Gay Erotic Stories

Twin Secrets, Part 1

by K & K Kramer

By K & K Kramer Chapter 1 - Kenyon I was almost afraid for him to come home. I knew that Kameron would somehow be able to see immediately what I'd managed to hide from the rest of family during the last three months. Ever since we were little kids, Kam and I had been unable to keep secrets from one another. Hell, I remember that time back when I was nine and I'd shoplifted from the local five-and-dime and he came right out and confronted me with it, even though there was no way he could've really known. It worked both ways though....I knew exactly when he first made it with his high school girl-friend for the first time, just as he'd known it when Mrs. Graham down the street had given me more than the usual "tip" for mowing her lawn all summer. As identical twins we'd never developed our own "language" to communicate. Truth was we never needed it. There were times when I just somehow knew what he was thinking, just as he sometimes knew what I was thinking without either of us actually verbalizing it. While we may have looked exactly the same, we really were two very different people. Athletics had been important to both of us, but I could give a shit about academics, whereas my twin brother would have died had he ever received less than an "A" for a class. On more than one occasion he'd filled in for me, taking my place for an important exam that I wasn't ready for. Mostly it was because I hadn't prepared for it, but both of us understood that I just didn't have the same academic abilities or aptitude that he had. The flip side of that was that I had a good deal of practical intuitive knowledge. There's no way my brother could've gotten a job in an automotive shop right out of high school. Okay, it took me until the end of August to get hired but there really wasn't a great push for me to get a job until I realized that Kameron would be leaving for college and I was about to be left in the dust. Maybe it was because he was gone, that I didn't have my life-long companion anymore. That's the excuse I kept giving myself anyway. The truth was that I knew my life was changed the moment I met Tony Mariano. One look at him with his overall type uniform unzipped to the waist, his broad muscular chest thickly coated with lush curly hair and I melted. I wondered how I was going to survive the long Thanksgiving weekend without Tony around, but realized it was probably better that he was going to be out of town, with his folks out East. It would keep me from having to make up excuses for not being able to spend time with him, or to try to explain to Kameron why I couldn't be available to him for the entire four days that he was to be home. Chapter 2 - Kameron All the way home on the train I wondered about how to handle it. I knew I should probably level with Kenyon, but I wasn't sure how to break the news to him. He might not be able to accept it. I remember the two of us sitting in the room we'd shared all of our lives, sharing stories of just how far we'd gone with our respective (if not respectable) girlfriends. When he strutted into the house that late summer afternoon after fucking Mrs. Graham I could practically read it on his face. It took approximately 20 minutes for him to break down and tell me how she'd damned near raped him. It was less than a month later that he cornered me with his suspicion that I'd just screwed my steady girlfriend. I'd already told him about getting my hand into her panties, about her stroking me until I pumped a load all over the seat of the folks car, and about the first time she sucked my cock. By then he was doing it regularly with Mrs. Graham and we compared accounts of our sexual couplings in intimate (and explicit) detail. I knew for instance that Nadine Graham had nipples that were like hard bullets when he pinched and sucked them, just as he knew that Amy Taylor's pussy tasted and smelled like this one particular perfume that our mother had a habit of wearing. We had no secrets from one another.....until I left for college anyway. Shit, what was I going to say to him about Skip. I considered just not saying anything and hoping that he wouldn't figure it out, but I knew better. There was just no way I could hide something like that from Ken. In the car from the train station we spoke about bullshit stuff, like how my classes were going, and how he liked his job. He seemed to light up when I asked him about other guys there at the shop, but sort of clamed up before he could continue with what I sensed he wanted to say. "How are you getting along with your roommate?" he asked, and I shouted at him to "watch the fuck out" for that car that had run the stop