Gay Erotic Stories

Virgin Buddies, Part 3

by Paul J.

Justin and I continued our intimate contacts until the end of the school year. Somehow, we managed keep our sexual acts from our roommates and close friends. We were so discreet about it that nobody even had the slightest suspicion. During the summer, Justin invited me to go on a trip with him to France and the rest of Europe. Without any hesitation of course, I accepted the invitation and packed my stuff. Before I knew it, we were on our trip to Europe. It seemed really odd because it was only the two of us. As much as I wanted it to be a honeymoon, I was really unsure what Justin thought of it. Justin's mom dropped us off at the airport, telling me to take good care of him. Well, little did she know that I've done much more than just watching out for Justin. I assured her that I would definitely keep my eyes on Justin. We sat in one of the regular 747 commercial planes. We had aisle seats, with some lady sitting on the window. I didn't care what kinda seat we had, as long as I could lie next to Justin. We were both very tired, so we snoozed out in no time. After about an hour or so of naptime, I woke up with a big-ass hard-on. I thought I was turned on by the fact that Justin is so close to me, but little did I know that the real reason was because Justin had his hand on top of my crotch. It must have not been there long, because I would have woken up sooner from his touch. I didn't want to move it so, I quickly grabbed a blanket to uncover it before anyone could see it. It felt so good to have Justin's masculine hands on my crotch. Did he do it on purpose, I wondered? I looked over at Justin. His handsome feature was still visible even in the dark. All he had on was a polo shirt (slightly unbuttoned) to reveal his hard chest and a pair of jeans that seemed to be suffocating his package underneath. As I sat there admiring my buddy, I started to notice some movements on my crotch, as Justin's hand rubbed crotch in a circular motion. Oh, that felt good, as he continued to caress every curve from my bulging jeans. I couldn't believe that he was doing this, even on a plane. There were hundreds of eyes in the cabin, not to mention that someone was seated right next to me. But luckily, the place was dark and practically everyone was asleep, including my neighbor. But I wouldn't want to stop what Justin was doing to me for anything or anyone. It felt so good to have his hand fondling my cock. Slowly, he slipped his hand inside my pants and worked his fingers toward my flesh.....first tickling my pubic hair, then cupping my balls, and moving toward my long shaft, and finally touching the tip of my penis. I couldn't stand what he was doing for I wanted to grunt and moan so bad. I wanted to feel his cock too, so I used another blanket to cover his waist down, and did the same to him. First I stuck my hands underneath his shirt to feel his hard chest, and massaged it as I went down toward his jeans. Then I squeezed his rising crotch, feeling the outline of that beautiful package inside. Filled with anxiety, I slid my hands in his jeans and fumbled on that smooth hard cock wrapped nicely inside his briefs. Justin's cock seemed so much bigger inside his pants as I touched every little detail of his dick. I felt the moistness and stickiness from the precum that was coming out. When a stewardess walked by, I immediately stopped. As soon as she left, I resumed my action on Justin. The suspense and risk of being caught was thrilling me wildly. I could tell that Justin was getting really horny, because his body was tensing up and he was grabbing me really hard. I continued rubbing his dick and occasionally squeezing it to tease him. Shortly after, I started to stroke his dick, wrapping my hands tightly around his shaft and thrusting it with my hands. His cock was getting too big for my hand to fit in his tight jeans, so I unbuttoned and unzipped his pants to release that long rod to its freedom. It's hard to imagine, but I managed to do this very discreetly. I was now able to jerk him freely, getting a full grip on his stiff stick. He was getting very aroused as he breathed harder and sighed with pleasure. With a pounding rhythm, I made longer strokes and steered his dick like a joystick. I could feel that Justin wanted to cum soon, so I gave it one last hard thrust...and out burst a humongous squirt of cum wetting his entire crotch area. Not only were his pants and underwear soaked, but his cum was all over my hand too. He gave out such a big load that there was even cum shots on the blanket. I quickly got up to go to the restroom to wash my hand. It was sticky and had both a musky and fresh bleach smell that really turned me on. Before I rinsed it off in the sink, I took a good whiff at it, and licked it. It tasted so good and reminded me of those long nights when we cummed in each other's faces. Suddenly, the bathroom door opened; I quickly washed the cum off my hand before the person could see it. Then to my delight, Justin, appeared right in front of me. He managed to squeeze himself in and locked the door behind him. If you've been in an airplane, you know how small the bathrooms are, not to mention the bumpiness and shaking that goes on in the back of the plane. So here we were, cramped in this tiny bathroom, barely able to stand still. Justin pushed me down on the toilet seat and leaned his head towards my pants. He wasted no time to undo my pants and licked right off my underwear. It aroused me with sensation to feel his warm tongue wet my briefs. Using his teeth, he pulled down my underwear to release my rock hard cock out to the open. My dick sprang out instantly, flying straight up in the air. Justin then glided the very tip of his tongue from my balls and up to the head of my penis. No doubt, I was aroused to ecstasy. I mean, who wouldn't enjoy a good blow job from his best friend on a moving plane? Then came the suction with Justin's mouth as he shoved my dick straight down his throat. Without gagging, he wrapped his tongue all over my shaft and formed a rotation around the head of my dick. It was too fucking good. My dick was now throbbing and turning bright red. I dying to cum as Justin started pumping me with his hands. He held his hand tightly around my dick and pushed it up and down. Pointing it straight up, I felt the urge to just shoot my load all final jerk from Justin, and I exploded all over the place....shooting cum all over my upper body, on Justin's legs, the toilet seat, and even as high as the ceiling. Before I could catch my breath, Justin was already sucking out the rest of the juice from my dick and jacking me until the last drop came out. He then zipped me back up and left the restroom quietly. I wiped away the cum spots and waited a while (so that people wouldn't see both of us walking out at the same time), and sat back down next to Justin. Wow, what a good way to start off our trip I thought. It was a long flight to France, but with blankets over us, and our hands on each other's body, we had no problem flying the friendly skies.... Stay tuned to what happens next in Paris or email me:


2 Gay Erotic Stories from Paul J.

Virgin Buddies, Part 1

Virgin Buddies This is a true account of an experience I'll never forget when I was a freshman in college. It was a Friday night in the dorms. A bunch of my friends and I (both girls and guys) were just hanging out at these two girls' (Sheri and Deanna's) room. We spent the whole night chatting and drinking. At only 12:00 AM, my best friend Justin, was already knocked

Virgin Buddies, Part 3

Justin and I continued our intimate contacts until the end of the school year. Somehow, we managed keep our sexual acts from our roommates and close friends. We were so discreet about it that nobody even had the slightest suspicion. During the summer, Justin invited me to go on a trip with him to France and the rest of Europe. Without any hesitation of course, I accepted the


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