Gay Erotic Stories

Three Spirits -The Present

by The Chesire Cat

Disclaimer: This is a fictional story based on the television show "Poltergeist: the Legacy." It is in no way intended to infringe on the copyright or ownership of MGM and the creators of the show. All characters, scenes, places, etc. from the show and any references to them are the exclusive property of MGM and whoever else might own them. Warning! This is a piece of slash fan fiction. It contains m/m romance and graphic, sometimes violent sexual scenes. If you are too young to read this stop now! I will not be held responsible. You have been warned. I, the author, have not been paid in any way for this. I write for pleasure. This story may be distributed among consenting adults. It may also be posted on websites by people other than me, if and only if the person(s) doing the posting/ submitting is not out to harm the author in any way, shape, or form, the words of the story are kept the same, and the title and my pen name are kept the same. Corrections may be made, but only if a corrected copy is first e-mailed to me, the author. If you've read this far, you certify under penalty of the laws of G-d and man that you are of legal age, do not find this offensive, and are not trying to harm the author or the website this may have been found at. Now, ENJOY! Author's Personal Note: This is the first part of my sequel to "Always the Last to Know." This story will be divided up into three sub-stories. To get a full understanding, you need to read them in order. "C'mon, Nick," Michael sneered, "It's time for you to give me what you've been holding out. I've given myself to you." "No! Michael, please no! You promised you wouldn't make me do anything I didn't want to. You promised," Nick begged, but he was met with a cold stare. "Really, Nick.... how long did you think you could tease me? It's time you got what you deserved, and I'm taking what I'm due!" Michael grabbed Nick and forced him to the ground. No matter how hard Nick struggled, he couldn't get away. Michael only laughed and ripped away Nick's pants. Real fear, more true than he'd ever known, flooded Nick as he was stripped. He had never before been so helpless. He was completely in Michael's power. Then, he heard the worst sound he'd ever hear, Michael's zipper. For a moment, time was arrested. Nothing occurred, but it was all shattered, as a dry, long, hard cock began forcing its way into Nick's ass. Nothing could describe the pain. It was so intense, Nick couldn't even scream, but Michael just kept going, deeper and deeper into Nick. Nick was sure the enormous dick would split him into two. He could feel it ripping apart his cherry ass, but Michael never ceased. He just kept going. Then he started pumping. In and out, in and out. Nick wanted to die. Nothing could be worse. The person he loved was raping him, taking away his dignity. And worse yet, Nick was getting hard. Despite the pain, the movements in his ass had stimulated his prostate, causing an involuntary erection. Nick might have felt some pleasure from it, but the pain was covering it, swallowing the pleasure. All he knew in his world was the tormenting movements, in and out.... Nick, covered in sweat, started screaming, as he slept. Michael, who was sleeping beside him, woke up to it. He instantly shook Nick awake from the nightmare. Nick's eyes opened to Michael's concerned face, but before his senses returned, his instincts kicked in. A fist connected with Michael's face, knocking him off the bed. Nick scrambled to the corner, but his mind returned, as he heard Michael's groan of pain. "Michael?" Nick asked with realization of what had occurred, "Oh G-d! Michael! Are you alright?" Nick rushed over to Michael, helping him up, not failing to notice he had split Michael's lip. Michael nodded, tenderly touching the bruised area. "We've really got to stop this habit of yours, Nick," Michael said, trying to help Nick relax, so he could find out what was going on, but the light joke didn't work. Nick tensed. They stared at each other in quiet, until the sound of the other members of the house coming to see what had happened broke the silence. Derek was the first there. "Michael, Nick, are you alright? I heard a scream and a fight?" As he asked, Alex and Rachel joined him. They all noticed Michael's bruised and split lip, looking confused at the two. "Everything's fine," Michael said, before Nick could say a word, "Nick was having a nightmare. I tried wake him, and before he was fully aware..." Michael gestured to his face. They all looked a little relieved, but were still very concerned. "Nick, would you like to talk about it?" Rachel asked. "No" was all Nick could say, looking away, ashamed. "I think we all should just go back to bed," Michael suggested, silently pleading with Derek to let him handle this. Derek nodded. "Yes," Derek said, "I think we all should let it be." The others left. For a while Nick didn't move. He just stood there, standing. Michael sat down on the bed with a small sigh. "Nick, please come back to bed. We need to talk." "Michael, I..." "Nick, over here. Come back to bed. Please...." Nick nodded and curled up, trying to stay away from Michael. His back was to Michael, afraid of what he might see. He flinched as Michael touched his shoulder, but began relaxing, as Michael rolled him over. He pulled Nick to him, resting Nick's head on his chest. "Nick, we need to talk about