Gay Erotic Stories

The Bear Room

by EJ

(This story is true. Names, etc., are changed to protect the sexy.) Tick. Click. Click. Tick. Click. Tick. Tick. Click. My fingers stumbled over the keyboard of the computer. “Interested in r/t this morning,” I typed. I was adding the text to my chat profile. Then I clicked on “Enter Room”. I typed “Hi men,” and waited. The small green window appeared blank on the screen. A limited number of names appear in the list to the left. It was Saturday morning. I had entered a chat room. I was horny as hell. I needed some man-to-man action. I was really frustrated. I had met another bear online in a similar room six months earlier. We had met and had really clicked. We had similar interests and enjoyed each other’s company. He had invited me to his place and we had some pretty passionate sessions, even if they were fairly vanilla. We got together weekly for a couple of weeks. Then he felt guilty about it. We stopped. Within a few weeks that arrangement was unbearable for both of us. So we tried just coffee, no sex. In about two weeks we were back in his bed. In another few weeks, I got the guilt treatment again. Then more coffee. Then more sex. This on-again/off-again scenario went on for about six months. Finally he said that the only way he could deal with his guilt was to not see me again at all. I had fallen deeply in love with him by then. I wanted to wait. I was hoping he would start it again. I told him I would be there for him. But God! How horny I was getting! I needed to hug another guy! At that point I would have probably jumped on anything with a dick! I do have my standards, though: big, mature, and hairy! Oh, hairy! So here I sat staring at the blank green chat screen. I must be crazy thinking that I could hook up with someone on a Saturday morning. Any guy worth his salt had been out clubbing the night before and had most likely just gone to bed. No one but me would be up at this hour. From time to time I would click on one of the names in the list and check out the profile. Some had none. Some had very little. Some had pictures. Some would inspire fantasies. Obviously no one was chatting or at least no one was chatting in the main room. Are they chatting with each other in private or are they staring at blank screens like I am? If they’re chatting, what are they saying? Some names left the room. A few new names appeared. I watched the names and checked the details. I typed “hi” to each of them as they entered. Some of the new names started to chat, but the conversation was pretty straight. Another name was added to the list, “FuzzyFur”. The profile indicated that the guy was about my age, about my weight, and a little shorter than I. His picture was really hot. “Hi FuzzyFur.” “Hi EJ,” came the reply. “How are u?” “I’m fine and u?” “I’m fine also. Waszup?” I was excited at a low level that at least we were talking, but I was guessing that this not going anywhere. But then again we were in the main room, and, unless you wanted to divulge your intimate thoughts to all, you kept the conversation pretty tame. I struggled with sending “Fur” a private message. I would be about to double-click on his name and then I would think twice about it and stop myself. I had engaged enough jerks that way already. I began to debate going to another site and viewing some porn. Maybe I could handle my horniness by taking matters into my own hands (so to speak), but I so wanted the real thing! Another small green window appeared. When it loaded, it was a private message from “Fur”. My heart started pounding. “Hi. Pvt ok?” the first line read. “Sure. Great! I was hoping you would,” I shot back. “U interested in r/t?” “Yes, very much. U?” “Yeah. Stats?” I pointed him to my existing profile, but graciously also repeated my stats. Among other things, my profile indicated that I was a big, older, and hairy bear. I had also posted a picture from my goatee to just below my waist. “Nice pic. Hot. Do you have a face pic?” I paused. I was not sure that I wanted my face plastered around the Internet, but Fur’s picture included his face, so I thought it might be okay. “I don’t have a good one, but I will send what I have. Brb.” I conjured up my email and found a picture and sent it off to Fur. “Very nice,” came the reply within a few minutes. “So are you serious about getting together?” I asked. “Yeah, sure.” “Do you have a place?” I began my “twenty questions” that often turned guys off. The questions included assurances that they played safe, were drug and disease free, etc. Fur tolerated