Gay Erotic Stories

Tending To An Injured Friend

by Richie Rich

Sitting in the first period math class this Monday morning, I was intently taking in the images of my fellow class mates, summing each and every one up in a lustful eye. To my left was Louis, a cute Italian boy, in front of him was Pete, who also had Italian blood, but not to the extent that Louie had. I noted that Butch was not in his seat this crisp November morning. A pity as Butch was the one boy that I enjoyed undressing with my eyes the most. A tall, thin blonde, Butch was German and Irish decent. "Oh well" I thought as the teacher started his lecture on the finer points of algebra. I split my attention between the teacher and the other hot studs in the class. Before I realized it, class was dismissed, and I stuffed my books into my canvas backpack and headed outside to the smoking area to draw a Marlboro before my next class. "Hey Rich!" I turned to see Pete heading my way. "Did you hear what happened to Butch?" He asked with a serious look on his face. "No, what happened?" I questioned him back, not liking the words of Pete's question. "A group of us were playing Frisbee on Saturday over at Paul's house." Pete dragged on his cigarette, blew the smoke into the air and continued with a serious demeanor. "Well, Johnny Watkins threw the Frisbee really high, and Butch started chasing it without watching where he was going. Before he knew it, the disk was on the ground and Butch was airborne, got smacked square by a Ford pick up truck moving at about 40." "Geeze, Pete, is it serious?" I asked with a huge knot forming in the pit of my stomach. "Well, he's over in Memorial Hospital for the time being. He'll be all right, but he fractured both arms--one at the wrist, the other half way up to the elbow." Pete continued to fill me in on the gruesome details as we headed back into the school for our next round of Senior tutorial torture. "That really sucks" was all I could muster out of myself without allowing my true, hurting feelings being brought to the surface. Guys are expected to be emotionless, or so I thought at the time. Inside, however I was wracked with sympathy for the one boy in school that I wanted to taste more than all of the others combined. "I'm not doing anything after school, Pete, do you want to ride over to Memorial to see him?" I asked. "Gee, I really wish I could, but my mom wants me home right from school this afternoon, we have to drive up to my aunt's place for dinner" was Pete's reply. "That's cool man, I think I can manage on my own" I said. At this point we headed to our respective class rooms and bid each other a good day. My day was anything but good from that point on, worrying about poor Butch and his predicament. Walking into a hospital always gave me the creeps. I don't know whether it is the smell, the sight of all the equipment in the hallway, the constant PA announcements, or a combination of all of these factors. Making my way to the visitor's service desk, I found out that my buddy, and lust object, was in room 302-A. The elevator ride seemed to take forever, but finally the doors swished open to reveal the third floor, Orthopedics wing. Taking a deep breath, I screwed on the best smile I could manage to fake, and stepped confidently into room 302-A. There was Butch, laying in the hospital bed, both arms in casts, and an IV tube running under the covers, obviously tapped into his leg. His face brightened when he spotted me coming through the door. "Rich!" He exclaimed, "How white of you to come over here!" Well, at least his sense of humor was not too far away I thought. "How are you feeling, Crash?" I asked, feeling relieved already with the knowledge that he was awake, and wise cracking. "I feel pretty good compared to the last two days." Butch replied with a growing smile "But I am at quite a loss without my arms" he said, gesturing to the encapsulated arms that lay on his chest. "I can see that!" I exclaimed with a hint of pity in my voice. "How long do you suppose you will be stuck in the hospital?" I asked. "The doctors are pretty sure that I don't have any internal injuries, and no concussion." "They say if all goes well, I can be out of here by Thursday" Butch retorted. I took a seat next to the bed and visited with my broken buddy for about 45 minutes when his dinner tray arrived. "This should be interesting." I thought to myself, "How on earth can this poor guy feed himself?" I got my answer as a nurse's aide entered the room and proceeded to feed Butch his meal as he was an infant. At this juncture I felt it was time for me to take my leave. Bidding a farewell, and a promise to visit him at home over the weekend, I took my leave of the hospital. "What a way to have to spend a long time of ones life." I thought as I started the motor of my Mustang and wheeled out of the parking lot for the 10 minute drive home. Saturday morning I stepped out of the house into a warm, sunny fall day. I debated whether to take my car or just walk the three blocks to Butchie's house. I decided that since the weather was so nice, and knowing that it wasn't to last much longer, I strode down the driveway and turned left for the short stroll to the Farmer home. Almost all of the leaves have fallen from the trees, and the unusually warm day seemed so odd without them. Before I realized it I was standing at the door to the Farmer residence. I rang the door bell and in prompt fashion the door swung open reviling Mrs. Farmer's smiling face. "Good morning ma'am." I smiled to the mother of my buddy "I'm here to see how Butch is coming along." "Rich, I am glad you stopped by" Mrs. Farmer replied, "It seems that few of the neighborhood kids have any time for my son since his accident, I can't imagine that." The brown hairdo lady of 40 or so mused as she closed the door behind me. "He's up in his room brooding, I am sure that you will be quite welcome." I walked up the stairs to Butchie's room and tapped lightly on the door. "It's not locked" Butch's voice rang through the door. I twisted the knob and looked to see my pal sitting in a bean bag chair, with a college football game on the tube. "How are you feeling, buddy?" I asked, as I took the chair from his desk and sat next to the blond boy. "I am sure glad to be home, but it seems as if every hour I discover that there is something that I can't do." Butch reported. He went on to tell me all about the hospital stay and the fella they put into the bed next to him a couple of hours after I left last Monday. The conversation would die down every ten minutes or so, and the football game became the focus of attention for a few minutes. After about an hour and a half Mrs. Farmer tapped on the door and entered the room. "Boys, I have to run out to the store and the bank and a few other places. Rich, would you mind staying until I get home, maybe three hours or so?" She asked "I do not yet feel comfortable leaving Butch home alone in this condition." I agreed to stay as long as it took, and encouraged Mrs. Farmer to take her time, and maybe stop somewhere and treat herself to lunch. After all, this past week had been extremely hard on the lady. "That's so very thoughtful of you, I think that I may just do that" She replied as she headed back into the hall and into her room to get her things. Mrs. Farmer, I thought, had to be a strong lady having all of this going on less than a year after