Gay Erotic Stories

Wrestling With Roger

by Wildman

Wrestling with Roger: By Wildman

A new sporting goods store had opened in our area. Being an outdoors kinda guy - I decided to check them out one Friday afternoon. I've been into outdoor recreation all my life and if I'm not out exploring the wilderness - I'm almost as happy shopping for outdoors equipment. Within moments of walking in the door of the new shop - I had to think this is my kinda place as it was obvious that outdoor recreation was the primary specialty venue. Likewise, before I hardly had a chance to wander more than a few feet, a voice behind me said: "Can I show you something?"

I turned and had to think: "Man, you already have!" Thankfully I didn't say it out loud. This studly fella stood before me with a nice smile, about my age, and said: "Hi, my name’s Roger, can I help you with something? I admitted that I was just in to check out the new store, mostly out of curiosity, commenting further that outdoor equipment was definitely some of my favorite stuff. Roger said: "Well make yourself at home and let me know if you need help with anything." While this seemed like pretty standard "store banter" Roger made it sound real personal.

After I had a chance to wander a bit I noticed Roger again as he was unpacking a box and stocking a shelf. Since Roger was about my age, I knew he hadn't graduated from high school around here - so I inquired where he was from. He said his Dad had relocated here from St. Louis to open this store since market research had indicated there was little competition in this area. Roger also allowed that he was in the Marines here in the east and was only on a break to help his Dad open the store. Marines huh? I asked? Yes, Paris Island, S.C. he said. Cool, he definitely looked the part. We talked some more since the store wasn't very busy. I indicated that I really enjoyed primitive camping and backpacking. Roger said: "That was one of his favorites too when he had time." He also indicated that he was really looking forward to exploring some of the wilderness areas here. I asked if he was familiar with this area and he said not at all since his Dad had only been in the area for about four months. This was Roger’s first visit since the store opened. He asked about me, and I told him I had been here all my life and would be glad to show him some of the local area sometime. We have lots of great wilderness areas around here even including a national forest. Roger's eyes lit up and he said: "When?" His enthusiasm almost startled me! I said - well almost anytime as I pretty much have my weekends off. He said: "This weekend?" and I said: "Sure!" He said: "Where?" And I suggested Upper Creek was a great area and we could rock-hop up the creek a ways and camp right beside the creek. He said: "That sounds great! Dad will be back here about 4 this afternoon and can take over the store. I'm sure I can get off." I said: "Great, have you got any equipment?" And Roger laughed and said with a wave of his hands over the store: "have I got equipment!" And I said: "Well I guess you do!" I told Roger that I would go home and pack and be back about 3:30. He said: "Great, looking forward to it!" What luck, as I was wondering what I might do with myself this weekend. I could hardly wait to get home, pack a few things and head out for the wilderness.

Roger was packed and ready to go when I got back to the store. We hadn't discussed food or provisions, and while I had packed some food, Roger grabbed a few trail packs off the shelf. His Dad had gotten back a little early so was ready to take over the store. Roger introduced me to his Dad and we were off. A good access to Upper Creek was only about 8 miles away so in no time we were turning off the highway onto the forest service road that took us to Upper Creek. Incredible that so much wilderness is so close to home. Roger was just blown away by the natural beauty of the area. We were soon in sight of the creek and pulled off the road to park. I was pleased that mine was the only car in the area, which meant we had the place to ourselves. Pulling our packs from the back of the Bronco, I locked up and we walked over to the creek. Roger said: "man this area is just so great! And we're going to rock-hop up the creek?" I said: "Yeah - since Upper Creek goes up to a falls about 5 miles upstream and cuts through a gorge, rock hopping is the only way since the banks are so steep. It is rock-hop or nothing really! This is the only way in!" Roger was pumped and ready to get started so we stepped into the stream and began our adventure. I had been up here lots of times and yet each trip was always an adventure. Rock hopping is a bunch of work and I hoped that Roger was up to it.