sign at the intersection. It gave me a good excuse to avoid talking about Skip, at least right away. I knew though that it was only a matter of time before I would have to give Kenyon my account of just how well I was getting along with my roommate. The folks had helped me carry all my stuff up to the room on the fourth floor to which I'd been assigned. There was no apparent rhyme or reason to how they'd decided upon roommates for freshmen. It wasn't alphabetical anyway. They were disappointed that my roomie wasn't around when we arrived, and said they'd like to hang around to meet him. By the time we had all my stuff upstairs though, and had gone out for a bite to eat they were ready to hit the road again. They planned to drive about halfway home that evening and then the rest of the way the following morning. We said our goodbyes in the first floor lobby, with mom getting a little teary-eyed and dad giving me a big bear-hug and slipping an extra $20 in my hand before they left. I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel a little homesick immediately. Kenyon had been telling me how jealous he was of my being able to get away from home. I told him he should've gotten off his ass and gotten a college scholarship like I had, then reminded him that he'd be getting a regular weekly salary and would be able to buy damned near anything he wanted....wouldn't have to spend his money on books. As we'd done from our first thinking and rationalizing days, we were basically saying that each of us had what the other wanted. I walked up the four flights of stairs and fumbled in my pocket for the room key. I was couple of doors away from my room and noticed that the door was wide open. I stepped into the room for my first look at my roommate. The temperature in our room had to be 100 degrees (we were on the west side of the dorm) and Skip Farris was stripped to the waist, clad in only a pair of loose-fitting nylon running shorts. I knew he was my age, (they didn't mix Freshmen with upperclassmen in the dorm) but he looked to be several years older than me by result of the thick coating of coarse dark hair all over his chest and belly. Hell, his legs were so densely covered that he looked like he was wearing slacks -- exceedingly furry slacks though. "Hi there, you must be Kameron" he said, and I confirmed his assumption. We shook hands and he asked if it was okay that he'd settled into the left side of the small dorm room. "We can trade if you want" he offered, but I told him I'd spent my whole life on the right half of the room and had no great urge to change now. He stopped unpacking his own stuff and sat down on his bed, his hairy chest glistening with sweaty perspiration, his handsome face sporting what appeared to be several days growth of dark whisker. (I would later find out it was only about 10 hours since he'd shaved that morning). We spent a while talking about our families - he was one of 9 children from an Italian Catholic family in Philadelphia, anxious to hear what it was like to be an identical twin. I told him some of the usual stories Kenyon and I have always related, things like how we think and do the same things so often. At a lull in the conversation he spoke. "Well, I'd say one of our first jobs tomorrow will be to go out and find a fan, don't you think?" he said, and I agreed. Damn, it was stifling hot in our room, even with the window wide open. I could feel the droplets of sweat literally running down my back into the tops of my jeans. "Maybe we'd be better off drawing the drapes to stop the sunlight" I said, and Skip got up to do that. "You ought to change into something cooler" he suggested, and I told him I wasn't sure which bag my shorts were in. "Would you mind if I shut the door and just stripped to my boxers?" I asked, and he said that was fine with him. "Hell, I not wearing much more than underwear myself" he joked. I pulled my shirt off but decided to keep my jeans on, even though I could feel the sweat by now running right down into the crack of my ass. The truth was that I was beginning to realize I might be throwing a rod if I were to remove my jeans. Once bare of my shirt I realized that I had no reason to feel inferior to Skip. My build was actually a little better than his, my muscular chest a bit more defined than his, but smooth as silk. His rugged hairiness was the only way in which I felt like he was somehow superior. Closing the drapes had helped a bit, but it was still pretty hot. "Hey Kam" he said, using the nickname that my brother and parents had used for me for years, even though I never told him that. "Can you give me a boost so I can put my suitcase up here?" He was talking about trying to