this." "Michael, I'm sorry. I didn't know..." "Yes, you did. I saw it in your eyes. You recognized me." "Michael, I.....please....don't hate me.... I..." "Nick, I just want the truth." "I can't. I don't want you to hate me." "I could never hate you. Please. It is important that we talk about this. Otherwise, it will never go away. You need to tell me, love." "I had a nightmare.... were different in it. You said that I....I....I'd been holding out on you." "Holding out? How?" "By....not letting you top me. raped me." Michael gasped at the very thought of the act. He held Nick close as silent tears began falling from Nick. It was just a dream, but dreams often reveal true feelings. Did Nick really think he was capable of such an act? Did he really trust Michael? "I'm sorry, Michael.....I'm sorry.....please.....forgive me....." "Do you trust me, Nick?" "Do I what? You? That's a stupid question." "That isn't an answer. Do you?" "Yes." "I'm not sure, Nick. I'm not sure if you even know whether you do or not. I want you to talk to Rachel. She can help us sort this out." "Rachel?! No, Michael. Please, let's just work it out ourselves." "I think we need a third party. She's the best choice, since you're comfortable with her." "Michael, I can't!" "Nick! Would you stop being so stubborn?! I don't know everything about your past Nick, everything that makes you who you are, but it is okay to be afraid. It's okay to not know the answers and need help. Now, please, will you talk to her?!" "Fine....just.....stay.....please...." Michael's frustration gave in as he saw Nick trembling, fearing the wrong answer. "Of course, love. I'm not going anywhere." Michael curled around Nick and settled back into bed, his arm protectively draped over Nick. Nick sighed and relaxed, but neither of them found sleep easily. Rachel and Nick had their first session scheduled with Rachel. They were just sitting down when Michael fell over, grasping his head in pain. "Michael! What's wrong?!" Nick cried, rushing to Michael's side. Rachel nudged Nick back, giving Michael room to breathe. "I-I'm ok. It's nothing." "I wouldn't call that nothing, Michael," Rachel said, not letting it drop, "It's obvious you know what it is. Enlighten us." "It's.....something to do with my people." "What?" "I don't know. Look, will you excuse me. I have to make some calls, check on something." "Michael?" Nick asked. "I'm fine, love. Stay here, talk to Rachel. I'll see you at the house tonight." "But,--" Michael hushed him with a kiss and left quickly. Nick sat down, nervous. It was supposed to be the two of them. They were supposed to work through this together. "Alright, Nick, where should we begin?" "This is your field, Rachel. You tell me." "Alright, let's start with what happened the other night." "I had a nightmare." "Is that it?" " was about Michael." "What happened?" "He.....he.....raped me in it," Nick said looking away, "What the hell is wrong with me, Rachel? Why can't I just have a normal relationship?" "What do you mean by that?" "You I don't screw up." "Are you sure that's all you meant? Did you also mean a heterosexual relationship?" "No.....I love Michael....I...." "I know you love him, Nick, but this must be very hard for you. This is the first time you've been in a relationship with another man. You weren't raised to accept this." "I still love's just...." "Hard? Is there more to it? Let's talk about your dream more. You know Michael would never do that to you. Is there some reason you think he would?" "" "It's ok, Nick. You don't have to be afraid to tell me. What are you feeling?" "I just I'm doing something wrong." "In what way?" " bed....." "Why?" "When we......are together.....I'm always....." "On top?" "Yes." "Do you feel like you're holding out on him?" "I can't do it, Rachel. I can't, but he always lets me." "Does he ever complain about it?" "No.....he seems to like it......" "But you don't know for sure, because you haven't tried it?" "No.....I want him to be happy....." "Does that bother you, that he gives himself to you like that and doesn't expect it back?" "Yes. I just can't do it though." "Nick, unless he is unhappy with your current arrangement, why do you think he would want to demand it of you?" "I don't know." "Why do you not want to at least try it, Nick?" "What?" "Is there a reason? It's true some people have certain sexual hang ups, but is there a reason behind it, other than what you were brought up to believe?" "I don't understand." "When Michael is in bed with you, he gives himself to you, trusts you completely. Do you trust him?" "I....I....don't know if I can trust anyone like's not Michael......" "Ok, Nick.....I think that's enough for today. You admitted a lot. You've got a lot to think about. It will take time, but we'll work through it." "Ok.....Rachel?" "Yes." "Don't say anything to anyone.....not even Michael. Please." "I won't, Nick. I promise." "Thanks." That evening, while the house was gathered in the living room doing research, Michael returned. None of the members were pleased to see the look on his face. It was rather unnerving, for Michael in all his time there, had never openly shown fear like this. "Michael, what is it?" Derek asked, getting up. "I was finally able to get a hold of my connections. Something is wrong." "What is it?" Alex asked. "A contract has been taken out to kill the members of this Legacy House. A Visagai assassin was hired." "What?" Derek gasped in shock, "I know we've