fag!" continued the seaman as he began to pound on Superman's powerful chest with his right fist while trying to remove Superman's hand from his cock with his left. "Sssssshhhhhhhh," murmured the Man of Steel as he ignored the 30 year old's fierce resistance and began to stroke the cock that remained captive in his hand. "This won't take long. You'll like it. Honest. Everyone else does. I have to suck your cock," Superman continued as he slowly and inexorably backed the cursing, punching Polish hunk into the shower stall. "Nooooooo!!!! Lemee go you fucking queer," bellowed the terrified blond hunk as he smashed a can of shaving cream into the side of the Man of Steel's head. The can hit with such force that the seal on the side ruptured triggering an avalanch of lime scented foam which enveloped Superman's head and spattered Jerzy's sculpted form. "Leave me alone you fucking freak!" Pilsudski yelled as he was relentlessly forced backwards into the showerstall, his thick penis still clutched by the superhero's powerful hand. The cum-addicted Man of Steel barely heard the terrified male's shouts and pleas as he maneuvered the handsome blond backwards into the shower and under the streaming water while continuing to fondle and stroke the slab of Polish sausage he so desperately needed to eat. He didn't even flinch when the can of shaving cream smashed into his temple and exploded its contents all over his head. The only thing on his mind was the load of semen he was going to extract from the dick of the grey eyed man he was sexually assaulting. No power on earth could stop him from wrapping his lips around that thick Polish phallus and forcibly removing and swallowing a load of thick, sperm laden goo. As the stunned 30 year old son of immigrants felt his back collide with the wall of the shower stall, he couldn't believe what was happening to him. He was being fondled and groped by the greatest crime fighter on earth; a personal hero, with a sterling reputation for being incorruptable. The heartthrob of millions of women was stroking his cock. It just didn't make any sense. Jerzy watched in utter disbelief as his hero, Superman, slowly sank to his knees while running his hand through the sun bleached blond hair that covered Jerzy's chest and stomach. "Noooooooo!" yelled the horrified heterosexual as it became clear what Superman intended to do to him. "Leave me the fuck alone! I ain't no fag!" the brawny Pole bellowed as he struggled to escape while cursing and kicking the Man of Steel who now knelt before him. Exasperated by the machinist's fierce resistance to Superman's efforts to fellate him, the formidable Kryptonian male rose to his feet and rapidly punched eight holes in the back wall of the shower forming a large, wide "X." He grabbed the towel that the 30 year old blond had brought to the shower and swiftly tore it lengthwise into four strips. Without missing a beat the cold eyed Man of Steel grabbed the limbs of his screaming and struggling homophobic victim, placed each limb in between a set of the holes, and then securely tied Jerzy's arms and legs by threading the strips of torn towel through each set of holes. In less than a minute the still struggling, soaking wet, grey eyed Pole was bound spreadeagle against the rear wall of the shower. Still not satisfied that his enraged victim would be unable to stop the Man of Steel from sucking him off, Superman grabbed the heavy denim pants that Jerzy had worn to the shower, tore off the left leg, punched two more holes in the wall of the shower, one on each side of his blond victim's waist, and secured the strong 30 year old's midrift to the shower wall. Superman's heterosexual prey was powerless. The only significant part of his body still capable of some independent movement was his head. The naked blond seaman was now at Superman's mercy. Having secured his victim the Man of Steel stepped back a few feet and stared at the captured blond through the streams of water that still poured from the showerhead. Even though the tight bonds made movement impossible the 30 year old machinist had not accepted his fate. His glistening wet muscles, developed from years of physical labor on board ship, still strained against the cloth cords that circled his wrists, ankles and waist. His sculptured tanned chest, with its evenly dispersed coating of light hair, rose and fell as Jerzy sucked in oxygen to fuel those muscles. His face was contorted with fear and rage as it became all the more evident that he could not break free. A broad smile broke across Superman's face as he moved into the stream of water and shifted his focus to the seaman's groin,while his own organ began to elongate and push against his constraining outfit. Nothing remained to keep him from getting that which he so desperately craved. The exposed and completely defenseless Pole could only watch helplessly as the unspeaking Man of Steel once again knelt in front of him, grasped his penis with his right hand and began to gently knead and massage Jerzy's hair flecked scrotum with his left. Superman was in fag heaven as he knelt before the glistening wet, strapping, blond seaman. As the cascading water dispersed the last remnants of shaving cream from Superman's head he began to examine the dick which he had ceaselessly caressed and stroked, and which now seemed to beckon him. Jerzy's penis was a thick, hefty organ with a wide head. And as he studied the cock's urethra the kneeling Man of Steel began to vividly recall the immense pleasure he felt when the phalluses of Luthor's henchmen had ejaculated their thick, gooey contents into his mouth in the past. Below the still soft phallus hung a ballsack flecked with blond hair, while the base of the sex organ was surrounded by a mat of wet, curly, light blond hair. It was a scene that sent the cum-addicted pleasure centers of Superman's brain into overdrive. He had to have that dick! The captive seaman watched with disgust and amazement as the Man of Steel opened his mouth, moved his head forward, and began to passionately lick Jerzy's genitals with long strokes from his firm tongue. The hungry superhero ran his tongue all around the 30 year old's ample ballsack, through his blond pubic hair, and across every square inch of his flacid cock. The Man of Steel shamelessly lapped at Jerzy's cock as if it were an ice cream cone. "This is so wrong," groaned the immobilized seaman as he looked down and watched his former hero slobber and drool over the machinist's penis and scrotum. "Please! No! Don't do that!" begged Jerzy as the superhero hearthrob suddenly stopped licking, opened his mouth and engulfed the 