Gay Erotic Stories

In Search of Camelot

by Boulderthruster

Arthur Murphy was a lonely man. Oh, he had plenty of acquaintances and even a few people he could call friends, but nobody who was an intimate friend. He had lived the life of an academic and had built a good career. His professorship in mathematics at a small western college gave him the opportunity to teach without the pressure of doing much research and publishing papers. He liked research, but he loved teaching even more and especially the contact that gave him with students.

He also got along with the other members of the Math Department. He tried to stay out of the jungle of academic politics as much as he could, and his calm demeanor as well as intellectual brilliance had steered him clear of a lot of trouble. Still, in this small western Colorado town, he was somewhat of an anomaly. That was principally due to his ethnicity. Not many could claim his combination of Cherokee, African, and Japanese blood. His skin was a soft mocha brown, his smile disarming, his large brown eyes were quite attractive.

Plus, for the oldest reason in the world, Arthur was single. He had had only one romantic fling with a woman in his life, but that had quickly fizzled. He lived alone; and when he felt the need for sexual release with another man, he made the long six-hour drive to Denver for that. But that was a drive he undertook only under great duress, and for the most part he led a celibate life. It would not do in this small town to give people any more reason to discuss him and invade his privacy than was absolutely necessary. For that reason he had never had an affair with any of the students or faculty at the college. There had been a few fleeting opportunities, particularly with certain students, but Arthur had felt it was wiser to leave well enough alone. However, the price for his discretion was the gnawing loneliness that grew every year. In three years he would turn fifty, and the thought of being both old and lonely was as bitter as anything he could conceive.

He decided that he had to do something, and the Internet had suggested a way out. He had recently begun e-mail conversations with gay men in different parts of the world, and he decided that when the semester finally ended he would visit one of them. He had exchanged e-mails and pictures with a certain Brian Morgan in Dublin, Ireland. Brian was a fellow academic at Trinity College. He was single, and as far as Arthur could figure out, was just as lonely as he was. On more than one occasion he had asked Arthur to visit him, and this year Arthur had finally accepted. He was looking forward to it. He had never been to Europe, had never been outside the States for that matter, and the prospect of visiting a city as ancient and as bustling as Dublin held enormous appeal. In addition, he had heard that Irish people were very passionate in everything they did, and Arthur was certain that sex would be among those hot passions.

By going to Ireland in May he would have two advantages: beating the summer rush and vacationing during one of the driest months of the year there. He didn’t have to worry about lodging since he would be staying with Brian for the most part. However, they would also be seeing part of the country, and since May was still in the “low” season, the cost of staying overnight in the countryside wouldn’t be that expensive. He was thrilled at the prospect of spending so much time in the intimate company of another man, and he even dreamed that a real romance might blossom between them. Brian also was very excited about Arthur’s visit, and promised him that it would be the vacation of a lifetime.

May and the end of the spring semester had come at last. Arthur drove to Denver International Airport where he boarded his British Airways flight to London. In London he would transfer to the Aer Lingus flight that would take him to Dublin. He hardly slept on the flight to London, but once there he rested during his four-hour layover. Finally he boarded the plane to Dublin and got some more sleep during the short hop over the Irish Sea. The day was somewhat overcast, but warm, when he finally deplaned at the airport. And there, sure enough, was Brian waiting for him.

When the two men finally saw each other, they both gasped simultaneously. While they had exchanged pictures, they both realized that those shots hadn’t done either of them justice. To Brian, Arthur was tall and handsome, his brown complexion glowing with health, his smile very inviting, and his lips full and ripe for kissing. For Arthur, Brian was Ireland personified. He had the reddest hair Arthur had ever seen, and the red hair was complemented by the bluest eyes Arthur had ever seen, besides. Arthur immediately felt a strong stirring south of his equator, as his manhood leaped for lust at the sight of his host. It had been a long, long time since Arthur had been so aroused by the sight of a fully clothed man, and he worked his hands nervously as he fought off the urge to cast himself all over Brian and claim his body then and there.

