Gay Erotic Stories

The Long Road Home: Part II

by Pretty Boy

PART II : THE LONG ROAD HOME I woke up the next morning in a state of joy and bliss. I rolled over and stared at Adam, he was snoring softly. I ran my fingers through his hair and rubbed his chest. His blond and brownish hair fell over one eye. I was now aware that last night was no dream. I laid back down, and closed my eyes. A moment latter I felt his hand massaging my back. He pulled me closer and nuzzled his face against my neck. With a few soft kisses on my back His breath was so warm; it made me drift back into dreamland. I would have remained in that joyous state, but the phone was ringing. Untangling myself from Adam, I leaned over and picked it up, dropping the receiver on the floor. “ Hello”, I answered rather sluggish. “ Elliot, My God, are you all right, we saw the news this morning.” Danny, my boss and CFO of Coast Recordings replied very excited. “I’m doing ok Dan. I am still shaken over the whole event, I really didn’t get much sleep last night”, I answered smiling. Adam was now leaning on his elbow smiling at me, and tickling my nipples. “Shit, I can imagine. Look, I hate to sound like a jerk, but I am sending over the firms attorney, and our PR person, and a few bodyguards.” ”Why?” “Have you seen your street yet, its swarming with news cameras. And the son of a bitch who attached you said when they got him on camera, he would kill you.” “Hold on a sec, let me turn on the television.” I flicked through a few channels and found myself on channel four. “THIS IS WANDA ROGERS WITH E-TELEVISION WITH A BREAKING STORY. LAST NIGHT IN MALIBU WONDER BOY RECORD PRODUCER, ELLIOT PHILIPS; SENIOR VP OF COAST RECORDINGS WAS ABDUCTED. A MAN SOMEHOW MANAGED TO HIDE IN PHILLIPS JAGUAR, HELD A GUN TO HIS HEAD AND MADE HIM DRIVE TO AN ISCOLATED SECTION OF CARBON CANYON ROAD. HAD IT NOT BEEN FOR OFF DUTY DETECTIVE ADAM EVERHEART, WHO SPOTTED THE ASSILANT GETTING INTO PHILLIPS CAR, IT IS CERTAIN THAT IT WOULD HAVE ENDED IN MURDER. THE KIDNAPPER WHOSE NAME HAS NOT BEEN RELEASED YET IS IN CUSTODY IN THE SANTA MONICA JAIL. FACING SEVERL CHARGES, INCLUDING ATTEMPTED MURDER. PHILLIPS HAS NOT BEEN REACHED FOR COMMENTS, BUT HIS ATTORNEY STATED OTHER THAN A FEW BRUISES, HE IS SAFE AN RECOVERING AT HIS MALIBU HOME. AND NOW TO JENNY LEARNER, WHO IS LIVE AT THE SANTA MONICA COURT HOUSE. ” Adam and I were sitting up in bed listening to the newscaster recap my harrowing event. “Danny, let me call you back.” I hung up, put on a robe and went downstairs.” What’s the matter.” Adam asked getting up. “I just heard there are news cameras in front of my house” Adam put on his jeans his and followed me downstairs. I motioned him to stay inside, as I opened the front door and walked down the brick driveway. My God, Danny was right they were everywhere outside the electric gates. They were all shouting asking me a series of questions. I quickly ducked back into the house. I shut the front door and walked into the kitchen. “Well, he was right. They are everywhere. But more to the point, how are you going to get out?” I asked Adam as I started making coffee. Adam was silent as the coffee grinder went into a hi pitched sound. “Simple, I stayed the night because you were in a distraught state of mind.” He said smiling that devilish smile. “Oh, that’s a good one. And while you were watching out for me, we made love.“ I just shook my head and poured our coffee. “I have a better idea. Have one of your police buddies get here, and we can sneak you out with them. Deal?” Adam sipped his coffee, walked over to me and gave me a hug and a kiss on the check. “Image huh?” “And what about your image Mr. Butch Detective.” I replied smiling, still in his arms. “Elliot it doesn’t matter to me, I have been out to co-workers, let them think what they want. We will stick with the story, and just let it ride.” I was about to come back with one of my famous witty lines, but the front door was opening. Adam had his gun out, and where it came from was a mystery to me. A figure appeared in the kitchen dressed in black 501 jeans, a green and red Versce silk shirt and a pair of green alligator Bally loafers, sockless of course. His red hair brought out the reddish design in his shirt. He stood there with one had on his hip, and the other hand held a bag of croissants from Bue Lingerie. “My, my. You seemed to have recovered from your ordeal honey.” My best friend Nicky said, eyeing Adam from head to toe, and ignoring the gun as he poured himself a cup of coffee, and lit a Dunhill cigarette. I forgot he had the gate code and a key to the house. “So sweets, I see you were rescued.” He cooed. Adam put his gun in his back pocket and eyed Nicky with a cold stare. Nicholas Van Bourne was my best friend. From the moment we meet in Catholic School, we were the best of friends. And now 30 years later we were still close. He walked over to one of the barstools and leaned in a seductive pose and stared at Adam. “Well sweets, was it fun?” He asked never taking his eyes off Adam. “Detective Everheart, this is my best friend, Nicholas Van Bourne.” Adam nodded, and looked at me with look that said clear and plainly he did not like Nicky. “Oh, come now sweets, no need to be formal. I mean you in a robe and Mr. Policeman in just his jeans, and the aroma of sex all through the house, who do you children think you are fooling?” Adam stood up and walked over to Nicky. I thought he was going to pop him one in the mouth. Instead, he walked over to me and gave me a powerful kiss on the lips. “It would seem that the secret is out. Let’s get dressed. I have a feeling its gonna be one hell of a day.” He said putting his arm around my waist leading me upstairs. Nicky just stood there in shock, and for the first time in our years of friendship, he was speechless. I rather enjoyed that. “Fucking queen.” Adam said as we were getting ready. I