30 year old's cock. The muscular seaman's disgust turned to revulsion when he felt Superman's tongue begin to massage the head of his penis while the Man of Steel's lips clamped around the base of the hair enshrouded organ. Revulsion was accompanied by alarm a few second later when the nerves of Jerzy's sex organ registered a new sensation, the sensation of a vacuum. Superman, the bedtime fantasy of tens of millions of women, and a personal hero of Jerzy, was sucking his cock! "Ugh," groaned the dismayed blond seaman as he looked down and watched the Kryptonian hunk begin to fellate him in earnest. "This is wrong, Superman. This is wrong. I ain't a faggot. Why are you doing this to me?" Pilsudski asked as he felt the Man of Steel's tongue lavish attention to the entire surface area of his penis; a penis which until that day had never been touched by another male But the kneeling and sucking Kryptonian ignored the 30 year old sean protests and entreaties. For once the Man of Steel's supersensitive tastebuds detected the flavor of a human penis inside Superman's mouth, his chemically altered, cum-starved pleasure centers completely took over. Determined to extract semen, the Man of Steel barely heard his victim's pleas or admonitions, for Superman had one, and only one concern at the moment -- stealing a load of balljuice from the cock around which his lips were firmly attached. In order to achieve that goal Superman began to draw on the vast store of knowledge about cocksucking he had involuntarily accumulated as a result of the countless acts of oral sex he had been forced to perform on Luthor's henchmen, associates and allies over the past few weeks. The overpowered Polish hunk, bound tightly against the wall of the shower, had no other choice other than to endure Superman's intense oral assault on his penis. After worshipfully caressing the entire surface area of Jerzy's heavy phallus with his tongue and lovingly placing several long, lingering kisses on the head of the cock, Luthor's Kryptonian dickslave locked his lips around the penis that he held captive in his mouth and began to piston his face back and forth just like he had done to Tony, Collin, Wu, Gunnar and so many other men. It would only be a matter of time before he forced his blond prisoner to give up a load of sperm laden balljuice. It appeared that Luthor's diabolical plan to overthrow the Man of Steel and convert him into an obedient, cocksucking whore was succeeding beyong anthing that even Luthor could have imagined. The handsome, heterosexual, cum-addicted, Kryptonian male now ate cock like a pro! Even more mindboggling was the fact that the Man of Steel, the personification of truth, justice, and the American way, and nemeses of criminals around the world, had now crossed over to the dark side. The act that Superman was forcibly committing on the 30 year old seaman was a nothing less than a criminal act of involuntary sodomy punishable by many years in prison. The world's most powerful law enforcement figure had become the world's most powerful criminal as well as being the world's most powerful cocksucker.) While Superman's bound 30 year old victim struggled to free himself and groaned in protest, the kneeling Man of Steel redoubled his efforts to trigger an orgasm from Jerzy's thick cock. The captive Polish hunk might have successfully resisted becoming erect as the result of the oral exertions of a human male; however, trying to keep his penis flaccid while it was being stimulated by the intense oral exertions of Luthor's superhuman dick devotee was an entirely different matter. Oblivious to struggles and protests of his homophobic captive, the cock hungry Man of Steel continued to devour the thick meat. Frustrated with the penis' stubborn refusal to harden, the Man of Steel started to improvise new cocksucking techniques in order to stimulate the dick of the unwilling seaman into erection. Understanding that the head of the phallus was the key component in the male sensory system, the cum seeking Kyrptonian stud unleashed an unprecedented tonguing assault on the head of Jerzy's penis. The lingual onslaught against the Polish cockhead that Superman devised was based on the tongue movements used by Arab women when ululating, only the tongue fluctuations against the head of the blond's thick cock were done at speeds unachievable by any human. Within seconds of Superman's change in cocksucking tactics, the captive machinist began to experience incredible sensations of pleasure from the nerve endings of his penis. Even his intense personal revulsion to this forced act of homosexuality could not negate the awesome phyiscal sensations that Superman's new tonguing technique produced. Slowly, but inexorably, the thick Polish cock began to lengthen. At the first signs of rigidity the slobbering Kryptonian cum junkie accelerated his oral attack by increasing the already humanly unattainable speed at which his tongue was thumping the head of Jerzy's cock; massaging the base of the captive cockhead with his clamped lips; and boosting the force of his mouth's vacuum. "Noooooooooo," moaned the dispirited blond captive as he felt his penis betray him. A few seconds later all tension against the towel and denim restraints which held Jerzy to the shower wall disappeared as the brawny, but helpless, blond 30 year old gave in to the inevitable. With the collapse of resistance the emboldened Man of Steel lunged forward and took the entire lengthening phallus into his mouth. The vibrating tongue had done its work. It was now time to suck cock. The defeated blond hunk virtually detached himself from reality as he became an observer to his own rape. Looking down seaman Pilsudski watched the handsome face of the superbeing who once was his hero, bob, gobble, suck and slobber all over his now fully erect penis. He just stared passively at the cock worshipping Superhero. The soaking wet prey of the Man of Steel didn't even react when his kneeling rapist pulled the bottom of his Superman outfit down around his thighs and started to stroke his hard Kryptonian organ. It just didn't matter. Jerzy's fate was sealed. Once the Pole had reached full erection is was only a matter of time before he surrendered his load of precious mansauce to Luthor's ravenous dick eating whore. The final capitulation came seven minutes later when an "Oh God!" escaped from the Man of Steel's victim as his turgid organ began to ejaculate a load of thick, white sperm filled syrup into the mouth of the frantically sucking Superhero. When the first orgasmic shudder wracked the body of his blond victim, the greedy for cum Man of Steel