Brian found himself in a similar quandary. He had met very few men of color in his lifetime and had always considered them to be exotic. Now he had a living, breathing one in front of him. Arthur wore his forty-seven years well, his hair and moustache touched only here and there by some frost. Besides, Brian was in his early forties also, so age was hardly an issue for either one of them. Brian found himself rushing to meet his guest, bellowing his name as loudly as he dared. He, too, wanted to claim Arthur’s body, but he contented himself with crushing his hand in the heartiest handshake he could manage. The handshake was an indication of how raging his own hard-on was. Brian felt his penis straining for release from his pants, eager to explore all of Arthur’s openings. That, too, would have to wait for a more opportune moment.

“You’re finally here, mate, you’re finally here!” Brian hollered.

Arthur’s heart warmed to hear himself called “mate” even though he knew it was a common enough term in Ireland. Maybe it was an indication that there was a possibility of something deep and enduring for him and Brian. “Yeah, I managed to get here, Brian. Am I glad to see and meet you at last!” he answered in a warm voice. He squeezed Brian’s hand as hard as he could to show him how he felt.

“Let’s claim your bags and get the hell out of here,” Brian said. Now that Arthur had finally arrived, all Brian could think of was getting him home and settling him in.

It didn’t take long to claim Arthur’s luggage and drive away from the airport. Arthur was somewhat bemused to be sitting on the left hand side of the car and to be driven on the left hand side of the road, but he quickly oriented himself. As soon as they settled into the car, Brian shot off at high speed. The Beltway round Dublin could be driven that way, but once inside the city proper, Brian slowed down considerably and applied himself to negotiating the winding, twisting streets of this very old city. Brian pointed out landmarks along the way.

“How far are you from your office at Trinity?” Arthur asked.

“Oh, I live about 25 minutes away. It’s on the opposite side of the city from me,” Brian answered. “I couldn’t afford to live very close to the college, so I’m living in a more modest section of town. You know they don’t believe in paying us teachers a decent salary!” Both men laughed at that well-worn truism.

They finally pulled up in front of a nondescript set of row houses. They weren’t ugly or tumbledown, but had straight clean lines and soft, earth-toned colors. Brian grabbed Arthur’s two suitcases and scampered up the stairs to the door. Arthur was eager to see his new friend’s home. They entered a foyer that had several doors opening off of it. There was a staircase to the left, and Brian immediately carried Arthur’s bags upstairs. He deposited them into what was clearly the master bedroom, and then led his guest back downstairs and into the kitchen.

“I can give you a tour later. Right now I’m sure you must be tired. Why not have a beer, and then we can see about what to do next, okay?” Arthur nodded his agreement.

“I slept some in London and on the flight over, but I must admit that I could use a short nap. Besides, my biological clock is all disoriented. I mean here it is three in the afternoon, but back home in Colorado it is just now eight in the morning, and I’ve had only about five hours sleep since I left Denver. I wouldn’t mind a beer, though, and we can talk some until I can’t keep my eyes open anymore.”

Brian opened two bottles, decanting them into two tall glasses. The two men sat at the kitchen table. First they took long pulls from their beers, and then they stared at one another for a short while. For the first time Arthur noted that Brian’s skin was a pale white. He wondered how it would react to the loud sun and very dry air of his Colorado home. Brian also still had some freckles left over from his boyhood, and that combined with his red hair and blue eyes only reinforced his “Celtic” nature. Arthur felt his penis stirring again as he thought about Brian’s good looks, and how he felt rather ordinary looking in comparison.