Well we were not 500 feet into our adventure when Roger slipped off a rock and plunged head first into a pool, spitting and gasping. I had to pull him out since he and his pack were now totally soaked! I assumed he knew the rocks were slippery! He almost apologized for having taken a dunk - but I told him - it probably won't be our last. These rocks can be real tricky. Likewise, with his wet clothes sticking to him - it definitely gave me a better look at his well-formed body. Moments later, I was the lucky camper to fall in the drink! Whew - that water is cold and the sun was already getting down behind the trees. In our first mile both of us had seen the drink three or four times - with two pools that were too large to jump so you had to swim across. A campfire was definitely going to feel real good! Had I known Roger better, I would have already been stripped and hiking in the nude as was more often my custom - since I really hate slopping around in wet clothes. Moments later as Roger pulled himself out of yet another pool he said: "Geeze, had I known we were going to get this wet, I would have stripped from the get go!" It was then I confided that I usually did upper creek in the nude, since for all its splendor; this area really saw very few visitors. Roger confided that he had just been kidding, but seemed intrigued with the idea of naked in nature!

We were soon at a wide place in the stream and the first place where we could actually make camp. I usually like to camp further up stream - but it was getting late - so we opted for here and now! Roger gathered some wood as I pitched the tent. I couldn't wait to get out of my wet clothes - so my first chore was to hang a clothesline and strip. Roger only casually noticed my nakedness when he returned with the wood. I finished pitching the tent while he got a fire started. Thankfully, I had packed my dry goods in a waterproof sack inside my pack. Roger on the other hand had forgotten that little detail so everything he had in his pack was pretty wet. Since we were about the same size, I offered him a pair of dry shorts, which he gladly accepted. I was looking forward to watching him strip since he had already seem me naked.

Watching Roger strip after he got the fire going was a nice show - since he had to peel everything off. He hung up his wet clothes and everything else he had in his pack before putting on the dry shorts I had offered so there was ample time for me to check him out. He was nicely hung and proportioned - though we both had looked a bit shrunken from having been in the cold water. Actually, I had to sit by the fire a while before I could even get my nuts out of my throat!!!

Well since we had now seen each other naked - it just seemed that we naturally felt like we knew each other a bit better. Strange, I don't really feel like I know someone until I have seen them naked which is usually the sooner the better. Roger and I were definitely off to a fine start. Had I not been so cool, I might have stayed stripped quite a bit longer. Sometimes - I come up here, strip for the rock-hop and never wear anything until I'm back at the car. I mentioned this to Roger and he said: "Sounds cool to me!" "Yeah too cool right now for me I said!" At any rate, we settled in and fixed a little supper warming ourselves by the fire, which felt really good. We got to talk way up into the night and get to know each other pretty well beyond having now seen each other naked. Actually, Roger was a feast for the eyes and I was glad we had brought down the barrier and our shorts early on. But definitely, I wanted to see more of Roger. Perhaps in the morning! But right now it was time to let the fire die and turn in.

We were both up with first light and Roger had assumed the fire tending while I got out some food for breakfast. Breakfast behind us - and we only had to decide if we should break camp and work our way up to the falls or stay right here. I had seen the falls and it was almost more than a weekend trip up there and then back again - since the return was just as much rock hoping on the way back down as it was up. I suggested we stay here and do the falls sometime when we had a longer weekend. Roger said he was fine here too as that rock hopping was quite a work out and he would like to relax more. Indeed, there was a fine pool right here where we were for swimming and a large rock for some serious sunning if we liked. Not a bad spot really. Roger had noticed my all over tan and commented upon it. I told him I enjoyed sunning in the nude at every opportunity - despising tan lines as unsightly. He agreed, but in the Marines, there was little time or opportunity for nude sun bathing if ever! I was surprised that within the all guy Marine environment that there wasn't more nudity, but Roger said other than the showers that was about it. He sounded a little disappointed too!

