Gay Erotic Stories

The Cavern

by Ardveche


I've been reading stories about the leather scene, and about bondage and SM for years now - ever since I was a teenager - and I have always been incredibly turned on by the whole idea. I fooled around a bit in high school with a buddy of mine who I persuaded to tie me up from time to time and I had the best orgasms of my young life under his, sometimes, not so tender ministrations. Later in college I started hanging out near the bars in my jeans and leather jacket, trying to look seductive for the incredible leather studs who went in and out. I couldn't go in because I wasn't 21 yet but I got picked up once or twice and my experiences ranged from painful and un-arousing to fairly hot, or at least better than my high school experiments had been. Nothing, though, could compare to my jack-off fantasies. On my 21st birthday though, things began to change. My grandmother gave me quite a lot of money now that I was "a man" and I knew immediately what I was going to do with it. I had been a frequent visitor to a couple of websites that sold leather goods and decided that was where I was going to spend the first of my windfall. I bought a beautiful harness that crossed between my pecs. The main part of it was made of metal chains connected in the middle by short pieces of leather attached to a central metal ring. I spent most of my teenage years swimming and won a scholarship to college for it so I have a great build (if I say so myself) and I looked hot, hot, hot in that harness. I complemented it with a pair of denim cut-offs hastily fashioned from a pair of old and too tight jeans, a jockstrap and a pair of short lace up black boots which, with my white socks, really set off my long shapely legs. Weeks later, I was to add a pair of silver nipple rings and barbed wire tattoo round both biceps (I know, but I like symmetry more than I like symbolism), but for now I was ready to strut my stuff at The Cavern. Oh, I should probably have mentioned that my name is Lyle, I'm a shade under 6 feet tall, swimmer's build as I already said and I have nice short-ish blond hair (think the new look Nick Carter) and the most fantastic green eyes! Just so you have a nice clear picture of me! I killed a few beers and then gave myself a final once over in the mirror. There I was, ready to go, I pulled on my leather jacket and a pair of grey sweat pants to hide my legs for the walk down to the club, balled up my courage and set off for what was going to be the best night of my life. I share a house in the middle of nowhere, for the sake of cheap rent, so it was only a short walk through the darkened street before I was in the alleyway with which I was so familiar. As I walked up, I was stopped by the guy at the door. "Over 21s only, kid. You know the rules." He said it quite kindly as we sort of knew each other. We'd chatted in the alley some nights and one day when business was slow had gone round the corner where I'd given him a blow-job by the dumpster. He was a real bear of a man, about as broad as he was tall and he towered over me, but he had a dick the size of a baby carrot. Kinda sad really! "Just turned 21 last Thursday, man. I told you it was my birthday." I flashed him my best smile and my shiny new ID at the same time. "Oh yeah, I remember now. Happy birthday, kid. Go on in, and knock yourself out!" "Oh I plan to! I plan to it." And with that I was inside The Cavern, the most disreputable club in town and the one with the strictest dress code too! I checked my jacket and sweat pants with the guy inside the door, shoving a twenty into the back pocket of my cut-offs (not that I really planned on buying my own drinks) and enjoyed the lascivious look I got from the cutie behind the counter. At least if I didn't score inside I could try my luck with him as a fall back. Not really what I was looking for though, I wanted a real man, not some camp college kid - I could get that any day! The place was exactly what I expected. Dingy, smoky, thick with the smell of beer and sweat and leather. I took a deep, deep breath and sighed contentedly. I was home. It was pretty crowded, even though it was still fairly early, but not so crowded that I couldn't thread my way through the crowd easily and check out all that was on display there. On every side were fantasy men and I could not prevent my cock from straining at the buttons of my fly. Men head to toe in leathers, men in vests and chaps, boys like me in harnesses and shorts, some guys in nothing but boots and jockstraps. Piercings everywhere, tattoos and muscles on every side. It was totally, fucking, intoxicating! I had never felt so high in my life. I ended up at the bar where I leant against the wall for a while to regulate my breathing before trying to get myself a beer. As I was standing there, taking in the scenery, I became aware that guys were checking me out - now I'm no stranger to being given the once over by men, but there was something so basic and animalistic in the way