Brian was having thoughts along similar lines but in the converse. He feasted his eyes on Arthur’s rich skin color, so vibrant, he thought, in comparison to his own. He thought about the contrast their skin colors would make when they finally would lie in bed together; and as he thought about that, his penis both stirred and shuddered slightly in anticipation of the feast it wanted to enjoy. Brian also thought how for the first time since he had bought the house, it didn’t feel so empty. He felt a tremor in his soul that seemed to say that Arthur belonged here as much as he did, and he wondered why he felt so when they had barely met only an hour ago. “Am I falling in love?” he wondered to himself, “Or am I just giving myself over to foolish and romantic dreams?”

Brian cleared his mind and throat and said to Arthur, “I’m glad you’re here, and I know you must have many questions in your mind. What would you like to know?”

“Well,” Arthur began diffidently, “I’ve heard all kinds of things about the weather in the British Isles. I heard a lot about rain in particular. I came in May because it’s supposed to be dry, but it’s a cloudy day and I was wondering do you ever see the sun shine?” Brian laughed. “Well, Arthur, ‘dry’ is a relative term here. We do have sunny days, but as you know, Ireland is called the ‘Emerald Isle’ and all that greenery is sustained by abundant rainfall. I suppose a short answer to your question is that if a week passes by without some significant rain, we get worried. Most of us can’t tolerate a lot of sunshine, and we sunburn very easily. Nevertheless, we get sunny days here, and I think you needn’t worry about being drowned.”

Arthur smiled in return. “Well, that’s good to know in any event. My next question is, what kind of schedule have you made up? I don’t want to be demanding or anything like that, but I’m curious as to what you want me to see in this country. I’ve heard that Dublin is marvelous and the Irish countryside is fantastic. But there is so much to see and I’ll be here for only two weeks. Plus,” and here Arthur lowered his eyes and Brian could have sworn he was blushing, “I want to spend time with you away from crowds and scenery.”

“Don’t worry,” Brian answered, “I haven’t overscheduled us. We’ll have plenty of time both for sightseeing…and each other. I promise!” Brian felt his manhood surging harder than ever, and it was all he could do to keep from leaping over the table and sweeping Arthur into his arms. But at that moment Arthur gave a loud yawn. “Come on, mate! Into bed with you,” Brian ordered. He brushed aside Arthur’s feeble protests and escorted him upstairs and into the bedroom. “Lie quiet here and get some rest,” he said. Then he closed the bedroom door and left Arthur to himself.

Arthur immediately fell into a deep and dreamless sleep. As for Brian, his time was far less restful. All he could think about was how much he wanted Arthur. His erection seemed to have a life of its own, surging and throbbing even when he made every effort to direct his thoughts elsewhere. Now Brian was no neophyte when it came to sex, and unlike Arthur he had had many partners. Still, he was looking for more: he wanted to bond with another man, to really love him. It had been hard in a country as conservative and Catholic as Ireland, and for many years he had kept a very low profile with respect to his sexuality. When Ireland joined the European Union, laws had been liberalized, and the country had seen a tremendous influx of foreign settlers. These newcomers had brought different ways of looking at things, including sex, and there had been a mini-liberation of sorts for gay men. They still had to be somewhat discreet, but they were now also freer to seek partners and pleasure and Brian had not held back. Nevertheless, he was unsatisfied, and his invitation to Arthur to visit him was, he hoped, a step in the right direction to find a life-partner. He wanted to see what it would be like to live with another gay man even if it were only for a few days.

Three hours later Arthur awoke to the smell of something delicious cooking. He hurried downstairs and into the kitchen. Brian was setting supper on the table and Arthur’s mouth was watering uncontrollably.

“Well, hello Arthur!” Brian said cheerily. “What timing! I was just about to awaken you but you saved me the trouble. Sit down and eat.”

“Thanks, Brian,” Arthur replied, seating himself at the table. Brian had also opened a bottle of wine and charged two glasses. The sun was shining brightly outside, but Brian drew the kitchen curtains and lighted two candles that had graced the table. A romantic air pervaded the room, and the two men ate easily. Soon, thanks in large part to the wine, they were laughing heartily. They shared stories about academic life at their two colleges, and Arthur laughed uproariously at one ridiculous tale Brian told about the Rector of Trinity and a saucy office secretary who had given him a good piece of her mind and taken him down a peg before some of the highest ranking academics in Ireland.

