Gay Erotic Stories

Party Mix

by JohnPaul

This story is dedicated to MY little tiger who inspires me to do extraordinary things every day. I hope I can make more of your dreams come true. -jp.

Joey ran around the house, making last minute arrangements for his mother’s party. Every time he turned around there was something else that she needed him to do. He didn’t mind though; at least it kept his mind off the fact that he was going to meet Alex for the first time. He didn’t know why he was so nervous. They’d been chatting online for months and had even talked on the phone a few times. They’d done the customary picture swapping – mostly innocent snapshots, but some slightly naughty poses as well. They knew every intimate detail about each other, but still, the thought of meeting Alex face-to-face made Joey very excited and VERY nervous.

He hoped his family didn’t embarrass him or give Alex a hard time. He knew that all families have a way of doing these things unintentionally but, in his mind, his family was the worst – especially his nephews. He could just imagine finding his boyfriend being tied up by the five-year-old while the three-year-old painted his face… with magic marker. To make matters worse, his family thought that Alex was “just a friend.” They didn’t know that Joey was gay – although he was sure they had their suspicions – and they had no idea that Alex was his long-distance, Internet lover. The thought of his family and their closest friends finding out made his head spin. Alex knew that Joey’s family wasn’t aware of his sexual orientation and promised to keep their relationship under wraps, but Joey’s oldest sister had a way of finagling information out of her baby brother’s friends.

“Joey!” his mother called out. “Be a dear and go downstairs and get the punch bowl from the closet.”

“Mom,” he whined. “Not THE closet… I’ll never be able to find anything in that mess!”

“Don’t be silly; it’s in the front of the closet, right next to the Christmas ornaments. Now hurry up before the guests get here.”

Joey rolled his eyes; he knew the bowl wouldn’t be anywhere near the front of the closet or the Christmas ornaments.


Alex sat in the car for almost an hour, staring at the house. He was early. He was always early. He was obsessed with being on time, but even he realized how dorky it was to be an hour early for a party. Now he was faced with the dilemma of waiting a few more minutes to be fashionably late or walking in on time to make a good impression. He desperately wanted Joey’s family to like him. He looked over at the neatly wrapped gift he’d bought for Joey’s mom.

“Maybe the Waterford crystal was a bit much,” he thought, lifting it up and inspecting the large, blue silk bow for any imperfections. He looked at his watch and, against his better judgment, he decided to go in early and get it over with. At least, that way, he could have a little time to meet the family before the other guests arrived.

He walked up to the door, took a deep breath, and rang the doorbell. A few tense minutes later, the lock clicked and a pleasant-faced older woman answered the door. She briefly inspected the young man and his box then smiled.

“Good evening, Ms. Park, I’m…”

“You must be Joey’s friend, Alex! Come in, come in!” She ushered her first guest inside.

“This is for you,” he said nervously, presenting her with her gift before he even stepped over the threshold.

“That’s so sweet! Thank you,” she said, accepting the gift and giving Alex a kiss on the cheek. “I’ll open it later if that’s okay.” “Sure,” he said. “That’s fine.”

“Come on in… have a seat,” she said.

Alex followed her into the living room and took a seat on the large, comfortable sofa. “I hope I’m not too early.”

“No, not at all. The other guests should be arriving shortly.”

By then, a few more people walked into the room, all of whom Alex recognized as the rest of Joey’s family. They each introduced themselves and Alex made a point of repeating each of their names in his head to help him remember them. He was horrible with names and the last thing he wanted to do was forget Joey’s nephews’ names or get his sisters’ names mixed up. He noticed Joey wasn’t there. His mom must have seen the mix of disappointment and confusion on his face.

“Joey is downstairs looking for a punch bowl,” she explained. “He should be up any minute.” Alex nodded his head and smiled. “May I offer you something to drink?”

“No, I’m fine, thanks. Is there something I can help you do?”

“Absolutely not! You just sit there and relax.”

Just then, the doorbell rang. Joey’s mother and sisters scurried off to answer it and his nephews scurried off to raid the kitchen… again, which left Alex alone with Joey’s brother-in-law, Kirk.

“So, Alex, Joey tells us that you work with computers and stuff.”

“Yeah… I’m a programmer.”

“Do you think you could look at my PC? It’s been acting strange lately; I think I might have a virus or something.”

“Sure!” Alex said, jumping out of his seat. There were a number of things he’d rather be doing on his vacation other than fixing a computer, but he would have done anything to avoid the incoming crowd. He really didn’t do well in large groups, especially when he didn’t know anyone. He would have felt more comfortable if Joey were there. As the guests started pouring in, he could already feel the tension building in the base of his neck. He eagerly followed Kirk upstairs and away from the crowd.


Joey found the Christmas ornaments along with several boxes of old pictures; Cathy’s old tennis racquet; a sewing machine; a few pieces of luggage – none of which matched; a crate full of remote controls, cables, and other nameless widgets; and the Slinky he lost when he was 7-years-old; but no punch bowl. He dug through the mounds of old clothes that should have been donated years ago, and that’s when he noticed a faint twinkle in the dim light. “Eureka!” he mumbled. Climbing over an empty TV box, Joey grabbed the prized, crystal bowl and clutched it to his chest. He threw everything back into the closet, turned off the light, and pushed the door shut, hoping he would never have to go in there again.

He walked back upstairs and handed his mother the bowl. “What took you so long?” she asked. He let out a deep sigh, but didn’t bother to answer. “Oh! Your friend, Alex, is here. He’s such a sweet boy. He even brought me a gift!”

“Alex is here?” Joey asked, scanning the growing crowd for his lover’s face.

“Yes. He’s in the living room with Kirk.”

Joey started off for the living room then stopped dead in his tracks. “Oh shit!” he said.