placed his tongue directly in front of Jerzy's cum slot. As each blast of prime Polish dick juice exploded into Superman's mouth, the semen-addicted Superhero caught it on his tongue and instantly transferred it to his throat where it was eagerly ordered swallowed by the hooked on cum pleasure centers of Superman's brain. While streams of his semen spewed into Superman's mouth the homophobic 30 year old found himself thrusting his groin forwards - a sort of deep animalistic response to the sexual pleasure of the moment. The cum crazed Man of Steel responded to Jerzy's thrusts by burying the entire length of the ejaculating dick into his throat, clamping his powerful lips around its hair covered base, and milking the thick slab of manhood. While the disgraced Superhero unashamedly nursed on the seaman's rapidly emptying rod, he continued to stroke his own firm organ -- an organ that stood out fully erect; not in pride that the male for whom it belonged was taking his pleasure, but in joy that the man for whom it belonged was debasing himself by being the mere receptacle for the ejaculate of another male. When the last quantity of his semen had been extracted by the ceaseless sucking of the Man of Steel, the head of the exhausted blond machinist slumped forward just in time to allow Superman's victim to see the Kryptonian hunk's phallus begin to ejaculate long white streams of the Superhero's semen. As the Superhunk's dick gave up his vital fluids, Jerzy watched in amazement as his former hero released Jerzy's cock from the confines of his mouth, emitted a low groan, and fell backwards onto the floor of the shower, where his Kryptonian manmeat fired the remainder of its load onto the chest and abdomen of the Superhero. The 30 year old blond couldn't help but notice the look of pure joy that broke across the face of the Man of Steel as he lay on his back while the water streaming down from the shower about rinsed away the gobs of Kryptonian cum from his body. A few minutes later the Man of Steel rolled over, got to his feet, pulled up his tights and left the showerroom leaving his hapless victim still tightly bond to the wall of the shower. Moments later the soaking wet Pole felt a tremendous surge under his feet as Superman began to push the disabled vessel through the seas at high speed towards Oahu. The next 25 minutes were among the most terrifying of the sexually abused seaman's life. The Star of Nyasa was plowing through the Pacific at speeds well in excess of those she had been built to handle. The ship shuddered and strained as Superman propelled her towards the beach. Unable to escape from Superman's bindings, the naked seamen feared for his life as the bounding ocean threatened to tear the Star of Nyasa apart at the seams. After nearly a half hour of this mad high seas horror, the terrified blond felt the ship slow dramatically. He was just beginning to breath a sigh of relief when the ominous figure of Superman strode through the door of the shower room and stood before him. "Leave me alone! Leave me alone!" the tanned hunk screamed as his superhuman assailant came towards him. "Get outta here you fucking queer. I hate you!" yelled the bound male, his eyes filled with anger and contempt. "Look," interrupted Superman. "I want to apologize to you for what happened. I know this won't make any sense, but ..." "Apologize?" Jerzy screamed. "Apologize? You mean you're sorry for doing this to me?" continued the blond Pole as he yanked against his bindings. "Or are you that sorry I'm going to tell the whole fucking world about you. You disgusting pervert. Fuck you, Superman. I'm going to get even with you, you goddamn queer. When the truth comes out the whole world is gonna turn against you, except of course those cocksucking faggots in San Francisco. You sucked off the wrong guy, faggot!" Pilsudski screamed as the now sullen Man of Steel turned and walked slowly out of the showerroom. "I can't let this happen to me," thought Superman as he struggled with what he had done and the meaning of the brawny seaman's threat. "After all of the good that I've done, I can't let one mistake destroy my reputation. Besides, if he's working on this ship, he's probably a criminal anyway," concluded the worried Man of Steel as he began to rationalize away his crime. "It will be his word against mine. Maybe I can do something to improve the odds," thought Superman as he began to search the ship for an item that he hoped would help tip the scales in his favor. Fifteen minutes later a grim and determined Man of Steel re-entered the showerroom, walked up to his saturated and bound victim, pulled a partially full bottle of Jack Daniels from a satchel he was carrying, took of the cap, forced the neck of the bottle in Jerzy's mouth, and began pouring its contents down the blond hunk's throat. The coughing and gagging Polish seaman tried unsuccessfully to stop the torrent of whisky that streamed into his stomach; but the Man of Steel held his head firmly against the showerroom wall. "The whole fucking bottle, asshole," barked Superman at his sputtering victim. "Drink the whole fucking bottle. I tried to be reasonable about this whole misunderstanding, but no, you had to be an asshole," continued the Superhero as the strong booze glugged into Jerzy's throat. "Well by the time I get through with you, no one is going to believe a word that you say. Think about that, you pathetic jerk," snapped Superman as the last ounces of Jack Daniels flowed into the seaman's stomach. "I'll get you faggot! I'll get you" cursed the bound seaman as he watched Superman leave the room. Ten minutes later, the semi-woosey seaman was jerked sideways as the Star of Nyasa was once again shoved by the Man of Steel towards the island of Oahu. Eight minutes after that the muscular seaman passed out as the alcohol overwhelmed his system. Fifteen minutes later a tremendous thud went through the ship as all forward movement abruptly ended. The Star of Nyasa was aground on Oahu. Her back was broken and her bow smashed in. A Coast Guard cutter, alerted earlier by a radio transmission from the Man of Steel, was filling small boats with guardsman preparing to board and seize the ship. While some elements of the Coast Guard's boarding party freed the captured crew members and the undocument aliens, others scoured the ship seeking out its contraband cargo and looking for anyone else who may have been hiding aboard. Aside from the severe damage to the hull and bow caused by her high speed beaching, most of the ship was relatively intact, except for the area where the showerroom was once located. No trace of the