Gay Erotic Stories

Why Me? Part 1

by Jasonbottomboy

*Disclaimer*: Sexually explicit text in this story, if you are offended by male on male sex, please leave. Why Me? Chapter: 1

This happened several years ago when I was barely 18 and in my freshman year of college, yes I know, the old clique, being smart and moved up. Well anyway this was true I was exceptionally smart for my age and had decided to advance 2 grades in high school and not to take a year break between high school and college. So there I was a wide-eyed 18-year-old fresh out of High School, testing out of the normal freshman courses, and taking an advanced curricular program at Florida State.

So I headed to the registry building to pick up my dorm assignment and key. After several minutes of asking around where the registry building was (pretty hard to head to it if you don’t know where it is), I was directed to a big brick building with beautiful stained-glass doors. Once inside I approached a heavy looking oak desk where there sat a rather old lady and a younger guy. I gave the lady, Mrs. Gribble, my info and then she told me that there had been a problem with my room, and that my dorm building was full, but lucky for me there was an opening in the upperclassmen’s dorm. I wasn’t too keen on the idea of me living with a bunch of MUCH older, especially given my age, guys. Plus the fact that I'm 5'4 and 115 lbs with blonde hair and hazel eyes and I kind of look boyish in the face--I’ll be the midget-nerd of the dorm--this would suck!

Well I got a campus map and my key to my dorm, 132, in my upperclassmen dorm and I headed to my car. After driving to the dorm parking lot and taking some stuff on the first trip up (4th floor) I found my room at the end of the hall. I opened the door with the key and put that stuff on the empty bed at the left of the room, the other half of the room looked like it was occupied by a sewer rat. It was a mess of clothes, books and all sorts of food in stages of decay. God this is going to be horrible because one of my character flaws (or gifts) is that I’m a neat-freak! It has to be CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN! Just looking at it made me want to half vomit, and half get on my knees and start cleaning. I decided it would be best not to bother my roommate about the mess until I met him at least.

I went up and down getting stuff from my car and putting it into my room. Once that was all done I cleaned off a desk that was supposed to be mine, which the other roomy had used as a hamper/garbage disposal. I hooked up my computer and made sure it was working, I would have to see about Internet connections later. Then I unpacked my clothes, another reminder of how small I was. I was finishing making my bed when I hear the doorknob turning.

In walked this quite large guy (Man) about 6'4 and looked to be 240 lbs of muscle, brown hair and green eyes with a square cut jaw. I was clearly intimidated as he came up to me with his big "paw" out in front of him saying not to be scared, that he was my roomy and his name was Mike. I managed to mutter a "H-hi, I'm Jason."

"So I see you've made yourself at home." he said matter of factly.

"Well yeah, sorry if I messed with any of your stuff, I just needed that desk for my computer." I responded

"It's Okay"

I began to loosen up around him over the next hour as we talked about ourselves. He was a really nice guy; apparently he was on the football team here. (I HATE TO PLAY SPORTS!) He mentioned how I looked like I was 13 and that how could I be in college. I told him about my academic prowess and he seemed interested.

After I took a short nap, I was awakened by two gigantic hands shaking me furiously. "Little dude, wake up! I'm going to a party wanna come? I gotta go now!" Me not wanting to be a loser accepted and quickly threw on a Tommy outfit that I thought I looked great in and headed out the door with him. We got in his car and started to his friend’s house where the party was being held. He dwarfed me in this huge SUV, he rested his huge hand on my knee as we drove and I got kind of uncomfortable. He filled me in on the school and his major (which was Phys Ed) until we arrived at a set of apartment buildings and parked in a parking space near the center building. We got out of the car and went up to his friend’s apartment, when we got in I was immediately nervous; everyone in there, I later found out, was on his football team. So you can imagine the size difference between them and me.

He went over to his friend and traded greetings; I slowly inched in his direction till I was at his side. His friend looked down at me and with a husky voice said ‘Hi’, I replied with a "How do you do, I’m Jason" and I found out his name was Tim. Tim is a big fella...A little bigger than Mike, with blonde hair and brown eyes.

"Want something to drink?" Tim directed at me and Mike towards his stash.

"Sure" was my reply as well as Mike's

Tim left for the kitchenette and returned after grabbing two cans from the fridge.

