Gay Erotic Stories

Two Hustlers Meet Their Match

by Ruff-N-Tumbler

It had been raining off and on all afternoon in the city and the hustlers had retreated from the sidewalks of Polk Street into various coffeehouses to get dry. So it was that Jason was sitting near the window of Mrs. Brown's when he saw a compatriot make a dash for the entrance, fleeing a momentary cloudburst. Junior's clothes were soaked and dripping as he scanned the place for a free table. Jason was appreciating the piece of meat on this handsome hustler, so nicely displayed from the soaking his trousers had gotten, and flashed a smile at him. Junior accepted the invitation and sat down opposite this obvious competitor for mid-afternoon tricks. They exchanged street names and allowed how bad the weather was effecting their trade. In truth, though both had killer good looks, neither had scored any big bucks in over a week. And both detected that hungry look in the other's eyes, hungry for food, hungry for sex. Now the culture of hustlers in all places and all times was that nothing was given away for free. The young and hung made their living from the older, softer marks that sought them out along the meat rack of Polk Street. So as Jason and Junior looked one another up and down, no money was to be made from any exchange of their bodily fluids. Still, each thought the other was pretty damn gorgeous, and what tricks they'd turned lately had put some money in their jeans but not done much to satisfy their own erotic needs. And with no business immediately at hand they began to exchange the usual stories of unromantic sex-for-hire. "So what's the kinkiest action you've had lately?" Jason asked Junior. "Well, one old queen said she'd pay me $ 100 just to have me shit all over him! I ain't into scat no way, not giving nor getting! So I guess that don't count, cause it was just a proposition. I told him to fuck off and he got away from me pretty fuckin' fast. How about you? Any weird proposition you went with?" "Well, not me, but I heard an interesting story from a hustler buddy of mine. Seems this trick, not bad looking, probably late-30s, he's chatting up my friend, Donny, down near California St., and he asks him if he ever wrestled? He said 'Sure, when I was a kid', but the trick meant more recently and asked Donny how he'd like to come back to his place for some horny wrestling action. Donny thought for a moment and told him 'Yeah, why not.' So they walked over to Pine and Mason and went up to this guy's penthouse. I mean, the guy apparently had some major bucks. He poured Donny a drink and started to strip. Donny peeled off his clothes while enjoying the scotch he'd poured him. Next thing he knows they're in one of the bedrooms, a big mat between the bed and floor-to-ceiling windows. He tells Donny to stand opposite him on the edge of the mat. And the guy's cock is already firm as a poll and sticking straight out, facing him. And nothing had even happened yet!" "So, what happened?" "It seems he gets his jollies by rassling with young guys. He told my buddy it only works for him with very handsome young men and said Donny was the most attractive he'd seen in a long time on the streets. Donny thanked him for the compliment and told him he looked in great shape for a guy not much older than him. So with the bullshit out of the way, he motions Donny to approach him. Then he asked if he'd ever rassled really rowdy with any buddies when he was younger. And thinking back a couple of years, Donny told him he had one guy he'd rassled with and they really liked to beat up on each other pretty good. That got him even more excited and he said that's what he wanted to do. Have them rassle as rough as Donny could take it, no rules, each of them trying as hard as they could to get the other to 'give'. And was that okay with Donny. So he told him, 'Sure, what the fuck. I'll give you a fight if that's what you want.'" By this time Jason notices that Junior is listening to his account very intently, so much so that it seems Junior is actually showing a major hard-on in his wet pants. "And, what happened!?" the question bursting from Junior's lips. "They started to have at each other. The guy leaps at Donny and has him down on the mat in a mother-fucking, killer headlock before he knew what had happened. He's grinding Donny's head into the ground and reaching his leg around to scissor Donny's chest. While he's grinding away on his head Donny can feel the guy humping the shit out of his thigh. The mother's strong as a bull, so Donny jammed one hand inside the headlock and began to thrust his fingers into the trick's throat. Donny's beginning to get into it. He rolls the guy over on his back, reached down and grabbed his nuts with his other hand and started to squeeze. Donny says at this point he'd started to get pretty turned on! So now the trick grabs Donny's nuts and they're squeezing each other for all they're worth, and the humping is getting wilder by the moment. Next thing Donny knows, they're rolling