So, what to do with our day? Last night during our fireside talk - I mentioned that I enjoy wrestling and Roger said while it wasn't a passion, he too had enjoyed wrestling around with school chums but never got into anything serious like a wrestling team or anything like that. I never was much for team sports myself but I too enjoy a good roll and waller now and then. So while we waited for the day to warm up I suggested a little wrestling match! Roger said great if you are ready to have your ass whipped this early in the morning! I was certainly intrigued! I spread another tarp on the ground - just so we might not get a stick up our ass in the process. We were still just wearing our shorts since everything else was still wet and while I certainly felt a bit over dressed, I wasn't sure how Roger might feel about male nude wrestling - so I left it at that.

We squared off and I wasn't too surprised when Roger put me on the ground right off. We strained and struggled and try as I might it looked like I would be first to be pinned for sure. Roger had me down good - as I couldn't even roll over! I suddenly noticed Rogers knee seriously into my crotch and pointed that little fact out to him saying: "Be Careful there Dude!" Roger grinned and said: "What's the matter tough guy! Can't ya take it?" Yeah I can take it I said - but my balls ain't made out of cast iron! Damn if he didn't just ram a little tighter! "Crunch!" Fortunately, I had a hand free and as I came up under his crotch with a full crotch claw, I said: "You asked for it bucko!" ""I can give as good as I can take!" Roger grimaced as I gave the whole package a good twisting crunch! "God Almighty Damn!" "Turn me loose!!" He said - almost howling! I did have a mighty good grip and Roger was more than a good handful. Needless to say for the moment - I seemed to have an advantage until he wrestled loose from my grasp! At that he flattened me again and very nearly had me pinned all over again! I kept bucking and twisting until he put a knee in my chest. I only had the strength to buck up one more time and that's when he made his move, putting his arm between my legs, grabbed the back of my shorts, lifting my ass and pinning me flat for the count of ten! I was nailed, so I relaxed but he still had a hold on my shorts and instead of turning them loose, he gave them a good pull and the next thing I knew - both legs were in the air with my shorts soon slipping off from around my ankles. Roger tossed them aside like a worthless prize and stood over me in total domination!

Well now I'm naked spread-eagled on the ground - so I just looked up and said: "Uncle?" Roger just laughed and said you ain't been ass whooped yet!! With that he reached down and picked up both ankles with one hand, raising them high in the air so I'm nearly standing on my head. At the same time - he reached around to a small sapling, snapped it off and seemed hell bent on wearing it out on my ass! " Holy Shit - that hurts!" I yelled! Roger just kept it up! Ouch! Well it was: regain my energy or kiss my sweet butt cheeks goodbye! He was totally into wailing my ass off it would seem!