Supper ended on a warm and fuzzy note and the two men left the kitchen. “We’ll clear up later,” Brian said. Then he insisted on giving Arthur a tour of the house. They first went into the living room, or “drawing room” as Brian called it. It was tastefully decorated with pictures, bookcases, and overstuffed chairs. Clearly it was the room of an academic. A computer occupied one corner along with a desk. Brian did his writing, lecture preparation, and marking of papers there. The books on the shelves reflected some of Brian’s many interests: geography, history, mathematics, art, literature, and his own field of architecture. A guitar stood on its stand in another corner, and Brian promised Arthur that he would hear him play something before he left Ireland.

From the drawing room they went to the “formal dining room”. Brian preferred the more friendly setting of the kitchen to eating meals, but occasionally, when he entertained members of the Trinity faculty, he used the dining room. A laundry room was behind the kitchen, and another room, a “mud room” opened onto the backyard. Then they moved upstairs and Arthur was shown two spare bedrooms and the bathroom.

“You’ll want to put your toiletries in here, Arthur, if you haven’t already done so,” Brian said lightly. Then he stared deeply into Arthur’s eyes. Arthur felt his manhood stirring again, but this time he wanted to yield to its demands. He moved closer to Brian who seemed to call to him with those blue eyes of his. Brian’s lips parted slightly, and Arthur could hold back no more. He reached out and roughly pulled Brian to him, his lips demanding Brian’s lips and the two men, now lovers, kissed long and soulfully. They rubbed their crotches against each other and felt the rigidity of their penises. Both Arthur and Brian moaned, and then began undressing each other.

It took a while for both of them to completely disrobe for with the removal of each article of clothing, they kissed each other ravenously. Their lips had become soft and full with the constant contact, and then their tongues began to explore each other’s mouths. Their hearts were racing as they undressed, and soon their hands were all over each other: touching, poking, caressing, and feeling every inch of bare skin they could reach. Finally all their clothing lay on the bathroom floor and Brian and Arthur could see each other in their birthday suits.

Arthur had some hair on his chest and a lot more on his legs and arms. A thick mat of pubic hair covered his crotch, but Brian’s eyes were irresistibly drawn to his lover’s huge cut penis. He reached out tentatively to touch it, and he was pleasantly stunned to see it react. Arthur’s manhood shuddered and began to leak precum. Brian caressed the shaft for a few seconds, and then encircled the huge mushroom head that capped Arthur’s monster.

Brian’s body was covered with a light layer of red hair. He wasn’t shaggy by any means, but the hair was distinct. His pubic hair was fiery red. His uncut cock stuck straight out at Arthur like a spear, and Arthur could see it pulsing vividly. He was drawn to Brian’s cock like a moth to a flame, and before Brian knew what was happening, Arthur had dropped to his knees and swallowed Brian’s penis.

“Oh, God, Arthur!” Brian breathed, “My cock almost shot its load! Your mouth is so hot, mate, and you give great head.” Arthur merely nodded his acknowledgment and went on slurping and sucking Brian’s manhood. He didn’t do so long. He had merely wanted to make first contact, to taste Brian’s most intimate member and to get a feel for how big it could be. Brian’s penis rapidly expanded in size and his moans became ever louder. Since Arthur didn’t want Brian to cum right away, he gave his penis a few more licks and then released it.

As soon as he was free, Brian began running the shower. When the water was just right, he got in and dragged Arthur after him. Once inside, both men soaped each other up and began exploring their bodies in detail. Arthur thrilled to the touch of Brian’s hands, especially the way he gave special and careful attention to his package and his ass. Brian gently caressed Arthur’s balls, prompting him to follow suit. Then he turned Arthur around and started washing his ass, paying close attention to his crack and bunghole. Arthur’s cock was getting harder and stood straight up and against his stomach, as he felt more and more stimulated by Brian’s bathing him.