signed, and wondered what fresh new hell was next. I was amazed how close in size Adam and I are. I gave him a pair of cream DKNY jeans, a dark navy Tommy Hilfinger button down shirt, and a pair of suede navy Bruno Magli loafers. He was a handsome site. “Hey baby boy, all I need now are some cool shades, and I can be Hollywood like you.” He said laughing and staring at himself in the mirror. “Dresser, third drawer down.” I yelled from the bathroom. He walked over shaking his head. He tried on a few and settled for a pair of amber colored Persol’s. I wore a pair of 501’s, a red silk shirt and a pair of red Justin cowboy boots, with a navy Armani blazer. I mean after all, I was going to be on television. As we got dressed, we watched the news. It was on every channel now. I never thought I was that important to make headlines. Danny had sent over a security team, which included five armed guards to patrol the house and two personal bodyguards. My attorney and PR guy arrived fifteen minutes later. In my opinion Danny was going to turn this into as much publicity as he could get. I could hear Nicky downstairs flirting with someone. God, what a character he is. “Hey, haven’t you forgot something.” Adam said smiling. I turned around and he walked over and embraced him. He stroked my face and kissed me softly. “Its going to be ok, don’t worry I will be with you all the time. I won’t leave you alone.” I nodded and kissed him back. And let myself be held. “I’ll be right there for you baby boy.” Adam was silent as the limousine drove us to the Santa Monica Police Department. Thankfully, I was able to persuade Nicky to stay at the house. We arrived shortly after 12:30 p.m., and were greeted by a throng of reporters. My new body guards got out of the Chevy Surbaran in front of us, and cleared the path as best they could. We were escorted directly to the chief’s office. “Good Afternoon Mr. Phillips, please have a seat. I am sorry to have you here on such a tragic matter, but I am very relieved to see you safe and sound. Your attorneys have seen me, and all I need from you is to identify the man who attached you.”: Do I have to see him face to face Chief Anderson.” I asked with the fear of last night returning. “No Mr. Phillips, you will see him through a glass wall. He will not be able to see you at all.” ”Thank you.” “And might I add that you, Det. Everheart did some great policework.” “Adam just nodded. I decided to pay him some praise and get our lie started." ”He saved my life chief, and stayed with me through the night.” “I said proudly. “I would have expected nothing less Mr.Phillips, I am sure it has been a very tragic night for you.” As we walked down the hallway, every eye was on me. A door opened in front of us, and all hell broke lose. “You motherfucker, I’m gonna kill you.” He knocked two police officers to the floor, and lunged towards me. Adam was quick to see what was happening, and with one blow sent him crashing to the floor on top of the two fallen police officers. My slow bodyguards had now taken positions in front of me. I stood there shacking like a fish who had just been trapped in some fisherman’s net and now laid on its side in the cold deck of a fishing ship shacking from lack of water and waiting for a slow death. Adam had moved behind me and had his arm on my shoulder. Chief Anderson was shouting orders and screaming at the top of his lungs at the two idiot police officers that had brought him out of his cell before being told to. He also cast Adam a concerning look. I was hustled off down the hallway to a viewing room. Adam was behind me until Chief Anderson called his name. “Everheart, may I have a word.” Adam patted me on the back, and said he would be with us shortly. ”What is it Chief?” “I am not blind Everheart, and I do know that you are out to your colleagues, but you are dealing with a high profile young man. Don’t let the press get wind of it. They have a nasty way of turning things around, and…” “I understand.” Adam answered. I sat in the viewing room staring at the man who would have killed me last night with no more fear, but anger. “That’s him officer, that’s the man who held me hostage.” I could hear him yelling about he was going to kill me. “What’s his name Chief Anderson?” “His name is Deke Andrews. He is wanted for several crimes in the bay area. One being the brutal murder of a Berkley student.” “I remember that. A Berkley student left a bar with a guy, and three days later they found his body in the woods.” “That’s correct Mr. Phillips. The kid had been tortured and raped. It was exactly what he planned to do to you.” A frightening chill ran through my body. I remembered the pictures of that student. He was a very handsome kid, and this crazed Deke Andrews had cut up his face so bad the family had trouble trying to indenify him.” “If we are finished here, may I leave?” “Of course Mr. Phillips, and thank you for being strong enough to come in. It has made our job easier to throw the book at this scumbag.” Three months later, the trial had finally come to an end. Deke Andrews had been convicted of the murder in Berkley. He actually confused to killing that poor kid, and made a point to verbalize his threats against me in court. He said no bars in the world would keep him from getting to me. He was given 20 years to life. My fear was over. That night Adam and I celebrated having dinner at a restaurant. For the past 3 month we or rather I had chosen to see each other in the privacy of our own homes, or we would camp out a Nicky’s house. Reporters had still been hounding me a little about more details. And Danny had milked it for every ounce of publicity he could get. Even Adam was starting to get questioned by friends and co-workers why he was hardly ever home any more. But Adam didn’t lie like I did, he just told the truth. He was in love with the man who he had saved. One night it was my