my inquisition well. He also indicated that I was welcome at his place, although I might find it a mess. The conversation continued and it was clear that this one might be heading for success. My heart was racing and my dick was stirring at the possibility. If we were being honest, we both had very similar likes. We ended by Fur sharing his address and by setting a time of 10 o’clock. “I’ll be there.” I logged off and shut down the computer. I sat and thought about what had happened. Was this guy pulling my leg? Was he on the level? Was I crazy? Well, I knew I was horny and that I was going to keep my end of the bargain. His house was on a quiet street in the next town. It would not take me long to get there. I estimated the time and began to get ready. I put on my rubber cock ring and my snap-on leather cock ring. He had said to bring my butt plug, but that he had plenty of dildos, lube, and condoms. I wondered if we would ever use any of them. I dressed so that other folks who saw me would not think my clothing out of the ordinary, but also in such a way that Fur might find me attractive. I headed for Fur’s house. I watched the house numbers as I drove down the quiet street. I spied an empty parking spot in the approximate area of my goal. As I parked, I noticed that the car in front of me had a number of stickers and decals that indicated the owner was gay or at least gay-friendly. But in our area these stickers were usually on the cars of lesbians not of gay guys. Maybe there were some gay gals living in the neighborhood, too. I got out of the car, went onto the porch and knocked on the door. The house seemed quiet. I did not hear anything stir. I knocked again and tried the doorbell. Nothing. A man walking down the street looked at me and asked, “Are you sure he’s home?” I told him that I wasn’t sure. I knocked again, and I was about ready to leave and chalk it all up to another “learning experience”, when I heard some footsteps and saw a figure coming towards the front door. The door opened and there stood one of the hottest bears I had ever seen. He was about my size, but appeared younger to me than the age on his profile. He had dark hair and was balding. The hair on his head was cut short, but not really shaved. He had a full beard that was nicely trimmed. He was extremely handsome. He stood before me wearing nothing but a pair of thin gray gym shorts. The shorts rode low under his abdomen and low on his ass, revealing the top of his crack. There was nothing underneath. Of that I was sure. His limited clothing revealed the massive barrel chest of a magnificent bear. It was covered with a thick mat of dark hair with two quarter-sized luscious nipples. He had two strong arms telling me that he was no stranger to hard work. He stood on two massive muscular legs. What a hunk! He apologized for not coming to the door sooner and explained that he had been occupied upstairs. He motioned for me to come in and he shut the door behind me. We shook hands and introduced ourselves. I told him I was “Eric” and he said his name was “Ted”. He began to explain why his house was a mess. I did not find it so, but it seemed important for him to tell me, so I let him go on. I was too busy mentally raking my fingers through his chest hair and salivating over his “bearness”. He brought me back to earth when he said that he would show me the upstairs. We climbed the stairs to the second floor as he continued to talk about his home. He was very proud of his home and had a right to be. I was impressed. I expected him to pause at the top of the second floor, but Ted kept on going, down a hallway and up into the third floor. Ted had developed the third floor, which would have been an attic and junk space for others, into quite a nice play space. He later told me that the previous owner had done much of the work of finishing the basic room, but I could see that Ted had put a lot of himself into the room as well. It had a very masculine and “bear” atmosphere to it. In the center of the room was a bed with its headboard against the far wall. On the walls of the room were various bear and leather objects and memorabilia as well as objects representing Ted’s other interests and hobbies. As we entered the room we stood at the foot of the bed. Ted surveyed the room with his comments and then turned to face me. With very little of a segue he reach his strong hands up to my nipples and started to rub, twist, and pinch them through my t-shirt. I groaned in pleasure. My nips are my magic buttons. They are directly wired to my