Finally Brian washed all the soap off Arthur and gave his body once more into Arthur’s hands. Arthur washed every inch of Brian too, and then rinsed him off. He was about to step out of the shower when Brian checked him, dropped to his knees and took Arthur’s monster penis into his mouth. Arthur felt an electric surge that traveled through his cock and spread to his entire body.

“FUCK!!” he cried out. “Brian, what the hell do you have in your mouth? I’ve never felt this good from a blow job.”

“Feels good, doesn’t it, mate?” Brian asked, grinning.

“Oh, man, I didn’t know a cock could feel this good just by getting sucked. I rarely cum from a blow job, but if I leave my cock in your mouth much longer, then I’m gonna shoot my load!”

“Well in that case we had better move to a more appropriate venue. Follow me.”

They clambered out of the shower and toweled themselves dry. Brian took Arthur’s hand and led him into the master bedroom. Once there they fell into each other’s arms again and began kissing furiously. Their hands were back in exploration mode, and they ground their crotches together with a ferocious intensity.

Finally Brian said, “Arthur, I want to be inside of you. I want to meld my body with yours. I’ve got to have you…NOW!”

Arthur replied, “I thought you’d never ask.” Then he stretched himself out on the bed, lying on his back. Brian immediately mounted him, once again rubbing his crotch and manhood against Arthur’s. The hard steel of Arthur’s penis was driving Brian crazy as he felt it massaging his own cock. At length, however, he reached for the lube on a nightstand and began slicking his own penis. Then he put his lips to Arthur’s ear and said softly, “Roll over for me, mate.” He lifted himself off Arthur who then eagerly complied. Brian next rubbed more lube into the crack of Arthur’s ass, with an extra dollop for his bunghole. Then he settled down carefully on his lover, placing his swollen penis into Arthur’s ass crack.

“Mmmmmmmmmm,” Brian groaned as he humped Arthur’s hot ass. “Mate, if you feel this good on the outside, I’m gonna shoot like crazy once I get deep inside you!”

“Brian, you feel so good. I can’t wait until you really begin to fuck me,” Arthur gasped. “I want to feel you all the way inside of me, thrusting, pounding, drilling deep into my ass.”

Brian humped for a little longer. Then he raised himself up and aimed his penis directly for Arthur’s entrance. His glans was projecting well beyond his sheath and pushed solidly against Arthur’s quivering asshole. He expected resistance, but he would not be denied entry either.

“Unh, mmmmm, oooohhh, Arthur, I’m going in! Take my cock, mate, let me in all the way,” Brian demanded. The dickhead broke through the frontier, and Arthur wailed in pain as Brian began his determined descent to the very center of Arthur’s ass. Brian continued his drive, however. “Don’t worry, Arthur, the pain won’t last. Just relax and give me your sweet ass. Man! I can’t believe how good it feels and I’m not even all the way in you yet.”

The pain in Arthur’s ass was great, but mingled with it was satisfaction. Arthur was very happy that Brian wanted his ass and that his cock was feeling so good penetrating him. Finally he felt Brian’s wiry pubic hair tickling the cheeks of his ass and he knew that his partner had finished the journey. Brian’s manhood completely stretched and filled Arthur’s asshole. Arthur was usually a top, and the number of times he had been fucked he could count literally on the fingers of one hand. He thought the pain from Brian’s penetration wouldn’t subside, but once his ass had swallowed Brian completely, he began to feel calm and as if he was truly merging, melding with his lover.

Brian rested his penis inside Arthur’s anus for a minute or two to let him get used to it. As he had predicted the pain diminished rapidly. Then he began to thrust. At first he made gentle and shallow pushes, then he began to extend them. As he did so, Arthur felt his prostate being stimulated, and he began to vocalize his pleasure.