get his luggage way up on the top shelf of the closet. I must admit that the floor-to-ceiling closets in our small rooms utilized every bit of space. "Yeah sure" I said, coming over to his closet and locking my hands together for him to step his foot into, then lifting him up with the suitcase in his hands. It was probably only about 10 seconds that he was up there, but the proximity of his thickly haired legs to my face was having a definite effect on me. His lower back had a dusting of dark hair as well, damp with sweat like I was, and the line of perspiration ran down into his shorts as well. "Oh shit, I'm loosing my balance!" he said, falling back and pressing his well shaped ass right against my face beforre we both fell to the floor. We were a tangle of arms and legs and muscle and sweat (and hair) there on the floor in front of his closet. All of a sudden things just happened and before I knew it was happening Skip and I were kissing. It wasn't just an accidental touch of the lips either. We both did it together, wide open mouths and tongues dueling one another as we french-kissed hard and long. I remember at the time wondering what Kenyon would think if he knew I was doing this --- and digging it immensely by the way. CHAPTER 3 - Kenyon I'd asked Kam about his roommate in hopes of drawing the conversation away from my job. Not that I didn't like what I was doing, but I was afraid that if I started talking about Tony he would somehow sense what I was so reluctant to tell him outright. I'd reported for work at A-1 Automotive the morning after Kameron left for college. The folks weren't even back from dropping him off, and I'd spent the night before my first day of work fucking the shit out of Nadine Graham (barely getting out of the house before her husband came home!) and falling immediately to sleep when I got home. Okay I smoked a joint before going to bed, but it was just to relax me. Kameron would shit if he knew that. He'd been involved with this anti-drug group at school during our last two years. He didn't even drink, and damned near every kid in our class got loaded on a regular basis. No drugs, no booze, I was almost surprised that he was fucking his girlfriend regularly.....well until they broke up anyhow. She decided that they should "see other people" in college, and Kam initially seemed pretty upset, but I convinced him that the bitch wasn't worth loosing any sleep over. So I show up at A-1 at 7:30 a.m. and wait outside the office for approximately 30 minutes before being ushered in to fill out about 2 dozen forms. "Okay Kramer, let's get you working!" said a middle-aged man at about 10:00 a.m. a man wearing an A-1 uniform. He was a normal-looking guy who looked like a mechanic. Hey Mariano, here's your new rookie!" he called out to another mechanic whose head was buried beneath the open hood of a car. Tony stood up to greet us, and I caught my breath! I'd never seen a guy quite so stunningly handsome as he was....his swarthy good looks combined with a dark machismo that reeked of masculinity. Unlike Clyde (his name was embroidered into his one-piece uniform totally zipped up) who'd delivered me from the administrative offices to the real work area, Tony had his one-piece open to the waist. Damn! I'd never seen a human being who was quite so heavily coated with hair as Tony Mariano was. Our own father had maybe a light dusting right in the center of his chest, but Kam and I were almost totally smooth chested. Our legs were lightly coated, and our butts as well, but neither of us were very hairy. It didn't seem to bother Nadine Graham, not with my fat 9 inches of cock that she loved to take up her hot cunt, down her throat and occasionally up her ass even. The first time we did it that way she insisted that I was the first to do it there. I didn't believe it for a minute, but dug it anyhow. I spent the whole first day at A-1 staring at the open front of Tony Mariano's uniform overalls. At the end of the day I went home and beat off not once, but four times...recalling how hot he looked with his rugged hair-washed body. That first day I avoided hitting the showers with the other guys, afraid that I would give away just how turned on I was by him by throwing a rod in the shower. Our folks got home from taking Kameron to school at almost the same time I got home from work. They asked how my first day was and they seemed pleased with my enthusiasm. Little did they know just why I was so anxious to return the next morning. At 9:30 that night Nadine called to see where I was....she was expecting me to arrive at 7:30 and I made up some bullshit about not being able to get away from the house. The truth was that I had no desire