Gay Erotic Stories

Wet Experimentation, Part 5

by Kinky Is as Kinky Does

Well, there wasn’t much to be said about Saturday night TV programming. We soon found ourselves ignoring the tube and just talking. It started out innocent enough, but soon the subject turned to our expanded ‘friendship’. I wasn’t sure how to read David, whether he was feeling sort of guilty about the past couple of days, or if he was worried about what may be going through my mind. In any event, it made my cock stir, and David’s butt cheeks were keenly aware of the newfound problem. He began snuggling his ass crack against my hardening rod, coaxing in to full stature with just a few inviting strokes. His rear end maneuvering guided my dick to its waiting target. Surprisingly, once my cock passed David’s courting butt cheeks, the inner crack of his ass was still delightfully damp. I pushed forward sort of half heartedly, more as a gesture of foreplay, but to my surprise and delight, David’s hole opened up and let me slide right in. The inside of his poop chute was still quite lubricated with cum from our previous session and made for just the right amount of slickness, while providing a captivating amount of friction as well. I reached around and grabbed hold of David’s dick. His hand was already there and he had already thrown a rock hard boner. My hand felt his cockhead, which was already quite well lubricated from his heavy leaking of precum. Then David’s hand brushed mine away. His voice broke in over the TV dialogue, “Not yet, I’m kind of close. I just want to feel you inside of me for a while.” We stayed in the same position on the couch; me curled around his backside with my dick firmly wedged in his ass. Occasionally, he’d buck, or I would thrust a few times to bring good old willy back to the boiling point. After about a good twenty minutes, David began riding his ass on my cock in slow, deliberate but rhythmic movements.. Instead of fucking like rabbits, this slow, sensual pace was driving me wild. I knew this couldn’t continue too much longer for me. I was judging my range when David turned further on his side and let out a low groan. I leaned forward just in time to view his cock spurt 5 separate loads of cum—without him even touching his dick! He was still bucking away slowly, and this set of visuals threw me over the edge, and I filled his asshole with a fresh supply of nice warm jizz. He pulled himself off my dick, then rolled over and faced me on the couch, pressing his sticky stomach and chest against mine. He gave me a big, slow kiss. Not passionate and hard, but slow and sensitive. He pulled away and his brown eyes searched my face. He spoke a few seconds later. “I wish we could make this last always. I’ve never experienced such feelings. I…I don’t know how to say it…but I care a great deal for you. I think we’d be great together. What do you think about the idea of moving in with me for the rest of the summer—that is until you have to return to college in the fall?” I replied that I felt something really special too, and that I could think of no better way to spend the summer. Our friendship had been a long lasting one and this new level of intimacy felt just natural and wonderful. I’d check things out with my parents and see if they had any objections, but I didn’t expect to encounter any. Then, realizing it was getting on in the evening, I said that I’d better be heading home soon, so as not to court trouble. David reluctantly agreed and we got up from the couch and headed for the shower. After a little good clean fun, we rinsed off and towel dried each other. I dressed and then said good night, followed by a “see ya tomorrow”. Yep, it was Sunday and a work free day for David. I had had the foresight to check in with mom, so she wasn’t expecting me for dinner or anytime soon. I got the impression, I had arrived earlier than she’d expected. Good. I put on a fresh shirt and shorts and spent the rest of the night in the den watching a movie followed by the late news. I sunk in my bed all too easily and was out almost immediately. Sunday brought the obligatory attendance at church, and although my heart wasn’t in it, I was careful not to complain or hint and anything that might be interpreted negatively by mom. Besides, since dad was out of town, I was the man to accompany her anyway. It wasn’t so bad, the time passed quickly and before I knew it, we were belting out the closing hymn. I really had no idea what the sermon was about; my thoughts were elsewhere and busy figuring out my lodging arrangement presentation. Mother and sister were restless. We went out to Sunday lunch and they mom suggested we take a ride to my grandmother’s and surprise her. Damn, I really had no choice, and to make matters worse, my sister was eager to seize the opportunity to drive. Mom relented and I just climbed in the back seat and lay back thinking to myself. My mind was miles away, and then I actually nodded off—with my sister driving! We arrive about an hour and a half later at grandmother’s house. Of course she was home, she didn’t drive and grandpa had died a couple years earlier. We spent the remainder of the afternoon in conversation, and the two hours we were there seemed more like a whole day. It was nearly 8:30 PM when we finally pulled back into our drive. I went upstairs and called David. He had been expecting me, but I told him of the surprise trip and he understood. By the time we’d finished talking, it was after 9 PM and David had to get up at 6 AM, so we decided to hold off seeing each other until Monday night. David asked me if I’d talked to my parents about moving in, and I told him that since dad was still out of town until Tuesday night, I’d decided not to bring anything up until both were home, thinking that my dad would take my side more easily. Monday night came early enough, but I had dinner at home and didn’t ready David’s house until about 7:30. David was primed and ready and we didn’t even watch any TV, just headed for the bedroom and went at it like of couple of minks. My dick was sore from the rapid-fire performance, but found myself smiling contentedly as I drove home. We’d agreed on trying to bring up the idea of my summer relocation Tuesday night after we picked up my