all around the room. The guy gets a mother-fucking tight nelson on Donny and is riding his ass like crazy. It's hurtin' a lot, and Donny guessed he could have just said 'I give'. But the more he's humping his cock against Donny's ass the more Donny liked it. So Donny started slamming his ass hard into the guy's cock. The trick's so worked up he wasn't keeping his hold on Donny tight enough. Donny broke that hold, jumped on top of his back, got his arm around his throat, and was chokin' and humpin' him at the same time. And man, I gotta tell you, my dick was hard just listening to Donny tell me the story!" By now, Junior is so into Jason's account he's not only sporting a raging hard-on, he's visibly shaking. "And!?" "And they kept up some serious balls-out, rough-n-tumble action for nearly half an hour. Everything one did, the other did back at him. Before long they were punching each other with their fists when they'd be tied up on the ground. Donny said he kept thinking, shit how much punishment do I want to take from this guy, but the more intense it got, the more he liked it to. In the end they were both so wiped out from hitting, grabbing, squeezing, biting each other, Donny just lay on his back and they thrust their cocks into each other, harder and harder, faster and faster, til they both came all over each other. And I gotta tell you, the guy gives Donny $ 200 and, says Donny, some of the best sex he said he'd had in months!" Jason stopped talking and waited for Junior's reaction to his tale. Junior was still showing every sign of a sexual frenzy going on underneath his still damp clothes, but couldn't seem to form the words of what he wanted to say. Finally, after a very long minute of silence, Junior blurted out, "Wrestle me, Jason! You're one fuckin' sexy dude, one professional to another, and I'm no slouch. Neither one of us is going to score for the next couple of hours anyway, so, how's about it? Two killer young bodies having a sex match back at my place. What do you say?" Jason stood and replied, "Lead the way." Ten minutes later the hustlers were in Junior's studio apartment pushing back the furniture. Each of them had been sucking and fucking boys and men since their early teens. How many encounters between them? One hundred? Two? They were good at their trade and had no complaints from the tricks who paid them typically $ 50 to $ 100 for a few minutes of furtive sex. This afternoon wasn't about money, though. This was about two pros taking time out for a new experience in homoeroticism. Both had gotten super stimulated by the story of Donny's wrestling match, Jason in the telling of it, Junior in hearing it. And the details, Jason recalled, had gotten him hard the first time Donny had told him. So he wasn't surprised to see it have the same effect on another hustler. And after dozens of blow jobs and dozens of asses fucked, well it was time for something out of the ordinary. Trained as they both were in the arts of sexual enticement, they removed their clothes slowly, sensually. Their striptease provided the first stage of erotic foreplay. Next, several blankets were set down in the center of the floor. That done, they slowly approached each other and drank in the youthful beauty of their eminent opponent. Junior was 6-feet tall, a well-defined physique carrying about 170 lbs of tanned muscle. Brunette hair fell partially across dark brown eyes. The 7-inch cock was once again standing at attention, recalling the stimulation of Jason's earlier story. Jason stood 5' 10" and was probably 20 lbs lighter than Junior. But it was hard to tell which was the more alluring: his deep-blue bedroom eyes or the 9-inch piece of meat that was currently expanding to full effect. No doubt about it: neither Junior nor Jason had had sex with any partner in a long time as beautiful as each now faced. So they took their time. Jason's hands began to caress Junior's torso, fingertips delicately, erotically wandering over nipples and down Junior's gorgeous washboard stomach. Junior was reaching behind Jason to gently squeeze his most perfectly shaped butt, pulling Jason slowly into him so their cock heads could meet. After a minute or two of abdominal exploration Jason's finger's found Junior's tits once more, only now he started to pinch them Just a little pain at first, then gradually more and more until Junior reached his hand to the top of Jason's head, grabbed a fist full of hair, and began to pull on it, also with mild tension to begin, then gradually tighter and more forcefully. Just this amount of measured pain was beginning to excite them both, and neither could wait a moment longer. They both went for bear hugs simultaneously and thus each had one arm locked inside the other. Hard as they tightened the hold, neither was going to hurt his opponent much this way. It was Junior who managed to hook his leg behind Jason's, brought the heel of his foot behind Jason's knee and kicked hard. Jason went down immediately, Junior riding him to the ground. As they