most of them were looking at me, winking, licking their lips that I could hardly stand up straight. Five more minutes of this, I found myself thinking, and I'm going to cream my shorts! And what a waste that would be. "Want a drink?," said a gruff voice to my right, I turned to see an older guy, maybe late fifties but in good shape nonetheless standing beside me. He was about my size and was dressed in tight biker pants and an open leather jacket showing off an impressive matt of greyish chest hair and a pretty nice body. He had handcuffs on his belt and a pair of nipple clamps attached to his lapel, even the regulation leather cap! The only thing that put me off him, that made him look faintly ridiculous, was a moustache boy scouts could've camped out in. I've never been a fan of facial hair, and this was the most caricatured, ridiculous example I had ever seen! Still, a free beer is a free beer, right? Students! "Sure a beer'd be great." I tried to turn my smirk into a seductive smile, with limited success. He caught the bartender's eye and ordered two beers, handing one to me. "I haven't seen you in here before. I'd have remembered someone who looked as good as you." Of course he would, but it was still a corny line. He licked his lips. "What're you looking for, son?" "Pretty much everything. Bondage, submission, a good hard fucking." I looked him straight in the eye as I said this. I like to be tied up and pushed around, but that doesn't mean I'm not my own man. "How about a blow-job?" "Giving or receiving?" I couldn't believe how up front this all was. Say what you want, get it. Yippee! "Giving, I don't suck boy cock." "Sure, why not, hey, you bought me a beer after all!" I smiled broadly at him, amazed by how brazen I was being, but like I said I was so turned on by the atmosphere in the place I'd have got on my knees for anything with a cock. "Follow me." He didn't seem in the least bit surprised that I agreed to his request so readily. I followed him across the bar towards a sunken area which was very dimly lit. On the way, I continued to check out the goods in the club, hey I scored within fifteen minutes, the way I had it figured I could probably squeeze (no pun intended) another dozen in that night! Share the joy, that's what I say. We went down the stairs and made our way to the back wall where it was darkest, an area totally obscured from the main bar and divided into sections each about six feet wide with a low bench at the back. "On your knees," he said when we reached our destination. I was quick to oblige. "Wanna try these out?" He asked, fingering the crocodile clips on his lapel. "You're the boss." He smiled at that, and removed the clamps from his jacket, he snapped them onto my nipples quite roughly and I sucked in my breath at the sudden pain, but it quickly subsided and I was used to having my nipples clamped, even if it was usually by me. They were connected by a chain which he now used to yank me closer to his crotch. "Get it out and show me what you can do." Clearly this guy was going to get straight to the point. No finesse at all. Oh well! I unzipped his pants and fumbled inside for his cock which was a pretty respectable size, not as big as mine but a good handful. Quickly, and without waiting to be told, I went down on him. I slurped up and down on his cock, making appreciative grunting noises while he just stood there, one hand on the back of my head, the other yanking at my tits every so often and upsetting my rhythm. I was beginning to regret the decision to go with him when suddenly and without any warning he came with several quick spurts in the back of my throat. He stood still for a moment or two as his dick softened and then with a sharp yank pulled the clamps off, I yelped at the sudden pain. "You're pretty good kid," he ruffled my hair and turned to walk away. Well, I was pretty unimpressed. I was going to shout after him, but stopped myself. After all I got a free beer and a mouthful of cum, so it hadn't been all bad. I got to my feet and headed back up to the bar to see what the next surprise of the night was going to be. I got back to the bar and ordered myself another beer, paying for it with the money in my cut- offs and resumed watching the crowd. Nobody was making a move on me this time and I decided it was about time to take matters into my own hands, but first a quick trip to the restroom. I downed my beer and headed in the direction of the illuminated sign. Once inside I got my fly open and started to piss. It always takes me ages to go if there are other guys there, so I stood dick in hand for a while as guys came and went. There were other guys in there, but they seemed to be pretty much minding their own business though I thought I could here the sound of some pretty vigorous fucking from one of the stalls. Finally I finished what I was doing and did my fly back up. Suddenly a pair of gloved hands attached to bare, slightly hairy arms landed on my shoulders and I became aware of someone standing immediately