Gay Erotic Stories

Pleasure Island Episode 01: Introduction

by Roger Mydick

"Abandon ship!" the captain yelled. "She's going under!"

Jay Barone watched in horror, as the captain got into the last lifeboat, unaware that he was still on the ship. The captain thought he was the last one off, and so the lifeboats sailed away.

"Wait!" Jay yelled, but they didn't hear. The ship continued to sink. Jay knew he was doomed. A child's inflatable tyre floated past as the luggage from the ship escaped. Jay managed to grab it. He was cold. All he had on was his jeans. He'd been asleep when the order to evacuate had come along, and as he slept nude, he'd only had time to grab his jeans and put them on. What a sensible thing to wear in water.

"I'm done for," he said to himself as he got into the inflatable tyre and watched the ship go down. That was the last thing he remembered.

Jay looked around him. He was alive! But he had landed on an island! He shook off the tyre, which had now popped on a stone and was useless. His jeans were very tight and ripped as well. He undid the button and they were just right . He got up and walked around. He eventually found a cave and some food and settled down for the night. Jay dreamt about his old life. All his family was dead and Jay had few friends, he hadn't had a boyfriend for ages either. That was why he'd been on the ship, to get away from things.

It was hot, even in a cave, at the middle of the night. Jay couldn't sleep due to the heat. He took off his tight jeans - since he always slept nude - and moved into the shade. His hot body against the cold rock felt good and he finally got to sleep.

After a few days Jay had almost settled down on the island. He knew he was stranded probably indefinitely, but there was lots of food and shelter on this island. One afternoon he felt like eating some berries, but as all the berries in his area were gone, he had to venture further ahead.

Jay eventually found some more berries and ate some of them when he caught his jeans on a bush and ripped. Personally, Jay was surprised they'd lasted that long. He wondered what he was going to wear since he had no other clothes, when he realized that since there were no other people on the island, he could stay naked and no one would mind! Jay smiled. He'd always wanted to do this!

He decided to take a nap in the grass. The feel of the grass against his naked body felt great, and he got an erection. Jay started rubbing himself and groaning softly until he came all over himself. He wiped it off and settled down to sleep.

Jay suddenly woke up after a while. He'd heard something. It was a man groaning. Jay was surprised. He'd thought he was the only man on this island. But it sounded just like the noise his ex-boyfriend used to make when he was about to cum into Jay's mouth. Jay ventured towards the sound of the noise and looked through some bushes. What he saw surprised him a lot!

There were about 20 men there, all naked and all having a massive great big orgy. 2 men were in a 69 rolling around. There was also a daisy chain of 6 people all sucking each other's dicks. The rest were all fucking each other. There was a lot of moaning and groaning by the very happy men. The men were very tanned - they obviously spent all their time here.

"Oh, fuck me Paul, fuck me!" one very hot man yelled. This made Jay realise that these men spoke English and probably weren't born here. He decided to venture forward. Paul was the first to notice him and his by now hard dick.

"Well, lookie what we have here," he grinned. All of the men got up and came over to Jay.

"Uh, hi," Jay said, "my name's Jay. I was shipwrecked." And Jay told them the story of how he ended up here and why he was naked. The men smiled.

"We were shipwrecked too," Paul said. Then the guy who had been fucking him, Randy, said, "We were on a gay cruise and the ship sunk."

A big tubby man continued, "So we formed our own society of gay, naked men who stay nude all the time and fuck whenever they want. Care to join us?"

Jay smiled. "You bet!"

"Let us introduce ourselves," the large, tubby man said. "I'm VW, I run this place, and this is my boyfriend, Larry."

"Hi," Jay said to them all.

A small, quiet man wearing nothing but glasses came forward. "This is Brian," VW explained. "He used to be an accountant."

"Hello," Brian said quietly . "Glad to meet you all," Jay said, shaking dicks with them. Paul bent down and kissed Jay's dick, making it even harder. The others laughed.

"You're going to fit in well here," VW grinned. "Now, we were in the middle of an orgy. You wanna come and make yourself at home?"

"Yes," Jay replied, and Paul pounced on him. "Let me suck your cock!"

Jay agreed, and Paul took the cock into his mouth. God, it felt so good! Jay hadn't been sucked for ages.

"I'm gonna cum!" he yelled, and sure enough, he did!

That night, they all lay next to each other, feeling each other's bodies and enjoying the heat. There was even some sex going on between men. Jay turned to VW.

"Thanks for letting me join you," he said, and kissed the leader. VW kissed him back.

"Don't worry, we're going to like having you here too."

Jay and the guys had a lot more adventures, but those will have to come in another story!


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