to go pump her slutty cunt again. She had the nerve to hint that her fifteen-year-old daughter might want to join in the fun. I couldn't believe it! (I couldn't believe that I was turning down something I'd have jumped at a week -- or a day-- before.....before I met Tony Mariano) CHAPTER 4- Kameron I never knew that fucking another guy could be so great! Skip and I rolled around on the floor for some time before moving to his bed where he pulled his hairy legs up to his hairy chest and begged me to ram my thick 9-incher up his incredibly hairy ass-hole. The first time I blasted my load after only a few frantic pumps into his tight butt-hole, sort of like the first time I fucked Amy Taylor ---- except a whole lot better. Then we did it again, and again....and again. Each time it was better than the time before and each time I rubbed against Skip's hairy body I got more and more turned on. I felt a little guilty that I was the only one getting satisfaction, but finally realized that he'd come damned near as often as I had, each time splattering a load of spunk that cemented the two of us together, smearing it all over his hairy body as he wrapped his furry legs around my midsection to drive me deeper and deeper into his butt-hole. That first night we were together he couldn't seem to get enough of my hard fat cock, anymore than I could get enough of his sweat-slicked hairy butt-hole. Jesus, had anyone even hinted to me 24 hours earlier that I'd be making it with another guy I'd have probably punched them out. As it was, that sweltering hot August night was the beginning of my new life, and from that first time until the day I boarded the train home for Thanksgiving weekend I never spent a night alone...we'd either cuddle and fuck or just plain fuck all night long. Skip Farris and I became immediate and intimate lovers, totally inseparable (in both a literal and figurative sense). CHAPTER 5 - Kenyon "How about we go somewhere for a beer after work?" Tony said to me at the end of our second day together. It had been another extremely distracting day. He hadn't worn his uniform overalls but instead had an old sweatshirt which had the arms ripped off and the bottom six or so inches also snipped of. What that did was give me a good look at how his muscular hairy arms ran right up into his muscular hairy chest, and how his extremely hairy chest blended into his slender hair-washed belly. Jesus fucking-Christ, the man was fantastic! "Yeah, that'd be great" I said to him, in response to his invitation to go have a beer, "but I've got to be honest and tell you I'm well under 21. Truth is I just graduated high school a few months ago!" He laughed, explained that the place we would be going to wasn't really concerned about the legalities of being 21, and that the owner was friend of his. "C'mon Ken, what do you say?" he asked and I tried not to jump at his invitation. One beer led to another, and another and pretty soon I was stinking drunk. "Aw shit!" I said, somewhat slurred in speech. "My folks are gonna' shit if I come home this way". It was true, they'd absolutely hit the ceiling the one time I got caught drunk at school, and I promised back then that I would never repeat that. I was somewhat honest....I never got caught again, but I spent plenty of days at school or at school functions absolutely blitzed. (It had been on one of those occasions that Kameron filled in and took a test for me, trying his best to miss a couple of questions at least just to make it look like it really was me who was earning the grade.) Just as we got ready to leave the bar this ass-hole stumbled into Tony who in turn dumped his entire beer all over the front of my shirt. It felt great, the coolness of the liquid against my warm body, but it was going to be difficult to explain to the folks why I smelled like a brewery just a week after promising them I'd behave myself in return for them keeping me on their family auto insurance policy. Without that I'd be unable to drive. We went to Tony's apartment where he'd indicated that he could fix some coffee to help me sober up before going home. "Gee thanks Tony" I said, and he went on to say that if I wanted he could toss my beer-soaked shirt in the washer down in the basement of his apartment building. Nah, don't bother" I said, but he insisted that we at least rinse it out in the sink. "Here, take that off" he said, actually grabbing at the bottom of my shirt to peel it off my muscular upper body. I've always been proud of my physique, one which is certainly not out of the ordinary. Kameron for instance is build exactly like me, with identical chest, waist and thigh measurements. In that physical respect we are truly identical. We