“Joey! Watch your language!”

“Sorry Mom.” He had been so busy looking for that stupid punch bowl that he hadn’t had time to change. He was still dressed in his ratty old sweatpants and t-shirt. Alex couldn’t see him looking like that. Joey pushed his way through the crowd to the stairs, making sure to avoid the living room. He rushed to his room and started rifling through the clothes in his closet.

“What am I going to wear?” he agonized.


“So, it wasn’t a virus after all?” Kirk asked.

“No, you just had a problem in your configuration. You’re all set now.”

“I don’t know how to thank you… you’re a life saver!”

“My pleasure,” Alex answered with a smile. He was glad the problem was so easy to fix. He was ready to face the crowd now and, more importantly, he was ready to see Joey.

“We’d better get back downstairs,” Kirk said. “Kim would kill me if she found out I had you up here working on this computer instead of at the party.

“She’ll never find out from me,” Alex joked.

Alex followed Kirk back downstairs. The group of 8 who were there when they went upstairs had grown to 30. Alex drew a deep breath, put on his winning smile, and braved the crowd. He made certain to stay close to Kirk who was the only person he really knew. Kirk introduced him to a few people. One man in particular overheard Alex mention that he was a programmer. Being a self-proclaimed expert at programming himself, the guy began a long and tedious dissertation about how easily he could hack into Microsoft’s corporate network and cause all kinds of havoc and irreparable damage. Alex soon tuned out the guy’s lies and started to search the strange faces for one that was very familiar and comforting to him – Joey’s.


Joey spun around in front of the mirror one last time to inspect his outfit. The blue v-neck sweater was a definite – it was Alex’s favorite color and it made Joey’s chest and shoulders look broader – but he wasn’t sure about the khaki pants. He thought the combination made him look too much like a frat boy and he wanted to look more sophisticated.

“Where are my gray pants?” he hissed. “They must be in the laundry room. Shit! I guess the khakis will have to do.”

Joey took a deep breath and walked out of the room. He made his way through the crowd, hardly stopping to greet his mother’s friends – many of whom hadn’t seen him since he was in elementary school. There would be plenty of time to talk to them but, right now, he was looking for the man he’d been waiting to meet for months.

As he rounded the corner into the living room, Joey spotted Alex immediately. The pictures on Joey’s hard drive didn’t do Alex any justice. Standing there in his dark gray suit and light blue dress shirt with no tie, Alex looked a thousand times more handsome, poised, and confident than Joey had ever imagined. He wanted to run up to him and give him a great big hug and kiss.

As if sensing Joey’s presence, Alex looked towards the archway entering the living room and saw his friend – his lover – staring back at him. Joey was everything he expected and more. He was absolutely adorable – like a young, frat boy in his blue, v-neck sweater and khaki pants. When Joey flashed his beautiful smile, Alex couldn’t help but smile back. He didn’t even bother to excuse himself from the mundane conversation he was in – he simply walked away.

“Hi,” Alex said as he finally stood face-to-face with the guy he’d been having a months-long virtual affair with.

“Hi,” Joey replied.

They stood there, staring at each other, smiling and blushing, wishing they could reach out and do the things they’d talked about doing at least a hundred times before. For the first time since they’d met, they were speechless. There were so many emotions that it was hard to find the words to express them.

Finally, Joey spoke up, “Let’s get away from this crowd for a while.”

“But you just got here.”

“So, there will be other parties. I only have you for a little while… I want to make the best of our time together.”

“Okay,” Alex answered and followed Joey through the crowd and to the stairs.

They’d only taken a few steps they heard, “Joeeeey! Joeeeey!” Joey’s mom was standing at the front door waving up at them. “Joey, can you help Kirk get the things out of your Aunt Gwen’s car?”

Joey sighed and looked longingly at Alex. “I can help,” Alex said.

“No, this shouldn’t take very long. Wait for me in my room,” Joey suggested. “It’s the third door on the left. I’ll be there as soon as I can… I promise.”

“Okay,” Alex said. Joey sighed again and walked down the steps.


Joey’s room was a lot neater than Alex expected it to be. Except for the pile of clothes in front of the closet, everything in was in its place. He remembered not so long ago when he was in school and living on campus, and how junky his room used to be – especially during his senior year. Alex suddenly felt very old. He was nine years older than Joey, which, at times like this, seemed like an eternity.

They’d talked about their age difference many times before and it was never really an issue between them, but Alex couldn’t help feeling like he was robbing the cradle sometimes. It wasn’t a matter of maturity – Joey was certainly more mature than a lot of guys Alex’s age – but they were just in different places in their lives. While the younger prepared for graduation, the elder would be getting ready for his ten-year college anniversary. But he loved Joey and that’s all that really mattered. Alex sat down on the bed and sighed.

He wondered what was taking Joey so long. He felt silly, and slightly guilty, sitting in Joey’s room while everyone else was downstairs socializing and having a good time. Ms. Park was nice enough to invite him to her party and even though his main reason for coming was to see Joey, he thought the least he could do was try to mingle with the other guests. But Joey told him to wait there and that’s what he was going to do. He saw some movement in the corner of his eye and thought it was Joey, but it turned out to be Joey’s oldest nephew, Sam. The little boy was standing in the doorway with a toy truck in his hand and a glum expression on his face.

“Hey Sam, what’s the matter? Why aren’t you at the party?”

“It’s boring,” he complained. “No one wants to play.”

“Where’s Josh?”

The five-year-old shrugged his shoulders and sighed. Being a kid-at-heart, Alex had a soft spot for children. He couldn’t stand to see the tyke looking so sad.

“I’ll play with you,” he offered.

“Really?” Sam’s face lit up.