behind me. "Don't turn round, don't say anything. I've been watching you. You're a hot kid, but you need to be taught your place." A low, soft voice said very close to my ear. Quiet though he was though he had a certain authority and I didn't dare disobey him. He sounded fairly young, but all I could say for certain about him was that he was a few inches taller than me and he smelled overpoweringly of leather and some sort of soap. "Put your hands behind your back." Again I obeyed without hesitation and felt the snick of steel handcuffs closing round both my wrists. My cock jumped sharply and my breathing became slightly ragged. I felt a wide strip of leather being put round my head, covering my eyes, it was quickly tied behind my head, leaving me completely blind. I instantly became disoriented and swayed slightly. His strong hands were back, this time on my waist and I leant back against what felt like a very broad, powerful chest completely encased in smooth, supple leather. "Take a moment to get used to it. I won't let you fall." His voice was calm and reassuring. I was powerfully aware of every nuance of it, and every contour of his chest, the way his gloved hands felt on my body, the smells. All my other senses were kicking in big time to make up for the loss of my sight. "We're going to start walking now. You first. I'm going to hold the chain of the cuffs and steer you, I'll tell you when we reach stairs. Just listen carefully to what I say and you'll be okay. Understand?" "Y...Yes." I said slightly hesitantly, then added, "sir?" "That's right, call me Sir. And from now on you only make a noise in answer to a direct question. Got it?" "Yes, Sir." "Good boy. Now start walking." True to his word he gripped the chain of the handcuffs and placed his other hand on my shoulder to steer me forward. I turned in the direction of the door and took my first hesitant step forward. We went out the door and entered the main bar again into what suddenly seemed like an overwhelming wall of noise. He guided me easily through the noise which got appreciably quieter as we passed. Over to the far left and then he stopped. "Stairs, eleven of them, downwards. Take them slowly." I hesitated, sure we hadn't bumped into anything so far but going downstairs blindfold was not at all the same thing. He nudged slightly at my lower back and I carefully started forward. Waving one foot out over the void before carefully placing it on the lower step. I repeated this until we reached the bottom and things leveled out. "Well done. Forward about twenty paces, then I'm going to let go of you for a moment. Stand still and wait quietly, I'll be back soon." I moved forward as instructed and he let go. I heard a key in a lock and before I had time to get more disoriented I was steered through a door and into another room. The door closed behind us and I heard it lock, cutting off all the noise from the bar. The only sound now was my own breathing and my heartbeat thumping in my ears. For the first time it occurred to me that I was not in a good position here. I had no idea who this guy was, what he wanted, what he was going to do or even exactly where we were. And nobody I knew had any idea where I was that night. I started to sweat slightly despite the air- conditioned chill in the room. "What's your name, boy?" His voice refocused me, it was so confident and authoritative. He was standing directly in front of me now, I would guess about two feet away from the still present smell of him. "Lyle, Sir." "Why did you come here tonight?" "Um, for sex, Sir." "Is that all? Just to suck guys off in the dark and then go home? I don't believe you, Lyle." I wasn't sure how to answer that, so I didn't. It seemed to be the right thing to do as he went on talking. "You came here for more than that, Lyle, I know you did. You have a longing to be taken in hand by a man, shown your place and taught proper respect. You need discipline and you need to be shown how to awaken and realise all your sexual longings. Am I right?" "Yes, Sir." I breathed the answer. "Are you ready to give yourself over completely to the pleasure and the pain? Do you think you're worthy of my time and effort?" "Yes, Sir. I think I'm ready. I don't know if I'm worthy, but I'll try to be." "Good answer, boy. I knew you had the right stuff as soon as you walked in. That's why you're here now." "Thank you, Sir." Suddenly the wind was driven out of me as his fist slammed into my belly. I dropped to my knees and almost toppled over without my sight and without my hands to steady me. I let out a loud gasp of pain, but more of surprise really. "I told you only to speak to answer a question, boy. My rules are few, and they are simple, but if you break one I will punish you and it'll be a lot worse than a little love-tap to the gut next time. Do you understand me?" "Yes, Sir, I'm sorry." I managed to wheeze out as I sucked air back into my lungs. He stepped closer to me and the smell of leather was suddenly supplemented by a strong