showerroom, or the rooms above or below it existed. The entire area had been torn to shreds. Water poured out of broken pipes and snapped electrical connections sparked. Support beams and shards of scorched, twisted metal were all that remained. It was only after a young Coast Guardsman shouted "Over here, I've found something," that the destruction began to make sense to the perplexed guardsmen. Burned into a metal bulkhead was the following message: "Sorry for the mess. Found a dangerous chemical in this part of the ship. Canister sprang a leak. Tore out contaminated metal and dumped it and canister in deep sea canyon. Thanks for the help. Take it easy on the undocument aliens. They're only trying to make a better life." Burned into the same metal bulkhead was the signature "Superman." "That guy's ok," said one of the guardsman. I'm glad that he's on our side. Wouldn't want to tangle with someone who could do this" he continued looking around at the wreckage. "Okay, let's get to work. Miles away in a sleazy motel on the outskirts of Honolulu, the Man of Steel, with Jerzy's unconscious body slung over his shoulders, slipped quietly and unnoticed into the room furthest away from the motel's office. He had snuck off the Star of Nyasa with his comatose victim just moments before the Coast Guard cutter had come into view. The incredible forward momentum of the Star of Nyasa was more than enough to hurl her past the cutter and onto the Oahu beach. Tossing the naked body of the unconscious machinist onto the motel bed, the somber Man of Steel spoke to his unhearing victim. "Well, asshole. No one is going to believe a word you say. I took the ship's manifest, her logs, her personnel records and everything that was in your cabin. I burned them over the spot where I buried the showerroom in deep water. As far as the Coast Guard is concerned you weren't on the Star of Nyasa," continued Superman. "I was able to clean out the contents of the captain's safe," he said as he pulled out well over three thousand dollars and tossed them onto the dresser. "That should get you some clothes and back home," said the Man of Steel as he looked down intently on the exposed body of his victim. "What the fuck, I've come this far," said Superman as he advanced towards the drunken male. "What's that old English expression? In for a penny. In for a pound?" he reflected grimly as he bent over, licked his lips and enveloped Jerzy's penis with his mouth. He'll never miss it," rationalized the Superhero as he began to blow his unconscious prey. This time the Pole's thick penis, unfettered by the homophobic fears of its owner, reacted strictly to the physical sensations triggerd by Luthor's whore. In under a minute Superman was lustfully sucking on a full masted Polish hard on. Five minutes later the oblivious hunk blew a second load of hot balljuice down the cum greedy throat of the Man of Steel. "Hmmmmm," said Superman as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and left the motel room, "Next stop is Jakarta." Back in his office Luthor and his key lieutenants whooped and hollered as the media reported the wreck of the Star of Nayasa. "He's a little behind schedule," noted Collin, "but it looks like he pulled it off. He should still have enough time to trash that ship hijacking operation in Jakarta, Indonesia." "I'll want a full explanation for this delay," said Luthor. "Have some of our Hawaiian friends discretely look into Star of Nyasa situation. Tell them to keep an extremely low profile. We cannot be linked to this operation. And Collin," continued Luthor. "I'm serious about punishing our flying faggot for all that freelancing he's been doing. That might be why he's behind schedule. I think that I've figured out a way to crush this independent streak that our little whore has shown us. But that can wait. Keep on top of Superman's progress. He's got a lot more stops to make before he earns the right to suck on your dick," laughed the Man of Steel's arch foe as he slapped Collin on the back. The rest of Superman's tour de force against crime went off without a hitch. He smashed the computers, headquarters, warehouses and ships of the hijacking operation. Leaving Indonesia he flew off to Myanmar and Thailand were he incinerated hundreds of acres of poppies with his heat vision. Veering northward Superman rounded up members of a Chinese immigrant smuggling cartel and turned them over to elated officials in Beijing. Shifting to the southwest the Man of Steel destroyed a slave trading network in Sudan, disrupted a poaching operation in Kenya, and smashed a diamond trafficking syndicate in Angola. These successes were followed up by surgical strikes across southern and central Europe, hits on a several gang operations in the United Kingdom, and the exposure of a movie bootlegging scam in Quebec. Once the members of the bootlegging scam were in the hands of Canadian authorities, the Man of Steel returned to Luthor's clinic at 8:03 AM --- 24 hours and thirty three minutes after his mission had begun. "Not bad, sweet lips!" boomed the voice of Collin Umberto as Superman entered the door of the clinic. "You're thirty three minutes late, but we can talk about that another time. I was really impressed with the way you handled the Star of Nyasa," continued the ex-Navy SEAL as he walked up to the Man of Steel. "I saw photographs of how you rammed her onto the beach. You busted her up big time. The Coast Guard said they can't refloat her. They'll have to cut her into scrap on the beach. Very nice, Superman. We could have used your talents in the SEAL's. I can think of several missions that would have been a hell of a lot easier if you had been around. Of course me and guys would have appreciated your other talent too," chuckled the black haired, Italo-Irish stud as he winked and lewdly grabbed his crotch. "You just can't beat a good blow job to help you unwind after a dangerous mission in enemy waters. Makes the tension and stress disappear. Yeah, you would have definitely loved being a part of our unit. A bunch of hard on sprouting, in shape Navy studs. You would have had your own cock smorgasbord every night. Too bad. It could have been fun. Listen, Lex wants us upstairs. You did well and he wants to show his appreciation." A very grim look suddenly appeared on the face of the Superhero. Each of his recent encounters with Luthor had been nothing less than catastrophic for Superman. His masculinity, honor, dignity, self-respect, and very independence had been ruthlessly stripped by his archenemy. Although all of his superpowers were intact, he was no longer free to exercise them on his