always had enemies, but this. What is the Visagai assassin?" "One of my people who went over to the dark side......the one hired is named Shay." Not one of the house members missed the sadness in Michael's voice when he said his name. It was apparent, even without words to confirm, that he and Michael had once been lovers. "What can we do to prepare? Who hired him?" Derek asked, breaking the distant look in Michael's eyes. "I'm already working on weapons being shipped here. They will be here by morning. As for who hired him, someone called Victor Arkadi." Derek stiffened and slowly sat down at the name. Rachel and Alex followed suit. Nick walked up to Michael to hold him, but Michael gently pushed him away. "Not now, Nick. I want to be alone. I suggest you all get some sleep. Shay will be here by tomorrow night. He's a force like none you have ever faced. I need to prepare myself for the coming battle. Goodnight." They all stared as Michael walked out the door. As Michael left, Nick sank to the floor and curled up into a ball. "Nick?" Rachel asked, putting her hand on his shoulder. "It's starting......I can feel it......he's going to leave me....." Nick said as moisture began gliding down his cheeks. "Nick, he's scared. We have to face a powerful enemy. That does not mean he's leaving you, just because he wanted to be alone." "It's not was the look in his eyes when he said it......I saw it, he's going to leave me....." "Shhhh..... no more of that nonsense. Let's get you to bed." Nick said nothing, but allowed himself to be led to his empty bed. He curled up, feeling the side of the bed where Michael should be. He could still smell Michael on the sheets. It didn't feel right, being in bed without him there. Michael came back into the house as the sun was rising. The others, none of whom had slept well, were getting ready. Michael sat at the table and made a pot of coffee and some breakfast for them. They would all need their strength. Before they came down, the crate had arrived. Michael decided to wait for them to eat first, before he would open it. "Good morning, Michael," Derek managed, as he came down, dark circles marring his handsome face. "Derek.....breakfast and coffee are ready. Why don't you get the others and eat first?" Derek nodded and went upstairs. After getting Alex and Rachel, Derek went to Nick's room. Nick was fully dressed and it was apparent he had not slept at all. Nick said nothing, just nodded and followed Derek downstairs. After a quick, quiet breakfast, Michael led them all into the next room. He opened the crate and pulled out one ornate, long dagger for each of them. The daggers were of a strange, mottled alloy and covered with foreign runes. He handed each member his or her weapon. "These daggers are the only physical weapons that will strike a killing blow against one of my kind. When you strike, you must hit both the heart and the lungs for the wound to be fatal. Otherwise, Shay will recover quickly," Michael announced, "The best place to strike from the side, under the arm." "These are all we have?" Derek questioned. "And my sorceress....but yes." "If he's so powerful, how are we supposed to get close enough to use them?" Alex inquired. "I will engage him in battle. One of you will have to kill him during the fight." No more was said. The day passed slowly in silence. All of them could feel what was beginning. They just tried to pass the time by going about daily duties. Nick was constantly looking at Michael, but Michael's back was to him as he stared out the window. Eventually, Nick just sat down, staring blankly at papers in front of him. As the night grew thicker, Michael became more and more alert. A storm was growing outside, and not a storm of nature. It was making everyone uneasy. "He's here! I can feel him!" announced Michael. "How will he attack?" Derek asked. "Unless he's changed, he will come, head on. He's always been.....there he is!" Michael shouted and rushed out into the storm. The others got to the doorway to see two beings bathed in crackling energy. It was a battle unlike any of them had ever seen, a test of will, power, and cunning. They tried to go to the battle, but the winds were forcing them back to the house. They saw Michael fall to the ground, unconscious, as Shay laughed. Then, he turned his amber eyes to the house. "Get back inside!" Derek shouted. They all scrambled inside, barring the door. The door did little good, as other world energies ripped them apart. Shay stepped inside, glowing. Occasional bolts would fly off, splintering lights. Shay's short blonde hair whipped about in a frenzy, as he calmly gazed at his targets. Nick tried to rush at Shay, but was thrown back by the power crackling around him. However, Shay now noticed the daggers each possessed. His targets had just risen from defenseless to a possible threat. There would be no toying around, no savoring the moment this time. Shay raised both arms, calling on the powers within him to destroy his enemies. "Amkaron, hear me! I, the Keeper of the Storms, call upon you! I invoke your poisonous blood! I conjure your tainted breath! I now look upon my four enemies! Take them Amkaron! Take them to your hell! I shall be thy vessel! I shall be thy avatar! Work through me and collect what you are due!!!" Shay lifted both his arms and was bathed in lightning. Four beams poured forth from him, each striking one of the members of the house. Derek, Nick, Rachel, and