her husband passed away from a heart attack. Yes, quite a strong lady I thought as I watched her from the window as she climbed into her Chevy wagon and backed out of the drive way and made her way around the corner. "Finally!" Butch exclaimed, "Mom is a great friend and has been quite attentive of all of my needs and wants, but she has been hovering over me all week." I snickered at this statement and could imagine what he was feeling. "So, while the cat's away, the mice should play" I said with a sly grin, "What would you like to do first during your first few hours of mom-less-ness?" "Well, for starters you can give me a cigarette!" Butch said, his eyes lighting up. I pulled out two cigarettes from my pack and lit them both, taking one and placing it between the pink lips of this fella that couldn't even light a smoke on his own. "There is an ashtray in the bottom drawer of my desk" Butch advised with one eye half closed, protecting itself from the blue smoke rising across his smooth face. I retrieved the ashtray from the desk, and while doing so, noticed that this drawer must be Butch's stash area. I noticed that there were a few pieces of teen contraband in there. In addition to the ash tray there was a pack of E-Z wider rolling papers, a few beat up copies of Penthouse magazine, a small pot pipe, and what I thought was a tin of Vaseline. I couldn't be sure because the ash tray was on top of the magazines, and all of the other stuff was below the magazines, as to be hidden from view. I certainly didn't want to snoop in the drawer with him sitting just a few feet away. The casts on Butch's arms were of the plaster type, and were molded to hold his arms at a 90° angle at the elbow. When he attempted to reach for the cigarette in his lips, his fingers landed on his cheek, just a few inches from the mark. I positioned the ash tray below his chin, and lightly tapped on the cigarette allowing the ashes to fall neatly into the proper container. Butch asked for a second cigarette immediately after finishing the first, witch I provided gladly. I have gone a week without a cigarette myself, and though we had been smokers for a short period of time, I knew how nice they tasted after a long absence. We sat there content to smoke and enjoy each other's company, chatting about current events in the news and me bringing him up to speed on the happenings at school. Butch looked over at the clock and stated that it was one o'clock and his mom had been gone a half an hour. "Rich" he said with a cautious lilt to his voice "I have some money in my wallet, if you take my car to the liquor store, I'll spring for a couple of six packs." Since I love my beer, I readily agreed, but refused to take his cash. The beer that day was on me. Butch did persuade me to take a dollar fifty for another pack of Marlboro reds. Upon my return from the only liquor store that I knew that I could get served without being carded, I pulled Butch's cherry red Cougar into the garage with the care of an air line pilot storing a multi million dollar 747 in it's hanger. He had really lucked into this automobile, as he got it from a recent widow. I got out of the car and thinking about it, opened the trunk and stuck one of the six packs in. Walking into Butch's room, he immediately saw the sack in my hands and commented that he thought we were going to get two six packs. I laughed and told him that I stashed the other one in the trunk of the car so that in the off chance we were caught by his mom, we'd still have a six pack left for later. He got a kick out of this and said that even though she was not crazy about the idea, she has known that he drank beers in his room with friends every now and again. As for the smell of cigarette smoke, everyone but him smoked in his room. (I'll bet she swallowed that one.) I pulled two of the Budweiser's out of the cardboard carrier, and snapped the caps off of the bottles. By this time Butch was sitting at his desk, leaving the bean bag for me, "Uhhh, Butch," I said with a puzzled look on my face. I didn't have to finish the question before he nodded in the direction of the desk top and to one of those clear, plastic toy - straws that had all sorts of loops and turns in it. "Ahh, I see" I said picking up the device and planting it in the brown bottle that I set down on the desk in front of my buddy. "What more could a cripple ask for?" Butch said with a smile " A cold brew, a fresh pack of smokes, a decent football game, and the company of a good friend." A good friend...... That made me feel good as I hadn't thought of myself as particularly close to Butch, but wanting to be. We sat there and sipped the beers, watching the footballers on the boob tube do their thing. It took about 45 minutes for the football game to be finished, with Tennessee wiping up the field with the team from Kansas. At the same time we were just slurping up the last of our three beers each. Butch let out a long, low burp that must have lasted 20 seconds, causing us to both roar with laughter. I let out one that was rather loud and fast. It was at this time that something that I hadn't considered came up. "Rich I need a favor from you" Butch said. "Sure, buddy, I said loosely from the slight buzz, "Anything you need." "Well, you may not be so sure of that, because I have to piss like a race horse, and I can't do it alone." His words struck me like a truck. I am now faced with the chance to see what this Adonis has lurking in his jeans. I suppressed any change in my emotions that this request caused. "Well, Pal, when you gotta go, you gotta go." was the reply that I came up with. Butch stood up and walked over to the bedroom door, and with considerable contorting of his body, twisted the knob and popped it open. I followed him across the hall into his bathroom, closing the door behind me more from habit than anything else. We stood there, he on the left side of the commode, and me on the right. I looked at him as with questioning eyes, not sure what to do next. He read the uncertainty in my eyes and said "I guess we should use the ready - set - go method." he said, " Hell, I am more comfortable with you doing this than my mom, for Christ sake." That one caused me a smile. Yes, at almost 18 years of age, it must be a humbling experience having your mom doing all of the labor of using the toilet. I stepped closer to my friend and took the elastic band of his sweat pants into my hands gingerly pulling them away from his torso, and a bit down. when I reached for his fruit of the looms the sweat pants popped back to where they were originally. "Sorry." I stammered nervously. Butch had a silly grin on his face from nerves also I guessed "Let me try that one again" I mumbled. This time I took the band from the sides of his body and pulled his pants down over the globes of his ass and half way down his thighs. this time they stayed where I put them. I took hold of his underwear in much the same way and slid them down as well. Of course I couldn't take my eyes away from his crotch. He had a good three and a half inches of flaccid staff hanging down, with a slight bend to the left about half way down. His cock head was big and pink, and rode proudly on a scrotum that hung equally low, containing two better than average sized balls. His pubes were a couple of shades darker than the wonderful blond hair on his head. They formed an almost perfect triangle above