manly, musky smell as he brought his crotch level with my face. "Equally well, when you please me you will be rewarded." He pressed his leather clad groin against my face and I could feel the smooth leather, the eyelets through which the laces holding his pants closed were threaded, the rough rawhide of the laces themselves, and under it all the warm, pulsing bulk of his cock. I forgot all about the pain in my gut and concentrated on rubbing my face across this glorious package, licking at his leather and snuffling hungrily at him. He curled the fingers of one hand around the chain across my shoulder and rested the other on the back of my head, steadying me against him. "Do you want that, boy?" "More than anything else, sir!" I answered with enthusiasm, my voice muffled by the mouthful of leather. "Open my pants then." I struggled to comply, but was hampered by the fact I had to use my teeth and that I couldn't see what I was doing. After what seemed like an age of struggling I heard and felt him chuckle slightly before he pushed my head back and finished the task for me. "You need practice." "Yes, S..." I realised as soon as I opened my mouth what I had done, so I was slightly prepared for the pain that shot up my body and the sick twisting sensation in my gut as his booted foot crashed into my groin. This time I did cry out and fell onto my side on the cold stone floor. I desperately wished I could bring my ands round to cradle my aching genitals. "Why don't you listen, boy?" Rhetorical or otherwise I was in no position to answer him, I just lay on the floor getting my breath back and wondering again what the hell I had got myself into here. "Get back up on your knees. We'll try this again." I struggled back upright, and got my swaying under control. As soon as I was still he pressed the head of his cock against my lips. I opened my mouth to him immediately. From what I had been able to feel it was nice and big and I longed to have it in my mouth. I didn't have long to wait. Resuming his previous hold on me he pressed steadily forward, pushing his big cock into my mouth. He allowed me to slurp and lick at the head for a while before pushing it forcefully all the way in. I gagged at first but was able to adjust pretty quickly to its size and started to work it with every trick I knew. I wanted nothing more than to give this man pleasure and to feel and taste his hot cum splashing into my mouth. He began to pump back and forth, using his grip on my harness and head for leverage and I was soon slobbering uncontrollably, saliva running down my chin and dripping onto the floor. I was rapidly spotting my cut- offs with my own pre-cum and felt sure I'd be able to cum from this alone if it lasted long enough. I became aware of the noises I was making, animal like gruntings and slurpings, incoherent moaning sounds and over it all a sloshing of spit back and forth in my mouth. I gave him my all and pretty soon I felt him begin to tense up and his pumping became a little more erratic. Without warning he pulled out of my mouth and I nearly fell forward trying to get my delicious suck toy back in my mouth. I felt the first splash of his cum hit my face and my blindfold, the second landed in my hair and the third on my chest. After that they must have hit the floor because I heard him gasp a few more times but nothing more hit me. After a moment I felt his hand at my lips and I eagerly slurped his salty cum off his gloved hand, the mingled taste of leather and semen was intoxicating and I went at his hand like a starving man. Eventually he pulled his hand back and said, "I came on my boots, clean it up." I didn't need to be told twice, cautiously leaning forward I found his leg and worked my way down past the laces up the side to the top of his boot. It was silky smooth and obviously well polished. I traced my tongue slowly down the shaft of it, slurping hungrily at any stray droplets of his delicious cum that I found on the way. I worked at that boot for a long time before I finally reached his toe and then I switched to the other and worked back up just as carefully. I didn't want to miss a single drop and I loved the taste and feel and smell of his boots. He stood stock still and silent throughout the exercise and by the time I reached the top of the second boot my tongue was a little sore with laving back and forth. "Good job, boy. And that was a good blow-job. Your exploits in the alley obviously weren't a waste of time." How did he know that? I knew better than to ask him out loud, but I was certain he wasn't one of the many guys I had blown out there, him I would certainly have remembered. He gripped my harness again and pulled me sharply to my feet, I staggered forward a little and found my face pressed against his powerful chest. "Now you've got cum on my shirt, boy, you'd better clean that off too." I rapidly swabbed my tongue across the leather of his shirt, feeling the warmth and solidity of him through it. It was loosely fastened at the neck with rawhide