Alex were lifted from the floor, as mini-storms formed around them. The storms held them immobile, as they were soon to be transported to some demon's realm. "SHAY!" Michael yelled over the storms, stepping back into the house. "Michael! Impossible! You shouldn't be up for hours!" "Did you forget so quickly! The Invocation of Lanadas allows you to appear defeated! You taught it to me yourself! I spent all last night preparing it!" "Clever.....very have me at a disadvantage, I'm afraid! I can not fight you and maintain the spell!" "Leave here, Shay! Leave here, and no one has to die!" "I can't! I'm too disgusted by the situation to leave it alone! One of us in love with a mortal!" "For what we once were, for what you once were, leave now! I give you this last chance!" "Never! Can you do it? Can you really kill me over that one?!" Shay shouted, pointing at Nick. Michael did not speak, as he lifted the dagger and plunged it into Shay. The storms immediately ceased, dropping the Legacy members, before they faded away from this world. Shay collapsed onto the ground, dying. Michael cradled Shay's head in his hands, as he spoke. "Shay.....why? Why couldn't you just leave it be?" "Y-you know....." Shay spoke in a labored voice, coughing blood, "I-I really.....didn' h-had you...... You always were....the better....o-of us....." "Shay......" Michael said, as tears began falling from him, wetting Shay's face. " grant......a dying......r-request?" Michael nodded silently. "K-kiss me one more time....." Michael gently pressed his lips to Shay's. After a few moments, Shay pulled away in pain. No one needed to say he had but moments to live. "Thank y-you.........y-you know, Michael.......I only w-was........that.... night........on the b-bridge.......I-I never.....stopped" With that statement, Shay closed his eyes, never to reopen them. The tears, which had been silent before, now fell from Michael with heart crushing sobs. This was a pain that only time could take away, and it was one Michael would have to face on his own. Nick staggered to his feet. He put his arms around Michael, trying to take away the hurt, but he knew that he really could not. Michael accepted the shoulder and gently laid Shay's head down. With Nick's help, Michael made it up the stairs to his bed. He fell asleep, crying into Nick's shoulder. The others went about trying to clean up some. They covered Shay's body with a blanket and made arrangements for it to be shipped to the London house that night. They would know where to send it from there. It was best not to involve Michael in this any further. He has already gone through enough. Michael awoke the next morning before anyone else. He gently slipped out of Nick's embrace. He took a shower and got dressed before packing up most of his belongings. He put the suitcases by the door and waited for everyone to awake before calling the ferry to take him to the mainland. In an hour or so, everyone was up. "Michael?" Nick asked upon seeing the suitcases. The others looked at him, a question none of them wanted answered on their minds. "I have to leave for a while. This has been too much for me. I have to get away from it for a while." "No!" Nick shouted, rushing over to Michael and pulling him into an embrace, "You can't leave me! Please, no!" "Nick, please.....don't make this harder for me." "But what if more of them come?" Nick asked, desperately searching for any reason to get Michael to stay. "They won't. Once one of them has failed, the contract is permanently cancelled." "You can't leave me, Michael.......I love you too much." "I know.....I love you, as well, but I have to get away from this for a while. I'll be back. I just need space." " can't. I-I'll do anything. Is it because of me? I'll let you do whatever you want, just don't leave me." "Damn it, Nick! This has nothing to do with sex! I could be with you forever and never top you, and I would be content with it. This isn't about that. I need this space. I need to work out my own problems and you yours. I'm not leaving you, Nick. I just need to back off for a time." "Michael......" Michael gave him one long kiss, before he went outside. As he left, Nick collapsed onto the floor, unable to move. He had never felt so empty, so alone. Derek helped Nick up. It was Nick who needed a shoulder now, and Derek loved him like a son. He had to be there for him. Settling on the couch, Derek let Nick cry, until he could cry no more. Rachel and Alex wanted to cry, but they had to be strong for Nick. He needed them to be. "Derek?" Nick asked in a hoarse voice. "Yes?" " you think......he'll come back?" "You two love each other. I'm sure of it." "Then why does he have to go?" "This has been trying on us all, especially him. Michael just had to kill someone he cared for, even if they were no longer in love. It had to be one of the hardest things he has ever done. Give him time. You both need space." Nick nodded and went upstairs. There was nothing else for him to do, nothing he could do. Despite the fact he had already slept, Nick was exhausted. He just curled up into a ball, hoping to find some peace in his dreams. That was the one place Michael would always be. It was the one place, he couldn't leave him..... To be continued in Part 2-The Past Want more? If you want this story to continue or if you have any comments, good, bad, suggestions for improvement, etc. e-mail me at I may or may not write sequels, depending on your response.