cock. “You ARE a big guy,” he said, reflecting my comments to him when we were in the chat room earlier. “Yes,” I said. “Is that a problem?” “By no means,” and Ted leaned forward and locked his lips onto mine. By this time I had been running my hands over his massive and bare hairy barrel chest and was also playing with his nipples. We stood embracing each other and grinding our groins together. Our mouths opened and our tongues took turns exploring the openings before them. Our hands were busily exploring each other’s bodies. Ted had pushed his hands up under my shirt and the feeling of his strong warm hands manhandling my pecs and abs was sending shivers of delight to my headquarters below. Ted started pushing my shirt up and I raised my arms to allow him to strip me of the shirt. We kissed and hugged a bit more and then Ted suddenly went over to the bed and lay down. I kicked off my sneakers and put my keys and glasses on a stand nearby before I joined him. “Boy, you’d be nice to cuddle up to at night,” Ted said. I wanted to tell him he knew just the right thing to say. We began an intense session of very heavy petting and deep-throat kissing. Our hands wandered and explored each other. Soon enough our hands were in the other guy’s pants. We fondled and squeezed each other. Ted began working on my shorts, which, like his, were gym shorts, but unlike his had additional pants underneath. It did not take long before our shorts were off and thrown onto the floor at the foot of the bed. I went straight for my prize and Ted groaned his consent. Ted had a marvelous cock, about 7 inches and nicely thick. It was cut and classically shaped with a beautiful mushroom head. It stood proud and tall above two extra-extra large sized egg balls nestled in a thick forest of magnificently curly dark pubic hair. To borrow from Goldilocks: some cocks are too small; some cocks are too big; Ted’s was just right. It was beautiful and just the right size for long term sucking and deep throating. And that was just what I intended to do. So began a period of about an hour and a half in which I would suck Ted’s cock and balls. He moaned with deep satisfaction when I took him down to the hairs, and I loved the smell and the feel of his hairs in my nose. Ted, by the way, had the most marvelous masculine scent to him. He was clean. He did not have any raunchy odor or taste ANYWHERE. He DID have this wonderful scent that was so natural. No cologne. No raunch. Just very manly! His scent alone had my cock raging hard. From time to time I would come up for air and I would pay attention to his nipples. I cleaned his pits with my tongue. I sucked on his fingers. I chewed on his ears. I explored his thighs and calves with my mouth. And, of course, we kissed. At one point, I rimmed his ass hole and then finger fucked him. Our play was not just one-sided. Ted sent me into orbit when he sucked my dick and when he sucked and chewed my nipples. At one point he bent over me and stuck the point of his tongue up my nose. It may sound gross to some, but it was incredibly erotic! Ted had me so hot! Shortly after we started he had me to such a raging hard-on that my dick and balls were a shiny purple and the veins looked like they had moved to the outside of my skin! I can rarely remember when I was ever that big or that hard! To top it off, he kept me there in that state for nearly two hours, until I begged him to bring me off. Well, as I stated, I ministered to Ted for about an hour and a half. Unfortunately I spied a clock and realized that my own schedule dictated that we had to bring this to some kind of end. Changing technique, I began to bring Ted slowly to climax. As he got to the point of no return, I dove and deep throated his spear with my throat. He let go with a long loud bear growl and exploded into my mouth. I kept him all. He exclaimed, “I wasn’t expecting that!” As he calmed down and finished, I asked him to take me to the end. He slowly jerked me off and I shot all over my chest. He rubbed my cum into my fur. We lay for a while together and talked as our manhoods softened and returned to home. I just did not want to leave him, but I knew I had to. I got dressed. We hugged goodbye and he invited me to return. We’ve had a couple of email contacts and I’m hungry to get together again. I hope he meant what he said. Ted, by the way is not his real name. So Ted, my big bear buddy, if you’re reading this, you’ll know this is about you. I hope you know how much you did for me. When can we do it (and more) again? Comments and suggestions to


