Gay Erotic Stories

Two Teens Tangle In The Woods

by Ruff-N-Tumbler

How many hours ago had it been, Dan asked himself. Six? Seven? Christ, had it really been just that morning the blond Adonis had been introduced as a new kid in his P.E. class? Most of the guys that day in gym had just nodded or offered a casual "Hi" to him, but Dan had found himself particularly aroused and couldn't force a word from his lips. Usually never. at a loss for words, he couldn't get out of his mouth what he wanted to say, which was "I think you are the most sexy guy I've ever seen and I want to wrap my arms around you and never let go!" So, unable to blurt out loud what was in his mind, he just stood there like a statue, frozen in time and space. It was this stranger, now aware of eyes boring in on him, that made the first introduction. "Hi, my name's Eugene, but I prefer just Gene. Have we met before? I'm only asking because you're staring at me so intensely, I thought maybe you recognized me from somewhere else. My folks and I just moved to Mendocino this week from San Francisco. Did we once meet there?" Dan realized that if he didn't say something quickly this beauty would think him deaf & mute or the rudest student in the school. And yet he groped to get anything past his lips. But as a disappointed expression formed on Gene's face and he turned to walk away, desperation forced Dan to blurt out, "Hey, I'm really sorry! Please forgive my bad manners. My name's Daniel, but please call me Dan. I don't know what's happening, 'cause I'm known as a non-stop motor mouth. It's caught me off guard....I mean, I wasn't expecting....that is......" and becoming tongue-tied for the first time in his life, Dan chose to stop the agony and just shut up. Nearly a minute of painful silence followed, broken finally when Gene volunteered, "Look, I have to go get my locker assignment and fill out some forms. Maybe I'll catch you later." "No, don't go!" Dan almost cried out. He felt himself hyperventilating, but the feelings Gene had aroused in him were new and he hadn't a clue how to deal with them. But before his mind could censor his mouth, he heard himself ask Gene, "Do you like to wrestle?" And no more than a second after the question had been asked, Dan knew he was blowing it big time. Of course the perspiration on his forehead and the growing erection in his crotch and his inability at normal conversation were all unmistakable signs that a cerebral rip had just occurred. The curtain which hung between Dan's routine, everyday world and the hidden fantasyland of two naked guys wrestling in some enchanted woods had just been torn down. So carefully had the two realms been kept apart that in his whole life -- all fifteen years of it -- living in Mendocino, he'd not once made a move on any of his peers to indulge his secret longing. Fear of exposure as a queer in a tight-knit, too-small, nearly-inbred community served as sufficient restraint of his sexual yearnings. And here in a single moment he'd spilled his heart's greatest desire to a total stranger! As these thoughts raced through Dan's mind Gene had been standing motionless, but with an internal struggle that belied his outward apparent calm. Gene had been raised in relative comfort in San Francisco, the only son of an building contractor-father and a homemaker-mother. He'd shown adequate ability in his eight years of elementary school, but had begun to run with a rowdy crowd. His parents had started to question him about his friends, but he replied simply that the jocks and nerds were so predictable (translate: boring) that he hoped to learn more about life from kids who didn't walk the straight and narrow. Such candor startled his folks, who determined that the big city contained too many unsavory enticements for their impressionable fourteen year old son. And so it was that for several months every weekend had been spent scouting alternative communities, and the choice of Mendocino had been made just the month earlier. What Gene's folks did not know, and Gene was only coming to realize himself, was that Gene was attracted to other boys and cared little at all for the girls in his classes. Gene had hidden away several hot muscleman magazines in his closet, and nightly relief from day-long, pent-up sexual frustration came over pictures of well-chiseled torsos and bulging crotches. But about two weeks before the family's departure from the city, Gene had walked through a familiar park on his way home from school, but happened upon an unfamiliar scene. Two teenage guys, stripped to the waist, shoes and socks removed, were wrestling in the grass. Gene had instantly grown the biggest hard-on he'd ever had out in public, and made haste for a vantage point where he could watch the struggle unobserved. Though most likely buddies, the two combatants were going at each other furiously. When he'd first seen the contest, the bigger of the two had a tight scissors hold on his smaller buddy and seemed to be applying as much pressure as he could. But by the time Gene had gotten to his private viewing