“Sure,” Alex said.

The youngster excitedly beckoned his new, thirty-year-old playmate to follow him. Despite his orders to stay put, Alex happily trailed the child across the hall.


“You’ve grown so big and handsome,” Aunt Gwen told Joey for the fifth time.

Getting the stuff out of his aunt’s car was the easy part. Getting away from his doting relative, however, was an impossible task. Every time he tried to excuse himself, she’d start another embarrassing tale him as a kid. Then she’d tell him one more time how big and handsome he had become. His mother and sisters had left the conversation a long time ago, leaving him to entertain Aunt Gwen alone. All he could think about was getting back to Alex. With the search for the punch bowl, the wardrobe dilemma, and the conversation with Aunt Gwen, Joey felt like he’d already wasted an hour that he could have been spending with his boyfriend.

He said the “B” word. It popped into his head so naturally. It startled him a little, but he liked the sound of it. He wondered how Alex would react to the label. They’d never really defined their relationship and Joey had never referred to Alex as his boyfriend before – not even in his private thoughts. But having him here, knowing that they’d probably have sex for the very first time, seemed so permanent… like a commitment. He was ready for that commitment, he thought, but first he had to find a way to escape the clutches of his adoring aunt.

His wish was granted in the form of his youngest nephew, Josh. Once Aunt Gwen got a look at the adorable three-year-old, she forgot all about Joey. For once, Joey didn’t mind the toddler stealing the attention. He recognized it as his opportunity to escape and he did so… quickly. He ran upstairs before anyone could call him and raced into his room, but it was empty.

“Now where did he go?” Joey said to himself.

He knew Alex had been there recently; his scent – a delightful and distinctive citrus fragrance – still wafted in the air. Joey drew a deep breath and savored the aroma.

“Maybe he had to run to the bathroom,” Joey thought, “I’ll just lie here and wait for him.”

He crashed on the bed where Alex’s scent was a little stronger. The thought of Alex lying in his bed turned Joey on. He turned on his side and closed his eyes. The heat from Alex’s body still radiated from the comforter; Joey imagined his lover was still there, lying next to him with his arms wrapped tightly around him.

“Where are you, Alex?”

“Stop evil dragon monster or I will destroy you!!” Joey heard a child shout from across the room.

“ROAR ARRRRRGH GRRRRRR!!” another voice replied.

He recognized Sam’s voice, but who was he talking to? It was deeper – a man’s voice. Alex? Joey jumped up from the bed and walked across the hall to Sam and Josh’s room. There, in the middle of the floor, he saw Alex and Sam playing monster and superhero. It was endearing to watch a thirty-year-old blissfully rolling around on the floor in an expensive gray suit just to entertain a five-year-old that he hardly even knew. They were so involved in their playtime that they didn’t even notice Joey standing in the doorway. Eventually, Sam looked up and saw him.

“Hi, Uncle Joey!” the boy said.

“Hi, Uncle Joey!” Alex chimed in.

“Me and Mr. Alex were playing Godzilla versus Superman. I’m Superman!”

Joey smiled and watched the “boys” continue their game – Alex’s Godzilla threatened to destroy Sam’s makeshift Lego town until Superman swooped in to save the day. Alex made all of the necessary evil growls and vowed his revenge. Joey cheered.

“That was fun,” Alex said to Sam.

“Yeah,” Sam agreed. “Let’s play again!”

“Maybe later… I need to talk to your Uncle Joey for a while, okay?”

“Nooooo, can’t we play one more game?!” Sam whined.

“I promised Joey I’d spend some time with him. You don’t want me to break my promise, do you?”

“No,” the child mumbled.

“Hey Sammy, why don’t you and Superman go find Josh,” Joey said. “I think he could use your help right about now.”

“Cool!” Sam said and jumped into action. He turned to Alex and gave him a big hug. “Bye Mr. Alex. Thanks for playing with me.”

“Anytime, Sam,” Alex replied.

Sam and Superman flew out of the room, leaving the two men alone at last. Alex hopped to his feet, straightened his suit out, and walked over to his new playmate.

“It’s seems that I’m not the only boy in this family who has fallen for you,” Joey teased.

“What can I say; I’m irresistible,” Alex replied.

“You certainly are.”

The electricity between them was incredible. They both wanted each other very badly, but neither one was sure how to make the first move. Alex was the first to react to the feelings building inside of him. With the toy dinosaur still clutched in one hand, he reached out with his other hand and put it on Joey’s hip. His young lover trembled at his touch – it was, after all, the first time another guy had touched him in that way and it made him very excited and a little nervous. Alex was a little more experienced in the ways of love and sex, but he was nervous too. He’d never been someone’s first and he wasn’t sure what to do now. He loved Joey so much – more than he realized he ever could – it was going to be difficult for him to control his emotions. Alex didn’t want to be too assertive. He wanted Joey to feel comfortable and enjoy his first time. The one thing that he absolutely had to do was kiss Joey. He wanted to do it downstairs when they first met and had been longing to do it every since. He leaned in and softly kissed him on the lips.

The 21-year-old college senior gasped in surprise. He’d been anticipating that kiss for months. He’d dreamed about it countless times and they’d even played it out during some of their more risqué Internet chats. But even after that lengthy prelude, even after months’ worth of expectation, Joey still wasn’t prepared for that first kiss. He wasn’t prepared for the rush of emotions that swept over his body and made him feel all warm and tingly, giddy, excited and frightened. He panicked for a minute, and inched away, but Alex was persistent and drew Joey closer. Giving in to his powerful emotions, Joey’s lip parted and finally accepted Alex’s probing tongue.