13 Gay Erotic Stories from EJ

At the Seven-Eleven

“How do they ever make it?!” I heard the voice next to me at the coffee bar as I emptied the flavored cream into the paper cup and poured the coffee. I assumed he was speaking to me. No one else was nearby in the Seven-Eleven store at the time. The radio newscaster had just reported that the cast of a popular TV series was negotiating for an even more exorbitant salary per

The Bear Room

(This story is true. Names, etc., are changed to protect the sexy.) Tick. Click. Click. Tick. Click. Tick. Tick. Click. My fingers stumbled over the keyboard of the computer. “Interested in r/t this morning,” I typed. I was adding the text to my chat profile. Then I clicked on “Enter Room”. I typed “Hi men,” and waited. The small green window appeared blank on the screen. A

The Campground, Part 1

My hand was quivering a bit with excitement as I downshifted and went through the auto-toll lane. On the other side of the toll island was the toll road. I was excited and apprehensive because I had never done this before. No! No! I am not talking about driving on a turnpike! Been there, done that many times! No, I was taking the toll road to the campground. I had never been to

The Campground, Part 2

My master led me back to his campsite and to his camper by my leash and by my balls. On the way through the campsites the other men often greeted us with whistles and catcalls as well as with approving and admiring comments. Master said nothing. He walked straight to his site and to his camper, opened the door and walked in pulling me behind him. It was the first I was inside the

The Campground, Part 3

I awoke in the sunlight of the new day in much the same position as I had fallen asleep. My hands had released their hug and lay at my side. Master lay asleep on top of me. His head rested on my chest and his nostrils emitted his warm breath across my right nipple. My legs were still curiously propped on his shoulders and were somewhat cramped from being in that position for so

The Campground, Part 4

Although my nips and penis were still a bit tender, Mac declared me fit for service when he examined me on the following Saturday morning. The piercings were healing well. Master smiled at the good news and winked at Mac. He patted me underneath my ring-weighted balls. When we arrived back at the camper, Master assigned me to my duties and indicated that he had some business to

The Campground, part 4

Although my nips and penis were still a bit tender, Mac declared me fit for service when he examined me on the following Saturday morning. The piercings were healing well. Master smiled at the good news and winked at Mac. He patted me underneath my ring-weighted balls. When we arrived back at the camper, Master assigned me to my duties and indicated that he had some business to

The Campground, Part 4

Although my nips and penis were still a bit tender, Mac declared me fit for service when he examined me on the following Saturday morning. The piercings were healing well. Master smiled at the good news and winked at Mac. He patted me underneath my ring-weighted balls. When we arrived back at the camper, Master assigned me to my duties and indicated that he had some business to

The Storm

I had moved to this remote area in the rural area of the northern part of the state only a few years ago. Life had gone south on me. I had had enough of corporate shenanigans and enough of people. I moved here to be alone. I figured I was my own best friend. So I bought a good-sized piece of land and built a log home on it. A mile long lane led from the highway to the house and

The Storm, Part 2: Monday

In Part 1, during a fierce snowstorm two hairy buddies (Troy and Todd) lose control of their vehicle and slide off the road near my remote log home. I rescue and welcome them into my home. After cleaning up and sharing a good meal, we gather before the fire for some hot interaction. We retire exhausted to my bed. See “The Storm” for the full first episode. We continue with Part 2,

The Storm, Part 3: Monday Evening

Troy and Todd, stranded by the winter storm at Eric’s home, while they await their car being repaired, form a strong bond with their host and experience some hot action. Check out parts 1 and 2. The story resumes on Monday evening of the eventful week, the evening before the last full day of their stay. * * * After the hot leather experience of late Monday afternoon, Troy, Todd, and

The Storm, Part 4: Tuesday

I was still having a tough time making a decision about getting pierced. I knew it looked incredibly hot on my two friends and other men; I wasn’t sure that it would look right on me. I wasn’t sure that I could handle the questions or the looks from others in this part of the world who might not understand. I would need to decide before tomorrow morning. We spent the rest of the

The Storm, Part 5: Conclusion

Wednesday The phone rang. It was the call I had been dreading now for two days. I knew who it was. I just didn’t get that many calls. “This is Jake,” the voice said. “Hi, Jake. This is Eric.” “Just thought you’d like to know that those fellows’ car is done. They can pick it up anytime.” Jake went on to explain in detail the damage, how he had repaired it, and what the final


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