both have really wide shoulders (we swam butterfly as youngsters) and large mounded pecs. Both Kameron and I have big dark nipples about the size of half dollars and they tend to get stiff easily. I suppose one of our best features is our big butt. Nadine Graham used to say that it helped me pound my big cock into her hot cunt better. Funny, at that particular momen she was the furthest thing from my mind. "I think maybe I'll toss my shirt in too, it's pretty ripe after a day of working" Tony said, and I watched in anticipation as he slowly removed his shirt (it was almost as if he were doing a strip tease for me by taking his time). Oh shit, once I saw him with his upper body completely bare I realized he was even hairier than I'd imagined. Hell, the guy's shoulders were blanketed as well, and some of the dark stuff even poured down over his back. He must've caught me staring at his because he asked if something was wrong. "'s just that....well, I guess I'm pretty drunk" I said with a slight giggle. "That coffee you mentioned would be great, but maybe coke would do it just as well" I didn't really care for coffee, and usually drank a can of caffeine laden pop to wake me up in the morning. "Yeah sure, which kind of coke do you want, liquid or the powdered stuff?" he asked, going to a drawer of the dresser next to us and pulling out a plastic bag filled with a white sugar-like substance in it. "Holy shit, he was talking about cocaine Offering me some right on the spot. "You want some?" he asked, and I admitted to him that I wasn't ready to try that yet. "I wouldn't mind smoking some pot if you've got it" I told him, and he put the powder back in the drawer and pulled out another bag filled with the stuff I was more accustomed to doing. We shared that joint, then he rolled another and pretty soon we were both totally stoned. The combination of the beers and the pot made us both sort of lazy and lethargic and we just kind of sat on the sofa. For the next couple of hours we did nothing but just sit there on the sofa touching one another's bare upper body. Nothing really happened, just his hands exploring the hard muscles of my chest and arms and me reveling in the thick hairiness of his body. "Oh shit!" I said, responding to a casual glance at the clock and realizing that it was almost midnight. "I gotta' get home" I said, grabbing my shirt from the floor next to his. Somehow neither of them ever made it into the wash. "Hey kid" he said as I scrambled to get my shirt back on "why don't you sleep in a little late tomorrow and we make up for it with some overtime tomorrow evening?" "Okay sure, that sounds great!" I said, more concerned at the moment with getting my ass home before it was too late to explain where I'd been. I was lucky, arriving home about 3 minutes before the folks. I'd forgotten all about the fact that Tuesday was bridge night and they ended up sitting around and yacking more than usual on this particular night. I'd managed to throw my beer-soaked shirt into the trash can outside and was in bed, pretending to be asleep when my dad poked his head in the door to make sure I was in for the night. I was hardly asleep though. All I could think of was Tony, about how fantastic it had been to get stoned with him and touch his hairy body while he excited the hell out of me by grazing his callused hands all over my smooth muscular frame. Like I said, nothiing happened.....but it wasn't because I didn't want it to.


3 Gay Erotic Stories from K & K Kramer

Twin Secrets, Part 1

By K & K Kramer Chapter 1 - Kenyon I was almost afraid for him to come home. I knew that Kameron would somehow be able to see immediately what I'd managed to hide from the rest of family during the last three months. Ever since we were little kids, Kam and I had been unable to keep secrets from one another. Hell, I remember that time back when I was nine and

Twin Secrets, Part 2

Twin Secrets Part II By K & K Kramer Chapter 6 - Kameron I woke up that next morning with my face buried in the dark muff of Skip's hairy armpit, delighting in the texture and the aromas that it held. I nipped at the thick hairs with my lips, tugging on then to waken my new roommate/lover. My cock was hard as a rock again, ready to go at it again and pump

Twin Secrets, Part 3

Twin Secrets Part III By K & K Kramer Chapter 9 - Kameron I couldn't believe how my life had changed in a short 24 hours. I'd come to school all bummed out about Amy Taylor having broken up with me, even though I agreed with her that it would be dumb to try to continue our relationship with her in New York and me at Iowa. We promised to write, to keep in


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