Gay Erotic Stories

Wet Experimentation, Part 2

by Kinky Is as Kinky Does

Wet Experimentation, Part 2 After arriving home, I headed into the den and watched some TV with the family, caught the late evening news, and headed off to bed. I couldn’t help thinking about David and the wildly wonderful events of the night. My dick stirred and tingled while I recalled our activities. But soon, probably due to the beers and the sex, I dropped off to sleep. All to early in the morning, I was jolted awake by a loud clap of thunder. While still taking inventory of my senses, I was greeted with a bright flash followed almost immediately by another crash of thunder. Well, damn it all, that was the end of my sleep. I glanced at the clock--it was not quite 8AM. I got up and walked over to the window. The sky was an angry dark gray with menacing rolling wind clouds imbedded within. It was pouring and the trees were bending with the strong, gusty winds. Another flash and crash, followed by even harder rain—man it was like a cow pissing on a flat rock! I got dressed and headed downstairs. Might as well have breakfast. Everyone was now up, apparently with the same idea in mind. Even Toby, our neurotic Schnauzer, was running around hysterically. That dog was hell possessed when it stormed—absolutely terrified of the thunder. Fortunately, he’d been let out before the storm started; otherwise he’d be pissing like crazy. We all set about having breakfast and morning coffee. I was just finishing my second cup of coffee, after my usual orange juice and cereal, when the phone rang. My sister answered it since she was sitting closest to the phone. She gave one of her famous scowls and pointed the receiver in my direction, indicating the call was for me. I got up and took the call. It was David. He sounded almost out of breath when he spoke. He anxiously told me he didn’t have to go to the construction site today, due to the storm, so he’d have the day free. I told him I had nothing planned, and that we’d hang out and could decide on something to do later, we’d just wing it. He invited me over whenever I could get there. I agreed and hung up the receiver. We hurried through the rest of breakfast. Mom and my sister were getting ready to take my dad to the airport, as he had an afternoon meeting in Chicago. My sister was eager to go, as this meant she could drive the car. I said by goodbyes, told all where I’d be, and headed out the door to David’s apartment. The rain had slowed somewhat, but was still coming down steadily. Within a few minutes, I was knocking on David’s front door. His apartment was actually a sort of cottage house at the rear of a very large red-bricked house—sort of a mansion, which was owned by a State Senator. The legislature was on summer recess too, and the family was in Europe on some sort of holiday and combination political fact finding junket. The upshot of it all was that David had the run of the grounds and there were no immediate neighbors. The property was in a wooded area, had a long driveway, and butted up against a large creek. David heard me coming, and opened the door quickly before I got too soaked from the rain. I was barely in the door when he threw his arms around me, hugged me and gave me a kiss. He was in his uniform of just jeans, no shirt. He had a hardon. He anxiously told me he’d been up since about 6 AM, called the jobsite foreman, and was waived off due to the inclement weather. He’d already been to the grocery store and had laid in a supply of food and necessary staple—beer! We began to plan our free day around a fresh pot of coffee and some Danish, he’d picked up at the store. We’d decided on a new movie, but any matinee wouldn’t be playing until mid-afternoon on a weekday. We talked and were settling into another genuinely good time, talking about old times etc. David then brought up one crazy episode when a bunch of our neighborhood guys got into a mud fight. We laughed about how it started as a dare and one of the guys, Jamie had almost gone into hysterics when his brother had flung a hunk of mud at him and got his clothes dirty. He’d run home crying while the rest of us proceeded to get plastered with mud balls, and after we were hopelessly filthy, we constructed a mud slide path that had ended in the creek bed. We’d spent the rest of the afternoon wallowing around and were caked in mud. We’d had a great time, but most of us all caught holy hell when we arrived at our respective homes. The fierce part of the storm had long since passed, and although it was still overcast, the rain had slowed to a light drizzle. David asked if I wanted to check out the creek that ran behind the cottage. He went into his bedroom and came back with an old pair of worn Levi’s and tossed them to me to see if they fit. They actually fit quite snugly around the waist, but a little long in the legs as he was slightly taller than me. He came to me, gave me a tug in the waist, and a hand on my crotch and said, “Yep, they fit you just fine”. We went out the back door of the apartment and headed about 100 feet towards the creek. The storm had certainly added a good deal of water and the creek had risen a good three feet according to David. I’d pretty much figured out what was going to take place, and David didn’t disappoint me. He gave a quick look around and I followed his gaze. We were absolutely alone and no one could see us from any angle. David shot me an evil grin, “Let’s have some fun. Remember last night in the shower?” With that, he stepped to me pressed his body against mine. He pressed his hardening crotch against mine, hugged and started kissing me. His bare chest against mine felt warm and wonderful. His tongue was busying itself in my mouth when I felt a warm wetness against my crotch. David