laces like those on his pants and I worked my tongue carefully around and under those, eager to do a good job. As I worked across his pec, I felt the hardness of a nipple through the leather and gave that extra attention, giving it the occasional gentle nip and hearing gratifying hiss of indrawn breath as I did. I began to press my groin against his thigh and he pressed back, so I started to rub quite frantically feeling a building tension in my balls. My head was swimming, this was so much more intense than anything I had ever done before and I knew I was close to cumming. I moaned against his chest and continued to hump away at him, he stood perfectly still and allowed me to do what I wanted. My balls pulled up tighter and I knew this was it. I rubbed up and down as fast and hard as I could, enjoying the friction of the denim against the sensitive head of my cock and then, finally, I came in a great rush into my cut-offs, a large damp spot spreading on the front. I rested my weight against him and slobbered on his chest. After a moment he pushed me away from him and into a standing position. "I didn't say you could cum. I'm going to have to punish you." I could hear amusement in his voice. Why hadn't he said something? Stopped me? Told me about this fucking stupid rule? I nearly asked him, but bit down on my tongue in time. As if he was reading my mind he said, "Some rules you get in advance, others you'll pick up as you go along." He was definitely laughing at me now. But what could I do about it? He grabbed me and moved me further into the room. Stopping abruptly and kicking my booted feet apart so there was about three feet between them and I could only stay upright by leaning on him. "Stand still. Don't move." He held me up and carefully unlocked my cuffs, allowing me to move my arms for the first time in what must have been about an hour. I was enjoying this freedom of movement when he grabbed my left arm and placed it in a shallow dip on some wooden structure in front of me. He placed my right wrist in another indentation and carefully bent me forward at the waist until my neck was resting on a third, larger dip. Stocks, my mind realised. With a loud click the top bar was lowered trapping my head and hands through the holes in the apparatus. With my legs spread I was leaning my whole weight forward against the stocks with maybe three feet between my boots and the base of them. I realised just how vulnerable this made my ass which was pushed back and out towards him. He ran his hand slowly over the mounds of my ass cheeks and slapped the left one sharply making me jerk and hurt my neck on the stocks. I could work out what was coming next, I thought. There was a sudden horrible pain in my right nipple, a clamp had been attached to it, but worse, there was a weight on it which he had just dropped, the way I was leaning forward, it was swinging freely from my throbbing nipple, it felt like it was going to pull right off. I gasped, but did not cry out and I thought I heard him mutter 'good' at that. I was braced for the second weight as it was suspended from my left nipple. After a while they stopped swinging and the pain lessened a little. I breathed a little more easily waiting to see what was next. WHACK! Some sort of paddle crashed into my denim clad buttocks causing me to yelp and jerk forward, I almost lost my balance and, of course, the weights on my nipples were swinging madly again. He placed his hand on my waist to steady me and kicked my feet apart again. My butt was burning. "Next time you move your feet, I'm going to leave you with all your weight on your neck and wrists to right yourself. Understand?" "Yes, Sir." I gasped. "Now I still owe you for cumming earlier, don't I?" "Yes, Sir." "What do you think is a fair punishment for that, twenty strokes with the paddle?" "Whatever you think is fair, Sir." I managed and was quite proud of my self control. "I'll tell you what, you can have twenty strokes of the paddle with the weights on your tits, or thirty without them. Which would you prefer?" The yanking pain for my tits as those weights swung back and forth was so much worse than the pain of the paddle, so I didn't take long to decide. "Thirty without please, Sir." "Interesting choice." He reached around me and removed the weights gently from my tits, the relief was incredible. Then he started unbuttoning my fly, he slid my cut-offs down as far as my spread legs would allow exposing my cock and balls for the first time that night, and of course my ass. He never mentioned taking off my jeans when he offered me the choice. I supposed I had just learned another of his little rules. Oh well, how bad could thirty strokes be anyway? I had been spanked before and even paddled with a table tennis bat, so I figured I could probably take it. "Count these off. Miss any and you'll regret it." WHACK! A stinging blow across my now naked butt cheeks, I yelped in pain and it took all my willpower not to jerk forward again. With my cut- offs down they'd slip