I finally managed to wiggle around - so that we were nearly side-by-side. It was like Roger was for the moment in a different world wailing away at my butt cheeks, so actually while my ass was in the air - I did seem to have the advantage of two free hands. I reached up and grabbed Roger's shorts with both hands and pulled them down to his ankles! You would have thought that might have distracted him - but he just stepped out of them and kicked them aside all the while burning my ass with that damn stick. I say stick - since the smaller limbs and leaves were long gone. Man my ass was on fire and I wasn't sure just how much more of that I could stand before he drew blood if he hadn't already! (Seriously, I was about to cry!) While he had a real good grip on my ankles - I did finally manage to twist and turn myself out of his grip. I was quickly up and took him down hard such that I nearly knocked the breath out of him. Maintaining an advantage - I immediately grabbed him by the balls, (rather viciously!), lifting his ass and had him pinned almost before he knew what hit him! I may have counted to ten or maybe not - didn't really matter! This was war! And I had him by the ammunition! Indeed, this was going to be a good crunch - no matter if he could ever father children or not when I got through! "Kiss your nuts good bye sucker!" I said. Unfortunately, I couldn't maintain my grip, keep him pinned and find me a saplings - so this was going to be a hand job! I swiveled around and planted my ass squarely on his chest facing south so I had his manhood squarely in front of me and reachable by both hands. Ohhhh Roger was bucking like a bronco - but I could quell that with a good crunch of the nuts. I actually had both his arms/ hands pinned with my knees - and stopped momentarily to more properly pin one that was nearly free. Ohhh yeah - I had him where I wanted him and he WOULD pay the price of all that ass whipping he seemed to enjoy inflicting so much! There were cock hairs to be sacrificed here too! I grabbed a whole fist full and out they came! Rip! Roger yelled like a banshee and I had to think - hope no one else is around to hear that! What the hell and I got another hand full Rip! All the while maintaining a death grip on his nuts, which seemed to be a major controlling factor. Occasionally when it looked like he might wrestle or wiggle free - I need only increase the pressure on those lovely nuts and he would lay down like a whore on satin sheets! By now he should have been getting a headache with all the pressure I had on his precious plums! But there were several more handfuls of pubic hair that were mine! Rip! And Roger yelled again! Rip! (Another nice hand full to the wind) Now Roger was about to cry and you would have thought I was cutting his nuts off with a dull knife! Rip! Roger was simply whimpering now! So I finished up his patch nearly hair by hair. Poor Baby! He looked like he had a bikini wax from hell. Probably felt like it too! There were a few ball sack hairs too - pluck, pluck, pluck! I think I managed to agonize each and every one! To my satisfaction anyway. All the while maintaining a total controlling death grip on those lovely man meat fruits! Roger really did have some nice man parts! And for the moment - they were all mine! I hated to let that nice meat go to waste while I seemed to have total control and besides my ass still hurt and was stinging still - a LOT! Hummmmmmm - what kind of punishment could I inflict on this nice piece of man meat here. (At least 5 inches limp and what - maybe 7 to 9 if it was hard!) A dry jerk perhaps. God I wish I had a nice hand full of sand! Hehehehehe! Or a little something to insert in his pee port - you know just for a little invasion therapy! Hey - here was a leaf stem from that nice sapling he had used on me! Fair turn about really!