The kiss quickly intensified, releasing the pent-up passion that the two had for each other. Their tongues and lips danced about furiously as they tried to consume each other with their mouths. Alex ditched the dinosaur and wrapped his arms around Joey, who felt very secure in his lover’s embrace. And that is how they stayed for close to fifteen minutes, making out in the boy’s playroom. Eventually, their lips unlocked and the couple somewhat reluctantly parted.

“Let’s move this game to the big boy’s room,” Joey suggested, tugging on Alex’s lapel. The older man put up no resistance and followed his lover across the hall. Joey closed and locked the door behind them.

They started kissing again and slowly made their way to the bed. In the midst of their passionate kissing, Alex’s hands started to roam and slipped under Joey’s sweater. He slowly lifted it over the young man’s head then tugged on the t-shirt and removed it too. He ran his hands over Joey’s smooth skin, getting acquainted with every inch of the college dude’s naked flesh. Alex hoped to have many opportunities to memorize the contours of Joey’s beautiful body over the next few days. Joey hoped so too. He liked the way his skin tingled as Alex’s soft, warm hands slowly and gently explored his bare torso. Tiny goose pimples popped up all over his body and he let out a contented sigh. Alex’s fingertips carefully inspected the tiny bumps like he was reading a message in Braille. “Make love to me,” it said.

As sexy as Alex looked in his suit, Joey suddenly wanted him out of it. The eager young stud pushed his hands under Alex’s suit jacket and slid his hands over Alex’s broad shoulders. Alex lowered his arms and let the coat fall to the floor then leaned back to watch Joey’s nimble fingers undo the buttons on his shirt. The last button undone, the shirt fell open to reveal Alex’s hairy torso.

Joey ran his fingers over his mate’s fuzzy chest then leaned forward and kissed it. He licked his lips and got the first taste of Alex’s salty flavor. Wanting more, he swept the shirt aside and flicked his tongue across Alex’s nipple. The tiny nub responded to his playful coaxing, so he latched onto it and sucked it into his mouth. Alex shrugged off his shirt to give Joey more room to play. He moaned as his young lover expertly worked his nipple with his hungry mouth. Joey released his lip lock on one nipple then jumped across Alex’s hairy chest to give some lip service to the other. Alex was amazed at how gifted Joey was with his oral abilities and started to wonder just how gifted he was – he was about to find out.

While his lips, tongue and teeth were busy pleasuring Alex’s tits, Joey’s hands were busy grabbing at Alex’s pants. He fumbled with the belt and zipper like an impatient child trying to open a gift. He knew exactly what was inside the wrapping and he couldn’t wait to get to it. The bindings finally relented to Joey’s whims and Alex’s pants fell into a heap around his ankles. Joey pushed the half-naked man onto the bed then helped him out of his shoes, socks and pants until the only thing standing between Joey and his completely naked bear cub was a pair of blue silk boxers. As sexy as they were, they had to go too.

He lay on top of Alex’s body and kissed him again. He was addicted to Alex’s soft, pliable lips and could have kissed him for days, but there was something else he wanted to put his lips on. It was anything but soft and pliable, and he could feel it pressing against his thigh. He slithered down Alex’s outstretched body until he was face-to-face with the hard object. Joey wasted no time in reaching inside Alex’s boxers and fishing out his fat cock.

Joey’s heart skipped a beat. It was the first dick he’d ever touched other than his own. He’d seen it a few times before in pictures Alex sent him and wondered how it would feel to hold it in his hand. Now he knew, and it was better than anything he’d imagined. He stroked it and watched in amazement as a drop of liquid oozed out. Unlike his pre-cum, Alex’s was clear like water. Joey smeared it with his thumb then sucked his thumb clean. It was salty and sweet, just like his.

Alex was sitting up on his elbows, looking down at Joey playing with his cock. He was supposed to be the experienced one, but so far Joey had been the one taking the lead. He was happy to let Joey run the show, take his time and explore. Actually, it turned him on. He watched in silent anticipation as Joey’s lips drew closer to the tip of his cock. He could see the curiosity and hunger in the first-timer’s eyes; he could also see the hesitation.

“Go ahead,” Alex said, “give it a taste.”

Driven by Alex’s encouragement, Joey took his first taste of cock. His tongue swirled around Alex’s swollen glans and mopped up the sticky pre-cum that coated it. Alex’s body tensed up and he let out a deep moan.

“That’s it, baby… now suck on it.”

Joey’s lips parted to accept the first couple of inches of his excited lover’s throbbing dick. He sucked on it like Alex told him too and was rewarded with a steady flow of pre-cum on his tongue. He sucked on it again – a little harder this time – and was rewarded with another larger dose of Alex’s delicious juice. With every suck, Joey swallowed a little bit more of Alex’s dick until it tapped the back of his throat.

“Oh yeah, that’s it!! Damn, that’s good!” Alex was pleasantly surprised at how quickly Joey picked up the art of cocksucking. He was already good; with a little more experience, he would be extraordinary. Joey’s head bobbed up and down as he furiously sucked Alex’s leaking pole. Joey’s blowjob was feeling really good to Alex – it was arguably the best head he’d ever had. It wasn’t long before he felt the first shiver of his impending orgasm.

“Damn, this is good,” Alex moaned, fighting back the itching in his crotch. “You’d better stop for a bit.”

Joey pulled his mouth off of Alex’s shiny cock. He licked the spit and pre-cum from his sticky lips and said, “But, I’m not done yet.” He sucked the tip a few more times, drawing out even more of Alex’s sweet nectar.

“You can get some more later, but I want to return the favor first.”

