Gay Erotic Stories

Wet Experimentation, Part 3

by Kinky Is as Kinky Does

Wet Experimentation, Part 3 By the time we were ready to head out for some lunch and then take in a movie, the rain and drizzle had stopped and the sun had broken through the clouds here and there, and it was well on its way to being a hot and muggy Midwestern type summer day. David and I hit a local diner and had the local lunch special, which was actually very good and it filled us up nicely. We caught the 2:15 PM matinee feature and had a great time. The theater wasn’t very crowded and there was no one sitting anywhere near us. David took the opportunity to develop roaming hands. Well, two can play at that game! Soon we were causing each other problems, while laughing our asses off at the movie. The problem came when the movie was over and we had to stay in our seats until our boners calmed down. When we left the theater and walked out into the bright late afternoon sunlight, I caught a glimpse of a very noticeable wet spot on David’s well-worn crotch from his leaking pre-cum. David just laughed and we walked on to the car. We drove straight back to his apartment, due to having had several large ice teas at lunch and a giant theater sized rip-off priced coke during the movie. By the time we’d arrived back at his place, I the urgency had passed. David went to the refrigerator and got us each a beer. He came up with the idea of trying to hold out as long as we possibly could before having to take a piss. I’m always up for a challenge, so I agreed. Whom ever held out the longest got to choose what we’d do. The sun was still out, so David decided we’d put back on the old semi-creek washed jeans that were still kind of slightly damp and slightly dirty. We laid out in the sun in the back yard and killed off another couple of beers while soaking up some rays and sweltering in the humid, sticky late afternoon air. It wasn’t long before we each broke a good sweat as we baked in the sun. I looked over at David. His chest was sparkling with sweat, and a pool of it lying in his belly button, which was over flowing and running down his side. What a gorgeous specimen of a man, and he was mine for the taking! Pretty soon, David stirred and sat up. When he did, the sweat that pooled in his navel ran down the front of his jeans toward his crotch, which was bulging with a semi-hard cock straining against the fabric. He said he couldn’t hold out any longer and had to let loose. I had to go so bad in hurt. He just lay back down on his back and told me to watch as he let loose. His crotch immediately turned a dark wet blue, and soon afterwards a stream of hot golden liquid shot through the waistband of his jeans and soaked his stomach and chest. His jeans were now soaked through to nearly his knees and shining like is body in the sun. He motioned for me to climb on top of him. I felt the warmth of his body and the wetness of his crotch began to permeate mine. That was it. I couldn’t hold it any longer and let my piss fly as I lay on top of him. As soon as he felt the warm addition of my hot piss, David began trying to grind our crotches together. This distracted me from pissing for a while, but soon I was flowing full throttle again. There was so much piss that every time David thrust upwards, he made a squishing noise when his butt met the ground and the pool of piss being generated. We just kept on humping each other after I’d finished and before long; we both came in our jeans. The odor of the sweat, the piss and the cum all mixed together was delightfully wicked. David decided we needed another cold beer after our heated workout. I agreed and we quickly downed another cold one. David got up, shot me an evil grin and say, “What say we have some fun in the creek again?” “Sounds like a plan to me” I said and we headed for the creek and the mudhole. The water level had noticeably dropped and their was a slight dry crust on the hole as we had left it. You could still see the custom sized body outline from our previous playing. We both slid down the embankment and planted our feet firmly in the mud. They still sank in with a squishing sound to about the same ankle depth. The mud was definitely much warmer, having been subjected to the afternoon sun. David got right into it. He splashed some creek water on the muddy ledge and instead of stomping around with his feet like last time; he just took a dive face first into the mud and made a good splash in doing so. He humped the form fitting hole a few times and then stood up, facing me, covered with fresh warm mud and a hard cock poking through the waistband of his jeans. He stepped forward and pressed himself against me, and after a couple of crotch and chest rubs, I was instantly as filthy as he was. The warm mud felt just as great as the warm piss and cum had earlier. My cock was now hard again too. We found ourselves kissing and fondling each other’s asses while grinding our crotches together. Then David pulled me down and we rolled around in the mud together, covering ourselves completely in the warm mud, which oozed out from between us at every delicious point of contact. It wasn’t long before we each managed to drain some more piss onto each other and humped each other’s crotches together and came a second time. We took off our jeans and sort of washed up again in the creek and wrung out the jeans of most of the mud, and headed for the house and the shower. We cleaned up and horsed around with the soap as before. I played again with David’s ass and he really seemed to enjoy it. We dried off and I put on the jeans I came with and we watched the early evening news. David suggested I call home and advise my parents that we’d got out and have dinner. I called, but mom just about had dinner ready, and since my dad wasn’t home, she’d like it if I was there for dinner. I excused myself from David’s invite, and prepared to head home. We agreed to get together the next day, Saturday. David said he usually only had to work a half day on Saturdays, but since they lost Friday, he might have to work the whole day, but we’d be sure to get together that evening. I hugged and kissed him goodbye, and headed for the door. “See ya tomorrow!” I called back. David chimed in, “Sure thing man”. To be continued…