round my ankles and I'd never get my feet back under me. "One, Sir!" I shouted. WHACK! "Two, Sir." WHACK! "Three, Sir." WHACK! "Four, Sir." WHACK! "Five, Sir." And so it went on, my voice getting hoarser and more cracked as we went on, him alternating back and forth from my left to my right buttock. The fire was building to an incredible degree, I had no idea it could hurt so much, but my cock was hard as rock again and dripping on the floor between my feet. At twenty one, I paused to gasp in some air and he landed two blows in rapid succession. "Twenty-two, twenty-three, Sir!" I yelped, clearly he had been planning this to catch me out. "Not good enough, boy! Decision time. Start again at one or continue from twenty-two with the weights on. Your choice." And not a palatable one. Neither one sounded like the easy option, but I was pretty sure I couldn't take another thirty strokes so I had to choose the weights. "The weights please, Sir." The clamps bit sharply into both my nipples at the same time and he allowed the weights to drop simultaneously. I cried out in pain, but it certainly took my mind of the burning of my ass. And to my surprise my cock jerked up sharply at this new torment. "Looks like your cock wants one too, boy!" He chuckled. "No! Please don't!" "Oh dear. You really don't pay attention do you?" "I'm very sorry, sir. Please forgive me?" I was feeling slightly panicked now. He said nothing, but moved away from me for a moment. When he returned he tugged at my balls and began fitting what I knew was a parachute, I dreaded what was about to happen next and braced myself, breathing deeply and as evenly as I could. When he dropped the weight I thought my balls were going to be ripped right off, my knees buckled and I screamed. I felt the stocks cut into my wrists and neck sharply and knew through the haze of pain in my balls and gut that I had to get back on my feet or I'd choke. For a moment or two my booted feet scrabbled uselessly at the stone floor, but finally I had one flat on the ground again and was able to push myself upright, sweating heavily and gasping for breath. Unbelievably my cock was standing straight up still and aching for release. I had never felt a more desperate need for climax than I did then and despite the pain I was more turned on than I have ever been in my life, if he didn't make me cum soon I would explode, or go mad, or both. I had just got my feet squared again when the paddling resumed with renewed vigour. I bit down on my lower lip and yelled out the numbers from twenty-two to twenty-eight. It seemed like it took hours to get there and the whole time those fucking weights were swinging back and forth, stretching and twisting my balls and my nipples causing a continuous line of pain through my torso. My breathing was so ragged at this point I was sure I was going to pass out and my legs were turning rapidly to jelly. WHACK! "Twenty-nine, Sir." WHACK! "Thirty, Sir!" Oh, thank God! It was over. We had finally reached the target number. He stopped the paddling and I heaved in a huge breath. There was another incredible stab in my groin as the weight on my balls were released and they bounced back up to their usual place and in the midst of that and the euphoria at the paddling having come to an end I barely notice the weights coming of my nipples. "You did well, boy. I think you probably deserve a reward soon." He unlocked and raised the bar on the stocks and helped me to stand up straight. "Rub your wrists, get the circulation going." I did as he said and felt the tingling in my fingertips as the blood started to flow back into them properly. "Would you like a drink of water?" Would I! "Yes please, Sir." I croaked and felt a squeeze bottle being held to my lips. His hand held the back of my neck gently. A shiver ran down my body again, finding root in my still throbbing cock which bounced appreciatively. When I finished drinking he discarded the bottle and with his free hand flicked the head of my cock causing me to groan and lean back into his grip. "Time for that reward, then. Kick of those shorts" I did as I was told and he led me across the room and turned me round carefully. "Take a step back." I did, and my knees hit the edge of some kind of padded table. His arms went under my shoulders and my waist. "Lean back, I won't let you fall." I let myself trust him and my aching ass was lowered into contact with the leather covered table. I was stretched out full length on it now with my legs from the knees down hanging over. "Left or right handed?" "Um, right, Sir." I responded. He then pulled my right arm above my head and carefully fastened it to the table with a thick leather cuff which was chained to it. Once that was accomplished he ran his gloved hands down my sides and over my hips, down my legs to my ankles which he quickly secured. "Okay, boy. Here's your reward. You can jack-off, when I say to, but you have to use your left hand to do it. While you wank, I'm going to whip your chest, abs, thighs and