Gay Erotic Stories

The Selkie

by J

My grandfather is an Irish sailor and a bit insane, or so I thought. As a child, I used to sit on his ship eating cookies and listen to his tales of Selkies, magical creatures who looked like seals, but had the ability to strip away their seal hide and become humans. But even in human form, their fingers and toes were webbed, their eyes were black, and their hair was either blue or green. Anyone who stole their seal hide would own the Selkie until it found its hide again. And a Selkie will always find its hide. Once the Selkie has found its seal hide it dives into the ocean, taking with them any mortal children it may have created on land. "They have the power to delight or demolish, entice or enflame," my grandfather said. I wasn't sure what that precisely meant until a while ago. At first, I thought he was only trying to entertain me, but I soon realized that he actually believed in this chickenshit (or, what I thought was chickenshit). Still, there was one old story that never seemed to drift out of my recollections. The story told of a young mortal boy who loved the sea. He felt like a piece of his soul was missing while on land, but when he removed his clothes and swam with the seals, he felt at home. Finally, one day, he did not come home for supper. His parents searched high and low, and never found him. Until about a month later, his father saw a naked young boy with webbed fingers and curly blue hair. The father recognized the boy immediately as his own lost son. He called out, "Liam! Liam, come home!" But Liam just swam further, not closer; the seals guiding his way. Since, then, the boy was never seen again. Or, if he was, he was always with the seals and would never answer to mortal calls. People learned to ignore him. This story in particular struck me because, well, I feel just like that the little boy. Water has been my only comfort through my life. I wasn't sure exactly why I've always felt like a piece of myself was missing, and the ocean was the only link to that lost fundamental component. One night, I was walking alone on the beach. The water looked so inviting. Almost as if the voices of the ocean were calling out to me, reaching out with gentle, irresistible hands. I looked around; no one in sight. What the hell: I stripped off all my clothes and dove into the water. Ah, the currents of salt water bathing my naked flesh. And the only one watching me was a nearby grey seal resting on a stone. Like he'd care. The seal slid off his rock and swam towards me, looking at me with deep, dark eyes. He kept staring at me and wouldn't focus on anything else. It was beginning to irritate me, so I swam away. But behind me, I could hear his flippers carrying himself toward me and eventually I felt his belly touch my ass. I was starting to become afraid. This skinny dip was over! I was fucking terrified! Though I was miles away from shore, I didn't need any energy to reach it. I swam as rapidly and quickly as I could toward the beach, but I then felt something clawing my ankles, holding me still. I couldn't move. The thing pulled me down into the water, taking away my ability to breathe. A beautiful naked man pinned me to the ocean floor and kissed my lips gently. Suddenly, I could breathe and I was no longer petrified. This man had a hairless, lovely crafted chest, straight blue hair, and a hard uncut dick. "This is where you belong," he said. "You see, Gage, you're actually a Selkie. You were found washed up on the beach and your parents adopted you. But your home is with the seals. And I was sent here by the Selkie Elders to take you home. But you've spent so much time on land you've lost your ability to become a seal. I have kept your seal hide for you, but now it must be worn by the Selkie it was made for." His words had a strange truth to them, and I knew it. He knew my name was Gage. He understood my feelings. I didn't have much of a life on land. No boyfriend, a few friends, but none whom I'd really miss. I decided I would begin this new underwater life. "Make me a Selkie again," I said softly. He kissed me hard and passionately. I felt a cruel burning in my belly and a twisting in my blood. The shapeshift was activated. He then began lapping at my nipples and my chest felt aflame. Then, the final step in the transformation. He wrapped his lips around my cock and my whole body started shaking and vibrating. His tongue explored my dick all over and I could feel my atoms undergoing some unknown metamorphosis. He separated his mouth from me and whispered, "Your atoms have wasted so much time as part of a mere mortal body that they need to convert to Selkie atoms in order to survive now. I know it's painful, but it'll be over soon." He was right. Soon, the agony was replaced by a delicious orgasm. "Fuck me!" I said. So now, I live in the ocean, sometimes a seal, sometimes a human, but never a mortal. The man who sucked me turned out to be the love of my life, a Selkie named Liam, who was also adopted by mortals. (Yes, the same Selkie from the old legend.) It turns out that all the mythologies are true, and my attraction to Liam's story is rooted in the fact that I'm in love with Liam. And, if you ever see a seal whose eyes are fixed on you, know that your destiny belongs not to the land, but to the sea.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from J

The Selkie

My grandfather is an Irish sailor and a bit insane, or so I thought. As a child, I used to sit on his ship eating cookies and listen to his tales of Selkies, magical creatures who looked like seals, but had the ability to strip away their seal hide and become humans. But even in human form, their fingers and toes were webbed, their eyes were black, and their hair was either blue or


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