area, the fellows were reversed, and it was now the smaller guy who straddled his opponent, his ass sitting atop his buddy's crotch, his well-muscled arms stretching out the even more muscular arms of his opponent. They kept that position for more than a minute, as the guy on the bottom kept trying to buck off his buddy, thrusting his crotch up, again and again. Gene's mind became so inflamed at the sexuality of the combat that only fear of being caught kept him from pulling out his cock and beating-off right on the spot! Suddenly, the guy on the bottom freed one hand, reached up and grabbed the hair of the top man, yanked him over, and it was now the bigger of the two who held down the smaller. But the new top man chose to lay on top of his buddy, wrapped his legs firmly about his opponent's, forcing their chests together, nipple to nipple, and completed the domination with his arm across the bottom guy's throat. As the seconds ticked off, Gene could see the two of them begin to move their bodies in a sensual rhythm, both growing flush in the face, the pace of their rubbing speeding up, til finally they both ceased their struggle and rolled apart on the lawn, panting as though thoroughly exhausted. And simultaneously Gene had shot his wad in his pants! Alone in his room that night Gene had cum again, this time without his magazines and without any light on, his eyes shut tight, his mind recalling the afternoon erotic wrestling, only now placing himself inside the match as the smaller of the two. He was hard when the fantasy began and, despite every attempt to prolong the idyll, he climaxed in less than three minutes! The next morning he awoke fully erect, and reenacted the match to yet another successful shoot. And every night and morning which followed until the day he and his family had arrived in Mendocino, the very day his Mom had left him at his new school, the same day he found himself standing in the gym, meeting Dan, who'd just asked him if he liked to wrestle! Dan's momentary anxiety that his rather provocative question had blown his first meeting with Gene was allayed in the two seconds it took for Gene to respond with equal abandon, "When? Now? Where did you have in mind?" For in the few minutes that transpired in their first meeting, both Dan and Gene had been sizing up one another. Both stood 5' 9" and weighed virtually the same, about 145 pounds. Under tight T-shirts it was obvious that each possessed firm chests, slender but potentially strong arms. Each boy knew that his wiry physique concealed a better-than-average strength, waiting these last few years to be tested in combat. And it was at this very moment that each glanced to the crotch of the other, both forming a grin at the same instant as they saw fully-hard cocks bursting for release from the confinement of their pants. It was Dan who finally gained enough composure to reply, "Not here or now. But if you'll meet me in front of the school after last class, I'll take us to a secret glen I know up one of the coastal trails. Okay?" Gene reached out his hand, "I'll be there within one minute after the last bell!" Dan and Gene clasped hands, each squeezing a bit harder than either had planned. And held their grip on one another a bit longer than might have been expected. And each face was radiant in anticipation of what lay hours away. The last bell had struck and true to his word Gene approached Dan in front of the school a minute later. Gene's mom was waiting in the car to take him home, but he told her he'd made a friend and had been invited to go home with him. She eyed Dan carefully, and concluded he had the wholesome look of the kind of boy she and her husband had hoped Gene might get to know in their new community. As she pulled away, Dan led Gene to his bike and they proceeded down the lane to the house of one of Dan's friends to borrow a bike for Gene. Along the way they exchanged superficial fragments of their recent past until they'd gotten the borrowed bike and headed out of town. It was April, a gentle breeze was blowing off the coastal headlands, and they both knew they had a good three hours before sunset. In less than five minutes they were approaching the entrance to a redwood park and the light was now broken on the ground, filtering through the thick canopy of the forest. As they rode deeper into the forest all conversation stopped. Dan was riding a very familiar path, but toward a very new experience, and his body tingled with anticipation. Gene followed behind and was awestruck at the beauty of the place, the fragrance of the air, and was noticeably shaking at the possibilities that lay minutes ahead. After about three miles, Dan motioned Gene to stop. They dismounted and walked their bikes through a narrow opening in the shrubbery, coming to a small, open spot that was carpeted by fallen redwood needles, made soft by the moisture that came by night and fled by day. The bikes were leaned up against one of the giant trees and Gene and Dan turned to face each other. With no reason to hurry this unique moment in their