Roger was getting pretty worn down from all that bucking and yelling - a pretty good submission I'd say! So now I could have some real fun with his man parts. Roger was beginning to beg saying, "I give, I give" to which I explained: "For that ass whipping you gave me - You have not nearly given enough - NOT near enough yet!" "I'll let you know when you've given enough!" Besides your dick sure looks like it needs some attention. With that Roger gave one more buck and was pretty spent for the moment except that he did managed to get out a sigh of "Ohhh Shit!"' While maintaining a little lighter grip on his nuts - I picked up his still soft dick with my other hand and examined it with care. I stroked it a little - and it did seem mildly interested. A few more strokes by gently sliding his skin back and forth over the head - and yes - there was definitely some interest here. I was surprised after all that cock hair and ball punishment that "pete" here could be interested in hardly anything - but there was definitely some interest here! A little more stoking and "pete" was coming alive! Time for that interesting little leaf stem! I inserted into Rogers piss hole and while I had about 5 inches of leaf stem - just an inch or two at first. Rogers man meat definitely seemed to like this very much. A little deeper, a little squeeze, a little deeper, and a little squeeze - we've got a full blown hard on here! Roger was moaning the fact a bit. I stroked his fully extended cock from the inside with that leaf stem and Roger provided plenty of pre-cum lubrication. Gobs actually! We had a regular little river flowing! I would withdraw that stem, squeeze and stroke some more and then re-insert it as deeply as possible - stroking him from the inside out. Man if I had a third hand and could have worked his ass at the same time - I'm sure we could have come up with the ultimate agony! But for now - this seemed to be driving Roger mad enough. He was no longer resisting in any way - and perhaps enjoying this too much in my opinion! So I left the stem in and began wanking him a bit harder! A little more ball play, just a little crunch now and then and firmer external stroking against that stem. Roger was beginning to tremble all over! I was almost getting a butt massage from the vibrations. His muscles were fully getting in the act now and I knew his time was near. I eased up to prolong the agony for a while - then launched into a serious jerk to finish him off - still leaving the stem in. Just as Roger's whole body was about to convulse Roger arched, his balls drew up so hard they pulled themselves from my captive grip and he blew his wad with such incredible force it sent that leaf stem flying! Later he recounted that he had never cum so hard before! Seriously, I think there was cum on surrounding trees! He really let her rip! I rolled off of him - well away so he couldn't somehow recover and get a grip on me! He however was too spent to be much of any threat. I think the match was over and I might have been the victor except for all those whelps on my ass! I hadn't managed to mark him yet - unless there was some internal damage from the leaf stem. He wasn't bleeding when he took a piss - but he did say he was sore - so I guess that counts for something. We decided it was definitely time for a cooling dip and maybe some lunch before we decided upon round two! Actually round two had to wait until mid afternoon and I tell you it was pathetic! Neither one of us had much if any fight left in us except that I needed to get my rocks off but Roger said he was too whipped and spent to help so I'd have to take care of it myself. I did have enough energy for that - and even toyed with another little leaf stem on myself a bit. Roger did ask where I got that idea and I had to admit that it had only come to me when I had decided to punish him a bit and it was the only thing handy. Good thing I couldn't find a rusty nail I guess huh? - And Roger just moaned: "Thank God is right!" He also allowed that: "Had he not been a Marine - he might not have been man enough for that!" He also allowed that not since he had become a Marine had anyone so totally whipped or kicked his butt so thoroughly! I ask him if he was ready to go again? He just laid back and said nope! Maybe tomorrow! Maybe never! We were so tired, neither of us bothered to get dressed and just laid around naked the rest of the day and into the next, only putting on our boots to head back to the car the next afternoon. We did reluctantly put back on our shorts to drive back to town. When we got back to Roger's place and he was getting out - I said: "What are you doing next weekend?" Roger just rolled his eyes and said - "I haven't a clue! Later, Dude!" And he staggered off to the house almost forgetting his pack!

While we have enjoyed many weekend adventures since - we have yet to make it all the way up to the falls. Maybe next summer!


16 Gay Erotic Stories from Wildman

Blind Date

Blind Date: By Wildman I first met Bob (a blind guy) a number of years ago at a computer trades meeting. Bob specialized in adaptive technology for visually impaired people and he did a little workshop as part of that meeting. I attended his workshop because I have an interest in serving people with all kinds of limitations including visually impaired - though it has never been a

Doctor Doctor !

Hi! I'm Matt and while I'm not a doctor, I get to play one in real life! Actually by credentials, I'm a registered nurse and I contract out to insurance companies to do "health checks" for pre-insurance applications and applicants. My typical duties only include asking 20 or 30 health questions, vital signs and a urine and blood sample, typically by appointment at the applicants work

Doctor, Doctor 2

(You might want to read Doctor, Doctor if you haven't already for a little background on this series!) Otherwise, Enjoy! I received a notice from one of my insurance companies to schedule a pre-applicant "health check" and after several calls to the company he worked for finally got a call back and set up an evening appointment at his home. George it seems is a construction foreman

Getting Naked in the Wilderness

Getting Naked in the Wilderness By: Wildman 1999 I had been particularly stressed putting in long hours and decided that I needed a vacation, so I packed some primitive camping gear and an inflatable kayak and headed for the Florida Everglades, hoping to just lose myself for a while in the wilderness. I put in at Ochopee and paddled in a ways following any water trail that

Naked Adventure

Naked Adventure! By Wildman I just love to enjoy a nude hike in the wilderness believing all my life, Why wear clothes if you don't have to? I mean, if indeed they serve no real purpose (for any given moment in time) then why wear them? Likewise, few things are more refreshing than being one with nature, naturally. Otherwise, even when I'm hiking along designated hiking