"Here ya go." as he handed us each a can. I stared at the can because it was beer and I was not of legal age and I really didn’t like the idea of getting drunk. Tim and Mike noticed my apprehension and told me know one would know other than the people in the room, so I popped the top and took a sip. I spit it out almost instantaneously. “This can, must be bad," I mentioned. They both laughed and told me how that’s the way it was supposed to taste.

"Well I'd rather not have anymore if that’s okay." I said

"Sure little dude." Tim replied WHAT’S WITH THESE GUYS? They see someone smaller than them and he becomes the "little dude".

Most of the guys were seated on the two sofas and various reclining chairs around the big screen TV, watching a game. Mike and Tim joined them and took the two last places on the sofa and I kind of just doodled my name in a puddle of something or other on the bar counter when Mike shouted, "Come over here little dude" patting his lap. "Naw, I'm okay here." I told him. He got up came over to me, picked me up easily and tucked me under his arm and made his way back to his seat. He sat down and sat me up on his lap, my back against the armrest and my legs draped over his legs. "What was that for!?" I said a little aggravated. His only response was a "SHHH!" as he was concentrating on what was happening on the television. I just sat there kind of bored until Mike asked me if I could get him another beer.

"Me too" and "Same here" barraged me as I made my way to the fridge. I carried back a 12 pack in both hands and placed it on the coffee table. Hands from all directions came flying at the box until there were only a couple beers left in the box. Mike looked at me and patted his lap. I sighed and got up on his lap. The next hour just involved hooting and hollering as "their" team pulled ahead. And for the last half an hour Mike had unconsciously (or so I thought) started stroking my leg. And every now and then I would have to go get another 12-pack or stay and listen to their endless pleas.

They were pretty drunk when the game finished, and there was a bunch of slurred words being thrown about the room. Their team had won and they were very happy, then the unexpected happened. One of the guys Bert, about 5'11 and 190 lbs, asks Mike, "Hey does the pretty boy suck cock?" I quickly glanced at Bert with huge eyes, hoping he was kidding. I was not and am not gay. When Mike said, (quite well considering his drunken state) "I sure hope so, I want to feel those purty li’l lips wrapped around my cock." I got started to get up when Mike’s huge arm wrapped around my waist, "Where you going lil’ dude?" he said. "LET ME GO!" as I began to struggle.

"Calm down!" I kept struggling and accidentally kneed him in the groin.

"BITCH!" as he slapped me across the face with his right hand.

I was shocked and just sat there quiet as a red mark started to develop on my face and I felt tears welling up.

"Awwww. Look you made him cry..." said Tim

"I’ll give him something to cry about!" as Mike put me standing in between his massive legs and pushed down on my shoulders. I was eye-level with his groin.

"Mike I’m so sorry!" I stammered.

"Suck my coc--now!" as he unzipped his jeans, apparently he didn’t hear me, I repeated and he slapped me again. Then the tears just flooded out as he slid his jean off and started what looked like a filled tube sock under his boxers. He then popped out this humongous 9 1/2" dick, that was about as thick as the can of the fowl tasting refreshment I had tried earlier, out of his boxers.

He grabbed the base of his dick and started to rub the leaking, peach-sized, head over my lips. He said, "Open up." I shook my head furiously. He squeezed me between his legs and pinched my nose while saying that if I bit him, I wouldn’t have any teeth to bite with. I gasped for air and he shoved about 2 inches in my mouth. I tried to pull away, but his hands had my tiny head in his grip keeping me in place. My mouth was stretched over his prick as he started to move in slowly, then the cockhead hit the opening to my throat and I gagged. He kept pushing till he was about five inches in and he stayed there for a minute. I couldn’t breathe and though I was going to pass out when he let my head up for air, then he plunged back in and started fucking my face. I was red in the face from his 2 slaps and my crying, as tears streamed down my face.

After about 5 minutes of this, my jaw was killing me and I was praying for one of two things, to either just die or for him to finish. About two minutes later, I felt his shaft start to pulse and throb in my throat. That’s when he yelled, "I’m cumming bitch!" followed by encouraging words from his friends that had by this time surrounded us. That’s when I felt the hot sticky goo hit the back of my throat, then he pulled out till he only had the head in my mouth and let the rest pump out. I tried to swallow it as not to drown, but there was too much and it seeped out of the corners of my lips. The taste was repulsive and I felt like puking. He held me there until his dick was totally limp at about 6" and then I felt another liquid entering my mouth, but...but...but THIS WAS PISS! The bastard was using me as a toilet! His grip had loosened and I pulled my head off and spit the vile urine out as his dick kept pissing. He stopped himself when Tim shouted, "Look what you did you little cocksucker, YOU GOT PISS ON MY CARPET!"