lives, Dan and Gene stood silently for several minutes, allowing their fingers to gently touch and explore the clothed body of the other. Dan finally reached his hands under Gene's T-shirt and slowly pulled it up over his head. With equal grace, Gene followed Dan's action, and they now stood bare-chested. Each could hear a subtle increase in the depth of breathing in the other. Gene reached to Dan's trousers, unbuttoned the top, lowered the zipper, and slowly pulled them down Dan's legs, Dan artfully stepping out of them. Dan reciprocated. They now stood only a couple of feet apart in their jockey shorts, the bright white a vivid contrast to the tanned bodies and the soft hues of the forest. So much were they connected that both reached at the same moment to pull off this last remaining garment, the front of each needing to be pulled forward to allow their raging hard-ons to spring up to face each other. With clothing now piled beside their bikes, Dan and Gene returned to the center of their carpeted arena and gently ran fingers around and about arms, chests, butts. Then each took hold of the endowment of the other and squeezed, gently at first, then tightening the grip. Each cock began to hurt as the pressure of their grip mounted. Their minds and bodies now linked, each grasped for the hair of the other and began to pull, again beginning gently, then with more force, so that soon both scalps and cocks were feeling the pain of maximum force equally applied. Yet with so many more holds, so many more positions to try, they kept at this twin torture, one minute, two. The pain of one equaled the pain of the other. Their faces were distorted in a blissful agony. Gene was twisting Dan's hair left and right, pulling his head about wildly, while Dan continued to methodically yank on Gene's hair always in a backward direction. But Dan was bending his wrist left and right and causing much pain in Gene's groin as Gene's fully erect meat was bent one way, then another. Gene tried this tactic as well. The scene thus was two gorgeous teenage boys, yanking and pulling frantically, feverishly on the other, until overcome by the sexual excitement, both began to cum in the hand of the other! The jism exploded out of their pricks and their bodies were now quivering. Both cried out, but the sounds were muffled by the thick growth of the forest. When finally the last drop of juice was out, both collapsed, arm in arm, upon the ground. They lay holding each other in a gentle embrace. And both began to cry, gentle tears, tears of joy! It was a release of emotions for finally finding a partner, someone who understood and wanted exactly what the other did. Tears for erotic torture, viciously and lovingly inflicted upon the opponent, the lover in battle. And then they kissed with a passionate intensity that matched their combat. And while tongues penetrated the mouth of the other, Gene rolled on top of Dan and began to tighten his legs about him, just as he'd seen the teenage gladiators do in San Francisco's park. Dan reached his arms up around Gene's torso and began to squeeze tightly on a bear hug. As the air was being forced from Gene's lungs Gene took his fingers and dug deeply into Dan's biceps, trying for all his might to weaken Dan's chest-constricting vice. But no matter how ferociously his fingers dug into Dan's upper arms, the bear hug only grew stronger. And through the pain, the lips remain locked, the tongues wrestling inside each mouth! Gene ceased his finger work on Dan's arms, forced them inside the tiny crevice that separated their heads, and found Dan's throat. His hands grasped Dan's windpipe and began to squeeze. A bear hug vs a chokehold. Their cocks had become firm once again and began to thrust at each other in their compacted groins. Both nearly fainted from the lack of air and erotic arousal, and if by some common, but unspoken consent, both released the punishment hold each had been inflicting. And then they began to laugh! They'd already cried, and now laughter was another emotion to convey the pleasure they'd both found. They laughed because they could hardly believe the fate that had befallen them just hours earlier. They laughed because society conditions its members to believe that inflicting pain on another person is a bad thing and is to be avoided by all nice people. And here were Dan and Gene, inflicting as much pain on each other as they could, and both thought the other was the nicest person they were ever likely to meet! And moreover, it just felt so goddammed, fucking great!! And the laughter finally subsided, and they looked longingly at one another. But not too long, for now it was Dan who sprung at Gene, grabbed him in a side headlock, forcing his head into the ground. And Gene responded with a swift blow to Dan's side, and another, and another, and they were at it again! And cocks resumed their fullness. And so it continued until nightfall of the best day of their young lives. [End] If you enjoyed this story, please write and share any thoughts or stories in a similar vein with Ruff-N-Tumbler at