Joey’s face lit up at the prospect of his first blowjob. He stood up and started unfastening his pants. Alex smiled at his partner’s enthusiasm. He sat up – his face was inches away from the bulge in the young man’s khakis. Alex couldn’t wait to wrap his lips around that juicy uncut cock. He’d told Joey many times before what he’d do if he ever got his hands on it; now was his chance to back up his words. The khakis fell to the ground; Joey kicked off his shoes and stepped out of them. Alex looked at the front of Joey’s tiny white briefs. It bulged with the kid’s plump cock and was soaked with his pre-cum.

“I know you said you leaked a lot, but this was ridiculous,” Alex joked.

Joey blushed. “I don’t usually leak this much, but you’ve got me so horny… I guess I got carried away.”

Alex licked his lips and hooked his fingers into the waistband of Joey’s briefs. He tugged them down and Joey’s slimy cock sprang free. It was dripping copious amounts of thick, creamy pre-cum. Alex stretched out his tongue to catch the gooey strands of slime – he wasn’t about to waste a single drop. In one fell swoop, he gobbled up Joey’s quivering cock and sucked it clean. His spunk was sweet – real sweet, almost like honey – and it trickled down Alex’s throat smoothly. But as quickly as the veteran cocksucker gulped down the first load, he had another mouthful of tasty pre-cum. He sucked and sucked but couldn’t keep up with Joey’s heavily drooling cock.

Joey was beside himself with ecstasy. Having his dick sucked was light-years beyond anything he’d ever experienced or ever could have conceived of. He had only known the feel of his own hand wrapped around his cock, but Alex’s hot, wet mouth felt a thousand times better. The sensation sent chills up and down his spine and before he realized what was happening he exploded in Alex’s mouth. He grabbed the back of Alex’s head and fed him his thick load. Like a sport, Alex drank every drop.

After the last orgasmic tremble racked his body, Joey relaxed his grip on Alex’s head and started to blush. “Wow! Sorry… I just couldn’t… that was incredible!”

Alex let Joey’s glossy cock slip out of his mouth. He swallowed the last of the cum and smiled. “Don’t apologize. What did you expect to happen on your first blowjob?” That made Joey feel a little better; his dick was already springing back to life. “Now you can last longer for the second round,” Alex added.

“Second round?” Alex just grinned and grabbed his young lover’s hips. He pulled Joey’s small frame onto the bed then rolled him over on his back. He gazed into his baby’s beautiful brown eyes. Their lips locked in another passionate kiss. Alex’s hands started to explore again. There was new territory to survey – like Joey’s slender legs, one of which was draped over Alex’s body; and his ass, which was smooth, round and firm; and especially his virgin hole, which lay hidden between those two fleshy globes. Joey tensed up when he felt Alex’s finger pressing against his tiny, unused rosebud.

“It’s okay, I’m not going to hurt you,” Alex said.

“I know,” Joey replied. “I’m just a little nervous.”

Alex stroked Joey’s hair and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips. That seemed to relax him a little bit – Alex felt Joey’s sphincter open a little bit. He licked his finger and returned it to the cherry hole. This time, Joey was ready and the tip of Alex’s finger easily slipped inside. Joey rested his head on Alex’s chest and let out a muffled sigh. He’d fingered his ass before, but Alex’s fingers were thicker – one of Alex’s felt almost as big as two of his. As the digit slid deeper into his hole, all of Joey’s concerns faded away.

Once he had the whole thing inside, Alex wiggled his middle finger around, forcing moans of pleasure out of his delighted lover. “Feel good?” he asked.

Joey could only manage another deep moan, but the way he was backing his ass up to meet Alex’s hand was all the response the older man needed to know he was enjoying himself. Alex slid his finger in and out of Joey’s snug tunnel – slowly at first then faster and faster. Joey clawed at Alex’s side and whimpered like a wounded puppy. “Unh… that feels so good,” he mumbled.

Alex slowed the tempo and worked another finger into Joey’s innocent ass. The young lover groaned and squealed, but his hole hungrily swallowed up the digit. Once that finger was firmly embedded into the cramped passage, Alex returned to his previous rapid-fire finger fuck. The faster and harder Alex fingered him, the more Joey begged for. He was ready for the real thing.

Alex withdrew his fingers and positioned himself between Joey’s legs. He lifted them to expose Joey’s pretty little bud. It showed signs of a little stretching from Alex’s fingering, but it was still very tight. It would need a little more lubrication before Alex poked it with his dick. Under the watchful gaze of his novice lover, Alex lowered his mouth onto the puckered spot and started licking it.

“So this is rimming,” Joey thought as Alex’s tongue invaded his most private spot. “This is unreal!” He felt so vulgar having someone eating his ass – and he liked it. He reached around and spread his cheeks apart so that Alex could probe deeper with his tongue. And that’s just what Alex did. He shoved his tongue as far up Joey’s chute as it would go, getting it nice and wet for the next phase.

Alex pulled his face out of Joey’s ass and looked at his handiwork. Joey’s hole was nice and juicy with his spit. It was primed and ready for fucking. He settled his hips between Joey’s thighs and placed the tip of his cock against Joey’s wet hole. “You ready?” he asked.

“Yes,” Joey replied confidently. In a moment, he was going to lose his virginity to a man he loved; how could he not be ready? This isn’t to say that he wasn’t nervous, but he was also very horny and very excited.

“Just let me know if you want me to stop,” Alex said, reassuringly. Then Joey felt the pressure against his hole as Alex’s cock tried to push inside. He cleared his mind and relaxed. Alex’s cock broke through the tight, unforgiving ring that had guarded Joey’s virginity for 21 years. In one painful instant, it was gone… and Joey was happy to see it go.

“Are you okay?” Alex asked, seeing the pained expression on his lover’s face.

“Yeah,” Joey hissed, “just keep going. Don’t stop.”