own. Where Superman had once been Lex's and his criminal associates' most dangerous enemy, the Man of Steel was now Lex's slave, a subservient cocksucking whore, dominated and exploited by Luthor's men and business associates for depraved sexual power trips. "Hey, cheer up, sweet lips," intoned Luthor's 34 year old minion when he saw the sudden change in Superman's face. "You did well! Lex is very happy. He's a very generous guy and takes good care of people who do right by him. Come on. Smile! Let's go," continued Collin as he threw his arm around the Man of Steel and started towards the door. "Trust me. Whatever it is, you're gonna like it." A few moments later Collin and the Man of Steel entered the elevator and pressed "2." In under a minute they had risen the two levels to the ground floor of the professional building above the clinic, and then rose an additional level to its second floor. The elevator door opened onto a windowless hallway. Directly across from the elevator was a solid, dark oak door with "L. L. Enterprises" painted in gold script. While Superman read the wording on the door he spontaneously activated his x-ray vision to see what was behind it. That effort failed when Superman's x-rays collided with a lead wafer that was layered in between the inner and outer layers of the oak planking which formed the door. A similar film of lead inside the walls on either side of the door completely blocked the Man of Steel's attempts to see within. "Go ahead, sweet lips," said Collin as he nudged the anxious Kryptonian hunk forwards. "Open it. I'll be right behind you. For God's sake, loosen up. Go ahead." As the Man of Steel opened the door and entered the room, the sounds of cheers, congratulations and applause filled his ears. An unexpected crescendo of "Way to go, man! You done well! Awesome, baby, awesome! You did it! Great job," completely startled the son of Krypton who began to break into a broad smile. Applause was the last thing he expected from the such a vile creature as Luthor. The smile was abruptly interrupted when Superman caught sight of the individuals who were generating the compliments and applause. There in front of the Man of Steel stood nine practically nude males wearing nothing more than tight fitting, brightly colored spandex thongs. Each of the exceptionally good looking men was in excellent physical shape with flat stomachs, well developed chests, and muscular arms and legs. And except for the hair on their heads, they were completely devoid of body hair. Although the faces of two of the men showed the dark whisker pattern characteristic of the black Irish and many Mediterranean men, all nine had been shaved smooth. As the confused Kryptonian hunk tried to make sense of the bizarre scene, the nine applauding and congratulating males began to slowly advance towards him in an almost crescent shaped formation. In less than 30 seconds the ends of the crescent passed to each side of the baffled Man of Steel and met behind him. Superman was in the center of an irregular circle composed of virtually naked males in their early to mid 20's wearing very revealing spandex thongs. "I told you that you were gonna like this. Lex knows how to take care of his people," declared the grinning Italo-Irish male as he watched the nine exotic dancers close in on the Man of Steel. "Please don't do this, Collin, please," pleaded Superman as the circle of hot looking men moved closer to him. "I did everything you guys wanted me to do, please give me a break." "Ah, come on sweet lips," replied the ex-Navy SEAL. "You did everything we wanted. Lex wants to reward you by giving you something he knows you crave. You can't tell me you don't want Lex's present. Here, maybe this will change your mind," said Collin as he reached out and pulled the spandex thong off of the 23 year old blond dancer who stood directly in front of the Superhero. "Take a look at that." he said pointing at the hefty penis that emerged from the discarded thong. "Go ahead Robert, shake that dick for the man," barked Collin. "You got it Mr. Umberto," replied the college physical education senior as he started to thrust and gyrate in front of the Man of Steel. The eyes of the stud-surrounded Superhero followed Collin's pointing finger until they caught sight of the gyrating dancer's bouncing phallus. Having never seen an adult male with a shaved groin, the Man of Steel's natural curiosity kicked in, and he hesitated before shifting his focus from the 23 year old's groin. "Help him out fellas," ordered Collin as he watched Superman begin to stare at Robert's rapidly moving cock as it flip flopped up and down and back and forth. Seconds later the remaining male dancers began to slither out of their spandex thongs. A 20 year old redhead named James immediately took the vivid blue thong he had just removed, lifted it up and brought it down over Superman's head. Several of the other guys joined in until the Man of Steel had five used thongs hanging around his neck. While the young men were draping their thongs around the neck of the handsome Kryptonian, and thoroughly messing up his hair in the process, two of the athletic young men snagged the back of the waistband of Superman's tights and began to depants him. As Superman felt the dreaded urges for male flesh begin to reassert themselves, the disheveled, partially nude Superhero frantically broke visual contact with James' now semi-erect penis and cried out "Please Collin. Help me. Don't make me do this. Take them aw...." Superman last plea was cut off in mid-sentence as one of the exotic dancers, a swarthy 24 year old Turkish graduate student named Adnan, grabbed a hold of Superman's face and shoved his tongue into the open mouth of the Superhunk. The other naked men now swarmed over the vacillating supermale, clasping his hands to their genitals, sticking their tongues in his ears, caressing his face, and rubbing their erect cocks against him. By this time the two hunky dancers who had been yanking on the waisteband of his tights had succeeded in lowering them to Superman's ankles thereby subjecting the Superhero's cock, balls and ass to the erotic strokes of the lusty males who were literally in the process of overrunning the Man of Steel. The lewd onslaught was too much for overwhelmed hunk to resist. As Superman found it more and more difficult to resist the perverse cravings caused by his cum-addicted pleasure centers, he made one final attempt at backing away from probing tongue of the Turk. But his effort was too little and too late. Superman's feet became entangled in his tights. He crashed to the floor, buried under an