Gay Erotic Stories

The Tennis Lesson

by Sparkie

We had just moved to South Florida from our native Chicago. After getting settled into the new townhouse, Walt and I decided--actually I decided-- to sample the tennis courts and pool. After much coaxing, Walt relented and accompanied me in the direction of the tennis courts. It was still fairly early on Saturday morning, so there were no players on the court. No one to bother us or to feel self-conscious about. It all started out pretty simple. Walt easily corrected his swing and was finding some reasonable accuracy in his returns, when a voice boomed out "Hey! Ya wanna play doubles?" Before I could answer, Walt hit a home run--outside the tennis court and into the backyard area of a nearby villa. He then announced he was finished. The tennis lesson was over. Actually he never picked up the racket again! The loud but friendly voice introduced himself. "Hi, I'm Rob". My irritation at the interruption and intrusion in our efforts at tennis vanished quickly as I viewed the source of the conversation. "Hello, this is Walt and I'm Greg...we just moved here this week. Thought we'd try out the courts." Rob offered to help, which Walt declined and promptly excused himself. I explained the effort it had been to even get him on the court. Rob excused himself, then asked if I wanted to play a set. It turned out we were pretty evenly matched (equally mediocre) so we had a good time of it. It got hot as the morning sun turned to mid-day and the courts filled up. Rob had long since taken his shirt off--revealing a youthful yet very muscular lean body with just the amount of chest hair trailing to his navel. We decided it was getting too hot and a dip in the pool was in order. Walking back home to change, we made the surprising discovery that we lived diagonally across from each other. The rest of the afternoon was spent at the pool--listening to Rob talk. And talk he did--he was from New York and had lived in South Florida for the past 3 years, was in his first year of junior college and wanted to be a physical therapist. By afternoon's end, I knew pretty much everything about him--except one underlying one of mine. Well, being the relatively shy type, that question remained a mystery for the next few weeks. Rob became a good friend--bordering on the occasional pest. Walt liked him--to a point--but usually tired of his chatter long before I did. Then one evening, while his parent's were away on holiday, Rob invited himself over for dinner. Following dinner (another talk fest) we had a few cocktails following the wine with dinner. The subject of dating came up. Just as quickly, he related that he just hadn't really been much interested in girlfriends. Walt tired of the conversation and went into the other room to watch a different TV program. Rob sat down next to me on the sofa, placed his hand on my knee and said simply " and Walt are sort of partners, aren't you?" I nodded in agreement. With that, a relieved expression and a broad smile came over his handsome face, turning into a toothful grinning. He reached over and gave me a hug, then planted a kiss on my lips. The kiss was a little too long. Then came the tongue, a slight probing that turned into a strong insertion when I relaxed just a little. Well, now with the burning question out of the way, things began to get more interesting. Just about then, Walt came out of the den and quickly became aware of the change in our friendship. Walt announced he was going to bed. I agreed that I was a little tired, too. To our surprise, Rob asked if he could sleep over. We gave him the spare room and retired to the master bedroom. It wasn't 10 minutes before Rob appeared in our room--naked as a jaybird. He caught Walt and I rather heavily involved and in true form invited himself in. This was an entirely new experience for me--a three way--my first. Yet it was wonderfully different. Rob had apparently been denying himself for some time and was an unleashed animal. This guy knew what he wanted--basically everything! In true form, he was also noisey in bed. Not a lot of talking--just groaning of pleasure. He was certainly experienced and versatile. That night was a long suck and fuck fest and probably the most enjoyable since my initial experimentation days. Rob and I continued playing tennis and playing around with each other for the months to follow. He had a wonderfully tight, inviting ass which he loved to use--he was always horney and just couldn't get enough. He would sleep over at any excuse he could muster, start out in the guest room, then peek around the corner with devilish grinning and index fingers pointed from his temples. Then the fun began. Walt and I have long since split up, and I have a new partner and live in a northern city again. But to this day, when I am horny and want some action, I put my index fingers beside my temples and wear a devilish grin. You know--it works! As for Rob...I don't know where the little devil is...but I bet he's engaged in some physical therapy!


7 Gay Erotic Stories from Sparkie

Cousin, Cousin

Well, I guess the best place to begin--is at the beginning. I'm not sure just how things got started between us, but I'm sure it had a lot to do with teenage runnaway hormones and just plain pent up horniness. My cousin Jeff lived about 1.5 hours north of us in a small western Nebraska town of about 400 people. This was always the brunt of lots of jokes and one-upsmanship. In

El Paso Connection

It all started when I and my lover moved to Denver. I had been transferred by my company and he was just out of college, so after much planning we decided to move our 1 year relationship to the mile high city. Quite a change coming from the east coast to a western city. Lots of new faces, new places, streets, and a whole new gay scene to get acquainted with. We were anxiously

Just Another John

It was an ideal early summer evening. I had just completed my second year in college and was home for the summer. Earlier, I had spent the day clearing up some yard chores with my dad. Tomorrow, we planned to build that new brick planter around the gas yard light. But for tonight, I had washed and wiped down my little white Camaro convertible and was going out on the town. Out

My 30th Birthday

My friends decided that we should do something really special for my 30th birthday, seeing this as the passing of a major milestone in my life. This made me feel really great on one hand, yet view the whole matter with trepidation on the other. Certainly I was hitting the big 30, was in good shape, had a great job and some great friends; but also had this sinking feeling of

One Just Never Knows, Part 1

I remember when we first moved to South Florida from Chicago more than a decade ago. We didn’t know we had so many friends…we had non-stop company visiting from mid-December through the end of April. We enjoyed it, but it eventually put a strain on our privacy as well as our finances. Looking back, I guess it was worth it though…we had quite a few “close” friends… Having a townhouse with

One Just Never Knows, Part 2

I pushed Aaron into the shower first, but he pulled me inside with him. "Don't need to waste water," he smiled. Who was I to disagree? “I’m into recycling too.” I retorted. Aaron just game me an inquisitive look, which turned into an evil grin and a raised eyebrow, making me wonder just how he took that…then regretting what I said when I considered another possible meaning. Now my

The Tennis Lesson

We had just moved to South Florida from our native Chicago. After getting settled into the new townhouse, Walt and I decided--actually I decided-- to sample the tennis courts and pool. After much coaxing, Walt relented and accompanied me in the direction of the tennis courts. It was still fairly early on Saturday morning, so there were no players on the court. No one to bother


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