any other part of you I feel like. I won't stop and I won't let up until you cum for me. Do you understand?" "Yes, Sir." I replied a trace of fear in my voice. But I knew it wouldn't take me all that long to get off as aroused as I was. "Start." I reached for my cock and started working it up and down. After about three strokes I felt dozens of lines of fire across my pecs and I yelled in pain my free hand automatically coming up to protect the injured area. That's when the whip slashed down across my crotch and thighs which was even more painful! I realised what was supposed to happen immediately. Every stroke of the whip was meant to put me off and make my agony last longer. I had to try to ignore the pain and work my cock as fast as I possibly could. And with my off hand too! A third stroke swept across my body and I needed no further prompting. I grabbed my cock tightly and started pumping like a man possessed. My hand was slapping up and down so fast, amply lubricated by own pre-cum. The room was full of the sound of flesh on flesh and the swish of the whip. I was grunting and moaning like a pig and gasping to get air into my lungs, trying hard not to cry out, to ignore the lines of pain across my whole upper body, on my thighs, my cock itself, even the arm I was using to jack- off. I found myself desperately wishing I hadn't rubbed myself off on his thigh. Faster and harder my hand flew up and down, the whip slashing against my skin seemingly at random. No rhythm to help predict when the next stroke would come, no pattern to help determine where it would fall. My body was bucking and heaving, the fingers of my free hand clenching and unclenching, my moans louder and sounding, even to my ears, less and less human with each moment and then, finally, it started to happen. My balls tightened, my fist must have been a blur and I shot rope after rope of thick white cum up into the air and all over my hair, face and chest. I screamed out loud with the force of the orgasm. Which had just overtaken the previous one as the single most intense experience of my life, I felt like my entire being was blasting out of my cock. The relief was so fantastic! My hand kept moving up and down of its own free will and then, amazingly, I started cumming again! Thinner, more watery and far less of it but no doubt about it, a multiple fucking orgasm! "Oh, Christ! Oh, God! Oh, God!" I was hardly aware I was speaking, but some tiny part of me still recognised that I had broken the rule again. I didn't care though, I was still coming down off the greatest orgasmic high of my life. I felt my ankles being released and then in one motion he flipped me over onto my stomach. He yanked my left hand up and chained it next to my right one and then pulled a strap taut across my lower back over my kidneys immobilising me on the table. Some sort of flaps were raised to support my lower legs and they were strapped down tightly then gently pushed apart. The table must have been split down the middle along its lower half. He stood between my now spread legs and swished the whip through the air a few times. I could move my head from side to side, but as I was still blindfolded that did me no good at all. "That's going to cost you another thirty strokes of the whip, boy. Eventually you'll realise that its better for you to pay attention." I groaned inwardly but it seemed like a pretty small price to pay for a climax like the one I just had. "Count them off." SWISH! "One, Sir." SWISH! "Two, Sir." And so we repeated the process but this time on my back and shoulders and on the backs of my thighs with the occasional blow aimed at my still red and throbbing ass. The whip was much less painful than the paddle, or maybe he was hitting me lightly but I found I got through the thirty pretty easily and I was rock hard again by the time the sting of the last stroke began to fade. As the pain died down to a dull ache it was replaced by a new and amazing sensation. That of a moist, probing tongue on my asshole. I groaned my appreciation. He was an expert. His tongue swabbed up and down my crack making me wish my hands were free so I could part my cheeks further for him and give him unrestricted access to my hole. Eventually he used his own hands to roughly push my muscular, throbbing globes aside and he pressed deeper and further into me. I felt a building tension in my balls again as the leather pressed against me and realised that I was on my way, against all the odds, to another orgasm. Before I could get too close though, he stopped and I felt something soft and made of leather drop onto my back, and then another. His gloves, I surmised and was soon proved right as his fingers started to work lube expertly into my eager hole. As far as I was able in my restraints I was pushing my ass up to meet his probing fingers, one of which he gently slipped inside me, triggering a spasm throughout my body. If he kept up the assault on my prostate I was going to rupture something! I heaved at the bonds that held me