was pissing himself in his jeans and soaking me as well. I felt the warmth and the piss spread throughout my crotch and run down my pants left pants leg. I stepped back and looked at David’s great body and the soaked front of his jeans. The dark wetness completely covered his crotch all the way up to the belt loops and down the fronts of both legs. David drew me to him again and invited me to let loose and soak us some more. I started to let it fly. All that juice and coffee had really filled me up and I really needed to piss anyway. I felt my crotch fill up and my own piss start to run down the front of my pants leg. David suddenly stopped me, lay down on his back on the wet grass and pulled me on top of him. I got the message and resumed unloading my piss on us both. David began cooing and ahhhing, then started hissing…fuck yeah, that feels good, keep on pissing, soak us real good. Then, when I was finishing my load, David began to buck underneath me, grinding our straining cocks against each other through our soaked crotches. God it felt good. Too good. Soon David’s body tensed and his hands gripped me harder against him. He let out an ‘oh fuck, man I’m gonna shoot’ and he shot a slick load of cum in his jeans. This cock strained so much, I could feel it throbbing and each pulse of cum shooting. This sent me over the edge and I filled my own jeans with a good sized load too. We continued to slide and hump each other feeling the slickness of our cum, which eventually seeped through the fabric of our soaked jeans. Our cocks finally became too sensitive to continue, so we caught our breath and sat up. David spoke first. “Man that was some great shit. You liked that?” “Shit yeah, man. That really felt great” I added enthusiastically. “Okay, let’s get down and dirty.” David offered as he got up, pulled me to my feet, and we headed towards the edge of the creek bed. There was about a good 6-7 foot drop off and a bend in the creek bed, which contained some type of ledge, apparently carved out during some former storm, which was a good foot above the water level. David said that this made a good play spot. Wow, apparently he was really into this and had had several of his own little sessions here. He slid down the side of the creek bed first and promptly got jeans ass and back coated with fresh mud, and sunk about 6 inches into the muddy ledge. I followed. The mud was slightly cool at first, but felt great between my toes. I asked David how he got out of the creek bed, since the top was above our heads. David demonstrated by digging his hands in the muddy creek bed wall and pulling himself upwards. He got about half way, then slid down. The front of his jeans, chest and part of his face was now covered in mud. He turned to me, drew me to him and rubbed against me, chest to chest, and gave me a hard kiss. I could feel some the mud coating my chest and oozing through my jeans as David ground his crotch and chest against me. Damn, it felt wonderful. He began stomping around the ledge area, which was about 10’ x 15’ working the mud into a gooey consistency as water welled up through the foot prints. He then took a handful of the softened mud and rubbed it on my crotch. “How’s that feel?” he asked. I bent down and took a handful and pressed it into his crotch and rubbed in around. His dick was hard again. “It feels pretty damn good” I replied. “Okay, time to go for it good” David said, as he pulled me to him and forced us both down in the mud. We landed on our sides in the mud with a slight splattering. Then David rolled us over one way and then back. Our backsides were now completely covered in mud. He then broke free, sat up on his knees facing me and picked up two handfuls of mud, spreading them on my chest. I returned the favor. He then stretched out face first in the mud and proceeded to hump the mud bed his body was forming. He then stood up, pulled me up to him and pressed his mud caked crotch and chest against me. It felt great. He then told me to use the same formed spot and do a little humping of my own. I did and it felt absolutely great. Between the cum and the mud pushing through our crotches, it made for some mighty fine lube. David then lay on his back in the mud formed lounging spot and pulled me on top of him. We ground our eager cocks against each other until we shot another load. Shortly after that, David opened his jeans and pulled out his still hard cock. I followed suit. We took off the filthy jeans and threw them against the creek’s bank. We were now naked and stroking each other’s cum covered cocks. This was too cool. We then resumed horsing around in the mud, which kept getting softer and more watery with our wallowing. We continued to pay around and stick the stuff in just about every orifice and place on each other we could think of. After we had covered each other countless times, we decided it was time to sort of clean up, so we got off the muddy ledge and rinsed off ourselves and the mud caked jeans in the creek water. We then walked further down the creek to a lower banked wall and climbed out of the creek and headed back to David’s apartment with our wet jeans in tow. Once inside, we headed for the shower and some good clean soapy fun. It took quite a while to get all traces of the mud off, but we had a great time going this, soaping each other up and cleaning each other off. I took the opportunity to wash David’s backside and ass really good. I decided to feel him out a bit and stuck first one and then two soapy fingers past his ass sphincter. He responded very well, actually pushing his ass against my exploring fingers. I knew I was in for some more fun pretty soon, but I was spent and sort of tired now. Time to get dressed, chow down and go see a movie! To be continued,