hit the floor, Jason managed to throw his legs into the air and secured a vicious body scissors on Junior's sides. The more he tightened his thighs, the greater the agony Junior felt. Junior reached down and grabbed Jason's balls. The sudden squeeze led Jason to flinch, and Junior forced Jason's legs apart and leaped on top of him, quickly bringing his legs into a double grapevine on Jason's. As Junior straightened his legs, Jason gave a muffled cry from the pain. With Junior's head inches from Jason's, Jason reached up with both hands and grabbed as much hair as his fingers could, yanked fiercely to the left, and pulled Junior over onto his back. Though staring up at the ceiling, Junior had not lost his leg hold on Jason and now retaliated by grabbing as much of Jason's hair as he could, yanking to the right, and reversed their positions to the starting point. For the next minute they seesawed back and forth, fingers loosening and retightening on the opponent's scalp. As their cocks were mashed together by the grapevined legs, the sexual arousal pushed each man's pain threshold to previously undiscovered heights. How long could they each take the pain inflicted by the other? They determined to find out by increasing the punishment. This was true combat: no quarter asked, none given! What made the torture bearable was the exquisite feel of such a beautiful body each could enjoy pressed against him. Taut muscles made rock hard by the exertion. Fingers unlocked the opponent's hair when the length of time had made the pain go dull. It was Jason's hands that first found Junior's throat. Fingers behind the neck, thumbs pressed into the Adam's apple. Junior answered the challenge. And in less than a minute, as their cocks were throbbing from the excitement of the friction of violent rubbing together, both became light-headed from the combination of sexual ecstasy and lack of air. No good, they both concluded, if they passed out. Junior had wound up on top the past several minutes and he pulled up from Jason to let him catch his breath. As Jason gasped for air, Junior easily rolled him over on his stomach and quickly grabbed both of Jason's arms into a double hammerlock, thrusting them up against his back. The suddenness of the move caused Jason to yell out in pain. But involuntarily Jason thrust his ass up so fast that it threw Junior off balance, just long enough for Jason to throw Junior over on his back. Jason jumped up into the air and came down on Junior's stomach knees first. So effective was the technique that Junior curled up in a fetal position, grabbing at his abdomen. Seeing its success, Jason was once more high in the air, once more the knees came crashing down on Junior. Jason might weigh twenty pounds less than Junior, but all 150 lbs were now crushing Junior each time Jason landed on Junior's well-muscled, but now tormented body. Going for a third jump, however, proved to be Jason's undoing. As he leaped up in the air, Junior managed to bring one foot up, conveniently meeting Jason's balls as gravity pulled Jason down. It was now Jason's turn to writhe on the floor in agony. Struggling through his pain, Junior once more threw himself on top of Jason's body, once more grapevined his legs, and started to rekindle the pleasure of their cocks meeting in tight embrace. As Junior began a rhythmic thrusting of his cock against Jason's, the thought came to him: this fighting is more exciting, more sexually arousing than I'd ever imagined it could be. But shit, I don't really want to injure this beautiful, this worthy opponent. And as their heads met, Junior's lips met Jason's, and they commenced to kiss with a passion that matched their fighting. As tongues penetrated the deep recesses of each other's mouth, their hands now became fists, and they began to punch the opponent's body, not with all their might, but just enough to cause a measured amount of pain. One hand each for hitting, one hand each returned to hair pulling. One mouth each for kissing, one cock each for increasingly frantic friction. Both now had their eyes shut but could feel the smile form on their opponent's face. They had finally found it, the perfect combination of pain and pleasure! One minute. Two. Three. The pace was quickening. Four. How much longer could they sustain this? Five. Six. And finally the inevitable surge, the final frenzy, both bodies quivering, and simultaneous ejaculation!! The cum shot out of their cocks and spread across their groins, out over their hips. Warm and wet and wonderful. Hands now ceased their blows, fingers released their hair. But their kiss remained. Gentler now, but no less passionate. Jason and Junior had discovered something new about themselves that afternoon, and both agreed this first experiment would have to be repeated. "If it's this good on our first time at it, imagine how good it can get with practice," said Junior. Replied Jason, "Well, you know what they say, practice makes perfect!" And both hustlers fell into uncontrollable laughter.