"I DONT CARE YOU JUST SAT THERE AND LET HIM---" I was cut off by a punch to the face by Tim as he picked me up walked me around to the back of the sofa and slung me on the back of the sofa, with my ass in the air. That’s when I heard a rip, one minute later my clothes were off and I laid there motionless. When the shock was gone, I realized what was going on and I started to try and get away. Tim just grabbed my hips and held me in place. Then he took off his shorts and CK briefs. I looked back and saw this huge 11" cock about the same girth as Mike's pointing at my exposed ass.

"PLEASE DONT DO THIS!" I said through sobs. The as if I hadn’t said anything he spit into his hand and lubed up his dick. He pointed at my pucker and I tightened up as not to let him in. "Mike, PLEASE help me". Nothing, Mike just stared at the scene of Tim trying to force his dick in my tight ass.

"Come on now, open up this nice tight ass for Tim" Tim said.

"NEVER!" I shouted.

He punched me in my back and as if my body concentrated on the pain in my back and forgot about clenching to keep out the huge cock trying to get in. He slipped in to the hilt and I screamed for all I was worth! He just laughed and rested there for a little while. I felt something trickling down my legs and balls and reached back and pulled my hand back. It was red with my blood. I kept screaming as he started to thrust in and out at a rapid pace. Then Bert decided to get some action when he positioned himself in front of the sofa and whipped his cock out of his zipper. His dick was about 8" and about only 1 1/2" wide, he placed my head over his lap and while I was screaming pushed his dick all the way into my mouth. I gagged as it went down my throat and he kept it there. Oddly enough his pubes were tickling my nose.

"Dude when he screams it vibrates around my dick, feels awesome!" mentioned Bert.

"And his tight virgin ass feels great too, what a catch Mike!" said Tim.

Bert began to face fuck me, his balls slapping against my chin. After about 5 minutes I felt that familiar feeling in my throat and Bert came, this time I swallowed it all, unfortunately. He pulled out and motioned for another guy to take my place. I was stuffed in my mouth again for a couple of minutes when I heard Tim yell that he was filling me up. I felt his hot jism shooting against my intestines over and over again, then a minute later, he pulled his cum/blood covered spent dick from my raped ass. Another guy took his place; his dick was much smaller but still hurt a lot. The other guy started stroking around that action until they all came on me. My hair was wet with cum, my back was soaked, every part exposed basically. I felt so horrible, then the two guys busy fucking me came almost at the same time and pulled, out. I lay there in excruciating pain whimpering, as everyone got dressed and started to filter out with a slap to my ass as they left. Then Mike got dressed, as did Tim, Tim told me I was a great fuck and went to his room and closed his door.

Mike picked up my cum-covered body in his arms cradling me. He took me out to the car and placed me in the back seat, all I could think was...why me? I passed out.

To Be Continued?

If you liked what you read or have any suggestions for further chapters email me at

or IM me on yahoo messenger : gLmmegimme (screen name)


3 Gay Erotic Stories from Jasonbottomboy

Forever Young! Part 1

*Disclaimer: This story has sex between males and can get pretty graphic, so if you’re offended by gay sex, I have two things to say 1) WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HERE? 2) And that you should leave now.* Forever Young! Chapter 1 Hello, my name is Timothy Faren, but most call me Timmy. I am 25 years old and have a new job as a teacher at a local college. The reason people call me Timmy is because

Why Me? Part 1

*Disclaimer*: Sexually explicit text in this story, if you are offended by male on male sex, please leave. Why Me? Chapter: 1 This happened several years ago when I was barely 18 and in my freshman year of college, yes I know, the old clique, being smart and moved up. Well anyway this was true I was exceptionally smart for my age and had decided to advance 2 grades in high school and not

Why Me? Part 2

*Disclaimer: Following has explicit sexual scenes between two or more males…If you are offended by that, please refrain from reading. This is part two of a possible continuing series, so read the previous chapter. Mike awoke with an aching pain in his head. He had one hell of a hangover; he could barely remember the last night. Looking across the room he saw Jason laying in his bed in the


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