“Unh, mmmmm, yeah, Brian, yeah. Fuck me, Brian, fuck me with that Celtic cock! Give it to me, Brian, and don’t hold anything back. Fuck me, man, FUCK ME!! Yeah, just like that!”

Brian voiced his feelings too, “Oh, Arthur, your black ass feels so good around my dick! OOOOOOOHHHHHHH!! Mate, you’re the best!” Brian licked the nape of Arthur’s neck, and then stuck his tongue inside Arthur’s right ear, twirling it around the different folds and contours. His thrusts became faster, deeper, harder as he strained to fill Arthur’s ass with his complete dick, leaving nothing but his balls outside his partner’s asshole. “FUCK, this feels so damn good! Yours is the sweetest ass I’ve ever plowed, mate!”

Arthur began to contract and relax his ass muscles to stimulate Brian even more. The results were magical. Brian began to feel his toes curl and he knew it wouldn’t be long before his manseed blasted out of his cock and rocketed deep inside his lover’s guts. He clenched Arthur’s body even closer to him, then rolled both of them over on their sides. In this position, Brian could thrust even faster and deeper, and Arthur was in full accord with this. “FUCK ME, BRIAN, FUCK ME HARD!!” Arthur’s desires were voicing themselves as passionately as possible.

Suddenly, Brian slammed into Arthur’s hot ass with all his might. His mouth opened and what sounded like a warrior’s yell tore through his throat. Arthur screamed.

“Here it comes, mate! Take my spunk,” he bellowed. Arthur felt Brian’s dick swell to an even bigger size, then it shuddered, and Arthur felt a torrent of hot liquid scream into his seething ass. A tremendous spurt of Brian’s semen flooded into him, to be followed by three more of equal force and violence. “I’M CUMMING!” Brian yelled all the while his orgasm ensued. At last, after he had ejaculated the last of his seed, Brian released Arthur’s body and began to relax. His bloated penis remained deep inside of his partner until it deflated on its own and finally slipped out.

Both lovers were drenched in sweat and their breathing was raspy. Finally Brian said, “Mate, I’ve fucked the randiest student at Trinity College. He was a big, burly hurling player who weighted fifteen stone, stood six foot four, and had one sweet, tight, hot ass. But I never shot as big a load into his ass as I’ve just dumped into yours. Let’s catch our collective breath, then I want you to fuck me.” Arthur could only nod his agreement.

They rested for a good half hour before they coupled again. Arthur took Brian into his arms, and began kissing him all over his body. When he got to his nipples, he kissed, licked, and nipped them, driving Brian wild.

“Oooooohhh, man, that feels so good,” Brian breathed. Clearly he wanted more of that kind of action and Arthur happily obliged. He played with Brian’s nipples for a few more minutes, and then went on to tongue other parts of his body. When he got down to Brian’s package, he gently licked the dick that had so recently plowed him, and then twirled his tongue around Brian’s hairy balls.

He had Brian raise his legs. Arthur wanted access to Brian’s perineum, that sensitive and erogenous zone between the anus and scrotum. When his tongue caressed it, he felt Brian quiver with delight. Arthur spent some time there before moving on to Brian’s sweet rosebud guarding the interior of his delectable ass. His tongue first sloshed across it, making Brian feel the heat of Arthur’s desire. Then Arthur decided to penetrate Brian’s ass ever so slightly, teasing him and making him anticipate the more forceful entry to come. Brian’s moans showed he appreciated Arthur’s attentions.

“That’s it, Arthur, tongue my asshole. Fuck me with that thick tongue of yours,” Brian purred.

“Your ass tastes so good, Brian. I could spend the rest of the evening just feasting on it, but I want more…much more than just a taste. My dick wants to live in your ass, so roll over, partner, and let me have at it!”