dad from the airport, and David though this as great idea and would anxiously await the outcome. I spent the day building an airtight case on the benefits of moving out of the house for the summer. I’d anticipated that mother wouldn’t really be very much taken by the idea, yet David’s apartment was less than a mile away and I’d most likely be around home during the day or as often as she needed me. I felt ready to present my case, confident of winning both of them over. I knew my sister would be supportive—she’d already made a fuss of giving up my big bedroom for the summer, after expropriating it as soon as I’d left for college. Dad’s plane actually arrived early, and everyone was in a good mood. We wound up eating dinner out on the way back from the airport. I was pondering the idea of bringing up the subject at the restaurant, but elected to hold off, just in case the idea turned into a contest of wills. At home, I eased into the conversation while we were settled in the den. It went surprisingly well. Mother’s only objection was that I should be saving my money and not spending it on an apartment. She had no argument, when I said I was staying there for nothing. Dad didn’t care, just as long as it wouldn’t interfere with the new summer job he’d lined up for me that started next week. My sister was overjoyed. So was I. Son of a gun, we actually found some common ground. I called David from my bedroom and gave him the good news. I moved in some of my clothes on Wednesday night. We had a celebration of sorts and spent the rest of the night entangled in our thoughts, lust and carnal desires. The beer flowed, our dicks shot off, and flowed at will. I’d made an entrance contribution of a plastic cover for David’s double bed, and we gave it the UL seal of approval that night. We spent a great summer together. It was like we were sort of a couple, and rarely spent time apart from each other most nights and on the weekends. Our jobs kept us both apart during the workdays, but our time together was greatly anticipated always. I even taught David how to play tennis, and he actually became quite good. We explored each other, leaving no known sexual stone unturned. Although I wasn’t really into it, I’d even let David have his way with my ass on a few occasions, usually when I was well gone on beer, he liked it, especially when I’d hose him down while he was fucking me. It was a time of discovery, innocence lost; yet as I look back, it was an innocent time. We were enthralled with each other, committed soul mates, and free to do whatever our imaginations allowed. This was a disease free time, neither of us had experienced any type of venereal diseases and HIV was years from even rearing its ugly head. Summer raced by all too fast and soon I found myself shopping reluctantly for some back to college clothes, dreading the day I’d leave. David didn’t talk much about it, but I just knew he was likewise apprehensive of the inevitable. Black Sunday came, and I had the car loaded up and ready for the drive back to college. I’d waited until the last possible day, as registration started on Monday and classes on Wednesday. I bid my parents farewell, and with some trepidation, drove over to David’s for the last time. He answered the door and pulled me in. I looked at his face and eyes. He’d clearly been crying, and his voice was still shaky. I was running way behind schedule, so we weren’t really able to carry on. I gave him my address and telephone number at school and he’d promised to come visit some weekend soon. We hugged and kissed, and held each other tightly until I just had to leave, due to the driving time measured against school curfew. It was just too hard to leave. I had knots in my stomach and felt like shit. My shaky voice was glibly reassuring David, that indeed, I’d be back and he was always welcome at school. With that, we starred at each other, shook hands and I turned and left. . The drive back to school was over before I knew it. It scared me to think that my thoughts were anywhere but on the road and my driving. But, I made it with some 20 minutes to spare. The first couple weeks were a challenge and I missed David, especially since I had a dorm room to myself. The third weekend, he showed up unannounced. That was one hell of a weekend, although the sex was vanilla in nature, as there was no bathroom or shower readily available. We had a great time anyway. Parting Sunday was somehow a little easier, and David promised he’d visit again, and of course Thanksgiving holiday wasn’t too far off. I’d settled back into the week’s routine, but on Tuesday afternoon, I arrived back at the dorm room to find the door ajar. Damn, it was open. I knew I’d closed it, and wasn’t concerned, as I didn’t have any porn mags or anything to hide. I cautiously peered inside and saw a guy unloading his duffle bag. Damn, apparently I’d gotten a roommate. This could be good or bad, but would certainly foul up any future visits from David. I opened the door and walked into the room. The guy turned around. I got my first look at him, and my senses went haywire. Damn, this guy was just unbelievable. He apparently saw the surprised look on my face, and apologized, then introduced himself. This name was Charles, but call him Chuck. He stuck out his hand and gripped mine. Now that was some handshake—powerful and sincere. We talked and I found out he’d missed the first couple of weeks of school, due to his parents being in Europe for the summer. We settled in and headed to the union for dinner together. We hit if off right away and headed back to the dorm room to finish getting settled. Chuck took off his shirt and stripped off his jeans, putting on a pair of jockey type swim trunks. This guy was one fine specimen, not quite as ruggedly muscular as David, but certainly no twink type. Having a roommate may not be too bad after all. This was going to take some getting used to and maybe the plusses would outweigh the minuses. Anyway, I’d might as well make the best of it. There was really no choice, as I’d had the only single room in the dorm. I didn’t care at this point whether he was straight or liked to fool around—he was just apparently and nice guy and was certainly not hard to look at. To be continued…