that mouth watering prod of his. He turned to face the toilet, and said "I guess we're ready, time to aim" with that I held my breath and reached down and gently took his manhood between two fingers and my thumb about 1/2" from the head. I pointed the beautiful object towards the water and said "Fire!" With that, he let go a thick stream of lightly yellow piss. Yes indeed he did have to go, it seemed that his stream went on for a full minute before I heard and felt the flow slow down to a trickle. "Shake." Butch said, and I started shaking his monster up and down gently, not stopping after the last of the liquid was gone from him. I was in a sort of a trance. "I think it's about done." Butch said with a smile. "Uhhh, Oh yea," I said. I moved my hand up to the base of his cock, mashing his pubes. "Gotta get the last out of the inside" I said as I pulled firmly on his toy, producing three more golden drops into the pot. "Oh yes, if that isn't done those drops will end up in my underwear." he stated. I repeated the action twice more, and on the forth pull instead of drops of piss, I felt his rod start to fill with blood. This shook me up a bit and I released the warm object and started to slowly pull his shorts back into place. before I could get them over his rod, he had a half of a hard on. I looked up and into his eyes and smiled slightly. " It's been over a week since anything other than piss came out of him." he explained " He is developing a mind of his own." We both chuckled at that remark and I finished replacing his sweat pants over his now fully erect 7-1/2 inches of manhood. I pretended not to notice his aroused state, and I got the idea that he pretended not to notice the bulge of my 9" rod in my jeans. I wanted to pee myself, but decided to wait until I was alone. Shyness was a big part of my nature then. Exiting the bathroom, Butch headed into his room while I trotted down to the car for the next six pack stored in the trunk. On my way back to the bedroom, I stopped once again in the can and had to actually sit down on the can to pee through my raging hard - on. Once back in the room, I cracked open beer # 4 for both of us. We settled into our seats, me with my erection carefully banded flat on my belly by my belt, Butch's erection standing out straight from his body causing a shameless tent in his pants. Again, I pretended not to take notice, but could hardly keep my eyes off of the wondrous sight. Flipping through the channels on the television we were disappointed at the lack of good programming to be had this Saturday, so we shut off the television and turned on the stereo to the hottest Rock N' Roll station in town. We sat there, sipping beer and smoking cigarettes. The conversation soon turned to the still present bulge in his pants. "I can't believe that Junior still hasn't gone back to sleep yet." He observed "God damn, I am sure glad that hasn't happened with my mom helping me, God, I'd just die!" "Yea, I can just imagine what a dreadful picture that would be" I agreed. "Yep, He's got a mind of his own anymore." Butch said as he flexed his groin muscles causing Junior to jump around in his pants. "Gee, Butch, that looks like it's getting painful, pal." I observed, looking first at his crotch then into his big blue eyes. "Yes, like I said, it's been a week since I last jerked off, I can't do it with these casts on my damned arms." Butch said with a look of fined pain on his face. I was impressed with his candor on the subject. Then again, what could you not say to a fella that less than an hour ago was holding your wang? "I personally am a twice a day man." I offered "Once when I wake up and once at bedtime, sometimes, if I am in a mood, I'll do it during the day as well." I surprised myself with the open way I was talking about my most private moments. "You know something Rich?" Butch said with a twinkle in his eyes. "What's that Butch?" I relied "I figure that this raging hard on that won't go away is your fault." "How is that?" I asked with mock indignantly on my face "Well, when you were milking out the last drops of piss from me, that's when it started......." "Oh, and I suppose that you want me to fix it then?" I asked, allowing my hopes to rise just a bit. "Well, I sure as holy hell can't ask my mother to jerk me off, now can I?" With that I began to tremble slightly. Could this be happening to me? Could the boy of many, many lustful fantasies be suggesting that I get him off? "I think that if you asked that of your mom, she'd have you shipped off to the mental hospital." I answered. "Well, the longer I go, the more I risk throwing a rod in front of someone I really do not want to." He said weakly. At that I stood up from the bean bag chair and stepped over to Butch and took the cigarette from his lips. "Let's see what we can do to settle this issue, my friend." I said. Butch stood up with that oh so tempting bulge in prominence. At this point, most all of my inhibitions have disappeared and I reached down with my left hand and gently squeezed the bulge in Butchie's pants. He let out a small moan of approval. "Come over to the bed, Butch. I'll fix you up as good as new." I said with a raspy voice. "Rich, since I am so turned on and have limited chances of getting off, would you take all of my clothes off of me for this?" he asked with a puppy dog look on his face. "No problem." I replied somberly, "No problem at all." "There is a tin of lube in the bottom drawer of my desk." he said. "No hurry for that" I replied, not exactly sure why the fluid would not be needed. I had no idea as to how far Butch was willing to go with this game, but I intended to take it to the limit. Butch's breath came quite rapidly as I carefully pulled his shirt over his head, and around the obnoxious casts on his damaged arms. I stood back a step and took a long, lustful look at the boy. There was a 1/2 inch strip of hair, darker than his head, but lighter than the pubes that I was treated to earlier in the day, running from the bottom of his perfect navel down under the waist band of his sweats. His nipples were brownish pink and small on his well developed, hairless chest. a slight puff of pubes graced each of his arm pits. I let out a low sigh of delight. "You really have a nice body, Bud." I said as I reached out once again, this time taking his right nipple between my thumb and fore finger. Butch shuttered as the knob immediately went hard with the touch. "Oh my, that feels really good, I never realized......" "Shhhhhhh, just enjoy this my friend, this is going to be a hell of an experience if I have any say in the matter." I cut him off. "Butch, have you ever fooled around with someone before?" I asked cautiously. "Well, I have jerked off with a few guys, but I have never touched another person, boy or girl, nor have I ever been touched in a sexual way. How about you?" "Well, when I was in the Boy Scouts a few years ago, there was this Scout Master that had a thing for the boys, he took me and a couple of other guys under his wing and into his tent on camping trips." I offered. "But for now, less talk and more, exploration, okay?" Butch just nodded in agreement as I took my own shirt off and pressed my chest against his. This caused both of us to moan in pleasure as we ground our bodies into one another. As we hugged each other we moved our bodies over to the bed and fell on to it with me on the bottom and