Brian chuckled. “They say that black men are the randiest lovers in the world. I’m looking forward to having you deep inside of me, mate. Take my ass, it’s all yours!”

Brian now rolled over, presenting the hairy mounds of his ass to Arthur. Arthur regarded them steadily for a moment while he licked his lips in anticipation of sinking as deep into Brian’s man ass as he could possibly go. Then he reached for Brian’s lube and applied it generously to both his cock and his lover’s red ass. Arthur’s cock had now swollen to its fullest size, and he slapped it stiffly against Brian’s ass. Precum was leaking from his piss slit, and Arthur rubbed it into the cheeks of Brian’s hot ass and his ass crack too.

“Mmmm, Brian, your ass sure feels sweet,” Arthur hummed. Then he stretched his full body length out on Brian, draping him completely.

“Fuck, your body sure radiates a lot of heat, Arthur!” Brian exclaimed. “I didn’t feel it while I was fucking you because I was sweating so much, but I can feel it now. I could use you for a blanket or comforter, mate, because you’re just that warm. I can feel the heat radiating from your dick too. That feels really nice.”

“It’ll feel even nicer and hotter once it’s buried inside you, Brian. So get ready, I’m about to start poking and stretching your asshole.”

“Whenever you’re ready, mate, whenever you’re ready,” Brian replied.

Arthur began the humping that Brian had done earlier. However, he didn’t want to use his hands to place his dick inside of Brian. He wanted to do it entirely by the feel of his dick against Brian’s ass. He put his legs between Brian’s thighs, and then forced his partner’s legs apart to their widest split. That opened Brian’s ass up somewhat, and Arthur began twisting his thighs and thrusting his hips to enable his penis to locate Brian’s opening. Finally he felt the pucker hole and then thrust firmly with his mushroom head seeking ingress.

Brian groaned when he felt the huge mushroom head of Arthur’s penis demanding entrance. He relaxed as much as he could while at the same time thrusting his ass against the massive cock aligned against it. The combination of his and Arthur’s movements enabled the mushroom head to penetrate the outer ring. Arthur groaned with pleasure as he sensed movement into Brian’s manhole.

Brian’s ass wasn’t as tight as Arthur’s but it felt great. Slowly Arthur fed Brian the rest of his penis. The mushroom head had penetrated completely, and now the rest of the shaft followed. Because he was bigger than Brian, Arthur decided to penetrate his lover in degrees, an inch or so at a time. Brian clearly appreciated it because this allowed him to relax and accept Arthur’s dick at a pace that made the penetration very pleasant.

“That’s it, mate, let my ass swallow your cock. Mmmmmmmmmm, shit! This feels so good. Feels like we’re becoming one person. Oh, Arthur, your cock feels so good in my ass!” Arthur laughed even as he continued penetrating. “You’ve got that right, partner. My cock does feel good in your ass! But your ass feels so good wrapped around my cock. Because I’m so big, it can be difficult finding a lover willing to let me fuck him, but your ass is the smoothest I’ve ever fucked. I could live in it all day, man!”

Arthur had now hit bottom, and like Brian he allowed his partner a minute or two to completely accommodate him before he began fucking him for real. Then he pulled halfway out before pushing back in. Brian groaned in pleasure. Arthur pushed again, this time pulling even further out. Brian squeezed Arthur’s big penis as it slid back down the chute, drawing a deep moan from him.

“Ooooooooohhh, fuck, Brian, that feels so fucking good! Man, I love your ass! Take my big, black dick, Brian, take it all deep inside your Irish ass!”

“Fuck me, mate, fuck me as hard as you can! I’ve never had a horse dick like this in my ass, and I want it all! That’s it! Fuck me just like that! Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!!”

Arthur began to fuck with more rigor, but he still wanted to make this last. Even though he knew there would be more sex with Brian, he wanted this first contact to be special. So he took his time in fucking him, thrusting into his lover at different angles until Brian was crying out with lust. Gradually he increased the speed and force of his thrusts, and he began to feel his semen boiling in his balls and making its way up the shaft of his throbbing penis.