8 Gay Erotic Stories from Kinky Is as Kinky Does

Wet Experimentation, Part 1

Thinking back several years, I’m not exactly sure just how I got interested in getting wet and then getting off. I guess it may have started as a kid peeing in the bathtub water on a Saturday night, or the fun of pissing in my swim trunks while wading waist deep in the lake or at the beach. Just letting it go while looking at the rest of the beachgoers—who had no idea what I was

Wet Experimentation, Part 2

Wet Experimentation, Part 2 After arriving home, I headed into the den and watched some TV with the family, caught the late evening news, and headed off to bed. I couldn’t help thinking about David and the wildly wonderful events of the night. My dick stirred and tingled while I recalled our activities. But soon, probably due to the beers and the sex, I dropped off to sleep. All

Wet Experimentation, Part 3

Wet Experimentation, Part 3 By the time we were ready to head out for some lunch and then take in a movie, the rain and drizzle had stopped and the sun had broken through the clouds here and there, and it was well on its way to being a hot and muggy Midwestern type summer day. David and I hit a local diner and had the local lunch special, which was actually very good and it

Wet Experimentation, Part 4

Saturday morning was a day for running errands, getting a haircut, and hitting the grocery store. It was about 1 PM by the time I drove up the driveway with the backseat filled with bags of groceries, having filled mom’s list successfully. As I walked in with the first armload sundries, mom told me David had called earlier and that he had to work the full day, but he’d probably be

Wet Experimentation, Part 5

Well, there wasn’t much to be said about Saturday night TV programming. We soon found ourselves ignoring the tube and just talking. It started out innocent enough, but soon the subject turned to our expanded ‘friendship’. I wasn’t sure how to read David, whether he was feeling sort of guilty about the past couple of days, or if he was worried about what may be going through my mind.

Wet Experimentation, Part 6

Within just a few days, Chuck and I had become amazingly close friends. Our interests were similar, and we even had an Organic Chemistry class together, and had opted for the same lab as well. We weren’t lab partners, but Chuck’s lab station was only one row away, and I could easily look through the shelving and watch his progress. His lab partner was a real dork. It was kind of a

Wet Experimentation, Part 7

The rest of the week went entirely too fast. I wasn’t sure just how to pull off this coming weekend. Part of me eagerly awaited David’s familiar and wonderfully appreciating and welcoming body and intimate kinship, yet I was apprehensive with regard to Chuck. Hey I had to LIVE with this guy for at least the rest of this semester and in close quarters of our dorm room, not to

Wet Experimentation, Part 8

I took s short step forward and was met by two hands, drawing me inward. The three of us were suddenly exploring each other’s upper bodies, tongues searching, licking, kissing, circling and exploring each other’s mouths, chests, ears, pecs with drunken urgency. The aroma of male sweat mixed with the odor of beer and the scintillating puffs of hot, gulping breaths felt wonderful when


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