turn to meet him at his apartment, and when I showed up, he was playing poker with some of SMPD’s finest. I was even more shocked when he kissed me in front of them. I was ready for the worst. But the were all very friendly, and to my surprise, they told him he had made a good choice. That we made a nice looking couple. We all ended up playing poker till the wee hours of the morning. I like them so much; I had them over my house the next Tuesday for poker. I promised Adam I would introduce him to my friends. Hell, he was even starting to like Nicky. I decided on Benventura, a charming little gay bistro in West Hollywood, that served the best Italian food. We were even dressed in the West Hollywood clone attire. Designer leather jackets, white T-shirt, jeans and monk strap boots. “So, why this surprise public show. Am I now presentable to be taken out in polite society.” Adam said grinning, holding my hand under the table. “Well, the trial is over, and I am not in the public eye anymore. And, I have been thinking about what you said about.. you know. Being not ashamed about being gay in public. So I thought I would start trying.” I said, as I took his hand from under the table and held his hand on the table, in full view of whomever. Adam smiled and blew me a kiss, and I had that warm and fuzzy feeling again. I had to admit I was so happy with him. After dinner and great conversation Adam leaned over and kissed me on the check. We talked about our past relationships and careers. “I have an ideal? ”He said. “And what would that be?” “How would you like to go dancing?” My smile gave him the answer. We ended up at Rage, a popular dance club in West Hollywood and danced the night away. Adam held my hand as I drove back to my house. It was a full moon, and with the top down, the view of the moon light ocean from the Coast Highway was almost a religious experience. “Have fun?” “Adam, I had a fuckin blast.” I answered laughing. I could not wait to get home to be in his arms. My car phone started to ring, and we looked at each other, and yelled out, “Nicky.” I hit the speaker button. “I will not tell you a thing, my eager beaver friend.” “Remember me?” The voice sent a chill so hard through my body; I hit the brakes doing 70 miles and hour and skidded from the fast lane, almost getting wiped out by a Dodge Ram truck. Luckily, I was able to bring the Mercedes to a stop on the right hand side of the road. How did you get this number?” I yelled out. “I told you I would kill you Elliot Phillips, and I mean to do it. First, I’ gonna fuck you in the ass so bad, them I’m gonna beat your face in.” The phone went dead. “Oh God, Its him, its him. Shit.” I opened the car door and started walking down the road. Adam caught up with me and pulled me into his arms. He forcefully pulled me back to the car, and threw me into the passenger seat. Then he picked up the phone. “This is Det. Adam Everheart, give me Lt. Commander Rollins, now.” Ten minutes later, four police cars arrived and escorted us to Nicky’s house in Pacific Palisades. Adam suggested we not go to either of our homes. Five unmarked police cars with there flashing lights on were already parked at Nicky’s house. Several of his neighbors were standing in front of their homes, trying to ascertain what was going on in the private community of Pacific Palisades. He opened the door with a crazed look on his face. “Thank God you two are ok.” Nicky asked as he showed everyone to the living room. “The fucker called Elliot on his car phone.” Nicky was silent. He stood, leaning against the mantle on the fireplace staring at Adam and I. “Why are you not shocked for God's sake Nicky?" I asked angrily. Nicky’s lower lip trembled a little, then he looked at the other detectives who were standing behind us. Adam and I turned to look at them also. They stood there with blank expressions on there face. Finally one of them spoke. “Mr. Phillips when Andrews called you, we immediately called the van that was transporting him. We got no answers from the guards. We unfortunately found out he escaped an hour ago. He killed two guards while being transported to Bakersfield Maximum Prison.” I held my head down and Adam had his arms around me. “But how did he get my cellular phone number. Only my CFO, Adam, Nicky and Nina have it.” “Who is Nina?” “She is my housekeeper, but. . .” Adam jumped up an grabbed the phone, while two policemen ran out of the house. Nicky sank into a chair and stared at me. I already knew what he was going to say. Thirty minutes later it was confirmed. Nina had been butchered in my kitchen. Beside her body, was a picture of Adam and I, taken at Nicky’s house one night at dinner. Our faces had been burned out with a cigarette It was 3:00 A.M. in the morning, and Nicky’s house looked like an army command post. Danny had arrived an hour ago. Every television station was now camped out side. Nina’s death would be front-page news tomorrow. Poor Nina, she was truly a sweet woman, and did not deserve what had happened to her. I was able to get Adam and Nicky alone in the kitchen, well at least semi alone. My bodyguard Alfred, a big Hawaiian fellow followed me everywhere. Although, I was still in shock, I was thinking a mile a minute. “Adam, what is going to happen next? Is Nicky also in danger now to?” Adam stared at Nicky. “We are all on his target list I would imagine.” Nicky went to the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of Sky vodka and passed it around. “Fuck” he said swallowing a large amount straight from the bottle. Danny walked in and took the bottle of vodka and had a large gulp himself. He passed the bottle to me, and I did the same. Going on the fifth round for me. “What you guys need to do is disappear for a while. And I know where.” Danny replied. We all stared at each other. My God, I thought. We were going on the run. Story by: Pretty Boy E-Mail Address:


4 Gay Erotic Stories from Pretty Boy

Boogie Knights

The hardest thing about living on the streets is not having ANY place to go; you just wander until somebody reaches out to you with help. If you're young and living on the streets of Hollywood, you'll get help a lot sooner than you would if you're older. But it may come from somebody you'd be better off not knowing. The man who reached out to me took me to his home, cleaned me up,

The Long Road Home: Part I

THE LONG ROAD HOME I shall never forget that stormy Friday night in Los Angeles. And who says it never rains in LA. I guess I should tell you a bit about me. I am 35, 175 pounds, 5’11, a light skinned man of color, piercing green eyes, and an award-winning smile. I have an excellent body, thanks to working out twice a week with a personal trainer. I am considered by the ladies,

The Long Road Home: Part II

PART II : THE LONG ROAD HOME I woke up the next morning in a state of joy and bliss. I rolled over and stared at Adam, he was snoring softly. I ran my fingers through his hair and rubbed his chest. His blond and brownish hair fell over one eye. I was now aware that last night was no dream. I laid back down, and closed my eyes. A moment latter I felt his hand massaging my back.

The Long Road Home: Part III

PART THREE: THE LONG ROAD HOME We stayed at Danny’s Brentwood estate under guard for three days after Nina’s death. Again, I was front-page news. I was sneaked back to my home to get some clothes. I also packed two bags for Adam. On my way out, I stood in the kitchen. There were no traces of any blood. It had been cleaned to perfection. I stood there listening to the waves,


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