Butch on top of me, he raised his head and looked into my eyes with such passion that I thought I would loose my load right then and there. "Until a few minutes ago I was a total virgin, and that is fading fast." he said " I am glad that you are the one that will take me into a new era of life, Rich." With that I raised my head slowly and my lips met Butch's. This was a first for me too, though I messed with other guys as I explained to Butch, this was the first time that I was engaged with a boy that I had lusted for over a long period of time. As a matter of fact, this is the first time I have had a boy of my own accord, that is outside of the Scout Master's tent, or with someone who wasn't in that tent. This encounter had more passion and urgency to it. I rolled over so that we were both on our sides, then I maneuvered our bodies so that I could stand beside the bed. Butch was on his back, looking up at me with a beautiful, glowing aura about him. I tenderly pulled both his sweat pants and his underwear off in one swift, smooth motion. His dick was hard as a rock still with the curve, now more pronounced making the top half of the shaft and head point off to the left. "Ahhhh, yes." I sighed, as I pulled off the remainder of my own clothing. Butch was mesmerized by my dick as it waved in the air with all of it's glory. I sat down on the bed and bent over and took his erect nipple into my mouth, sucking on it and rolling my tongue over the tight little knob, producing the loudest moan yet from my new lover. "Oh Rich, I, I, I, Ahhhhhh, ohhhhh God, that is so good!" Butch's breath came in short, labored gasps now. I released the nipple from my lips and went down on the other one, still paying attention to the first with my fingers. Butch had wrapped his arms, sort of, around my head and back, with the casts being a true hindrance. I maneuvered myself so that I was now laying on top of the boy, grinding my throbbing member into his hip as I worked away on his pert, hairless pectorals. I felt Butch's rod trapped between our bellies, and noted the slickness of the pre-cum oozing out of it. A quick glance at the clock told me that we still had two hours until his mom was due home. The intense taste almost made me pass out as I took the knob of Butch's dick into my mouth. I ran my tongue around the head causing Butch to shake under me. His moans were almost constant now. I slowly sunk my mouth down the shaft of my friend's throbbing shaft until I felt his pubes tickling my nose. I was in complete bliss giving this stud his very first blow job. I started bobbing up and down at a measured pace until I felt his balls start to rise up the shaft. This was my cue to get off of it, I wasn't ready for him to cum just yet.. I positioned myself between his legs and pushed his legs up so that his feet were on the bed and knees up in the air. I looked down at his manhood and could actually see his pulse causing it to jerk lightly. His orbs hung low in their velvet, near hairless sack. They hung so low that they almost touched his pink, hairless pucker. I took first his left ball into my mouth, rolling it around and giving it the loving attention it craved. The precum was leaking out of him in almost a steady stream now. We were both shining from a sheen of sweat that developed through out the adventure. Moving from one nut to another, I had to hold him down by the waist because he was writhing around so much. I wasn't about to let him get away! Again, I sensed that he was getting close to loosing his load, so I released the orbs, and moved my lips further down until I found his ass hole. I gently licked the taught muscle and felt it relax. This experience was also new to the both of us, and I suspect that Butch never imagined that such a thing was ever done. This new sensation caused him to gyrate even more, pushing his tight ass into my face, I was giddy with delight. The first finger went in without any resistance, the second finger had to be worked in as the total mass of the fingers was a little larger than the hole was used to opening. But open it did, before I knew it I had both of my index fingers in his pucker, spreading it open wider than I imagined that any one could open. "Rich, I want to have your dick in me, Please!" Butch half moaned, half screamed. I didn't think twice about this request and mounted my buddy in a fluid movement and slid my hot rod into paradise. My momentum started slow and with long strokes, with every plunge I could see another giant drop of cum ooze out of his now bright red cock head. It didn't take long for the first tugs of climax to cascade through my body. I wanted Butch to cum first, so I pulled my cock out of his ass to his immediate protest. I jammed three fingers of my left hand right into his hole and took his cock into my mouth for the final act of this wonderful play we were reciting. "Ohhhhhh, Ohhhhhhhhh, Ohhhhhh my god, my god, I am going to cum!" Butch shouted out. At that moment I was on an upstroke of the blow job and felt the head of his dick enlarge in my mouth. I started swirling my tongue around the sensitive organ as the steady flow of pre cum increased then a blast of the searing hot juice hit the back of my mouth. A second squirt, and a third, Butch was completely out of his mind, flailing around the bed and gasping and moaning. All too soon the spasms started to fade away, and his breathing started to become deeper and slower. "Rich, I want you to cum in my mouth too." he said as I let his now deflating dick slither out of my mouth. I looked up at his eyes and saw that they were on fire with lust. "That would be an honor, Butch." I said. I kissed his lips allowing him to taste his own spunk. I reached around and positioned both of the pillows under my buddy's head so that his mouth was in perfect alignment with my prod as I wiggled into position, straddling his head. I slowly sunk my cock into the virgin mouth, removing that distinction as I did so. Butch shuttered with pleasure as he got his first taste of cock. it didn't take but a few stokes before I was at the point of no return. I started spilling my load into my friend's mouth with a vengeance. I could hear, and feel his gulping as not to loose a single drop of the love fluid. It was without a doubt the most intense orgasm of my young life. As the waves of pleasure gave way to the ultra sensitive feeling in the head of my dick, I slowly withdrew from Butch's lips. Looking down I could see that some of my spunk had leaked out somehow and was smeared all over his cheeks and lips. He was madly licking about his mouth in an attempt to reclaim the sauce. I bent over and helped him lick himself clean. Another deep kiss followed. I rolled over onto the bed next to Mr. Butch Farmer, and reached for the cigarettes. I took two from the pack, and lit them and put one into the mouth that I had just moments before fucked for all it was worth. "Feel better?" I asked Butch as we smoked. " Aside from the broken wings, I feel like a new man, that was the most intense thing that has ever happened to me, Rich, Thank You." Butch said in the softest voice I ever heard him use. "Thanking me is not needed, Butch, I too received intense pleasure from this event." I told him softly, stroking his long blond hair in the process. "I guess that now is a good a time as any to tell you this, Rich." Butch paused and looked at the growing ash on his