avalanch of good looking, boner sprouting, hot male flesh. Like a pack of hyenas that had wrestled their quarry to the ground, the nine dancing hunks, with their smooth sculptured bodies and full masted cocks, swarmed over the toppled Superhero. And like a pack of hyenas there would be no mercy for their prey. This was not a coordinated assault on Superman. It was a carnal free for all with each predator taking his pleasure from the Man of Steel in whatever way he wished. In less than a minute after Superman fell to the floor his boots and tights were removed and tossed aside. An auburn haired 23 year old named David thrust his hands underneath the Kryptonian male's tight fitting top and began to massage his nipples. Two of the men pulled Superman's formidable thighs wide open, lay on top of the Man of Steel's outstretched legs, and dry humped them while groping Superman's completely exposed testicles and hardening penis. Three others snagged the top of his outfit and finish stripping the Superhero bare. The moment Superman's top was removed -- including the cluster of thongs from around his neck -- a 24 year old gymnast named Mark lay groin down across Superman's face. "Help yourself, Superman," Mark grunted and started to rapidly slide his turgid organ directly under Superman's nose and across his lips. Once the Man of Steel was submerged beneath the writhing mass of firm, hot, male flesh any remaining thoughts of resisting were shoved aside. The powerful erotic messages pouring into his brain from his eyes, ears, mouth, nose and the entire surface of his skin sent the Kryptonian stud's cum addicted pleasure centers into a frenzy, guaranteeing yet another Lutherian victory over his once omnipotent Superhero adversary. After two minutes of Mark's hard cock sawing back and forth in front of Superman's nostrils and across the top of his upper lip, the overpowered Supermale surrendered. The instant Mark felt his stiff rod being lapped by a warm tongue, he caught Collin's eye and flashed a thumbs up. The Man of Steel was theirs! "Oh yes baby. That's the way. Do me, Superman. Eat that cock," the 24 year old gymnast exhorted the Man of Steel as Mark wedged the underside of his rigid meat in between Superman's parted lips and slid the hard phallus across Superman's wet tongue. "Eat it, Superman. It's all your's. You earned it. Eat my dick, Superman," continued Mark as he shifted position a bit and felt the head of his cock slip effortlessly into the shamelessly anxious mouth of Luthor's outmaneuvered and vanquished foe. The scene unfolding before Collin's eyes was one of pure debauchery as Luthor's conquered enemy completely capitulated to his body's seemingly insatiable need to consume fresh cum. Luthor's henchman watched in total disbelief as the Man of Steel's magnficent body began to twist and squirm with obvious pleasure under the blanket of raw male flesh. Not only had all signs of resistance in Superman disappeared, but it was obvious to the astonished ex-sailor that Luthor's hated adversary was now an active participant in his own defilement. David, the auburn haired 23 year old who had slipped his hands underneath Superman's top and played with the Man of Steel's nipples, was the first of the nine exotic dancers to detect Superman's change from an unwilling victim into a lust-crazed debauchee. David had abandoned his sensual assault on the Man of Steel's nipples after witnessing Mark's cockhead enter Superman's mouth. Moving higher up on Superman's body, the determined 23 year old felt his hard dick push past the Man of Steel's nutsack, advance through Superman's pubic hair and slide along side of the rapidly rising Kryptonian phallus. Once David's erection was parallel to that of Superman's, the agile 23 year old moved his entire body 90 degrees to the right, positioning his cock on top of, and across, the turgid organ of the Man of Steel. The two male organs formed a perfect phallic cross, with Superman's cock imprisoned underneath that of the younger man. Once the hot auburn haired dancer felt Superman's firm meat beneath his own, the 23 year old began a series of slow pelvic thrusts, driving his cock across that of the Man of Steel's. While fucking across the Superhuman cock trapped beneath him felt fantastic, the phyiscal pleasure David felt paled when compared to the sense of raw, sexual power he experienced as the hot 23 year old hunk exercised a masculine dominance over the most formidable male on Earth. During the initial stage of David's phallic assault on Superman's rigid meat, the overpowered Kryptonian stud had just lay passively while David took his pleasure from Luthor's conquered enemy. But as the cum-addicted Superhero lost all ability to resist the sensual onslaught of the nine males, the 23 year old hunk who was humping the Man of Steel, detected the unmistakeable beginnings of counter thrusts by the Kryptonian meat confined underneath his own. "Hey guys," panted David as the thrusts of Superman's impressive, though subordinate, cock began to intensify. "He's getting into it. He's gulping Mark's dick and he likes the feel of a man's cock on top of his own. Come on baby, go with it" the auburn haired stud exhorted the now groaning and thrusting Man of Steel. "Listen to your dick. You like this, don't ya?" David grunted as he increased the pace at which his cock was relentlessly sawing back and forth over the Kryptonian rod that now strained and pushed beneath him. Others also began to detect signs of a lust-driven eagerness from the awesome body of the superhuman stud imprisoned beneath their writhing, humping, sweating, smooth sculptured bodies as the Man of Steel's behavior shifted from passive acceptance to inflamed enthusiasm. Robert, the handsome blond college physical education senior who had given Superman his first look at a shaved adult male groin, was the next one of Luthor's exotic male dancers to receive personal attention from the aroused Man of Steel. Moments after Superman had collapsed beneath the carpet of hot male flesh, the 23 year old blond hunk had laid lengthwise along the Man of Steel's extended right arm. He too began sliding his own rigid cock along the muscular forearm of the vanquished Superhero while urging the overrun Man of Steel to suck on the cock that Mark had just slipped into Superman's unresisting mouth. At about the same time that the protrate Superman began to slide his own cock against that of the dick humping hunk David, the arm underneath Robert shifted. Seconds later a broad grin came across the hunky blond's face as Superman's hand wrapped around Robert's smooth turgid organ and began to stroke