18 Gay Erotic Stories from The Chesire Cat

Always the Last to Know, Part 1

Disclaimer: This is a fictional story based on the television show "Poltergeist: the Legacy." It is in no way intended to infringe on the copyright or ownership of MGM and the creators of the show. All characters, scenes, places, etc. from the show and any references to them are the exclusive property of MGM and whoever else might own them. Warning! This is a piece of

Always the Last to Know, Part 2

Part 2 Disclaimer: This is a fictional story based on the television show "Poltergeist: the Legacy." It is in no way intended to infringe on the copyright or ownership of MGM and the creators of the show. All characters, scenes, places, etc. from the show and any references to them are the exclusive property of MGM and whoever else might own them. Warning! This is a

Angel Of The Darkness, Part 1

Angel Of The Darkness, Part I Angel of the Darkness by The Chesire Cat Disclaimer: This is a fictional work involving m/m sex between vampires. If this does not interest you or if you are too young to legally view this where you are, leave! I mean it. This warning means I'm not responsible for you. The characters are from the show "Buffy: The Vampire

Angel Of The Darkness, Part 2

Angel Of The Darkness, Part II Angel of the Darkness by The Chesire Cat Disclaimer: This is a fictional work involving m/m/f and m/f sex between vampires. If this does not interest you or if you are too young to legally view this where you are, leave! I mean it. This warning means I'm not responsible for you. The characters are from the show "Buffy:

Angel Of The Darkness, Part 3

Angel Of The Darkness, Part III Angel of the Darkness by The Chesire Cat Disclaimer: This is a fictional work involving m/m sex between vampires. If this does not interest you or if you are too young to legally view this where you are, leave! I mean it. This warning means I'm not responsible for you. The characters are from the show "Buffy: The

Even Angels Have Needs

Even Angels Have Needs by The Chesire Cat Disclaimer: This is a fictional work based on the show, "Buffy: the Vampire Slayer." I, the author, have not been paid for this. I write for pleasure. This in no way reflects the attitudes of the actors, owners, and staff of the show that I know of. This is from my mind. It contains m/m sex. If you don't like this or