8 Gay Erotic Stories from Kinky Is as Kinky Does

Wet Experimentation, Part 1

Thinking back several years, I’m not exactly sure just how I got interested in getting wet and then getting off. I guess it may have started as a kid peeing in the bathtub water on a Saturday night, or the fun of pissing in my swim trunks while wading waist deep in the lake or at the beach. Just letting it go while looking at the rest of the beachgoers—who had no idea what I was

Wet Experimentation, Part 2

Wet Experimentation, Part 2 After arriving home, I headed into the den and watched some TV with the family, caught the late evening news, and headed off to bed. I couldn’t help thinking about David and the wildly wonderful events of the night. My dick stirred and tingled while I recalled our activities. But soon, probably due to the beers and the sex, I dropped off to sleep. All

Wet Experimentation, Part 3

Wet Experimentation, Part 3 By the time we were ready to head out for some lunch and then take in a movie, the rain and drizzle had stopped and the sun had broken through the clouds here and there, and it was well on its way to being a hot and muggy Midwestern type summer day. David and I hit a local diner and had the local lunch special, which was actually very good and it

Wet Experimentation, Part 4

Saturday morning was a day for running errands, getting a haircut, and hitting the grocery store. It was about 1 PM by the time I drove up the driveway with the backseat filled with bags of groceries, having filled mom’s list successfully. As I walked in with the first armload sundries, mom told me David had called earlier and that he had to work the full day, but he’d probably be

Wet Experimentation, Part 5

Well, there wasn’t much to be said about Saturday night TV programming. We soon found ourselves ignoring the tube and just talking. It started out innocent enough, but soon the subject turned to our expanded ‘friendship’. I wasn’t sure how to read David, whether he was feeling sort of guilty about the past couple of days, or if he was worried about what may be going through my mind.

Wet Experimentation, Part 6

Within just a few days, Chuck and I had become amazingly close friends. Our interests were similar, and we even had an Organic Chemistry class together, and had opted for the same lab as well. We weren’t lab partners, but Chuck’s lab station was only one row away, and I could easily look through the shelving and watch his progress. His lab partner was a real dork. It was kind of a

Wet Experimentation, Part 7

The rest of the week went entirely too fast. I wasn’t sure just how to pull off this coming weekend. Part of me eagerly awaited David’s familiar and wonderfully appreciating and welcoming body and intimate kinship, yet I was apprehensive with regard to Chuck. Hey I had to LIVE with this guy for at least the rest of this semester and in close quarters of our dorm room, not to

Wet Experimentation, Part 8

I took s short step forward and was met by two hands, drawing me inward. The three of us were suddenly exploring each other’s upper bodies, tongues searching, licking, kissing, circling and exploring each other’s mouths, chests, ears, pecs with drunken urgency. The aroma of male sweat mixed with the odor of beer and the scintillating puffs of hot, gulping breaths felt wonderful when


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