cigarette, I reached for the ash tray and flipped the offending ash away. "Tell me what?" I asked a little confused and worried. "Well, let me put it this way, I wish I didn't have to break my arms to get you into bed with me." He said with the most sincere look I have ever seen on him. I started to laugh, confusing him this time. "What the hell is so funny?" he asked. "Well, Butch, I too wish you hadn't broken your arms either, and I have wanted you since I first laid eyes on you back in 8th grade." I confessed. This time it was his turn to laugh. "Well, by that can I assume that you are off the market?" He mused. "Well, I am a horny dude, but more so, I am a romantic, so, if you are off the market, I am too!" I said, taking what was left of the cigarette out of his mouth and crushing both that and mine out in the ash tray. "Sounds like you want to go steady with me." he quipped. That sounded kind of funny as in school you mostly heard the girls talking about going steady. "If that's the proper term for it, then steady as it goes, Mr. Farmer." I said. And with that Butch attempted to hug me as best he could with 20 pounds of plaster on his arms. "We should start thinking about getting cleaned up soon, Butch, your mom is due home in about an hour" I said, disappointed that the most wonderful time of my life, in retrospect seemed to take only a minute or two, though we had spent the better part of 90 minutes engaged in frolicking. "You're right, Rich, why don't you grab our clothes and we'll head for the head." Butch replied. With that we ran to the can. I took a washcloth and wet it with warm water and proceeded to wipe down Butch's tool, which started to swell once again with the attention. "Later dude, we just don't have time for another scene right now." I chided him good naturedly. "I know, I know, but Junior has a new friend and wants to play" Butch chucked. I guided him into his pants and rinsed the cloth and wiped his chest and arm pits. After I got his shirt back on him I quickly cleaned and dressed myself. We went back into his room and flopped back on to the queen sized bed, I set a beer with the goofy straw on the night stand and cracked one for myself. I stole a kiss, and we got into some heavy necking when we heard his mother's car pull into the drive. We quickly took our places in the chairs, put our beer bottles in an inconspicuous place and Butch positioned himself in such a way as to have the desk cover his renewed erection. A few minutes later Mrs. Farmer appeared in the door way to check on her son. Pleased that we were sitting watching TV just as she had left us. "You boys must be hungry by now." she said "How about I fix some supper for you guys?" This offer was readily accepted as fucking can really work one's appetite up. At the kitchen table Mrs. Farmer had a system all worked out, She fed herself a fork full of food, then her son one. It worked pretty well. The conversation at the table went from Mrs. Farmer's outing this afternoon to the ball game we watched, or sort of watched, to the anticipated schedule of doctor visits, and the duration of the casts. We actually talked Mrs. Farmer into allowing me to take Butch out in his car for a few hours. It would do him a world of good to get out and get some fresh air was all she needed to realize and away we went. Driving along Main Street, we took in all of the sights that were to be had that evening. Then I had the idea of going to the drive in movie. Butch loved the idea, so we stopped at the liquor store and picked up two more six packs and away we went. I thought is funny that we were there in this huge parking lot with little speakers all over the place with hundreds of boy - girl couples who were there not for the movie, but to screw. I had similar ideas of my own. Since we didn't think to bring the straw, I only opened one beer at a time, swigging off of it then bringing it to Butch's lip for him to sip. Every time I held the bottle to his mouth, I would but my other hand in his crotch to steady myself, or so I said. We both knew better, but really enjoyed the game. About 45 minutes and 3 beers into the first of the double feature, I couldn't stand it any more, I reached into his pants and started stroking his lovely cock. I had to be careful as there were occupied cars all around us. I would have gone ahead and blown him had it not been for this fact. "Stop it Rich," Butch suddenly said. I pulled my hand away quickly for fear that someone was walking up on us. Seeing no body around the car I asked "What gives, Pal?" "Well, I think this is a little one sided, I want you to have stimulation too." he explained, "Listen, why don't you spend the night at my house tonight?" "Sounds like a great idea!" I exclaimed. "We could tell your mom that we decided that it would be nice so that she wouldn't have to get up several times a night to check on him. I would be right there in case he needed anything. "Before we beat it out of here, Rich, I need to spring a leak." and off to the men's room we headed. Normally I would never, ever think of touching another man in a public rest room, but this case was obviously a matter of need. When we walked in there were several guys at the urinals. They had the full wall models that went from about cock height, right down to the floor with the drain in the middle of a little basin on the floor. I took my much needed leak and turned my attention to my charge. This time, I used the waist band of his pants as a sort of a handle to aim his tool. surprisingly there were no disapproving signals sent our way. I just bounced the elastic witch in turn bounced his pud to remove the last drops. A quick stop at a sink for a hand wash and we were out the door, as if this happened all of the time. We climbed back into the Cougar and headed for home. "How wonderful an idea!" Mrs. Farmer exclaimed when we pitched her our plan for me to spend the night. A quick call home cleared me with my mother and off to the second floor we went. Our first stop was the bathroom where Butch had me take all of his clothing off of him and wrap his battered arms in plastic bags. "Get naked." he half whispered to me. double checking that the door was locked I nearly flew out of my garments. I ran the water for a nice hot shower. and we both jumped in. I took the bar of soap and washed his chest, and legs, deliberately avoiding the places I most wanted to wash. I figured that I'd save the best for last. Finally, I brought the bar of soap down to Butch's hairless, tight globes and proceeded to lather up first, the left then the right cheek. I got down on my knees as I gripped his thighs with both hands and soaped each liberally with the Irish Spring. I noticed that his butt was so tight, it had a cleft towards the bottom allowing his rosebud to be slightly in view. I scooted backwards a bit closer to the faucet and guided my friend back a step or two so that the warm, refreshing spray landed on the small of his thin back. The water cascaded over his ass, rinsing away the soap suds that I moments before applied. I worked my way down to his calves and feet, making sure that each part of his lower body was clean and refreshed. I stared into the gentle cleft of his ass and my mouth began to water at the sight before me. I gently pushed on the inside of his legs, at witch he adjusted his stance so that each foot was tight to the sides of the tub. This