“Oh, Brian, I can’t hold out much longer! I’m gonna cum, man, and I’m gonna cum hard! Fuck, fuck, I can’t hold on!”

Then, like Brian had earlier, Arthur gave a mighty shove with his dick and it seemed that his glans would burst. Semen ripped out of his penis like men in a jailbreak. The feeling of release overwhelmed Arthur, accompanied as it was by a sensation of heat issuing from his cock, the likes of which he had never felt before. His semen flooded into Brian’s boiling ass.


“That’s it, mate, shoot your load deep inside me. I want it all,” Brian yelled.

Arthur continued to both shoot and pump, but finally he collapsed exhausted on Brian’s sweat-drenched back. Both spent fuckers breathed deeply and noisily as they tried to get their breath back, then they fell into an exhausted sleep.

It was the wee hours when Arthur at last awoke. His penis had finally slipped out of Brian’s well-fucked hole and the two lovers had separated, although they were still lying very close to one another. Arthur stretched, then got out of bed to take a leak. When he returned to the bedroom, he found the light on and Brian wide awake.

“You’re not the first man to sleep over with me after a rousing fuck, Arthur, but you’re the first man that I’ve ever wanted to stay for at least another night. You fuck better than the randiest Irishman I’ve ever been with. But then, your surname is Irish. Maybe that explains it,” Brian laughed.

Arthur replied, “Well, maybe, considering my ethnicity, I’m a true ‘black Irishman’. Did you ever think of that?”

“Could be,” Brian mused. Then they both laughed again.

“I was thinking of something else,” Brian continued. “You know, we’re both named after ancient kings. I was named after Brian Boru, once High King over all of Ireland and you, of course, for King Arthur of Britain. We put on a royal performance, didn’t we? What do we do for an encore? Ready for another round?”

Arthur shook his head. “I don’t know about you, Brian, but I’m not twenty anymore. That’s not to say that I don’t want another romp in the hay with you, but I need to recharge my batteries. Give me a few more hours, and I’ll gladly have another session with you. Besides, what’s the hurry? We still have nearly two weeks to go and plenty of time to get to know each other better…carnally and otherwise.

“You know, you’re right about my being named for King Arthur. Well, Arthur had his Queen Guinevere, and I’ve never had anyone like that in my life. Still, all my life I’ve been looking for my own Camelot, as it were. Now I’m not asking you to be my Guinevere, but I hope you won’t mind playing my Lancelot. If not you, at least your cock! It certainly needs no further rehearsing for the role.”

Brian got out of bed, walked up to Arthur and embraced him. “I’m glad you’ve come to spend some time with me,” he said. “I won’t deny the fact that I’m lonely. I want to explore what it means to have a life partner too. I’m not asking you to do that, but I hope that during our time together we can both understand the kind of commitment that would mean. Maybe, Arthur, we can build a life together. I won’t deny there are obstacles, the distance between us not being the least of them. But we owe it to ourselves to explore all the options, don’t we?”

By way of reply Arthur kissed Brian tenderly. “I’m certainly willing to try. I’m lonely too, and I hope that with your help we can find the answers to our questions together. Hey, it’s still several hours until daylight. Let’s go back to sleep and see what the new day will bring us. There’s still a lot for me to see here, and I want to see them with you!”

Brian returned Arthur’s kiss, then led him back to bed. They turned off the light and fell asleep in each other’s arms.

I welcome any and all comments on this story. You can reach me at


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Boulderthruster

In Search of Camelot

Arthur Murphy was a lonely man. Oh, he had plenty of acquaintances and even a few people he could call friends, but nobody who was an intimate friend. He had lived the life of an academic and had built a good career. His professorship in mathematics at a small western college gave him the opportunity to teach without the pressure of doing much research and publishing papers. He liked


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