Alex pressed on. His dick slid deeper and deeper into Joey’s bowels. He’d never fucked an ass that tight before – it wrapped around his cock like hot velvet. Before he knew it, he was balls-deep into Joey’s once-virginal ass. He leaned forward and kissed Joey. “You’ve got it all, baby… how does it feel?”

He saw the smile return to Joey’s face. Alex gave Joey a quick, sloppy kiss then started the honorable task of giving him his first proper fucking. He slowly pulled out then slid back in to the hilt. Joey’s eyes rolled to the back of his head and his legs locked around Alex’s waist. Alex pulled out and slid back in again, a little harder this time. Joey bit his bottom lip and moaned. With each thrust, Alex drove into Joey deeper and harder than the time before, and the look on Joey’s face twisted into a vicious snarl.

“Ohhh yeah… that’s it Alex… fuck your little tiger… show him how much you love his hot little ass.”

Alex loved to hear Joey talk dirty – it thrilled him to know that he was bringing out the animal in this normally soft-spoken man. Alex put his back into it and fucked his baby with all his might. The grip that Joey’s ass had on his cock was incredible.

Joey was really getting into his first fuck; his dick was so hard that it hurt. He reached down and stroked it, hoping to ease the throbbing. He fisted his cock in unison with Alex’s continued ass pounding. He could feel every vein on Alex’s rigid cock as it stretched his tight anal ring over and over again. The continuous stimulation of his prostate caused more pre-cum to leak from his cock. It formed a large, sticky pool on his stomach. Seeing that really turned Alex on and he slammed into Joey so hard that it left both of them breathless.

“Unh… oh God, Joey,” Alex whined, “I can’t hold it much longer, baby.”

Joey was getting close too. His fist slid up and down his slimy cock, pushing him closer to the edge. Alex started to pull out, but Joey locked his legs around him, barring him from escape.

“I want to feel your hot cum inside of me,” the novice cock-addict said.

Alex had no objections to Joey’s request. That ass was his now and forever and he wanted to be the first and only man to plant his seed inside of it. Alex shoved his dick in as deep as he could and let out a savage growl. His cock pumped out gallons of cum into Joey’s bowels. Feeling it fill the deep recesses of his cavern was enough to set Joey off. His once-dangling nuts tightened up and another thick load shot out of his cock – this time, two feet straight up in the air. It arched high above Joey’s body and splattered all over his chest and stomach. By the time he was done, he was plastered with his own jizz.

“Oh shit!” he blurted out, his body still quivering and his dick still twitching. “That was incredible!”

Alex collapsed on top of him, sweaty and panting. “Yeah, it was pretty incredible,” he agreed, “but I didn’t want it to be like this… I wanted it to be special and romantic.”

Joey stroked Alex’s worried face. “It was special… I wouldn’t have had it any other way.”



“I love you, Tiger,” Alex said, calling Joey by the pet name he came up with.

“I love you too, Cubby,” Joey responded.

They cuddled for a while and basked in the warm afterglow of sex. Neither one of them was ready to part, but they knew they’d eventually have to return to reality. “Just a few more minutes,” they’d say to themselves.

Eventually, they got out of bed, cleaned up, and dressed. They weren’t sure how long they’d been gone, but Joey was sure his family was missing him at the party and it would be knocking at his door before long. They shared one last kiss before rejoining the party downstairs. When they walked downstairs, they surprised to see that most of the guests were gone. How long had they been upstairs?

“There you two are,” Ms. Park said. “We were wondering where you’d run off to.”

“Sorry, Ms. Park,” Alex answered. “We started talking and must have lost track of time.”

“It’s okay. Joey hates these parties anyway. Besides, I’m sure you two had a lot of catching up to do.”

The lovers looked at each other and smiled sheepishly.

“It’s getting late; I’d better get going,” Alex added.

“Why don’t you stay?” Joey’s mom offered. “We’d love to have the company.”

“I don’t know…”

“Oh come on!! You can sleep in my room. I’ll sleep on the floor,” Joey said with a devilish look in his eye.

“Well… if you insist,” Alex agreed with an equally devilish grin.

So, after the last guest had gone their merry way; after all the dishes were cleaned and put away; after the furniture was rearranged; and after everyone had gone to bed, the eager couple adjourned to Joey’s room, where they spent the rest of the night reaffirming and consummating their love for each other. After hours of breathtaking sex, Alex asked Joey to move in with him after he graduated; he wanted to spend the rest of his life with the sexy young stud. Joey gleefully accepted; he had found his true love on the first try and wasn’t about to let him go.

And so, the little tiger moved in with his bear cub and they lived happily – and sexually – ever after.


34 Gay Erotic Stories from JohnPaul


“Convergence” A Serial Tale of Intrigue. An illusory, collaborative work created by Jimmy Gordon and John Paul Batista. This story is based on fictional characters, and any similarity to actual individuals or groups of individuals is purely coincidental. It contains graphic descriptions of alternative and fetish sexual acts, and is intended as entertainment and erotica. This story may

Party Mix

This story is dedicated to MY little tiger who inspires me to do extraordinary things every day. I hope I can make more of your dreams come true. -jp. Joey ran around the house, making last minute arrangements for his mother’s party. Every time he turned around there was something else that she needed him to do. He didn’t mind though; at least it kept his mind off the fact that he was

The Alphabet Lovers: Intro

My name is John Paul Batista. I am a 35-year-old photojournalist for a large publishing company that specializes in travel, leisure and exploration magazines. My assignments are worldwide – one week I might be hiking through the French countryside and the next I might be riding a camel in the Tunisian desert. I get paid (pretty handsomely I might add) to be a globetrotter; how cool is that? After