Naked Adventure 2

Naked Adventure 2 by Wildman If you recall, I found myself in the most incredible predicament i.e. while enjoying a little naked in nature hike in a National Forest, I was ummmmmm - how can I put it, "pleasure molested" by a couple of other male hikers, who led me off the trail by my own manliness (male parts - dick and balls), tied me to a tree, and damn near licked and

Naked Adventure, Part 1

Naked Adventure! By Wildman I just love to enjoy a nude hike in the wilderness believing all my life, Why wear clothes if you don't have to? I mean, if indeed they serve no real purpose (for any given moment in time) then why wear them? Likewise, few things are more refreshing than being one with nature, naturally. Otherwise, even when I'm hiking along designated hiking trails, I

Naked Adventure, Part 2

Naked Adventure 2 by Wildman If you recall, I found myself in the most incredible predicament i.e. while enjoying a little naked in nature hike in a National Forest, I was ummmmmm - how can I put it, "pleasure molested" by a couple of other male hikers, who led me off the trail by my own manliness (male parts - dick and balls), tied me to a tree, and damn near licked and

Nude Kayaking Adventure

I had been particularly stressed putting in long hours and decided that I needed a vacation, so I packed some primitive camping gear and an inflatable kayak and headed for the Florida Everglades, hoping to just lose myself for a while in the wilderness. I put in at Ochopee and paddled in a ways following any water trail that looked interesting. As soon as I was out of sight of the

Search Me?

I often enjoy hiking and exploring wilderness areas (sometimes naturally in the buff) and while I encounter few problems - I occasionally encounter others who also enjoy nature. Often I will hike into the wilderness and camp then explore the area out and around my camp in more detail. When I'm in a new area or area that's new to me, I usually either wear a little something or keep

Stripped for Adventure, Part 1

I met Roy one day at a nearby boat landing up on the river. He was there with a friend launching a small fishing boat, and while they had some engine difficulty and his friend was working on that, Roy and I got to meet and talk a little. Roy was curious about the inflatable kayak I was launching, particularly since it didn't have an engine to break down and we exchanged phone

Stripped for Adventure, Part 2

(While skinny dipping in the wilderness, we were just getting out of the water when:) Two men stepped from the woods onto the beach to face us. Both were dressed in light summer camouflage outfits and from their side arms, - I didn't have to wonder about who was responsible for that small arms fire we had heard earlier in the distance. While I only momentarily felt awkward about my

Stripped for Adventure. Part 1

I met Roy one day at a nearby boat landing up on the river. He was there with a friend launching a small fishing boat, and while they had some engine difficulty and his friend was working on that, Roy and I got to meet and talk a little. Roy was curious about the inflatable kayak I was launching, particularly since it didn't have an engine to break down and we exchanged phone

Stripped for Gym

STRIPPED for Gym: By Wildman Actually this should be titled stripped for or by Jim! I was hitchhiking across state heading to the coast staying pretty much with the back roads since rides are easier to come by than on the interstate. I was taking some time off from school and the summer was well on to hot and dry - so I had dressed lightly - just a pair of cut off's and a t-shirt

Strong Arm of the Law

I was heading up in the mountains to my sisters summer place where we would have a weekend family reunion and it seemed five o'clock would never come so I could hit the road. I was really looking forward to a change of pace since I had little time off from work here lately. At the last minute the boss's secretary showed up in the door of my office with another pile of reports that

Wrestling With Roger

Wrestling with Roger: By Wildman A new sporting goods store had opened in our area. Being an outdoors kinda guy - I decided to check them out one Friday afternoon. I've been into outdoor recreation all my life and if I'm not out exploring the wilderness - I'm almost as happy shopping for outdoors equipment. Within moments of walking in the door of the new shop - I had to think

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