on the table and made inarticulate grunting noises, willing him with all my being to stop teasing me and shove his big dick as far into me as he possibly could. He played back there for what seemed like days, teasing me and torturing me. Allowing me up to the brink of cumming and then backing off until I was very nearly begging him to do me. "Okay, its time." Oh, merciful heavens! Thank you! Thank you! Fuck me you incredible, wonderful, amazing man! The words rattled around in my skull as I felt the head of his magnificent cock press against me. I wanted nothing more than this, I never had, the entire universe now centred on my twitching and vulnerable hole and at last, at long, long last, he began to press slowly forward. Throwing caution to the wind I cried out. "Harder you bastard! Fuck me dammit! Shove it all the way in" Fuck me! Fuck me!" I was dimly aware of him chuckling, adjusting his grip on the chains of my harness and then, bliss! In one hard thrust, using the harness for purchase, he slammed his entire length up my asshole and deep into my gut. "Oh fuck!" I cried out, followed by a primal gurgling, keening, moan as I blew another load onto the padded leather table, a tiny pathetic dribble really that puddled there under my reddened belly. "Oh fuck, fuck, fuck." And that's exactly what he did. He pounded in and out of me with a ferocity and energy that literally took my breath away. Once again I was sure I was going to pass out from the intensity of the feelings coursing through my body. I became acutely aware of the smell of hi again as he grunted and fucked me like a madman, an absolutely overpowering smell of cum and sweat and leather - I could think of nothing else but that amazing manly smell and the incredible thrusting pressure in my ass. On and on he fucked, I thought I was going to go crazy when finally I felt his entire body stiffen as he rammed himself as far into me as possible and with a load groan shot a colossal load of hot white spunk into my ass. It felt so fucking good, like it was filling my entire body, my body bucked under him as a dry orgasm racked it, causing an excruciating pain in my balls, but oh God was it a good kind of pain. Tears were coursing down my face from under the blindfold. I felt higher than a kite. My chest heaved and sweat poured from my body. I felt more complete, more alive than I have ever felt before. His body went limp atop me and I felt the full length of him, his glorious weight pressing down on me, every contour of his body still covered with that beautiful supple leather. His smell filled my nostrils, the noise of his laboured breathing on my neck filled my ears and all I could think about was how much I wanted this moment not to end. Eventually though, he pulled himself upright and slid out of me - I felt so empty and I whimpered. He gave a little chuckle and slapped my rump. Slowly he undid all the buckled restraining my body and rolled me onto my back. He sat down on the edge of the table and slowly, gently traced his fingers over my torso and up to my face. He cupped my chin in his hand and I was aware of him leaning over me. His lips pressed against mine and his tongue sought entry. I opened my mouth to him and sucked eagerly on his tongue, bringing my rubbery feeling arms up to lock around his back. We stayed like that for a long time and I must have drifted off to sleep. When I awoke I was no longer blindfolded. I sat up and tried to get my bearings. I could see the room we had had so much fun in clearly now and all the equipment that was in it. I blinked a few times and saw my clothes, including my sweat pants and leather jacket, neatly folded on a chair near me. I very slowly got up, testing my limbs cautiously to make sure they would take my weight. There was a dull pain all over my body but it paled next to the warm, satisfied, throbbing in my balls, ass and belly. On top of the pile of clothes was a note, it simply said: "Thanks for a great evening. I'll see YOU again." I dressed carefully and made my way out of the room, through the still crowded bar and into the open air. Home to a long soak in the bath and a blissful sleep. email any comments to


2 Gay Erotic Stories from Ardveche

Copier Guy

email any comments to Part 1: The Office I hate my job. So that makes me unique, right? I guess maybe not. But is there anyone out there reading this who works every day in a great big version of one of those mazes they make rats run through? Anyone who sits for lets say ten hours in a sensory deprivation chamber known as a 'cubicle'? Well you guys know that

The Cavern

I've been reading stories about the leather scene, and about bondage and SM for years now - ever since I was a teenager - and I have always been incredibly turned on by the whole idea. I fooled around a bit in high school with a buddy of mine who I persuaded to tie me up from time to time and I had the best orgasms of my young life under his, sometimes, not so tender


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