The Alphabet Lovers: Adam

I met Adam in college, in the days when I was still experimenting with my sexuality. I was a sophomore – fairly social, mildly popular and loved to party. He was a senior and the big man on campus; smart, athletic, funny, rich and oh so HOT! Just shy of six feet tall with 175 pounds of finely toned muscle, Adam was a 100%-certified, blond-haired, green-eyed All-American frat boy. Everybody

The Alphabet Lovers: Basil

Standing in front of the Parthenon, it became apparent how little justice photographs would do for the mighty structure. Even as it lay in ruins, merely a shell of its former stature, I could only marvel at its magnitude and the genius of the ancient people who built it. “This is pointless,” I bemoaned. “How can you capture magnificence in a single frame?” Jake rolled his eyes and scribbled

The Alphabet Lovers: Colin

There’s an unwritten law that when you break up with someone, no matter how amicably, you break up with their friends too. You’re allowed to engage in occasional friendly banter with them, but any meaningful bonding is strictly prohibited. Any attempts by one of your ex’s friends to maintain a friendship violates their code of loyalty. Such was the case when I broke up with Adam. Half the

The Alphabet Lovers: Dylan

I was in Daytona Beach for a story on Bike Week. Being a big motorcycle enthusiast myself, it was the perfect assignment. I was hanging out at one of the bars on Main Street, having a laugh and knocking back a few drinks with some new biker friends. Five Kamikazes later, I was about to call it a night when the bartender handed me another drink and a slip of paper. “They’re from the guy in

The Alphabet Lovers: Elliott

“Larry!! Why are you bringing in another damn intern?” Larry Marshall, the firm’s senior photography editor, leaned back in his ergonomic, mesh desk chair and sighed. “You know we’re short-staffed, Batista. Or haven’t you noticed how many assignments you’ve had to take the last few months?” “Yeah, okay, so maybe it’s been a bit hectic, but I love it. I need to stay in business and I don’t

The Alphabet Lovers: Fernando

You’d think that a world-traveling photographer wouldn’t have anywhere to go for vacation. But I spend so much time living life through a lens that I find little time to truly experience the places I visit. I keep a journal of some of my favorite places so that I can visit them later when I have more time to explore. One such place is Seville. I’d heard about a festival that they hold in April

The Alphabet Lovers: Gunnar

“It’s just a little further,” Gunnar shouted as he continued scaling the steep rock face behind me. Henrik was already a few yards in front and had almost reached the summit. Twin brothers, Henrik and Gunnar Bergstròm were expedition leaders for hire. They came highly recommended by the tourism board for their vast knowledge of the Finnmark region. The tourism board didn’t mention anything,

The Alphabet Lovers: Henrik

In the last episode of “Alphabet Lovers,” our oversexed hero was visiting the Scandinavian paradise of Norway; his journey through the beautiful region of Finnmark was led by twin brothers, Gunnar and Henrik Bergstrom. After one particular expedition, Henrik realized the half-Brazilian wasn’t designed to handle the cold Norwegian weather and suggested he take a warming break in the sauna. While

The Alphabet Lovers: Ivan

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'd like to take this opportunity to apologize to any reader who had the misfortune of reading the first version of Ivan's chapter. It may have been a good story with the right amount of love and attention, but, quite frankly, it sucked. On top of that, it didn't fit in with the theme of the series. So, to repay for my sins, I am posting a more suitable version of Ivan's tale.

The Alphabet Lovers: Jake

If you’ve been following the series, you’ve seen Jake’s name pop up every now and then, providing some chaos and comedy to my mundane life. I’ve been unfair in my portrayal of Jake. I’ve trivialized him as a secondary sideman when in fact he’s much more that. I’ve reduced him to a shallow, one-dimensional character when actually he’s a very deep and complex person. What can I tell you about

The Alphabet Lovers: Koji

A good friend, Mya, once told me about this resort she’d discovered in Japan. Some of the World’s wealthiest and most famous had been known to frequent the spa because of its secluded location in the lush countryside of Kyushu. It was also priced for wealthy and famous, but she said the price was worth it for the massage alone. They used some kind of new age; pressure-point aromatherapy that

The Alphabet Lovers: Liam

AUTHOR'S NOTE: To my knowledge, the band depicted in this story does not exist outside of this work of fiction. Any similarities between this fictitious band and their music, and a real band and their music are purely coincidental. With that being said, enjoy. - jp. “At first you were loving me, needing me, wanting me Now you’re leaving me, teasing me, taunting me You promised you’d be

The Alphabet Lovers: Malcolm

“20 to 19, Johnny boy,” Malcolm taunted. “1 more point and you lose…again!” He dribbled the ball and threw me a smug grin. He knew how much I hated being called John or Johnny -- it was part of his ploy to break my concentration. He loved to talk trash to get me all riled up. But after all those years, I was used to it. I don’t know why he bothered anyway; he could beat me without

The Alphabet Lovers: Nicolo

If you’ve been following the story – and I certainly hope you have – you may be wondering, “What happened to Elliott?” It may seem that we hooked up a few times and then I moved on, but that’s not true. You see, the downside of writing about my lovers in alphabetical order is that the continuity of the story gets all messed up. For the most part, it doesn’t matter who I fucked first. But for

The Alphabet Lovers: Omari

“JP, I think this camel hates me,” Jake griped. “The camel does NOT hate you, Jake,” I argued. “I’m serious. Look at the way it’s looking at me with those beady little eyes.” “You’re being ridiculous.” He was silent for the first time in an hour and I thought I’d heard the last of Jake’s bellyaching. This whole desert trek was his idea yet he was the one complaining incessantly about