caused his low hanging balls to come into view. I reached up with my right hand and began to fondle his jewel sack while bringing my face in contact with his cleft. I darted my tongue out of my mouth, finding his pucker. This action caused a lustful sigh to escape from my friends lips, and he bent over slightly, pushing his love canal tighter to my face. "What are you doing to me?" he asked with comic surprise. "Well," I replied, forcing myself to withdraw from the bliss I was tending to " I am performing the most important taste test." We both chuckled and Butch said" Well, enough of that, your making my knees weak and I'm afraid I might collapse." "Could you imagine the both of us being rushed to the emergency room for slipping and falling in the same shower?" he added. Reluctantly I released my friend's lower half and stood up. He turned around and planted his lips on mine and another deep, passionate kiss was enjoyed by the both of us. "Come on, Rich, let's get dried off and into bed so that we can continue making love!" Butch said with that raspy, lustful voice. Making love..... Now that's a term that I had not considered. As I turned to shut off the water and open the sliding door to the shower, I decided that I did indeed like the sounds of that. I carefully guided my charge out of the tub and made sure that he had his feet well planted on the terry cloth mat on the floor before extracting myself from the small porcelain area. I gingerly dried his hair, and worked my way down his body, paying particular attention to Junior, who was now so hard and alive, I almost wanted to rename him senior. I thought it odd brushing someone else's teeth, but was up to the challenge of getting the job done without hurting the lad. I took a brush and brushed his shoulder length hair back into a pony tail, marveling at how much the strands looked like spun gold. I turned my attention to my own body and dried myself in short order. I pulled my underpants and jeans on, not bothering to cover my slightly hairy chest. Reaching for Butch's clothing, he stopped me, requesting that I just wrap him in a towel for the quick run across the hall to his bed room, and please get these darned plastic bags off of my arms! I removed the offending plastic and secured a terry cloth towel around his waist and we trotted into his room, closing and latching the door behind us. "How about a good night cigarette" Butch asked with a dimpled smile "Better to call it a post bath or pre bed smoke" I observed "event though it's almost midnight, I don't think we will be going right to sleep" I countered, causing his smile to grow a bit more and he winked at me. I placed the lit cigarette in his lips and leaned back to the desk taking a long drag off of mine. We finished the smokes within a few minutes and Butch requested the removal of the towel that was, as he claimed interfering with his thinking. Tonight he must be thinking with Junior's head! I stripped the terry cloth from his waist and he wiggled himself under the covers of the queen sized bed. He looked over at me and said with an authoritative voice "You know that there are many house rules to be abided by. House rule number seventy seven is that there are no jeans or underwear allowed in this bed after sundown." I understood the rule clearly and obliged in removing my clothes and slid into the comfortable sack next to Butch. In a flash he was all over me, kissing my lips and licking my face, neck and chest. He went down on my nipples as I had done to him earlier in the day. I ran my fingers through those wonderful strands of golden hair as he did this. We were both writhing and wiggling around, lost in our common pleasure, by now Butch had positioned himself between my legs and was giving me an enthusiastic blow job. I had had blow jobs before, however they all paled in comparison to the expert action my dick was now being subjected to. I think that the major difference was that this blow job contained an element of desire and affection that none of the others had. They were just penis fixations, this was what? Love? Perhaps. after a few moments I told him to swing his ass around so that his lovely cock was directly over my mouth. In a few seconds Butch was in his first official sixty nine. We both sucked like starving puppies, I was surprised at how much of his meat I was taking in my mouth without causing a gag reflex. It seemed to me that he was 1/2 way to my stomach. Suddenly, I felt my balls tighten and realized that I was already past the point of no return. I jammed a finger up Butch's ass. That caused him to moan with my cock right next to his vocal cords, producing a feeling that I would never forget. I let loose with the first jet of cum. As if on cue, Butch's dick swelled up in my mouth and he started jetting his warm, delicious fluid into my eager gullet. I was now flowing my own spunk liberally. When out respective climaxes subsided, Butch pulled off of my dick and withdrew his from my mouth. He turned and laid next to me. "That was fantastic, Rich." he said. "I agree, Butch, never in my life have I ever felt this good" I offered. With that I swung my arm around his waist and pulled my injured friend close to me. In no time I was lost in a deep, relaxing and most restful sleep. Sunday morning I drifted back to wakefulness to realize that Butch's legs were wrapped around my torso, seemingly like replacements for his arms in a hug. His cock lay along my hip in a semi-erect state. I turned my head and opened my eyes to see his sleeping face close to mine with a happy and content expression. I gently reached out and stroked his cheek, and then lightly kissed him. He stirred and stretched and his blue eyes snapped open. It took a moment for him to realize the situation and he smiled that heart melting smile of his. "Good morning sexy." he said gently. "Good Morning." I returned. We kissed and touched for a few minutes before the smell of bacon gripped both of us. "Oh boy, I think your mom is awake and busy" I said. "Yea, I agree" Butch said "Let's go make her happy and gobble down some breakfast!" With that we threw back the covers of the bed and ambled to our feet. I dressed myself, and went to his dresser. I selected a fresh pair of fruit of the looms, socks, blue jeans and a grateful dead T-shirt for Butch. After dressing him I quickly made the bed and down stairs we went. "Hi there sleepy heads!" His mother chimed out upon our entry into the kitchen. "Good morning!" Butch replied and planted a kiss on his moms cheek. " Did you boys sleep well last night?" she questioned "Like a rock!" I offered as I grabbed a coffee mug off of the little tree like device on the kitchen counter. "Rich, since when do you drink coffee?" Mrs. Farmer asked with a hint of disapproval in her voice. "I got the taste for it a few months ago ma'am." I said as I filled the mug. I sat down at the table next to Butch as his mother set two big glasses of orange juice down. I took Butch's glass and lifted it to his lips. He drank down a third of the juice before blinking his eyes, a signal that he worked out the first day of reliance on others for substance. It seemed that Mrs. Farmer was pleased with the fact that I fed her son breakfast so she didn't have to. Her omelets were the best I have ever tasted, and was sure that I told her so. When we were done gorging ourselves on the most excellent breakfast Butch and I