it. Still surveying the lewd scene from the sidelines, Luthor's disbelieving 34 year old associate began to regret that he hadn't installed video cameras to capture the lurid event that was unfolding before him. While Luthor's organization had tens of thousands of graphic photographs and videos of Superman sucking cock, swallowing cum and sexually subordinating himself to othe males, none existed of the Man of Steel so enthusiastically participating in homosexual debauchery. While the shrewd ex-Navy SEAL knew that Luthor's formally undefeated enemy hated being forced to submit to the incessant carnal demands of Luthor's friends and associates, especially the unrelenting orders to suck cock, he was amazed by the behavorial changes in the Man of Steel brought on by the cum-addicting serum the Swiss biochemists had formulated after analyzing Superman's semen. "I'll definitely have to tell Lex about this. He may even want to re-stage this unbelievable event for himself," concluded Collin as he watched the left hand of the Man of Steel begin to explore the muscular chest, firm abdomen and hairless groin of the 24 year old Turkish hunk who had thrust his tongue into Superman's mouth. "Not even Lex believed that his experiment would have gone this far," mused the Italo-Irish male. With the cum-addicted Superhero betrayed by his own pleasure centers, the Man of Steel's will to resist broke down completely. Even the strong moral revulsion he felt at being carpeted by naked, sexually demanding males, couldn't dampen the enthusiasm for sucking cock that now had overtaken Superman's body. Groans of want and pleasure emanated from the Man of Steel as he greedily feasted on the rigid cock that was stuffed in his mouth. Every part of his body seemed to have been mobilized to service the rutting young adult males as they lustfully turned the Man of Steel into a mere object for their sexual gratification. Superman's powerful hands skillfully milked, fondled and stroked the hot erections that were thrust into them. His arms and legs moved underneath the stiff male organs that ground against them. His own mighty cock rocked back and forth in full erection; not so much for its own sensual gratification, but to provide pleasure to the human cock that topped it. The Man of Steel had been completely reduced to a shameless slut. Even the battle hardened, man of the world, ex-Navy SEAL was on the verge of being grossed out by the scene of perversion and depravity that was unfolding before him. Loud moans of pleasure escaped from Superman when the 24 year old gymnast finally ejaculated into the Man of Steel's mouth. After milking the last drop of his semen onto Superman's anxiously lapping tongue, the exhausted gymnast rolled off the of the Man of Steel only to be instantly replaced by Adnan. The 24 year old Turk sat bareassed on Superman's powerful neck, clamped his muscular thighs around Superman's head, inserted his shaved ballsack into the Man of Steel's mouth, and began to jerk off directly over the handsome face of the Kryptonian hunk. In true slut like behavior, Luthor's hitherto irreproachable enemy immediately began to slavishly worship the Turkish testicles with his tongue. It wasn't too long before the long Turkish minaret began to spew wads of hot white semen into the air and onto the face of the debased Man of Steel. Collin watched with fascination as Superman temporarily removed his hand from the cock it had been stroking, brought it to his face, and began scoping up the warm Turkish semen and then transferring it to his mouth. The lust driven Superman was so stimulated by the onslaught of hot male meat that he ejaculated two separate times during the homosexual bacchanal. Both loads of Kryptonian goo were scooped up by the dancers and fed to the unresisting Man of Steel who gratefully cleansed his own semen from the hands of the dancers with his tongue. And so it continued for the next half an hour as each of Luthor's exotic male dancers ejaculated wads of manjuice into the mouth and onto the body of Luthor's Kryptonian suck whore. To Collin it looked as if every ounce of self respect had disappeared from the Man of Steel as Superman's body enthusiastically submitted to the sexual demands of the nine men. When the last of the men had finished ejaculating into the hungry mouth of the conquered Superhero, the nine males gathered around and looked down at the sweat and semen soaked Man of Steel. This formerly all-powerful male lay on his back with his legs apart like a street whore who had just been gangbanged by a bunch of studs at a frat house. The head of Superman's flaccid cock lay in a pool of Superman's own semen. Splashes of thickening and drying cum were on various parts of his awesome body. Even his navel had been transformed into a pond filled with cooling cum. Clumps of his hair, and even portions of his eye brows were glued together by gobs of human male ejaculate. His mouth was partially opened in a strange, almost blissful smile. A thin stream of Kryptonian drool mixed with human semen flowed down his left cheek. "This is unfucking believable," muttered a 25 year old lifeguard as he surveyed the imposing male he had just debased. "Superman sucked me off," continued the nude male as he looked down at the cock he had wedged into Superman's throat. "Yup, that he did," agreed Collin as he signalled the nine men that it was time to leave. "You guys can take a shower down the hall. Remember, not a word of this to anyone. Don't forget to take one of those envelopes on the corner of that desk," continued Luthor's associate as he gestured towards a nearby desk. "There's a thousand dollars in each envelope. It's Mr. Luthor's way of saying thank you." "What about him?" asked the 24 year old gymnast who was the first of the nine to have gotten his dick into Superman's mouth. "Oh, don't worry about our little slut," replied Collin as he looked down on the disgraced Man of Steel. "He's my responsibility. "I'll get him cleaned up after you guys leave. Our flying pussyboy gets to spend the night with me," continued the hairy chested 34 year old as he winked at the nine men. "He's got one more dick to suck," said the grinning ex-sailor. "I promised him that he could spend a whole night with my cock if he was obedient and did well for Mr. Luthor. Well, the little cock hungry whore did the right thing. I am a man of my word. So when I get him home tonight, he can suck on my dick for as long as he wants. Take care guys. You might get another crack at this whore in the future," said the ex-sailor as he turned and looked down on the subjugated and debased Man of Steel.