10 Gay Erotic Stories from Ruff-N-Tumbler

AMG Studio Match

AMG of Los Angeles pioneered erotic wrestling videos decades ago, though they were then 8mm films. Bob Mizer was the owner and founder of AMG in Los Angeles, and my first visit to his studio was memorable insofar as he often had models hanging around there. Bob and I hit it off immediately, and he said if I wanted to get it on with any of the models I could use one of his filming

First Time With Steve

When I was about 18 years old, my best buddy was Steve. Steve stood about 5' 8" and weighed about l45 lbs. He had an attractive build, but especially muscular thighs. I stood about 5' 7" and weighed in around l55lbs. Though shorter than Steve, my build was stockier, but not soft. I had great arms and was very proud of how they looked in a short-sleeved shirt. Steve and I

Frat House Match

It was my Junior year in college and I'd enjoyed the wonders of living in my fraternity these past two years: about 50 guys, l8 to 23 years of age, at the prime of their sexual allure, most horny as hell all their waking hours (and in their cum-soaked dreams as well). As most young men were wont to do, they routinely dressed in minimal clothing, the better to admire their

High Atop A Hill

Gary had been my student the previous year, and one day he invited me to his family's ranch east of the university. We headed out in his jeep and quickly climbed to about 2000 ft, stopped at a scenic spot, and just kicked back enjoying the view. Our conversation meandered to many topics, eventually to sports. Gary said he'd never played on any team, but he and a buddy used to

Hot History Class

Tom and Erich began as strangers, two college studs falling asleep in a boring lecture room. The course in Ancient History had been dull for weeks until one afternoon the professor began to relate a particular contest in the Greek Olympic Games: the Pancration. He said the athletes competed naked and in this contest no-holds-barred wrestling was combined with boxing and kicking.

If You Dare!

Tom was beginning to shake all over as he stood in darkness on the deserted street corner. He knew it was due partly to not dressing more warmly on a cold, December night in Silicon Valley. Vanity rather than common sense had dictated his apparel: tight T-shirt and trousers with only a light-weight wind-breaker. He always chose clothes to reveal his well-chiseled physique. He

Private Showdown

The two young stallions stood facing one another across the dimly lighted high school wrestling room. Chad and Jeremy were both calling up their best macho, bad ass demeanor. Which, of course, concealed some serious misgivings each was feeling about how they'd come to be here late on a Friday night. Not that either of these studs was missing a hot date with some local chick for,

Rasslin' For The Last Butt

Tom had been driving since daybreak, and the sun was now beating down on his bronzed torso. There was nothing in life he loved more than headin' out on the open road in his '66 Mustang convertible, tunes in his cassette player, sunshine and smokes. He'd been a Marlboro Red man since he'd started smokin' his senior year in high school four years ago. Of course, these trips out in

Two Hustlers Meet Their Match

It had been raining off and on all afternoon in the city and the hustlers had retreated from the sidewalks of Polk Street into various coffeehouses to get dry. So it was that Jason was sitting near the window of Mrs. Brown's when he saw a compatriot make a dash for the entrance, fleeing a momentary cloudburst. Junior's clothes were soaked and dripping as he scanned the place for a

Two Teens Tangle In The Woods

How many hours ago had it been, Dan asked himself. Six? Seven? Christ, had it really been just that morning the blond Adonis had been introduced as a new kid in his P.E. class? Most of the guys that day in gym had just nodded or offered a casual "Hi" to him, but Dan had found himself particularly aroused and couldn't force a word from his lips. Usually never. at a loss

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