8 Gay Erotic Stories from Kinky Is as Kinky Does

Wet Experimentation, Part 1

Thinking back several years, I’m not exactly sure just how I got interested in getting wet and then getting off. I guess it may have started as a kid peeing in the bathtub water on a Saturday night, or the fun of pissing in my swim trunks while wading waist deep in the lake or at the beach. Just letting it go while looking at the rest of the beachgoers—who had no idea what I was

Wet Experimentation, Part 2

Wet Experimentation, Part 2 After arriving home, I headed into the den and watched some TV with the family, caught the late evening news, and headed off to bed. I couldn’t help thinking about David and the wildly wonderful events of the night. My dick stirred and tingled while I recalled our activities. But soon, probably due to the beers and the sex, I dropped off to sleep. All

Wet Experimentation, Part 3

Wet Experimentation, Part 3 By the time we were ready to head out for some lunch and then take in a movie, the rain and drizzle had stopped and the sun had broken through the clouds here and there, and it was well on its way to being a hot and muggy Midwestern type summer day. David and I hit a local diner and had the local lunch special, which was actually very good and it

Wet Experimentation, Part 4

Saturday morning was a day for running errands, getting a haircut, and hitting the grocery store. It was about 1 PM by the time I drove up the driveway with the backseat filled with bags of groceries, having filled mom’s list successfully. As I walked in with the first armload sundries, mom told me David had called earlier and that he had to work the full day, but he’d probably be

Wet Experimentation, Part 5

Well, there wasn’t much to be said about Saturday night TV programming. We soon found ourselves ignoring the tube and just talking. It started out innocent enough, but soon the subject turned to our expanded ‘friendship’. I wasn’t sure how to read David, whether he was feeling sort of guilty about the past couple of days, or if he was worried about what may be going through my mind.

Wet Experimentation, Part 6

Within just a few days, Chuck and I had become amazingly close friends. Our interests were similar, and we even had an Organic Chemistry class together, and had opted for the same lab as well. We weren’t lab partners, but Chuck’s lab station was only one row away, and I could easily look through the shelving and watch his progress. His lab partner was a real dork. It was kind of a

Wet Experimentation, Part 7

The rest of the week went entirely too fast. I wasn’t sure just how to pull off this coming weekend. Part of me eagerly awaited David’s familiar and wonderfully appreciating and welcoming body and intimate kinship, yet I was apprehensive with regard to Chuck. Hey I had to LIVE with this guy for at least the rest of this semester and in close quarters of our dorm room, not to

Wet Experimentation, Part 8

I took s short step forward and was met by two hands, drawing me inward. The three of us were suddenly exploring each other’s upper bodies, tongues searching, licking, kissing, circling and exploring each other’s mouths, chests, ears, pecs with drunken urgency. The aroma of male sweat mixed with the odor of beer and the scintillating puffs of hot, gulping breaths felt wonderful when


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