Renegade Ass

Renegade Ass by The Chesire Cat Disclaimer: Warning! Warning! Ah-oo-ga! Ah-oo-ga! This story contains graphic m/m sex, some nc. If this slash does not appeal to you or if you are not of the legal age wherever you may be, GO AWAY! I mean it. If you are of legal age, proceed at your own risk. This story is based on borrowed characters from the TV show "Renegade." They

Three Spirits -The Present

Disclaimer: This is a fictional story based on the television show "Poltergeist: the Legacy." It is in no way intended to infringe on the copyright or ownership of MGM and the creators of the show. All characters, scenes, places, etc. from the show and any references to them are the exclusive property of MGM and whoever else might own them. Warning! This is a piece of slash fan

Three Spirits--The Past, Part 1

Disclaimer: This is a fictional story based on the television show "Poltergeist: the Legacy." It is in no way intended to infringe on the copyright or ownership of MGM and the creators of the show. All characters, scenes, places, etc. from the show and any references to them are the exclusive property of MGM and whoever else might own them. Warning! This is a piece of slash

Three Spirits--The Past, Part 2

I was a boy among my kind, barely two centuries old. In my youth, I had the wanderlust. I travelled to any land I heard of. It was during these travels that I came to Atlantas. I was amazed at what had been done with the tiny island. Wizards had combined there strength to turn the desert island into a large, thriving paradise kingdom. It was there that I met him. I had finally

Three Spirits-The Future Part 1

Three Spirits: Part Three-The Future by The Chesire Cat Disclaimer: This is a fictional story based on the television show "Poltergeist: the Legacy." It is in no way intended to infringe on the copyright or ownership of MGM and the creators of the show. All characters, scenes, places, etc. from the show and any references to them are the exclusive property of MGM and

Three Spirits-The Future Part 2

When the guards came for Phillip that day, they found Michael standing in the only door way. His anger at what they had done dulled the repulsing powers of their charms and left Michael immovable. None of them really wanted to test his power, despite the chains, so they fetched the same older man. He looked at Michael, seeing the anger and hate seething from his cells. Even he was

Three Spirits-The Future Part 3

Hours later, all the survivor's of the Legacy team and the Visagorum met on the main boat. Though two Legacy members had been killed in the fight, the losses were minimal thanks to the Visagorum joining the battle. Derek and a few others had finished their last sweep of the island. Michael, though still weak from this ordeal, joined them in the temporary battle room, despite Nick's

When Angels Fall, Part 2

When Angels Fall, Part II Disclaimer: This is a fictional work based on the show, "Buffy: the Vampire Slayer." I, the author, have not been paid for this. I write for pleasure. This in no way reflects the attitudes of the actors, owners, and staff of the show that I know of. This is from my mind. It contains m/m and m/m/f sex. If you don't like this or if

When Angels Fall, Part 3

When Angels Fall, Part III Disclaimer: This is a fictional work based on the show, "Buffy: the Vampire Slayer." I, the author, have not been paid for this. I write for pleasure. This in no way reflects the attitudes of the actors, owners, and staff of the show that I know of. This is from my mind. It contains m/m and m/m/f sex. If you don't like this or if you are

When Angels Fall, Part 4

When Angels Fall, Part IV Disclaimer: This is a fictional work based on the show, "Buffy: the Vampire Slayer." I, the author, have not been paid for this. I write for pleasure. This in no way reflects the attitudes of the actors, owners, and staff of the show that I know of. This is from my mind. It contains m/m and m/m/f sex. If you don't like this or if you are too

When Angels Fall, Part 5

When Angels Fall, Part V Disclaimer: This is a fictional work based on the show, "Buffy: the Vampire Slayer." I, the author, have not been paid for this. I write for pleasure. This in no way reflects the attitudes of the actors, owners, and staff of the show that I know of. This is from my mind. It contains m/f sex, torture, and NC. If you don't like this or if you

When Angels Fall, Part 6

When Angels Fall, Part VI Disclaimer: This is a fictional work based on the show, "Buffy: the Vampire Slayer." I, the author, have not been paid for this. I write for pleasure. This in no way reflects the attitudes of the actors, owners(the WB and Joss Whedon), and staff of the show that I know of. This is from my mind. It is in no way intended to infringe upon the


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