13 Gay Erotic Stories from Hector Oppenheimer

Cock Crazy Cop Stole My Load (true)

PHILA. COP CHARGED WITH SEX ASSAULT ON MAN Victim Told Police He Was Forced Into Lewd Act March 28, 2000 PHILADELPHIA ( -- A city police officer was arrested for sexually assaulting a 29-year-old man while on duty, authorities said today. Officer Rafael Nieves-Concepcion, 27, a five-year veteran, was charged Monday with involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, sexual

Suck Slave Superman, Part 1

Suck Slave Superman On the third day after Lois Lane had failed to show up for work at the Daily Planet, Clark Kent receives an envelope containing instructions for insuring the safe release of Lois. The message tells Clark to contact Superman and to have Superman appear at the entrance of a seldom used archival vault in the sub basement

Suck Slave Superman, Part 2

Summary: The following story is the second chapter of a fantasy story involving the Man of Steel. It involves oral sex performed by the Superhero upon males on Earth. The acts of fellatio by Superman are not voluntary. If this subject matter offends, then stop reading this post now. It was almost dawn before Superman groggily awoke from his kryptonite

Suck Slave Superman, Part 3

The following story is the third chapter of a fantasy story involving the Man of Steel. It involves oral sex performed by the Superhero upon males on Earth. The acts of fellatio by Superman are not voluntary. If this subject matter offends, then stop reading this post now. Superman Suck Slave (Ch.3) (MMMMM/M, Oral, NC, Celeb) Unlike his first gang rape at

Suck Slave Superman, Part 4

The following story is the fourth chapter of a fantasy story involving the Man of Steel. It involves oral sex performed by the Superhero upon males on Earth. The acts of fellatio by Superman are not voluntary. If this subject matter offends, then stop reading this post now. Superman and some characters are trademarks of and copyright DC Comics. Superman Suck Slave (Ch.4)

Suck Slave Superman, Part 5

The following story is the fifth chapter of a fantasy story involving the Man of Steel. It involves oral sex performed by the Superhero upon males on Earth. The acts of fellatio by Superman are not voluntary. If this subject matter offends, then stop reading this post now. Superman and some characters are trademarks of and copyright DC Comics. Suck Slave Superman (Ch.5)

Suck Slave Superman, Part 6

The following story is the sixth chapter of a fantasy story involving the Man of Steel. It involves oral sex performed by the Superhero upon males on Earth. The acts of fellatio by Superman are not voluntary. If this subject matter offends, then stop reading this post now. Superman and some characters are trademarks of and copyright DC Comics.

Suck Slave Superman, Part 7

The following story is the seventh chapter of a fantasy story involving the Man of Steel. It involves oral sex performed by the Superhero upon males on Earth. The acts of fellatio by Superman are not voluntary. If this subject matter offends, then stop reading this post now. Superman and some characters are trademarks of and copyright DC Comics.

Suck Slave Superman, Part 8

The following story is the eighth chapter of a fantasy story involving the Man of Steel. It involves oral sex performed by the Superhero upon males on Earth. The acts of fellatio by Superman are not voluntary. If this subject matter offends, then stop reading this post now. Superman and some characters are trademarks of and copyright DC Comics. Superman Suck Slave

Suck Slave Superman, Part 9

(Superman and some characters are trademarks of and copyright DC Comics.) Superman Suck Slave, Chapter 9 (MMMMM/M, Oral, NC, Celeb) Collin let the satiated Man of Steel lie undisturbed on the floor of Lex's office until the ex-Navy man was absolutely certain that every one of the handsome exotic male dancers who had enticed Superman into being an active participant in a homosexual

Suck Slave Superman, Part10a

The following story is the tenth chapter of a fantasy story involving the Man of Steel. It involves oral sex performed by the Superhero upon males on Earth. The acts of fellatio by Superman are not voluntary. If this subject matter offends, then stop reading this post now. Superman and some characters are trademarks of and copyright of DC Comics. Superman Suck Slave, Part 10 (MMMMM/M,

Suck Slave Superman, Part10b

"He's hungry for it, stud," observed the doctor as he caught Gunnar's eye and glanced towards the drooling Superhero. "If this isn't proof that Superman is a faggot, then nothing is," he continued as he watched Gunnar lower his hard cock so that it hovered even closer to the mouth of the cum crazed Superhunk. "You really need this baby, don't you?" asked the smug blond stud as stared

Superman Suck Slave (Ch.11)

Superman Suck Slave (Ch.11) It was a very different Man of Steel who followed several steps behind Wu Chao, Gunnar and Dr. Naguib as Luthor's three henchmen strode triumphantly into Lex's conference room. Even though he was once again clad in his universally recognized cape and outfit, the aura of self-confidence, righteous assertiveness and power that had always emanated from the

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