10 Gay Erotic Stories from Ruff-N-Tumbler

AMG Studio Match

AMG of Los Angeles pioneered erotic wrestling videos decades ago, though they were then 8mm films. Bob Mizer was the owner and founder of AMG in Los Angeles, and my first visit to his studio was memorable insofar as he often had models hanging around there. Bob and I hit it off immediately, and he said if I wanted to get it on with any of the models I could use one of his filming

First Time With Steve

When I was about 18 years old, my best buddy was Steve. Steve stood about 5' 8" and weighed about l45 lbs. He had an attractive build, but especially muscular thighs. I stood about 5' 7" and weighed in around l55lbs. Though shorter than Steve, my build was stockier, but not soft. I had great arms and was very proud of how they looked in a short-sleeved shirt. Steve and I

Frat House Match

It was my Junior year in college and I'd enjoyed the wonders of living in my fraternity these past two years: about 50 guys, l8 to 23 years of age, at the prime of their sexual allure, most horny as hell all their waking hours (and in their cum-soaked dreams as well). As most young men were wont to do, they routinely dressed in minimal clothing, the better to admire their

High Atop A Hill

Gary had been my student the previous year, and one day he invited me to his family's ranch east of the university. We headed out in his jeep and quickly climbed to about 2000 ft, stopped at a scenic spot, and just kicked back enjoying the view. Our conversation meandered to many topics, eventually to sports. Gary said he'd never played on any team, but he and a buddy used to

Hot History Class

Tom and Erich began as strangers, two college studs falling asleep in a boring lecture room. The course in Ancient History had been dull for weeks until one afternoon the professor began to relate a particular contest in the Greek Olympic Games: the Pancration. He said the athletes competed naked and in this contest no-holds-barred wrestling was combined with boxing and kicking.

If You Dare!

Tom was beginning to shake all over as he stood in darkness on the deserted street corner. He knew it was due partly to not dressing more warmly on a cold, December night in Silicon Valley. Vanity rather than common sense had dictated his apparel: tight T-shirt and trousers with only a light-weight wind-breaker. He always chose clothes to reveal his well-chiseled physique. He

Private Showdown

The two young stallions stood facing one another across the dimly lighted high school wrestling room. Chad and Jeremy were both calling up their best macho, bad ass demeanor. Which, of course, concealed some serious misgivings each was feeling about how they'd come to be here late on a Friday night. Not that either of these studs was missing a hot date with some local chick for,

Rasslin' For The Last Butt

Tom had been driving since daybreak, and the sun was now beating down on his bronzed torso. There was nothing in life he loved more than headin' out on the open road in his '66 Mustang convertible, tunes in his cassette player, sunshine and smokes. He'd been a Marlboro Red man since he'd started smokin' his senior year in high school four years ago. Of course, these trips out in

Two Hustlers Meet Their Match

It had been raining off and on all afternoon in the city and the hustlers had retreated from the sidewalks of Polk Street into various coffeehouses to get dry. So it was that Jason was sitting near the window of Mrs. Brown's when he saw a compatriot make a dash for the entrance, fleeing a momentary cloudburst. Junior's clothes were soaked and dripping as he scanned the place for a

Two Teens Tangle In The Woods

How many hours ago had it been, Dan asked himself. Six? Seven? Christ, had it really been just that morning the blond Adonis had been introduced as a new kid in his P.E. class? Most of the guys that day in gym had just nodded or offered a casual "Hi" to him, but Dan had found himself particularly aroused and couldn't force a word from his lips. Usually never. at a loss


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