headed back upstairs to figure out what we were going to do with ourselves this slightly overcast day. "Rich, we have to go into the bathroom." Butch announced. "OK, let's go." I agreed and into the head we went. I was getting used to this. I reached down and unzipped Butch's pants and undid the snap, allowing the jeans fall to just above his knees. I pulled the fruit of the looms down to about the same level. As I reached for his penis he said "Not this time Rich, but you could put the seat down for me." I understood and complied with his request. Butch sat down on the commode and almost immediately I heard the splashing of his waste hitting the water. A huge fart escaped from his boy cunt and we both healed our breath as if the gas was some sort of nerve agent. A laughter broke the game. After a few minutes Butch looked into my eyes and said "The job isn't finished until the paper work is done." Knowing the meaning of this little limerick I pulled a length of Charmin from the roll and with my right hand gently lifted his balls, and reached in with my left and wiped his butt sparkling clean. As a reward Butch kissed my lips. I flushed the toilet and assisted him with his pants. Upon opening the bathroom door we were greeted by Mrs. Farmer, who's arms were filled with the sheets from his bed. "You know something boys, In life you will have many acquaintances, but very few friends." she continued "Rich, I don't think that there is any other kid in this town, at least none that I have met, that would be willing to do what you just did for my Butch. Thank you so much" with that she leaned over and kissed me on the cheek producing an honest to goodness blush from me. "You know ma'am, I didn't even think twice about it, because, under the circumstances, there was no way that he could have used the toilet by himself." I continued "I thought that it would be silly and childish to come fetch you to assist him, besides, it's no big deal, really" "Well, you are quite mature for your age, you did wash your hands when he was finished?" she joked. "MOM!" Butch protested turning beet red. Mrs. Farmer and I looked at each other and grinned. Strapped into the passenger seat of his car, Butch observed that I was the first person he or his mom allowed to drive his car, and he thought that the choice was only natural. We drove over to my house, and went inside. My mother made such a fuss over Butch's casts, doling out about ten percent more sympathy than was really needed. "How is your mother surviving all of this?" she asked with the memory of Mr. Farmers funeral fresh in her mind. "Oh, she's holding up OK" Butch answered "yesterday she roped Rich here into some of the duties of caring for the armless boy." he explained. "That's good, It's about time that Rich did something anyway" Mother joked with my friend. We headed into my room where I stripped and paused at the mirror, trying to decide if I needed to shave this morning. "Rich, This house is one floor, your mom will hear us!" Butch said with a smile. I laughed with him as I selected fresh clothing for a fresh new day. It didn't strike me until we were almost out of the front door, and a glance in the full size mirror that I had selected a Grateful Dead t - shirt for myself. Butch and I were dressed almost identically. Making sure that the Cougar was locked, though it wasn't really needed in this neighborhood, I strapped my charge into my Mustang and cranked up the 351 that was my pride and joy, and to the envy of other students in my three period long auto mechanic class. Where are we going" Butch asked as I pulled out onto the state highway. " I thought we'd shoot over to the city and see the sights for the day" I answered. "That sounds like a fine idea" Butch said as he settled back in the bucket seat for the 20 minute drive to downtown Philadelphia. Our little town of Maple Shade NJ was just off of state highway 38 that was a direct feed to the Ben Franklin bridge into center city Philadelphia. Crossing the huge suspension bridge, I took fifth street south to Market street. We passed the Liberty Bell on our left, back dropped by Independence Hall over on Chestnut street. I found a parking place near the historic area and we strode back one block to the bell. Before long we found ourselves at Penn's Landing on the Delaware river. Not too many people there as the wind coming off of the river made the early November day really feel like a November day. We went aboard the Becuna and Olympia that were retired and berthed there as museum pieces. The Becuna is a World War II diesel submarine that we found to be a challenge to get Butch through without the use of his arms. The Olympia was Admiral Dewey's flagship during the Spanish American War. A Battleship, it was much easier to navigate than the submarine. After our little history tour we stopped at one of the city's famous hot dog carts for a couple of dogs and cokes. We sat on a bench right across the street where Ben Franklin is buried. After the snack it was agreed that a tour of the grave yard was indeed in order We spent a couple more hours doing the tourist thing, and soon enough the sun started to fade from the sky, our signal that the day was done. We found my car and wheeled our way back across the bridge and finally to our home town. Butch was appreciative of the fact that I was going to put his car in the garage until I had the chance to bring it back to his house. Pulling my car into the attached garage of Butch's house was not just to shorten his walk into the house, no sooner had the door swung back down, Butch and I were locked in another French kiss. I all the while keeping a paranoid eye on the door leading into the kitchen. I was pretty sure that his mother wouldn't come out, but you can never count on something like this. "Pull it out Rich!" Butch moaned "I need to have a load of your hot cum to carry me through until we can get together again." He really didn't have to twist my arm on that one and I willingly unzipped and let my already leaking cock out of it's confines. Butch went down on me like a starving dog on a found meal. I was almost embarrassed when I shot my load so quickly. I couldn't let Butch go into the house with out returning the favor. Butch, like I was really hot and it took only a few bobs of my hot mouth on his rod to produce a huge, hot, creamy load. We again kissed and I helped my buddy out of the car and into the house. It took all of my will to say good night to him and hop back into the car and take the short drive home. After a refreshing shower and shave, I hopped into my bed. Funny thing how alone I felt this Sunday evening. I tossed off another huge load and drifted off to sleep. Before I knew it the alarm was ringing in my ear. Another Monday morning to deal with. I stumbled around and got myself fixed up, fed, and out the door heading to school. I jumped into the car, and suddenly thought that my lover might want a ride to school. Since his house was on the way I had absolutely nothing to loose, and so much to gain by making the stop. Butch and his mother were both delighted to see me, and yes, he would love to have a ride to school! This was his first day back since the accident and he needed all of the encouragement he could get. We pulled into the student parking lot and I walked around and opened the door, unstrapped Butch and assisted him out of the car. Immediately we were