The Alphabet Lovers: Philipe

Philipe dipped the strawberry into the melted chocolate sauce then offered it to my watering mouth. I bit into the large, juicy berry and savored the intoxicating flavors of sweet fruit and bitter chocolate. A drop of juice ran down the side of my mouth and onto my chin. I reached up to wipe it off. “Non, laissez-moi,” Philipe demanded. I moved my hand and let him lick the sweet nectar

The Alphabet Lovers: Quinn

The only way to describe the sensation of hang-gliding is liberating. In my opinion, it is the closest that humans will ever get to unaided flying and I can’t think of another activity that is more exhilarating – well, maybe just one. As with most life-threatening hobbies I partake in, I got into hang gliding on a dare from none other than Mr. Daring himself, Jake. As with everything he did,

The Alphabet Lovers: Reese

John Paul Batista, Executive Director of Photography. Has a nice ring to it doesn’t it? I thought so too when Adam offered me the position. After 40 years of service for the publishing company, our beloved Larry Marshall decided to call it quits and spend the rest of his life on a tropical island in the middle of the Pacific where there were no magazines. It was at that point that Adam

The Alphabet Lovers: Seth

I can clearly remember the day that I first met Seth. It is as permanently etched in my psyche as the ability to speak or tie my shoes. It’s not often that you see someone across a busy office and realize that he is the man with whom you want to spend the rest of your life. Special moments like that stay with you forever, whether you want them to or not. Okay, maybe I’m being overdramatic. I

The Alphabet Lovers: Thai

Thai had the body of a god; tight, lean, and rippling with muscles in all the right places. I loved waking up with his perfect body against mine, my rising cock wedged between his firm ass cheeks. I was always horny around him, ready to fuck even if we’d already done it three or four times the night before. He was always ready too. He never complained about being too tired or sore. He never

The Alphabet Lovers: Ulrich

What a gorgeous specimen!! I’d never delighted in something so magnificent and breathtaking in all my life. As I ran my hands over that steel-hard body, I could feel the power lying beneath and it made me hard thinking about how incredible the ride was going to be. But I was getting ahead of myself. It isn’t every day that one is in the presence of such beauty; every minute should be drawn

The Alphabet Lovers: Victor

One of the many perks of my promotion is that it allowed me more time to do things that I had neglected over the years, like unpacking the boxes in my condo, hanging out with old high school and college buddies, and spending time with my parents. I love my parents very much and it always bothered me that I only got to see them a couple weeks out of the year, so I decided to spend my first

The Alphabet Lovers: Virgil

I was sitting in my office poring over the layout for next month’s magazine when Adam strolled in. Even though I reported directly to him, it was rare for him to show up in my office. It was good to see him, though. After he’d started dating Michael, I never saw him outside of work; and before my promotion, I saw him in the office once a month, at most. I missed his friendship. I missed

The Alphabet Lovers: Wyatt

Goddamn phone!! Why is the ringer so loud? My head is killing me! Oooh, I think I’m going to be sick! I shouldn’t have had that sixth tequila shot. Will someone answer the fucking phone? I clawed my way from beneath the warmth and safety of the blanket and looked at the clock. It was hard to see through the haze of my hangover, but I was pretty sure the fuzzy blue numbers said 3:06.

The Alphabet Lovers: X

“Heya, Mr. B!” Reese rolled his mail cart into my office. He was looking as cute as ever. It would have been nice to have another go at him, but we had had our moment and that was that. We’d decided to be friends and coworkers and nothing more – and I was content with that. That didn’t mean I couldn’t stare and dream, though. “Good morning, Reese,” I said, returning my attention to the

The Alphabet Lovers: Yuri

“Tell me why we’re here again,” I asked Jake over the roar of the crowd. “To get an interview with him,” he said, pointing to the guy in the number 39 jersey. “But we work for a travel and adventure magazine, not Sports Illustrated.” “I’m doing a favor for a friend.” “Okay, so what am I doing here?” Jake took his eye off the game long enough to shoot me a befuddled expression.

The Alphabet Lovers: Zach

Can you believe that in close to 15 years working for an exploration and travel magazine, after having traveled all over the world, going wherever the four winds would take me, I never once went to Hawaii? I’d heard about it, read about, and even seen some excellent pictures of it, but I’d never had the opportunity to experience the “Aloha State” personally or professionally. So, when it came

The Alphabet Lovers:.Epilogue

“This is the last one,” I said, holding up the 26th and final consent form from one of my Alphabet Lovers. Jake looked up from his newspaper. “Who is it?” “Liam,” I said. “Ah, the rock star. I wonder why it took him so long to reply.” “I dunno...maybe he was worried about how his current boyfriend would react.” “Hmm, maybe. This is number six for him right?” I shrugged.

The Jake Chronicles: Chapter 1

The Jake Chronicles: Chapter 1 – Teacher’s Pet Jake’s life had changed in so many ways since he met John Paul. For the first time, he’d met someone who truly understood and accepted him – not in spite of his many quirks and imperfections, but because of them. They were the unlikeliest pair, yet the closest of friends. Actually, the term friend didn’t do justice to the bond that they shared;

The Jake Chronicles: Chapter 2

Jake and John Paul’s little business venture had turned into a gold mine. In a few short years, their two-man, home-office project had turned into a multi-million dollar company that employed a few thousand hard-working and dedicated employees, with offices in D.C., New York, Dallas, and Los Angeles. Not too shabby for a company that pushed smut; tasteful, high quality smut, but smut

The Jake Chronicles: Chapter 3

The Jake Chronicles: Chapter 3 – Legal Briefs Mr. Bourne walked out of his office to find Jake pacing manically in front of his secretary’s desk. Jake’s face was drawn into a savage scowl – so savage that the young lawyer wasn’t sure if he should approach the man or not. “Mr. Jacoby?” he said, to get Jake’s attention. Jake stopped his frantic pacing and looked up at the man. He gave


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