Gay Erotic Stories

The Back-Yard Match


Over the years, many college boys had rented the former carriage house behind my old house since I had converted it to an apartment for university students nearby. Todd and his friend Jason were typical of the macho, all-man type college students who prided themselves on their masculinity and were always jostling with each other over who could be more macho. I would see them shoulder punching each other and saying the typical things like . . . "Yeah, I can take ya easy." I got used to the competition between the boys and accepted it as part of the way they got along. There was never any animosity between them. . . only a good-natured competition. Both of these college boys had great bodies. . . strong and athletic. Todd was the taller one with dark hair and Jason was shorter and had reddish brown hair. Because they had free use of my pool, I got many opportunities to see them nearly naked in wet suits and realized they were healthy young college boys with more energy than they needed. Since I love cooking for the boys who rent my carriage house, I would often fix food on the grill outside and watch them eat like starved hounds. One evening, near sunset, Jason and Todd had wolfed down some hamburgers and were doing the usual jostling while I was washing dishes at the window overlooking the pool. The usual jostling turned into a wrestling match. Jason the shorter one had Todd in a bear hug, but Todd being tall was able to turn around and get one arm under Jason's leg and flipped him onto his back in the grass. Jason always wore the thin running shorts with the side slit up high, so as Todd pulled hard on his leg. . . his cock and balls fell out exposing them fully. I noted that he was rock-hard. Jason, managed to squirm his way free from that hold and in tugging at Todd, Todd's long baggy shorts got pulled about half way off his butt exposing most of it to my view. I felt sure the match would end soon, but neither boy was willing to give up. . . the more they wrestled, the further Todd's baggy shorts went down his legs and Jason's thin running shorts ended up getting ripped and fell onto one leg. I stood there fascinated at this seemingly endless battle of the wills. Finally they both ended up falling back on to their backs in the grass gasping for breath and laughing loudly with what little breath they had left. Both were sporting full erections and didn’t seem to mind or notice they were essentially nude except for little garments not covering what they should. I chose then to walk out back as they flopped on their backs and applaud them. They loved that. . . . . . I proclaimed them both winners and said that the winners get a cold beer as the prize and went back inside to fetch them each a cold beer. When I got back outside. . . Jason had what was left of his running shorts pulled back up and was holding it with one hand and laughing and Todd had his baggy shorts around his knees and was twisted attempting to look at his butt and saying, " I got a grass-burn on my ass ( he did. . . it was a bright one) and he was laughing. I told the boys, "The next time ya decide to do this. . . . . . it has gotta be Greek. . . full nude. . . and I will referee the match." No joke. . . . . . .about two weeks later they appeared at my door and said, " Match-time". To compress information and save time. . . it ended up a draw. . . .or should I say a 69. . . both boys got beer that night and I got the show of my life.


12 Gay Erotic Stories from

Ben and Jerry

I love to work in my gardens and early morning is the coolest time of the day in my area. In the longest summer days, I can often be at work by 6AM. Frequently, I need supplies from the local garden supply place and had gotten to know Ben, the manager, from my frequent trips. Knowing me so well, he gave me permission to drop the chain across the entrance and help myself to whatever


The man who usually does my lawn care and shrubbery had his wife phone me to tell me that he had been hospitalized and to check with me to see if it would be okay for Joey to do the work until he recovered. The lawn was getting so tall, it should have been baled into hay, so, out of desperation, I agreed for Joey to come over. I heard the truck come up the lane and looked out my

Larry the Gardener

Originally my old house in town was on a farm on the edge of town but time and urban sprawl has long since gobbled up the farm and left me a small acreage in town surrounded by fencing and old trees and shrubs. I enjoy flower gardening and keep the mulch and rotted manure pile on the back edge of my lot. One evening I was manhandling my wheelbarrow full of rotted manure at the back

New Car Disaster

Finally, I had been able to afford to trade the old rust-bucket car in for a new one. I had been keeping that old bomb running far beyond the time it should have been hauled off to the junkyard. In my work, as a sales rep for a photography supply company, I traveled often so a car was in effect a home away from home. I was completely enjoying the new ride. Traveling along a rural

Peter and Darrell

I was bummed out because the service manager at the auto repair shop had just told me that I would have a three hour wait until my car was fixed and I was stuck in a large city an hour's drive from my home and knew nobody and would not enjoy sitting there thumbing through boring magazines. After, I left the service desk, I saw a man standing there receiving his bad news...he also

Plumbing Disaster

There are many advantages to owning an old home but one bad thing is that something is always falling apart. I saw this disaster coming when the commode would not flush, so, I called the plumber who does my work and he dropped by to diagnose the problem. " Dave, it looks bad..we are gonna have to dig up the old septic system and replace it." Oh long does that take,

Rodeo Boys Take a Break

Being a professional photographer gives me many unusual opportunities and that summer several years ago turned out to be one of those times. My friend asked me to come to his ranch to photograph the facility since it was used as a training facility for guys who want to be participants in rodeo events. After driving for what seemed like days, I finally arrived with my car loaded with

The Back-Yard Match

Over the years, many college boys had rented the former carriage house behind my old house since I had converted it to an apartment for university students nearby. Todd and his friend Jason were typical of the macho, all-man type college students who prided themselves on their masculinity and were always jostling with each other over who could be more macho. I would see them shoulder

The Boy on the Ramp

I had stopped at the quick stop to buy a pack of smokes and stretch my legs and buy a soda. The trip was nearly over and I was almost home to my mountain place. As I approached the ramp, I saw him standing there with his duffel bag and his thumb out. I pulled over and he flopped the bag in the back of my truck and crawled into the seat beside me in my little Ford Ranger truck. He

The Coffee Shoppe

In my work, I must travel to many towns. I love coffee shoppe coffee so I have mentally mapped out the best coffee shoppes. I have found that college towns have the best coffee shoppes and amongst those, there is always my favorite. It is simply called Java and is in a small town with an all-male student body composed mostly of kids who have rich parents and a few non-rich kids who

The Grad Student

Having the old carriage house behind my old house near the university has provided me with many wonderful interactions with students but never an Asian student until Harry. I have never had to advertise it because the next renter always hears by word of mouth about it and calls me. Eric was leaving for the summer and he had told Harry who called. I answered the phone and a voice

Tony the Tiger

Many years ago, I shared a duplex building with Tony. The old house had been divided into an upstairs and downstairs units and I had the upper unit. Mostly, I stayed to myself and didn’t go out much and knew nobody in the town. I had seen my downstairs neighbor, Tony leaving in his truck and returning, but as of then, I didn't know him. Best I could tell, he was about 5 feet 9


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