approached by his circle of school friends, many of them also my friends, some not. All were so interested in what had happened to Butch and how he was getting along with the casts on his arms. I was a little annoyed. Where the hell were these people last week when the poor kid was in the hospital and, later, stuck at home with nothing to do? Then I got to feeling good about myself because even if what had developed between us had not happened, I still took the time to go out of my way to look after an acquaintance. But since we did get involved with one another, I felt just that much better about the situation. I, with a few others, escorted Butch to his first period class, actually his first three periods would be spent here, in the auto shop where I spent three afternoon periods myself. I bid a good-bye to Butch and he looked into my eyes and pressed his lips together. I knew exactly the thought he was transmitting with that gesture. I returned the favor and headed off to class. Butch soon fell back into his routine of school, the only difference is that he had to go to the gym anytime that he had to pee. The school insisted that he have the coach assist him in this respect. I guess it was a good idea, as in our town, at our age, getting the reputation of a fag was not a welcome event. Before we knew it, it was time for the much anticipated doctor visit. I went along with Butch and his mom. My hopes were as strong as theirs for an X-ray that would allow Butch to leave castless. The news that day was good. He alighted from the treatment room with a huge smile, and pink, tender, cast free arms! Immediately I was stung with emotions that ran from sadness, realizing that my services at the toilet would not be needed anymore, to happiness to see Butch get his independence back. I also got suddenly horny, wondering what this development would have on our busy sex life. It has been almost twelve weeks since we first fooled around, and we went at it about three times a week, and always spent the weekends together in his bed. His arms were tender and weak from the casts, it would take several weeks before he could really lift anything heavier than a book. Butch was so eager to drive his car that his mother conceded and allowed him to make the short drive to their house. That put the boy in a fantastic mood. At least the fast approaching Christmas will not be marred by a pair of casts on his arms. That evening we enjoyed a trip to the movies and pizza house. we arrived at his home around 11:45 to find all of the lights out. "Mom must have gone to bed." Butch observed. "Yea." I responded, "I hope that we don't wake her up with squeaky bed springs!" We both laughed as we got out of the Cougar. "You know, Rich" Butch started " I don't think I have ever wanted you as much as I want you right now!" I felt myself blush and reached over and took my lover in my arms. For the first time Butch was able to wrap his arms around me as well, making this hug one that gave me an instant bone - on in my pants. Butch noticed the condition and smiled at me with that heart melting smile. "Can you wait until we get upstairs, or should we go for it right here?" he joked. We reluctantly released each other and headed on up to his room. Getting undressed, I was under the covers in a flash. Butch moved over to his desk and produced from the bottom drawer a small bottle of baby oil. He walked over to the bed, loosing his clothes before he got there. His penis was 1/2 erect and looked so beautiful in the dim moon light that filtered in the window. "Oh my, aren't we getting fancy?" I quipped as he pulled himself up close to me. "I have a gift I want to give you for all of the help you've been over the past few months" he said in a half whisper. "Roll over on your belly, I am going to give you a massage" Well, I didn't have to be told twice as I always enjoyed a good back rub. Butch poured out a palm full of oil and rubbed it around in his hands to warm it. He started at my neck and shoulders. His touch was electric to me. I could feel the love and passion radiating from his newly rediscovered hands as they caressed the skin and manipulated the muscles. It seemed that my hard on got a little harder. Butch continued massaging down to the small of my back, firmly stroking my spine with his thumbs and pinching muscles as he worked. I had never felt such relaxation and contentment. He started working my ass cheeks, first one then the other. After a while, he guided my legs apart and positioned himself between my knees. He started pushing my globes apart and letting them shut again, his rhythm was slow, steady, and quite a turn on. I suddenly felt Butch's lips graze across my buns as he started planting little kisses all over my butt. He worked his way in circles that soon grew smaller and smaller until he started licking at the very top of my crack. I groaned with sheer delight at this sensation. He spread me apart once again, and worked his way down until his tongue found my excited pucker. He lapped at the muscle like a starving dog. By now I was gyrating on the bed, moaning into the pillow. A sheen of sweat had developed across my body. Now he had my pucker relaxed and his probing tongue was sliding in and out of me. "Fuck me!" I whispered to my lover. With that he removed his face from my ass and stretched his wiry frame out over top of me. He began nibbling on my neck and ear. "I want to fuck you, Rich. " He said deeply "But not this way, Roll over!" I quickly complied with his wishes and in a flash he had my legs up upon his shoulders. I could feel the heat from his manhood a few inches before he actually made contact with my anus. The entrance of my love canal offered little resistance as his meat slid in. I had not been much on getting a dick up my ass, however with Butch it was different. Everything sexual with this man was not only OK, but very much wanted. More often than not, when taking a schlong in the ass, there is a measured amount of pain no matter how gentle the guy is. Not true with Butch. I wonder if my ass magically morphed into an honest to goodness vagina for him. When he was fully buried into me I began to wiggle around, and squeeze and relax my ass. This caused him to groan with delight. I was in heaven myself, the force of his cock against my prostate gland caused my cock to emit a drop of precum with each inward thrust. The oozing liquid acted as a lubricant and my rock hard member slid easily between Butch's belly and mine. All too soon Butch started thrusting into me long and hard, his breath coming in short pants, his face red with excitement. "Oh, God, I'm gonna cum!" he exclaimed. With that he shoved into me all the way to the hilt as his mouth found the nape of my neck and he bit me as he pumped his hot, creamy load deep into my bowels. His orgasm caused me to have a mind blowing orgasm of my own.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Richie Rich

Tending To An Injured Friend

Sitting in the first period math class this Monday morning, I was intently taking in the images of my fellow class mates, summing each and every one up in a lustful eye. To my left was Louis, a cute Italian boy, in front of him was Pete, who also had Italian blood, but not to the extent that Louie had. I noted that Butch was not in his seat this crisp November morning. A pity as


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